"Again, back to the Billboard HOT 100 No. 1 song - which you just performed - which is difficult to get - not everybody has that - to their credit - it's difficult to get."Obviously clowning Nicki Minaj over her lack of No. 1 hits. Mariah Carey has 18 of them. More than any other artist and second only to The Beatles overall. Oh, but Nicki fired back. Hehe. Continue...
After noticing that blogs were going in on her for getting shaded by Mariah Carey on American Idol, Nicki Minaj went on Twitter and called Mariah Carey bitter and insecure...

Mariah won this round jor! Lol
Enough already with this their drama
Are they for real......why all this highschool drama??? Orisirisi
Who cares really! They should start acting like adults and not two stupid freaking teenagers! They are both acting like kids and it's getting old...
those two dude should stop all this rubbish... for the first time now mariah Carey win over nicki.... hope this childish game is cool..
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Nicki should not even speak where Mariah Carey is, gosh,I blame the AI organizers for pairing dem up in this show.
Nicki is lousy and each time she has to comment,I zap!
Mariah sure did win dis round. RayRay.
Can this two get over themselves, nicki u are one of a kind, Maria u r a legend. Case closed. So childish I'm tired.
all I see in those tweets is someone trying to win a war of words rather than proving a point.
But, Maria's first cut was the deepest sha.
hmm I guess lil Kim is grinning somewhere
Erm, keep up Linda, Rihanna rewrote history recently with 20 number 1 billboard chart singles, get it right!
Why all d beef btw diz 2? Nicki is @ d top of her game in a short period of time in d game while mariah is no doubt a legend. So u 2 get over each other alrdy
Despite the ridiculous drama,this season of American idol has the lowest rating they've ever recorded since its inception,pls Nicki and Mariah shud just get over themselves.
Nicki should shut up and learn,she's too lousy gosh... mariah is a legend
U re right.But Nikki is just being too childish.Y shd hav just left d whole thing instead of tweeting it.
D organisers berra do somtyn abt these two. Actin lyk jealous wives!!!!! Nicki sef gat no respect......
class really isnt given. Nicki just has to keep quiet..MC isnt even close to being insecure..she paved the way for u Nicki..never forget that. i really think nicki is the one trying to be all i'm great..gyrl relax..take a chill pill..cuz MC is a legend and you really aint.
mariah shld stop bringin haself down to ds plastic bodied minaj. Shes a lengend. Remind me wo nikki is again?
Pairing them up is first of all a disaster cos as far as the east is from the west so are they far from each other in all aspect. Or should I just say they both have complex problem? But really Nicky is very nasty, she cant tame her tongue and that kills faster as small as it is. I wish Mariah too could just behave her age by putting Nicky where she belongs by managing her attitude, cos as for me I have never seen anyone as diplomatic as Mariah before which I feel is the best tool anyone could have to manage people well, I feel she's graceful and has a great heart. Goodluck to dem sha
Truth be told...Mariah is a female musical icon, and Nicky is the female rave of the moment, but Nicky gotta calm down with her vitriols o!
Tru!some days bck though
Attention seeking binshes
- @Towbay
f**k Nicki!!! I dislike her... Gosh
Seriously,i think Mariah shld just shush and act like an adult that she is... Fine we all know she s a legend and all dat buh why is she shoving it into nicki's face like who acts like dat? she cant even comment well without pausing or stuttering,she doesnt give intelligent comments like dat all she ever does is tell d contestant wat they wanna hear,she doesn't even criticise well and she is all about billboard shit,i dont like her on the show... ma honest opinion is she is INSECURE like nicki said,i mean if you are a true legend,act like one!
Lmao, watched the show live yesterday, Linda Linda u no dey carry last at all, well, love the way Mariah Carey shut nicki up, her own too much, she can't even respect Mariah careywho has bn in the industry way long, she should take several seats Abeg.
Fake Nicki Minyash!!!!!!!!
Mariah's always tried to be mature but Nicki? Nicki's clearly childish. She just has no respect for Mariah. Now I wish Mariah dint come on the show, especially with Nicki. Too much ridicule on such a legend! I used to like Nicki, but I'm fast losing respect for her. Too much bad attitude going on there. Omo ita gbaa!
Pls my dear,don't tell me u're a blogger too!!! Nawa oooh!! Everyone wants to blog now!!.tcheeew....u can't even construct simple sentences,ur spelling is zero and I'm sure ur spoken english will be horrible!!! I know u must be a yoruba gal/lady!! It is u people that spoil business for mature igbo bloggers!!! Pls sit down at a corner and do something else!!!NOT BLOGGING
Lol.Mariah won our little lady toy.Someone shuld plz tell Nicki dt she'Úª not in high skull n she shuld stop comparin herself wit Mariah,d difference is so clear.
