In a partnership with Samsung Galaxy, Jay Z will give away 1 million copies of his new album 72 hours before the July 4th release date to fans who download his new Samsung app on June 24th.
But Magna Carta Holy Grail, tho? Sounds fetish. Lol. Watch the video after the cut...
...will give away 1 million copies of his new album???
devil surely has tricks mehnnnn....
Still using what he knew how to do best (music) to buy souls.
please look up the meaning of 'fetish' again
Timbaland,swizz beats,jay-znd pharrell...Nice!!
Holy Grail...masonic things.
The guy is coming more and more open with his occultic involvements.
Promoting his master's agenda.
And fools will rush to get so-called "free" copies.
just dont know why I ve never liked this guys music for once....that's for him and his fans though!wish him the best
Pls were is Billie Jean?
Is she stil in detention?
I miss her so much.
Someone sld pls gv us useful information on her whereabout.
Pls were is Billie Jean?
Is she stil in detention?
I miss her so much.
Someone sld pls gv us useful information on her whereabout.
The 1 million free copies are a spiritual trap.
Only God knows what these occult people will do with the souls who will rush to get these "free copies".Blind ignorant souls being led to the "slaughter house".
What kind of satanic temple name is that?
He is officially launching his own faction of occult.
With the one mill free copies....initiation things
your are right bloglord. Jayz, Kanye, Lady Gaga and a whole lot of them are into occultic music. read about "music mind control satanism" you will understand better. I million freebies indeed!
Which kind of "free"? I pity those who will get those "free" copies.
My people perish for lack of knowledge.
well it does't sound fetish literally.
when you consider the whole illuminati story you might see a hidden meaning otherwise i can say it means seeing lawful process been followed as important.
The Magna Carta led to the
constitutional rule of today. It was
an influence on the Bill of
"Holy Grail" is often used
as a metaphor for something very
important or special.
Cant wait for the album...
These guys are really stepping up their Illuminati game :)
Which level bros Jay go dey for that side now? Level 14? lol
In other news, visit >>>loldey.com<<< Naija's coolest funny image sharing and voting website...warning! laugh fit tear your boxers....no be serense o. be warned!
He's looking old in this pic. 1 million copies of what? Pure junk music. na dem sabi jare.
Linda post my comments na....wetin i do u sef!!!!!!
so sorry for peeps who still listen to these guys music. Total crap with deep spiritual connotations that you imbibe as subliminally as you constantly listen to it!
Well... What more?
~D great anonymous!
Are you kidding me? which kain free? these free copies are consecrated in the kingdom of darkness and then given out .
1 million copies for free? You think that they have so much money that they'll dash out a million copies freely?
They know that what they shall get in return (sucking people's luck and blessings and eventually drawing more souls) has more value.
It's so evident!!!
1 million copies for free? with financial crisis all over the world?
I smell initiation around the corner.And when you start talking about Jesus and the salvation of your soul, people will start raining abuses on you.
O ga o! Why is beyonce married to him sef?
Free copies of initiation.
So that's how people are initiated in this modern era...i see.
End Times...satan's game....May God give us a discerning Spirit to know between right and seemingly 'right'
Life is all expereace so for santanic musicians they only buyup people mind wit dere power over dere music dat is life 4 u
Promotion of occultic agenda in exchange for fame and glory.
Maybe Jay-Z wanted more power or maybe the "elites" have become more demanding:
Either he had to give them more souls or else they'll take Blue Ivy as a sacrifice.And JayZ is crazy abt his Ivy.
Point of information: One of Jay Z's ex girkfriend Karyn/ Karen White died mysteriously in a ghastly car accident.Very beautiful chic. Till today no body knows the exact cause of this accident.Nothing was wrong with her nor with the car. Days before she died, she threatened to expose Jay Z, their relationship and his dealings.You can google it "Jay Z ex girlfriend dies in a car accident". Beyoncé was "pregnant" at the time. Everyone suspects its' a ritual sacrifice even if every proof has been wiped out.
