In neighboring Yobe State, it is not
clear how many soldiers were deployed but residents said shortly after
the declaration of state of emergency, stop and search operations have
been intensified in the state capital while movement have been
restricted in other places.
Residents said the deployment of the
federal troops, including the army, navy, air force and operatives of
the State Security Service (SSS) began at the weekend.
“We started sensing danger on Saturday
when we saw military trucks conveying soldiers to the Joint Task Force
(JTF) headquarters along Pompomari area,” Usman Jika, a resident of
Maiduguri said.
“By Sunday morning, so many roadblocks
have sprung up in the state capital and there was noticeable cordon and
search of houses by new faces (soldiers),” he said.
A resident of Kumshe, one of the red
spots in Maiduguri said his neighbour was beaten to pulp on Sunday when
soldiers besieged the areas and forced all the people out of their
“All the soldiers that came to the
neighborhood appeared new in the town, some of them said it is now time
for ‘fire for fire” he said.
Another resident said he saw military
aircrafts landing at the Maiduguri International Airport and the air
strip at the Air Force base in the state capital.
“A lot of fighting equipment have been
deployed to Maiduguri,” Hajja Maimuna, a resident of Gomari, whose
house is close to the Air Force base said.
“We are really terrified because the
military operatives coming to Maiduguri in the last two days far
outnumbered those that came during the previous emergency rule,” she
“Even though the state governor has
not been removed, which is good, the truth is that Maiduguri is now a
garrison town, full of angry soldiers who are ready to kill at the
slightest provocation. The deployment will definitely hamper social and
economic life of the people,” she said.
Source: Daily Trust
It would have not have gotten to this level if the friends of boko haram members had opened up about their whereabouts because for all I know these people buy food stuff in that same Maiduguri.
I hope no 'BAGARISM' will happen in those states?...but any Boko Boys u encounter, exterminate with immediate alacrity!!!
pray peace reign....!
E don set! Now we are talking! At last someone has woken up from a long slumber.
Thats what we're talking about. extreme cases calls for extreme measures.
Their game is up.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
State of emergency is a welcome development but the issue of the sitting Governors still at helm of affairs of the affected States is not appealing because it was because of their inabilities to see to the end of these insecurities in their various States that the State of Emergency was declared.Therefore,they are not supposed to be in the office but Sole Administrators should be appointed to avoid interference.Let this State of Emergency be extended to both Kano and Nasarawa States.
Big congrats to them i pray for love, joy and peace in their home.
Finally we are behaving as if we want to stamp out Boko Haram. Lets see them bomb the fighter jets out of the sky. We should beware too that they don't recruit insiders and sabotage the attacks
State of emergency is a welcome development but the issue of the sitting Governors still at helm of affairs of the affected States is not appealing because it was because of their inabilities to see to the end of these insecurities in their various States that the State of Emergency was declared.Therefore,they are not supposed to be in the office but Sole Administrators should be appointed to avoid interference.Let this State of Emergency be extended to both Kano and Nasarawa States.
Idiots wen u support Bokoharam u die with dem let's d military flush those miscrant out of naija joor
how i wish d military can take over nigeria government, i think by that, peace will reign..
I just hope d military do their jobs and not exhibit their usually barbaric behaviour. Declaring a borno a state of emergency is ok but I hope this our soilders that lack discipline will b able to bring order and sanity. Amen
I think this is a step in the right direction. BH should be faced and finished outrightly. If Nigeria is to remain as one entity, JUSTICE should be instituted at all COST. No person has the immune right to violence.
Those soldiers will definitely be angry....any small gragra or resistance, dey will maim u.....I wud even told them to "shoot on sight"
This should have been done ages ago. We have lost so many souls. It is so painful. Even if all comes to naught, GEJ cannot be accused of doing nothing.Militants and outlaws should not be treated with kids gloves. Enough is enough.
Gangan!!!war without end part3
People r never satisfied! GEJ was berated by everyone when he didnt declare an emergency rule in these parts of d country, now that he has (which is a welcome development) indigens r saying these presence of soldiers will hinder social n economic development (or whatever it is she said)
Gobe is when boko haram defeats the Nigerian army!!!I go turn muslim ASAP...!!
Good Decision!
thank God. E good like that. nonesense tire person abeg.
This is utter rubbish. Lets ask the root cause of this restiveness. If these youths are gainfully employed they won't have time for this. Its good to know that the looters of the national treasury can't even enjoy their ill gotten wealth. I say start by giving them stipend to eat
Kill dose boko haramm pigs...
its time for a diffrnt kind of music. Na military Azonto b dis.
its time for a diffrnt kind of music. Na military Azonto b dis.
