ccording to an article in Esquire, Brad Pitt has placed a self-imposed ban on filming sex scenes with other women out of respect for his partner and mother of his six children, Angelina Jolie. So no other woman gets to kiss those lips and touch that body as long as he's with Angelina. How noble!
Brad 's friend told Esquire: 'This is a guy who has tried not to do any sexy scenes with other
women since he's met Angelina. He's crazy about her, and she's the same
way about him.'
Kinda understand his fear. Brad was married to Jennifer Aniston when he did Mr & Mrs Smith with Angelina Jolie. He admitted falling for her after their steamy love scene. By the time the movie wrapped, they were in love.
A letter to Prince Jobless
Hello handsome, you're one of the reasons I come to this blog, I love your comments (even the bad ones). I love how you bring life to this blog (with the help of your haters of course. Lol.) When I saw your name on that magazine that featured Linda I came to terms that you're the most popular personality on this blog. Forget the likes of Bloglord, Prince Charming, Maximus and Billie Jean. You're the so popular I see people go wild with any comment(s) you make.
Now enough of the praises. I still think you should calm down with the hate words. You're too handsome to say such horrid things. You might come across as an idiot and moron sometimes with your bad comments but I still love you, we all love you (well, I think they do. Lol). Girls that insult you are so jealous of you they insult you to pour out their frustration of not having you as a lover. I wish I could get you but I'm about to get married ( :( ikr? Sad. ).
Your girlfriend must be the happiest person on earth, yeah I know. You're just too handsome! I wish I was her though. I'm inlove with you, I'm not gonna deny it.
My name is Feranmi, sent you an email last week. :).
awwww! very lovely and thoughtful of him.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
First to comment
*barts eyelashes*
Real love,, am touched
So jennifer left empty! This life tho
just love this couple...............
Hey Linda, tell that man who said he does'nt know how to stop cheating to read this storym infact, make sure u send this story2his inbox. leh him den use Brad's example 2fix his troubles. oh, wait. Or maybe Brad got d advice from sending his troubles2a blog seeking for answers. I just did'nt wana comment on dat story cos dat man is surely a joker. LOIS
Noble indeed, but if prefer getting such a ban on my wife too if she is an actress, so no other man gets to kiss her lips and touch her body, hehe! Lol... So Brad, get such a ban for your lovely wife too, those her lips are worth a million!
Dude knw's he's prone2making mistakes again. and has taken necessary precaution. That Liber dat wrote2u is rather a dull man with a smart and nice wife, dahs simply y he cant sit and use hs head. He's simply a dawg!
Dude knw's he's prone2making mistakes again. and has taken necessary precaution. That Liber dat wrote2u is rather a dull man with a smart and nice wife, dahs simply y he cant sit and use hs head. He's simply a dawg!
How sweet!;)
nyc one brad.
amazing stuff on my style blog when u click
Asin enh love nwantintin
I can see Bradd is losing his senses.
Bart ko, fart ni... mschioouu.. aren't you nutheads tired of this rubbish 'first to comment' crap?
Yes, that's beautiful, women deserves a lot of respect. Unlike other marries men who still do it despite their marriage.
This is absolutely Prince Jobless...*yawns. next pls
awwww.....flee from temptation! that's exactly what the niggur is doing.
yeah, still doesnt make what they did to jen right, but who cares?! as long as d world thinks they are sexy! he should sit his sorry ass down abeg! bull shit!!
@Annon 11:08 Pls shut up! We knw dat its you PRINCE JOBLESS that wrote this rubbish! Just as you did d other time by praising urself using anonymous profile. Prince Jobless u r a real fool! U r u trying to deceive? Idiot! Grow up kid!
Whatever men..u coulda made that decision while u were married to Aniston.well we really do not care!
I hated bradgelina after wat de did to innocent jennifer. Respect his decision tho i tink hes bin precautious hes so as not to let history repeat itself wen he acts sex scenes wt anoda woman n ends up dumpin jolie.
That's a real man
Awwwwww. #yimu#
C luv oooo!
C luv oooo!
He's jst scared dat if he gets in2 a sex scene he mite leave jolie... Fuck off ass.. I hate d dude 4 leaving aniston..
Prince jobless is that you? Lolzzzz! Using anonymous to praise youself again like d other time you were caught right? Shameless monkey!
