Personally I don't believe in all dem Illuminati talk...mostly because I don't understand it. But someone just drew my attention to Chris Brown's 24th birthday cake. The singer turned 24 on May 5th and that's the cake he celebrated with.
It's a black and white checkered Egyptian pyramid. Some say 'masonic symbols'. What do you say?
1st to comment...didi
Seein so many symbols on dt cake. God hlp u Chris!
Seein so many symbols on dt cake. God hlp u Chris!
The pyramid, one of the symbolisms of ILLUMINATI! SMH!! Well, why are we surprised? I am not! I just love his music and not his ideas as a person.
Nne u are so local and uninformed for someone who claims to be a blogger. The cake is the trademark symbol of his clothing line black pyramid. Cant u see the guy in the photo wearing a black face cap with the same trademark logo. Thank me Later. I know u wouldnt post this.
Don't really understand all about this illuminati tins.
Illuminati or not.Many out there re all the same.
Linda... That represents his clothing line black pyramid
I say is jst a delicious black nd white cake.
Obviously Linda, the pyramid sign signifies one of the major signs used by the Masons. It is the Bermuda triangle which is in form of a pyramid. You may not believe in Illuminati does not mean there is nothing like such. Illuminati is a manifestation of Freemason. Freemason over the years has been silenced in its operation and the withdrawal and confession of people subscribed to it in the past. However, to boost it up, they come up with a newly defined tag name with modus operandi not really different from its origin and that is what is known as Illuminati today. It is also important to spell it out that many are those who are not really members of this cult but claim to be or wear tags and symbols of this cult. We have today youth in our continent shouting and pointing fingers to every tom, dick and harry and accuse them of being a member of this cult......this is indeed laughable. It is not everyone that can be a member of this kind of cult. But know one thing Linda, illuminati is real and exists in many parts of the world.
I see a fine pyramid cake. Honestly, I don't understand all the plenty symbols people talk about.
I dnt also believe the illuminati trash jare.. Nothing like that.
Dat illuminati fO̶̷̩̥̊͡Я u
As 4 me...- I don't know wat to believe about dis illuminati stuff ...let d guy enjoy his birthday nd u APROKOs to give him rest of mind biko..illuminati or no illuminati.
this guy is just plain demonic! not by default oh! all the signs are glaring.
I dnt also believe the illuminati trash jare.. Nothing like that.
Dem wan start so o....wif dis freemason stuff,,,,nor be illuminati dis time ba??
Linda, if you do not understand the Illuminati, log unto this site:
You'll get all your answers there
i say stop scaring the shit outta me....
Hello Linda - Black PYramid -is his clothing label - Google it
We shldn't judge,and let God be the judge.
Lindiway its not evrything u will understand before u belive o. For eg, do u understand y a woman will marry another fellow woman? I don't, but it happns. All of dis can't be mere coincidence na.
And some long throat go chop the cake smh
I say..... is the cake yummy?
I say leave him the hell alone, it's his life and if that's the path he has chosen for himself, so be it.
I say its just a cake, at least he's bold enuf to proclaim wat he is. Some of u critics do ur ills behind closed doors yet ur casting stones. Happy bday dude.
Hmmm is all I can say bt anyway its all illuminatti things sha. I think its all made up 2 confuse lot of us so we don't understand.
Hmmm!, I no dey o
This is simply the "bermuda triangle" the mystery it nd find out more...nothing on dis earth has crossed d triangle nd come out alive.. (Air Plane,bird,etc) it sucks dem i said "the mystery unknown
Thats his business.
Am a Christian,if he choose Illuminati dats his business.
Till on the last day.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Of course hez iillumati... chris breezy has been my crush since childhood but when i learnt his illumanti i quit listenin to his music.. soo sad such a talented boy now.. i just dnt gt him... cbreezy u messed up big tym.
I say attention seeking
mmmm...same here buh dis goes a long way to convince d world.This pple need to encounter God biko nu!
Black Pyramid is the name of Chris Brown's Clothing Line. The original Black Pyramids is in Nemet, Egypt. Let's chill on all these illuminatti 'stories'. It makes us sound very ignorant as black people. Most people that say Jay-Z and co are illuminatti, do not even know what it means. These are purely entertainers who are making their mark. Illuminatti ko, illuminatti ni.
pyramid is a club, the club is the one that gave him the cake for his birthday and the cake is in the shape of their logo.
