The beautiful South African and good looking Englishman got engaged in March, four months after welcoming a daughter, Star Phoenix Ivy Zima.
The couple who live together with their child in a posh area in Johannesburg, have been dating since 2010 and are planning to wed in the next few weeks.
OK, OK, let me say it. I can't get over the fact that he's 24. But he's so cute. #runsaway! :-)
Things dey happen o, happy for her, but on a personal note, I can't marry my aburo o, I will feel like an agbaya. God bless your union. More babies, money, good things of life I wish ou.
So dey started dating wen he was 21???na wa 4 child abuse oh!
what a nice combination. they will make a very cute couple
may God bless dem but wht did he knw abt marriage?. Iyke.
He is cute. They will make good family. Congrats to dem and baby ivy. Last to comment yipeee
Different strokes for different folks! Age is just a number, as long as they are happy together its ok. Age doesn't always have to do with maturity, neither does it have to do with the right man!
All the best to them!
Am happy for her but on a personal note, I can't marry my aburo, I will feel like an agbaya, wishing you guys all da best.
Ladies to younger men is trending now?
First to comment so happy 4 dem
Kant tell d diff wt deir age sef
So its more like dey re same age
She looks good
N he looks older dan 24
In my opinion though
Linda no matter what at some point the age gap will be a problem sexually for them. It depends on how well they solve if to last but my mum is South African and their divorce rate puts westerner to shame the women dont give a damn
lin lin dnt tell u r tinkin of deepin in2 d kiddies pool.... Hmmm
u cn deep sum shall is nt dat bad
Lindodo age is just a number where love is concerned! *wink*
lol!..Linda u r so nutty in a cute way..lol!why are u running..u like them old eh kwa?
Wen she calls ♏Ɣ baby she really means ♏Ɣ baby
I see linda settling for a younger guy eventually..Me maybe ;)
Jamb wahala. Linda wats ur email addr
Linda please its it seems its only you that's left..... Please we are tired of this and dat, dating and engagement.... Linda pls give ME ur own good news...
I pray that God will direct you!!
My best LIB day will be
LINDA IKEJI set to WED ******** *******
Linda, we can't wait!
To your personal note, i was like u a few years ago, this is purely nigerian mentality, this is what our cultural mentality deposited in us and guess, its robbing us of our happiness....after relocating to north America, i discovered Love knows nothing about age. U marry a younger guy, they call u Cougar, an older guy, u are a gold digger. God didnt specify age requirements in marrying. I
Im married, my hubby is 3 years older and treats me GOOD...but with what i know now, if i was still single, i will go with any christian guy that makes me happy.....open your mind, ur Adam might be younger but if he treats you like a queen, take him over d older chap dat thinks he is doing u a favour by marrying u...maturity has nada to do with age hence the phase : foolish old one!!!
They look good together,but:x :x
Cute couple. Wish them the best. The guy must a responsible guy, at his age a naija boy will still be thinking he is too young to settle down.
Too young! the age difference!..Hmm..
linda dear, u sure have eyes for cute guys.
I heard d'banj dated her. Is dat true?
It's just a matter of time.We all know how this 'cougar'thing works
D guy is cute..he's nt looking d age though
i dated a younger guy once (3yrs younger naa ni), it was simply tha best of my 3relationships. am just 27 anyways, had to call the stop coz i knew it wasnt going anywhere judging by my family standards!!
loved the smallie to pieces and vice versa, not like all those my over kaku older bfs. tcheww! abeg, u peops cant imagine the peace n love she's enjoying, the only thingy is when she's approaching menopause n the young man still got vibes to share!! heyyyyyyyyaaaaa.. alex, where are you my smallie bf.. #sobs
21 years? and u call it child abuse.. stupid mentality.
Well we aint all the same right? But it calls for caution being that there has been more "bad-end" records for this kind of union in the past. However, the likes of Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore, Nick Cannon & Mariah Carey etc have made such arrangement seem a possible success ,so far.....I wish them all the best! i only plead for less broken homes(destroying the fabric of society), especially in cases that could have been SELFLESSLY prevented!
This is nice trust me, they look adorable together.
