Culled from PM News
Residents from various parts of Lagos have been coming to catch a glimpse of a baby allegedly born with a miniature Quran at 9, Oguntade Street, Shasha area of the state. (crowd at the residence where the baby was born)
Incidents like these are scientifically impossible, but residents of the area say it is true even though some of them confessed that they did not see the baby clutching the miniature Quran, the holy book of the Muslims. They were only told about it.It took efforts for P.M.NEWS reporters to gain access into the one-room apartment of the baby’s parents as a result of the crowd that took over the place.
The mother of the baby, Kabirat Lamidi, a 32-year old hairstylist, said right from the conception of the baby, she had been sick.
She said when the baby refused to come out after 11 months, she went for a scan where it was shown that she had an object in the womb with the baby.
The Ede, Osun State indigene who said she had been married for 10 years, said she was shocked to discover that few seconds after the baby was delivered, she pushed out a Quran.
“I have been hearing about such incidents and I have always insulted people thinking it could never happen. I believe it is a gift from Allah,” she said.
She said as a Muslim, she was not even dedicated and did not know how to pray, expressing surprise that such an incident could happen to her.
The mother of three said she had always given birth in the hospital but that on this day, she went into labour so fast that she could not move.
“My advice to people is that they should henceforth watch their mouth. I didn’t believe before now,” she said.
Mrs. Saudat Olawuwo, a staff nurse with the Shasha Medical Centre who assisted with the delivery, said she was called by neighbours when the woman was in labour.
“By the time I came the day she was in labour, the baby was already coming out. So I assisted her.
“After that, we were expecting the placenta, but the woman began behaving like one about to run mad. I was so confused.
“The woman was shouting that she wanted to push again and all of a sudden, the Quran, wrapped in nylon and stained with blood jumped out.
“Out of confusion, I ran out and called people who came to see. We also called a Muslim cleric around the area who came and prayed for the baby,” she said.
Father of the baby, Luqman Lamidi, said he was in a drinking bar when he was called and told that his wife had delivered a baby with a Quran.
He said he did not believe until he came and saw the Quran covered with blood.
“I arrived home and saw a lot of crowd and could not even enter. In fact, I am surprised that a drunk like me could produce a child that came into this world with a Quran,” he said, adding that he had become a changed person.
Chief Imam of Oguntade, Shasha, Alhai AbdulRafiu Opeloyeru Oyedokun, said he was the one who tore the nylon from the Quran after he was called to the place.
“When I came, people were still doubting if the object was a Quran or not, so I tore the nylon with blood on it publicly and everyone confirmed it.”
As the yet to be named baby boy lay asleep, P.M.NEWS noticed that each time the Quran is placed on his chest, he consistently lifted his hands up and would not drop the hands until the Quran is taken off.
There was a big controversy in May last year following the alleged birth of a baby boy said to be clutching a miniature Holy Quran at birth.
The baby was born at a white garment church in Mushin, Lagos State, Southwest Nigeria.
While some disputed the claim, others said it was possible. A large crowd gathered at 1, Sonde Street, Ijeshatedo, Lagos home of the boy’s parents as news of the birth spread rapidly.
His mother, Mrs. Kikelomo Ilori, 32, a Cosmetologist, told P.M.NEWS that he was born after she had carried the pregnancy for about 10 months.
“When my baby was delivered holding a Quran in his hand, the nurse said the Quran should be thrown away. But I insisted my mother must see it before any action could be taken,” Kikelomo, who is a Christian, further explained.
Corroborating the story, Senior Rev. Victoria Yetunde Dada said during the pregnancy, Kikelomo was always coming to her for prayers and counselling.
“I advised her not to abort the pregnancy because she might die in the process. Again, I told her the foetus was sent by God and will be great,” Apostle Mother Dada told our correspondent.
Reacting, Medical Director of Bodet Hospital, Ikeja, Lagos, Dr. Bode Tawak said scientifically, it was not possible for a baby to be born holding a Quran.
