Most evenings, with their little girl safely tucked up in bed, Charlotte and Chris Everiss (pictured right) enjoy a kiss and a cuddle on the sofa in front of the television.
Happily married for a decade, the couple cannot bear to even imagine their lives without one another. Yet, astonishingly, they haven’t made love for more than two years.
Both insist that their marriage, which followed a two-year courtship after meeting on a dating website, is stronger than most. It’s just that sex, they say, is not important to their happiness.
‘We still turn each other on but we don’t want to take it any further,’ says Charlotte. ‘We don’t have the time or the energy.
‘I find it hard switching off knowing that our four-year-old, Addison, is in the next bedroom. I think if Chris really missed sex he would tell me, or I’d catch him watching porn on the internet as a substitute.
‘But he doesn’t seem to want to go back to having sex, either.
‘We sound like Darby and Joan, I know - even though I’m only 34 and Chris is 40 - but that, to us, is contentment.'
Charlotte and Chris, it seems, aren’t the only ones whose sex life has dwindled to nothing. A recent survey estimated that 15 to 20 per cent of couples have sexless relationships - defined by experts as making love fewer than ten times a year - while around 5 per cent go without altogether.
Actress Helen Mirren spoke for many of these couples earlier this year when she said: ‘I think the power of partnership in marriage is under-recognised in our society. That’s what makes marriages work, not sex.’
In a sex-obsessed society, where everyone - young, old, male and female - seems to be boasting of how many times a week they ‘do it’, it may come as a relief to many that couples like Charlotte and Chris are happy to admit that sex plays no part in their marriages at all.
Most couples who find themselves at a point where sexual intimacy has died tend to confide their predicament to no one at all. But today three brave couples reveal to Femail how they have learned to live contented lives without sex.
You don’t need a degree in psychology to work out why Charlotte, a social media consultant from Great Wyrley, Staffordshire - who in the early years of her marriage made love to her husband three times a week - may have problems surrounding sex.
Three years ago, when their daughter was 18 months old, Charlotte almost died after an ectopic pregnancy resulted in her having a partial hysterectomy during a six-hour operation. Since then, she and Chris have made love only once, around ten months after her loss, an encounter from which she derived no pleasure.
Chris is understanding about her aversion to sex. ‘It can be hard knowing that our cuddles will never lead to anything more intimate,’ he says. ‘Charlotte is a gorgeous woman and I’m still very attracted to her, but she nearly died and I count my blessings every day that she’s even still here.’
‘I have an hour-long commute at either end of my working day so, to be honest, most of the time I’m too tired for sex anyway.’
Chris, a digital marketing manager, says he doesn’t discuss with friends the absence of sex from his marriage, but believes it is more common than people admit.
‘I don’t know that we’re all that different from other couples, we’re just more open about it,’ he says.
In all other respects, the Everisses have an enviable lifestyle. They live in a beautiful, four-bedroom detached home, have a Mini Cooper convertible and a VW Golf parked on the driveway, and enjoy several foreign holidays a year.
Tracey Dowler, 42, (pictured above with husband) spent several months worrying that husband Julian, 55, didn’t want to make love to her because he was attracted to other women. But she has now accepted that the stress of his demanding job as director of a motor mechanical and haulage company is the reason they no longer have sex.
And, while she admits there have been times when she has felt like walking out of their immaculate, three-bedroom semi-detached home in Rugby, Warwickshire, over the lack of intimacy, Tracey values other aspects of their marriage too highly.
‘We got married in 2007 after only knowing each other for six months, so it was pretty whirlwind,’ says Tracey, a wedding fair organiser. ‘When we were dating, we’d have sex up to three times a night, which was wonderful, but after the wedding we only made love once or twice a week. We started going months between encounters and now we haven’t made love for well over a year.’
Tracey still feels very attracted to her husband, and he says the same of her. The couple are loving in other ways, holding hands when they go out together, kissing one another goodnight before going to sleep and saying “I love you” at the end of telephone conversations.
Weekends are no more relaxing as Julian also runs a photography business, which he is hoping will take off enough for him to concentrate on it full time.
They are both keen to have a family together. They’ve had IVF and plan to have another round of it in August.
