Firefighters received a call from residents of a block of flats saying they heard the sound of a baby crying and believed a baby was stuck in the pipe. When firefighters got there, they removed the pipe and took it to a nearby hospital, where doctors carefully cut around it to rescue the baby boy inside.
The baby, whose placenta was still attached, is believed to have been stuck in the pipe for hours. Unbelievably, he survived the ordeal. He is now in care and said to be in stable condition. The police are said to be looking for his parents. God be praised.
1 – 200 of 213 Newer› Newest»Ah God.. The video was so heartbreaking
Aruuuuuuu.....kai....dis baby will be great IJN Amen
so sad
God be praised his parents ar wicked sha n evil t
wow this is the height of wickedness.
Waoooo,crazy world
why the hell did the parents do that??? OMG! thank God the child is in good health now.
I cant believe how wicked and heartless people can be! children that people are looking for? it is well o!
Guessing they were possessed by a Nigerian spirit.
Lawd have mercy
All I have 2 say is"Thank u Jesus". Poor little baby, he didn't deserve this.
Hilarious.... God would purnish them Mercilessly
Wat kind of person in hiz/her ryt mind wuld do sumfin lyk dis??..thnk God d baby is alive!
God Forbid. Pple r wicked. God have mercy
I'm short of words! I'm heart broken! This is what people have gone agu na asaa mmili na asaa looking for!
May God have mercy on his parents! may He also be praised for keeping him alive inspite of all!
Dts jst so wrong!!!!!!
This is wrong. What a piece of shit is parents are.
Wow! God is so awesome!
follow my weight loss journey
Mind blowing! Jeez! God indeed is with our little ones! Those Parents don't deserve to be alive.
This is just d hand of God!
thank you JESUS and as for the heartless mother your purnishment is coming, you can believe that
The heart of man is wicked, who can see it. A child of destiny
This one is born for a purpose.....his evil parents just lost out
God is Almighty........
Wonderful God thank you.
My God !! Am speechless.thank God for saving d poor child
I read this on Yahoo this morning and was shocked! This is clearly the handwork of God!
May the Sweet Lord be praised!
Who could have believed that a Newborn baby can survive this ordeal
Ms Dera
it shall never be well for the parents.am just re-reading and cursing...it will never be well for the woman who did this to this beautiful baby. God! how wicked! how cruel! how heartless! how mean! how incompassionate! oh God!
This is endtime, exact reasons why I need to make heaven, I can't imagine sharing hell with parents of dt baby
Oh My Goodness!!! What is happening in this world? Such cruelty Lord have mercy.
What could be the cause of this practice. God have mercy!!!
God have mercy ooo,wat wud hav made a husband n wife try to kill their child? Tank God he survived and i strongly bliev dis child wil be vry gr8...pls dey shud quit lookin 4 his parents coz dey ent worthy to hav dis child,sm1 hu cud tk care of him wud be beta off #such a wicked world
Is it by force to born? Bastard useless and inreponsible werey oshi! Shio kelembe
Hmmmmm, wat a miracle.
well thank God it happened abroad bc this baby wouldn't hav been this lucky if it was in 9ja ......Dr P
This is wickedness in the highest order
God pls have mercy on our generation
Blood of Jesus! I wonda hw dt child ll live a normal life nau...*sighs
wonders shall never end
May God be praised,this is indeed a miracle.
o my God, how can people be so wicked? God help us all. *still in shock*
Thats what you get when your government places 10million yen on giving birth to a 2nd child!
Anyway the baby sure has a place in this world if he can survive that!
God be praised!
Chinka people una too much, coffee wey i dey drink hia comot my nose as i read dis
Brutally Inhumane & Utmostly Wicked!
This is disheartening. This is one of the reasons I'm pro-choice. I pray for a healthy, long and blissful life for this baby
God ıs the greatest.
Jesus, people are mean! God help us!
All i can say is that GOD is great, GOD is good and HE is just wonderful....
Oh ♏Æ” God, what a wicked world we live in. God will never forgive this wicked soul. Lip sealed.
May God be praised!! When God says yes nobody can say no.
