33 year old Laura Fernee says her good looks forced her to quit her job, because men would not leave her alone and women at work were too jealous of her, so now she lives off her wealthy parents. Below is how Daily Mail UK is reporting it...
The 33-year-old science graduate says her slim figure and pretty face attracted unwanted attention from her male colleagues.
She also claims she has been ostracised by other women in the workplace who are jealous of her beauty. Miss Fernee now lives off her wealthy parents after quitting her £30,000 job in scientific research two years ago.

She said her appearance meant she was constantly harassed and bullied, and has decided work ‘just isn’t for her’.
Yesterday, she said: ‘I’m not lazy and I’m no bimbo. The truth is my good looks have caused massive problems for me when it comes to employment, so I’ve made the decision that employment just isn’t for me at the moment. It’s not my fault … I can’t help the way I look.
‘Male colleagues were only interested in me for how I looked. I wanted them to recognise my achievements and my professionalism but all they saw was my face and body.’
She said men left ‘romantic gifts’ on her desk and she was ‘constantly asked out’, which she found ‘sleazy’.
‘Even when I was in a laboratory in scrubs with no make-up they still came on to me because of my natural attractiveness. There was nothing I could do to stop it,’ she added.
Miss Fernee studied science and medical research to doctorate level and began working in a laboratory in 2008. But she said she was forced to quit three years later because of the treatment she received.
She said: ‘They [other women] assumed because I was pretty, I was stupid, so didn’t take me seriously at first and, because of their own insecurities, were jealous of my looks.
‘Then when they realised I was very good at my job, possibly better than them, they hated me even more.’
They also shell out £1,500 a month for her designer clothes, shoes and handbags, and £700 on haircuts.
Miss Fernee pays £80 a week to work out at the gym and spends £1,000 a month on socialising.
She said her critics were ‘underestimating just what a curse good looks can be in the workplace’.
1 – 200 of 538 Newer› Newest»Looool,wats pretty abt her,she is not even half pretty as our own agbani darego
'Pretty'**shez says**lwkm**she wishes**no offence buh the woman looks like a scare crow**wit her surgical face**ewwwwwwwwwwwwww
She is definitely not pretty to me o. I mean, she aint drop dead gorgeous!
Huh,lmao pretty ni pretty ko,she looks sick wif her superficial clavicles n scapular,she shld get a life mbok.she's so not pretty
Maybe she isn't photogenic....Not everyone looks good in pictures but are finer when you see them. MOVEMENT
Wetin fine here?
Longhiss she is jus lazy joor. Can't she be an enterprenuer n employ people to work for her. Lazy spoilt brat!Empress
U re lucky just relax n enjoy ur wealth.
Mtcheew Can anyone tell her the truth?
Beauty ko beauty ni,1st to comment
Õђ-kàγ naw. *cagey*
This old thing is definitely high on cheap drugs.
What on earth? For cryingout loud she's not dat beautiful,she even luks older dan her age.na d money she get make her quit jare d rest na story..
For Heavens sake I hate the hype honestly this woman is good lookibg she is isn't close to pretty
Loool!!! She is just a Lazy fool.
Racheal .E.
Gud looks???arrrrqqqqhhhh! She shuld ve a better reason dan dht
There is more to it than what she is saying. There is nothing unique about her. Wake up and stop deceiving yourself.
Something is wrong wit the 2nd pic. Is dat her boobs so flat?
Pretty noise.......abegi
She not pretty, I can't even give her a head. Talkless more of sex. She's just like all this yoruba lagos girls. But white anyway... Obago
With those eye brows? Lmaoooo! If dis woman is sayin she's too fine then I shud jst start writin my resignation letter nw nw,tanx to dis insomnia! Joker! Na bcos her parents get moni na!*rme* buh everyday evil spirits jst spring up n fill d earth wit all sorts,why? Lekwanu agadinwayi baybeh!hahahahaha
Fyn fire. She no evn gt breast. She dy dodge work jare. Ma old granny for villa hot pass dis babe
wats wit the eyebrows?
