Sleeping in a Coffin?
Point of correction, I do not sleep in a casket, I sleep on my bed, it's big and comfy, I only lay in my "casket"when I do my meditation because it helps me to be focused, it tells me more about the imminence of death. My casket is a reminder. It wakes me up from slumber. It tells me, "guy, you have got little or no time left, wake up, be creative and work”. Continue...
Point of correction, I do not sleep in a casket, I sleep on my bed, it's big and comfy, I only lay in my "casket"when I do my meditation because it helps me to be focused, it tells me more about the imminence of death. My casket is a reminder. It wakes me up from slumber. It tells me, "guy, you have got little or no time left, wake up, be creative and work”. Continue...
MY Coffin sensitizes
Only if a kidnapper can buy a
casket for himself today, and begin to lay inside, constantly reminding himself
that death looms even as he goes about kidnapping and extorting money from
families. It’s possible to realize at a point that all his activities will one
day end up in a casket, and there, his flesh will rotten. The same is
applicable to all evil doers. They need to realize, like in the famous book, “Waiting
for Godot” that the world is bizarre and empty, as vanity plus vanity will
always end up in vanity. Crime no dey pay jor.
My Coffin preaches:
Take a critical look at my image
inside the coffin, it speaks volume. I always lay in my casket with my cap,
glasses, shoes on. I’m always well dressed. Yes, it is always done
intentionally to tell us that your glory disappears with all the wealth you
must have acquired the very day you go to that coffin. Your glory-your cap goes
with you, your vision-your glasses goes with you; your struggle-your shoes goes
with you. The only thing left of you is your history and your legacy. The crux
of the message is to leave a legacy, so we can live forever, not in the
physical, but in people’s memories. As
for me, I will live forever. You dey vex???
We are blind because of
our fears
Who knows what any of us sees
from the privacy of our own blindness? Make no mistakes, each of us is blind in
a particular way, just as each of us is sighted uniquely. Consider how each of
us is blinded by what we fear. If we fear heights, we are blind to the humility
vast perspectives bring. If we fear Passion, we are blind to the comfort of
Oneness. If we fear change, we are blind to the abundance of life. If we fear
death, we are blind to the mystery of the unknown. And since to fear is
something thoroughly human, to be blind is unavoidable. It is what each of us
must struggle to overcome. To a large degree, I have overcome my fear of death,
all I ask God, is that may my death not be painful. I’m sure some of you know
how my cousin who was killed by kidnappers died an agonizing death. You see, in
the course of our lives, we all stumble and struggle, repeatedly, in and out of
relationship, in and out of the grace of the hidden wholeness of life, most of
us struggle and stumble with the uncertainty of tomorrow as Nigerians. I have
discovered that in the course of our lives, and as blind children, we may never
know what we are called to be until we have learned what we are called to become
by simply overcoming our fears. In life, death is the most important reminder
of all activities. Abi you dey vex???
Oga o
i believe that we all have different ways of relating to reality.... the sooner we all accept our immortalit the better people we become. the cofin reminds him of his.... whay reminds you of yours?
this guy is devilish. no matter what anybody says. he gives me the creeps. no other place to meditate than in a coffin?
Nonesense, This man and Fani Kayode sha.
How we lost great men.
I pray God will give us the fortitude to bear these great losses.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Some truth in wat u are saying but u are such a weird pson!... I like u still!..
Dats d truth...
Well said Charlie Bobo. Ur casket is really an eye opener abt death.
Bla!bla!bla!like we care u can sleep in d fridge 4 all I care afterall its a coolant u will b much more comfortable n chilled!mad man
Mr Enigmatic!! Well, eccentricities and wild tendencies vary, I marvel at his though.
Food for thought...
Believe and do what you want, I aint entering no coffin for pleasure.
First to comment. That's all. Haters dieeeeeeeeeee. Baba God noni oh oh, baba God nani oooh
WTF!!! Mr. Charlie man u'd nvr seize 2 amaze us! Hv fun doe..hpe u dnt transcend mistaknly 4rm dere.