“How big is the baby’s hand to hold the Quran? How big is the Quran? How did the Quran get into her mother’s womb? I don’t know how a Quran can get into a womb. But there are things you can’t explain,” Dr. Tawak responded.
He said while the incident cannot be explained medically, in Nigeria many mysterious things happen.
A Kaduna-based medical practitioner, Dr. Munir Yusuf said from a medical point of view, it was not possible, but added that depending on the size of the Quran, it was possible metaphysically.
He explained that if the Quran is small enough to pass through the diameter of the vagina, with the child, it is possible.
In the same vein, a herbal medicine practitioner, Chief Dr. Bola Adegunloye believes nothing is impossible, but said too much importance must not be placed on the incident
1 – 200 of 208 Newer› Newest»LOL! NEXT?
Zero significance to me! I don't even consider such to have verisimilitude in the first place.
Utter rubbish. Y are these people trying to force their religion on other people? Linda u really shouldn't have posted this. Giving them unnecessary hype. Very very long hiss
Our creator is wonderful
I serzly don't bliv n can neva bliv such, y didn't dey snap d baby holding d quran with blood n all at birth? Abegi false false false.
Why didn't they snap the Quran as prove. Make them let pple rest jo. 1st to comment. Linda post my comment oh.
What can I say? Allah is great.
This really a mystery no one knows what to believe anymore God help us
They have started again.
Hmmmm, God is great
Hmmm! This is weird
Ife neme in 2face's voice.
Did anyone notice that the first lady was a "cosmetologist" and the second is a "hairstylist". Call me cynical but the Quran seem to be attracted to people that work in salons. BTW Quran in a nylon??? Highly suspect.
And so?dosnt change my conviction abt d religion called islam
All this muslikm clerics these women visit give them different kinds of food and concortions. Sometimes they give them wrapped leaves to swallow. How come the quran was wrapped in nylon, na allah use nylon cover am? Lmao! Stupid people!
Could did be true
Hmmm! Hope its a good sign 4dia doctrine.
~D great anonymous!
hmmmm....the world is really coming to an end...God hlp us live right
What's a story without a picture hunny? Quran my foot..
Lastweek On Your Award Winning Super-Story...
Anoda osama binladen is born. Allahu akbar
ok y them no dey born for hospital nah!
Y is dere no pic of d baby holdn d quran
Mweeech abeg end time d devil has steped up his game to get more ppl. Why d ova due delivery. Nylon part is even more funny. How can d baby hold a it, they said the baby was holding it next they said it droped after d baby was born. Abeg. All dis anti Christ babies.
So God had to cover his Quran in nylon? Before it can be delivered ? Lol! So there is a nylon manufacturing company in haven. Please try and be more creative next time. Lol,lol,lol is only in a 3rd world county like Nigeria u hear such bull shit.
1John 2;18Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. 19They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.
Lies lies lies....they just looking for fame....big lie...its a planed job
1Timothy2: 9The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
In this generation of snap snap na it them dey bring dis kind gist without any pictural proof? Na lie joor. Confirmentous lie sef. Mtchew.
Why didnt dey snap the Quran wt the blood as dey were bringing Ȋ̝̊†̥ out frm the nylon to prove dia assertion?
Well...only God knws best!
These pple ar up 2 smtin again!!! This is an era of telecomunication & our social media is getting better by d day! Such a news should have a picture as proof... This is obviously sm gimics that'll neva wrk 4 me!!! NEXT!
Asi asi all lies mscheeewwwwww!
heavy format. the story self get k-leg. them no fit arrange the script wella. na mumu people dis one go catch. make dem try better next time. Mtshewwww.
My Country people,dey r back again with fake gist of American Wounder.Wher is d picture of d baby holding d Quaran in his hands? As 4 me dis fallacy.If u believe dis u can believe anything,End of Story.
