The Stanbic IBTC sack yesterday crossed across all levels, from management to lower level staff and I hear this is just the first batch. The bank is planning to do another round later this year.
The sack at Stanbic yesterday only affected full staff employees as the bank intends to make its workforce 20% permanent staff and 80% contract staff. The total workforce before the sack yesterday was about 3000. The sad part is there are so many fresh graduates in the job market...and no jobs!
Kai! I hope my friend is not affected.
and the unemployment rate increases!
That's what I call "Outsourcing Mode Activated" for the Bank! Very soon our beloved FG will embrace the outsourcing wayz to reduce it's huge overhead cost! It's already working for the Gidi Govt anyways! *globalECONOMICmeltdownTHINGZ*
That's Nigeria for you...Sad, but the truth. Its imminent that this unemployment issue is gonna take this country backwards!
hmmmm which way Nigeria?
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
. . . . But 250 isn't a good figure to start with. . . Walahi*
Dats nothing compared to what happened in Rusal-Alscon in Akwa Ibom state, over 1000 staffs sacked. Its so sad..So sad..the elected government of the Ppo should not fold their hands and watch Nigerians starve.
Jeeeez...this is no good news @all. I live in the UK and actually planning to return home to Nigeria but right now i might have a second thought to that...God Help Nigeria!
What a way to celebrate workers day
Na wa o! The number of kidnappers, armed robbers etc go increase. Naija companies laying off staff at this critical period. Abeg linda. Use ur blog to help us tell them the implications of this senseless decision!
Wow, it appears we are getting worse by the day.
If FG gives 1m to each of us.as in 160m nigerians it will not shake the treasury because every politicians and civil sevant steal billions of naira and govt did not broke.
Linda, stop using local english. what is sack?? Redundant is the word. Sack is for if an employee has committed a crime within a company. Therefore sacked.
another set of displacement! it is well!
More problem in labour market
God help ur pple
this is so pathetic, what will those ppl do now. this is really bad. the best thing is to learn a hand skill so u can be self employed
Kizito ugom
Na wah for ds country oh!
Fuck their jobs !!. I'm a fresh graduate,and I ain't even putting my hope in any of those. To hell with GEJ and the rest of the theives. I pray to God and I work hard. He'll bless my hustle. (I'm a full fledged 2D/3D animator btw)
Na wah o, linda na blogging b next option.
That one na normal gist na... Increased sacking + Unemployment na normal thing for naija... Only God will help nigerians.
dem de craze for head
This is sad. Kai this life oh! Sorry to those affected. E nor easy ehhh
Naija it is well ooO.Ms joi
Everybody should start thinking like linda.I like this lady, everyone should start acquiring skill now and become creative that is the only way forward i tell u sincerlly because a whole lot of graduates are out there and no jobs, and even system is not encouraging investors to come in and more so nigeria produces over 1.5 million graduates each year.if you multiply that with somes yrs in advance you will see that the worst is yet to happen,The days of white collar jobs is gradually dieing off.
Haba linda, where did u hear d information about Stanbic's plan on 20% permanent staff and 80% contract. Dats absurd.
its not only naija.its aal over the world even UK.IT TERRIBLE HERE
linda lemme tell you something that just crossed my mind. you see ehn, most of these employers are wicked. they recruit, pay a megre amount as salary, when one is due for promotion and bigger pay, a lil fraction of the employed crosses that line, the rest are displaced, employer goes out to the labour market to replace those thrown out, offering them small salary pay again.
Now, these graduates rush the jobs(at all at all naim bad pass) hoping it will only get better not knowing its a recycling process.
it is sad oh! look at Glo that used to pay relatively well before, salaries have been cut down.
Arik the same thing.
Zenith bank, no promotion, same salary for 5years
God help your children
That's realy sad. Unemployed graduates should look for something profitable to do for money instead of applyng non-stop. I'm not telling them to kidnap o cos if they are caught, I won't pity them. Mw sef dey hustle badly. Wish me luck.
Wow! I wld v said dz is callous buh I'm sure its due to d economy.... Naija go better!
Wow! This is just sad...I used to work with stanbic ibtc as a contract staff before i left for my Nysc..That building in the picture looks like one of their branches in V.i..No jobs in this country,rate of umemployment is so high it is a pitiable situation.The govt should please intervene :(
Pretty Girl
GOD really help us as even some are married with kids
Can you imagine these companies giving staff this as a workers day gift..its so sad..adding more crowd to the labour market..I keep telling people the only place u have job security is public sector. I feel so sorry for them
Still FRESH AIR.....enjoy!
so sick..............
