This story is a little weird and confusing. Read to see what I mean. Former Channel O VJ, Nonhle Thema introduced 24 year old Arthur Bolton as her baby daddy and fiance in the May issue of Drum magazine. But here's the weird part. South African rapper Young Nucho (Lil Wayne look alike) had been claiming Nonhle as his baby mama and her daughter Star Ivy (born Dec 2012) as his daughter.
He reportedly started dating Nonhle in 2011 and when she fell pregnant, everyone assumed he was the baby daddy. The two photos above show the couple together when Nonhle was pregnant. Young Nucho would also post photos of Star Ivy on Instagram and call her his little Princess. Continue..
Nonhle and Young Nucho during her pregnancy

Here he refers to her as his baby mama
Then out of nowhere Nonhle introduces 24 year old Arthur Bolton as the father of her baby. She claimed in the Drum feature that she's been dating Arthur since 2010 but they were never photographed together during her pregnancy...in fact, this Drum interview is the first time anyone would hear about this guy...
According to what Nonhle told Drum magazine, she first started dating Arthur, they broke up, she met young Nucho and started dating him. They broke up and she went back to Arthur. They broke up and she went back to Nucho. While going from Nucho and Arthur, she tripped and fell pregnant. :-)
Poor Young Nucho, he must have assumed he was the baby daddy. Nonhle ended things with him early this year and went back to Arthur - who looks more like the little girl's father. Now they are engaged and planning to marry.
I wish these people were Nigerians. The story for sweet well well. Lol
Pray 4 me pls lib readers...as dey say its d moda dat always knws d fada...so I guess we shud believe ha
What a lady and her link to her men! Celebrity and complexity issues! They go hand in hand in concomitance most times!
Cute baby, 1st,
LOL she did herself good! Poor guy. Anyways why is this news ehn Linda. Tdot in the house :) Ok Bye!
Τ̣̣ђё baby looks more like Arthur. All τ̣̣ђё same no matter all her piom piom piom, na she know who get pikin.
At least the babe wake up quick quick choose beta person! Na tatoo we go chop? the First guy looks so irresponsible
Celebrities and der wayward lifestyle.
Weird pple on dis planet
happy married life to them
Celebrities and issues,anyway they need it as long as it keeps them in the limelight.
Btw cute baby.
~BONARIO~says via NOKIA3310
So linda u r confused bcos d tori is nt in nigerian format. First, they shld go for HIV test.
I like the confusion tho bet dat baby is fine sha!!
*Celebrity life and complexity issues!
nawa oh for all deze people
This can't happen in nija oo,
Na wa o! Even my mama wey study English for mama Charlie country don dey laugh you tey tey no be today!
"Hand in hand with concomittance" ko pari pasu with stupidity ni!!!
Abi you want to drink pap with a feeling of dread?!
She's just plain stupid. Agadi n'eweghi ubulu...hope i got d spelling
Okpo brigade
Women! What a dangerous specie,sharp sharp she choose responsible looking fine mine to father her pikin and wife her. Sorry o, LilWayne wannabe,a DNA test will solve the problem for all of una
PC u say it so well,comments always sweet-ing-lating, dont laught at me o Mr grammer,i formed that word myself
Rubbish!!! The lady is confused.
Why the dialogue for who get bikin, they no know were to do DNA test?but the bikin for my eye resemble the fine guy Arthur wella oh.LINCHUK.
I wonder o, this Prince charming of a guy is so stupid and jobless, Gosh! Must u comment on all d post? U must want dis bahamas trip with Linda so so so bad! SMH for you! Get a Life, U were fun at d beginning now u r so boring! Enough with all d yeye grammar already! If u r actually inteligent like u claim den u shud be busy at work not always commenting on Linda's post!
I just had a good laugh. Thanks. Leave prince charming he is just looking 4 cheap publicity. That's y I prefer the oda Prine Jobless,though that 1 sef get 4 body @ least we get him.
Prince Charming has a charming diction,and this fuctions through the right aunction though his eglish get fractions
I am laughing is chinese n dancing etighi like japanese.in gnamstyle
Gbam! U have said it ALL!
How come he's hanging with d baby if d mother says he's not d father??..lool things are hapz!
@ Dee_deey Lmao
She was engaged to young nucho. LOL!
U are really jobless and stupid! And go up to his comment, he didn't say "hand in hand with concomitance", he said "hand in hand 'IN' concomitance" which is very correct. And its u who need to check ur dictionary for the words "forebonding or palpable" dat i have seen him sue,y not bring it up wen he used such words in a story dan bring it here wen no one can understand ur point. jealous fool,i have learnt a lot from PC.
