According to the UK Daily Mail, Rigby had recently fought in Afghanistan and was walking towards the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, south-east London, yesterday afternoon, when he was run down by a car on the pavement and hacked to death by the two men.
Lee Rigby was married and had a 2 year old son.
Such painful tale his son would bear. young guy o. It is well
Awwwwww! Cute boy man.. Muslims be giving another planet
May his soul rest in peace..
Dis is so sad.may his soul rest in peace.i really like d way the press is secretive with his family.its for their safety.
RIP you great soldier. What a man you. What a man. My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this terrifying time. You were brave even at the face of death. It was a honor serving Great Britain - and I'm sure you enjoyed fighting for her. RIP.
May his soul rest in peace.
Hmm so sad. The man has such a handsome face. God will protect his own. Please the living accept Jesus as your Lord because no one knows when his or her end will come. Anastasia "of the resurrection"
May his Soul rest in peace. It's such a tragedy. My heart goes out to his family especially his young wife and child.
Nawa o poor boy may ur soul RIP I feel for his wife o n son o.
Nawa o poor boy may ur soul RIP I feel for his wife o n son o.
Handsome dude...May his soul rest in peace.
Rest in peace mate GET THERE
Ewooooo! Sorry to your family. What an unnecessary loss. RIP. IAI
Linda,you don't need to qualify the word Islamist with fanatic. An Islamist is someone who claims to be a Muslim but does not follow the teachings and interpretations of the Qur'an according to the Prophet. These apostates are all self righteous extremists/fanatics.
Crying jst 25 years young man dt is still full of life.may his soul rest in peace.is so sad
A beautiful life cut short by two confused idiots. May ur soul rest in peace. U're better than they would ever be. My prayers and thoughts are with ur family.
Evil days
Dos bastards shld not be shown mercy @ all,wat nw happens 2 his 2 yrs old son.hmm....wat a wicked world,yoruba's n hausa's islams r just useless.#Gbam#
May his soul rest in peace. It's so surreal cos u wld neva expect such to happen in Woolwich.
Islam. Hmmmmm
Jesus!!! 25yrs? God pls save us from brain
-washed fanatics of Islam oo. RIP Rigby.
....Sapphire says so
God have mercy on your children
Why? Why? Why? Such a tragic loss of a very young life. Wonder what his young wife is going through now. What is wrong with these brain-washed muslim fanatics? Are the babarians? Am so ashamed that one of the killers is a Nigerian.
Hmmmmmm nawa o poor man I feel for his wife n son o may his soul RIP.
Terribly sad
It's so sad to hear and read such happening.justice is all I ask for and death should be given to the guilt.j-lord.
Its a pity what a young n handsome guy.
Such a young man gone. May his soul R.I.P
Such a young man gone. May his soul R.I.P
Aaawww, *sniffs* so young and Hans. May his soul rest in peace and grant his wife d fortitude to bear d loss and keep his son for him. Amen.
May his soul rest in peace
Awwwww so sad! See dis islamist fanatics oh! Ur part of hell is well secure by d devil! Virgins ko virgins ni
too bad!
This is too sad. God please grant his soul eternal rest. May the good Lord comfort his family and give them the strength to deal with this great loss. Such a sad story. I pray his son doesn't grow up a racist.
May God grant his family peace and understanding in his death !! May his soul rest in peace !!
So sad!
Please, why is it that people are quick to point fingers. The british were so quick to say that he was nigerian, and you are saying they are islamic fanatics. Well if you didn't watch the video, unless there is a place called 'Islam' this hacking had nothing to do with religion! They wanted british troops to leave their country! But obviously they aren't talking about Nigeria, because it seems they know jack shit about Nigeria. They are mental puppets being controlled by a higher power.
awww God! Rest in peace nigga wat a hansum dude
Wow! Such a cute man Rip
Awwww....dis is so sad....feelin 4 d family nd look @ hw cute he is....RIP
Chei! See fine man....rest in peace ( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡ )
How sad! What a gruesome way to die! May he RIP!
May his soul rest in peace. *sighs
Chai na wa o. God please help us.
He's so handsome. May he rip
This is just plain sad! May the culprits be made to face d full wrath of d law.
linda please educate urself. this ignorance is beneath u!"wat do u mean by islamic fanatists? u have a lot of readership from across d world!dont take that for granted!soo off putting!
Sooo sad, may GOD comfort his family ESP wife n son....RIP Lee
These muslim extremists shaaa.....hmmmn GOD is watching you....Judgement Day!