Today is Labour day!
When will Nigeria Labour Union stop the injustice meted on workers by private organisations (especially foreign companies)? I don't understand why they cheat workers by tagging them CASUAL WORKERS and CONTRACT WORKERS ℓ̊Ϟ a bid to deprive them job security.
Ђδω many pple are with me on this issue?
Tsk,tsk,tsk..dis is really bad..am already dreading wen i'l graduate 4rm d uni.!God help our country..vivien_modela:)
Iyawo paso
This is totally outrageous.while som r celebratin workers day,some ve bin checked out of work force.d irony of dis is dat,d guys dat usually form papaz wit dere big cars wud ve tu come tu terms wit no work n d 'oda sides of there wifet n girlfriends....rily sad
Ehhyaaa, oga O°˚˚˚O°˚˚˚°! GOD will provide another job(s) foя̩ them
Oh God! Help us in dis country!
I laf dis our nation oooo,wit d unemployment dey re still sackin workers.na wa o dis country is turnin somefin else.@peter side,u beta call ur workers back o.
Na wa o.dis work thing is rily goin daggers as no job is secured.no wonda pple r self employed.and d un thing is dat dey must ve budgeted dere remaining salary 4d year.May GOD help us in dis country.
This is bad....
May God help us in this country
*Sad* 9ja We need prayers and help, tins only keep gettin bad it a *smh
a part of what a society gets when becoming I.T. savvy!
Welcome to the computer age.
It's only God that can save us in this country. Being self employed remains the best option to control the rate of unemployment in Nigeria of which can only be achieved through hard work and focus.
Am one of dos people dey sacked, d bank is just a useless one
This is a very sad news. Hard times like this could be a source blessing for some while self employment is best option. Fire your boss before s/he take a toll on you. Also, the government are contributing. I can't imagine the cost powering their 100s of masts. Discover Secrets to losing some weight and burning tummy fat
Am one of dos people dey sacked, d bank is just a useless one
Nothing is as sweet as being your own boss!
time to know dat, being self employed is very important, get ur own hand work n work for ur money, for urself, by urself,.. Naija n dis their sack sack, if person carry gun now, them go say person na armed robber.....mr yaxx...
It's all part of risk management a la Sanusi. When the man was calling press conference to sack bank MDs and commenting that bank MDs should be shot, we were all clapping for him. Now see what it has all amounted to. More than 10,000 Nigerians have so far lost their jobs across all the banks since 2009 when the emir aspirant took over.
na waoh.... people are looking for work they are still bring in more pple to the unemployment world why?
Na wa o... Dis nation sha. Even Oroki herbal mixture dey sack him staffs too
na wa o! Y now? Is this wat i'll face wen i graduate? I hope 2 b among d 20 per cent. If nt, i'll cling on 2 my understanding husband
expect 20,000 more frm PHCN soon
Well, thats supposed to be "Happy workers day"?. At least they should show more heart and done it some other time.
Sad for the sacked ones tho. Naija!
Hmmmmm. Same thing happened to Silverbird's Rhythm FM as they layed off staff in their Lagos, Abuja and Port-Hacourt stations. God helps us! Entrepreneurship is the way forward! My monthly salary is N550k but God forbid for me to depend solely on that! I have 5 running businesses as well as properties. I no allow my money to finish for Braz and Malaysian hairs! LOL
Na wa 4 nigeria o.now those people dey sacked now what do dey want them to feed with.after now dey will start talking about robbery.so with out any offence now d next tin is sack.May God save our soul.
The problem naija pple av is that they dont wanna retire and let other small graduate comes in thou its not from d benevolent of those that retire b4 sacking does matter if not that they are still planning to put their family their wat a country that's why we re gng down everyday if u re over at least 55 or60 retire and let other young graduate comes in thts how tinz works to make the job circulate
I am not surprised. the government will be charging tax, vat, advertising tax etc, and im sure there are some hidden charges that one would not know until they are working in a bank. Its just terrible, our government just wants to suck and destroy our country by making mega companies not being able to pay salaries and higher graduates, due to some bills they are trying to keep up with. May God help this country. It's bad enough that there is a toll gate in lekki and they are battling to have a toll gate on the new bridge they are building. Its crazy. Atleast if the reason why they need our money is showing, then it would be better. PLS LINDA POST THIS COMMENT.
It happens in so many companies in apapa. Why are they doing this. They are treating their fellow human being like animals here in nigeria if you go outside the country the treat them wost
May be we should start using our mind 2create than using our mind 2seek,I KNOW WHY THE COMPANIES SACKS,
My advice 4 graduates is, Get full knowledge and be involve in NET-WORK MARKETING INDUSTRY(MLI)
this is another medium to secure d future.THERE IS ALWAYS A PROVISION FOR EVERY GENERATION.
