The EIF Revlon Run/Walk for Women is one of America’s largest fundraising events. Money raised is used for cancer research, treatment, counseling and outreach programs.
Pictured from left: Julie Bowen, Omotola, Andy Garcia, Lilly Tartikoff, Halle Berry and Julia Goldin.
Pretty Mama!
Linda, pls what is your email ad?
I want to send u a story about a 'twitter celeb' who doesn't want to take responsibility for his kid.
Wow! This is a feat! Yes, it is! How many Naija Stars fraternize with such folks? Go higher gal! All the best to your glamour life!
So on point! Nice 1 OmoSexy
make she come Nigeria do am. There are lots of celebrities in the USA to will take care of it, after all Charity begins at home.
Yeah she definitely needs to be doing a lot of walking, running and jogging. She is too thick with it! But kudos to her sha
@Omo sexy tumbs up na u be ma #1 model at d top
I must belong by force. A woman's place is at home with her kids. Smh
@anny 4.17... are u d baby mama? LoL
We dt want babe mama drama on Lib.
Send ur mail 2 judge Judy.
So u guys ve twitter celeb in naija... anything 4 attention in lagos .
Kai! God help us and the way we smile/laugh whenever we take photos with these oyinbos
Good to know, omosexy rocks
this woman is going places
Yes so on point, but i hope she's got time 4 her family.
Omosexy u 'r too much
Andres Garcia (Anthony) of d famous Mexican soap opera "no one but you"? He looks old but still handsome!
It's obvious you still get 'whites are to be worshipped mentality' if not you wouldn't use the word feat
datz gr8...
I dont know those she is with in dat pix. But,believe me. She is not close to hollywood. Her trying too hard to fit into hollywood makes her look like someone hoping to get an auditio in a soap opera, making her loose her worth. She is ok where,and what she is. Stop trying way too hard. If so;why not with Halle Berry? Just asking.
So she is rubbing shoulders with Hollywood stars? Must we now all lay down and die? inferiority complex.
Does that mean anybody send her for that event?
hhhhehehehe. OmoT no de nollywood levels again ohhh! babes is soaring higher...
Is she now based in LA?
Tha'ts great
hair looking like dat of willy-willy...biko shift ka'mhu ndi kwu oto!
That is the result, work and effect of a good management/PR company. That is how you market yourself and be an international star to get recognized and known. Omotola is now on another level. Gifts, endorsement, brand association and money will start rolling in. This is the bread and butter of the entertainment industry.Kudos to Omotola and her team for the brilliant work. Don jazzy, are you still sleeping?. Please wake up, the world needs you and your talent. You use money to get money.
Prince Charming you can say that again, Yoruba stars always set the pace and other tribes follow.
Waht's up with her trousers,its either short or long!
Why is she not putting on the tshirt like the other ladies???To think she used that weave for a sports event...eeewwww
Nice one though.
Go girl. Buh y dem no giv u like their t-shirt nau?
Am so proud of her.... Kudos to u omosexy.... Http://meenahz.blogspot.com
Mtchewwwwww...wats dat???she luks like she doesn't fit in...
2 me dz woman is trying so hard 2 get noticed.i feel if she aint doing anything 'major' with them, she should jst come bak home n tak care of her family. Smh
We need fund raising in naija,omotola u can do better in giving funds to d hungry children in naija not america.
Why is she not wearing the branded tees for d event? #gate crashing things#
I really think this girl is famzing.. Won't she go and take care of her husband and kids??
Anyways famzing at times helps. Cos na with famzing that thief wey dem crucify with jesus take enter heaven.
Ride on gal. There is notyn like connecting with d right people in moving ahead
OmoSexy representing!Now that's how real celebs roll! #Impressed
does dis woman v time for family at all? Always on d move
Nice one Omosexy, you sure going places and repping Naija well. GGMUB Motola
Act like you've been there before...
