Sources today named one of the suspects as Michael Adebolajo (pictured above) who, along with his fellow alleged killer, is a British citizen who converted to a radical form of Islam. They are not thought to have links to terror groups based in Nigeria, such as the jihadist militant organisation Boko Haram. The Foreign Office warns of a high threat from terrorism in the West African nation and raises the prospect of a risk of retaliatory attacks following the French intervention in Mali.The other killer may also be Nigerian though he has not been formally identified. Continue...
The other killer being confronted by a woman...possibly a British citizen of Nigerian descent
1 – 200 of 374 Newer› Newest»Its sad regardless of their nationality. This is humAnity
A Nigerian? This is not good.
Must Nigerians be involve in every wicked acts? God help us!
This is just soooo bad for our already battered image...smh
Linda have you now seen the reason why I call Blacks Negro. Its just in the sink colour it can never change
This is really bad, am really sad these animals r nigerians, yet another bad image of nigeria, 'ms Bee'
what kind of brain washing mechanism do this Boko haram use ? i am getting sick of all this rubbish
Are they alright. He's raised in the uk not Nigeria. Wahtever he has been taught must have been from Britain not Nigeria.
EXORTICEYEZ MIMI, pls dont forget that thing i want us to do because i am very hard already.
Mmsschew! Why nw? I tire oh
Yoruba and hausa people,they keep on messing this country up.underwear bomber hausa,this one a yoruba man.the same people that are killing the economy and pride of this nation.shame on u
We certainly do not need this now..Nigerians have never been known to be terrorist or have terror streak in them.
Get a diploma in makeup artistry
Why nigerian again.....God will help us
Nigeria!!! We are just seen an apology in the eyes of the Int'l community, how sad a country I call my own! Always in the news for all the wrong reasons! How appalling and ignominious!!
Trust Nigerians 2 always associate wit negative tinz.. Na waoh
World war 3 I can,t wait to join in destroying those british racist
It's not Muhajud, it's (Mujaheed)
To move forward, we must first accept that there are certain Animal elements that exist within the Black race.
I am not referring exclusively to the current situation in Nigeria, although that is a good example of our races shortcomings. The Woolwich incident definitely was a catalyst for me writing what I said. The image of a black man with blood on his hands holding a machete is a clear manifestation of the Animal element we need to address. There are decent hard working black people living all over the World but an inexplicable act like what occurred today just paints us all in a bad light. Then we cry racism and equal rights when immigration laws keep getting tighter and many blacks can't find jobs overseas. We are responsible for the negative image the rest of the world have of us. The slavery excuse is getting old. We've played the victim for far too long and to our own detriment. I'm tired of us crying to the west to help us wipe our own arses, the Oxfam feed a child for a pound a day rhetoric is getting old. Do we not have governments? If our leaders were not so blind, sons and daughters of Africa will not be running away in search of a more stable future. We need to wake up from this self induced sleep and fast. I have decided to put my real name at the end of this because this is something I believe in and therefore do not feel the need to hide my identity.
Olugbile Holloway
1. Home-grown terrorism.
2. In the end, the single truth in this war on terror is that there are no CHRISTIANS killing anyone out there in God's name.
And it had to be a Nigerian!we're not done with the Arik Air Hostesses yet now this... Goodness,This is so Terrible for Nigeria's image, the foreign media are so going use this against us even in the near future#sad much
How do people have such wicked heart to butcher a fellow human without any conscience?
This is barbaric!!! Pls am sure he has a British passport and so pls he is not Nigerian. Does he llive here? Am sure he was raised in Britain.
Hmmmmmm these pple will soon stop issuing visa to naijas
Oh man! Not again...are this pple not tired of giving Nigeria a bad name? This is d last thing this country needs right nw. God help us!
Smh! This not what we need right now ...giving us bad name & image abroad
Linda, Michael Adebolajo is a British citizen. He is not a Nigerian. If he had won Olympic gold, which country will it be recorded for?
This is soo sad this is a blow for the nation as a whole violence is never the way sun re fallen soldier
This is obviously a psychiaric case and not terrorism. How many terrorists wait for police to come and continue to argue with other citizens.I thought their targets is usually based on mass casualties.
waoooo..this is crazy now for nierians seeking visa to uk.wich kin bad luck they wan give us.Ghosh was hoping e wasnt a ngerian.dam.now am so afraid to go out in this twn because of retaliation from the white folks.manchester that is a crazy town.
God forbid bad thing ooo.
Yorubas raping and killing in England!
But one thing i've been asking myself is dat... Is it dt they used juju on these Peeps? To kill a fellow human and wait 4 d'worst... They even told some1 to film it... Dis one pass me oo.
hmmmm Naija I dey hailoo.
always in the news for the wrong reasons.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
my Yoruba brodas representing!
9ja na terrorism dey pay now? Una do leave 419? Dat name linda no b yoruba name? Since when yoruba people join boko haram? We are jst so full of shit.
If islam is all about peace y r they causing trouble everywhere? Let the imams caution its members to stop this violence. The same muslims will open their mouth n judge christians 4 how we dress n behave n even put their mouth 2 judge a good pastor n bad pastor. Muslims in the house stand up n form a force against this ur fellow brother causing wahala. These guys r not bokoharam sect members atall. I am sure they r solo. They finish reading about jihad war in the quoran n decided 2 practice it......
These shameless Muslims disgrace Nigerians everywhere,i just wish there was nothing like that Religion joor
I wonder why they are doing this to us.am sure when we go out, even work or anywhere, they will jxt be looking at us somehow.makung things more difficult for us here in london.