RIP, in their hundred world to come they will never be like you. Please God let one of these idiots come back from hell and tell them that there is nothing like 70 virgins maybe they will have a rethink. Its so heart wrecking
What kind of god r these pple serving, n y wud u kill for him, may dey rot in hell. So sad dt it's linked to Nigeria. GOD help us
In all honesty, I have muslim friends who are very peaceful and loving.. In fact, my best friend is a Muslim living in England and she's the best. So, how come some Muslims are not adhering to the tenets of Islam? How would you cut a man into pieces and your conscience is at rest. Two nights ago, I made a late meal of jollof rice and chicken.. TVC news at 10p.m showed some men who specialise in digging up corpses and severing them. They even showed some human parts already chopped off.. Instantly, I lost appetite and couldn't eat my chicken. And to think some people actually chopped someone? Truly, the end is near.. I feel so sad for his family.
"What a man you" what a chelsea ni! Odeh. Rip cutie!
i don't know why any sort of trouble starts with islam. does your religion preach killing peeps. lets us know ooo. so we can start killing u too.
Ure a slow fool.....
Aw do u know d tribe of d islamists dat killed him...ewu!goat,may his gentle soul rest in perfect peace o jare
When you say things like this you are not any better than those 2 extremist. Talking like this only confirms if you are cultured in der kinda environment, you'll do same or worse. Open youe eyes, heart & mind.
So sad and painful.
So shocked d lunatic was yoruBa Muslim. This is cos they are not as fantical as d hausa Muslims. Islam has brought so much pain and lots of blood shedding. Its quite painful.
Well said, imagine d young man survived several days or mabye years @ d bloody war in Afghan. One wld think he is safe @home. He had notin 2 fear or worry about. Only 2 be killed so eassily by 2 devil's advocates within a twinkle of an eye. *smh! Life is all Vanity.Putting our life in christ is jst d best thing 2 do.
Pls shup
you are all the same.
RIP great soldier!
What on Earth is wrong with all these muslim fanatics????? Sometimes I just wish the muslim should have a planet of their own and leave normal humans alone.
Why on Earth will a normal human hack down a fine promising young man like that?????
Well,God will judge all someday
Such an unneccesary act!Its so sad and I hope he rests in peace.My prayers and love are with his family!
Now,to u non-yoruba/hausa people,you're most likely of d Igbo tribe that kill their parents for rituals,pls think before typing. Retards.
Linda now dat ur readers are insulting muslims nd islam u are posting dia comment if we reply back insulting u useless christians u no go post our comment bah.b vry careful nd warn ur stupid readers
Sooo Young.....and dey ll COME n SAY, dier RELIGION IS PEACEFUL...wat a definition of peace!fucktards!
Gorily sad. Rest in peace.
Those guys are just sick, stupid and foolish.
The killers had ur kind of brain by tinking a race is better dan anoda! This is how it starts!Wondering if u reasoned wif ur butt!
Rip. Its a pity n shame to ur killer. Hero forever.
Ode!...why shuld muslims be givn anoda planet?
So yoroba pple save don turn to Boko Haram,hmmm RIP so sad
Blood of Jesus! I cnt bliv u!!! D level of ur stupidity z so high dt u're bringing tribal differences to dis serious matter! N linda posted it too,wts now d point of u approving d comments b4 posting them? Dz z rily unfair,may God v mercy on ur soul.
I rily don't understand. These fanatics, dnt they reason b4 acting? Don't they av loved ones? R they inhuman? Ow can they stand n watch a fellow human hacked to death talkless of perpetrating the act themselves? Ow cld they stand there, dripping with the blood of an innocent man n be happy? Endless questions,only God can answer them. Violence is not the ryt answer to any cause, violence gives birth to violence, I hope dz young man rests in d bosom of the Lord, amen.
His son will grow up to hate blacks..,especially Nigerians.am sure about that.may his soul rest in peace........
this is just too sad :( , May his soul R.I.P
May his soul rest in peace,this mans family will surely hate blacks for life that's for sure, cus I don't think anyone deserves that kinda treatment.
Why are you such a myopic fool?Who is talking tribe now?Can't you people just be normal and comment in a civil manner?Do we say all Igbo people are ritualists, drug dealers and 419ers?
I tire for this una tribalism o!