The baby looks asian. None of dem is d father.
Am evn happy dat she chose d authur guy, dat first one does nt even have credit for bin a father!! Dat baby is very cute oh...choi!!
nawaoo, sad part is she used his man all this time, and she has no remorse, sad,. I hope they did dna test, cuz the baby looks more like her.
Bravo! Bravo!! I hope you can sleep better now tonight with a feeling of self satisfaction that you took a jab at me.
Point of correction, I didn't say "hand in hand with concomittant" ok? Except you got eye issues or something, and again, pls next time spell "concomittant" without the double "tt" ok?
And again, "foreboding palpable" means "predictive" in a nutshell.
All I can tag your comment as is just DRIVEL!!! Go look up that word too ok? Sweet dreams!
Lmaooo @ tripped @ got pregnant...buh honestly she wl b d persn dat wl knw d father of d baby...
Has DNA test been banned? Pls they shld go for a DNA test if they are confused about the paternity of the child and stop making noise!#movingon#
And d guys kept taking her back. Now why is dAt? *confused LIB.
How would you have the time to be analysing someone like this? I pity your type of people,u no get work.
My dear PC,its official- U are now a CELEBRITY too,just go down below and see how important u r for someone to write such a long english report about u, lol
And ur point is???? Did u quote his using any word wrong? Take several seats back jareh! PC aproko
Am happy to see dis pics. So lovely but I don\'t want to read the story on it.
Sometimes I wonder how these so called "celebrities" forget the fact that there have been celebrities in the past, who didn't have to act stupid in order to make the news... I hope the daughter grows to....
@DeeDeeY, you are rebuking someone that he is trying to sound polished,pls how polished do u sound with this act of stupidity? Huh?
Is that a human beings hand in pic 3?
My prince come take kiss
Who tell you?...nothing pass us, we just don't broadcast it
Lol........... Well said. I'm beginning to think I am the only one who has noticed this clown begging and trying so hard to differ
The baby sure doesn't look like the lil. Wayne wonna be.
The baby sure doesn't look like the lil. Wayne wonna be.
wait abeg whats weird about this one oh...some weeks ago one dindinrin said we should pray for Kim, i just dont get it haha una go just dey do like wereh. Ok Prince Charming where u dey get all this ur stupendous English from, ur syntax no even correlate hin be like say u write this jamb too. Thema if u like give VJ Adams ur baby na u sabi
This is where Dencia's comment comes in handy oya make oga go do DNA very fast
Am i the only one that noticed she named that pretty baby 'star ivy'? Like seriously? Beyonce wanna be much tho. Smh. Ur no Bey nd neither Arthur nor Young whatevr is ever gonna be Jay.
And you're E.T for mars lol,speaking of weird..
Y are you so bitter???
Ok,dude I knw,I knw u were given birth with a dictionary,even if I had learned to get along wit it,on LIB of course,pls be simple,no one is saying ure not good wit words,u can be a rapper even,but just keep it real and trill man..#deuces
You wish they were Nigerians? Aren't you sick of negativity being attached to Nigeria, Linda? Go find a fucking man!
Inresponsibility is d rite word
If you have any problem with PC, why don't you just write nicely on a piece of paper, fold it and shove it up your ass.
Don't fool urself dat u are an authority in english language or dat u ave 2 write perfectly at all times.Feel free to make typo error cos u r only human. So stop resending ur typos all d time.
Dee-deey, abeg help us tell the Olodo.com PC abeg..I can bet with an empty box that the dude has some complex issues..Trying so hard to be noticed on blogs..that's what we call #Seekiratu,seeking to me noticed#
Pls which one is "intersex lesbian"?
I just pity the young chid who was born out of wedlock with no identity 4 now until d real father is determined thru DNA, story neva end, i even heard there was another celebrity she had a fling wit months b4 she got pregnant....what an irresponsible lifestyle.
If she sleeps with 2 men in a day how will she know d father of her baby.DNA is her option.shadey
TAUTOLOGY ALERT! Concomitance is same with goes hand in hand ok....so I know wat u do to feel like all d words in d dictionary u know dem off heart, u simply go to ur ENCARTA DICTIONARYor prob just google synonyms of words den come nd blow grammar. Cos u wanted to type hand in hand den prob checked for d synonym and used both mistakenly....keple ohh
1. FOR PC- There r diffs btwn knowing sth and bein able to utilise it, dts xactly PC's probz. U̶̲̥̅̊ dnt kno ao to match ur so cald 'grammar' @ all. 2. FOR THEMA- ryt choice of hubby I guess bt if she quarrels wit Authur, evn wen she's engaged nau, she wil stil av to run bck to sm oda person jst bcos she needs a shoulder to cry on n also to satisfy her LIBIDO. Ladies sha!!!! only if dy can jst realise dt dia 'smtin' isn't 4 any1 to access it. #of course its BAMMY#
Leave PC alone,he makes d blog interesting wv hs stupidity....nobdy talks lyk dat,he is jst aving fun playin wv words,allow am abeg,,,as a denizen of ds podunk country,he is free 2write any impetuos comment....lol...its xavier
And u think Dencia was wrong in her last week's tweet? She must have been talking about this! Women!!!!! God help this generation.Chika
LOL @ dee_deey!