Must you bring in tribe? There are many other tribes doing us proud abroad so please don't give the vultures outthere the chance to attack yorubas because you know all they are waiting for is the chance
Yes o,Anonymous i agree,Yoruba's always do it 1st for others to follow. Don't argue it at all,Yoruba's rule in entertainment
Her kids are grown up. Why don't you for once appreciate something good. Bitter housewife!She is not the one that caused ur misfortune so stop being a hater.
Omosexy all the way from 9ja. 3 gbosa for you!!!
Infact ehnnnn! Like say 'mehhn naa me be this with oyibo'...hhahahahahahahaha!
Na inferiority complex dey worry you. Becos whenever u see oyinbo u dey smile no mean say every one be like u
Anonymous 4.31pm,this one no dey act south american soap opera o, he's a famous HOLLYWOOD actor!
Why are you guys back home in 9ja so vague? That walk is meant for ladies from all works of life that want to participate. Beside, Charity they say begins at home, how many fund raising has she used her enormous popularity to initiate in Nigeria? Rushing to L.A to join a walk for cancer that will not benefit your constituent is to me not a great feat. It is to me cheap and arrant nonsense.
What an ignorant comment , especially coming from a fellow woman . Who asked you, are you her husband ?
Ur hating is way over d top. Get a life.
Bush fowl with archaic mentality. Stay there and be exposing ur local breasts while ur fellow women are out there achieving big things. Later wen a man slaps u around for asking him for chicken change,u'll come to LIB to cry. Hiss!
@Temmy,,wen u get married and have ur kids,,u can decide to be an "eleha" so that u'll stay indoors for the rest of ur life.....mtcheeewww,,,d way some people think sef is so amazing that one will begin to imagine d kind of brain they have.........
Nice one Omotola,,,but remember u can extend ur charity works to ur home country too,,,infact there are so many people who need it here in nigeria......
When will y'all breakaway from this obstinate tribalism mentality for pete's sake!!! Anon 4:40 u need a mind transformation.
Infact ehnnnn! Like say 'mehhn naa me be this with oyibo'...hhahahahahahahaha!
Okpo brigade who r u to tell where a woman's place is? Ayamatanga***
she did not do fundraiser in her country she is doing in LA weitin consign her with LA stars now?
Who's talking abt tribe here now? Ode oshi...u ppl jst like to steer up trouble. Kmt #nina
You r both fools,how many funds she don raise for 9ja,dey ll be laffin at her sef,shameless ass licker. Come back to ur family,charity begins at home,start frm ur village.
Pls u that have been at home, what have u achieved? As if women don't hv a right to be sumfin in life. If u feel ur place is in ur home, stay there o. Don't try n drag oda ppl #nina
H wait o! Are u kidding me ryt now?? Like seriously? Who dafuq is dis hater bikonu? Hian...ppl shaa. Rme
Okay am kinda impressed...But is she done raising funds for the needy here @ Home? Cause it seems to me that she's doing what she's doing because she wants to get attention and not because she's truelly inspired to do so #Just saying
@Temmy stop hating...
Omotola pls park well! You re having serious identity crises.hollywood ko,hollywood ni,if u were invited or even recognized y did u not get d T-shirt?
All of u saying she should come home n take care of her family...pls did they tell u that they're suffering neglect? Why can't y'all jst celebrate her or shut ur mouths...hv u finished taking care of ur own families? Nawa o #Nina
Y isn't she wearing d Tshirt like others she probably went to show us she's in d hollywood level, all na propaganda. Omosexy pls stop trying to hard. Charity begins at home! Do this at home and we will appreciate and respect u more.Yes we know u are d queen of Nollywood *yinmu* but Pls stop making a fool of urself abeg, come back home!
Linda please let us hear word... Omotola isn't even wear jogging jersey but yet you post shit that don't make sense about her......Linda pls pls and pls enough about omotola going to famz with hollywood stars..... Don't you have better things to put up? Please don't make us dislike her...
Omotola stil lookin supa bupa sexy"thumbsup"
Nawa...look at naija people making da big moves....Keep it up!!