C luv oooo!
White crazzzy ppl...
Soon dey will staart to payin him large just for him to kiss on scene ptcheeeeeeeeeew
I hope you know that "prince jobless" is a fake account, he's using someone else's pictures. Sorry to burst ur bubble
C luv oooo!
Nice one. I want my husband to respect me this much oh! Linda biko post my comment now.
I have always loved and believed this dude to be the perfect match for my Jolie, now I love and respect him even more. 'Agape Love only'
Ode lucinda how u knw say na pj type those things? No go mind your business. Idiot tatafo
Yes so! He is d one. So sad how much he wants to b noticed. Lwkmd! Shame on you Prince Jobless.
Wow proud of your love for your wife Pitt, I wish all men can follow suit marriage will be enjoyable for all that are into it.
He lost himself when he left his wife for angelina jolie. She may be the one who placed the ban sef so others will not use her snatching method. Mtcheew
Hahahahahahahahahahahh... Prince joblesss, U̶̲̥̅̊. Ar absolutely jobless indeed
Feranmi aka Prince jobless, we can't be fooled...we know dis is u
Prince jobless ur joblessness go soon cos craze give u... U just siddon write ursef letter even chyke ursef join. Young man be careful...
Most times ur comments ar so freakn annoying
LOL she afraid someone will do to her what she did to Jen ???
typical example of "brethren know thy weakness" if you value what you have you will do what is necessary not to jeopardise it
Prince jobless on anonymous tinz...na u b diz 4 sure
Such a noble man! Supported lois.. He sure should learn from this or get himself jeopardised!how can a grown up say he doesn't ♓αvﻉ a control over his feelings #absord# *cagey*
Good riddance to bad rubbish. Wat is he afraid of? He doesn't want history to repeat itself huh?
Its not abt Angelina. He has made enough money so he can afford 2 choose. Back in his hustling days he dare not say dis.
This is called love,what more can a woman ask 4. God bless dey union. Our man will say that were I see money to put food in on d table. So I can go nude. Learn learn some tin good.
Absolute hypocrisy! He should have applied the same principle when he was still married to jennifer and filming sex scenes angelina in mr and mrs smith! Hiss!
has angelina jolie refused any love scenes since she became married to brad pitt.*next
Dnt wonna hear anytin about dis americans,,,
Interesting!6kids?? Wow
I can't jst but laff. Ao can sm1 tink of becoming princess jobless dts if she's a 'she' not a 'he'. Anyway I can c dt luv is truly blind bt it shudnt b daft. #BAMMY#. N for Ma Linda. U̶̲̥̅̊'v refused to post my comments abi??, thumbs up!
Brad needs to fuck off abeg.still hate him for how he ended things wv Jen
Lolz...but this is serious na! Babes are not smiling. Brad's idea indeed!!! Angelina, why are you blocking road for other women na? You dey fear? You might as well cover his eyes too when he steps out of the house!
Anyway, it is Jen that gave you space, assuming she had also imposed this clause when she heard Brad was going to act a movie with you, you wouldn't be where you are today.
I hope all parties have learnt from the experience though, felt so sorry for Jen back then, at least she seems happy now with her guy.
Linda o gini...what have I done 2 u? Brad is an ass, he's scared of leaving jolie like he did aniston. I hate him 4 leaving aniston.
good for him
good for him and angelia too
Hope he has banned groupies too, jest saying jest sayin
Na em abeg! Who re u fooling?
Dir history made dat film famous.nd linda no go dre oo. D reason d marriage faild was coz brad wntd a big family n jennifer didn't(not even adopt). Den comes Angelina beauty plus motherhood. Just sayin... D Curious1
I can't commend Brad enough for this noble and sane gesture... When you're married to someone your body is for that person alone.
Ooh Brad.I luv your sex scenes pls don't stop nd even for Angie
abegi! abi angelina ban love scenes out of fear sey him go fall for another woman again,isn't that how she snatched him from jennifer aniston? post my comment oh!
This guy looks ill. And looks worse than his wife per time. I believe he was happier with Aniston but Jolie has tied him down with kids and all sorts of things....wish them all the best.
I have always loved Brad, irrespective of what he does. He's just a cool guy.
i luv dem... They really suit to pair. *Kiss* be honest to her jare..