‘We talk about rekindling our love life but never seem to get around to it,’ says Julian. ‘We had a weekend away at a country hotel a couple of weeks ago and I was so exhausted I spent most of the time asleep.’
Julian regards Tracey as his best friend and soulmate - a fact common, it seems, to many couples enduring sexless marriages - and believes that once he retires they will be able to rekindle some semblance of romance.
Once a couple gets out of the habit of having sex, however, this can be easier said than done.
‘Couples who don’t make love start living like brother and sister or friends and get out of the habit of seeing one another in a sexual way,’ says Relate counsellor Paula Hall.
‘If both partners want to reintroduce sex, we encourage them to do so slowly, learning how to be sensual with each other and gradually building up to intercourse.’
Culled from UK Daily Mail
ČŠ̝̊̅ do not believe that crap joor,legend has it d@ sex strengthens d relationship of married couples.all na wash.ladun post ma comment.
I wear boxer for head abi? mtcheeew oshisco
no comment
Cutiey-licious via bb10
Linda you didn't read the article well before concluding, they both still desire sex but don't have the time for it.
Show me a couple married for 20-40 years without sex and I'll believe your theory. Mtschew. Next jor
This is so derisory! What's the plausibility of this claim if I may ask? Don't they have feelings for each other or something? Admittedly they could say they are happy but is that not a facade? I just see this as utter hilarity! Lol!
I couldn't help but notice the teeeenneeeey tiiiiiiiinnyy space between both couples around the hips. Seems even their bodies have adapted to the "no sex" rule and hence keep a respectful distance!
The human body can really be whatever one wants it to be!
Fallacy( Asi dika eziowku) they can lie for Europe.
who was there to buttress their claim. If its true,I'll suggest they go for deliverance.its not normal.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Linda, look at those people's faces, do they look like human beings that have blood flowing in their veins, they are Alliens!!!
Na so; true talk. And u av blood running thru ur veins. Story
Lol....haven't had sex wit ma hubby for more than a year now...buh u can't imagine how close we are...am just not a sex person..wen I see how happy he seems playin wit d kids and how nice he treats me considerin d fact that we don't even hav a gud sex life...I do ask him if he's really happy and he kept assuring he is..that he enjoys the most my company and dat of our 2kids...well u neva can trust a man buh for d 6yrs we ve been togeda,he hasn't. given me a reason nt to :)
Not everyone loves sex. I do love it but there comes a time when sex won't be needed. You'll get your own room and your wife moves the opposite. Men need their space. Old age also plays a part in it - who would wanna fuck an old wrinkled lady? Nah, not me.
Dey r all old na!haba,dey don taya...u cnt expect pple in dier 20-30smtn yrs to say stuff like dis!well dats my take sha!
Dem dey craze
In this Sex Crazed World?Its really comforting to learn that such ppl still exists.Anyway,it works for them.Diff strokes for Diff Folks.
Tight Couple
Interesting, 1 out of 10 nigerians can do dis. If at al there is any. As 4 me i cant.
A sexless marriage is anything but marriage. Something is fundamentally wrong in that arrangement. The best is a sex-filled and sex-fulfilling marriage....Theirs is the worst of what marriage can be. Noting wey we no go see among white people, from same-sex to sex-less marriage!!!!
well.... I strongly doubt that a marriage w/o sex is a happy one. its part of the bond ...... u kno
I don't ustd the long story,maybe sometime is wrong with them emotionally or dey have other partners
Nawa O°˚˚˚
One of the Couples must be deceiving the other. Linda, can you ever do without sex?
he/she dey chop outside
I hope I get to this stage, what's it with sex keeping a marriage anyway.I hate it sef,but hard to find a guy who understands, so l just dey do for please sam.I also feel guilty before God and dont pray for over a week after fornicating.I pray I get married soon. linda u feel me abi?
Evry couple nd their own! It's so true! Sex is not d basis of marriage, Sum girls give their husband jet Li style on bed nd almost evry tym, yet d man still goes out to cheat. I think understanding is d basis, nd tolerance. Because when ur husband or wife files 4 divorce, knw 1 remembers d steaming acrobatic bedroom styles. There is more 2 marriage dan dis sex abeg! It's evrywhere!
