Thousands of people flocked to the church after church officials announced that holy water would be distributed. During the rush for the anointed water, three women and one man lost their lives after being trampled over.
Ghanaian authorities said the stampede could have been avoided if the church had used a bigger venue. The church is no longer allowed to hold revivals at their Spintex Auditorium in Accra.
May their souls rest in peace
'Three Men and one Man'. It is well o. Anyway RIP 2 d victims.
"Three men and one man lost their lives"...what kinda English is that ooo...
I still don't see him as a prophet. Says a whole lot of evil stuff for a prophet of God!
Btw Linda, I think you made a mistake - 'tousand'. Fix it.
Linda..'Three men n one man'??wich 1 na??n BTW dis 1 na old jist oo..wetin dey happen Madam??
"During the rush for the anointed water, three MEN and one MAN lost their lives"..... As in? *confused*
If you like don't post my comment. Wicked girl
Too bad! Better logistics gotta be put in place next time!
Next please
Wow this seems kind of harsh, human beings are the most difficult things on earth to manage and keep in line, the stampede and eventual deaths weren't anticipated. His church faithfuls will be downcast by this news. I am not one so please don't hate.
Eyaaaaa! Lol
Ghost Mode! Man plants camera in house to catch ghost; finds girlfriend sleeping with son
....thousands, 3 men and one man were killed, are you such in a hurry to post without proofreading? any way I'm first.
share your US visa experiences here
Anty Linda which one be 3men and 1man again?
linda what's three men and one man. and Tousand
Na wa o! Signs & wonders thingy leading to death!!!
Linda three men and one man?
Y couldn't he predict the death in his church? Only God know d source of that holy water. Other churches I know of, u come with ur own water, and its blessed there. Neva heard of sharing of holy water before
"Three men and one man"? You probably meant three men and one woman abi?
O!yes and you shall know yee that when men shall leave serpent and snake and trampled upon their fellow men the end is nearest ..... not funny oh!
What problem are you having? Everything lies within you. Just take appropriate action at the right time with a solemn word from your creator, and you are there. The future belong to us.
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Hian linda 3 men and a man,ok oh. I kan see d stampede affected u too.
Na wah ooo,miracle Noni.
Linda, three men and one man? #Confused
Anti Christ and endtime things.bewarerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Eyaaa...rip to dem
"three men and one man"??!!
Linda spellin check pls. D words 'tousand',' men' n 'man'. Plus it was not d man's fault. Desperate pple. Just sayin...D Curious1
Nice to know the Ghanian govt values the lives of thier citizens. Had it been naija na OYO u dey.
How far Linda, you need to proof-read your articles. You wrote "three men and one man", Did u mean four men? or three women and one man? Miss Ikeji!
Even you , Linda resorting to such cheap sensational headlining !! How does the Ghanaian authorities stopping the Synagogue from holding "revivals" at the Spintex venue branch equate to a BAN in Ghana.
What was meant to be a relatively "quiet" distribution of anointing water at a local branch (no adverts/announcement); became a stampede of overwhelming proportions as soon as word leaked. The overwhelmed authorities therefore advised the equally overwhelmed hosts to hold such ('revivals',for want of a better word to use)meetings in a stadium in future !
I am sure that u are not going 2 post me comment, but mind ur language, what message are u passing in three men n one man,
Linda, three men and one man is eqaul to four men. Thank me later
Linda what is 3men and one man?
all for holy water...
See wahala
Linda,three men and a man ke.....? Pls correct your post.
three men and one man???? Linda?
Everyman looking for solutions in life..
"three men and one man lost their lives". Seriously, Linda? :|
Na wa o... SMH
Don't wanna say much.
May the soul of deceased rest in peace... Amen!
Is prayer not enough?Christ has paid our debt,made us free from iniquities.by His stripes we r healed. If we believe God and have faith in Him;we don't need holy water.prayer is enough.
This man is fake!
Too bad
Hey its you keep mute! Drop a comment about the incident NT make insultive accusations to the man of God.
He is nt fake but pple r looking 4 solution 2 their problem dat all
Na wa oooo,may their souls rest in peace..,..linda post my comment o,ah ah uR don d 2much
God has no grandchildren,he has children.You can have direct access to him if you live holy.The only thing that makes us not to hear him is sin.Live holy n you will hear your father for he is holy.U don't have to struggle for holy water since your father is within reach.May God rest the souls of the people that lost their lives.