Bad publicity to set us all bckward....we surely dont need this stories linked to terror....let the twisted arm of d law catch up wit em al
D bastards r islamic extremists dunno watz their biz if british soldiers kill ppl in iraq A̶̲̥̅̊₪d afghanistan...........but d british should pls ₪Ö̤̣̇τ̩̩ retailate o
why are nigerians overseas making other nigerians look bad. we already have problems of our own over here
Diz is really sad, we r tryin 2 gerrout 4rm diz BK problem n diz idiots r puttin more salts 2 our wounds... *sigh* God help us...lindy abeg dey post my comments na...*angry*
*Lil fresh*
Chris says, is dis wat nigeria really needs now, we are still battling with our problem internally, one idiot decided to chop someone's head off, some ppl don't value life @ all.
This guy is such an idiot Woolwich, kidbrook, Greenwich, lewisham down to peckham will be on high alert those are predominately Nigerian populated area. Really feel sorry for Nigerians without papers in those area.
Why must he be Nigerian?.he should be chopped too like a goat that he is
Gosh....look at how they even look like n dey still seem so confident..... I hope this will not cause banning of Nigerians immigrating to d U.K or U.S or wateva....cos me I wna run away from dis country... BEASTS in human clothings...
JEEEEZZZZ!!!! WE ARE IN THE NEWS AGAIN! FOR YET ANOTHER HORRID REASON! what sort of rubbish is that? abeg make them kill the guy!
Awon omo ale!! Imagine the shame again. Lord,help us to raise godly children in these evil days.
OH MY GOD!!!... This is so shameful, why do Nigerians get their hands dirty in such a barbaric act. What they have done is un-acceptable and should not be condoned. Where on earth did they learn that from. I am soooo Speechless!!!
Its Quite Shocking!
Its Shocking!
Please while they are at it they shldnt forget that the dude didnt grow up in Nigeria but over their with them....... so Nigeria hasnt got shit to do with this........ they shlould sort themslvs out 1st b4 pointing fingers....
Lord av mercy!!
why do dis folks give us a bad name. God! he was a fucking nigerian
Bad character of Nigerians at it again. Is religion a do or die affair? Islamist!!! Haba... and Jonathan is busy capturing n releasing boko-haram. I'm so sorry for dis government.
why do dis folks give us a bad name. God! he was a fucking nigerian
why do dis folks give us a bad name. God! he was a fucking nigerian
Like seriously...what's going on?must we deteriorate to this?Lord have Mercy
oh noo!!!
Ndi ofe mmanu, unu echuzi na anyi afa na obodo anyi a bu Naijiria.. Unu na akpakwa alu oooo emesia unu asi na ndi igbo huru ego n'anya..
This is really a disgrace to nigerians, what do this people gain in killing people in the name of killing for allah, I wish God will sweep away all this heartless muslim
Nigerians be disgracing us!!!
this isn't what nigeria needs right now...right here in the country, there's mayhem and our brothers abroad are giving us a bad image also...God help us
These islamic extremists are so heartless.u know shooting someone is a hard tin to do,but it can be done at d heat of d moment.but butchering someone like a goat is a whole new ball game!!blood and other stuff will be flowing out while u,re hacking away.God pls have mercy on us all.they wanted to be caught,dats y they didn,t even attempt to run after killing d soilder.they wanted everyone to know y they did it.they also hoped d police would shoot them down,so they will get to have d virgins promised them in heaven.ntoooo for them,now they get to spend d rest of their miserable lives in jail
This animals called islamic terrolist should wipe out like insect they don't suppose to live at all imagine d bad names they creat in nigeria and abroad a boy of twenty years butcher his fellow human being in d name of revenge God forbid!!!
Oya 9ja ppl start packing ur loads oh....mass deportation on the way......ako oh dabi Ike oh
I feel so terrible! This is horrific! A Nigerian, possibly two carried out such dastardly act in broad daylight in the streets of London?
We are our own trouble! What a shame... God help us.
I had this fear the moment they said two black men. The Nigerians in England can misbehave!!! How can your name be Michael and you are muslim? Who is fooling who?
Oh my good Lord, imagine that murderer going to the camera to show his deadly face, they think is Nija where u kill nd go scort free nd that will be by gone. A tooth for a tooth and eye for an eye so he said and so shall befall him. LINCHU
Honestly speaking,the British has a hand in all that is going on in Nigeria today!.IF NIGERIA FALLS BRITISH IS HIT OR AFFECTED DEEPLY.
my oh my.
my worse fear confirmed yet again.A Nigerian again? na wa oh. when ll this people stop embrassing n tarnishing this country? God help us.
Dis is absurd!nigerians are always at it,killing and all sorts of evil.ds is really bad on us,na wa o
I knew he would be a Nigerian.....
The authorities have this guys papers they should clear up this nationality news, Nigeria has not been having good publicity in diaspora so If this turns out to be the guy is not from nija it wouldn't be a bad idea.
There is nothing like british Nigerian..he is either British or Nigerian....If it was a good thing he did now they would claim him now he is british nigerian becos he has killed someone...Rubbish
This is bad, these dudes are giving us bad name
Why are these guts like this, they always want to make us look bad as Nigerians. And then who says Islam is a peaceful religion..
