'I chose to be with Peter Okoye, ring or no ring' Lola Omotayo Tweets | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 6 June 2013

'I chose to be with Peter Okoye, ring or no ring' Lola Omotayo Tweets

 This is a reaction to all the online comments following her recent interview...


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Anonymous said...

Story!!!!trust mi dis lady must have poured out ha frustration on peter after reading dose comments...she's just trying to act like she's ok wit it cz it won't b nice to cast ha boo...or to talk abt his "Unreadiness" for marriage....Hu eva plans on bearing kids outta wedlock?????is she a learner???She shud take several kids abeg....Afterall d lady dt bore 3 kids for tuface wasn't chosen at d end of d cntest...maybe like lola...she tot she had a permanent seat in his life....no one's hating u shuga....its just highly abnormal to seat down and bear kids witot sealing a union...

Anonymous said...

Wow. Ve read ur comments. From d majority of the views, I fink I won't marry her again. I am lucky I didn't propose 2d cougar. I ll just be a good father n maybe a gud lover

Anonymous said...

A letter to Lola

Dearest Lola
You see what Peter is making you go through? Now u are the one unjustly getting insults for free just because he is shying away from doing what is right. How does he feel when he sees that? Doesn't he has a conscience?

My sister, he cannot try that nonesense in igboland.

See Lola, rise above the insults and try to read words of warning/Advice from his fellow Igbo kinsmen and igbo fans.

You presented yourself to him as someone who is "liberal", who doesn't need marriage" and how you shall stick to Peter "ring or no ring".See what u gettting now ...mrs liberal.

I repeat, Peter can NEVER EVER try this nonesense in igboland.HE KNOWS THE RULES.Believe us,don't mind his "Ifunanya"-type love lyrics

You might all start ranting and saying many married people go thru hell in their marriages and because of that, marriage doesn't make you complete. Maybe, to some of you marriage doesn't make you complete, BUT IT IS A PLUS AND WILL ALWAYS REMAIN A PLUS, perfect or no perfect marriage!Put a married lady and single lady in a room and watch how both are treated.

Sister Lola, let me give you a few notable exmaples:
Beyoncé with all her "Independent Woman" attitude ended up singing "Put a ring on it" despite all her "i can buy my own cars and pay my rent" . And she got wifed up. Elizabeth Taylor had up to 6 husbands (modern day samaritan chic). Janet Jackson also, who also prided herself in being single after her divorce,why did not then refuse that arab's marriage proposal, since she was so happy to be single?she shld have remained with Jermaine Dupri who never wanted to man up...like Peter.
Why do you think Will Smith and Jada are so praised? because they are married and have remained married. Same for Barack and Michelle.
Even Kim K with all her prostitution admitted she loves marriage and always envied Khloe because of that.

Even our Mercy Johnson was ready to kill to get married. Funke Akindele went to become 4th or 6 th wife, don't remember

Please my sister, wise up; You may think you don't need marriage because you make your own money but you will see the difference IF ever Peter steps up. IT IS A PLUS!

My dear, Peter is not being fair towards you.
If he's such a great listener, let him listen to your heart's desire and to his fans who unanimously want him to man up for once and for all.

All the best to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Lola, ignore the insults and focus on constructive comments as well as words of advice:

A poor married woman, even the one living in the most abject poverty shall always be more respected than a single lady living in a palace.

Anonymous said...

I really feel sorry for what Lola is going through because of Peter's immaturity. If you felt big enough to father up to two kids, be big and bold enough to make it LEGAL.
But there are questions still left unanswered:
- Why does this guy don't want to marry Lola? Chic is a beauty, she loves him , has stood by him during tough times and is making her own money.What is the problem, Peter?Even your twin BLUNTLY said you WILL NOT marry Lola.
But why?

Anonymous said...

So Lola, you want to say that if Peter pops a ring, you will say no,abi?

Anonymous said...

Lola,if you marry today and divorce tomorrow, you shall always be recognized as the first wife and your kids, first children. But even if u cohabit for 20 yrs and even build houses in the US together you shall always be known as baby mama/concubine. And if Peter decides to marry another, she is the one who shall be known as 1st wife and your 20 yrs of cohabitation shall be thrown to the wind. The 1st wife will even enjoy the fruits of your hard labour and rub it on your face.

Anonymous said...

To CEO in jeans, Peter Parrot who loves "parrotting" on Twitter. If a men came only to put babies in your sisters'tummies,without any prospect of marriage, how would you feel?
Surely, the Okoyes would have organised an emergency village meeting.
But see what he does to Lola. Is it fair? On the other hand, she claims she's "ok" with it. You sure?