God help nigeria.. End time.
God Pls help us o
This is just a tip of What Asari Dokubo want to face ...#mumu man#
Crush anytin u dnt undastnd... Since d animals wnts it the hard way
I weep for the North-east Nigerian states,formerly home of peace,beauty and sunshine.now u leave in constant fear bcos u don't know who will kill you-BH or Angry Soldiers!!
Heii egedege okwa wetin una want.una go hear am.
this is playing out in ma head like "its war." I would advise that residents flee that region for now.
God help this country!
Its time 4peace in niqeria
Good. Bbuh dse soldiers should nt harm innocent pple
its about time.......
Time to find out who has a superior fighting force; federal government or boko haram insurgents. Place ur bet before its late.
I can imagine that innocent people will go down bcos these angry soldiers will be provoked one way or the other. If only the citizens in these areas can comport themselves, this tension will yield result. The 'state of emergency 'has become very imperative so we pray that God protects the innocent
Okey. Now I tink GEJ is ready to take d bull by d horn. U can't have peace if u don't fight for it. I sure say dis GEJ don get new adviser... Linda pls keep us posted. Love u tho if u will give me d chance to show it..... Lol..*eyes wide open* did I jst say somtin???
Serves them right..A child that says his parents will not sleep,won't sleep too
It aff set. Hope the soldiers don't go about killing innocent souls cos me no trust all these ppl. They can do anything in other to look competent in the eye of the president.
Sorry ehn. We all feel ur pain.the state of emergency is much needed bcs bokoharam insurgency has been left to fester for too long. They cannot b holding dis country captive for no just cause they need to b curbed real hard.
president jona have prove that he is the oga @ top. I think the nation will be at peace! God bless nija!
Ehen.. Now they are talking..... Boko haram, awon oshi..
The residents should leave...there should be a safe escape created for them or some sort of protection
Let them feel it!!!!!!!!
Abeg shut yur dirty mouth fool. Thr r pple who dnt av money but do not go abt killing other pple for no JUST CAUSE. Mayb ur also one of dem. I give d soldiers my full support to hunt u down nd shoot you for sympathising wiv d enemies. If you'v lost a family member by those animalistic religious fanatics, you wudnt b saying all this. Pls linda post my comment.
I want to bliv dat removal of d governors of this states myt lead to loss of total power to the military rules...GEJ is not ready for that in diz states of anarchy...
Men!!!! I like dis new development at least the state will go back τ̲̅ȍ the peacful setting that it was before
atleast something to start with, very good....they passed my roof top sef
amazing stuff now on my style blog. Click to see
Finally some action.....we will see were they will flee to now.....if it will take the president to wipe out all 3 states in order for peace and stability to reign,then am with you on this MR. President...
Linda this is what i am talking about its about time they get this show on the road they wanted war now they got war Good luck should have raised it to Alpha code red 1 which means full scale war against terror and the order should be SHOOT AT SEIGHT any thing thing that resembles boko haram operatives shoot at them then ask questions later
I really like it dat way but I still av dis strong feelings dat Mr president is not using d right tactics to counter dis BH beast of a thing.....instead of Our gorv to av Counter terrorist Unit dey went ahead to av Anti-Bomb squard which I think is absurd....we need anti-terrorist Unit so dat we can treat terrorist as terrorist not treating dem as militants.......I laughed wen he said he wanted to negoci8t wit dem......in an advance contr3 nobody negoci8t wit terrorist bcos if u giv in 2 their demand dey 'll ask 4 more.......Gorv shld provide job 4 d mass, stop looting our money abroad so dat youths can be engaged.....dey started dis madness by buying guns 4 dem during election now dey're using it against dem..............if u listen to what recently released LCDA chairman said abt his kidnappers u'll know dat our youths our jobless...........God help us all.
'we sensed danger'...am i missing something? All the while that BH has been killing innocent people, what were you sensing? This is the best way to handle those miscreants disturbing our security.
If ur fada and moda were killed dastardly by dis idiots u won't say dis. So U are Mad... Dat's all
I think is okay like dat. Let see wat ll happen next after 3 months.
Its not just about deploying soldiers, its about striking the right way and avoiding ambush.
"E don happen" Sey Gordons said it, "if soja man slap you, you go know say police na your friend". If boko haram wan see "Bagarism" they should just kill one army man.