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And ur place is ur backyard filled with tuber of yams for u to peel! Rubbish! M surprised u can read... If we were still follown ur archaic point of view do u know wher u'd b? ? ? Shut up u jealous nonetity!
Ps_ linda post dis comment... M really pissed at dis chihuahua's ignorance
Miss Almira
Hahaha... U really made me laugh hahaha...
Is it ur business nd v u seen her hubby n kids complaining anywhere? Go nd get married busy body!
Miss Almira
Anonymous May 15, 2013 at 4:27 PM
Thot i was the only one who observed that. Why is she smiling like there's a bug in her pants. Na wao, not even a common T-shirt for her, she so struggling to fit in. I must belong! No worry dem go give you one waka pass role for Hollywood. But be reminded that people wey don dey there long before you are still struggling to rise. Hollywood is not Nollywood dear. Wishing you luck, but please give your obvious desperate moves a rest!
Why dem no give her T_shirt? Omotola u can try harder. Pls come home nd do fundraising for ppl here who really need it.
madam is standing next to people that know the essence of intepreting art and how important it is to keep in shape
madam since mortal inheritance you have piled it on biko
This woman is just a famzer. Has she walked for cancer patients or even the homeless in Nigeria? How has she added value to her country? Trying to fratenize with hollywood? Does she not see the countless people dying of cancer & begging for funds? How has she put Nigeria on the map or tried to use her 'connections' with the western world in helping those in need here?
Abeg shift to one side jor. Be rubbing shoulders with Mexican stars u hear. Mtscheeeeew
Oh no!you didn't just say that? So she can't have a career just because she is a woman? # tusk tusk#
@anny 4.40pm,I was going to say my sentiments exactly till I read ur last sentence.why bring d tribe matter into it??she,s representing nigeria as a whole.its people like u dat cause civil war.
May be she was passing and she saw them so she decide to stop and take a snap shot with them, if not why is she not wearing the T-shirt
Anon 4:40pm,for ur mind now,u want people to start replying dis "tribalistic" trash you just wrote..well,clap for urself,for I have given u what u want.......
Lol yawa dn gas,expose d mofo.bt all These gals wey stl dey fuck twter boys una never learn una lessons? Cheap cheap gal,jst drop phone n Brazilian hair,they spread their legs 4 u.many 9ja babes aint shit,walking stds.
Temmy commit sucuide u hear,she's not staying with any kid!low life,marry now n turn liability 2ur hubby! :| linda betta post dis
Ride on Omotola...he that is diligent in his work will stand before kings and not mere men..
Kanye West is in the news again after his head crash...lol. See Kanye West unlucky again
My dear i am tired of this wannabe woman.
I can't believe you just said this rubbish.. U are just a bitter woman. Go and read proverbs mumu.
And please stop hating
Your not knowing them doesn't mean they aren't famous....u that is not trying too hard,Y u no be Biggest hollywood celeb??*aa kpoo ndi ma mmadu na hollywood,e machaputa abi??*.......when will people learn to appreciate other people's effort??
Critcizing people is ur greatest hobby abi??....NO!,its your JOB...I am very sure ure wearing one stupid tangled darling yaky weavon and am also sure ur entire life savings cannot buy this her weavon*nekwa ndi eeewwww*onushi*.......learn to LIVE and LET LIVE.....
And your own looks like gini??.....u wan see ndi kwu oto,ebe I ka no na ala....Mara ihe
Go n stay with ur mama at home.....she has made her choice.
Therez nothing I will not see for NIGERIANS Ooooooo.....
*shez trying too hard...you wey dey sleep all day,where u don reach??
*is she taking care of her family??...wetin concern u??dem tell u say they are not being taken care of??y u dey take panadol for anoda pesins headache??
*her hair is looking rough....oya take flight go do am well for her(I am very sure u never chop sef)
*her pants is too long abi too short.....because of the patch patch u dey wear call am trouser,we no go hear word for u.