He is posses. Illuminati
It is well.. Heaven is real and so is hell...
This is creativity at the extreme. I love the details. Kai.
Dats not normal
Are you okay?this is weird to the latest point,kai...chima.
Lol, take a look at this undertaker wannabe, uhm charly nobody gives a shit about you and your meditation coffin. Attention seeker oshi.
How Creepy.
End-time things
Oga charlie...smh
Abnormality @its peak!!!Y cnt he just wait 4his time,mcheeww
One word..... Madness!!!
I dont see this man as a role model at all.he is more like an insane person.what makes him sleep in a coffin in the first place?playing to the gallery?he has retire from piercing earings all over his face now he calls coffin his bed.charlie papay,we didnt see you protest against okada ban?
hmmmmm, mr controversy is at it again. nice concept sha... scary tho
I kinda agree with him.
But i can't do it.
The mere sight of it sends shivers down my spine.
" U dey vex. ???" Who u dey ask? If u really serious go make mortuary ur home nd hv real dead bodies around u or beta stil go tak one grave for burial ground nd liv there! Mtchwwwwm
Linda if u lik no post my comment as u dey other ones. I neva get ur tym whn I get am u go knw.
Hmmmmmm..word! Area father,I understand where u r coming 4rm but its scary tho...
this man is unwell, who cares if he sleeps in the grave yard
this man is very very strange...do u need to sleep in a coffin to be reminded of the brevity of life?
Creepy but true!
Ok cool, I now understand! But I still dey fear you di anyi.
Mehn dis charly boy just gets creepier and more creepier
This man sha, this world is full of weird pple...Uncle Charley, i reserve my comment.
Nonsense!!! Total nonsense!!unbiblical trick and lies of d devil himself.The bad thing is some so called fans wuld start doing d same*smh*. Since d same wood use 4 chairs is d one use 4 coffins, why didn't e choose d chair rather than a nagative, indecent and totally unaccepted coffin.....msheww
FOOLISH ATTENTION SEEKER... Mchewwww *rolling eyes*
linda, abeg NeXxXt!!!
His reasoning is in another state beyond human comprehension.
lmao.. like he siad.. his ideas comes from the coffin smh
Charlie came out from d same womb. Wit prince jobbless.dey shuld really reunite
Na waoh! This is madness
The advert placement on the story doesn't let ♍ε̲̣ view ur writings in whole.
I tink he is trying to send a mssag 2 those evil pple,well sha food 4 thought
All these is to seek attention from the public that is all , nothing more or less
#long yawn# Stupid long borin tale,tryna cover up wteva evulz hes upto!wonder wu will fall fo such crappy details hes givin sha..( ˘˘̯) ..#bk to ma movie o jare
Oh mr Charlie, you don't lie on a coffin to meditate to get creative and remember death. Best scientist and righteous people never do that and their names remain evergreen. We all will one day. Sure as it is highly inevitable and unpredictable. It can happen in this seconds, no one knows. All we need is the next stage of our soul for the faithful. When we going to stand before our creator. So, let fill our life with a lot of righteous act by acting. Get out of the coffin now and do good righteous good to people and society. It's unlimited. May God forgive us for I am a sinner too, trying to righteous.
And coffin's your wake up call and motivator...clap for yourself old man
Hmmm... This is reaaaaaaally weird!!!
Looooooooool come oooo dos dis charlie of a guy has a girlfriend nw dat he calls casket his bed dat mins his girl fwend also sleep wif him inside d casket.....and. Some gurls go dey trip 4 am ooooooo lol
Those that agree wiv him shud sleep in a coffin as well......maybe he shud think of banging his wife in d coffin too....to complete his fetish or bukake...
Linda if u dnt post my comment I will cut off ur finger n prepare nsala soup.
Linda if Ʊ lyk dnt publish my comment after all uu are charlyboys daughter.