Pls darling Linda, ask dem to stop lying to one anoda!
This story sef too long.
Huh!......no sex for over a year?.....no be me o! Lia!Lia!
whaaat???? i cant abeg, if my man isnt giving it to me, be rest assured im getting it outside. dat wld keep me smiling.
good for them, 2 months into a relationship my boyfriend is going nuts over sex because i said no
share your US visa experiences here
Mschewwww...awon oyingbo yi o gbadun!!!
What's dat...I wanna ave sex die?!
Sex till we expire o
I expect all singles to say its impossible but the married ones know better. Marriage is BEYOND SEX but you would never understand until you are married. If marriage were all about sex, marriages won't be breaking up. I believe their stories. Sex is important in marriage but doesn't keep a marriage because sex doesn't define love. that is why they can still live happily without having sex because they have grown beyond "oh we need to have sex to keep this marriage" syndrome. Sex is no longer a determinant to their marriage. that is why when couples marry because of how hot their sex life is, they get disappointed in marriage.
Linda I've not had sex in months cos i become born again, I'm already losing it o but God's grace is sufficient. But these ones r married n have legal right too yet they r missing out. Chei!!!! Ok na ....T
sex is nt evrything
first to comment.....oops
...hmm! each partner may have outsourced their sexual fulfillment elsewhere.
Forget it, these men are getting some outside! I can even imagine them having a Boys Game Night and actually having a Boys Hit-It night!
Very funny
Wow So they will not reproduce that not love but madness
Dem dey craze.
Choice... If u can stay a decade witout it, fine. N if u can do it all nite... GREAT.
Anywayz it seems d couplez ar happy with each other(dia own palava)...as 4 me I cnt just imagine myself nt digging it 4 a whole month nt to talk of one full year. Even @ old age I wil stil b digging it
Well I'm not a sex addict but abstanace from sex in marriage is no no. Couples can reduce d numba of rounds but dre is no how I will sleep on d same bed wt my Husband for a week and we won't ave sex. Anything thing longer than a week den I must ave lost my sex appeal.
s'all good tho...hmm
Damnn!! Maybe these Men are gay or they have erectile disfunction. How can u stay with a woman 4 up to two years without banging the hell out of her. *scratching my balls*
Well I'm not a sex addict but abstanace from sex in marriage is no no. Couples can reduce d numba of rounds but dre is no how I will sleep on d same bed wt my Husband for a week and we won't ave sex. Anything thing longer than a week den I must ave lost my sex appeal.
Too long!!!Gud 4 dem btw...dts if deyre sayn the truth.
HMNN...The report didn't say if they have substitutes such as dildo for the lady and hoes for the man. Its just crazy to be married and no sex for years!
ori yin ope ooooo
una no dey Lamba? dat one claiming stress from work
ok ooo
These guys are sick. The serious true is that someone is a coward among each of these couples pretend that they are good with sexless marriage. Why did they have sex before now ih their marriage. The reason here is that something went wrong somewhere. They shouldn't say it as if they are super humans that invented sex free marriage
I am so sorry for these people. There is a reason why married couples need to have sex! Keep priding yourselves for not having sex oh!
They are Gay and have their partners outside the marriage. This is what most gay people do this days.
Dem strong o! Cant o! Wit a pretty woman lik dat hmmmmm i doubt
Na lie. For two years? Big lie. I can accept for weeks, months but for a year! Hmmmmm.
These people r just jonzers
Truer words wer never spoken!
I beg most Nigerian men don't touch their wives for long periods of time cos they prefer their young girlfriends. It is only when they r broke they remember them. So what's the difference?
Forget them, they lost their penis after marriage.
If it work for them let them carry gooooooo *wink* .
Sex makes one look younger. D 1st couple look older thn their age nd days bcus they hv stopped hvin sex for a long time.
All I can say is dat its dere choice
This is a serioous matter o
Oga o. Once couples start living like siblings then the end is near. Linda let's check up on them 2years from now and see how thr marriages are faring,shall we?
Big and Fat lie, but if I might even wnt to consider it rite den sumtin is definately wrong somewhere
The guys are fucking elsewhere
Aunty linda y didn't u update abt Chacha Eke's trad?