Why are you such a myopic fool?Who is talking tribe now?Can't you people just be normal and comment in a civil manner?Do the yorubas and hausas say all Igbo people are ritualists, drug dealers and 419ers?
I tire for this una tribalism o!
And what bothers me the most is, why did dude have to choose GREENWICH BOROUGH OF ALL PLACES, that is where the SKIN HEAD and NAZI rACIST LIVE. nOW THEY ARE GOING TO RETALIATE ON ALL BLACKS.
Shut up! Nigerian my foot
Ok his death is sad. But is it Nigerians that will call any white guy handsome? He's just there
You forgot to include igbo muslims or don't u know islam has spread to the east. Rip brave soldier.
Such a cute guy, may he rest in peace.
He looks like Channing tatum in the it's pic, RIP
God!!! Nawa o c fine poor boy way tat fool of a 9ja man go wast 4notin; d painful tin is tat d law wont wast him (9ja man) 2 in d name of investigation may his soul RIP I feel for his young wife n son o...... boko haram!!! God have mercy.
How horrible to hack a person to death. It takes time and effort. I guess I am use to bombings and the idea of machete-wielding terrorists almost seems absurd yet a human being lies in pieces on a street in a civilized country.
Oh, and the terrorist takes time to be videoed in a clam, almost matter of fact, kind of tone.
Nothing in this entire instance seems quite right.
The politicians may be bought, and the system corrupt, but it is our duty to fix these
it has been cofirm dat on of d killer is a xtian
What a wonderful comment coming from Prince Jobless. At least for the first time.
You are dum for this comment!christians should also be given another planed!idiot
Is a pity the power that be used this man as a took to work up their activities.... This is another game of illuminati .... Boston & Woolich case hve linked together ... Both attackers were 2, Americans with foreign descent, British with foreign links... All attacked carried out in public places, both in the afternoon.. If this is not a setup my question is what took the police so long before coming to the scene of incident, what makes the British attackers so bold to grant press interview..we should knw that something is coming out of this as both America and Britain re sista states and stand shoulder to shoulder for their claim of fighting against terror..Analysising both happens I hve may question on my mind..
So young and so full of Life!i feel really sorry for his wife and child. This is One painful Death,RIP Lee...I trust the British force to Avenge your death,Justice will be served....
I've bin in a state of shock since I saw d video of d abnormal Nigerian boy n all he SD didn't make sense n to think his frm my part of Nigeria. We didn't even see or know d identity of his cohort. Dey just wasted dis poor guys life. I pray his! soulr rest in peace. Did cold protend for Nigerians abroad n blacks generally. N also problems at embassies. May God hlp us all
I feel sad, afraid, and speechless. What a fearing act ?
Lord ђa̶̲̥̅vξ mercy, may he rest in peace.
Yoruba muslims has started dere own usless pepple.
Na wa ooo, Wat a wicked world ..... See Hw dEY just took d life of dis man, those guys re bunch of animals .... Hope say no be boko send them, just saying..
RIP! Lord have Mercy. Lord move in ur awesome goodness n bring down ds fanatics n terrorist all ova d world most especially d northern part of Nigeria. May they n their sponsors portion be the wind IJN. Such an handsome dude gone too soon because of ds bloody idiots. Lord arise n show ds bloody fools dat u re GOD.
The two terrorist that kill this man are now known to be Michael Adebolajo and
Michael Adebowale. Imagin they kept referin to dem as nigerian descent
My heart bleeds for the family of this young cute man,and his young wife that has become a widow,may his soul rest in peace,this naija stupid nonentity has blocked way for other Naingerians go to the UK so sad
Islam is a religion of peace *smhhhhhhhhhhhh*
Don't take it personal....I know how u feel. D devil is trying to mess both religion.....But we will conquer in the end cos both preaches PEACE! I am a christian and I go to Abuja Central mosque @ times when they have any teachings..
You took those words out of my mouth. The press/media are guilty of this. These fanactics or extremists are a very tiny insignificant number (may be 0.0000001 %) that are only bearing muslim names but are not practicing true Islam.
RIP dear, ur killers will neva go unpunished. Islamists I pray God's spirit touch ur heart for u to surrender to christ. I love christainity if nt for anyoda thn, we are nt voilent. May God comfort ur family dear.2morow now if his son grows to start killing islams dey'll say dis nd dat see wat dey just did to his father, its men dat make men wicked
I agree with you. They should live by themselves.
Jeez!So young!RIP
Hmmm! May his sour RIP. So just for a piece of ass these fanatics re wasting lives they didn't create? Oh God! Wht is happening?
