Lol, Afrocandy, you no fit! She wants Cossy Orjiakor, Anita Joseph and Uche Ogbodo to appear in her next soft porn flick...and promises it will happen. Erm, don't hold your breath. It's highly unlikely. Uche Ogbodo did say she can act nude but acting nude is different from perfecting a sex act. Plus I doubt she can afford them. But let's keep out fingers crossed.
The 41 year old mother of two recently released a soft porn movie called 'Destructive Instinct 3 & 4'
Oya let d madness begin
hehehehehe trust Cossy to runaway.
devil know his mate.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Mumu woman
finally the offer cossy has been waiting for, cossy your time has come. all these your pictures are now bearing fruit
I wouldn't criticize her sha.
if she encapsulates her "porn thing" with a good story line and production, with time, we will all sing her praises.
Madnesss..lord have mercy
very good, Association of Nollywood Ashawo's.. all of una no kuku mgbeke feelin funky.. Old cargos dem wey no get shames nd morals..
some1 shud tell dis lady to get a life nd stop disturbing d hol country with ha madness.mtcheww.Ehdah
She can do it, afterall they are birds of d same feathers..
Birds of a feather flock together! LMFAO!
She's mad
Cheap homeless confused nigerian women. Eve would be cryin in heaven.
No one wants to see a 41 year old woman way don drop engine twice naked
Ashewos....Our senators go use Viagra follow una. Hiss
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Very hilarious. Afrocandy sure knws how 2 pick cast for her movies. Hehehehehehehehehe. Those three ladies are some of the decent ladies we've gat in the movie industry. Chei!!!
Hot babe go there....naija go like watch but they forming holy time 4 hataz go afrocandy....
Geh geh
HahaH! Its hell possible! D̶̲̥̅̊α̲̅†̥ foolish uche jombo mtchew. •Estrano Lala•
what of Tonto Di...... she 4got her on d list? Madness...mshwwwwwwww
Abeg dis small clip linda put una no watch?make una free d babes they hotttttttttttttttttting lwkmd
Cossy oya let's see if u have liver uche u dat was running ur mouth make we see if u get fowl chest! ACTION
There is no need murdering the murdered.
She has got a good story-line with her 'porn'.
Why cant we just cross our hands and watch.
Please keep it coming, Afro-Candy.
Naughty woman
Dis woman is highly disguting..... Trust me Uche cant do dat.
birds of a feather, f*** togeda, oops excuse my French!
so this old woman is 41? well, u know what they say "a fool @ 40..." *zips lips and runs away*
Cosy might jump on d proposal but uche ogbodo I know too well will not do it,
so silly
Anyhow anyhow;we will still watch it..afrocandy I ve got ur back jare..can't wait for them to release the movie let's see cossy in action cos this is the opportunity she is been looking for uche ogbodo,I don't know if she can act a soft porn but let's see how it will go...abi we no still dey LIB?? No probs na
Lol, birds of a feather flocks together, but I doubt if uche will do dis.
This linda na crook! She said ''The 41yr old mother of 2'' ...wey dey misbehave abi?! Lool
Birds of same feather....
Linda, it seems you are the only major blogger given this nonentity much attention. Please, how much has she paid you that you've suddenly made her like a star. So many people do XXX films in Nigeria and people do give a damn. It's not a new phenomenon in Nigeria as you are making it to be, referring to your previous comments on this matter. Please stop giving her attentions that she does not deserve.
Hahahahaha Anon 1:59 @ Our senators go use Viagra follow una.
A must see!!!
Looooll!chai!so in essence na dem fit to do ashawo feem!!I can't wait to hear deir replies..Oya Uche dat can act nude,show yasef!
This woman s a fucktard and an illiterate. D fool cnt evn spell . Bitch u cnt afford dem so dnt js dare dt shit . Foolsh thing.
A must see!!!
Dis is pure madness. Wat msg is dis woman passing across?remb ur children r watchn.wia is our morals?u sell ur dignity cos of money,u must no its not worth it.
I tink Afrocandy is possessed,ds isn't a laffing matter.. God help her
did i hear her say "my fans" ?? who told her she's got one let alone "fans" agbaya jatijati
I still doubt if these three ladies can be as crazy afrocandy, see what Uche has caused, I used to like her, she used her mouth to say she cud act nude now there's an invitation for porn. SMH.
Naijadeltapikin... ÈŠ̝̊†̥ ÈŠ̊§ possible afro candylicious nonsense cos U̶̲̥̅̊ α̲̅πϑ cossy, uche α̲̅πϑ anita all flocks together
Oya na,let's go there,u go fear porn movie na.KOLA
yea dats a gud one! linda lemme know what i shuld pay before u can post mi comment.
uche want to go nude nah. Here cums de offer
This Na Kemi olunloyo Ibo Version that's right let's go there perfect crew
Linda,u r d one making dis woman popular bcos me I no sabi her b4.
Pls stop it,abi she pay u money.
Why are the movie titles parts 3 and 4? Had she released parts 1 and 2 earlier?