Black pyramid is his clothing line.
Bt u can neva tell.
I feel so sorry 4 him $ his colleagues, life is too precious to be wasted.
Bullshit.. Illuminati is bullshit. Sure they exist, just like every other Occultic Fraternity. But it changes nothing. We 're just making them too popular... As for chris.., he just wants to keep being in the news.
Smh.. Lucifers follower. Illuminati brand
first to comment? I don't know oooo. Jesus will soon come.
Yh but that's also the name of his clothing line and also the logo...
hmmm illuminati things!
abeg follow my weight loss journey
Me think it is a deliberate attempt to continue to fool those who are foolish enough to believe in Illuminaty....
and some people will eat this cake abi??..SMH!
That's the name of his clothing line Linda...nothing more to it...must success always come from the devil?....when one is successful people always attribute that to satanic....hard work pays and the guy been working really hard just as you Linda been working your ass off too..
Y'all need to understand art...the cake is black pyramid and just so you know, CB owns black pyramid
please go and watch "the america secrets" by history channel .the illuminaties are a bunch of high minded thinkers and mostly white guys.for christ sake albert Einstein was in the illuminate .and u think they will accept a wanna be CHRIS BROWN.HELL NO.this guys are geniuses .they are trying to take over the world not deciding which bitch to HIT.please the black race should understand ,unless you are a genius you cant join them.
I say cake is cake. The bible says dia are seven things God hates the most. No 1, a lying tongue....
So all these pple cursing n shouting illuminati, check urself cos u'll end up in d same pit of hell. We are all sinners so let God decide for Himself
Y'all need to understand art...the cake is black pyramid and just so you know, CB owns black pyramid
PURE illuminate...May God Save us from this people oooo.hummm..
Illuminati things, Chris Breezy dey show urself
I see a cake and it looks delicious.. Linda post my comment oo..
yeah he joined out frustration coz he couldnt sell Transformer album
It is nothing joor. It is just a deliberate attempt to continue to fool those who believe in stuffs like that......
Well a some african americans generally join something when they are trying to get to the top.
No excuses for him. This dude obviously has issues. check out how he is disturbing his neighborhood.
Too much money too soon nobody to guide him or be a role model
hez a wannabe. Masons dont teik ppl like him. He wont be able to keep a simple secret. Freemasonry is deeper than this silly display, There is a reason it is called a secret society.
Linda black pyramid is his clothing line and that is his logo....
This is d same pyramid design on the face cap Olamide was wearing in d pix he took wit D'bang...*illuminashit*
He has a clothing line called Black Pyramid.
i say attention seeking. don't believe 'em illuminati shit
Illuminati things... This aint news Linda. I wonder if you have been sleeping all these while. Chris Brown belonging to the Illuminati isnt news anymore.
Abeg linda wetin u see?
Na dem Sabi
I say illuminat
Hmm... Linda thanks for the recognition *smile* I see you
Its masonic, most black American celebs are in freemason.
But that one concern them , abeg.
They already sold themselves to the devil
Linda, I see his Clothing Line advert. Datz all
Nice cake.
Lovelyyyyyyyyy...illuminati or Aluminium ,Linda I can like to chop.
linda...i see myself and that pyramide dancing etigi in oshodi..illu kor illuminati ni...all na scam..happy bdy sha cris breezy
Hmmm... Devil's cake!
Its real now free masons don't hide dat dey r in a cult, I knw a lot of dem including my boyfriends dad and there's nothing secret abt it. D illuminati part might be a higher order.
Chris breezy WTF is dat moi dnt def bliv dis illuminati s*** sha #ma tots# Mrs Bonario Nnags Pweetyprecoius
happy 24th Birthday to chris
i say its just a cake. Dnt read too much meaning to it. Conspiracy theorist have overblown dis illuminati nonsense. paul joe
Linda why r u falling my hand na? Evn tho illuminati exists dis cake dos not giv a sign dat it exists cos the Pyramid has bn in existent on American Dollar since inception which... So if Chris copy dat, he wrote happy birthday chris, 1OAK and black Pyramid how dos dat described illuminati ?
Teflon Don
Hmmmn, I believe he's illuminati. Blaaa
hmmm...dis chris brown self and there illuminati! Wel,u can belief in worever
Is that kerruche the recycled dick f**ker
Please black pyramid is the name of his clothing line and that's exactly why he has a cake like that. Linda please change your mindset for your own good.