"hand in hand in concomitance most times!"
Prince Charming! Always trying too hard. Take a break from LIB for some time.
Latikaaaaaaaaas, I remove cap for nna!
Na waa o! D girl na fine babe sha!
U almost did..#lol#...after she wld call her ting a "private part"..animal-like-lil-wayne dey enter, human being dey enter...and she dey swing am give each like pendulum..thank God d barbie look like human..else,d animal for PrOTEST
I thought dz girl had A baby 4 dbanj cos they wer dating b4 he went 2 genevieve
I just discovered that im pregnant for my Abuja boyfriend but i won't tell him becos i prefer sharing the news with my rich boyfriend in lagos first before i will know wat next to do. If the rich guy says yes.....then im ready and bye bye to the real sperm donor.
You gorrit!
Lol @ Dee_dee Y, you really cracked me up with that. E be like say u don keep the boy for mind, come let out all ur frustration
they can be as stupid as the want, the shouldn't let that little angel grow up being confused about who her daddy is.especially with all the pics being on the internet.Get a fr...ing DNA test to be 100% sure.
they can be as stupid as the want, the shouldn't let that little angel grow up being confused about who her daddy is.especially with all the pics being on the internet.Get a fr...ing DNA test to be 100% sure.
@Dee_deey,afoanu!drop U̶̲̥̅̊R comment n leave Prince Charming's comment n choice of words alone onye okwu n'uka or better still look up the words in the dictionary n tell him the meanin. "Aturu Linus" (˘̯˘ )
Y'll berra leave p charmin alone, let him shine on Lin's blog! And nonhle berra get her acts together fast so as not 2 confuse d baby! Kenny
this isnt news nauuu,its simple take dna.
Hahaha I like that "piom piom piom"..lol
Who come be d baby's papa among this 2guys? I pity d. Lie wanny I wanna be bc the guy was happy wt baby n all that. Children of this day,una too D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ doo strong thing.
@dee_dee y LMAO.dnt mind d he goat joor
South Africans r so cheap,no self respect. Going up and down and getting laid,I guess dis is not just d 2 she is rotating.
She is the real definition of the word 'BItCH'.
@deedeeY or wateva ur called..y dnt u shut ur stinkin hole up nd leave PC alone...comment if u want to and dnt hate..ajayi wuranwu
I guess the Lil' Wayne lookalike was the managing director of the company while the CEO was on sabbatical....
Confused.com,she'z jst plain stupid!dt talk abt a mum knowing who's her baby daddy is so not true!itz obvious she was sexing d 2 guys @ d same tym,so hwz she gonna knw who d father is?itz very annoying wen educated,beautiful ladies get into unnecessary baby daddy drama issues!Take it Trisha to help u!
D gal com wait 2 born d pikin mak she see who e go resemble b4 choosin d papa! Lmao!babe r u chris b? Hw wil u jus b goin back n forth? Smh
Now I'm scared of having a girl who's friends with her ex
My dear we can't fit chop tatoo naa? Lmao
Me thinks its the usual issue with women who are dating,then fall in love with a much younger man,keep it on the down low coz we R too scared of what people are going to say,well lucky her she tidied up on time,better messy than end up totally miserable ,you are the one who gets to live with your decisions and choices when the spotlights dim.
Sounds like a heartless woman to me coz it seems she led d other guy on to believe d baby is his, and now out of d blues she decided to shatter his reality. I wonder how d guy is feeling and I wonder y nobody is seeing dt ds lady is dangerous. I wonder wat kinda marriage she will av tho.....dt husband had better be careful, but then again, birds of a feather flock.
Chanpion!!! Na wa.
Lol @ pari pasu with stupidity...
Women are evils.....
Every1 is porting oo
.......SHE DON PORT OO....*in sakaz voice
PC, always so fast to comment that you jumble your words at times. "Hand in hand" and "concomitance" used in the same sentence is refered to as tautology. Thank you!!