Mehn d lady chop guts n wants publicity wiv diz jare. Buh judgement is near!wonder wat morals she has for her kidz. Mtcheeeeew. Empress!
Perfct choiz na one train carry all of dem ashewos
This harlot should go back 2 school. She doesn't know how 2 spell english word correctly or 2 make A simple sentence.instead of *next* she wrote *nest*,*i have 2 say it out* instead of *i have 2 say its out*
Wow she is real full time hoe. Its her life anyway, her choices her decisions.
Well...she picked d right candidates :). Soft porn *the sex clip* was d start of Kim k's popularity, it might just be good for cossy especially lol
na wa oooooo
Did she say nest movie??? loool!!! ko tie gbo oyinbo.... Nt surprised...
I mean if she can spell NEXT as NEST then I quite understand where she got her goals from! If education doesn't work,try immorality!
Okay na! See me see casts 4 Afrocandy's movie o! Hehehehhehehe! Trust cossy is already practicing her script 4 d movie! Hehehehehhehe #teamAfro-Candy# *tongueOut*
i dont think uche will stoop so low to be cast in her movie, as for cossy she has met her match they fit each other two possesed women, cant say for d anita lady.
nawa o naija....we are we heading suggestion sha....go n pick ronke oshodi too...mak all of una dey craze dey go...
Now is the time for Cossy and Uche to prove their worth. They should put their money where their mouth is and cast in the movie. I am sure they no fit.
You and who will sing her praises???! Biko speak for youself.....
Birds of d same feather,no different barrier,let see if cossy is bold enough to act it or not at least this will silent all the controversial about her and her freaky boobs**lmao
I can't wait to lay ma hands on that film,abeg start the acting =))º°˚˚˚°ÂºÐ½aĦaнaº°˚˚˚°Âº=))
One word-Asewo.
She can also call Solomon Akiyesi to co-star in the soft porn. He will even work without pay.
Madam Linda,
Pls stop tellin us about afrocandy n d likes,u r only givin them cheap publicity.
They intentionally post a pic or make a statement knowing dat u wld bring them on.
Or r they paying u 4 d advert?????
(Replying here cos its easy to be read after first to comment lol)Afro candy will sell in Europe surely and secretly in Nigeria.Am not a fan of porn,however I may join millions of co haters to watch;mostly out of curiousity.Like she said and rightly so,"there's only one hell fire for all sinners".well she's given me a sort of epiphany actually.Pastors that commit secret sin and Afro candy the soft porn star are all falling into the same lake of fire!Soft porn is legal abroad where she lives and our censors board may just siddon dey look as their hands re tied!Majority of us including linda can't wait for this movie.Some may even be turned on against their wish because biologically the human body often betrays the mindset!if the truth be told!SIGNED WIDE EYED!
Hahahaaha Afro-Candy wnt kill me ooo
Fool, who mentioned Uche Jombo here? For ur info Uche Jombo is happily married. Read well before u comment. no b by force
LOL! Uche no get d mind abeg, I fink na jux mouth, can't say d same 4 Cossy nd Anita tho, if Anita can date a 22yrs old boy nd fight in public cos of him, den she def can act a Dirty Slutty role (it won't even be acting 4 her, she's born for dat) for cossy, I've given up on her since, she will def act it nd put jara sef.
what i can say is rubbish...
Augustine, heaven bless u! I was scrolling thru to see who would notice she said "nest". Bitch can't even spell correctly. Mother of two! Pity those kids. Fake boobs, fake ass, fake everything, porn star...I wonder watz "nest"...*smh*
linda na u they talk this kind thing you surprise me already her movie destructive instinct has been bought over by a popular marketer for 15million naira and what makes you think that the same marketer wont drop 25mill for the above mentioned cast Cossy with take 2m she is dat cheap to her its not all about the moni tis about the fame and the stupidity for her cossy can even take 1million just to be on screen uche obodo can do 6million Anita Joseph can do 5million so u c dear Linda she can do it Linda what you don't know is soft porn is now in vogue its selling like hot cake soon tonto dikeh moyo lawal and other adventurous actress will join the bandwagon
And u think Eve went 2 heaven? Kai... People read ur bible well!
Hmmm I don't even knw where to start with dis babe but she's got guts I must say.cossy might do d movie but uche nd anita.don't tynk so nd the attention we re giving her is becoming too much.
Best of this kind of feathers flock 2gether.
Decent you say?! *raised eyebrow*
hehehehhehehe....grabbing a seat! uche oya o! ur dreamz have come
Easy there. Who mentioned Uche Jombo here?
Thers is Scientific evidence that watching or being addicted to porn is connected to the number of sexual abuses in the west, especially those caused by men..........the western people have a regulatory board to restrict thsi movies by age and they are also campaigning for ways to reduce internet access to young people.......Nigeria is a lawless country as it is ...we dont have a functioning regulatory body...if the production of porn becomes rampant get ready for the worst.....the west are campaigning and trying to reduce, Nigerians are seein this as an achievement...sigh
This mad ashawo get any family sef. What an embarrassment.