Y won't dey want 2 kill d child,wen foolish Chinese people wld not allow u av more dan 1 child. Rubbish people,if u do,dey wld now suck u dry. I lived in China 4 a while,d way women take pills is alarming,some even abort wen dey realise dey re pregnant. Things
Evil, jezz people are evil, wicked. What a world we live in
My dear,dat child is alive kos d parents knew d child wld b found. Dey can't av more dan 1,so most dat have put it in govt care thru very strange means like u av just experienced. So dnt blame dem,blame deir rules n blame dem 4 living so freaking long,dat deres no space 4 new kids 2 thrive. Dazaalllll
Pure wickedness
Jeez and there are people out there looking for babies.
It's either they are mentality challenged or plain evil...
Thank God the baby survived.
wicked world.may God forgive the woman who conceived this baby.
Haba! Wickedness of the highest order!
The evil that men do live with them, how can someone do this to an innocent child.....dis just poilt ma mood
Destiny's child!
What manner of wickedness is this for earth's sake?!
God's name be praised indeed for He has shown d world again that there is a reason for everything that happens under the sun and He is alwayz in charge. I have goose pimples all over my body as I type this. God's word is the truth.May u reign forever!!!
Oh my God, this is wickedness
Nobody can kill Æ”☺ΰ if God has not permitted it.
Destiny's child!
Dear God!!! The heart of man is desperately wicked!
God be praised his parents ar wicked sha n evil t
oh my God!!!
Oh My God
Outright wickedness,God have mercy
OH MY GOD!!! May God punish the parents of this Baby> smh
OH MY GOD!!! May God punish the parents of this Baby> smh
Na wa oo!dats cruel!Thank God d baby survived....
OH MY GOD!!! May God punish the parents of this Baby> smh
To God be the Glory.
Jehovah you are worthy! May ur name be praised and worshipped from everlasting to everlasting ! This baby is a miracle indeed!
Baby you'll live and not die! Such a lovely baby.
OMG! why on earth would someone do a horrible thing like this? not even the fear of God. when some mothers are looking for fruit of the womb. Oh! God pls forgive.
Jesus wat is dis world turning in2. May God forgive his parents. #kiki#
Wonderz shall never end in this world of sin...bibtins
this is pure evil.. Jesus after 9months?habamana.....smh tho`
Jeeeez! So sad...sorry baby. *EVE*
Must be d pressure from d govt to cut down on d number of kids per couple...
Y not terminate d baby as a feotus..
Wats d point of carrying him 4 months and flushing him??
As if ppl living der won't notice der was no baby from d pregnancy...
Stupid idiots...
I'm so pissed ryt now...
Billie jean
Hmmm, some women can be so heartless sha! Thx Ĝöϑ the baby È‹̝̊̅§ fine.
olori buruku oloshi parent...
How many children has gone back like this? God have mercy on humanity.
God is wonderful!!!
Every country with there own problem.
Thank you Jesus for this miracle.
What?! Lord pls where are you? Indeed your standard isn't ours... Thank you for keeping this child Father.. As for the parents deal with them in your own way..SMH !!!... DRKAODI...
God have mercy..wt is dis life turning in2..hmmmm
Some human bein ar heartless
May God 4give dem. While som ar out there lookin 4 baby
God be praised
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If there was a way to kill people and bring them back to life so you can kill them over and over again that is the kind of death and punishment the bastards that did this deserve.
There is none like Jehovah!!!Thank You Abba Father for the life of this precious one.
Reading this i jst imagine being trapped in a 4 diameter pipe..Toilet pipe,Gush!..This is wicked!!!...But i thank God for this baies life and the pple that were able to save him..Its Gods doing that he was found and is alive...
Omg!omg!omg!am in tears.people pay millions just to hv one they can call der own.in between,cant wait to see linda in ph tomoro in silverbird.yeeeeeaaa!welcome to ph,land of milk nd honey(i pray oo)
ThankGod he is alive
Praise bi 2 Almighty Allah,pple are sooooo wicked
JESUS!!!this is d height of Wickedness!!!
My Good God! I knw they placed a rule dat only 1 child should be born but dis is unfair! Dis babe is meant to live, dat's y he survived dis,he'll be a great man in future!
what a horrible world. that a mother or whatever can carry a pregnancy up to its full term and decide to flush the baby down the toilet. may God forgive such a woman and make he realise her sins.