These poor deluded couples just don't understand how to do it. The woman have never had an orgasm and the men just don't no were to put it.
And they r proud of it? Dis oyibo pple sha
What is good abt it?
They should be deceiving themseleves there......they are both getting it outside.
Those pple either masturbate or cheat.....
CaN't juSt tEll sHaA. It's thEiR liFe nD noT miNe. SHIKENA
Its very possible. Sex is important in a relationship but dat dsnt mean dia arent oda tins dat can mak u find fulfilmnt. All of u sayin de r crazt etc i feel sorry for u cos it shws sex is d only tin kipin ur marriages/relationships.
These couples go and rest joor.Instead of admitting that they have problem sexually, they are telling us trash here.How can a young woman anda whole man stay together as husband without for months or years kerewa?Linda, sex is a beautiful gift for married people.That is why you should get married to somebody like me, that can make you happy always by giving you an overdose of it.
1st couple I still understand dia fear... But dis ones claiming stress from work and all d rubbish excuses... Dem no well...awon lazy ass...
I think all the need is medical check up cus is really abnormal. marriage n no sex.pls somfin is wrong somwhere.
Lol.....aswear laff haff kee me finish....Ď„̣̣Ń’Ń‘ Guy on Ď„̣̣Ń’Ń‘ first pixs, is dat PC?
If he aint getting it frm u nd he's not complaining, then he's definitely getting it elsewhere
they obviously fine their pleasure in tools now and there's no way the other person can measure up,thats why they dnt do it.
But they are ok o. They will age gracefully. I practice that too...
Any day my wife tries to suggest such sexless marriage nonsense , i will move to any of her willing friend or even shag the sexy next door neighbour... I am naturally a horny fella lol. Need my fix every now and then..
The too of Îł̲̣̣̥ou are jokers Pls click here for hot naijagist
Yes it is common...Most people just don't talk about it.
They must have very low libidos! or else,d husbands found their wives repulsive after having babies and are now having 'it' elsewhere! Wives shld just have a private eye tail their husband for a mth! Kenny
Madness I'll say if you ask me, the guys are bloody wankers!
Fellacio and coitus lingus is sex too. U must not dig into pussy for it to be sex.
When I read the title, I thought they never had done it but they have till they bear a daughter. Okay, their situation is not new and they shouldn't apportioned world record to this because I know a couple who hasn't do it long time for over 5yrs and they are living and happy couple. How do I know? One party told me and as for the other getting servicing outside. I don't know but they trust and love each other.
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I couldn't help but notice the teeeenneeeey tiiiiiiiinnyy space between both couples around the hips. Seems even their bodies have adapted to the "no sex" rule and hence keep a respectful distance!
The human body can really be whatever one wants it to be!
Chris is not ok with the arrangement; he will bolt after sometime. As for Julian, I do not understand why they do not bother to try getting pregnant inside the bedroom but prefer IVF; maybe he is now impotent and is not saying. Too much work stress has made him impotent.
Nonsense. Because of this i wil destroy my wife's pu**y dis nit. Msheeeeew.
These couple are swingers or are into BBC! The women have padlocked the mens dicks and f#*k other men in their presence..gbam!
Why are people behaving like this is a big deal? Some are even causing out the couples. Nawaa for naijas. This is no big deal. I will dare to state without fear of any contradictions, that this is happening in most marriages. If couples were to be as honest as the couple here, most will tell you that the urge for sex between the couples has gone down drastically in the course of their marriages. Sex is not what keep marriages going strong, companionship, mutual respect and tolerance are. Many couples do stay for a long time without having sex with each other.
However, whatever they do at each others back is a story for another time.
It's possible, been married to my husband for 4 years and there was a time we didn't have sex for about 11/2 years and we were still as close as ever. Sex isn't the all in a relationship you know.
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I really dnt believe their stories; there is sometin else they are nt telling us. Abstinence in marriage, nahhhhh!
How Johnson wan cope?
One of the couple is gay while the other is covering it up..its a partnership #justassuming
Y wud he want to have sex with u wen ure that big?
if i hia!!!!! say i no fuck evry week, na say i d sick
Linda they DID HAVE SEX!...Its just a case of someone loosing their libido..or something went wrong somewhere...