This look like tales by moonlight
Linda u disappoint me by posting this
When the end of the world his coming to an end ,mystery and wonders would happen,father raping daugther,son beheading father,elders having no more pitiness or compassion on the young ones,nudity and lack of shame,children disobeying their parent,worshipping of money,prostitute......so brethen am sorry the world his coming to an END.
No pictures no proof wen dey born me I hold dollar 4 my rite hand n gun 4 my left 30.0000 gunmen came 4rm the niaja 2 welcome da birth of a nation.who am I ?
Allahu Akbar
..And who made Ʊ the judge of what should be posted here, and what should not be posted here. We knw ur type. Bossy tin, anofia.
This is end time many strange stories everywhere God help us
I guess they also manufacture nylon bag in heaven to place the book in. Its a bloody lie! Lemme stop there before I prompt jihad...
Verisimilitude......you're a mad man
Here goes the oxford dictionary blogger again...guy it aint that serious..u coulda just said 'speculations'
Maybe more people would have believed it if it was a bible or the child was born in Redeemed church, Christ embassy or living faith. Believe it or not, it is not beyond the power of the Divine. Many things we cannot prove medically as the miraculous birth of Christ is beyond human imagination or even the creation of Adam from earth.
Won tun de o, we have not heard of a baby born with a Bible, hmmm, donations will start from everywhere now, Our people dey try sha!
Allahu Akbar......
Everything dey clear to God,whether na through magic or real,God sees all,linda biko post my cmment o
Idiotic ppl wetin una for say, shey una go agree to bliv, @ it been na Bible nau una for dey say all dis thrash, enviness no go kill una including linda self , and u PRINCE CHARMING stop using synonyms English for here. Nd u MOCHA if u don't bliv u can easily go to de push nd dance. Linda If u lik no post my comment na ur palava be dat.
Allah Akbar
Story land...puhlllleeeeaaaassssseeee.
Allahuakbar.Allah is so mighty nd great.wish d new bornbaby long lyf in d deen.....may Allah TaAllah gide nd uplift him,dis re real sigh's frm Almighty Allah.innadina indallah huwaliislam.am so proud 2 b a Muslim.....
God is great. His ways will forever b a mistery to we human. Aldo am a christain. But I respect other people's religion and culture.call their claims lie if u like.but d truth is we serve one God. He reveals himself to us in different ways.don't tongue lash or insult them. One of the things Jesus taught us is to love one another.insulting other people"s religion doesn't guarantee u a spot in heaven oh.
With God,everyfin is possibl.
If u like believe if u if u like don't I pity you because of where you are going back to after earth is it a must for you to comment don't say rubbish about other pple religion stick to your nd kip calm but am sure u will know the truth one day
This is Super story.......
*inserts music*
PleaSe place commercial here...
I don't blame u christian becus u don't bliv in ur God not to talk of ur self, una mouth sabi drive rough dats y una no get one way of worship,na dif churches to full naija with dif way of worship, abamo ni oma kehin yii.
Sm ppl dnt even pray 2 God,Hw wud dey apprc8 d work of GOD,GOD IS GR8,QURAN IS HIS WORD,its nt just a sheet of Paper,It is HOLY,Respect it pls !
i no belive am,so Quran can out from the mother pussy,na lie,people should stop all dis lie abeg
Ok na...the baby and the quran came out of the nyash....that proves the point that.........
In this our era that everybody owns a camera phone and no pictures were taken of the book??
One "K" for them
Very weird though.. But God Knows best Date a Millionaire In Nigeria, Sugar Mummy and Daddy, Rich Kids and Meet A Millionaire Friend Today
This is super story............
We are nothing but pencils in the hands of the creator!
Laff wan tear my belle...
Allahu Akbar!!!
God is the greatest....
*hohohoho* YIMU #NEXT!
I don't wanna knw how true the story is or was.