How on earth do they want those worker to shelter for their family.this is to increase the crime rate in country 9ja
Why are Naija companies laying off staff? What kind of ignorant question is that? Why do companies around the world lay off staff? Do you expect them to keep redundant staff in a moribund economy, especially if they are not making profits?
do we not have like a govt org dat serves as a watch dog for all these nonsense? Let me not jump into conclusions until we hear their reasons for doing this.... Smh for Naija o
Dose onez nw will join d unemployed in d labour market,afta mai bsc na business sure pass just prayin dat may Almighty Allah provide d money(Amen).
Dear Mr Minister for labour & productivity,
Kindly get to the root of this matter.
I pity you oh. No comma, no full stop, no apostrophe. Not to mention your english and h-factor. Smh
55k u mean? Oni puro oshi
A government that cant fend for her people and yet expects the private sector to take its place without support infrastructure for the private sector?
Sounds mad!!!!
When that happens there will be alot of money in circulation leading to inflation. The truth is that the Gap between the rich and the poor is increasing in nigeria. The need for govt to create programmes that will better the lives of the masses can never be over emphasized. God help us.
The CBN Governor is to blame. He reduced bank charges and even the 100 naira charged on ATMs was stopped. Do you know the number of staff whose salaries are paid with those charges? The result is downsizing because the banks can no longer pay salaries with ease! This is just the beginning. If Sanusi is not removed, more banks will retrench staff before the end of the year without BENEFITS! Are Nigerians willing to pay the price of crimes due to unemployment or part with those bank charges??? GEJ should sack Sanusi now!!
i think the solution to all this challenges of our time is Entrepreneurship,our young youths should that thinking in that line...
Have always said Bank work is almost equal to no work!!
Kai,dats not fair.
Where are they goin to get oda jobs?the labor market is too saturated already!
God have mercy on this country ruled by evil men.
Its unfortunate but we have too many "illiterate graduates" and everyone wants to be a banker. It's so sad.
i ve 3 words 4 dese coys, GPT (GOD PUNISH THEM).....
Guys,am not an advocate of laying off workers,but,we shld knw dat d primary aim of any private sector biz na profit maximization.D naija biz environ na dog eat dog tinz,& 4 1 2 stay in d game he has 2 cut his overhead costs,dat means makin some workers redundant.Even,if u wan bcome self employed,u'll discover d environs is not even enablin.unless,u do d hyper extraordinary.
Don't worry,u will get a beta job
Shut up
God help us in this country
God help us in this country
Linda,any one that want to start a biz,in a small form and grow it to big one,can mail me on samzionzion@yahoo.com,i have what to do,goodlock
Where do we go from here? Kidnapping things so. If i was in govt, i would have a check on population xplotion vis a vis data
@ Bloglord My thoughts exactly.. its just a viscious circl!!!!!!
The earlier we brace family planning the best 4 us. 2 children MAX.......... haba @ this age and time pple still have 5,6,7 children 4 whhhhhattatat
With this new development, the overhead cost of run the bank is reduced, and with speculations of future lay-offs, the share price of the bank is going to go up, share holders are gonna be smiling by the next Annual general meeting. I'm sorry guys it is what it is.
With this new development, the overhead cost of run the bank is reduced, and with speculations of future lay-offs, the share price of the bank is going to go up, share holders are gonna be smiling by the next Annual general meeting. I'm sorry guys it is what it is.
Why didnt they covert their perm staff to contract?
The problem with Stanic started when Nigerians took over the key positions within the bank!
I used to work for this bank but I'm so glad I left. Too much politics and favouritism.
Ode oshi,wats ur shut up 4??????u guys r so full of shit......
Kai I hope my sister in law is not affected
Kai I hope my sister in law is not affected
It is well ohhh
Exactly how it goes @ stanbic,they use fresh graduates for 3nths nd let dem off just like dat,well this is niaja for us where
Singing - haters gon' hate! LOL! You don't even know me and you're hating! Only God knows how you hate on those close to you! This is how people won't move forward. Instead of you to ask me what I do and if there's an opening you qualify for, you're beefing a success like me! And that's why you won't even be able to earn up to that 55k you wrote! Ndi ilo!
The stock market ȋ̝̊̅ڪ growing day by day. Our economy ȋ̝̊̅ڪ highly rated even among the worlds next eleven. Every company has recorded high growth in the first quarter of this year. Then Ɣ this sacking
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