Dis is a big lie o. Dats not CB's cake. Where's CB in d picture?
wooow... d cake is lovely... linda u re really doing a grt job..... God bless u
Nke onye ma, ya mara ya. Nke m ma ya mara m meaning in pigin english" the one wey person know make him know am. The one way I know make him know me. Shikena
Nke onye ma, ya mara ya. Nke m ma ya mara m meaning in pigin english" the one wey person know make him know am. The one way I know make him know me. Shikena
See linda, I don\'t also belief dis their iluminati or watever dey call it. Starting from the dis world we have the good and bad people, so where
Ever u belong is not new.
Yo say 'mansonic symbols'.
I say 'creativity of the highest order' biatccccccccccccccccch.
Fuck illuminati
SMH for this people, could this thing be true?
The pyramid with an eye on top is a significant symbol for the illuminati and free masons. I guess his choice of cake design is just to help us reach a fast conclusion...
It's illuminati jare....see dat guy's face cap d one standin close to chris...dsame symbol is on d cake....
I say it could mean anything!! Just stop judging him already...
Illuminati things.. lol
Thats his clothing line logo
Wow nice cake but demonic symbols
me sef am lyk u linda am rily nt a believe of illuminati,bt wot cn i say,dy kip doing tins dat point fingers 2 it,c hw im head b,agbaya oshi
Stupid idiot of a boy! М̣̣̇Ɣ spirit gets so angry whenever i see this demonic boy! Na him carry illuminati for head. Anyways if for ♍ε̲, he wɪ̣̝̇ℓℓ go hungry for life. That's М̣̣̇Ɣ feelings lindiway!
Na wah ooo.its clean clear that he is an illuminati member.
Na wah ooo.its clean clear that he is an illuminati member.
Na wah ooo.its clean clear that he is an illuminati member.
I say his song 'fallen angel' ws sung for d devil. Listen to it wel. D guy is core member of illuminati!
Well.. its def. ILluminati, i mean.. its written there "black pyramid". First comment always. i'm a Loyal LIBer:)
Illuminati oh, dats how Kanye and Rihanna wore the same sweat trousers with illuminati symbols on it. I guess Chris and RiRi were trying to hook up cos of illuminati 'levels'. God knows every.
@Linda, if every article I've read abt the masons and illuminati are real, then the cake in this picture only shows that Chris Brown has also sold his soul. It's been obvious all the while, but this is for me, a confirmation.
Its the sign for his clothing label called "Black Pyramid". There's nothing illuminati about it
Now I know.......
Atleast one fellow is sensible..don't mind some idiot with dead brain cells on lib,linda get u facts right,black pyramid is d name of his clothing line.*smfh*if they saw kanye with pizza,they be like,oh pizza is triangular=illuminati..
Lol,how come u knw,lol,u bought dat shitty cd,
That's the logo of his clothing line black pyramid
All I can see is a black n white cake.
I neva new u were dis foolish,until I came across dis shit u wrote,y would u say cb is demonic,do u knw him dat well?all we knw and I knw is wat d media is feeding out to d mass,cb life is under scrutiny rite frm when he beat d shit out of riri....#teambreezy of uwa.
Pls grow up
you guys need to chill!! black pyramid is a designer label. please nigerians stop embarrassing us with your ignorance. smh. do your research before talking trash about people and things.
illuminati ke
Thank you so much..aha*for som1 who claims to be blogger*
you guys need to chill!! black pyramid is a designer label. please nigerians stop embarrassing us with your ignorance. smh. do your research before talking trash about people and things.
you guys need to chill!! black pyramid is a designer label. please nigerians stop embarrassing us with your ignorance. smh. do your research before talking trash about people and things.
Chill.. its not every thing you'd expect her to know.
Im also aware of the black pyramid clothing line.. And am also surprised linda doesn't know it. But its not enough reason to call her local and uninformed.
I refuse 2 believe d trash on illuminati,but not until recently when I watched d documentary on it. Well God will surely save his people cos these are d signs of endtime.
There is this ongoing argument between some white folks and many black scholars about who the original builder of Egyptian pyramid are. Blacks argued that blacks built it and basing their argument on the fact that most Egyptian structure, notably the sphinx clearly depicted a black facial structure . Another argument is that the drawing of people on the wall of the pyramid were mostly painted black. The one i found most compelling is that egypt was called kemet ( meaning land of the blacks)by the ancients egyptians but white people dismissed it as false stating that the "black" refers to the Nile dark soil.