Why r dey sayin he's a british nigerian...if he was doin somtin good dey'l not link him to anoda country...idowu philips n d rest of oda nigerians representing dem @ d olympics are called british...dem con see terrorist now dem dey call am nigerian...if obama was a terrorist,na kenyan dem for dey call am.oshisco
He was born in Britain to a Nigerian father.....he has been a British citizen all his life and he has never been in Nigeria before. Please dont be in a rush to copy daily mail
May God judge dese two guys 4 taking d life of anoda Man. How can pple be dis wicked!!! This one kuld even talk wif his blood-stained hands. They av rly rubbished d name of our dear country Nigeria!!. May d soul of dat innocent citizen rest in perfect peace.
He is not a Nigerian. He was born, raised and radicalized in the UK. His name does not make him a Nigerian. If he was a successful sportsman or politician, his background will mean nothing. How many times have they referred to Philips Idowu bacground? This guy will accept that he is a Nigerian and as far as I know, there is nowhere in british form that states nationality as Nigerian-British. He is 100% british.
Hmmm. Nigerian making international headlines bt negatively. From hard drug possession to brutal killing. Naija I hail u. U have crossed d border of Naija wit ur barbaric act. LIBers join me let's pray for dis nation of ours.....
Jesu kristi. nigerian muslims what do you have to say? well this is how they butcher people in kano, kaduna when they feel like it. Am not surprised. Start deporting nigerian muslims sharp sharp uk govt abeg. no mercy. after schooling in uk free. bastards. now am angry sef. after they will block my chance to renew uk visa with my islamic name. i need to change my name abeg. shame....
This is so sad.They are giving nigerians a bad name.To collect visa now go be war
Told u guys. The British press/govt. has been looking for a way to tag Nigeria a terrorist nation following the Boko Haram uprising...& if these bloody, Nigerian Islamic extremists & criminals in the UK don't quit, then soon, we'll be tagged alongside the likes of Somali & Mali & that would surely dent our diplomatic/bilateral relationships with Britain & the West.
But that white lady get mind sha, me I no fit confront an armed/dangerous man in that state. She could've been a victim too.
Rubbishly said... What is the problem of this white...Now he's a Nigeria, assuming he has collected medal for them, do something good for the white... Dey will say he's a British citizen... Agbolahan is not a Nigeria abi?.. I remember when dey re fightly to hve Victor Moses, some1 said he was a Nigeria but he learn his soccer in England... And that makes him their own... This Guy Micheal coverted to Islam in UK, grow up in UK, probably was born there.. So What re they saying... They should not label Nigeria in a bad way cause this is purely an islamist Operation... Micheal is not a Nigeria Nationalist but British Citizen.
This is jUst unbelievable,yet they stil had the mind to speak in front of cameras.What is this world tunning into?
This is crazy! Indeed end time is here!
Anybody who insults islam is jus as ignorant as these guys! I'll say it now and continue to say this, the prophet (PBUH) did not bring this kind of message to his people, this is a betrayal of islam as james cemeron said earlier! Islam does not encourage killing innocent nd defencless people in the Name of Allah! The attrocities people have committed in Allah's name, hhmmn only he 'Allah'can and will Judge!
Bitchplis, of course who wants to be identified with scum? Instead of you to be worried about this you are chatting s**t. People like you are the reason our country will never go forward and boko harram continues to thrive. Afterall nigerians also like to lay claim to foreign based nigerians who are doing well even wen nigeria had no place in their sucess.
that woman that confronted him get mind oh..
But why cant we do better for ourselves as a nation,.
Every week we get bad news. God please help us.. Nigerians please help yourselves. Please.. We need to elect in a new government that will guide us and provide social amenities sso people dont have to result to rubbbish like this.
Im weak my bros and sisters men.. just weak
Mumu there is! He claimed to be british!
Abeg, they should linit how they issue muslims with visa especially to european or american countries. why??? any country. let these terrorists remain in their countries and kill their fellow muslims if they are blood thirsty.
I dont understand their religion and i dont want to
Why not. Who needs to identify with a scumbag. And there is definitly something like british _ nigerian so if u dont know pls sit in a quiet corner n seal ur lips
this is really shameful. how dare they do this thing and give Nigerians a bad name? just terrible!!
And another fool gives this nation with an already corrupt image a bad name on d lips of every British citizen. How I just wish I could change my citizenship of dis disgrace of a country called Nigeria.
Now ur talking @hillary how can u be micheal and b a muslim just bcos he said killing in d name of Allah? Dat should not justify him as a muslim he has his motive n pls u wait n here
Wat Rascality!!!
My deaaar, o ka fa ne me ooo. Nekwa ife fa me kita. Mana o soso afa fa julu ebe ni ne. Fa gulu ife anyi ne de kita nuwa, fa ne bela akwa na anyi ne kwu rubbish,na anyi chori bido ogo ozo. But nekwa oo, obulu afa anyi or afa fa? Choiii. Chukwu me lu anyi ebele.
Clearly he's been brain washed and confused because he's saying 'in our land...' and he's apparently of nigerian descent but its the muslims that are killing here not the british soldiers.
But they will always connect it to Nigeria. This is not fair!
Blacks,Russians and Arabs are natural fanatics, indoctrinating them with violent philosophies and religions only make matter worst
What has that got to do with Ndi ofe mmanu ? Man better know how to comment.
The day before yesterday it was cocaine smuggling not its butchering an innocent british citizen and our already corrupt name goes down d gutters again.