Weirdo.com. So u can embrace death with ur chronic Peter Pan syndrome? Ayoungy! Neva grow old .... NEXT!
Hmmm. Na wa o! Yes I can see madness @ its peak!
Orishirishi.....all sorts
With tears... Charlie boy is farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr gone.
Oga CB I suggest u go to the mortuary that is were u will meditate more and u will be reminded of death as u said , not in your special prepared casket
I wonder how lady D is coping with all this drama .... Na waoh!
Such an eccentric human being!
Yahoo/ G boys do this to hit it big on a potential client/ maga after the Babalawo has told them to do so. I wonder!!! Na your life sha, sir.
'Make I hear', its also same land that pple build houses on, or church that can also b used for a grave, but do both things mean the same thing in any way or form. I really think all these are attempts to stay in public eye.
Unorthodox. But very deep. If only our politicians knew they would still end up 6 feet under with their crimes to answer to, maybe they wouldn't steal so much.
diz man is lookinq for somethinq to say just to coverup his evil
Like father like son, two great minds. Deep respect for u charlie, u chose an unconventional means , albeit creatively, to make your music relevant , your marriage is a model ( never failed to let the world know how u adore your wife) you live among the plebians, even though by nigerian standard u are rich. In a simple , logical way, u made a point so poignant even the deaf, blessed with a good brain could decipher, but the shallow minds, so bogged down by meaningless tradition and religious bigotry, mostly manifested by hatred of others and blind submission to thieving pastors, would only see the surface and not the substance. Kudos bros, son of the great judicial Socrates. Btw, your great dad is proud of u and he said it openly. Not many of your traducers could lay claim to such honour
Don tee
No Comment
he is saying the truth..bcos that is the only place we call a home.
I need to see u.ur use of english blows my mind[it turns me on].
hehehehehehe! his points are kinda true, but very very very very and very WEIRD!!!
hmmmm................ Na wa oo dz 1 na free madness prt 2! Wel we all av to live the life of our own datz charlie's life!
Charlie Boy is OCCULTIST. He does abstract traveling from the casket and definitely he would perform rituals too. He is a dangerous man. No matter what he says to explain what he does, his acts have gone beyond what meets the eyes. He is deep in spiritism.
See all the symbols in his house too, skull with cross bones. He has skull ring too. Linda, move far away from this man before you are drawn to the inner spirit world you never planned for.
A word is enough for a wise.
*sigh* attention seeker. Really now? Who sleeps in a coffin!??
This guys is always extreme, he doesn't hv to sleep in a coffin to remind himself of immortality..why don't he try sleeping in a cemetary..Rubbish
I don't buy ya idea doh u r entitled to ya opinion buh casket?naaahh itz way too much..if u wana meditate..therez alotta places to go..surround yaself wif nature it mustnt b a casket..Jesus Christ wen he wanted to meditate nd talk to his father he went to a quite place filled wif Nature...wil only say u so weird...ya wife is rily a strong woman to endure al'dis..av neva heard of a casket 4 meditation..*History*
If lying in a casket makes him ponder about death, that is his cup of tea. I like his view on this matter called death though.
Na wah!!
Mock award for the smartest liber !!!! BlogLord!!!!
...........Standing ovation and cheers, whoop whoop......
To Everyman his opinion. You think he's devilish, I think your dumb. Seen a couple of your comments and I fear for the future of Nigeria.
U see how funny this situation is and how hypocritical u look. You don't care??? Liar! U actually clicked on the link, read (even if u totally don't understand since he did not write in pidgin) and felt the need to comment your disapproval. Hahahaha hahahaha Nigerians..... SMH
Bonario I like u, I really do BUT we tend to prosecute the messenger too often and throw the message out the window.
Messages come in different forms, either through a guy we don't like its all message. In this context his is deep. Take this line...."Only if a kidnapper can buy a casket for himself today, and begin to lay inside," .....i"ll leave the rest for your reasoning.
Fame whore!