Anonymous said...

Women, especially Yoruba women upgrade o. See how men are publicly turning you into complete fools and objects of mockery on blogs(Bisi Ibidapo, Pero, Sunmbo and now Lola)

Chiamaka said...

Madam say it anyhow you like,YOU ARE NOT A WIFE!you should be ashamed of yourself.Anyway,you are an ofe mmanu girl so anything goes.HE LOVES YOU AND HE STILL MAKES BABIES WITHOUT GETTING MARRIED TO YOU.YOu should hide your cartoon xter face in SHAME!

Anonymous said...

she should tell us first if that's how her mom and dad brought her up for her to have the gust to make her children go through such perpetual fornication..

Anonymous said...

Peter, as long as you don't man up and do what is right, Lola shall always be called a fool, an idiot,baby factory,Pero number two, desperate cargo,no matter how much u try to "defend" her. We shall see how long she shall put up with it and her "i don't care about a ring attitude". See, it's beginning to take a toll on her.

Peter, it's not fair, does she deserve all this? I leave you to your conscience...

Anonymous said...

Peter, as long as you don't man up and do what is right, Lola shall always be called a fool, an idiot,baby factory,Pero number two, desperate cargo,no matter how much u try to "defend" her. We shall see how long she shall put up with it and her "i don't care about a ring attitude". See, it's beginning to take a toll on her.

Peter, it's not fair, does she deserve all this? I leave you to your conscience...

Anonymous said...

I repeat, Peter cannot try that shit in Igboland. He cannot mess with his fellow igbos like that; Guy knows the rules. Yoruba women, take a cue.

Mz MNB said...

is she d first to b a babymama u pipu shuld free dis babe alreadi.. as far as am concerned she is better than som of u criticizing her

Anonymous said...

Stop making excuses for Peter and justifying his actions, Lola. It's more than time he steps up his game. After all these years and two kids to show for it, he still doesn't know if he wants to marry you or not? Come on! That's not serious.
If the same was done to his sisters, would he have liked it?
This Anambra boy, sef!

Anonymous said...

Stop being a boy and be a man, peter!Mr. good listener, listen then: Man up, dude!

Anonymous said...

truth is bitter to swallow!!!! Lola omotayo should hide her head in shame. a disgrace to womanhood !!!!!
This are the kind of people destroying the society with thier way of life.


These responds is mainly as a result of LIB readers. Una too do joo. Almost evry tom and dick criticised her the day it was posted. Its true having children out of wedlock is biblically wrong and so on,but many pple were criticisin her out of envy espercialy girls. How is she different from a million of u who now prefer to get pregnant so the man can to marry u in d end. If peter hadn't made that, things wolud have been a lil different... They fucking luv themselfs;its true u realy haf to get a lyf. Ani idibia born b4 d could put a ring on it,go and get a ring if its easy

MY TURN said...

Lola ignore them, they don't know they just helped you increase your twitter followers. @baby Confessor and the rest of you loose talkers with verbal diarrhea(see the stupid name sef) its not your fault its technology that allowed people like you with an IQ less than 160 to have devices to blab on social media.

Marriage validates what really? If this is what makes them happy mind your business please and go do something productive with your lives.

Anonymous said...

So shal it be...........

Anonymous said...

Abeg who is dus mrs? Is dis wat ur mrs mates are doing? I pity ur husband cuz he's prali d wife in d house. Shameless married woman. I dnt evn knw d idiot dat finks he's wise to use u as display in his house. U beta concentrate on ur family madam werey

happinwa said...

soweee dear take hrt

happinwa said...

sowee dear just take hrt believing one day peter will propose nd marry u but it would been beta d oder way round sha

happinwa said...

soweee dear take hrt

MY TURN said...

Lola they just increased your fan base. Awon ode. Marriage is a beautiful institution but when people make it look like its the passport to heaven it just sucks and cheapens everything.

Anonymous said...

All this "wetin concern you" and " is it your business?" sound a lot like " AM I MY BROTHER'S KEEPER???"

"As long as it makes you happy" is the most selfish bullshit I've read up here. Very myopic LIBers but that's not my focus right now.

It's 2013 and we all are a bunch of happy FORNICATORS and GOD doesn't exist after you leave the Church on Sunday.

Every culture in the world endorses the Institute of Marriage. If being just "partners" was enough I don't think gay people will be struggling to have their wedding legalized.

Marriage doesn't validate anyone. Kids don't either.

Fornicating and having kids out of wedlock is not the moral norm in any culture. They are still BASTARDS! Check your bible. (DEUT 23:2)(2SAMUEL 11:2-5)

But hey! You’re too cool and too smart, and too evolved to respect God anyway so why am I even here?