Linda abeg post this comment Biko.....tired of commenting and u don't ever post it .ok back to d matter...Mariah is a bitter messy insecure old hag...if u've been following d show u'll understand.yes Nikki is ghetto and lousy dats her life..no need to give d babe attitude naa...dere is always dis irritated look on Mariah's face wen Nikki is commenting.l
I'ld always wondered why I didn't think much of Nicki despite my love for some of her songs... Now I know why. Really Nicki? Na wa oh! You tried to embarrass someone greater than you while doing her job, she puts you in your place and instead of u 2 lay low,u decided 2 be bitcy about it? It's true what they say;a pig will always go back 2 dirt.
I think Nikki Minaj is so disrespectful... Good thing Mariah did by shutting her up. Silly small girl...
This is rubbish! They are both STUPID AND CHILDISH!!!
Lol@ Nikki calling somone insecure wen evryfin on her body is "FAKE".Look in d mirrow dearie,I bet u'll see insecure staring right back @ cha.
Dat niki girl is so rude and very annoying always giving a face wen mariah makes a comment to d contestants, she feels she's just a better judge, with her repeated coments lik " I luv you I wnt 2 marry u and stupid bullshit, I so dislike her,
Wil u shut d fuck!!!evry1 hs rite 2 der opinion,cnt jst open ur rubbish mouth n talk 2 any1 here anyhw...mr/miss professor igbo blogger,doubt if u av mor dan SSCE.jst stop formin 1 james bond,only God knew u'r assisted typing dat jagons....authentic olodo
Putting Nicki's career in the same sentence as Mariah's is below the belt.
Mariah; icon.
Nicki; hoodrat.
I just dont know why black women like hating on each other; I dont know if it's out of jealousy or insecurity but once a woman is successful, the other women start hating on her!
Get your own money & success and STOP tripping about others...the world's is SO large enough to accomodate ALL OF US!!!
Get yours & stop #HATING#!!
J.Lopez is replacing Maria soon,so let's see how Jlo and Nicki combo is gonna be like.
Linda U know at 32 u sometimes act like a kid with your comments.
Thank you jare.#prettygang
Nikki is just a ghetto rat with no respect
Still won't make me watch the pointless show...!
Helloooo!ASAP means as soon as possible nd I dnt c hw dat fits in2 wat u've said.smh
well.... without taking sides, I think Nicky is the one who is seriously insecure because if she isn't, she would not react to Mariah's comments at all!
You Shut up!
well.... without taking sides, I think Nicky is the one who is seriously insecure because if she isn't, she would not react to Mariah's comments at all!
MC has been really childish... Not Nicki... I've been watching every episode and its clear MC is totally insecure.
Too much drama
At watever aga you are you wld hv @ least allowd us to see ur face buh Ur low self esteem culdn't let you,poor you.Is it abt Nicki & Maria or abt Linda? Ure such a kid,i mean amateur.
Abeg AI has not been the same since Simon Cowell left. None of the winners since then is even doing anything meaningful
Nicki is sooooo ghetto. We'll see what she will be doing at 43. Mariah still very much a legend.
God bless u Adebisi.mariah is indeed insecure and not sure of herself.this woman stutters tru out her critiquing.nicki minaj is spot on n intelligent n owns n means every word.AI opened my eyes to who mariah really is.all des ppl commenting here are just clueless.
Your tribe aside, yinka the Gister, your shelling is tight sha
Nicki Minaj: just swallow it. Mariah no be ur mate..BTW, what genre of music do you do <>?? Mariah Carey is a superstar, legend..her voice is INCOMPARABLE. Swallow d bitter pills, k.
All is vanity upon vanity
Hia @ jossy, are u nicki?
Dear Nicki,please learn to shut up whenever Mariah speaks...Her 'words' should be your command. If she says Jump,You should be asking ''How high ma'am''? Bottom line,you are not in Mariah's class and you'll never be in your life time,Now digest that.
Pretty Girl
@Jossy culd u just shut d f**k up nd stop being childish like ur mentor (nicki). U r just hating cuz u'z a fan of nicki... 4 ur info she's bitchy nd lousy, picking up fights here nd der. Almost all her songs r just beefs. I used to be her #1 fan.
lol, linda u didnt mention the part where Nicki called one of the contestants a "disney princess" that was a silent jab at mariah cos she n nick cannon just renewed their vows end of april this year and u can guess where they did it......"DISNEY LAND" lol!! with mariah all dressed up in a wedding gown...
But seriously tho, im #teamNicki on AI cos mariah's comments neva make sense to me. plus nicki is real n has even commended mariah's voice on the show.
It feels more like mariah is judgemental like nicki is not up to her standards n she see's nicki more like a competition, thats why nicki is treating her like one.
Mariah is just a DIVA who wants everyone to recognise she da 'ish and nicki is a ghetto chic now!, she dont got time for all that.
You dont force respect, you EARN it!
Nicki is falling my hand big time. How many have tried to sing her stupid songs at singing audittions like Mariah.
I trust my Kokoye JLO, will come and sit down her fake Akatta ass.. Mmschew
fuck mariah....she should just die already
fuck mariah....she should just die already
U die first...evil heart.
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