This dude is DEEP into the occult. He's not an ordinary puppet like the others; Guy is way deeep into these things...
This guy raps nonesense, praises the devil,and encourages drug use but you always see people rush to buy his CDs. Subliminal messages working on them.
This guy is an ex-drug dealer,a thug and a known woman beater. What did Beyoncé really see in this dude?
This guy is an ex-drug dealer,a thug and a known woman beater. What did Beyoncé really see in this dude?
Poor Blue Ivy, having a satanist for a father.
Linda, ignorance is a disease. The Magna Carta is the Charter of liberties of England which forms the foundation of all laws. The holy grail is a concept of a dish or cup which eventually is used in reference to the Chalice used by Jesus in the last supper. STOP LOOKING FOR OCCULTISM where it doesn't exist. And for your information, The Free Mason is as much a cult as the Catholic Church. Even if Jay is a devil worshiper, its his choice and we should learn to respect peoples choices. Just like there are many SO CALLED CHRISTIANS who rise from the bed of fornication and head to church on sunday.
Hungry ppl would always say shit bout successful ppl,aw una take kno say d guy is fetish,demonic,etc. JayZ has bein untop of the rap game way back in d 90s,S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ U̶̲̥̅̊ shud expect him 2 b rich,powerful nd famous nd dnt U̶̲̥̅̊ 4get,he's a business man 2 d core. Aw many years av d lyks of don-jazzy,d'banj,p-square,wiz-kid,banky-W,etc used in dis entertainment genre,see d lyf-styles of dis guys,y una N̶̲̥̅̊☺ tawk say na illuminati or masons dash dem d money nd d power. Abegi JayZ has worked S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ hard 2 b whr he's 2dy,make una go siddon,start 2 D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ compose lyrics nd we wud see whr una go reach.
Linda self open mouth D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ tawk shit,N̶̲̥̅̊☺ b ur hardwork gv U̶̲̥̅̊ d big life,U̶̲̥̅̊ r living nw,except if U̶̲̥̅̊ say ordawise.
Abeg if na Masons gv Jayz d money nd power afta ova a decade of working hard via music,ÈŠ̝̊̅̄ N̶̲̥̅̊☺ mind. JayZ is a rap-god. #Dodorima
Pls you guys shouldn't be ignorant....
Jay z is keepin d game real bt
God help ur faithful children who hope on u 4 redemption,oh Lord we r stuck b/w d devil nd d deep blue sea don't no wat to say about all dis.pls we all need to b kiaful.
Nd some ppl wll still cm on here n say we r all being backward n superstitious, to each his own buh its devlish to me, I am nt interested
Free download? What an advanced
This ppl Я̩̥̊e̶̲̥̅̊ going crazy.. D wife say make ppl bow 2her now dis1. I tink d Я̩̥̊e̶̲̥̅̊ out of wat 2do &r looking 4ways 2 revamp demselves
big boss J
Wonders shall never end. May God help us
And dere dey go again with publicity stunts. Wonda how much Samsung is paying him
Pls before u unsuccessful tweeps continue to insult your ignorance and low IQ take a minute to google d meaning of d album name and what its all about......two faced hypocrites
Bloglord u are right.
Pple forget that the devil was choir master before he was cast away by our LORD...
I feel sorry for y'all and your fucked up mentalities..keep yo retarded theories to yourselves,it's not as if y'all were gon buy the album anyways...Rubbish.
I feel sorry for y'all and your fucked up mentalities..keep yo retarded theories to yourselves,it's not as if y'all were gon buy the album anyways...Rubbish.
I feel sorry for y'all and your fucked up mentalities..Y'all should keep yo retarded theories to yourselves...It's not as if y'all were gon buy the album anyways...STFU! With your illuminati bullshit..Rubbish.