Let me assume you are not a Nigerian and that you have read about him for the first time. Now unto google. Go and sin no more.
Dis man is such a weirdo.
Hmmm Charles u dnt need a casket to remind of death, pple die evryday and dat's a constant reminder for us all. You are just a nut case.
Honestly this is the first time I'm agreeing with this guy. We have to realise that we will all die someday. If that helps him to meditate, good for him! Pls let's stop forcing our man-made rules on people anyone that reads this statement and still doesn't see his views....well, I don't know what u will ever get then
Nwokem speaking like this doesn't make you smart, its more of an inferior complex issue. If u want to make a point, choose words that are VERY explanatory to the masses. That's what can make you a great/learned speaker. Not practising all uve learnt in ur dictionary here.
Baba charlie is realy going through some difficult times,his relatives needs to check on him medically.
I don't his. Normal
Mmmm I think some ghosts are after him. You can meditate somewhere else that's cool and quiet, why casket? So scary *coversfaceandrunaway*
CB get a life!
Smh! Chike Obi d man wt d big grammar. As u know, some of us didnt pass thru a uni as d uni passed thru us, nwanna biko weere ya nwayo. U school fr cambridge nice one but a lot of peeps jump n pass ur comment screaming "I WILL OVERCOME"! Cos de dnt undastnd ur big grammar. And doz wey e de vex too much will hide under Anonymous and Abuse u, not dt they hating but cz of ur "HINGLISH".Try put up ur pic lets know if u are a prince like u call ur self or u av the same kinda ears with Bonaventure"d only man wt a Nokia 3310. Personaly i wil like to see d face behind "prince charming" too. Tanchu!
Bona abeggi,charly boi has always bin like dis biko.so wen did u lose him?tssssk
Evil men change from ur evil ways
This is not d only way of expressing mortality and inmortality. U are a role model and you should behave as one. Knows dat wat ever u do some people imitate. Be positive.
Evil men change from ur evil ways
That man is is scary in an inspiring way..........
I wud av rili bin hatin if u were bin paid but den again cos ur so stupid even if u cuff u fink pple r beefin, pls dere r still serious minded pple in d wrd, nt just idiots like u
This guy talks too much!!!
Ms P
Nawa ooo, sum pple are jst so backward in everything. Linda can never post anytin on dis blog dat sum pple wil not either insult or criticise. Sum pple neva appreciate or leave gud comments probably bcos they are jealous of them nd knw thay are far far above them. Let's hav a rethink pls nd stop being a hater, it dosent help. Linda biko post am, first tym to comment here
Look at Oputa's son chaii.. Well, there are some sense in your nonsense chah.
My dear he is not only "posses", he is "possession".. Lmfao!!!
Mr. C
Omg, you must really be a sad person, all u do is judge others, how do u want 2 move forward in life? Uhave serious problem
I tire oo..
To be sincere wat he said is kinda true but fuck it!...dis guy is just weird
Isi gini?
So some peopler are this daft? Well......uaint the first bitch/nigga, oya keeeee yaslf..
You don madtt finish..lmao,I go like chop outta the nsala though
So some peopler are this daft? Well......uaint the first bitch/nigga, oya keeeee yaslf..
I tire oo..
Your coffin sensitizes,imagine your fake theories. So you are among those bad people that need to be reminded of death. Ututu aka rika oo -Humprino-
Attention seeking
gross Insanity!!! Why don't you sleep in your deep freezer perhaps it will remind you of mortuary. You are creepy and weird. Agents of darkness manifest in several ways. This is d surest way of its manifestation. Seek d lord Charly man!!
Please let him be, he is entitled to his opinion. It's his life and not anybody's. Nonsense critics who have nothing to show apart from hiding their insanity and inadequacies under anonymous to talk rubbish and abuse people. Let's learn to respect other people by being less judgemental. Chinwe
But d truth is dat if we all have or keep somtin as a reminder of death,we shall defnatly be a betta nation or people. Some pple fear death so much and don't even want to think about it,nd dat is d beginning of d person's problem,cos he/she wud feel death is not dia portion and de do things witout d fear of God. So peeps like he rightly said,let's face reality hear,if casket makes him more humble and fearful of God,why don't u guys get a reminder of death insted of throwing insults @ him.