LOL maybe d gehl dikwa TAYADD!!!!
Haba free man pikin jo!!!! Linleenz lolls for postn all dem bs correcssors
May God help us
Oh God of isrealites!!!!! Rip ooo
Wow!! This is really sad
Dnt. Judge,He who goes To equity. Goes with clean hands, As For The holy Water its doing wonders all Over The World.
Dnt. Judge,He who goes To equity. Goes with clean hands, As For The holy Water its doing wonders all Over The World.
Dnt. Judge,He who goes To equity. Goes with clean hands, As For The holy Water its doing wonders all Over The World.
Bible says beware of false prophets.not every preacher is a man of God.
woe to anyone who does harm to his prophets. ... But those who harmed them always suffered dire consequences. God's warning!!!
You are right. He can't be a man of God. Leave it to religious fanatics and those who are used to being brain-washed by such psychos. Wake up Nigerians!!!! Stop using the Lord's name in vain!!!
Wat wonders is the water doing? My people perish for lack of knowledge.
C'mon you can do better than 'cool'. People lost their lives Ms. Blogger!!!
That is the problem with the christians of this age. They are always looking for miracles.Some encouter problems all in the name of miracles. Pls remember your bible is the only weapon for your miracle.
West Africans and your 'holy water', 'prayer warriors' and 'anointed prophets'. Wake up and go read your bibles. Stop following these maverick preachers blindly. They will be the death of you.
You are right. He can't be a man of God. Leave it to religious fanatics and those who are used to being brain-washed by such psychos. Wake up Nigerians!!!! Stop using the Lord's name in vain!!!
pls can u stop judging this man is he the one responsible for the incident ,everytime tb josh this that it's unfair stop it nd always find the truth nd it will definately set u free. wheather u like it or not the man is from GOD i confirmed it both physically nd spiritually do dat also nd stop letting some pple who call themselves men of GOD to decieve u. wat pple don't understand d call names wat d understand d destroy.
The ans to our problems is in God's word!
I love the Ghanaian government they are very Objective. No time.
that's why I stay @ home when things like this happen ie crusade and stuff.not worth the stress.nut its a pity tho`may they RIP
marcee ogala
over i too no they worry u guys oh,remember that no body is above mistake,aunty linda no mind them oh.
Read before u comment, Follow follows. Its "three women and one man" clearly written. Thank me, the eye!
Re u ppl blind? Wher did u c 3men n 1man???? Abeg clean ur eye wif onion go read d post again!!!
Btw,RIP....n speedy recovery 2 d injured ones.
@4:32 nd 4:33, is either u don't knw hw to read or u re blind. She wrote three women nd one man. Did u pipo go to primary skul at all... "Jst wondering"
Don't judge God has been using ths man to perform wonders thru ths medium of over the world and God will continue to bless him IJN.
Africans don't seek God,all they seek are miracles!@stampede for holy water smh
Smh on the last day we will be amazed at dose that will make heaven.
@ruth fagbe n d oda idiot...linda obviously changed it after seeing d corrections...awon ode oshi
This is the role of a government! WHen will Naija learn?
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Judge not so that you won't be judged!dats all
U read it when Linda had corrected it. When posted she made mistakes. Thanks
I am most amazed @ the supposed comment of 3 men and one man. Where did she write that kuz all I can see is 3 women and one man. U people should get your facts right. By the way TB joshua looks like a juju man to me. Das all!!!
Mumu! If u like don't gaan seek salvation for urself and study the bible for urself to know wat God really says...stay on LIB and be vouching for anoda man! all thru the time of Jesus before his crucifixion did u read or hear dat he was distributing holy water at any of his gathering?? Are we not supposed to be 'followers of christ'? So where did pple den learn to start giving holy water, who send dem? Na Jesus abi his disciples abi apostle Paul?? These are the pple dat preached abt christ after his death, did any of dem give holy water????????
Gbam! My dear u soo got it, but as u knw, the bible says "My pple suffer for lack of Knowledge" even Jesus Christ dat came to die for us, in all his preaching and miracles, was there any place he preached us to use holy water? There is power in the NAME of Jesus, God has given all authority to the name of Jesus, not some holy water
If Prophet TB Joshua is fake, den ur parents are fake...FOOLS
True talk
His a prophet of God,and dis incident can happen anyway, so don't judge so dat u too will not be judged, d lord said dat pple perished becos of lack of knowledge , den who do u tink is a real man of God if not TB Joshua?