Wonders shall never end look at this below average deluded scarecrow, Bitch pls go get a job lazy ass with that gravity obeying breast of us.........some dress and talk well but are critically clinically MAD
Wonders shall never end look at this below average deluded scarecrow, Bitch pls go get a job lazy ass with that gravity obeying breast of us.........some dress and talk well but are critically clinically MAD
She is indeed lazy and just seeking for attention...
If I hear abeg abeg abeg make she go park for one side dis dry bonga fish I honestly don't kn d stardard she used to measure dat her so called beauty she has nottin to offer gaba zero baya zero
sounds super funny...she is not that pretty sef...
Hahahaha @ "can't help the way I look' I can imagine her battin her eyelashes! Oh lawd! Lekwanu ogbanje! Beyonce,Riri,J'Lo,name them,all work for for a livin,then its dis ngwere! Na bcos Ur papa get moni so jst shusshhh there! Queen Eliza!
Biscuit bone, dangling boobs, definitely not 33yr old. She Is sick I'd say.
Please upload more of her pic cause I just didn't see anything beautiful in these ones. Not to talk of "no work" beauty. Money go finish na. Eye go clear. Suicide would be her last resort as she would be frustrated to the core. See the Ngwere awiri sef. Mscheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew
abeg this lady needs a life
See her breast in dat black top beside she looks like MJ aft his las nose job,na yeye dey do her
If I hear abeg abeg abeg make she go park for one side dis dry bonga fish I honestly don't kn d stardard she used to measure dat her so called beauty she has nottin to offer gaba zero baya zero
Buhahahaha pretty fire,abeg let her go and sleep na wash
She don KOLO.....Abeg she don marry???,cos if she get gud luks lyk dat she go don met at list 1 beta man.
best post on LIB, i don laugh tire.....na wa
Cnt wait for coments to start rollin in. Am already laughin *LMAO** am def comin back to dis post,
Lmao! That is the dumbest excuse ever,like seriously,i don't get the beauty o,she is okay,but not drop dead beautiful,ahan,is she for real?? Anyways maybe there is something else,
Linda abeg save your blog space for better story, make we leave this money-miss-road. Too pretty to work... hmm!!!!
@ 33 yrs old,she luks lyk a woman in ha middle 40s.......she's nt fine 2 me.she shld go get a job n stop living off ha parents n taking beauty as an xcuse.....der ar so many beautiful ladies whh are constantly harrassed bt don't use beauty as an xcuse.....such a flimsy xcuse.
Hmmn,first tym here n first to comment.she's got a pretty face dough
U for real?? I'll say her pay isn't enough. Some silly lazy reason to spend free money and defence mechanism for avoiding work heat.
She don KOLO.....Abeg she don marry???,cos if she get gud luks lyk dat she go don met at list 1 beta man.
Yeah, fuck that working shit. I'm too handsome to work for ugly ass cunts and mugs. I'm a king. People should work for me. Butlers, butlers everywhere. Come fucking mow my lawn. Come cook for me. Working in an office is for ugly people. Oh fuck that work stuff! #LauraLogic
She should try not wearin makeup and see how much "no attention" she gets....this one na publicity stunt jor
Talk about being vain...sure there are other jobs suitable for so-called beauties. But I've seen prettier women anyways.
I think she needs psychotherapy. 1st to comment
I think she needs psychotherapy. 1st to comment
She is not all that.. Okay, regular face...Get over your self and work... Olobo town council!
First 2 comment oooOooo0000¤lindii hWfar
Alapa mashishe...if er parents re poor...she no go work Abi? too pretty my foot...kiss my black ass...
With her boobs almost down to her navel? Okay.