Lola, you think Peter is made of wood?
You think he is stronger than the devil?
You think he is above temptation?
You think you are the most beautiful?
You think he is above mistakes?
In short you think Peter Okoye is SUPERMAN?
God has given you a good man, don't put him to the test.

I dunno but you seem like a nice lady and too educated for all this.

Anonymous said...

This small gal he be like say na oyinbo love y carry for this my if igbotic brother. E no go work o! This is Nigeria u can't just be loving him with all your vagina for notting. Plenty of free vagina everywhere . U need common sense now.

Anonymous said...

Lola dear, wisen up nd find ur square root. The igbo men i kno, once they love a woman it doesnt take them anything to put a ring on it. Hes rich, stable, ure beautiful, gave him lovely kids so wats stopping him?

Anonymous said...

Dear Lola
Thank u 3 much for your unselfish love for my brother. All women should take good example from you. This is what I call Thank you Don't mention Love. See how u service my brother well well and when he says thank you , u sef says,don't mention. Thank you for declaring yourself his life long concubine , e no easy!. At least when my brother is ready to settle down he can go and marry one idiot small girl. You are such a nice girl. I wish you wat you wish yourself, many more years of thank you, don't mention.

Anonymous said...

We are rooting for you by urging Peter to do what is right and you get mad at us...no problem.
But when a young, fresh igbo chic bred right from home will pop up from nowhere and get wifed up by Peter, don't even try to take it to Twitter because we shall roast you thoroughly.
Don't let your biracial background deceive you; we also have beautiful igbo biracials from respectable families with a sound education.
Lola, fly over the insults and please please please listen to advice from fans especially the igbos. We know ourselves.
You are an appreciable woman,whether u like it or not what Peter is doing is not right.

How long will you refuse to confront him with real issues at hand instead of being contented with his non stop prattling of his love for you?LET HIM PROVE HIS LOVE LEGALLY, no be bla bla bla!!!

Anonymous said...

First of all i'll say DON'T JUDGE her just because you sin differently. But on a second thought Aunty Lola pls don't feel too comfortable where you are now, learn from daddy TuFace! oo i don talk my own kpere.

Anonymous said...

We challenge you to swear that u do not like the sound of your name being pronounced this way or that it leaves u indifferent.


I don't always comment but this is serious especially when the resources are there;


I don't always comment but this is serious especially when the resources are there;

theodora said...

let the girl be

Anonymous said...

Show me the woman or lady that does not love marriage? None. Now tell me, if the marriage doe not come, what do you do? Kill yourself and the guy? Let's be realistic here, Lola can not force Peter to marry her. If Peter ends up marrying Lola, will that reduce the price of petrol? Abegi. Leave them alone. Next pls..

Anonymous said...

Which level na! Who are all these my enemies . She say she want to be Concubine , wat is the problem. Please people leave this gal. Me I no get problem with her She has made up her mind. And yes it favours me very well becos it means I still have chance to marry my Peter . Am very fair Onitsha gal between 18 and 22. Very tight vajaja I fact if he enter he will must put a ring on it. Please Lola don't mind them they are jelosy of u oh!

ANGEL said...


Anonymous said...

Lola dear, listen to the advice Annie Idibia is giving you under "anonymous"

Anonymous said...

I really pity the humilitation Peter has indirectly made her go through these days.
I wonder how she feels when she goes to work every morning with employees and colleagues staring at her funny. I'm sure they also read comments.

Peter no amount of "defense" can make up for this type of embarrassment.
If u love her that much, stand her ...at the altar. That is the only solution.

Anonymous said...

Lola, you say u don't care about marriage because you have not tasted it yet...

Anonymous said...

I won't be suprised if that Lola girl is now crying herself to sleep every night now. KAI, see amounts of embarrassment Peter indirectly made her go through.

Sorry o. Chai; insulted and ridiculed everywhere on every blog and social network.

Anonymous said...

Peter Okoye, u are senseless, immature and wicked!
This lady has invested almost everything about herself on you;
-She was always there for u
-Loves u unconditionnally
-Gave u beautiful children
- She's not a financial burden to you (i.e. not a gold digger and makes her own cash);
- You yourself said she's a blessing to u
- You also said she's still the woman in your life

You only want her to waste all her precious years on you and when you'll need her no more because you'll be ashamed of the fact that she's gotten old, you will throw her and start talking rubbish (i never promised her anything, she forced the kids on me etc)

Anonymous said...

You these P-Squares only making children without any commitment, REMEMBER U ALSO HAVE SISTERS;
To Peter: Lola is somebody's daughter and sister.
And you also have sisters....
What u do unto others, the same shall be done unto u (and your sisters)
Lola said you are a good listener... so a word for the wise...