It's either d men r dead in that region or they are getting it elsewhere
Women can endure but men, without having issues, naaa
Oyinbo's and their funny attitudes. Seriously they av issues bt dnt wanna disclose it mayb d man cnt do*........* lip seal
Hmmmm,dis is serious,dats dia biz sha dats if dey r tellin d truth!!!As 4 me my man must b strong 2 b given it 2 me all d time cuz I love dat tin called SEX!lol. #sucre#
taaaaa!!!,who r these ones lyin to...
oyibos and their lies...taaaaa!!!
I no believe joor!
I believe their story becos I was a victim. I used d word victim becos I was suffering in silence,I was married to my ex-husband for 8yrs and we did not do sex up 15times. Ended up being a childless and unhappy marriage,I give God d glory becos He delivered me from bondage.
Not having sex 4 years dats serious I know stuffs like dis happen esp wen u start having kids, ur job and other things, d number of times couples have sex reduces and even attraction towards dem reduces, sex most times become a routine nothing special but 4 dis couple smh i just feel dey had an agreement cos there's nothing dis oyinbo cannot do if not they r both deceiving demselves cos sum1 must b cheating outside
I believe them jare, must everybody be addicted to sex? I'm all here by myself without sex since feb, at first I tot is what I can't dare but here I am today. my boo is base in U.S and I'm back here in Nigeria...I am cool with it b'cos I love him to the byte!!!! Shasha!
Sex is not the major thing in relationship.
NIGERIANS!!! No wonder the amount of rape and sexual perversion won't cease.... There's a lot more to marriage and life besides sex...
Isn't the world a beautiful place! I guess some ppl still think storks deliver babies
Very soon they'll opt to adopt babies from those of us that r f@&king. Hypocrites!!!! If only their parents abstained they won't be talking this trash.
westerners and their ways...abeg make i pass jawe (i no talk anytin ooh)
A no 4 me!!! that not love but madness......Rubbish!!!!!!!, NEXT.
Their organs aint working, simple as that
Lady Linda! Check well u ll find out something is either wrong with d man or woman. If de dnt wnt to v sex den y d marriage. White pipo with there nonsense life. Arum
D guy is curing conji smwhere biko!shikena!!! Nxt story pls!
I can't take that,both r getting it somewhere else.
Olodos read b4 u comment & also tink wat dey r tryin 2 say is dat dia hapiness in mariage is not base on sex which is very. Good
There comes a stage in life, in the maturing of a man, you come to understand and treat sex for what it really is, rather than remaining enslave to it.
You took that word right out of my mouth
Exactly! Most of them call phone sex lines, they talk for hrs and you wonder why men like this waste so much money on sex fantasies..
Hummnnn...that can't happen in Nigeria,Naija men love sex and if as a wife u refuse to give them when they need it u tend to loose em to anoda woman buh I also believe sex isn't what holds a reltionship or marriage..its the affection u av for each other..
It is possible.l haven't had sex wt my wife since this year and we are happy.initially it wasn't like this but we noticed the urge dropping gradually bcos of pressure from work and constant fasting.
Wow! Zero chemistry, friendship zone activated even in marriages? Let him/her find a guy/girl they are sexually attracted to and we will all see through their BS!
Their choice!
very misleading heading...from what i read, one of the partners (from each couple) would love to have sex but has resigned to the fact that the other partner doesn't desire it..
it is in fact self-denial to convince yourself that all is well under that circumstance
Dats fucking not possible is either the man is a gay or the lady is a lesbian ! Or they are both filled wit promiscuity
i somehow dont believe this two
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Wonders shall never finish
Good For them. But they should b truthful to one another.
Kaiii!! Na lie!! D woman na lesbo n d guy na gay simple! Who dem wan deceive?? Come! Dis people should not make me vex dis night *straight face*
Them dey knack d apkako elsewhere jare. And divorce is around d corner
sick pple
Abeg make I hear word...damn nt possible!somtin is wrong somwhere...haba!
ok.it was ok for dem to go roundz wen dy wia dating and al of a sudden it has become tiring 4 dem...i suggest dy go check demselves awt b4 dy wreck...lame ass excuse
mima macson
I love ur spech bebe. And i need u in my life
Hmm, hw is it possible 4 two couples stay with out havin sex for years, is lyk their body na firewood o, bcos am nt sure that blood still passes their vains.