Ogboni thinz
This dude is definitely from d oda syd.....lyk cwiously 2 meditate? I ain't neva heard of dat
Those who are enlightened know what this means......
Looooool! Fridge? E go chance all them juice o
Φkγ̲̣̣̥, well said, ♓☺ω do U̶̲̥̅̊ den handle the fear ☀̤̣̈̇f hell! Pehaps roast urself! Ode!
this is what works for him. 'what works for you to keep you grounded?' is the question.
Linda post my comment. Mr Charlyboy...redefine ur purpose, if u r doing this without eternity in view and what I mean...being with Christ forever, believe me..it is completely vain.
He's making sense o,if we think more of death,evil will be reduced!
But the spirits of death will be drawing closer to him sha.
Very creepy!
diz man is lookinq for somethinq to say just to coverup his evil act
Eh, he's a happily married man. N he jst mentioned that he doesn't 'sleep' in d casket. rme
Loll @Peter Pan syndrome.
hmmmm...no comments though but Charly,dis is weird n unreasonable no matter how u fink of it
I think Mr Charly Boy is making sense. Death is inevitable, it happens around all daily. If we think of death this way, we will reduce our level of wickedness. Thank you Sir
He is crazy and nids medical attention WTH
Ok in as mch I dnt gt most of d tins dis man does,buh damn! I gotta giv t 2 him dis tym arnd,his speech z really nyc,it got me thinkn...linda post dis comment
Life is Literature,either way everyone is trying to pass a message the way it is in his mind... What he has said here is not For every mind to understand I read this n understood his every word n meaning,u mite have appreciated this if he had written it as a poem...Like literature Critics re always welcome but from what has been said learn something from it,do not read for reading sake read to understand d writers inner meaning n what motivated him...long live literature n those who understand it understand a lot about life...
Nice use of english. Me like it. Welldone dude
Occultic and astral travel
*sigh* oh well, we all know the guy is not normal before sha...next gist pls!!
U̶̲̥̅̊ tink U̶̲̥̅̊ hav overcom the fear ☀̤̣̈̇f death, ♓☺ω will U̶̲̥̅̊ now ovacome d fear ☀̤̣̈̇f HELL... Lollets see ♓☺ω comfortable U̶̲̥̅̊ will look in fire...
Well sha,d coffin looks comfy...
Attention seeker! With dt his useless house in gwarimpa dt he bought fr a paltry million... Dunno hu he's trying to fool
@Titilayo... Am on d same page wiv ya... I usually do not comment on anyfin charly boy(man). Buh he rilly made sense... i criticized this stunt wen i ist saw the pictures, buh now i fink i was a lil bit hasty to criticize..
I have to say that the man has made loads of sense this time around
Charlie boy is onpoint but as for naija they like conventional things becos it makes them feel among the pack n holy and ther are too scared to be thierself cos they don't wanna be tagged as strange or renegades mugu people
Well even though i hv bein commentin on evry post on dis blog 4 d past 2yrz and none has being pasted by d Almighty linda,i will still comment.4 me i see beyond d messenger,deep into his message of overcomin our worse fear,bt d casket tinz is realy creepy.linda na your hand i leave my comment oh!***
Charlie boy is onpoint but as for naija they like conventional things becos it makes them feel among the pack n holy and ther are too scared to be thierself cos they don't wanna be tagged as strange or renegades ,mugu people
Hmm! this is deep. You might not like Charlie boy and his ways, but no one can deny the logic of this message,at least for those who are true to themselves.