All i want to correct nd put you all Attention is you have the right to believe what ever you want to believe or what so ever your belief is,Just don't, don't ever nd i say again Ever descriminate or grace insultive words over other people's religion cause somepeople will just come here n write whatever BS that comes to your head all because you want to follow crowd mentality..
I refuse to be deceived. Things like this can be done even by forces of darkness.
To everyone that descriminates other Religion away from yours,,y'all Bunch of Retards...
The fact that the entire world is against one religion and that one religion still wins, just shows how powerful Islam truly is.
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar...
All dese lies being told all in d name of getting fame...poverty brings out ur talent bt nt talent lyk dis
U disrespectful Imp... I guess we'l all knw d truth smeday but I knw it'l b 2 late 4U.
Allahu Akbar...
Allahu Akbar
All u sorry ass muslims una don start abi *bbm eyes rolling*
Story not only.......
Even if Jesus returns and you happen to be alive,you still won't believe him.yet mental handicaps like you would take everything you read on the net in,hook line and sinker.Ignoramus.
I was there and I saw it wit mah korokoro eyez... We don't have to judge one religion wit som1 else's fault, evri religion has its own flawn. We blame islam now because of wot d so kol boko rubish did so far. But, av we look in2 ours? Na onli xtain pikin full fo late nite clubs dis dayz, pastors avin an affair wit members wife, d most painful part is dat, I ave neva fo once witness beggers around my church premises on sundays 2beg fo arms, no b our pastors dem dey clean evritin like rat while we wallow in poverty wit our weekly contribution. Christainity nowadayz 2me is all about fancy, and y we dislike islam is because it didn't gave d chance fo rubish. I wish we xtains kud look bak in2 ninetees and compare our way of worship 2wot we have now as xtainity. Abeg stop hating, it kud b ours somday.
Like Jesus dying on the cross for our sins right? I mean who would believe that *sarcastically*.So why doubt this simple one if you can believe "The son of Man rose from Death".Think He-Goat.
It is pretty obvious you are intellectually retarded and mentally regressed.What more can you get from a picture? Factual illiterates like you would ask for the picture of Jesus when he returns to earth thinking he's the one on statues and cucifix.Better get educated,imbecile.
Qur'an 41:53 We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?
people surprise me, you are disappointed she posted this story but you were not disappointed when linda posted pics of homosexuals kissing and holding hands.....
Are we jealous coz dis is happening within islam? And stop qoutin d bible wrongly. Not in dis kinda situation u will stat wit TIMOTHY 1:9, its obvious u onli referin 2ursef, coz most doesn't know ao real miracle woks. If u shuld doubt dis, den u must b a fool to believe jesus birth is by a miracle. We talking real and u talking nonsense. Woh linda, dats wot a gud blogger shuld du. Not @oneside, say it d way it is, he who will hear shld, and doz dat wudn't shuld'nt. God knowz best
We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness? Qur’an 41:53
Qur'an 41:53 We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?
Anything like Jesus is Son of God, he died for our sins,and he's coming back right?
Only God know what will don't, so please if you have no idea of something, it's better not 2 say anything about it.
In as much as I doubt the authenticity of this story,I'll still give some thought to it.If I can believe everything I read on the internet and the foundations of my faith,I should believe anything then,however I won't.Not because Its wrong,but because it happened in Nigeria again,haba!
To all the pple asking y linda is posting,No one is forcing any religion on you 4 you worship that which we do not worship and we worship that which you do not, so pls if you don't have any important thing 2 say you shut ur dirty mouth wherever you r
I no fit laugh,dis is really unbelieveable.where is d pic of d baby and d Quran inside d nylon?abeg dis is tales by moonlight...linda pls post my comment o.I notice dat dis days u don't post my comment
M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ concern Ȋ̝̊̅§ why A̶̲̥̅̊я̲̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ such babies neva delivered i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ τ̅ђe hospital? Did Ƨ̷̜ђƸ̵ not §A̶̲̅Ɣ Ƨ̷̜ђƸ̵ delivered τ̅ђe others i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ τ̅ђe hospital? Even when i̶̲̥̅̊t̶̲̥̅ seemed there Wε̅Ʀε̲̣̣̣̥ medical issues wit this pregnancy. These pple A̶̲̥̅̊я̲̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ really fun̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊Ɣ. ßƔ force fame.