*she no wear T-shirt wey odas wear....hian,which 1 is your own??..doesn that make her a minor participant??..abi she tell u say she dey complain??
*she dey smile too much??...oya carry your "obasanjo" face go try join dem(na dog go bring you back to naija)..If she bone face now,una go talk say dem dey oppress her
*she no snap with halle berry...because u manage sabi who halle berry abi barry be,we no go hear word for u......
*the very day u begin to appreciate people and their efforts,you will soar so high that you will begin to doubt if ure truely the one soaring that high*...NIGERIANS,MARA IHE oooooooo*linda postukwa dis tin ka ndi amaro ihe guoo ya
And your own looks like gini??.....u wan see ndi kwu oto,ebe I ka no na ala....Mara ihe
Pls who does it seem to u have complex here u idiot
Stop bitching. Notice that there is only one man in the pix and the other women are also mothers.Blind Hater!
Lol she must have paid through her nose just to be there all these are punlicity and the lesser celeb always pay to be in the same room with the A list celeb
If u want to move out of mediocrity u have to try extra hard
None of ur Biz.
That's right.Keep on asking. Jobless.
..And that's why YOU have a superior complex bc u rub shoulders with bus drivers and conductors.
I must belong by force...mtcheeew. Where is ur branded shirt for the event?
While you keep on"Siddon dey Look".
While you will forever stay OUT.
See how they stood. Omo sexy abeg hollywood style of being on red carpet is nt 9ja style. Keep ur legs 2geda abi na over happiness do u?
Do you mean like Breast feed them. Idiot!
you ar a fool... Ode osh
While you will NEVER get close to the gate.
you are a fool... Ode oshi
Where have you been to with ur thin self? Ehn?
Shutup fool...
yes o. Help me tel dem losers who r beefing.
So? She's taking pictures with Julie Bowen or Chaka Khan. We need to see something...a movie, an ad or a mag cover. Solange Knowles attends all the events in LA doesn't mean she makes hit music. She should gaan take care of her family abeg.
na wah for this lady............ with this her constant Hollywood trip,wld she ever have time for her kids and family........... take a break omosexy and tidy the home front......... but i still i love you sha
Don't be dumb, she was among the 100 most influential, she's nt trying hard to fit in, they knw her already
Her smile is sooooooooooo fake, looks like she is crying.
Asi was saying..! Yankers cannot stand you and will smilingly send you back to your languished zones with Qurnching Headache!
While you will forever stay OUT.
*its NEITHER short or long* you're welcome
Did u just write that? For goodness sake, what's wrong with the ladies of nowadays who thinks their life revolves around the kitchen.and btw who told u her home is not in order.
Jelousy, she was there and that's what matters
Yeye dey smell, what's your business eh????
Looking at her taking the pose, i see no self confidence. She is standing if to say that they are doing her a favor. check out harry berry and others pose. omotala de try but she needs to brush up.Local naija levels still dey worry her.
No mind the idiot. follow follow go kill her. dying to belong. nonsense.
Ask her.......
Shut up!
Anon 4.40pm, pls dnt make we yorubas look bad abeg.Kilode? Hvnt u seen wuh pipo 4rm oda tribes achieve on a daily basis? Stp living in d past ejo.
B4 u no now, anoda pesin will cum here 4 tribal war..mtsww!
Plz,lindodo send ur email addy 2 bsbe sharp sharp... Gist dey fa
Madam you are just wasting your time,Lips sealed! we need you here,stop loosing your value
A noollyword actor is asking for help o but someone who can is using d money to do notice me in us,who call her dre?
Well done & Goodluck Lady O, I pray you eventually land one major role in Hollywood. It will be will deserved. All the best!
going places i see. hmmmmmmmm
amazing stuff on my style blog when u click
*dancing* I love omotola
Temmy (4:24pm) you're a dunce for that stupid comment,its women like you that aren't progressive and futuristic, why not do yourself a favour and take ur slutty 'breast picture' and local face of this train and go to the kitchen where you belong, ode!