Shat up pls he's British not a Nigerian he was born in uk so they are not given us a bad name Abeg British people come here and do crap too nd besides he was raises there
OMOOOOOOOO...me no go travel again o before dis people go kiiii me join
Shut up# nobody holy pass...see ur big empty head. Isi gi gbawa thr! Ewu zambia! I bu ezigbo Ewu.
16 out of the 541 British athletes at the 2012 Olympics Games were Nigerians ? Phillips Idowu,James Dasaolu,Andrew Osagie,Lawrence Okoye,Abdul Buhari,Abiodun Oyepitan,Anyika Onuora,Margaret Adeoye,Christine Ohuruogu,Marilyn Okoro,Eniola Aluko,Temitope Fagbenle,Anthony Ogoro,Anthony Joshua,Peter Bakare and Dami Bakare. All represented Britain at the Olympics and WERE NEVER refered to as Nigerian/British. So they shld just stop this Nigeria british thing. I am not in anyway supporting these guys I condemed it totally but they shldnt be quick to say Nigerian are these Nigerians are that. These guy myt haven't been to Nigeria b4. So I will be glad if they can treat the case as a crime committed by and indivual british citizen. I am saying this for the sake of majority of Nigerians who can't hurt a fly. Not all of US are 419ers,not all of US are terrorist. Some of US are here doing good things.
As long as I am concerned. He is a British with only a Nigeria last name. I have been following the news on bbc since yesterday and Nigeria hasn't been mentioned. ..They refer them as Islamic extremists and sick ones at that. Abeg free Nigeria jor
ZKennis Mario Chukis
May the soul of the deceased soldier rest in peace. It is very
sad, but for the British and other Western hypocrites, it serves
them well. When terrorists strike in Nigeria, they link it with
poverty and bad governance, but when it happens in their
enclaves it then becomes terrorism. I expect John Kerry to tell
the UK government to respect human rights while fighting the
Kabiru Sokoto reads terror manual, Umar Muttallab reads
terror manual, Imam Shekau reads terror manual, MohamMAD
taught terror from quran, Bin Laden spread terror with quran,
Somalia (Muslim country) is still being terrorized by adherents
of the unholy quran, Mali is torn apart by quranic
fundamentalists ,
Pakistan is in a constant state of war because of different views
Islam, India had to break up to let jihadists go and form
Pakistan, in
Myanmar Muslims are being evicted in their thousands because
of their stupid killings and jihad, in USA a pastor organized to
burn the unholy book on 9/11 but only succumbed to international
pressure, in Norway Breivick committed mass murder to alert
Europe of the influx of jihadist and ghost looking women into
their domain, in France women are banned from wearing the
stupid islamic veil used to cover faces of terrorists, in England
the English Defense League (EDL) has been formed to fight the
influx of jihadists into UK, the biggest sponsor of terrorism
comes from Saudi Arabia, insurgency of any kind mostly occur in
only muslim domains.
Do I have problem with Islam as another religion? NO! But I
definitely have problem with the wicked passages in the unholy
quran used by groups like boko haram, al shabaab, AL Qaeda,
Hezbollah, Ansaru etc to terrorize the world. And I definitely
have a
problem with the stupid idea contained in the unholy quran that
the whole world must submit to islam before there can be peace.
Religion of peace tearing countries apart into pieces. Even islamic
countries are not immune to it's evil; in Iraq, Somalia, Yemen,
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mali etc you see jihadist killing fellow
and you think your islam deserves respect? WHAT AN IRONY. I
advice that your Muslim scholars get together and edit that
manual! remove passages that encourage evil such as Quran
(2:191-193), Quran (2: 216), Qur'an (3:56), Quran (4:74), Quran
(4:89), Quran (8:12 ...the foundation of all terror activities),
Quran (8:39...the basis for global jihad), Quran (9:29....the basis
for killing Christians and Jews), Quran (9:41....the command to
sponsor terrorism), Quran (66:9...which portrays mohamMAD as a
terrorist). The list is endless! As a Christian I can proudly say
that Christian scholars met and decided to remove parts of the
Bible which do not represent the true teaching of Jesus Christ
and which do not sound relevant, any passage which contains
bloodshed is purely left for historical purposes and does not
affect the conduct of a Christian. I wish Muslims could do the
same but alas their drunk prophet forbid them to use the heads.
They just follow rules written therein like donkeys, if the Qur'an
says kill they kill without thinking. My fellow Christians I
know I sound rude but the truth is bitter. I'm sure Imam Shekau
is a
more devout Muslim than these ignoramuses you see on facebook
so hold your peace. If I'm wrong I'll face God in judgement and
is my cup of tea. He who has an ear let him hear.
Linda I don't expect you to call this guy a Nigerian, he is BRITISH, why are all the media calling them British Nigerian or Nigeria British...AT the last Olympics like 20 out the 500 plus atheletes that represented Britain were Nigerians, they never referred to them as British Nigerians but British. It's high time we stand against all bad image against our country, we are loving people and we care for other human races. I am strongly against the killing tho...
The backlash has started already....people have started looking at me in a funny way and i am just a chick o. Someone even had the audacity to ask if i am Nigerian, when i said yes, the idiot (A white lady) said so what do you have to say about what happened in Woolwich? This was what i said to her:
Last week a White man slit the throat of his own 2 White children...What do you have to say about that?
Recentley a White man named Mark Bridger killed a little White girl named April Jones. Ran her over with his car and burned her body in his fire place. What do you have to say about that?
An average of 273 children are abducted, killed in the UK each year... Mostly by White men. What do you have to say about that?