Linda fetish kor,am certain you misused that word in the context you used it...Anyways i already know what comments to expect on this very post,some illuminati bullshit talk of which is old and tired already..Jayz be making his money y'all be worried about his salvation..None of us here is in heaven already right?so do well to worry for yourself and leave other people alone
Jay Z and his likes are winning souls of our brothers and sisters for their master, satan. What are we doing to stop him? Are we going to just complain?
Den wat r u perishin frm?... 2much knowledge
Chai! Nigerians!!! when they dont know the meanin of sumtin instead of seeking for answers,they quickly pin it to the spiritual world and thats why y'all blacks will continue to be slaves to white ppl.. "Magna carta" is nothing but just a document(call it charter) associated with England liberty centuries ago but it has been termed into other diff meanings afterwards.So,unless anyone can come up with a solid proof of jay z being the devil,y'all shld vamoose pls.He makes money and wields enuf influence that so many ppl dont understand so they termed ertin to occultic power(The nigerian mentality.Hov makes good music and i'm buyin his shit anytime,anyday!!! #Biteme!!!!!
Olodo ppl, esp Linda do you even know wot Magna Carta stands for? you should google or read England history before writing Fetish on everytin... bush bush Linda...
yes Linda kindly look up the word 'fetish' again. U cant afford such blunders as a blogger. Cryptic would've been more like it.
The album is definitely not free. Samsung whom Jay-Z signed a deal with worth $20million some weeks ago are launching a new music application for the Galaxy users.
So Samsung bought 1 million copies of the album already before its launch which will be available to only those who download their new music application "Magna Carta Holy Grail" app on June 24th, will get the album for FREE on July 4th (when it will be released officially) and then available to the rest of the world 2 weeks later (July 17th).
The App is not for free. So buying the App is just another way of selling the album and Samsung promoting their new Music App.
Please stop this so-called "Fetish" or "Cult" news. Most of your readers enjoy it but it is not right to just give them half/false information.
You hungry LIB readers,people are making money,selling platnum,ur here saying nonsence,ode
Wrong! Jigga isn't the one giving the free copies,actually Samsung bought a million copies and would be giving out for free download on her smartphones. This makes Jigga the first artiste to go platinum without the official release of an album. And for the album title,would advise u bunch of vaginal fluids to go read a book
please try and broaden your horizon before your you all come to a blog and be spewing ignorant information.
where are your history lessons?
dont you people or even you Linda know what Magna Carta means?
Or am i the only lawyer who visits this blog?
Magna Carta is all about equality before the law. which means that no one is above the law
this law also influenced America's bill of rights hence the fifth amendement
"To no one will We sell, to no one will We deny or delay, right or justice."
"No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, disseised, outlawed, banished, or in any way destroyed, nor will We proceed against or prosecute him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers and by the law of the land."
Please everything is not a conspiracy theory
Knowledge is the key that can unlock amazing doors
is dis supposed to be an album title or INCANTATION.....#smh
So Obvious! God is merciful. Some people will end up in the 'Holy Grill' soon. Well, its okay for his level.
#lady lite#
Yeesh Linda, get your story straight before all your self-righteous readers go on some "he's buying souls" rant. Jay-Z is not giving away 1 million copies of his album for free, Samsung purchased 1 million copies of his album to give away to Samsung Galaxy users for free. So basically, man's already gone platinum even before his album is released.
Illuminati tins....big nose ad lacked face God is watchin uuu
Linda Ikeji commentators can be so naive, so what you do not understand is occultic? How do you explain drinking the blood and eating the body of a white God every Sunday? does that classify as occultic? People open your eyes...the truth will indeed set you free
Poor bitches talkin abt illuminati. they put d devil on jigga 4 no rzn. Shut ur trap if u can't say gd abt him. Rocafella/jigga/rocnation/numb encore/free mason.
Shut the entire fuck up. Anonymous people say the dumbest shit sometimes.