Lolz.....iffa hear
Indeed she is "too pretty"
She's done too much surgery that she now feels pretty
Grandiose delusion
Abeg Abeg!if diz is wat de call pretty,den let mi b ugly MtcheeewW
yea right, too pretty ko, too handsome ni...she's pretty no doubt but abeg not all that
Lmfao this is too funny. She is pretty yes, but not DROP DEAD pretty. Her colour makes her 'attractive'. Lmao so funny sha. Good for her anyway!
funny woman, if she didn't have money to spend, she would have recognized what percentage her beauty is and put her head to work... flex madam...
Shez nt fyn joor, too ugly 4rm chioma
1st 2 comment, I know i'll end up not being first, but it's still fun typing it wen there's no other comment there.....
But she looks 7o nah'she ugly 2 muchhhhhhhh
Can't see any piece of beauty here o! Hmm....she's over exaggerating jor! Na she sabi wetin make her stop work,I feel dere is more to it,simple!!
She should go n sit down jor, whch look? She should say she's too lazy to wrk..... But wait ooooooo nothing wey persn no go hear
If she z dat pretty den my dog z pretty to,she looks lyk 'surgery gone bad' see her brows nd lips nd she z so skinny,lookn lyk a scarecrow....obviously she is sick in d head,she has paranoia + grandiose personality disorder....mstchewwwwww...linda post dis abeg
Haba na”She looks like micheal jackson
But she looks 7o nah'she ugly 2 muchhhhhhhh
First 2 comment oooOooo0000¤lindii hWfar
No way, she isn't pretty! She is okay with a not too nice body.
It was the other way round, she has acute Low self esteem. See her smellinh mouth like beauty, I av 2 say dis wt all due respect,u re very Ugly.
Washed up excuse 4 ur lse.
Probably the way she dresses to work. Cos she isn't that pretty..
£5,280 every month???? She's not serious with her fake beauty. Msssssechew
Na she sabi.
Akuko na egwu..story dat touches d heart.loll
HiAn!na wa o
*yawns*. Akuko ifo
This woman should stop kidding herself, is it by quitting her job that men would stop noticing her? Abeg she no get better thing talk joor!
L̳̿Ö̤̣̇☺ː̗̀(=)))ː̖́☺Ö̤̣̇L̳̿ can't stop laffin! Biko is she a comedian?*BB Confused face*
She's good looking no doubt but I've seen prettier women and they work! Lucky she has wealthy parents paying her bills and all if not she go hear am. Rosy
SHES NOW DEADDD??? Omo me I no grab sha
Once again 4 all those fools,goats,idiots,monkeys,n d likes dat see a comment,n instead of replying decide 2 go all d way down n say @ anon 12:45 bla bla bla, its okay. As in we re tired,sorry I am tired of tracing d tym of a comment. Just reply d persons comment. Simples.
Plus Bonario n Prince charming,u 2 re big fools or just gay. Esp PC
Den Prince Jobless alias Amobi is a dick head.
N 4 all ya, its get sense n heed 2 my instruction.
Billie Jean
She looks good for her age.
Hi I am William, you all know me as Prince Charming on this blog, N I am here 2 emphatically state that I am GAY.
Pretty is far from her lmao!!!!!
She is full of sh!t. Who told her she's pretty? She looks pretty basic to me, blah! Nothing special. Keep it moving fool
Mcheewwww!!! Craze dey her head ... the woh woh ...
Na wa ooooo! Wetin person no go hear from dis oyinbo people.they neva seize to amaze me!
Lazy she is, she say na good look. She is nt dat good looking, sombody might jst be deceiving her. Ode. Lazy slut.... Linda u fine pass her nd yet u dey hussle.....
If that lady is 33, then I'm 10 years old! She is at least 45!
Wondaful... She is not even as pretty as genevieve not to ttok of agbani darego....
