The United States Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Terence P. McCulley in a private meeting today Thursday May 2nd in Abuja disclosed the US government position to about ten members of the human rights community in Nigeria. Mr. Terrence said that the US congress had passed a law that bars the US from rendering military assistance to any government that violates basic rights of citizens. He said the US govt has therefore ceased to assist Nigeria militarily in obedience to the law.
The US before now supported the Nigerian military and security agencies with training, intelligence and weapons.
SMH! Its just getting worst for us in the eyes of the Int'l community. How sad!
They have never been supporting Nigeria in any way militarily. They feel sad that the Nigerian government has refused to allow them into Nigeria for a long time hence their making of this unnecessary claim. However, it is worth noting that the US government has failed in their military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and many other parts of the world. They also failed in Somalia after running out on a defeat to Somali soldiers. What happened in Vietnam? Was it not another failed effort? They should stop making too much noise. They talk about human rights violation yet they are worse in terms of that. How many children have US military murdered? Thousands and still counting. How many women have been made homeless and widowed by the US military? Thousands and still counting. They should stop this unnecessary blackmail on Nigeria and mind their failed foreign policy. Accept that we are weak, but we are not more of a human right violators like the US.
Jona u see ur life?
Nigerian uniform men are too aggressive! ( especially ) the military and the police! ) the military is WORST! they behave like BEASTS!
Nigerian military and police treat civilians like dirt.
ok we haff hear.
I see, they have finished gathering all the intelligence on Nigeria and now need a plausible excuse to withdraw and strategize. The world is watching !!!
Yes dats a country dat values its citizens n abide by their law not Nigerians dat deir law is meant 4 only d poor......
This is serious
hmmmm never knew they were even supporting us.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Nigerian military, most especially the Nigerian Army are animals, no common sense, they lack training and intelligence, if you kill one they will kill all, what a pity, I just pray they dont seize power again, bloody animals in uniform.
before nko?
Hope this sect boko haram and jtf will not end this nation oo .... www.gistyinka.com
Nigeria this,Nigeria that....abeg make una free us jareeE,we know we need the support,but if u don't wanna give it to us anymore,u can as well stuff it down ur throat...mtcheeewwww,and be reminded,WE CAN NEVER LEGALISE GAY MARRIAGE!!!!!linda oya kwa
Okkk ooo good ooo but u knw say USA will do pass what u send them ooo note that those that call them b4 I knw wht they re now
all i can do is laugh...shame really..for our military..very sad for Nigeria...
now those mofos should sit and think before acting out of anger or emotions..do they not understand the guidelines as members of ECOWAS & UN etc...
Our military guys r mad, dat was hw one of dem almst ran into me if not dat I stepped on my brakes my car wuld v been messed up. I was so angry dat I did wind down my glass and clled him a mad mad! Can u bleve dat he reversed and came after me, chasin me all d way frm ozone at yaba all d way to oyibo. He overtook me and blocked my car trust me I swarved and continue drivin, he still chased after me wit his stupid old gulf car. I took him all d way bck yaba bck to his base, den I had alrdy contacted one of der oga's in abuja and who was askin for his rank. Funny enough, when I gave my hubby d gist he angry dat I didn't put a call across to him cos he wted me to drive into a police station and report of kidnapin. To cut d story short shaa, I parked my murano and got down dat was when he saw dat I was pregnant and culdnt utter a word and he said he only wted me to take a good look at his face, I was upset and rendered more curses on him. D fool was cautioned. My dear, dey r hrtless and ruthless.
Too bad. Shame on our President.
Nigeria is fucked!!!!!!!
Good move!!! The UK and all other countries should follow suit and stop taking the Nigerian military in your training institutions.
What do they use such education for, if not to kill and maim harmless civilians.
GEJ tenure has been very fruitless and disheartening.
The united states is a vampire nation all they do is to support u wen u fall into the ditch they tuck their tail in btw their legs and scurry off leaving u there
were they not the ones who gave our boys the in tell that bokos were in that area after their stupid reconnaissance pictures confrimed the in-tell if they like let them pull out by the time terrorist over run Nigeria and launch attack from Nigeria to the united states they will no after all the united states have so many interest in this country that runs into billions of dollars when they invaded Cuba in 1973,invaded Venezuela in 1980 and massacred innocent people did any body accuse them of human rights violation and abuse what about innocent terror suspect in Guantanamo bay and the water board interrogation method that Obama came in and quashed what happened to all the bombs they have been throwing all over the world in Iraq and Libya Americans have the right to violate peoples right and the united nation will play blind eyes to it the united states can go and suck on it hypocrites
I cant wait for d day wen i wil pack ma kids n get out of ds God forsaken country. Am tired of som sick tins in ds country.
You are amongst Nigeria's problem, you already contacted one of their oga @ the top right? Useless mofo! A pregnant woman fighting and cursing in public. Go park well joo, ur mates are driving Range, X6 and the likes, commom Murano u dey drive we no go hear word. Hisssssssssssss
Olimpus must not fall oooooo
You are a big fool,maybe you are watching too much of iranian press tv,that's you problem,you will soon go to US embassy to seek for visa,ANUOFIA!
They can go. They ve done worse in other countries
They can go. They ve done worse in other countries
Must u tell us d type of car u were driving?I sense pomposity in ds ur epistle.Abeg park well jor.U r pregnant and u still dey form James Bond.I pity u nd ur husband, wey say make u enter police station dey shout kidnap.Na police go fall una hand pass.
"Getting WORST" ?????
Really, PCharming, you can surely do better than that.
I doubt they even know their job description! I have deep hatred for both the police and army! They abuse power. They are bullies! They had better go for proper trainingand re-orientation...bunch of animals!