Its funny hw shallow sum ppl can be, Allahu Akbar. The islam I know will keep spreading
U dis shit...I know u dnt go to church or mosque!!!! Who's askin u to convert to islam...is better u shut up and face wateva religion u practice....
Allahu Akbar
Another gist again dem nor go kill person oh,quaran inside belle with nylon....plzz how does dis shit sound in their ears not to talk about in the ears of resonable persons
So what??? Oh puhleeezzzz... For all I care d baby can come out wit a Mosque,,doesn't change my conviction dat am on d right track... NEXT!!!!!!
99% of pple dat visits dis blogs r obviously xtians nd most of u are biased.wen it comes to islam,u open ur mouth and say diff dirty words.Linda culd av gone an extra mile to get d pix of d quran for all u doubtin thomas.stop abusin islam,nobody is beggin u to join.stop hatin,dnt criticize.A word is enof for d wise
Looooooool shut up!!! You are funny.
Why is this happening only in Nigeria? In Saudi (capital of Islam) where I live, I have not heard any of the baby born with Quoran-in-hand miracle. I need some help to believe this story type always coming from 9jer.
Waiting for the baby that will be born with a z10...that will be awesome =P
Allahu akbar my yansh,hypo+jik story.
Nobody will force u watch wat u say anyway judgement day is near.I believe dat can happen just imagine the baby dat was flushed,scientifically the boy was not meant 2 leave but God in his Greatness didn't allow him 2 die, the boy dat started reading quran at age 5 born from a home dey don't believe in God these r d signs of aproching end of time.Believe in Allah and don't associate any1 wit him my advice.
God is great! Is better 4 u guys nt 2 comment dan say rubbish. Pray God dnt strike u dead with dos blasphemy
Lies___Rubbish_not even a pix,since it worked out for d first woman ans she got financial assistance from people,dis one too,planned it with her hussy cos muslims don't play with such fake lies,just to uplift islam_my dear ur mama Agbo concocotion midwife might have wrapped that koran in a nylon bad to allow easy access into ur Vigina,and she inserted it herself,when a woman is pregnant,sometimes the doctor puts his hand inside the Vigina and feels the baby to know his/her position and while doing that d Doctor wear a nylon like hand glove so the penetration will be easy__Drama kings and Queens_i guess u r still in ur one room apartment_Any religion that Justifies evil is a failed one__Get a life
ALLAH is the greatest
here they come again,why is that all such things happen only in Nigeria.i am not gullibe,i dont know abt u
Things of this nature is closely related to poverty and stupidity
Some pple are just too sentimental and stingy with the truth. Why do u hardly bliv tinz that come from islam? U quickly tag things that are islamic 'evil' or 'terror'. Try to be civilized in the way u think! Is it possible to hold or remember to hold a camera(phone) when someone is in labour? I am very sure some of u who are more foolish than foolish itself would still doubt it if a pictorial evidence was provided. U may even accuse linda of creating the pix via photoshop. Nothing is impossible for Allah to do. He created the universe out of nothing. All the raw materials we depend on are created by him. So how dare u ask how did God create a nylon. When this same story came up last year with a pictorial evidence, most of u bigoted hypocrites raised ur nose to condemn d news. Most of you have never read d Qur'an in ur life. U only follow the lies ur ignorant pastors tell u. I pray u c d truth as the truth and falsehood has falsehood. Which of Allah's favours and signs can u deny?