WOOW!!!... so nice. Nigerian ladies should learn from things like this. It is not every guy you see that you call a small boy...lol, love has no boundaries and restrictions, once cupid hits you there's no retreating. Wishing the couple a happy married life.
Come on comot ya eyez linda! shebi you don talk say you no de do young boiz? oya look front for the bros that befits you.
I agree with u. Some older men are even more childish than the so called small boys
She looks really beautiful. She kinda looks like Janet Jackson in the last pic tho. Congrats dear one.
LOLz, Linda where are you running to..come back here.
U re younger than linda and u look lik u re 42????
Just wish them well please!! He is 24 but wiser than most of the 44 old men out there!! It's just a number people! All u ask is for in marriage is LOVE, CARE and HAPPINESS!! Forget bout who is older and wish them well in their union
its just funny how we all thought its Young Nacho's baby but seriously whats thet ruth here as they were seen together at Spur having Lunch together and a tweet pic was sent.
Linda, i see u r hung up on this age thing. This might still happen to u so never say never
Lmao @ 'smallie' n 'over kaku older bfs'....
@ Anon 1:50::
Dats so true
@ lilibaby,never say never pls
I can really c your digging d guy,""he's so cute"
Linda pls give us ur wedding date, and leave other couples to live dre life. U too gossip!!!
When it comes to love age is nothing but just a number. Love always wins! Congrats to such a cute couple.
**cough** Child Abuse**cough**
Look at dem they look so cute ...she doesn't look like she is 8yrs older than he is ....they both look like they are in their early twenties.wish dem d best wif their cute babygirl
@AnonymousMay 14, 2013 at 1:22 PM
He is cute. They will make good family. Congrats to dem and baby ivy. Last to comment yipeee.
-FYI:-Cuteness doesn't mean "good"family....character does.dey both are cute no doubt sha.all d very best to dem.
Lol u too like fuck linda
Oshey sister...I feel u and I agree with u totally..age is just a number.infact some younger ones knows how to treat their woman more than the older ones..i believe every woman knows what they all want in a man.mariah Carey will never ask for anything better..5 Years and still going strong.if I see a woman who has the same thing in common with me,I'll go ahead and marry and moreover am so scared of all this Yankee girls.they can like to become the husband.lol maybe I'll just come back home and marry sha but anyhow age shouldn't be a barrier in any relationship
Dats their choice sum of our naija men dey marry gals 30 years older than dem sum even have kids older than their young wives wat do u say to that?
I feel u jare
Well said
They look the same age, sometimes he might even look older, so kini big deal? As long as he's a grown up.
Nothing bad on it. Enjoy ur self madam.
It has nothing to do with your culture or upbringing afterall not everyone in d same household or country will like such.
Its just preference.for me its distasteful and insecure of her but its her choice.
Am nigerian, middle belt ...am married to a man 3 yrs my junior......It's 8 years now and we are still going strong...
Nice one @Anon 1:50,I love dat buh datz her opinion sha
In another fifteen years she would be approaching menopause and he would approaching the peak of his desires, the libido very high. The guy thinks he is in love now, but he is still too young to appreciate the demands of marital life
Well,it sure rocks to date a lady older dan u.av nt dated anyone m older than.forget d sugar mummy ish.my gf is older dan I am nd we doin gd.
.......... We shud all learn 2 4low our hrt...a time will come we will all wish we re still younger so F age... My wife is 3yrs older dan me..and we are apily married..My God continue to bless us..Amen
cute couple, but I would never date a younger guy
Yipee!its nofin tho...n dats if dere is luv,age doesn't mara atal
ᶠᶸᶜᵏ ᶦᵗ ᶦ'ᵐ DiamOndfauzi ̈́ ͂ ̷̐ ͂̈́ ̈́ ͂ ̐ ̈́
LMAO !!!!!
Gbam well said
Naijadeltapikin... Ȋ̝̊†̥ Ȋ̊§ well God time Ȋ̊§ d best let us all ask for God direction in tryng Τ̅☺ settle down in marriage, Ȋ̊§ the happiness there after that matters alot, if Ɣøu Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ happy with the person U̶̲̥̅̊ settled down with, may God help us all.
How old is she?