Wot a wicked world. Bt God always let us know He's greater dan us at evry point in time
How can sumone be this inhuman such parent don't deserve a child in their life! God punish the mother more!
God I thank you, for ur Miracles in the Life of this Innocent Child.You are God and I thank you for the Lifes of those Doctors Firfighter that rescure the Child may ur name be Praise.IJN.....Amen.
Oh my God
God be praise may the boy live to be who God want him to be. For the mother she will forever cry in her heart for doing this.
This is wickedness of d highest order...God have mercy
what a wicked world.
Thank u Lord for saving his life.
I love you Jesus.
what a wicked world.
Thank u Lord for saving his life.
I love you Jesus.
Thank God for d baby's life. The parent must be so callous
Am speechless
Make God punish whoever dat did dis
Pure wickedness
His parents are oloriburuku proper.ao could dey b so callous flushed away their own child down d toilet.neway dis is d end time.God will neva forgive dem and d baby's spirit.10k God d baby's still alive
Dat is so nt fair
When d parents is caught dey shld make sure dey put dem in prison...... sum ppl are just naturally wicked!
Evils....God help us......why lamba without rain-coat when u are not ready. https://yomiafolabi.blogspot.com
D heck mehn, shit.gosh can't close my mouth. God is awesome
Linlin I comment on ur blog u dnt post dem, hope u wil post dis. Good work tho
People are so wicked,when U̶̲̥̅̊ know U̶̲̥̅̊ don't need d baby why bring him t̶̲̥̅̊o the world
Some pple cn b so heartless.
Dats so bad. Y wil someone do dat. Dats so cruel
Oooooooh tnx be 2 God! May God have mercy on d parents n may d kid grow in strength, power n wisdom of God. Dis is a gr8 miracle indeed!
oh God ,,,have mercy upon us for we human are very wicked.
God have mercy, am in total shock , when some are looking for the fruit of the womb and spending millions? The parents should face the electric chair,haba!
Subuhanah Lahi!
What a weird world?
Omg!this is just evil!
Jesus is Lord! Bet why :( Can't stop the tears
To God b praized
Blood of jesus, wat people re praying 2 God 4. Tnk God he survived it
Chai! pple can be so wicked. D baby must v a gr8 destiny 2 v made it, placenta,faeces,bruises. D Lord keepth. Just sayin...D Curious1
Datz a child of promised,a legend,a ruler.he was indeed born 2 live
Tnk God 4 his mercies wah a wicked world
People are wicked o!God forgive them 4 they know not what they do.
who ALLAH dint kill nobody can.this are one of the sign,reveleations ,wonder dat Allah is great.ALLAHU AKBAR
OMG!!!!!!! The parents are really really stupid and cursed
God be praised...why carry a baby for nine months and throw him away afterwards? smh for people o
Johnny Walker
Oh my *crying*
na wa ooooo.... people can be very wicked, thank God the baby is fine.
Oh my my! Wat a pity,after suffering 2 carry him 4 9months!
This is in human act! Babaric
Jesus to U alone all d praise! Touch d heart of d wicked
May God forgive the parents.thAnkGod the baby is alive..
The wickedness in this World can make even the Devil nd his Demons Cringe @ the wonderment of the worst Humans can become. Thank goodness the tot survived. Imagine growing up to learn this happened to u on ur second day on Planet Earth.
Irony of this life, somebody somewhere ll give anything 2 have one yet another want it not!
A BOY whose refused that his destiny must not be buried by wicked people.
God pass them oooooooooooo.
Wonder's of d world,first 2 comment
Thnk u Lord. Dis bby will be great, there's a reason 4 his survival
People are so dam wicked... My God ! ! ! !
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! !
God be praised for real... Dat baby wld b great. And may God never ever give the perpetuators a baby wen they desperately nid it, may they never hear d cries of a baby forever.... They left this innocent creature to suffer and die, they will suffer so much before they die.. Smh
only God can save.
Thank God for saving this bundle of joy
So sad and to think some people are fervently praying to God for a baby.
This is wickedness of the hihgest order! Some people are so cruel but thank God, the baby survived it. I thought is only in Nigeria things like this happene? Na wa oo!
Naijadeltapikin... This ÈŠ̊§ sad the parent must βε̲̣̣̣̥ wicked α̲̅πϑ heartless ahhhh †̥Ã¥nKz God the baby survive.