Abegy make I hear word......... Somtin don spoil somwhere n dey no want talk.....haba!
One word
You are right!
Na waoooo. Things dey happen for this world oooo ooo. But God himself talk m. Get married & multiply.
nothing new under heaven
Childish comments here..grow up pple, life is not all abt SEX
Nonsense talk....just full of crap! Who cares, dey shld cut der private part n sell it out, afterall sme pple need it for various reasons, I for one can use it for sme experiment....lol. Silly oyinbo pple!
my thoughts exactly
my thoughts exactlt
I believe their stories,they may not be attracted to eachother again n not ready to quit its not easy and can be frustrating but one of d parties will be having sex outside most likely d guy
the men are impotents.....
Abstinence in marriage is totally uncalled for,all dis oyinbo pple re so crazy.
No sex ke? I'm outta that marriage mehn.
I dont know what people deem so misleading. I have not slept with my husband in 22 months. He has not slept with anyone either. We have been busy juggling finances and he cant maintain a hard on. So why is it impossible to believe?
Impotent idiots !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dried out Pussies!!!!!!!!
Bullshit!!! The guy is getting it from outside
i don't believe that this couple ever do without sex if any problem check this link @fingdingle.com
There some truth in what this couple have said. What makes a marriage work is not sex. There some couples who are steamy in bed but cant seem to get along in other ways. What makes a marriage work is mutual respect , understanding , commitement ...we know all the words. Having said that that sex is actually important. It bonds up a couple, it helps disputes to be easily resolved. But most importantly that emotional bond must be there, and all the afore mentioned variables. For me, am not an over sexed person. It not critical to me. My man has to touch my soul , before he touches my body... but then again , I am a woman. For men, I know sex is their food. so if the frequency of your sex encounters is very apart....trust me, your man is cheating... or very unhappy about it.
Most pple dnt understnd dis topic. For the comment i have go through just about 4 person get the actual comment here. They said sex is nt their priority nd is not the best in marriage bt most of us, take sex as the major thing, they hardly do without sex. What a situation whr by a man sex his wife at nite nd beat her up the next day morni? What about they be together for a year without sex living hapily without misunderstand. Is not dat d man is impotent neither d woman is doing it outside is just understnding.
Linda u really ought to phrase your headings properly. The article doesn't say they never have sex, it says they rarely have sex. There's a difference you know, besides one to two years without sex can't be classified as never.
Its wat I can do as well... I dnt rily like sex
Liars 4rm d pit of hell
ok... lemme say dis, i do not ever want to go without... future husband be informed.
I do not doubt the story. I have been without sex for 7months while dating my girlfriend. Now, I am married and I do without sex for three months. That means I can ddo without for 6 months as well. No big deal. The most important thing is understanding.
However, if your partner wants sex, pls give. OTUNBA A.A
They are either stupid lairs deceiving themselves or they are both not sexually active... you cant cheat nature.
I share the same bed and room with my wife every night and we don't have sex for 4 months sometimes, our marriage is just over two years old and we do have a child, so if in my early thirties i can stay away from sex with my wife for 4 months, why can't older couple stay away for a year.though i masturbate sometimes when i feel like because i derive more pleasure doing it to myself.
this is wierd, dont they want to have children?
That's a very big lie,they don't see themselves as old, a friend shared his experience sometyms ago in the uni, that he wanted to go bid his parent farewell very early in the morning, on getting to the door he heard them talking,his mum complaining to the dad, that was demanding another round of sex,that the one they had the previous nite that she was feeling the pain on her back, the mum waas 64 and dad was71.
Who is deceiving who??? My sis, unable say body no fire wood abi???
Hmmm u better open ur eyes clearly...re u sure he's nt sleeping with someone else?? haba...he's a man oh...unless u re cool with it sha...
You can tell the children from the mature adults by their comments so far.
Grow up peeps!!!
Sex isn't everything after you ve been married for several years
Its possible..
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