Mag·na Car·ta or Mag·na Char·ta (mgn kärt)
1. The charter of English political and civil liberties granted by King John at Runnymede in June 1215.
2. A document or piece of legislation that serves as a guarantee of basic rights.
Click above link for in dept description on the character; Magna Carta.
Do a little research before you call a person the devil... or Vice Versa
PS: All definitions culled from same internet used to post comments
How ignorant can you all b? Som1 got a deal wiv Samsung which dey paid $5 for each copy of 1million and decide 2 giv it out wen you download an app on d Samsung galaxy nd u call it satanic. Really??? Smh. Thnk of ways 2 make money and stop wiv d satanic shit story. Album ain't even out yet and e has made $5mill
all na d same weda craig david or sean tizzle or jayz as long AS NO BE CHRISTAIN JAM ITS A RAP ABEG
Why do most of you think getting the free album amounts to selling your soul to the devil, its far from that mehn! is signing up free to facebook and co not selling ur soul, FYI most of u all have sold urs long ago, no be today
Occultic music or not, its their life ooooooooo...Read Juicy Gists HERE
Why must jay z always toe the line of controversy which one come be holy grail this guy is really making us to believe this Illuminati crap about him so title of songs don finish im no see name give im new album them dey worry this guy
VII IV XIII...Magna Carta Holy Grail
Haters be talking shit. You pple shld say u aint qualified for the copie jare, wen it links online u pple wil be looking fr free links or using bluetooth to collect them! God is the judge of what religion Jayz and the rest choose to practice! Mind your business assholes, you prolly don't have things doing
The one million 'free' copies have already bn paid for by Samsung. The company paid $5 a piece for each copy. So Jay Z is $5million richer. Hehe
They want you to say this and arouse so much interest! That is marketing strategy for you!
Linda i cant believe you fell for it! You really think its about occultism? 1million copies in partnership with samsung. Thats like 12million dollars already (12$ each for each cd most likely) This is about money mehn, not occult rubbish!
If i introduce something occultic like that, you will be thrilled and be forced to give me attention! It is all marketing strategy!
If linda ever does the triangle sign with JayZ and shows a picture, her ratings will increase times 1000! Doesnt mean she joined them tho! Marketing strategy baby!
Naija una too much! Coffee wey i dey drink hia comot my nose as i see dis
save nd help us O LORD.
share your US visa experiences here
Jealousy is a wesk emotion...may be if u actually learn the hustling skills of mr carter aka jay-z, u will be a better resourceful person.
Get a job and stoo hating hardworking people
What ever...we love his music and he makes excellent music, hence why he is still relevant with over 20 years in thr business
I will get it and enjoy it and nothing will happen. Ode's like u with backward thinking abilities is what is holding nigeria back
Marking my calender #hov
Jay z is such a perfectionist y'all shud stop hating if u think he's doing it for the devil then do something for Jesus. and ya controversy sells
How is it a secret society, if everybody knows about it? Y'all need to keep your retarded views to yourselves, like you wouldnt switch lives with jay z if you had the opportunity..Where has your "self righteousness" gotten you? If you dont like his music, dont listen to it..Everybody thinks their stupid opinions are relevant cos you manage to have access to the internet....Rubbish.
Some1 dat stalks her like u do abi?
..and d old guy dere shld be his masonic spiritual mentor or something, giving dem deir demonic lyrics....God save us!
I know right! And Rick Rubin, all sick producers. Can't wait for d album. Loves Jigga. #JayBeyBlu
Shut up there! You are not even making any sense
@anon 4:47pm, u are a big fool, u really think nothing will happen? Maybe not now physically but on the last day we know all d pple being recruited by Jay z and his crew, dats wen u will know dat somethng HAS happend.... mumu
Didnt this occultic fool retire some years ago? Now that he "came out of retirement", he's just releasing albums anyhow
What is the Magna Carta?