This world is indeed wicked and heartless.
How will this not happen when they have a senseless one-child policy!!!!!!!!!!!! God save the mother that felt this was the only option.
Meanyl am I first to comment or not?
Dis our God is great!!
God is great.
God is great.
God is great.
Oh My God. i cannot even wrap my head around dis.. how can a sane mother do dis? even mad women dont give up their kids....this is rily disturbing.
Thank God d baby is alive. Thank God 4 d residents who heard. N d firefighters who God used 2 rescue him. I pray dey find his parents. Oma Baby.
This is unbeliveable what will make the baby parent to do this only God knows. Thank God the poor creature survive it. May he be a blessing to his generation
Jesus Christ.....God save us
Linda Onye oma... Hehe! Thank God finally oh! What God will judge sha, hmm!
Hw inhuman can we be. Why nt just drop d baby @ an MBH rather thn attempt to flush hm out of ds world.
hian...this is serious o
OmG...some pple ve no heart sha! Thank God d baby is alive
O my God! What kind of world re we living in? When some pple re struggling to get pregnant others re tryin to destroy baby. Thank God the baby survived. The parent of this little boy should rote in hell for life.
This is worse than witchcraft.....lord hv mercy on the wicked parents....kuku
What one seek,another forsake..lord have mercy
Why RAW ACTION if they were not ready to become parents..? Or haven't they heard of the word CONDOM..?
What is this world turning into? You mean a woman would do this to her own child after the stress of nine months? Many others are fasting and praying for this same child and you are here throwing yours away! May God forgive you.
Dis world is wicked!!gussh! After 9 mnth!!tufiakwa!!!
This is the Height of wickedness indeed! How could one do this to an innocent child?
God is wonderful. Thank God for the life of this baby.
Linda Oo°˚˚˚°! I saw it on aljazera Oo°˚˚˚°! I'm still in schock people get mind Oo°˚˚˚°! That child was meant to live and not die. The mother has been found and said she regrets her act! May God forgive her Oo°˚˚˚°! Hmmmmm!
Wickedness in high places ....Smh
God will punish this woman
Tnk u lord 4 saving dis baby. May d parents b punished......
After carrying this child for nine months?
God will punish you a hundred times daily until you die
Wah a wicked world!!
God is really GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After carrying this child for nine months?
God will punish you a hundred times daily until you die
God is good, I'm sorry the parents have no right to be called PARENTS.
Oh my GOd!I'm crying right now..this is sad..see what I'm praying for,someone else flushing him down the drain...GOD!if she can carry him for 9months,why not just take him to the montherless baby's home?why?sadmuch
Na wah ooooo! Wht kinda inhumaen act is dis? Our God is realy wonderful! May HIS name alone b praised
Jeremiah 1:5. Thank you Jesus. Like every single baby born on this earth, this baby is a Very Important Personality!
The heart of man is desperately wicked!I was really bitter when I heard the news on Sky News.I pray they find the mum and allow her pay for this devilish act.May God continue to protect the little one.
May be the government would arrest them for having more than 1 child not an excuse tho
Jesus!!!!! Glory be 2 God
Such a pity this is happening & China is busy pushing one-child policy, Sad
Linda why U no post my comment na
Awesome God
Why is so hard for people that doesn't want their babies to give them away for adoption???? Why can't they search for people that desperately needs a child and hand the baby to them??? This is pure wickedness! Trying to flush a live baby down the toilet! This child will prosper in the future and his parents will live to see it!
Awesome God, thank you
Bet whish kin olorinla by forceticate pikin b dis?????? HABA instead make u go find heavun JEJE! U wanrra Breves d hair of harth!!!!!!!! U go follow us see WEIN!!!!!!!
JESUS forgive me tenx!
I can see u're so jobless dats why u comment like a coward sometimes. What do u mean by "they were possessed by a Nigerian spirit" huh!!! I believe dis is ur gf on ur dp
Natural B
This is really sad. The baby is barely a month old and has been through alot shit in his life.
Thank God the Baby is Alive and well!!!
Some people are heartless,sha. I saw this in the news and just wondered how that baby could have survived such an ordeal.He looked like someone wrapped all over with POP.
Hilarious?? E no go better for English!
KAI THANK GOD.God is wonderful
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