I do not understand some of these brouhaha on this tread. I smell a lot of blasphemy which does not even speak well of a true Christian. I do not care if i am a Chriatian or not, the point is we should try to be less judgemental, sadistic and sarcastic! Even the Lord Jesus Christ never criticised...What then are ur problems?! Let God know those who truly serve HIM. mind your own business!
All sed. Allah be praised. U like it or not you have heard and this shall b guidiance upon which u will b judged. If u read d scripture and dint bliv hw abt d signs God sent u? U call it false. He sed he has deafen d ears of some peps so dt hell fire shall b dia abode. When jesus sed I will send u anoda comforter. Some call it holy spirit. Bt hw many is holy spirit? B4 jesus christ there was holy spirit, and jesus christ was even born with tru d holy spirit. Listen&yeild to d warnings of God. Obey his words and take his signs seriously. Thank U.
i wantd to say somethings 2 al of u saying u need picture or proof to believe and those of u attacking ISLAM with ur words, but i jst tut to ma self an unreasonable mind would always b unreasonable. God split d sea infront of pharaoh but he stil remaind adamant...
People don't believe,but I tell u the time for everyone to believe shall come.A day were no man can alter a word.Nothing is not possible with the Creator,this are little signs for us to change.
Nobody also remembered dt both women gv birth @home.dey al claimed dt dey cldnt go t d hospital. Staged drama.
Allahu Akhbar!
Non-muslims feeling threatened and talking all sorts on nonsense on this blog. If it doesn't concern you, ignore and move on.
You'll insult Islam, when they catch you and kill you, they'll say "Muslims are bad."
Did anybody force your eye to read this blogpost?
Live and let live so that you may live long.
Allahu akbar , Allah is the greatest
SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAKE STORY
Story with no pictures to prove it na wa ohh...Miz kellz
Back to you. Linda's soldier. I didn't insult her so hold your peace
And they are never born in hospitals. Or at least high brow areas
Just because the child was holding a Quran, he is of the devil, it is a lie, he is the anti Christ, but if he was holding a Bible even though it was enclosed in Ghana-must-go you will all be singing praises. We won't know the truth until the last day, be careful of who you condemn, so many muslims may enter the kingdom of heaven because they are more righteous than we so called Christians. Be wise.
Story story story.
Fighers keep it high ok,its entertaining!!!!!
Do not disrespect other peoples religion or beliefs.
There's no need to be rude.
Yeah Right!
At dis age & time? someone will just cook a story just to brain wash ppl to believe in der God and ppl will believe such crab? Der are smarts phones every where and no one was smart enough to snap the Quran alone? if dis was true, i kno those Alfa's will have snapped the Quran just to show d world, why will any one try to take this generation backward by juts telling a story without pictures? well, dat is for dos who is ready to be fooled am out of here jor.
I dont believe this, in this modern era, no picture and ok what of a picture from the scan at least. LOOL, TRY BETTER NEXT TIME!!
At dis age & time? someone will just cook a story just to brain wash ppl to believe in der God and ppl will believe such crab? Der are smarts phones every where and no one was smart enough to snap the Quran alone? if dis was true, i kno those Alfa's will have snapped the Quran just to show d world, why will any one try to take this generation backward by juts telling a story without pictures? well, dat is for dos who is ready to be fooled am out of here jor.
Linda or wat is ur name, Akpos even better pass you, u take us for Dejo tunfuly abi. The bible says "Since they refuse to have the knowledge of God in their heart, God left them to confusion". U dnt even knw wat to post. Y not a baby dat hold d Bible or Opele ifa.?
Ohhh please...fake fake fake,meanwhile where did the nylon come from?all these muslims that feel insecured trying to use so many mediums to gain grounds,what of the first child born with a quaran has he started preaching yet?my dear people don't be deceived may God help us...
Regardless of your religion; If you believe this, you can believe ANYTHING....