What is the Magna Carta? The Magna Carta is a document that King John of England (1166 - 1216) was forced into signing. King John was forced into signing the charter because it greatly reduced the power he held as the King of England and allowed for the formation of a powerful parliament. The Magna Carta became the basis for English citizen's rights.
What was the purpose of the Magna Carta?
What was the purpose of the Magna Carta? The purpose of the Magna Carta was to curb the King and make him govern by the old English laws that had prevailed before the Normans came. The Magna Carta was a collection of 37 English laws - some copied, some recollected, some old and some new. The Magna Carta demonstrated that the power of the king could be limited by a written grant.
Historically, the Holy Grail is believed to be the cup or bowl that Jesus used at the Last Supper. According to legend, the cup was given to Joseph of Arimathea, who donated his tomb to receive Jesus’ body. The lore continues that the grail was eventually transported to England.
The grail (which derives from the Old French graal, “cup,”) became a key subject of many medieval legends. It often takes the form of a sacred cup, chalice, or vessel. It is the object that the Knights of the Round Table clamored for because of its suspected powers, such as the ability to regenerate life. Only a knight of pure virtue could find or eventually possess it. The most famous contemporary reference to the grail is in the blockbuster “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.”
linda post ma comment oo werin i do u eh? Hmmmm
Nigerians tho......
@ Bloglord....please before you make a half baked comment, pls look up the meaning of the album. Holy grail is a metaphor for something special, magna carta is the first bill of rights so please kindly explain what is so devilish about it. Please how do you know he is buying souls, shae you where there with him when he started. The Bible says not to judge mehn.... instead of you to face you life and make it you will be there judging someone that is using his God given talent and has made millions with it.
@trendysturvs you seem like the kind that listens to tonto dike and calls that music.
Ugo Dosh...you dont know what illuminati is so dont act like you do.
Anon 12:27.... it is apparent that nollywood movies are doing you. Will she be the first person to have an accident when someone is pregnant neither would she be the last? please let me know so you are telling me that when a womans husband dies when she is pregnant, it is a ritual abi? please explain.
The "Holy Grail" is the cup from which Jesus drank at the Last Supper.
"Magna Carta" is regarded as the cornerstone of liberty in the English-speaking world. and "Magna Carta" in Latin means "Great Charter"...The "Holy Grail" is the cup from which Jesus drank at the Last Supper.Correct me if I'm wrong but I see nothing "Fetish" (like Linda assumed)in the Album title
Becos he is a hardworking, successful man...unlike your jobless broke ass
His big dic*
Sorry for your father for having u as a child...
Bwahahahaha.. best comment!
Great comment
You that have "forward thinking abilities", what have u done 4 nigeria?
White folks in the media are really painting this hardworking guyz as evil so that their music will not sell.since these guyz dont do drugs again so as to put them in jail,rather,they follow the legitimate means n music they are painting them as occultic so that we will hate them.
Marketing strategy #foolgerians
¤sipping my alomo¤
Whether u lyk it all not jigga has got alot of marketing strategy 2 control ur minds 2tru his satanic songs #forget d samsung deal bullshit dose guyz r his superior in d game
i have stopped makimg comments on blogs but when i see ignorant and arrant nonsense comments like these, it makes my blood boil.
jay z never went to the university but he definitely has more knowledge that the majority of the suit and tie, skirt and trouser salary earners commenting on this space.
mangna carter!!..Choi!..anyone that did Government in secondary school should know what that means.. una hear holy grail una freek out!
i weep for the illetracy in my country. in the video u have the likes of rick rubin(co-founder of def jam) farrel, timbaland and swiss beats. this guys dont come cheap and samsung will not partner? a handful of pple have already made some intelligent comments so am not going to waste my time in educating retards. me ..am waiting for the album to drop..u can continue to download meaningless and mediocre naijah songs from untalented artistes. mshewwwwww., HYPOCRITES!