Anon 4:40, and other like minded yoruba obsessed freaks, yes we luv yoruba babes, especially the married ones. They give it to us cheap n steady. Most yoruba children under 21 are actually igbo. DNA testing will prove me right. We luv luv yoruba women, Naira will be dull without them.
Pls is she no longer a part of nollywood??? Hustlers too full Hollywood, is she now a part of the hustlers queuing for 'waka pass' role in hollywood?? Fundraising for the whites, pls plenty people are dying here of cancer and co, come and start one here biko. Charity begins at home sha. Otula anagba nwanyi nka nara nara.
Rosie Said......This is all funny....,How come we never read any news about Omotola here in the States,she only shows up in Linda's blog with some third rate celebs....Just wondering.
Stupid bitch,you wey fit in nai you sidon here with empty belle dey gossip,as u dey wait for the next guy wey go offer you 2k to spread dat ur craw craw leg for am.elebolo ashawo kobo kobo
My friend will you shut up that ur dirty mouth,am sure you are in ur late 30s and still very much single,did she beg you to help her take care of her family,face ur own prayers for a husband and leave her to live her life.
mary the brainless girl,park well.smh
ok...buh whrs her own customized shirt?
Love julie bowen in modern family
@ Temmy who said a woman's place belongs at home with her kids..really... in 2013 are you educated ..OMG..I cant even believe it.
You go girl omotola
Looks like a seaon 2 of her reality show might be in the works with all these celebrity appearances
A king is never appreciated at home. Apology for this but, I can see all the people spewing out negative comments are somehow within the age bracket of btw 10 -15 years old or probably have kids brain. Why can't we all celebrate greatness and use that to encourage others to achieve greatness. Please lets make positive or constructive criticism. Please it takes greatness to recognize greatness.
They lack exposure, very shallow minded and suffer from terrible inferiority complex. She poses to take pics with hollywood stars and she becomes what?? Phew m glad i belong to another world.
For your information, she has several charity works back home. Not everyone posts pics of dem distributing indomie to the motherless babies
She's still my fave tho
Abeg go sidon.she no fit in simple.
Mark my words she will never. Her accent won't let us understand her.
I swear,the level of ignorance exhibited by some people is just shocking. She is blossoming in her career and all u can do is to hate? Temmy,u are suffering from identity crisis. That's why u can't use ur pic and prefer to use that of a holywood pornstar. Fool.
you obviously dont kmow anything...because you dont know the pple in that picture does not mean they are not famous, it means u need to open you mind and learn...know a little bit about everything so u dont pass ignorant statement......by d way, the lady is Julie Bowen, an Emmy's award winner and 3 time Emmy's nominee, shes on Modern Family, an NBC comedy that airs on wednesday nights in North America....you are welcome
''A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity''--Robert Heinlein.
@Alicia. You are a BITTER BITCH. Must you comment? Your name should be Tribalism. You hate on Omotola but you lick Genny's ass, you even went as far as insinuating she became a teenage mother as a result of rape. Well said! You can only life the live Omotola is living in your dreams. You will NEVER be happy with so much hate in your heart. And since you hate the whites so much, why don't you come back to your beloved Igbo land.
Anon 4:34 PM, You don't have to know the people in the photograph. Who are you to tell Omotola who to take shots with? You are a nonentity and plain stupid. Omotola doesn't know you but you know her, your job is to make foolish and spiteful comments.
Omotola, you are a fabulous lady, a PERFECT creation of GOD and you are BLESSED by Him. And to those saying she is trying too hard, Omosexy please keep trying hard. TRY! TRY! TRY! and TRY AGAIN! DON'T relent. Success don't come to idle people.
Tribal bigots and jealous people will only end up hurting themselves. Just learn to put some love in your heart.
Seriously Temmy!!! I think the place of a woman's breast is to be well tucked inside a bra underneath her top.