This is good for them, indeed it should never have gotten to this if some people in the north are not behind this faceless group and are shielding them. Now they are afraid of emergency rule because they are likely to loose their position of authority.
I think the president was very humane, he would have sacked all the state governors, elected officials and political office holders
They name to have some good military intelligence along side the brute force they are bringing in or the Boko haram guys will just disappear and return after the military might subsides(BRAIN + BRAWN THINZ)....THE GREMLIN HAS SPOKEN!
Well if all of you people describing the soldiers had identified and reported the BH boys, it won't have gotten to this stage.
In addition any christian and southerner still in that part of the country is on a suicide mission..y'all shld gerrout asap..God help us all.
And who told u dats d way it is done?? R they refugees??
This is how it should be done... Responsible government don't dialogue with terrorists. They(Bokoharam) declare war give them war!
We don hear abeg rest.
If the Residents shud leave, wat gives u d assurance dat d BH pple dia won't disguise nd follow, den Blow Dem up once dey are outta d Soldies sight? I smell WAR!!! I jux hope Nigeria is ready 4 dis! LordAvMercy!
About time GEJ dealt with boko haram terrorists. DO NOT SPARE THEM!!!!
Yes! The beginning of the end of Boko Haram.
U re dumb. Ode like u who told u money is their problem?
According to Spartacus 'Kill them all'. Naija be turning into them afganistan and shiit, but the current governors should not remain in office, afterall its in the constitution but I give him kudos though, those psychos need to be wiped out.
its a step in the right direction
a step i the right direction
My dear President thank you for this, you should have done this last year but better late than NEVER! You are really a patient man. I know you are too nice to rule Nigeria but don't worry, God will help you.
Jona thinks 9jas are fools abi? Because he wants to come back by all means in 2015, he has "remembered" to declare a state of emergency in these states!
This could be his "biggest accomplishment" before the election and as such, this his "bravado", will see the masses foolishly chanting "We want Jona, we want Jona!"
Why are our people this gullible and easily blindfolded? He is not fit to be president, and it is as simple as that. He has no respect for lives and properties. Come and see the boys he is training outside Nigeria in weaponry and such! And to think that they are all from his place! They will come trickling into the country to carry out his mercenary assignments aka assassinations, bombings and overall anarchy during the coming elections.
leave us alone
men, if these really are the soldiers deployed to those states...smh (dunno what to say)...they look freaking mean n scary...damn!
Aboki's r cows, very backward set of pipu.. if i had d chance wil mak sure every Northerner state is wiped outta naija map..*longhiss*
Should the soldiers smile with them b4? did they come there to play. So they can be scared,how come they aint scared of boko. Anyway God is a God that ans by fire,we just thank Him for this step
We shall overcome someday!!!
these fools(boko haram) should also be hunted from neighbouring countries(Nij rep,chad etc.) so as to curb and clear them all ASAP.
I said it n I still maintain dat dis is d rite step in d rite directn. Let all dos BH miscreants be flushed out of dis country permanently!
idiot who tolod u that..if we ask u to rule can u do that..mumu
May God help us o
Even 50 naira a day wil not lead me into life of crime religious or not, those guys should be flush out
Lmaooooooo ......those soldiers r not smiling oo....any1 dat provoke dem will go down, innocent or not....of course if u r innocent u won't get in their way.
when will this madness end?
"First they take away the dealers.. Then they put away the prostitutes.. Then they shoot away the bums.. &.. beat & bash the queers.. Turned away asylum seekers, fed us suspicion & fears, we didn't raise our voice, we didn't make a fuss.. It's funny, there was no one left to notice- when they came for us."-- Victor Hara.
Omo, dis one na Rambo IV
Abi ? They asked for it and here it comes in all its assortment
Only God knows how many bags of gbana these soldiers traveled with!
Definitely will be mad like a wounded cat! Hope their rules of engagement is solid enough to separate the BH from the rest of the people.
Glad that GEJ finally grew some balls but leaving the governors on seat makes that political. I pray he/we win this battle.
alrght, mr presido is finally growing some balls, kudos!!
Go get them boys! Boko Haram, why are u running and hiding? See what u get for waking a sleeping tiger.
My little contribution is that ALL motorcycles (private and commercial) in Adamawa, Bornu and Yobe, should be confiscated and burnt.
The strongest weapon against terror is terror.
In my village, we say, "if u bite me on d head, I'll bite u on d buttocks.