May Almighty Allah fgv dos who r blasphemy!U hd better watch ur Utterances abt God!I dnt blame u cos its nt happeng in xtiandom!
OMG! ROTFL! The Koran? Haba!
I think there is a great correlation with Islam and Hairstylist cum people living in face-me-i-face-trouble. Why is it that this happens to only poor people?....Abeg just let us know you need money and we will support you. Between, which one is the story that when the Qur'an is placed on the baby chest he raised his hands up until it's removed...Well, maybe he's gonna be a weightlifter...Yinmu thinz
Big joke dis guys tink God is short of ideas to show his awesomness tru magic n abragadabra stupid people God too much for dis kind childish yayo
its written in the Bible....in the last days all sort of miracles and signs will arise,people calling my names in vain,fake prophets,natural diasters,so this isnt news really whether its fake or true. Uphold your faith. End time is near
Oh my GOD, the question is why is it always happening in nigeria and why is it always lagos state also why is it always the same rugged, dirty areas, why are they always giving birth at home. Am in ilorin, the holy land of muslims in nigeria and it has never happened here
Poor people shaaa....poverty is a disease. How come ds never happens in the rich areas of the country...I guess the poor are always lookin for something to give them solace.
Many fools Mehn!!!! U'll see Jay-Z, Dbanj, Kanye, Beyonce, xris Brown doing their thing u'll call dem illuminati... You beliv in d existence of d Evil but u don't beliv in God... D way it happens in Islam, it happens too in Xtianity all dis are meant to tell us to change for good for the Kingdom of God is at hand.
Even if a baby is born with a bible in vatican I won't believe, d word of God has gone pass dat stage, d word of God is with us. U muslim are gullible, point of correction no one is against islam we are against d story. D babies are neva born n d hospital so who is a fool. And u believe God will tie koran n nylon bag. U guys are so dumb.
I don't care whether this is true or not I refused to be bothered but I have a word or two for those of you running your mouth saying this does not change how you feel about Islam or make you wanna be Muslims. Haven't you noticed that Muslims are not the ones going from house to house preaching? that is because Islam is not meant to be advertised it's only God who has the power to call whoever he so wills, we are not after making you Muslims that's God's call not ours.
I doubt if you can even be a Muslim because it's not meant for the shallow minded and lazy ones who live as they wish. it's a fundamental religion that has rules and guidelines which must be adhered to by anyone who is of God, in Islam you don't just do what you want you do what God wants and that is a big problem to some of you hypocrites.
Allah has promised us that Jesus christ is coming back but one thing i can assure you is that even seeing him, we human would still be asking for his pictures and they would definitely deny him. God save us all. ALLAH is the GREATEST!
So many bloody fools here.
Condemn other religions not.
Nobody forced it down your decaying throats.
Useless goats.
Nd ur mumu sef can't snap it I dnt even knw who is fooln who.*yimu*
Allah is the greatest, am sure many wont believe.but i strongly believe because nothing is impossible with GOD so all of you sayin rubbish should go take several seats.
beliv it or not it is said in the bible that whosoever doesnt accept Jesus has their personal Lord and saviour would nt make d kingdom ov God.....beliv diz nd be set free frm d clutches ov darkness...JESUS IS COMIN SOON!!!!nd he will tak only hez own...ACCEPT JESUS TODAY ND BE FREE....
Ise Oluwa ko seni to ye...
Unlike what moslems think, if i heard of a baby born holding a bible wrapped in Gold foil,i wouldnt just believe hook,line and sinker that it actually happened or that the baby was actually sent by God,ill thread with caution cos i know that evil exists and that there are things that happen beyond the physical also there could be a possibility of deceit(for their own selfish reasons).I really dont understand why these moslems believe this story adamantly? well i think they are just happy that perhaps it would make people have a rethink about their religion buh i doubt if it would.
Una don start oooo... Lagos!!!
Quran41|53|We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their ownselves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Quran) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things?