Who cares about your feeling? Does you feelings pay her bills? Will you go get busy and do something productive with your pathetic life....you feel? yeah right!!!
Gate crashing???...can you afford a flight ticket to abuja? #low life#
We ought not to tell others how to live.
Tribal war (don't forget dat ibos are alwayz on top , soriiiii), so much hating and loving. all about a nollywood actress. big problem.
solution: get a life.
Temiloluwa, i guess her husband and kids called to tell you that they are hungry right? Since u are jobless, can u please walk to her house and take care of her family?
This is PR, its called putting yourself out there, successful pple are too busy to look for pple, you need to put yourself out there, advertise your brand. Yes, good comes to pple who wait, better comes to pple who go for it, the best comes to pple who refuse to take No for an answer.
Life does not give u what you deserve, it gives you what you desire and work for....
Enough education for today, oya, go and take care of Omotola's home....she'll bring u a BIG APPLE T-shirt
Chai. Mathew don suffer o. Who dey nack am na?
@Anon 7:50 PM. And the Igbos are incest specialist. Fucking their bothers wives, uncles wives, and so on and so forth.
She is just to fat to make it in Hollywood
The more you hate the more she shines.Keep repping the green white green flag for us omosexy
Omosexy, keep enjoying your life. God is watching over you.
Tnx 4 ur comment....we don see u...u shld be sued 4 plagiarism dou...
is dis lady chasing fame, or vice versa..i stil dont get d essence of dis 'running around'???..i just like d manner wt wch Genny takes thns easy, n they finally com 2her. no be by force, Omotola..lets c if u land a hefty movie role at d end of all these (i pray u do tho, but shame if dont...)
Linda where the fcuk are my comments?
Nwanne,ga nodi odu. She is trying toooo hard to fit in. You and i know hollywood is for the power and mighty as they always put it. There lots of ppl standing by the side. We love her and cherish her as our own not ppl that will see her and give her that funny look.
Proper willy willy.
Cos nobody knows her. She is like a house maid to them
Abi o my dear, I watched part of a live courage of dat event and also saw it on E!news, and I saw every single one of them but her,her complex is so bad, trying too hard for pple who wouldn't even remember ur name after their first glass of champagne dat evening, their youths don't even know ur country exist.African American actresses re still struggling for roles,let alone Omotola.hw many times have u seen Tia and Tamera Monry in a serious blockbuster movie, how many movies doesn't Djouon Hounsou(kimora ex) act in a year or 2.haaahaaaa.
I meant to say 'live the life'. My bad.
@TWITS, yes she is chasing fame. Why should that be your problem? Tribal shit!
Just wondering why Omotola's life is such a pain to some folks here.
Omosexy, you are HIGHLY lifted!
Omotola continue to shine,we your fans will never get tired of you. I know most of the haters are genny fans,get over it already they are not twins ok. Great Actress you rock.
@12:20 AM. Your life is definitely in reverse. Omotola is the MOST loved.
Over 1 million likes on Facebook nor be akpu.
Lovely,kip d good work moving.haters should go and hang themselves.
You are an idiot. Is Afrocandy not Ibo, did she not sleep with other men while still married to an igbo man and got pregnant by one of them. You are a big fool.
Omotola is climbing higher and higher and higher.....wish her the best
"Fitter of life" go and replace her naa..onushi
omotola rocks!
And who are u to say NEVER.....who gave u d right to predict d future, esp.someone else's...if u dont see urself ever succeeding, well that's your problem but u are too insignificant and little to predict that she will never get a role in Hollywood....do u think d hollywood actors and actresses are god? well to naija pple, they are next to god...these pple are like u and me, they go to d same farmers market that we all go, they have d same struggles if not now...they bleed red blood like u...dey aint God!!!!
And watch out, she will breakthrough soon, soon u will pay to watch her in some Tyler Perry's movie...
As per her accent, there are speech therapists that will clean that up....guess u dont know that a pure American can be trained to speak italian with italian accent??
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