Jesus is the only one who can save, not Joshua nor other Pastors bcos Pastors are only there to put us in the right track. And people should quit being gullible bcos not all these Pastors who perform miracles r anointed by God, infact most of em are anointed by Satan.
His a real man of God, dis incident can happen anywhere , so stop calling d prophet of God names so dat u won't be judge at d last day, d anointing water is doing a lot of wonders , mY dear try and see 4 urself , nd stop saying wot u don't know ok?
D smallest size of dt holy water is sold for 5000naira. By smallest i mean smtin smaller dan rollon container so wot do u expect wen is being shared for free?
Rather than wish Nigerians happy democracy day, I'll congratulate you for being a successful government to yourselves, family and community. Don't ask me why, but in case you wonder why, it's quite simply to understand.You build or rent a house and put a burglary proof, that has made you a police to your family. You dig a borehole to have steady water supply, that has made you a family water board. If you purchase a generating set, solar panel or inverter You have usurped the duty PHCN.. Alot of ppl ve died all in d name of Boko Haram and Terrorism yet u're still alive it shows u're d Chief of Army staff on ur own. Now tell me if that does not qualify one to be a governmentHAPPY SURVIVAL DAY FELLOW CITIZEN much luv<3Adenike
Fault finders. Na mistake una dey look for. Una for go open una own blog na.mtchwwwww!!!!
They will just wake up in hell and realize how foolish they were to believe in magic and not Jesus Christ.
God have mercy on the living. It's already late for all this running up and down, just follow Jesus Christ with all your heart and he will take care of you.
Hummmnn....Lips sealed
this man is fakeeeeee,dont be deceived people and for those that will say do not judge, it is the same bible thats says u shall knw the truth and the truth shall set u free.
@ Kome G,I did agree wit u,bad govt are killin us here,what did TBJ said after dat lynda?
My problem wit sme of LIB readers is dat mst of dem dnt read d main story all dey do is read pple comment n den give dere own comment. I dnt knw where dem c three men n one man in d story. *Long hissssssssssssssss* linda if u like dnt post ma comment becos u sef like to vex me.
pls leave tb joshua alone, don't b surprise some of this reigning pasors u pple support might b fake, i believe bcos tb joshua is not part of can nd also unique in his ways dat is why d are beefing him, so u want to tell me dat wen pple go to redemption programes we don't hear about accidents occuring or any other churches program, pls let b careful,
Rather,d bible says test all spirit.......
these our pasors sef'most' of them are confusing us bcos my bible made me understand dat if ur neighbour is in any act dat is not gud u dat u are righteous convert him gently lest u may also b caught in dat act or worse, i don't know why our CAN PST are taking dis issue of tb joshua personally i begin to suspect may be bcos is not a member of CAN or maybe hi is unique in his own way anyway sha am a living testimony of wat GOD is doing in his life wen i had encounter with him to help me in prayers he simply gave me a bible passage nd ask me to pray nd fast nd GOD gave me the solution
You are super rite! Don't mind dem! The water they get frm Enugu monacery or wat wat ever, why do dey call it holy water? Blind BATS dats wat are.
Tb. Joshua ur own don. Too much, very soon dem go ban u from all the whole country.
My fellow Nigerians please pray for me
U guys are so stupid and blind, and u need to wash ur eyes with pepper. Were did u see 3men and 1 man? I think u guys need to read the post again. Linda abey no mind dem joor. Flavour say anytin wey u do dem must talk. Sam 23
Tb joshua ur own don too much, very we go ban u for Nigeria.
Tb is a man of God...pure and simple there would alwaz be haters jst as it was in the time of jesus...fake prophets could be easily identified n which tb is not one of them...do not be deceived!!!
hi pple, am new here! Bt jst wana drop dis 1; bware of d anti christ!!! They r making u to transfer ur faith n blieve 4rm christ who is d only mediator us n God, to sm holywatr or handkerchief. So dat wen u shld go 2God in prayer n surplication 2ru our lord Jesuschrist, u go abt seeking 4 magic water n handkerchiefs, bcos ur faith in God has bin slanted. Its realy ridiculous hw pple perish 4lack of knoledge. Everytin u want, is in u. God is in u trying 2 seek expression, bt u wnt giv him a chance.God is in nothing n God, is silence. Meditation n prayer is d key. THANKS!!! Geoffrey.