Recently, an 8 month old pregnant mum killed her three children and jumped off a high building killing herself and unborn child. What do you have to say about that?
She just stared at me while i walked away.
I do not deny that fact that something horrible has happened. I am ashamed of that fact that my beautiful country Nigeria has been dragged into this. It is a lesson to each and everyone of us....WE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE....WE MAKE NIGERIA A BETTER PLACE. WE...not anyone else.
okay my rant is over...PHEW
@ bitchplis...I really love your comment and makes lot of senses. You said it all. Kudos 2 u
This is insane..
On a related issue, isn't it funny how during the olympics so many British-Nigerians were referred to as Brits with no mention of their Nigerian roots.
When it relates to bad news, these countried easily remember the roots and if possible, call them foreigners with no mention of their true nationality.
That boy was born and raised in the UK. The English society influenced him and made a monster out of him and not Nigeria....
@bitchplis .. U said it all, i really love your comment. Gbam#
He is British.. nothing like British Nigerian.. mshewww, racists are showing themselves now.
these British people sha. What these terrorists did was beyond horrible and God would judge them.but see how they r quickly identifying them as Nigerian British. 16 out of the 541 British athletes in the 2012 Olumpics games were Nigerians and they were not referred to or identified as Nigerian British.
Ds guy didn't ve naija accent nd no naija mentality not to talk Yoruba. Am so afraid to walk the street of woolwich as a Nigerian. D native re angry.I thank God 4 giving me d courage to denouNce Islam. Now I know peace.
WHERE ARE THE IBO BASHERS? WHERE ARE THEY NOW? incase you are not aware, in London or USA if you should even mention that you are a yoruba person or God help you, a muslim, people automatically stay away from you. The Nigerian how did you know that? well because I lived there. Religion of peace my ass.
Nigerians will sit down , blame colonial masters for their misfortune, blame this, blame that. No wonder we are stagnant as a nation. Look at boko haram wiping out people n everyone just reads d news n moves on like its normal. Granted this is not abt this animal being born in uk or his father being nigerian, its about islam ( the religion of 'peace')cos this guy was born n brought up here in britain. It still wldnt wipe the 'nigerian' off him.lets learn to face problems squarely, most of the comments i read on here just go to show many nigerians have the same or even worse mentality than the politicians they spend so much time insulting. U say there is nothing like british nigerian, sorry there is something like that n no one wants to be identified with scum. Even nigerians like to lay claim to foreign based n made pple of naija origin even wen our country had no hand to play in their sucesses.
Islam is not a religion of violence... Ha'an wtf is wrng with y'll blabbing muslims this muslims that huh? Islam is peace... Nd this man is nt even a muslim coz his name is micheal.. No real muslim will go killing human beings ok, get that to ur fucking heads..
I beg Muslims enlighten us on your holy war or majid, or whatever you call it.
All his families are there sef...Blessing Adebolajo, Anthony Adebolajo, Tana Adebolajo, freinds and past or present neighbours Joshua A.O Daniels, Bandele Osunkoya.... works history in family :Demi Daniels Limited, John Lawrence.... dude even has a facebook account and deactivated it before the operation...he knew it was a suicide mission...worrisome is the fact that he had a christian background....and Islam said to be peaceful shows that a demon actually entered into this dude...hkilled and stood by the corpse...occultic sytle of execution....think...this is way deeper than what we think it is....something and probably someone screwed with his mind and brain...he may not have even been in a mosque before......
very funny its this islamic folks again ahhhh we tire.well we know hearing n seeing is believing so i can say i hav heard and seen this MUSLIMS are just a clear of Gods regret of creating man
Kenny chucks or whatever you call yourself ... you already said it all if you are wrong you will face Gods judgement...... people like you are those people that God will finally show the way..... holy book that's being edited what a funny phrase..... you should have call it novel or dictionary
He is not Nigerian and certainly not British Nigerian. He is British. The news and electronic media in Nigeria including Linda need to send the right message quickly. He carries a British passport, born and bred in the UK, Educated in the UK and has probably never been to Nigeria.
Please Linda, I beg you dont join the band wagon and drag Nigeria into this. The British press will do all that is required and neccesary to make this look like this is a "Nigerian Terrorist". We have a responsibility to let the world know that this is "British terrorist"
Is Barrack Obama a Kenyan or an American?
Please, let us do all we can to drop this tag, He is not Nigerian, He is BRITISH.....
Rubbish why telling us they are from Nigeria while they were born and breed in UK? They are 100% British,when they do good things they are Britons but when is the other way round they become Nigerians...Please David cameroon and his media houses should spare us this bad name calling.They are British products..
He's as Nigerian as Ed Miliband is Polish or as Obama is Kenyan or as Sarkozy is Hungarian.
At hilary obiohrah thats why Linda put the link to were the story was extracted from he is a convert who converted to islam in 2003 learn to read and do more research b4 u comment oshi... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2329470/Michael-Adebolajo-named-Woolwich-killers.html
why do my comments not make it to your thread? not dramatic enough? I thought media was all about the different voices of the masses. My comments are not offensive.
This is just added to the Growing negative perception about Nigeria in the world.
1 question my friend, so was mutallab a muslim?
This just had to happen when i'm going to the embassy next week. Chai!
And when they deny us Nigerians Visa we scream bloody murder and call them racist, dream killers et al. When we can't even respect our own name. We disgrace and embarrass ourselves wherever we go, inside plane, even common India we dey show ourselves for there. Abeg deport all the ones they find wanting. Let them come home and do all their rubbish. Nigerians una own too much.