Maybe just google egyptian sphinx to see for yourself.
I guess that is what the name "Black Pyramid" on the gift is all about.It is funny shaa.
Asa u are well informed. iji ya!
She is local and u re so international.... International dull brain I guess.. We dnt doubt if its the symbol of his clothe line but it it not logical to say that he used same illuminati symbol for his clothing line... Johnny wan talk (in Saka's voice)
The free Masosns dont need you to beleive in it or not.But they exist n control entertainment and the pyramid is one of their symbols shekenan.
The free Masosns dont need you to beleive in it or not.But they exist n control entertainment and the pyramid is one of their symbols shekenan.
Stay ignorant Linda.
And a time will come when the enlightened will say give me back my pyramid. And the children of the light will rise, their skin black as Ebony, children of Nubia, basking in sun rays, children of Amon Ra, arms open to receive Horus descending from above, releasing them from bondage. They will once again be Kings and rule all the earth, for it is their birthright. The lies of the heathen gods of the East that have corrupted their hearts, diminished by illumination. They shall be called the illuminated ones and no darkness shall before them for they shall master even the dark.
Illuminatus Rex
Linda,u need to take a day out to really read/watch and research on illuminati and the free masons like i did in 2009,i even startd havin nightmares cos i was so into discovering everythn abt it.LOL...illuminati is as real as you Linda Ikeji.u better believe it.
N d so called trademark symbol represents wch cult if nt illuminati? Over sabi dunce
Abeg quit ranting and goan sleep.
It's the name of his clothing line you fucking ignoramus
ASA, please don't mislead people with the Bermuda triangle bit. That's so incorrect.
Freemasonry has always been there and has never been silenced. Another incorrect thing you posted.
First, in occult lore, the pyramid is considered to be the ultimate symbol of the Mysteries. It represents the transition from the material plane to the spiritual world. From the square-shaped base of the pyramid (representing the material world) rise, in mathematical perfection, four triangles (representing divinity). According to many occult researchers, the pyramids of Ancient Egypt were most likely used for the purposes of initiation, where candidates were led to the path of Illumination.
Considering a large portion of society are secretly working for the devil, I expect people to continue to deny the obvious. Real Christians please don't be fooled and pray for those who the gos of this world has blinded.
Love U Linda 4 Life.
Hahaha Hail mamba you got the onuku there...
What about his music? Or his studio manufactured singing... which isn't his real voice. mchewwww
Lindiway.. Have u ever sit down and be wondering why were they promoting all kind of ungodly things like Homosexual that God wiped out the whole community bcos of it? i think u have to do some research as well, like someone have stated before, it is not every tom, dick and harry that can be on that occultist group but you can be chosen as a messenger just like the way those powerful people had been chosen by Satan as a messenger. If you really want to be famous, you have to pay your dues. Most of these musicians got famous due to their natural talents with a huge followers while some of them were trained right from the onset. After being famous, you would be given some certain rules and regulation to be promoting their symbols since they controlled the media houses and if you refuse to do so, they will frustrate your life by planning scandals to tame you. That was why you would see the likes of C-Brown, M-Jackson, Tupac, Ja-Rule that were been accused of child molestation, bartering, tax invasion in order to frustrate their life. The will tell all the promoters to stop playing their music but someone that love to be consistent in the market would not be able to resist them, so they don't hsve option than to dance to their tune. M-Jackson even said in one of his speech that Sony Record President (Lantoya or whatever) is a devil bcos he was in the game and he knew how things works. Did u know why they did not allow Micheal to shoot Black and White single in USA because it contains an explicit messages that goes against those group, that was why he went to Brazil to shoot it.
When C-Brown came back after the Rihanna saga, he sang a song with some meaningful message to his fans that they should take him back and he would continue to give them the best music but they turned their back against him and he did not have a choice to be their Muppet.
Listen to Matrix lyrics by Chris Brown (CB said in his last message that someone was trying to get me and i need a way out).
Listen to Micheal jackson Black and White Lyrics
Dave Chapelle talked about it on Oprah.
Those Zionist and Freemason are all agent of 666 and they are all working for the goals of their master to come
U're obviously very naive, evev d Bible refers to principalities and powers. What do u think that is all about?
Its his clothing line name
Exactly! Initiation tnz, smh!