My God! Wat's dis Aphro CandidAIDS up to? Is dis woman ok @ all? Lord hav mercy on ur soul! Ok naaaa! Uche Ogbodo! U don hear am! Cossy no need 2 call ur name cos I knw u re already on d way! *grabs popcorn* lynda berra post my comment b4 u join dem! haff kill me with laughter o!!!
100% correct
Shameless goat
Assin did she write 'nest'? As in nest movie? Lwkmd!. Btw. She looks good for a mother @ 41
What will AfroCandy teach her children mutchhh,soon her children will grow and join her in acting porn.
Btw, lin lin, helep us and paste d uche nd co's pxs now. We don't know em.
I pity her kids sha! Wayward mother
Silly ram like u .... Which nigerian is seeing it as an achievment? Abi u blind wey u no see say naija pple no want am???? Kpekere Ode like u ....
What a sad story. Women who r suppose to be home makers, role models n all. Suffer no good sha, bcos e b like say na that kain tin make some of these ladies totally loose their values like dis. I still wonder if her parents r still alive plus they must be really proud of raising a woman like afro...
No time!lmao
Aiye Afrocandy, abi ki lo pe ara e? ti baje!
Dem don talk am say Nigerians go learn somthin from Yankee come Sabi do d tin pass d people when dem learn am from. Kim Kardashian do somtin like dis but it wasn't dis disgusting sha.
Come to think of it, with d way Nigerian girls dey struggle to post half nude bikini photos online these days, u sure say no be porn movie dey hungry dem to do... lolz
I can't wait to see the movie. Lol.
Naija sha. Why the pretence?as if you are not looking forward to her movies? Oya, bring ya phones let's see if u haven't downloaded destructive instincts and other X rated movies which u watch more than you receive calls or texts sef. Esp u guys.
She didn't include Karen Igho. Why now?
Hmmmmmm, Linda, nothing is impossible oooo, abeg, make dem quick produce the film, I go watch am wella!!! More power to your elbow ooooo, madam Ashe Candy or sorry, Afro Candy
All these shameless igbo girls acting porn movies. What a big shame you people are to this country. Learn from other tribes. Can you ever see any fulani or hausa girl doing rubbish like this?
All these shameless igbo girls acting porn movies. What a big shame you people are to this country. Learn from other tribes. Can you ever see any fulani or hausa girl doing rubbish like this?
Linda ooo, soft porn lol.. But this Afrocandy woman is a disgrace to motherhood...
Think u should spend the money on getting an education, ur written english is awful
Afrocandy my babe...I feel u jare!
Afro candy, what sort of insult is this, chai Cossy, Uche and Anita don suffer. She thinks everyone is as cheap as her. Rubbish, Uche said i can act nude. Not i want to act NUDE for some cheapass production.
And please for the record, it is "NEXT" not "Nest". Afa Anu Nkita.
Linda please post my comment
Did u say "mother of two?" Na wa o. She hs kids sef? Dear God y do some women have children? Do they deserve it? Again I'm sorry for questioning.but gadaaaaammmmmm!!!
IT IS A WAKE-UP CALL to Uche Ogbodo, Cossy and Anita Joseph.
Because of the way they carry themselves,they have been relegated to the level of this DUMBO!
Perhaps, these ladies will present themselves better.
So where did eve go to ode
de only right person for dis cast of urs,is Cossy Orjiakor cos she acted porn with a dog for just 20,000 if u can pay her,let her be fixed in cos she will be happy,for her, no be 2day she start na old timer she be.
He who is with No sin should cast the first stone, i am. Not supporting her act, but mak most girls here node form holy father abeg. Hell hell hell, don't be mad on that last day . This woman will not smell Hell. Be wise, the first shall be The last and the last the first.#### stop judging cus the one most of you do in the dark is worse
i have SOMETHING TO SAY... EVRYBODY IS JUST SAYING D SAME-THING , NOBODY HAS SAID ANYTHING LIKE PORN IS BAD...PORN IS DEVILISH...PORN IS ETC..MAKE All of una shut una go first buy d tape if cossy follow her act...mtsheeew!
mr english professor wat point re u tryin to make here
gud development for afrocandy
lst time to comment @ linda ur not doing badly, kip it up. jide ka iji
Afro Candilicious, dat ya nyash na confirm!!! madam, me I wan use my tongue rock in between ya thighs, I swear ehn, u go crase wen I finish with u....
Anythn Oyibo do, we go copy, so. Y am I not surprised abt dis? not lik I knw whu dese women are 'cos I dnt follow NollyWood, but if what LIB has been blogging is tru, den all AfroCandy wants is for them to publicly do what they hav been doin with d politicians... Afterall, ashawo na ashawo, no matter what u drive (according to MI Abaga)
Hahahahaha......the name Tontolet is conspicuously missing!
Hahahaha like seriously she should be happy her adverts have gotten her a job
Why is it soft porn? I don't see anmyone calling Hollywood movies such as Monster's ball or Basic Instinct soft porn. Or of course the numerous TV shows that show partial scenes of sex all the time such as Mad men, Boardwalk Empire etc
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