Ok so make an argument to assuage the terror acts of boko haram in Nigeria. The truth is that you muslims practice a disorganized religion and are trying to disorganize the world. A religion which has no regard 4 its believers, no wonder when they die, they are just wrapped in cloth&thrown into the grave. Barbaric fools.
My thoughts exactly
Exactly. His first name is english and a muslim second name. He is a brainwashed British Muslim that was hoping to start a tribal war but unfortunately the British are enlightened and can see through his actions
As I heard the News this afternoon in Radio here, ii was schock and shouted "Please not again from Nigeria", we had had enough of bad news in the last years, corruption, Boko Haram, Niger Delta Militant etc, save us oh God, we dont want another bad name
He converted to Islam and changed his name to mahijid . He was born in uk and grew up in the ukbut he obviously lost it when he accepted the Muslim faith
Kenny chukis u gonna rot in hellfire if care is not taking.. Lyk seriously u can abuse muslims if u lyk but nt THE HOLY QUR'AN and our beloved prophet (S A W).. U shameless thing
To all those that have realised that Nigeria has nothing to do with this THANK YOU......I am a christian and I have good islamic friends in school and as neighbours.I don't want to point fingers at anyone because christians and british have their own faults too.Lord save your children from evil.
@anon 1:22, and boko haram sect are WHAT? Idiot of the final degree!
Hold up! If he did a good thing no one would remember he is a nigerian. Now it bad he is a British citizen of nigerian descent. They should remember the guy grew up there so they should stop pointing fingers. But why did he do this? Why? It is so barbaric!
Hold up! If he did a good thing no one would remember he is a nigerian. Now it bad he is a British citizen of nigerian descent. They should remember the guy grew up there so they should stop pointing fingers. But why did he do this? Why? It is so barbaric!
My thots exactly. Shiz has guts mehnnnn! Wat if dey had attacked her too? Smh
Atrocious, illiterate islamic rat, of course you don't understand the meaning of the word 'converted',it means he turned to your messed up religion and now bears mujahid.
All of u sayn he's givn Nigeria a bad name its cos u thinkn dat way i a Nigerian wont let him define us we are all not terrorists we are all not killers and heartless he stands alone and where he comes from doesnt matter in this and i have never seen anyone as peaceful as real God fearing muslims i am christian and i know for a fact real muslims are more peaceful than most christians
oloshi ma ni eleyi o what a waste and some unfortunate parents gave birth to these monsters and call them children?
No one ever asked if he was a Muslim, please next time Linda don't group these people just tell us what they did and lets call it a day. Thank you
Pls stop saying he is Nigerian. That guy is British.
Nigerian's in the United Kingdom should speak out and condemn the beheading of a citizen yesterday in UK. The beheading was done by a British citizen and not a Nigerian as speculated, his name does not confirm his nationality. This lunatic was born in the United Kingdom, never been to nigeria, issued a birth certificate in the UK and held a British passport. Suddenly he is now a Nigerian?......This guy is not a NigerianBritish born Michael 'Mujahid' Adeboloja with an accomplice yesterday beheaded a British Soldier on a street in Woolwich, London.Because he is not Gabriel Agbonlahor playing for Aston Villa and Three Lions, or Andrew Osagie, UK's reigning 800m champion, or Lawrence Okoye, British Discus Record Holder (68.24m), or Abiodun oyepitan, British Olympic Silver and Gold Medalist, or Christine Ohuruogu, Beijing Olympic British Gold Medalist, or Eniola Aluko, British Olympic Female Football star, or Temi Fagbenle British Olympic Basketball queen, or several other thousands of British citizens with Nigerian connection who are making the country proud, it is being made to look like Nigeria has "shown itself again" in the action of that British boy who beheaded a soldier yesterday.Nigeria should just be left out of this.Please pass on to educate the ignorant ones.
Oh puhlease, shatup for crying out loud. One person first makes a reasonable comment and everyone follows suit saying the same thing in different ways. Somebody DIED!! An innocent man died and we are here crying wolf. What difference does it make whether he's African or European, Black or White, Muslim or Christian? He (they) killed a man who was not armed, who could not defend himself. Blood, red blood, the same that runs through our veins was shed for nothing...and a man died. The bottom line is we will all be judged by ONE GOD irrespective of our different ways of worship.
Anonymous 1:46, boko haram may call themselves muslims but they are nt really..coz islam ddnt teach us to kill innocent people U dumbass..nd lemme tell u sme of the boko harams aint even muslims thy christians nd sme of 'em pegans.. Nd mst of 'em pegans ar paid to kill certain peepz so as to create hatred btw d 2 religions.. So get that into ur stewpid brain
The British Press has not called him a Nigerian. Why all the fuss?
At any rate, the guy needed deliverance! He behaved like a real lunatic. He is possessed. Pray he realizes and repents.
May the soul of the guy killed RIP...but seriously why are people shocked that a Nigerian could do this? It happens EVERYDAY on our streets! not to talk of the University cults that butcher rival cultist....I just hope the perpetrators of this heinous act are made to face the FULL force of Justice!
The beheading was done by a British citizen and not a Nigerian as speculated; his name does not confirm his nationality.
This lunatic was born in the United Kingdom, never been to Nigeria, issued a birth certificate in the UK and held a British passport.
Sky's crime correspondent Martin Brunt said Adeboloja is a 28-year-old Londoner of Nigerian descent. "He was born in Lambeth, grew up in east London. There are still members of his family living in the area. "He was a student at Greenwich University, but it is not clear what he was studying there. Already on Facebook there are comments from former pupils say that they went to school with him in east London."