"WE SHALL WIN THIS WAR AGAINST TERROR" -Jonathan[President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.]
You just spoke my mind!
Now dats how to do it GEJ. Amnesty to murderers is no way to go. Nigeria will win this scourge call boko haram.
Asshole!! Shoot who on sight? Do u realise that there are innocent civillians living there as well, have u hear d proverb where 2 elephants fight the grass also suffers? mcheww, may we not be caught up in such a situation in Jesus name.. God protect d innocent ones and keep them pls.. It is well ..
A round peg in a round hole. I Commend Mr President on this brave excercise of authority.
No mind d mugu! If they r sooo poor and unemployed and dem neva chpp dem no suppose fit get energy to bomb and kill na, why dem no use d energy toi till d ground and bring more onions and things to lagos mchewwwww idiots!! Yet they get sponsors from outside the nation to kill their very own country men, if they r so vexed with the government why dem no go kill d pple in govt why bomb innocent hungry unemployed civillians like demselves????
Abi o! But unfortunately na their way! Reminds me of one video I saw of soldiers in the north bringing out helpless defenseless young men and telling them to lie down and then they shot them one after the other .. imagine!!! Even crippled men with their walkin sticks were killed in that manner.. One of d soldiers even kept sayin no shoot am for heart shoot for head like they were gonna use their organs too or something ,, na wa oo!
They should go to the bushes and fish them out
Kill all tha gbomgboclack! Let tha BK boys get ready with their AK toys... Battle is ready ya all....
May God protect them
@ Sir Sokari Dappa Andrew-Jaja , In my village, we say, "if u bite me on d head, I'll bite u on d buttocks. LMAOOO.. I laugh fart for body oh..and you know the buttocks is soft the thing go enter well...The President has been patient enough...They just woke a lying Lion by looking for it's trouble....Butty why ? why would these BH suddenly wake up and bomb innocent people ? Anyways SOJO no send you oh! When these SOJO kill una BH individually, you will go to heaven and have your virgins MUMU people.The thing wey I no do for this world na heaven I wan go do am? Good Stunt Uncle Jonathan.
Mz bomshell or wot eva may God bless u wit wot u wish for others too
can someone tell me why the soldiers are wearing night vision goggles during day time
THE BATTLE LINE IS DRAWN. I pray 4 d succesful handlin of dis matter
What do u expect. Have u heard of psychopathic killers b4. U have them full full in d military n in d police. Just give dem a chance n u'll see dem unleash their terror on society.
Eheeeee! Dem go begin thank GEJ 4 this chance
Tell the guy dat, they've sold their right 4 a social life a long time ago, linda pls post my comment today o, or else! Don't let me say wetin go happen
we are all(solider) angry, bcos dis Bagaz r nt ready 2 surrender. We wud try our possible best 2 protect lives n property, pls co operate wit us. Thanks
(we hope it's finally) GAME OVER!! **in Paul Okoye's voice**
Hehehehehe!!! All na efizzy! I mean..what's with the "nightvision" goggles in broad day light na?
only nigerian army will wear night vision goggles during the day
Jtf do ur thing das y ur soldier dis boko haram a biting more dan dey can chew nd 4 di night vision stuff its not efizy its jst 2 show dere activities extends 2 di night time, so come rain or sun shine,day or nightfall di military will stand dere grounds and perform dere primary duty
Yeah, finally uncle Jona. But is it a bit late? I guess never say never
Hv u bin in dis planet cos if u hv,u jes sounded lyk a big fool mayb u are.Did d leaders of boko haram mail u 2 say Dey'r hungry or dey need employment & cos dey lack food & employment dey want 2 go into religious war.Think b4 u talk so u won't get ur sorry ass into trouble.
pray for peace in Nigeria
Dis is d way d cookies crumble
It's time to kill those heartless creatures.But,this is rather late.Anyway, welldone GEJ!
Mehn, I should be there, with some bad boys killer elites, flushing out, killing, and burying those mad arabs in that hot desert backyard. Kill them all!
i hope those BOKO HARAM are folowing the rules of engagement? So The ARMY should do the same. Period
i hope those BOKO HARAM are folowing the rules of engagement? So The ARMY should do the same. Period
i hope those BOKO HARAM are folowing the rules of engagement? So The ARMY should do the same. Period
i hope those BOKO HARAM are folowing the rules of engagement? by protecting the lives of innocent civilian? then let the ARMY do the same @the rules of engagement
Nobody should be spared,kill them all.
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