Oya copy copy nollywood men where una d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥.tomorrow now jim ik or ramsey nouah go write their own. Lolz
@ a letter to prince jobless, how does your letter affects the price of chin gum at ojuelede market. Fuck you niqqa.
Ehen.... Nollywood actor's wives go soon start their own riot! "You no go act o, you no go act, sexy scenes o, you no go act...rubbing mercy johnson o, we no go gree"!!
Anonymous May 22, 2013
at 12:21 PM
I hope you know that "prince
jobless" is a fake account,
he's using someone else's
pictures. Sorry to burst ur
No sweat Sherlock - thanks for telling other idiots that the picture I'm currently using isn't mine and that of my home boys. You sir are the smartest person on earth!
I wished he took that decision when he was with jennifer. I soo much feel for her like she was my sister. I hope the guy she is about to marry will be ready to take such decision too. Anyhow I like brad, but really, i feel jennifer was cheated. Post my comment!!!
lolzzz.. U know dem too well... Copy copy pple...
Mumu! How many men has Jen dated since den?? Brad has been with Angie since but jen has dated like 5guys. Who do u think d problem is from?
Some of us actually care!!! We love Brangelina!
Shut up! If your Jen is as innocent as you potray her to be, she wouldn't have dated 4guys since brad. Who goes around sharing coochi if she is a good girl.
Fuck u too! He doesn't know you n your hate doesn't matter.
Hahaha! Painment.
News for you dear; he doesn't CARE! So u can free urself of d hate or u DIE in pains. LOL
Hahaha! Painment.
Fuck u too! He doesn't know you n your hate doesn't matter.
Shut up! If your Jen is as innocent as you potray her to be, she wouldn't have dated 4guys since brad. Who goes around sharing coochi if she is a good girl.
Some of us actually care!!! We love Brangelina!
Mumu! How many men has Jen dated since den?? Brad has been with Angie since but jen has dated like 5guys. Who do u think d problem is from?
Sorry to say this anon 5:11 but you are a fool! A big mumu at that! Didn't u know that jenny was faithful to brad all through the marriage? She loved him so much.infact I have nothing to say to you. You are just a fool. Smh for you!
Anon 5:13. Go fuck yourself.
I know it still you again anon516pm. But the truth still remains: you are a compound fool!
I pray this thing that happened to jen happens to you anon 5:17pm so that you will know how it feels. Big fool like you. Ekwensu!
Thank you jare! The guilty are always afraid.
I pray this thing that happened to jen happens to you anon 5:17pm so that you will know how it feels. Big fool like you. Ekwensu!
What does it matter? I thought they were only acting??
Jen Anniston was stupid for letting brad do those scenes with Angelina.
Painment! LOL
Mamiwater like u. Devil! Anuofia!
Ij baby, why re u pained?! I bet u don't have a r/ship n u re here cussing like a fool.
I usually get enuf comic relief 4rm dis blog.u guys won't killme. Tanks 2 all d libers here 4 always making me smile. Lols @ compound fool.#much lv 4rm me Diana 2 u all#
head hunter no dey gree make person wey hold machete stand for im back. He knows what a steamy scene can do for ya. Get you a new partner quickly. so I give him a high five for manning up and facing his demons. many cant do it!
Though I luv brad nd angie but brad shld fuck off man! Hw re we sure angie didn't impose dat on him? There's nothing dat woman cannot do? I so hate wat he did 2 his ex-wife jen Aniston, citing excuses dat she didn't wnt a child. But u were wit her? Hw come after acting Mr nd Mrs smith with d bitch Jolie,u remembered she didn't wnt kids nd dumped her ass! Dat woman went thru a lot back den. And those saying she has dated 4 guys, shut d fuck up if u dnt knw wat it means 4 a woman 2 be heart broken, she was trying so hard 2 find luv again. Dat doesn't make her a flirt! Thanks!
lets see if he cant stick to dat law! abi no b yanki again
if he really loves angelina he wouldn't mind d sex scenes cos d s women r not angelina. This confirms what he did to Jen. he's a cheat! and its afraid of doing dat to angie. wat goes around comes around Brad!
All of u insultin Jennifer,did it occur to u dat she myt be so hrtbroken dat she went from man to man hoping to find wat she saw in Brad??stop being so judgemental jor!
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