Linda help me broadcast this link, a good Friend of mine is contesting for Face of UNN..... Linda sweet-heart, pls, am a constant LIBer as I LIBerise every day, I have contributed to d growth of OUR{not rily urs only}
Blog..... Pls dear... Contribtr to d growth of a future Model and an undergraduate, Linda I won't forget u if u put this on ur blog, u can get her pictures on ha facebook. Princess Irene Igbokwe. If I had money, sincerely, I will pay you, but as a student and a penny entrepreneur, I can't even afford ur rates{One Day I will though}. Linda pls do this for a LIBer, not because I begged u but because someone helped ur blog grow, help Irene Grow also.... I Love u Linda!! Thanks{hugs}
Follow this link
See her neck lol shez nt so pretty abeg she never hala
First off she looks 43 and not 33, secondly is she too pretty to wear a bra too? What's with the boobs in that picture. Thirdly she's just a delusional lazy woman who does NOT want to work. I don't see no pretty anywhere around here. I don't blame her sha, its her parents I blame.
Dumb lazy woman. Who said she is pretty? I see an average middle aged white woman
Laughing in vernacular...Z
Story, story. Wat a silly excuse. She never talk true. She isn't all dat preety abeg. Mscheew.
Linda I no blame her jor, I would def do same if I had such rich and caring parent. For sure she isn't used to sure negativity around her. As for men they want to sleep with anything not just a beauty, she can go start her own biz since her parents can afford it. How would you get married now that you feel men are coming for your looks? Well IMO it's better they come for your looks than your money o.
To me, dia's nufin so special 'bout ha beauty, guess she is attractive. Nt too wise decision tho. Dia shld b a beta option I tink. Anyway Rich pple's lyfstyle.... #BAMMY#
Definitely not bimbo, but lazy? YES!
Linda d bible says as a man thinketh , so is he. She don tell you that she is too pretty to work, dey there dey talk your own say she is not that fine, that she is just there, abi na you she come beg money ni
Pretty fire! What rubbish. See her nose
Imagine this stock fish. Are u better than Agbani, Genevieve, Yvonne Nelson, Linda Ikeji, Nadia Buari, Omotola, etc? Wat a retrogressive woman she is.
Miss ferness u have just subjugated urself into laziness and trying to use ur not too pretty as an excuse.
She looks older for her age
Where is the beauty? Lazy bones!
dats just d silliest thing i hve ever heard in my entire life....
Totally agree, plus she has sagging boobs
Are u better than my wife Linda Ikeji? Yet she works assiduously to help herself and the people around her especially the poor ones.
Linda baby, abeg forget this lazy woman, she is just seeking for attention.
Am Crushing On Ikeji Linda (ACOIL)
Even kimye fyn pass her,even our own omotola fyn...lame excuse,there many hotter women workin n no complaints.
This woman should stop kidding herself, is it by quitting her job that men would stop noticing her? Abeg she no get better thing talk joor!
lmao..., this lady is just looking for attention cos she's obviously not that cute, she can't even be compared to most beautiful women who can afford to hold onto a job
Mscheww! Rubbish. She's gone kaput..like sm1 ii used 2 knw..me sef fine pass dis girl..plus she even looks40
shes insane!! lady A....FIRST TO COMMENT, YAY!
Crap. We have them fine women all over the place. Make she talk true why she no wan work. Most women I know enjoy the attention they get from the male folk. Why is this one yaning potopoto?
she de craz
Some people look better in person than in pictures and I want to believe it's the case with this lady. I am saying this because I can't see the over rated beauty she is talking about that kept her lazy bones at home. Moreso, she has parents who give her money. If she was born in my family where it was difficult to determine where the next meal would come from while growing up, she would have turned that beauty to opportunity of getting good jobs. I have nagged enough. Okbye.
why not just say I don tire to work I wan relax? What is wrong with simple relaxation? Abeg ya fine no reach like that oh?
Pretty? Sounds funny, she is just ok but she looks late forties in this pics........
See neck and eye brow! Nadia Buari, our own Bianca, Omotola Jalade, Genny, Stephnie Okere, we get the boku boku wey fine pass this lady. She is even looking older than her age. I am 40 and this 33 years old looks far older than I am. I tire o. Odi egwu o.