Suddenly he is now a Nigerian?......
This guy is not a Nigerian
British born Michael 'Mujahid' Adeboloja with an accomplice yesterday beheaded a British Soldier on a street in Woolwich, London.
Because he is not Gabriel Agbonlahor playing for Aston Villa and Three Lions, or Andrew Osagie, UK's reigning 800m champion, or Lawrence Okoye, British Discus Record Holder (68.24m), or Abiodun oyepitan, British Olympic Silver and Gold Medalist, or Christine Ohuruogu, Beijing Olympic British Gold Medalist, or Eniola Aluko, British Olympic Female Football star, or Temi Fagbenle British Olympic Basketball queen, or several other thousands of British citizens with Nigerian connection who are making the country proud, it is being made to look like Nigeria has "shown itself again" in the action of that British boy who beheaded a soldier yesterday.
Nigeria should just be left out of this.
we should not allow ourselves to be bamboozled into accepting falsehood as fact. mtchew!
Taaaaar!! Make all of una shorop deir! See ehn we ar used to dis tins,its in d blood. We cannot change!we ar progressing 4rm *NG* to overseas. thumbs up *NG*! Kill dem all mumu country.jus comment n pray d̶̶̲̥̲̥̅̊̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ dnt come ur way! Shikina. Long hiss* datz al. •Estrano Lala•
Nigerian's in the United Kingdom should speak out and condemn the beheading of a citizen yesterday in UK. The beheading was done by a British citizen and not a Nigerian as speculated, his name does not confirm his nationality. This lunatic was born in the United Kingdom, never been to nigeria, issued a birth certificate in the UK and held a British passport. Suddenly he is now a Nigerian?......This guy is not a NigerianBritish born Michael 'Mujahid' Adeboloja with an accomplice yesterday beheaded a British Soldier on a street in Woolwich, London.Because he is not Gabriel Agbonlahor playing for Aston Villa and Three Lions, or Andrew Osagie, UK's reigning 800m champion, or Lawrence Okoye, British Discus Record Holder (68.24m), or Abiodun oyepitan, British Olympic Silver and Gold Medalist, or Christine Ohuruogu, Beijing Olympic British Gold Medalist, or Eniola Aluko, British Olympic Female Football star, or Temi Fagbenle British Olympic Basketball queen, or several other thousands of British citizens with Nigerian connection who are making the country proud, it is being made to look like Nigeria has "shown itself again" in the action of that British boy who beheaded a soldier yesterday.Nigeria should just be left out of this.Please pass on to educate the ignorant ones.
@Anon 1:05, you bloody retard and dyslectic are the problem plaguing Nigeria. The dude is a home grown British individual, isn't that evident.
Nigeria has no iota of connection with this killing.
Pitiful that someone looks at you and calls you a child. Fucking waste of skin, your mum should have done the world a favour and swalled you.
All these Muslims that keep claiming that Islam is a religion of peace are just as evil as well. You know for a fact that you are trying to cover up and condone the evils that your religion condones. These people that go around killing everyone in every nation on earth are the true Muslims who are practicing pure Islam. They are then given the title radicalized Muslim. The truth is you that proclaims Islam as a religion of peace see these evil acts as heroic acts and consider that they should be martyrs for Islam. Stop lying. you feel a secret thrill when you hear of these acts, after all your goal is to kill off anyone that does not practice your religion. Shame. If you really think that Islam is a religion of peace for any other reason, then you need to have your head examined.
Olympic heroes, Philips Idowu and Christine Ohuruogu are BRITISH. Terrorist killer Michael Adeboloja is "BRITISH-NIGERIAN" pls pls and pls they should not tag him as a Nigerian.
As long as i condemned this act. i want to make one comment. had it been this guy won an Olympic trophy the name Nigeria will not appear but he will be called a british citizen. for christ safe he has a british passport and have every jurisdictional right like all british citizens be it black or white. so they should take away the name Nigeria here . he is a British citizen .
U're a fool! They should limit how they issue visa to muslims, Ode like u! He's a convert nd unfortunately he was converted by extremist! Dey re not muslims in any way bcause a good muslims knows better than to kill a fellow human being in the of Allah! Islam is agianst killing of innocent ouls dat's why even when a muslim mistakenly kills someone by accident, wether muslim or christain, he must fast for 60 days nd pay a certain amount of money to d deceased family, the money can be waved if the family decides to for go it, but the fasting is mandatory on any true muslim who finds himself in this situation, that is how precious a human life is in Islam, our Prophet(PBUH) said if u murder a human soul it's like u have murdered a whole mankind. Do not insult islam please!
Y do U̶̲̥̅̊ keep saying he s nt a Nigeria, he s a Nigeria? It seems U̶̲̥̅̊ left ur 'n' in d ocean.
Kennis chukis,,,Ў☺ΰ amazed ♍ƺ wit u̶̲̥̅̊я write up..pls follow up @shalomttheo...A̶̲̥̅♏ still overwhelmed wit u̶̲̥̅̊я write up.wat a revelation??wit dis piece I knw u̶̲̥̅̊я analysis tranverse socio, political and religious dimension...thumps up bro...
My heart Goes out to the Family of the soldier killed buh What I Still don't understand is how come the identity of the attackers have been revealed so fast but the identity of the man killed is still unknown to the public ....I think there is something fishy going
My hubby and I were so sure this mental case was a British Somalian as we would not have associated a British Nigerian to this barbaric act!