Thanks jare, even people like walt Disney, Leonardo davinci- yep, very high minded people, not nonenties
Hell no! It's not ignorance at all, Linda is one them that's why she pretend not to know anything about them, hasn't she publish issues related to this so call illuminaty more than four occasion. I hate pretenders like you linda.
Let's assume he's a member..... You don't join! You are chozen and kanye said in power "in this white mans world we are the chosen"
Olamide .... Illuminati? Na him type Dem dey find?
Go figure...
Linda... are u not a kind of people that do rely on CNN, Fox or BBC news b4 they could know what is going around the world? those people that would never show any good side of Africa. If you are not, it is high time for you to do research as well.
I remember ages ago in universities, cultists were very smart people that brings positive changes in schools but these days cultists are devilishly evil. About the post, I am a Christian and I proclaim it ever opportunity I get and that is all I care about. God gave everyone freewill so it's upto chris brown what he does with his.
Lindiway there's a big difference between understanding something to not caring about the meaning and significance of it. You fall under the latter. Anything about illuminati is worth researching in the right quarters and I know you can make out time to do that. As for Chris Brown and all them illuminati who and who's not, it's important to know that even if this dude belongs to a cult, those who are throwing flames at him should check their own family and village background. Not uncommon for arusi-eziobodo, ogboni-oron, okija-ihiala, abasa juju-ughelli, to spring up in their history, running deep into the marrow. The point is: pray for yourselves if you are a religious person, and pray for others, even your enemies, instead of condemning them.
Jesus said its not what a man eats that makes him unclean,but what comes from the inside of a man(his heart and intentions)that does, if I go chop the cake,why not?Nothing dey happen.
publicity stunt linda, devil no dey call himself devil
i want me some cake jare
illuminati and masonic symbols!are u kidding me??so glaring...
Its true illuminati does exist n dy av members in almost all d countries of d world. Chris B is a member n so is rihanna dts y I'm nt usually bothered abt dia mk ups n brk ups. Anyway sha, me too no bad, I wan join. If U̶̲̥̅̊ kno ao I can, abeg help me post am. I sabi sing too n I nid Fame, aye yii o ju ikan lo, lemme chop d heAd of my life b4 I die! #Bammy#
mehn illuminati has taken over him..choi
Its true illuminati does exist n dy av members in almost all d countries of d world. Chris B is a member n so is rihanna dts y I'm nt usually bothered abt dia mk ups n brk ups. Anyway sha, me too no bad, I wan join. If U̶̲̥̅̊ kno ao I can, abeg help me post am. I sabi sing too n I nid Fame, aye yii o ju ikan lo, lemme chop d heAd of my life b4 I die! #Bammy#
Lol @ pizza is triangle..
A pyramid is a pyramid, just like a cube is a cube. If you want to look at it and see something else in it, na your wahala be dat. Now everything na illuminati. If dem see triangle, na illuminati. If dem see pyramid na illuminati. The boy has a clothing line called black pyramid. Guess what the logo is? That's right. A black pyramid.
Its true illuminati does exist n dy av members in almost all d countries of d world. Chris B is a member n so is rihanna dts y I'm nt usually bothered abt dia mk ups n brk ups. Anyway sha, me too no bad, I wan join. If U̶̲̥̅̊ kno ao I can, abeg help me post am. I sabi sing too n I nid Fame, aye yii o ju ikan lo, lemme chop d heAd of my life b4 I die! #Bammy#
Nawa oooo, any1. Born of Woman involved in. Dis Stupidity will surely PERISH soon...Oshisco
that the logo for his line though. lol
U just v to blve. It exist, in fact dey r d ruler of d world tday. So u v nt read abt dem? Dat's y dey said we r ignorance to symbols $ signs.
Dat person saying Linda is "uninformed and Local"......pls what the heck do u know....I won't be surprised if u don't know how to spell ur name..ure there blabbing...pls let Linda do her work...she musnt know everything
Linda u should'nt be approving everybody's comment here, some pple did not go to school...they can't even compose simple english, yet they are blabbing...
Stupid and more stupid. So what if he's illuminati sef! Are they forcing u to join in? Leave them to their lives and face whoever u believe in.
Some of you are so uneducated it's ridiculous. How can you use masonry and illuminati in the same sentence? Two things that are totally different! Stop showing your ignorance please. Because you see some video on youtube talking nonsense doesn't mean they know what they're talking about.