LINDA PLS POST MY COMMENT OH!..and am a bit disapointed in u too sha for ur comments but still gbadun u all the same. sometimes i actually think u push our buttons to comment ..humnhhh aunti linda,,wink!
Know before you talk
You think the holy grail is masonic. And we're the fools
I din know she haff be detented
Linda its people like you that give unecessary attention to these folks, what's fetish about Magna carta holy grail?
The problem with dumb ass Nigerians is that they are so intoxicated by religion and spirituality that they see anything they cant understand to be evil!! Kind of like in the olden days when we killed twins and murdered outcasts. We are just a bunch of dumb asses!!
Religion has paralysed my people. Now we link every success to the devil what happen to hard work? Idleness + half baked pastors is the highest form vice in my society. Shame
A Lot of this lib readers are so ignorant and so confident when they spill out there rubbish minds...before u guys come and disgrace ur whole lineage here, always verify things and don't act like u know all....aren;t u lot tired of dis illuminati BS?? to d extent that some of u half baked bsc holders or let's say undergraduate are saying d 1million free copies Samsung are gonna be giving out to people indicates they are buying ur souls....SMH all u ignorant ones should learn...there's no crime in learning......stop disgracing ur selves.
This could be interpreted in two ways....
Nigerians should stop acting ignorant and research first --- before just screaming
magna carta -
Magna = GREAT
Carta = CARTER
= GREAT CARTER = get it.
holy grail = cup jesus drank from but also something everyone attempt to reach in whatever they do. for example, illmatic is the holy grail of rap. Its at the highest in rap or u could say some !! like the godfather is the holy grail of mafioso movies.
so the title pretty much says " The great shawn carter is the holy grail of rap music that no body could reach"
Then also as he said in the song, it means............
The Magna Carta was the new rules(laws) of England. As Jay talked about in the video, he is changing the rules for marketing and selling music in the 21st century. Both refer to changing the rules.
Am a Nigerian, I research before less I fumble in the public
All these shits r Art. The same people that yarn devil devil r the same people that pays for his concert. On the J side if connecting him with the Devil pays his bill then so be it. He never believed in hell but don't bet with me that he is cleaner than most priests. Magna Carta Holy Grail another mere creativity that will sell like mad. I don't even care if you get me wrong.
U people should LEARN, there's no harm in learning stop disgracing yourselves on LIB..even u Linda always learn before u post somethings...Google is ur friend don't be ignorant....bloglord and co I hail una..inu yin po
So those that have samsung phones cus of this album have sold their souls to the devil? Sometimes Nigerians need to get their head out of their ass. If you fornicate, and Jay Z runs a satanic campaign, you both will still be in the same flat in hell.I am far from perfect but beg for God's mercy everyday, so should you.
one word devilish
Haha at anon 7:22 we will know who recruited you too! Seeing as you've come on here calling someone a "Fool" and judging people too...
So you people really know the meaning of the holy grail that was in the time of Jesus nd during the last supper...so followers of jayZ be really watchful don't just laff at other about being ingnorant when ya'all are. Go nd fine out 4rm an archaeologist...olodo rapataz
Huzzling ko huzzling ni.devll at work
If people study the past they would realize that jay isn't an illuminist he works for them. Pac called him out on his last album killuminanti the 7 day theory. Pac exposed the illuminati and declared war on them. He was killed for it. When you watch the video for 03 bonnie and Clyde Beyonce throws up the illuminati sign when she stands up in the car. They remade their version of PACs me and my girlfriend and when you watch the vid its as if jay and Beyonce are mocking PACs image when they are in the phone booth. They are bragging about getting away with something. Kind of funny Pac gets killed standing up to the evils that he waged war against and than the jiggy era started. The blueprint was also released on 9/11. Just coincidence maybe. But remember everyone including p-Diddy that was called out on PACs last record have since than became very rich and exposed illuminati symbolism within their music. They are puppets for the illuminati cause. And Pac admitted that the elite control everything including Hollywood and the music biz.
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