Please those crying for Nigerian muslims in Uk to be deported back to Nigeria , as in why? There is already Boko haram to contend with and you bring back these dare devils? Let Britain deal with them there and spare us more blood shed.
My thoughts exactly!
What do they even teach them in that mosque? I mean, do they just tell them to go out to the world and start killing? What is with them muslims??? Its so so sickening geez!
E koshi lo jhor....eyin wehrey jati jati. Ur holy qur'an??ur beloved prophet indeed. So all he could teach u was taking innocent lives? Huh? Yet u call him beloved, biko swerve. Eyin oloriburuku extremist oshi yi
Plz his not Nigerian,he has a blue passport not green.born and brought in the uk.so his British.plz let Nigerians rest from all this charade.
HEAR ME LOUD AND CLEAR: HE IS NOT A NIGERIAN, HE IS BRITISH!! Can we refer to white South Africans as Germans, Dutchs?
No wonder wheneva I get into another country, they just stare at we nigerians as if dey re watchin som horror movie. Haba :::::::::
U will never find peace in your life in shaa Allah for the insults u ve poured on Allah, the prophet(PBUH) nd the precious Qur'an, u ve made references to the verses and chapters, u think u knw but u knw not, the same Qur'an u quoted has it in "surah kafiroon( the nonbelievers or those who reject faith)" 1.say: O ye who reject faith
2. I worship not that ye worship.
3. Nor will u worship that which I worship.
4. And I will not worship that which ye have been to worship
5. To you be your way and to me be mine!
Quran 109 verses 1:6 don't u ever judge the quran with those people u mentioned above! They are fanatics and extremists, Islam promotes peace nd islam is peace!
Oyibo.spoke it abeg.
Oh please, spare us the story and tell that to the birds. Isla was spread by violenece, that's why blood will continue to be shed in the name of your islam. Its the religion of war period.
U're a fool! They should limit how they issue visa to muslims, Ode like u! He's a convert nd unfortunately he was converted by extremist! Dey re not muslims in any way bcause a good muslims knows better than to kill a fellow human being in the of Allah! Islam is agianst killing of innocent ouls dat's why even when a muslim mistakenly kills someone by accident, wether muslim or christain, he must fast for 60 days nd pay a certain amount of money to d deceased family, the money can be waved if the family decides to for go it, but the fasting is mandatory on any true muslim who finds himself in this situation, that is how precious a human life is in Islam, our Prophet(PBUH) said if u murder a human soul it's like u have murdered a whole mankind. Do not insult islam please!
U r a fool. Dis person hasn't even bin to nigeria b4. He was born dere,schooled dere,raised dere,u r here opening ur rotten mouth to spit bullshit. Better go watch d news very well b4 u come here to type ur life history
so comments r nt safe in LIB, na wao i just read my comment now posted by Shai. chai LILI u dey try o. am sure u wont post dis 1, Smh
He is Nigerian by descent, so he is not Nigerian in my opinion, he is born and bred in Britain, but the British are known for that, if he won an Olympic medal, he would be known as simply being British..
That is what he is!!! They remembered where his roots are now that he is an abomination.
See the way no country wants to claim him now. Everybody is giving excuses.
God forbid bad thing. Why should such happen in a peaceful neighborhood. They are murderers and will be treated as such.
May the soul of the victim rest in peace through the mercy of God and may He protect us from evil. The end is truly nigh
I m in UK on holiday now, don't want to think about what would ve happened if I went to embassy after this occurred.
I am beginning to think Nigeria is cursed.
Oh pls shut up ur gutter mouth joor
"As a Christian I can proudly say
that Christian scholars met and decided to remove parts of the
Bible which do not represent the true teaching of Jesus Christ
and which do not sound relevant, any passage which contains
bloodshed is purely left for historical purposes and does not
affect the conduct of a Christian".
Kenny Chukis. I quite disagree with u on the above. Where on earth did u hear that some portion in the bible were removed. The only thing done so far is that it has been written in simple English language form for the benefit of those who cannot comprehend the conventional English. Always get yr facts right, don't lay a claim on what u cannot defend so that u don't sound funny to those outside the faith.
Bristish are the problem of nigeria today cos they always issue visa to all this animal call musilum even the emirs are always invited to palace for dinner and have ever hear that Igwe/HRH has ever invited to that palace.
Ignorant Bastard. You are definately going to hell.
Bcos those killed in Iraq nd Afghanistan nσt humans abi. God have mercy
This is really sad and heartless,enough of all this bullshit from the Muslim,don't they like peace and happiness.Now am finding it difficult to tell people am a Nigeria, is no longer 419 now it is terrorism.Haba this is not fair,may be they shld stop giving muslim visa and deport those of them oversea.May be that will help
In London, Ibo = 419 while Yoruba = Terrorism, Hausa just dey watch and dey laugh us disgracing ourselves.
I'm still proud to be Nigerian. Even though my oyibo colleagues dey take one eye dey look me now but afraid to speak
You are a born by mistake!!!
Ure very rite, manchys are rasist frm time ! I live at harphurey very close to Asda nd for the 1st time in my 20yrs here I felt so much hatred in the air! I rushed bak to my house oo. The sad thin is dt ghanians are neva in the news like ds.
this is serious may God protect his children
My thoughts exactly! Please he's British! Sure he was raised there. If he was a celeb now they won't remember that he is Nigerian .
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