Na real wa
iyawo paso
Everyone, calm down! The fact is that the cult of Freemasonry does exist but they are an organization of very rich and powerful individuals. They will never let in pop stars, etc. simply because they aren't rich enough and will never be.
Another thing, there is a distinctive difference between satanists and masons. Masons don't glorify the Devil as matter of fact they actually believe in God, they just refer to Him as the great architect. Illuminati meant to illuminate meaning to understand or gain knowledge, if this cult actually did exist, it will most probably be filled with scholars. If you want to witch hunt, look at the rich and powerful e.g Warren Buffet.
Well yes we all know all this illuminati shit and he is into it, but av yu guys ever been on his instagram page before he shut it down? Black pyramid is his clothing line name for God sakes so stop all the fuss about the cake abegii.
Well yes we all know all this illuminati shit and he is into it, but av yu guys ever been on his instagram page before he shut it down? Black pyramid is his clothing line name for God sakes so stop all the fuss about the cake abegii.
Well yes we all know all this illuminati shit and he is into it, but av yu guys ever been on his instagram page before he shut it down? Black pyramid is his clothing line name for God sakes so stop all the fuss about the cake abegii.
U shut up ur mouth,na ur voice em dey carry dey sing if dem dey sell voice why u no go buy take dey sing bloodclat...
Dumbass, is overated
Black Pyramid is the name of his fashion label and the cacke is actually the logo of the Black Pyramid label! all of you wanting to be analysts get your facts straight!!
Pyramid..d eye...d colours...its indeed d sepulture of d 2nd awakening...d anti-rotracting of d departed souls 2 join in his 2+4=6(66) birthday#ur eyes can't understand wot ur mind can't see##...astral_projecting..#
Anon 4.58pm thank you so much, you the only person that I know that know about illuminate. There are genius and not people cb, some are even saying dbanji is a member. Who is kanye west to be a member talk less dbanji. Anybody can read whatever they want on net. Some nigerian are so blindfolded, Read frictions on the net and start disturbing with it.
Y'all should know that d bermuda triangle is a part on earth where gravity is central wiv its full force!!!
Who is dis dry hail mata wanabe?
ASA illuminati and freemason are different sect entirely....get ur facts right before u write on a blog...tank me lata
Christian, white man religion! I thought you opened your eyes before? Abi your forfathers will be in hell? Because the white men didn't bring ekele mmaria to them?
Peps illuminati or No illuminati the KEY Focus here in Life is make the best of every situation.
Chris is doomed....pity d poor lad
Linda pls don't tell me you don't know Chris brown has a clothing line called black pyramid?
Nigerians can be such illiterates.
'Black pyramid' clothing line vis a vis Illuminati symbolism... What a coincidence!!!
Sparkles speaking!
that is illuminati for real ,he is a glorious member, the pyramid is one of their numerous signs, one eye, etc, they preach this in all their song, we shuold be mind they are evrywhere.
that is illuminati for real ,he is a glorious member, the pyramid is one of their numerous signs, one eye, etc, they preach this in all their song, we shuold be mind they are evrywhere.
yeah he joined out frustration coz he couldnt sell Transformer album
Most of these artist try to affiliate themselves with the illuminati,not becos they belong to the cult,no! but because they think its cool,will stir up controversy and then increase album sales.This is a silly desperate effort by Chris to court controversy. I guess the 'on again,off again' relationship with Rihana isn't making headlines like their PR thought it would.
the more you try to understand the illuminati stuff the more confused you would become.but he is an ardent member
Anon May 13, 2013 at 10:20 PM there are different secret societies for different grades of people. For most of these black pop stars it's the Sigma Pi Phi they belong to.
I say Tran looks good if that's her. I don't care about any symbols on that cake. His life his choice
people who call linda local dat is fuckin rude % if u kno u'r better dan she is y dont u go get ur own blog.hahaa funny u kno y u cant becoz ur fuckin local. besid y do u spend ur tym goin true her post.
grow up
linda gud job
Then u dont believe there really are principalities n powers,wickedness in high places,rulers of this world.
That's pure;y illuminati...when listen to the lyrics of his song "Fallen Angels" you will know that he is really being sponsored..its no longer a called Celebrities
U dont nid d media to know hes demonic... not just him most musicians...its obvious...
D clothing label na illuminati sign....dat it is aclothing label does dat mean it has notin yo do wit illiminati?
short of words pls!!!
Erm his label black pyramid lindaaaaaa looooooool
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