It is well. U all shuld run ur own race. God didn't tell u to judge. After all during Jesus ministry he was called names. So jst mind ur business. so u dnt sin against d holy ghost. Which is d worst sin.
Reinhard Bonke also experienced a stampede in one of his revival programmes in Nigeria and people died. Does that also make him an antichrist? #justsaying #donotjudge
were una see 3men, na beta use dog water wash ur eyes
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Please listening to my testimony on how prophet TB Joshua the general
overseas of Synagogue Church Of All Nations – SCOAN - in nigeria cure my
hiv/aids virus, my name is LEE BECYLU I have been living with HIV
virus for over 6 years but at the end everything became
worst to the extend that people do not near me any more
my friend were avoiding me just because of the virus i
thought is all over to me that i can not make it in life again,i was
loosing my
strength everyday and my doctor said to me that i only have
view weeks to live because for over 6 years i have been living
on drugs so i do not have any option i cried day and night so
few weeks later i became very ill to me is all over i have lost
it all,so a friend of mine took me to the hospital my husband
abandon me when he found out that i was HIV positive
getting to the hospital, the doctor admitted me in a bed, when it was now
6;00pm they started showing program on the tv, there I saw the church of
prophet TB Joshua I saw the man delivery people from wicked demon I heard
many testimony about how he heal thousand of people from hiv/aids with is
holy water and holy oil, many deliverance take place that day I was
surprise I have never believe in God one day but since that day I started
believed in God, I keep on watching the program everyday, on till one day
the email of the church show on the tv program I quickly copy the email
address and the phone number of the church, I call the church I told they
how I gut their email and phone number, one of his apostle told me that I
need to buy his holy water and holy oil so that the man of God can bless it
and pray for it, I buy it and I gave them my information about were I am
now, the apostle and some of the men in the church came to me in the
hospital they pray for me and instructed me on how to keep using the holy
water and holy oil, they took me along to the church I started worshiping
with them in the church and God finally hear my prayer and he did a wonder
in my life by making me hiv/aids negative again, God is really a wonderful
father of the whole universe, request for your whole healing today from God
by contact this same email address I contacted when I was positive and
request for your own holy water and holy oil from the wise men to fight again any problem you are having: here is
there contact
Please listening to my testimony on how prophet TB Joshua the general
overseas of Synagogue Church Of All Nations – SCOAN - in nigeria cure my
hiv/aids virus, my name is LEE BECYLU I have been living with HIV
virus for over 6 years but at the end everything became
worst to the extend that people do not near me any more
my friend were avoiding me just because of the virus i
thought is all over to me that i can not make it in life again,i was
loosing my
strength everyday and my doctor said to me that i only have
view weeks to live because for over 6 years i have been living
on drugs so i do not have any option i cried day and night so
few weeks later i became very ill to me is all over i have lost
it all,so a friend of mine took me to the hospital my husband
abandon me when he found out that i was HIV positive
getting to the hospital, the doctor admitted me in a bed, when it was now
6;00pm they started showing program on the tv, there I saw the church of
prophet TB Joshua I saw the man delivery people from wicked demon I heard
many testimony about how he heal thousand of people from hiv/aids with is
holy water and holy oil, many deliverance take place that day I was
surprise I have never believe in God one day but since that day I started
believed in God, I keep on watching the program everyday, on till one day
the email of the church show on the tv program I quickly copy the email
address and the phone number of the church, I call the church I told they
how I gut their email and phone number, one of his apostle told me that I
need to buy his holy water and holy oil so that the man of God can bless it
and pray for it, I buy it and I gave them my information about were I am
now, the apostle and some of the men in the church came to me in the
hospital they pray for me and instructed me on how to keep using the holy
water and holy oil, they took me along to the church I started worshiping
with them in the church and God finally hear my prayer and he did a wonder
in my life by making me hiv/aids negative again, God is really a wonderful
father of the whole universe, request for your whole healing today from God
by contact this same email address I contacted when I was positive and
request for your own holy water and holy oil from the wise men to fight again any problem you are having: here is
there contact
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