The nylon made it a fake. Picture this: she told ppl it was a quran inside d wrapped nylon, "how did she know it was a quran without first unwrapping the nylon? If ur Allah did put d quran,then he wouldn't need a nylon cos he should also be a miracle worker. Why do u want to shove Islamic religion down our throats? So we can become Muslims or what! None of them made it to d hospital! It was all planned joor especially that "nylon" probably d concoction ur cleric gave u to drink while preggers.. I believe things happen but Def not this one. Thank u, I will pass!
could did? #confusedface#
pls its could it. Go bak to primary skul
Allahu Akbar. This information and divine sign will only be significant to those who have insight and who are not afraid of the truth. Those who beleive that The Almighty remains the most powerful. The choice is yours
You, still doubting Jesus is Lord? You will have enough conviction when you will be screaming in hell!!!!!
E for beta if d pikin came out. With a roadmap of how to catch Boko Haram, their locations & sponsors . So d Quran came in place of placenta abi?
Arrant nonsense....Bullcrsp!! If u believe dis u will believe anything!
Wining with bombs and grenades? U call killing and shedding innocent blood powerful, may God help u fanatics.
People looking for cheap publicity. Oya bring the donation box .....mstchewwwwwwwwws next pls!!
Dis ya English na die!
Who cares..... Linda post my comment
U are right
Shut up, the truth is 10 virgins reward for terrorism and blood shed
Islam is d only religion dat preaches terrorism and blood shed.. Bsides nobody is agaisnt u... U ar against d world ad want to forcefully convert ppl with violence. U guys ar heartless y dnt u use d money for terroism for charity ad to hlp d needy around d world... Ad u call dat being powerful... So sad
so if he ws born wit a quran does dt make d world a better place for us to live...nywayz wit God dere is noting impossible..but dere cn nt be 2 jesus and God is nt a confusionist...
Dnt disrespect other people's religion my ass, who disrespects and even kill people dat done believe in their religion if not muslims.. Who burn churches in the north if not muslims, they see other religions as a threat. Cus are mostly illiterates. No muslim shuld just open their mouth n talk about disrespectin others religion
How would you feel is someone said Jesus my yansh?
Im not a muslim but im open minded enough to know Islam doesn't preach terrorism and blood shed. Have you ever read the Quran? if no please shut your stupid judgemental smelling mouth up. disgraceful christian
@ anon 7:14 its 'utter' biko not alter'....tnk me now!
Those two anonymous fools 'leave prince jobless alone err1's entittled 2 deir own opinion okay?
Lool I swr...@ anti christ babies
Lwkm....no mind the goat!
Atlist we are better than you useless,wicked and selfish muslims all you do is kill innocent ppl....the hottest part of HELL awaits all of u!Fools!
#not that I blelieve the story#a baby and a quran whch is bigger??
Atlist we are better than you useless,wicked and selfish muslims all you do is kill innocent ppl....the hottest part of HELL awaits all of u!Fools!
Rest abeg!wicked$heartless people
Those two anonymous fools 'leave prince jobless alone err1's entittled 2 deir own opinion okay?
Lool I swr...@ anti christ babies
@ anon 7:14 its 'utter' biko not alter'....tnk me now!
Pointless statement,wicked fool,u wonna compare killing of human beigns 2 clubbing?you're jst a typical muslim mumu
its just not fair when you talk about other people's religion like you are God.you cannot judge the whole based on the actions of a few.if a muslim kills somebody, its the religion but if it were to be a christain then the person is mentally unstable. Ask yourself, are we being fair?it doesn't matter if the story is true or not.the fact that it is the Quran is Y u guys are ranting, if it were to be the Bible, u will all praising God.Only God knows Best
Hahahahahahahahhahaha lots of loopholes in the story, someone just needed a little publicity to change her family's status small, I will pass too abeg, stories that touch
Hehehehehehhehhehee very funny, but why the nylon tho? Im confused
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