Thema is such a Beauty..And that Baby too,so cute! The guy is just a fair okay guy by my standards!But if he truelly loves her and she loves him too,then i can't wish them anything less than a happy life together #Age is really just numbers
Pretty Girl
Lolz@smallie boyfrnd. Well dey luk cute, age is jst a numba
I want to marry from another african country...so help me God
Hmmm dis nohle thema abi wetin b her name,that said she's richer than beyonce and prettier than jlo,she praises herself so much on twitter,u'll be disgusted @ a point she insulted nigerians and frank edoho even confronted her.. Stupid old hag,you couldn't even bag ur mate,u had to go for someone that it'll be easy to control..
So halley berry is 37 and nobody questioned that?All of you who screams that omotola,genny and any oda nija babe isn't their age is a bastard...Why do we nigerians have low self esteem 4 crying out loud?slaves of life!pathetic souls
Hmmm, me no fit sha, d age difference too much for me, at most 3yrs younger I fit manage. All the best though.
Well, I wish them all the best! The only way the marriage would last is if both parties are going in without ulterior motives
Am so happy for her. She is a great VJ. I just pray the marriage will last because it takes the grace of God for a young guy to keep his marriage.
Can't even tell d difference, they look cool togera.
the birth of a new name Ivy blue carter jazzy's daughter now this one Phoenix Ivy Zima
did i hear some 1 say ladies to young is trending? okieeeeee so dis is why dis Lady she has been disturbing me? Ben johnson ooooo
so Ladies to young guys is trending? suuuuuuu??? so dis is why she has been good to me? ewooooooo
but that kinda too much o
amazing stuff on my style blog when u click
I so cannot do it..probably bcos I'm attracted to older guys.. Nohle is going to look like his mum in 10 years time..
Exactly why I can't date them..
She looks so in control of everything and I believe the guy was and is still is star struck...well let's give them three more years when the star sparks must have fallen from his eyes like the scales from saul's eyes.
Linda Ikeji!!!.........I carry hand for you and all you crew o!! Not my prayer for you but consider this (God forbid sha!! If like play, like play you reach 42 and oruka never enter hand, then one guy dey wey get all the qualities wey you seek a husband but he happens to be like 2 years younger. Sincerely, wetin you go do if him propose???
My fiance' is 5 yrs younger than me and we have been dating for a year and a few months. This is the best relationship i have had till today and he behaves more matured than my exes who were older than me. I thank God everyday for bringing him into my life. When picking a potential life partner, i would advice the ladies to focus on what matters and age is definitely not a deciding factor. Look at his character, how he treats you and whether he is hardworking, ambitious and generous. The rest is rubbish. Peace.
Weda u lyk it or nt, dey luk gud 2geda nd r getin married dats wot matters
Linda i am 25years old but if I can find you we are definately going to the alter next year :).
Different strokes for diff folks
Marriage is the nail in the coffin for them. Whilst dating a younger man(boy) is fine, guys of that age are still figuring out what to do with their lives and whilst he may be enjoying a good sex life with her right now, does not mean this would last. Today's men and women have way too much options to be settling down this early in life hence too many break-ups. Good luck to them as they would need it.
Dating is ok but marriage is a no no. They look like mother n son
Linda lol, dont mind me o, post my comment.Muah
he looks much older than her...age aint nothing but a number. ive met 30 year old d**k heads! as long as they have sense and u click its a lll good
Linda, I am still waiting for you to propose. You know I am all yours.
ol ds ina 5paged essays comments shaaa*yawns... #teamCougarville. I wish d cute couple well
coool she's 31 he's 24..ahem,not bad at all,hope the cradle snatching doesnt haunt her ha!
I once dated a younger guy, omg! That was so caring... Too caring , and very hard working, we are stil friends. I broke with him because of my friends, they always have one or two comments to pass, anytime they see us together. I still regret ending the relationship .
Good for them,Plus his a brother to Lupe Fiasco, thats all she talks about on her twitter page
She's beautiful and doesn't look her age at all. She looks younger, even somewhat younger than her fiance in my opinion. Best wishes to them.
he looks older than her they'll make a cute couple.
They luk cute together, wish dem all d best, enemies of progress shame to u all jealousy jealousy.
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