Lol she is very funny smh she is just looking for attention #parkwellgirl
Lmaooo I don't see any pretty woman though...
pretty my ass!!!!
With this her sag breast ....abegi make u tell us y u stop work ooo.abi na laziness
She is just a lazy fellow.pretty ke pretty ni?let her go nd sit down jor.
Where she fine go? Na liziness.
Eeer not too pretty for 33 though.. She looks like a 66 year-old who got a facelift.
Were is d beauty???
This ugly lab rat that looks way older than her age! She is so desperate for attention, because if she didn't want to be noticed for her looks then why is she broadcasting her story in the news for the entire world to see her????
She's not fine to me oooo!that excuse is flimsy.... She's lazy joor!
I must be blind or something.. Please I can't seem to see the beauty... body n face put together. mscheeeeeww... when chics as beautiful as I am are still working.
First to comment! Yippeee
Imagine... come try ham for 9ja.. else u are a politician daughter, even a plitician pikin self dey work... well lucky u omo baba olowo (OBO)
Can't see any beauty in her,all i can see is an insecured woman lacking self confidence,even prettier Naija babes go thru this harrassments at school and at work places but have neva quit...Abeg she should get a life.
There is really notting to her beauty jor. I tot she ĦăƋ extra features. Linda if I send Ů my pix Ů will understand why I can't work & my hubby doesn't even want it. I get stared at in market places , banks any where even with d way I cover up am cos
Where is the too much beauty here now biko? Nothing to touch jare!!!
She should go and have a sit in from of the class. Nonsense!
33?ŷou mean 43
Rubbish! First of all she's far from pretty. Not even beautiful. Secondly, she's all wrinkled with her fake eyebrow so I don't see why she's claimimg Miss World. Make she go find one rich 70yr old man marry and end up resorting to younger men for sexual satisfaction. Now dats the real job as she no fit work. Useless woman.
Eewoh,see this one o!Lazy thing like you.Better go back to woRk...who tell you say you fine,you are just being deceived..Ode
Mtcheeeeeeewwwwwwww!!!!! Madness of d highest order. Wat happens wen ha parents r no more? Pretty ko, attractive ni
Pls what happened to self employment??+ there are so many prettier ppl that Work!
kolo mental
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.so I don't know what beauty is anymore. 4 me she is just there. If she is very beautiful over there in the uk that means there r few beauties in the uk which I know its not true. This woman is probably livving in a fantacy cus they might be intesrested in her good looking pocket...........
this is an issue...maybe she should consider an acid bath.
- www.faithkel.com
Mtchewwww, aint seen anything striking in her.she luks like any normal woman.
Slow news day.
Which kind mumu gud looks? Reseach institutes are full of wackos, make she go work for other firms and see wot happens. Well I think d men were attracted to her intelligence and not her looks. Wot if d folks were poor?
Na wa ohhhhh,abeg,madam park well,we got babes 1million times hotter dan u.stop giving xcuses,u no wan work b4
Hehehehe, notin wey person no go see and hear from dis white people. Very soon, me sef go stop 2 dey waka 4 road cos of my beauty, lmfao.
> IYE <
lolz...,she's looking for a folktale
Ok I just commented.hope I'm d first
She looks 50
lol, this is funny. But i can empathize with her.
This sounds funny,she looks good though.
But to quit her job cos of jealousy?na money dey get.
She looks weird...definitely not my idea of vood looking in any way. Shes like an oyinbo karen igho. Btw,her excuse is as stupid as she looks.no self respecting man wud give her the time of day.except if dey knw her folks r loaded sha.but cos of her looks?dey r running away m sure
She's not that fine tho'. Very lame excuse for not working. Why not find a job that fits ur " profile".
dis woman no well
Narcissistic spoilt brat, with her saggy boobs(@ just 33 and I'm sure she has no kids) and manish body. Dey there they deceive urself say u be miss world. The guys were only after ur parents money cos ur not all that.