@Dee_deeY. I tire for PC. Cos he wants to use okpo okpo english words na im e use hand in hand come wed am with concomitance. Haba. This boy take am easy oh. Is there anyone here wey d guy wan impress with his confusion of words biko nu? Ndi na- abia here are not dundees you hear? U can really get ur msg across without trying too hard to impress, in this case, Linda lol
Gosh!How can she present such a tattoorized fellow ni?Arthur is better looking plus he's very good looking,meanwhile she's just a confused n stupid broad!
hahahahahahahhahaa...na only woman know who d papa of her pikin be o!
this girl is not ashamed of herself
Nna mehn! PC warisdis naa? E ga asuna mmadu from this blog oh. Take ya tym oh.
Star Ivy? Hmmm,africans n photocopy!!! Wudnt surprise me if she presents anoda dude as d baby's daddy in d near future. when it coms to cooking up false stories,women r unbeatable!
I tot she was responsible..Anyway they should figure it out..But I must confess to u linda ikeji am falling for u..I like u so much
Nna mehn! PC warisdis naa? E ga asuna mmadu from this blog oh. Take ya tym oh.
Well said dee-deey
He doesn't listen to correction o. When ppl try to correct him, he insists he is right,&begins to dissect his english through online dictionary.
Most times whatever he types doesn't make sense because of wrong use of Big English. Irritating to say the least.
Ur own no dey pass HIV,u don check ur own self? Ode
Na sooo southy babes be
They r very nonchalant
....."She tripped and fell pregnant" linda you wont kill me here......cant stop laughing at your expression. Its comically sarcastic. Lol
@Dee- I dont see how in any way all you said points to PC using a wrong word. Some of u are just intimated when you see words by PC u dont know the meaning of
He is sooooooo annnnnoying, I'm sure he does not even understand what he post all the time.
Shut up fool!! Do u know the meaning of the word concomitance at all? Prince charming used it correctly
This silly ass PC that speaks big english like an old school teacher. Wake up and smell the coffee local campion o! Women no go eat your english. Look even the whites that taught us the english, speak plain simple english. Matter of fact, when I did my masters years ago, the course leader complained all the time that countries of high power distance use lots of grammer and she had to look up those words.
Change your ways Nwa teacher by converting the grammer to ££££.
She is the mother so she. Knows who the baby daddy really is plus the baby looks so much like arthur...
Arthur is definitely the baby daddy..I mean look at the girl, does she look like that ugly mucheche? Hell to the no..
Keep shut! You know nothing,u n ur mother that read English
Wonders shall never end celebs and their wahala tufiakwa.
Thank God for DNA . I'm sure she was sleeping wit both of them
Finally she don port!!! Lolz...Best fing is to go for DNA test for both party to be sure of who owns the baby cz women r terrible attimes
If men married to celebrities(complexities) should do some test today, most of them may be surprised they aren't th owners of the children they are claiming to be theirs.
@Anon 8:50AM that's not tautology, He said hand in hand in concomitance meaning hand in hand(jointly) in occurrence (concomitance) so where is the tautology in that?
Lol @ ur 'we just dnt broadcast it'
@NeRo and ammy; I get your point guys, thanks, well taken! That's how to talk to someone, like educated folks, which I am sure both of you are.
share your US visa experience here
Prince Charming et al. Seeking Relevance with the use of Irrelevant, Illogicall Sentence Consturction- A Study. "Nonle Thelma's Weird Baby Daddy Drama" Linda Ikeji's Blog 2013
I just read through the posts and honestly, I think the study is flawed! Too many faults in the procedure, no clear cut objective either! BUT I do believe the participants deserve an "A" for effort. Everything else should be run again.
Better luck next time!
Hugs and Kisses!!! :D
lol..zzz very funny, them dey play football.. Pass and pass back.. Until goal ooooooooooooooooooooooooo
DNA test, and since them be South Africans and all these going back and forth, HIV test too.
was a DNA test carried out?
Naso all of u mumu reach, dose commending and dose condeming na joblessness dey wori una ( ˘˘̯)
Hian! Did u say why is this news? If this news no baffle you,then you be ashawo abeg.
Did sumone say bahamas trip with Linda?Do tell
This was what Dencia was referring to cuz lil wayne's her cousin
'Arthur is better looking plus he's very good looking' r u a learner?
Lmao Linda, what do you mean by she tripped and fell pregnant? By the way the baby looks more like Arthur
Arthurs one of my best mates from b4 he left south west England. Im happy as hell for that boy n im sure he knows whats going down. All this media hype is shullbit
even nonhle does not use a condom hay im scared shame
Ok where have I been,this kid had a child...use to adore her.
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