Enough of mentioning muslim fanatics, simply called them a critics or fanatics, STOP EMBARASSING THE NAME OF ISLAM PLS, A MUSLIM WILL NEVER KILL HIS FELLOW HUMAN BEING.
You forgot to add that they are NIGERIAN Islamic fanatics...ISLAM is a religion of peace, unity and love and the barbaric act they committed does not fit anywhere in Islam.
You forgot to add that they are NIGERIAN Islamic fanatics...ISLAM is a religion of peace, unity and love and the barbaric act they committed does not fit anywhere in Islam.
This singular act is defacing the Muslim religion... Are Muslims WICKED???
For all doze silly muslims coming here to defend dere religion and insulting Linda, go and bury ur faces in shame. Can't u ppl see wat ur religion is doin to d world, no peace no ntn and u are dere trin to defend urslvz. U all shld btr go and gv urlife to JESUS. He is d only true way to salvation. Datall!
So sad.....his son would grow to hate blacks esp Nigerians...how unfair
RIP....Dear one
Becos they are idiots and don't deserve to be humans... Ewu!
Bcos they are idiots! They don't deserve to be humans... Ewu ofia!
This poor little boy wil grow up hating Nigerians.. Shame
May it never be well with those who hurt him. A young husband and father! Why? Why must they kill him?
If they are so frustrated they should turn the knife on themselves.
Jack ass Brits. It beats me how these uk people standby and watch people inflict harm on another. They have a no gun policy which is a plus for them. When Thatcher died they were making stupid noise and organizing mobs, when teenagers are stabbing a fellow human being in a crowded tube station and nobody stops it. Now this, I'm tired of their lukewarm attitude. Who born you to attack soldier near barracks for Naija? Mscheww! I'm so pissed
May he R.I.P. Some islams coming here 2 rant dat all of dem re not d same,so y won't d imams preach agAinst it? Bloody muslims! I knw dem too well, no matter how nice they are 2 u,dnt joke wit dem in terms of religion, or u'll see their other side! R.I.P. Young warlord.
if u say ur religion is in quote "peaceful" den i guess is d people dat practice dt hav serious issues abi?
some muslims are just violent and ready to shed blood at any given time. is dat wat your religion teaches you?
How do u kill a soul for religious reasons? My God how wicked can people be?i hate Muslims then
who is a muslim:wai killin one anoda
YES! You should be given another planet..
Bitter people..
May his soul rest in peace
Na wa ooo.dis dude life was taken in a very sad way and sum are even debatin if he is indeed cute or not...God save sum people wit dere comments..RIP 2 dis young guy and peeps shld tink before puttin comments up..every religion or tribe has its bad coming...sum fools shld stop puttin bad comments up here...
They really do need anoda planet
Smh...dats wat we r talkin abt diz moslems n der attitudes.see how dz anon may23 11:45 and anon may24 5:56 attacked dz simple comment.it shows dey all have this hostility in there blood..tufiakwa
Rest in peace
May his soul Rest In Peace..
Shut the fuck n move on
What is dis world coming 2? 2day it's d northern muslim,2morrow its d southern muslim,all killing in d name of religion.why bringing sorrow into dis world just 2 sleep wit 70 imaginary virgins.Stupidity ve taken over ur religion.
Pagans are watching...
Why are you guyz being ignorant and talkn like illitrates,becoz he claimed to be a muslim does not mean muslims are to kill.he is simply an extremist.muslims don't kill for God becoz God dint say they shud.
Ma dear, we have more of bad muslims dan gd. I dnt get dia beliv or ideology, 2day sum prech anoda nd moro u hear terror attacks usually by musilms. Dey shld get anoda planet joor.
U wernt hungry sha...dey havnt knock on her door for hypnotism dats y she's stil yo friend...lucky u...smh RIP soldier
Blame it on yo selfs,light brain gettin hypnotised wen books cnt enter. Smh
Some christians do kill too, its not that Islam is a religion of violence no, but sme people claiming to be muslims do have a bad heart.. So to y'll christians stop cursing our religion but curse the person that do the bad thing..If to say is a christian that do this act u guyz would nt have cursed ur religion but rather curse the person.. May God have mercy on all those cursing Islam..
Religion is the major cause of the problems we hv in this world. People kill in the name of religion nd claim they hv God's backing.
If they re no False religion on earth, they would be peace.
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