Did not see any difference. The killers were not captured instead innocent people were still dying. Dey don try for the one wey de sey dem do. Make dem bye bye.
@3:48 its actually you who is the fool. You should reason with your head. I'm sure you look at the US military as gods, but guess what? ASA spoke the cold, hard, truth! You are just an illiterate that allows yourself to be spoon fed information without thinking whether or not its facts. Dumb.
I wouldn't even doubt that the US set the whole thing up, they are very capable of going to any length to have things work in their favor.
It a pity that we can't get things right in this country without assstance frm outside.
The Bloody Human Rights people are only busy making noise on behalf of BOKO HARAM and its AGENTS. I did not hear them talk after the Kano massacre, nor madala, not at the various other killings by BH. To stop the violence BH should surrender SIMPLE and the Nigerian Military will go and sleep in the barracks. This same madness was used by our Nigerian military in Sierra Leon, Liberia etc, Today you can find peace there. If American military have not murdered civilians in the cause of building peace in IRAQ, and co let them throw the first stone. I support the military tactics on BH 200%
guys lets be rational biko, ehen. Nigerian military can be sometimes unnecessarily ruthless and brutal, agreed. But how has the assistance of the US army helped in curtailing our security wahala?? if actually they have made any difference, somebody pls tell me
Nigeria we hail thee......., though tribes and tongues may differ. What we had in this nation is not idependence but handing over of the baton of oppression from the white colonial masters to the black. It is as though, ' if I had to be oppressed let it by my own kind'.The US did the right thing.
guys lets be rational biko, ehen. Nigerian military can be sometimes unnecessarily ruthless and brutal, agreed. But how has the assistance of the US army helped in curtailing our security wahala?? if actually they have made any difference, somebody pls tell me
Why the so much noise about Baga masacre. A more bizzarre one happened in Plateau state at Dogo-Nahawa and over 800 people where killed in cold blood in one night, yet it was well cover-up and no one made any noise. Yes all human lives are precious and shouldnt be wasted,yet when christains are killed, we are always told to turn the other cheek for another slap, but when a muslim is killed, all hell is let loose.
@ anonymous 3:48 you are an imbecile. Asa has made a very valid argument and all your peanut-sized brain could think of is getting an American visa. It irks me that morons like your low-life self are allowed to air your stupidity on platforms such as LIB. It is because of idiots like you that Americans think they can blackmail the whole world into accepting their views and thus shamelessly go about selling their own narrative. Rubbish!!!!
What is the relation? Military supper and gay marriage. Please explain
The US are such hypocrites, when they killed innocent civilians with there drone strike it was collateral damage. They should park well joor, much as I don't support the killings the US lack the moral ground to criticize. Its a war on terror and there must be fall outs
Why didn't they go and help syria, they know they'll gain nothing. US are after the mineral resources we have. They only want to enrich themselves.
Atleast dat lady had a murano, abeg which one u get? So u feel its right for a uniform man to be chasin a lady all over lagos? Moreso, is she d 1st to curse? vertually all drivers curse in naija cos of some stupid drivers on d road. Abeg no dey envy pple to get d murono no easy oh!
Those baga community they habour boko haram they deserve what they got... Nigerian military pls kill more accomplice of boko haram
pls obama shld remind again hw many civilians US drones av innocently killed in afganistan? Or US military wouldnt av shot bak if de wia shot at as defence. Pls tak several seats joo
More bullshit from the master bullshitter US govt. So now they realize they will not support govts with human rights abuses right? How about all of the illegal drone strikes that they are engaged in in Pakistan and Afghanistan where it has been proven that for every 1 terrorist killed by their drones, up to 60 innocent men, women & children are killed. Is that not worse human rights abuse?
They are just fooling themselves. Its not like the army was making any progress with the US assistance anyway. Good riddance to bad rubbish
Ow can u not bare ur mind simply because u want to be considered when u go scout for visa?sounds ridiculous.Everybody is entitled to their own opinions u don't have to take it personal
U can't be embarrase by any Military if u behave urself.
Thk U
Since they have debunked the rumour,no need for explanations...but just for the records,u never can tell,it might have been a plan to frustrate NIGERIA into accepting the legalisation of gay marriages(because the reason for the supposed withdrawal of support,is too minor*my thoughts though*.....and thanks for asking politely
@Anonymous 3:51; Thanks for the correction. One way or the other I messed up "worse" for "worst". Gracias!!
Lol @ parked my murano.
Okay oooo,bye bye and safe journey.
If they are so "daft", how come the Nigerian army is the best peace keeping force in the world and have timelessly kept peace and saved the American armies ass. Lets start with Black Hawk Dawn... Need i go on?
haba, common guys we can do beta dan insult our country. Come to tink of it, wat has d US done abt d boko haram crisis, nothin! Wen it comes to peace kippin, do a reasearch nd u'll find out dat Nigerian army r beta at dat. They only ans d name us army bt dn't meet up to d standards. Wheneva dey fail, dey will always find excuses y dey hav 2 leave. Hav u asked d reason 4 d baga killings? Rememba it was d army dat brought back peace to abia state durin dat kidnappin episode. All oda foreign bodies hav failed, dey only come and find out our weak areas nd broadcast it to d world thereby spoilin our reputation. I also feel dey want 2 force us to legalize gay marriage nd drugs. So u shld let dem do as dey please.
Hi Linda,
It is indeed very sad for Nigeria and all that it had to undergo.
I did read about all that took place in Borno state when the news had come out in April.
This is just news about the Baga massacre, but there are so many such incidents happening all over the world and makes us just wonder how and where it will all lead to.
I wish things weren't going the way they go and there was more peace and harmony.
Nigeria Army should intensify their effort so as to overcome any challenges facing them.
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