Anonymous said...

Poor Lola, That Anambra boy (i say BOY, not MAN) can be downright annoying!!!

Anonymous said...

Lemar Odom's baby mama's story should be a lesson to you. Peter insulate your love from these comments by marrying her.

OMG!WOMAN said...

Ok o! Clap hand for your self, then you don't want a family for kids then I prsume, cos someday you will turn old aand sruffy, and all Mr. P will want to be with will be some other girl but you.

Village headmaster said...

Loooooool@ thank u don't mention babe. There is notting one won't hear on this hate book blog.

lovelylady said...

Lola a hundred people can't be wrong and only u right,u were not born out of wedlock so why suffer those poor kids by putting a stigma on them?

Anonymous said...

D most important of it,is dt dey r married! Go get a man critics if ure jealous

Anonymous said...

wat is ur probs nigerians? U pp are jus makin a fool at of ur selfs! It nobody biz if lola decides to b mrs okoye or mama's baby.u tink marriage is dt easy? Does dia wanna come out if u pp dnt knw.most of u dt are insultin her i wish u all knw her acheivement as peter's first son's mama.that is y i lyk d whites they dont take tins d way u pp take tins.lola pls dnt let dis BIG FOOLS break ur spirit.u are goin good my dear,this is wat we call luv nt lust.mr peter u hav heared wat u jelouse fans has said,u sef do d right tin okay? Lola d lola i lyk ur spirit b strong dnt mind those bunch of hyporites! Na becos they no c d opportunity

Anonymous said...

u are jst anoda piece of art in his gallery.d man has money,he can buy a houz,pay rent,feed,clothe and have kids with you.wat den is he waiting for?d moon 2 fall before he ll do d honorable?stop deluding urself.if marriage was such a bad tin,God wud hav left adam alone without a companion.he wud hav jst gone ahead 2 create children 4 him witout eve.abi u tink say d clay finish?d order is marry,keep d home,born.let God b true and everyman a lie.if undastand y God wanted marriage 2 b from d beginning,divorce wont b a word u know.wen u choose 2 follow d worlds standard on marriage,dnt blame it on anyone.

ELEMENT said...

live ur dear and dont care what people say. takia.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@My Turn, Please SHUT UP. How productive are you? Were you not the one insulting Omotola? Dirty tribal bigot!

Anonymous said...

Lola or whats she called,one thing came out of ur right up,which is that u are a very selfish person.U careless about d stigma that comes wt kids from igbo land being talked down on by others because they were born out of wed lock.By the way which could also imply they hv no right to some properties of their father's. Imagine this kids referred to as kids not born even from a traditional wed lock,do u know how that makes a person feel?do u know how down grading this is?u are not concerned about what emotional hurt this could have on ur kids.U making this about u alone,buh u wrong because ur kids are involved.U are suspending ur critical faculty as a result of desperation.This what happens when a lady gets overly desperate of trying to glue her self to a guy,it clouds are sense of rational reasoning.U lack every sense of self worth and decency,come on lady have some shame,ladies are the hunted not the hunter.P square is only hanging around u out of pity for u not love,other wise he would want to be married to prevent some one else takes u away.pls work out d difference between love and pity.

Anonymous said...

Lola better don't try insulting any female fan around p square,because u hold similar position as they.U are so moronic.U are a girl friend just as they are oh yes u heard me.

Anonymous said...

Please don't mind them o! Continue as u are . Notting do u. At least Peter is free to marry me when he is ready to settle down. U are very correct it is not everyone dat is marriageable material. People always poke nose trying to put sand sand into another person garri. Nonsense

Anonymous said...

I am p squares number one fan. As far as I am concerned Lola knows her place and is happy with it. She is a psquare groupie like the rest if us. So people wats your own. Did fela marry wife did he not have groupie all over the place. They all lived happily together sharing his love and his HIV. The most important thing is joy, living in peace and sharing the love. So wat if the children are born outside wedlock. Is dat the end if the world . No it is not the children should be happy they were even born not aborted. Please Lola I am on the side of free love just like u darlin. These preachers don't understand our level of awareness . Don't mind them they want to belong to the harem of psquare .

Anonymous said...

Lola no mind them they don't know that u have something stronger. The blood oath is surer than the ring. Let them run mouth jare.

Anonymous said...

babe its your life and no 1 should judge you indeed ppl shld learn to mind there business.but you did not have to make a comment na u for jus shutup.somtyms silence is the best answer.jus gv d haters a deaf ear.hop it works out well for u babe.

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