BTW Lili, how is this news to us, it seems u run out of juicy gossip sometimes. Nxt please
Please Linda where is the woman, cos I don't see any pretty woman anywhere here!!! Haba she no even fine reach Anne Hathaway, come for hollywood alone women wey find pass am reach a million! Lazy ass mannequin
Linda,is it dis ting dats ascribin all dese attributes to herself.. BOnGAFISH!
Lazy idiot!.. Biko gbalaga joor!.. Where is de "pretty" wey de worry u?.. I bu ezigbo anu offiah!.. Nwa bingo!
taaaaa even the ugly girls wain dey this years miss Nigeria fine pass her jor....to the left and look BUSH
Its From Her Village........Anu Ofia
Dis is an absurd story.she,s definitely preety so she shuld nt expect people 2 be blind 2 dat fact.she wasn,t molested by dem so I wonder y she shuld quit...
My question to laura,would you have stayed off work if your parents aren't rich? I guess NO is the answer....Lame excuse for me.
I respect her opinion. She is definitely not that pretty yes! but might just have that appeal to her colleagues alike which makes them latch on her for all the negative reasons.
what ever rocks her boat jare..
She must have inhaled some of those contents in d Lab that is causing her to have delusions of grandeur.this woman no near fine abeg.She's just a liability to her old parents.
Stupid talk! She fine pass our own Geny?
This is really senseless, the woman is just lazy! If her parents weren't wealthy, I'm sure she won't be saying this nonsense...
LMAO....... She has her reasons but lets see how long that will last.... Abeg onto d next one Lyly dis one no be gist....
This 1 no fine na..even you Linda fine pass this woman na.. Shoooo!
Pretty indeed
Abeg, its pride and insecurities on her part joor, make she go sit down.
Agbojulogun leleyi jare.....
Next linda
Iberibe (madness)
Seriously.......33yr old joker
Been there done that. inadequate ppl are a disease. Best solution Ive had is working with much older seasoned well decorated professionals that take you in based on qualitative output. Makes a world of difference. Ive diagnosed this in the past as pretty girl syndrome. often polarized underestimated and villefied dazall
The whites will see her as beautiful. She has a good looking body though facially she aint all that. Bia Linda, is she not in her fifties?
Wonders will end oneday
she this girl serious ni? d reason why u r being harsssed is cos u r rich. rich women abroad dont work under other people....they r their own bosses.U NO FINE BUT U NO FINE REACH ABEG
Is she for real? Very very weird and extremly lazy woman!beautiful my ass!
Asin,if i hear say????too prety!hey,have seen ladies pretier than ds in Nigeria..just tell us u re too lady to work,c plastic hands,pele Miss World..so ur parent will have to pay up every of ur bill?shame thing....3plehaeys says so.
HmMmmmm,what's givin d impression dat she is damm too prety.she is jst ok nt dam prety
I read this story on daily mail yesty. Firstly, she looks 55yrs old, not 33. I think this is a new wave of madness in the U.K and their government she diagnose and name this madness. There was a Samantha Brick who made these claims last year, not this old lady!
She's ok,not all that pretty, guess her beauty is in her imagination. My first time to comment here pls post
She is just a joke. Pls what good looks?? And what body??? Abi Linda, u post wrong pictures???
Dis lady isnt pretty at all.looks haggard.wonder wah all d'money does 4 her.anty pls get a life.......CME!
U have the pay so u can cook up any story to stop u from working..just have it at d back of ur mind that there is no food for a lazy man. u don't want to live at people's mercy.
Good looks kwa, loooool
Oys eyin omo Linda, e fi ebu ba ti e je .... LIBRs mk una use insults spoil her lif
Good looks kwa, loooool
She's jst okay, but not as she has exaggerated.
her gud looks nde? Ur parents sha try o! Oyibo! Chai! Una mata taya me sha!
She is just not serious, am not seeing that beauty. She just doesn't want to work. Beauty my foot.
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