This guy has skeleton in his cupboard, he said he sleeps in casket to meditate and still calls the BIBLE the famous book. There is more to that casket . Who do you think you are fooling. Creepy
He is not crazy History will one day count him as one of the greatest Nigeria ever lived. Anywhere u think better meditate better and memebet the reason for being here it is worth being there all the time. Nigerians and Africans live a very hypcritic lives most people are trying to connect the coffin wt occultism but dark in the night we indulge in heinous destructive rituals. Area father it is ur life live it to the fullest we got the message loud and crear don't mind themen of ignorable ease crass ineptitude
Someone says Xharle boy is occultic but I wonder hw it affects ur life even if he is. We need to be positive about live and respect people for whom they are. Weird I agree but everybody can be flat charter like u
i dont know why some people refused to face the reality that death is inevitable.
Tnk u @anonymous 4:05am,u spoke my mind.sometyms we crucify d messenger even b4 d msg is delivered. His ways r usually wierd but I tink we all hv a msg 2pick 4rm dis. Just going tru his words reminds one dat death is inevitable. If dats his way of being alert den let him be. Every1 will speak for him/herself on on dat day.
Thanks a lot for the eye-opener Charley man. Even though I'm scared of sleeping in a Coffin, I just got educated the more about the realities of life. Nagode.
So pathetic
so of all the commenters who are displeased with this na only me u see reply? u must be a fat goat. please go and build a coffin ur size and lay in it. stupid ritualistic fool.
Stereotypes of a sage misundetdtood.w-geez
Sleeping in a coffin isn't d best way to preach abt death.....He knws his reasons for slipn in a coffin nd God knws d truth......Ȋ̝̊̅§ he married nd how Ȋ̝̊̅§ his wiffy coping?#honid#
Somethings are not what they seem. This guy might just be a member of a secret cult, and they seem to know when they will die. Someone like Eze Ego even made his grave before his death.
what he said was right, but picking a casket for meditation is strange and disturbing. Dude na you know why you dey do am and stop painting the black picture white.GOD!
Of cousre we all know death is the end of life, so why dramatize it?
oh boy world don end but i see point in his thoughts. :)
Publicity stunt!
The message Charlie Boy is passing can be summarized thus " Repent , for the Kingdom of God is at hand". May i remind you that Jesus is the way to God's kingdom. Accept Him today as Lord and saviour. It shall be well with you (Spirit, soul and body)
Hmmm... The Life we live in is mysterious. Charles knows. He lives it. The question is, has it got to the extreme?
Nigerians are so timid it's incredible, most of all the pple running insulting commentaries am sure are without employment and have never left Nigeria. I have watched this man from a distance and I can only feel sorry for him because he is too ahead of his time. He doesn't belong in nija where pple think from their ass. Can't believe that after such a deep analysis , pple are still hating talking, Jesus Christ, illuminati ect ect, this is why I will never come back to live in Nigeria. You pple terrify me with your thinking. Charlyboy I have nothing but respect for the courage to be yourself in a messed up environment like Nigeria.
I can't believe they actually did baby dedication for this retard at birth.
It saddens me that many people ,I mean majority even so called Christians does not understand the things of the spirit.well ,oga sir,whatever be your reasons and explanations,one without Christ is dead already.to tell the truth everything about you portrays spiritism,soif truly you thinks about death,also think about eternity b/cos the soul never die but goes back to the creator for judgement.repent,accept Jesus Christ and be save.remember wise men still seek him Christ.with this wisdom of yours,,if you go to hell,you will cry the cry of the damned forever.For the damned once their eye is opened on the other side and they find themselves in hell will let out a high cry of an expression of powerful emotion based on the sudden realization that they could have avoided hell. Jesus loves you.
@Anon 2:34 PM. Nigeria do not need people like you because are completely messed up, so stay where you are and die there!
Itz dis xcuse of man dat was brought to mentor n judge talented youths on a musik show!! I sigh in french!
"thought for food"
Pls we are humans, no matter the sense he is making doesn't mean he should go that deep to lay in a coffin, that's inhuman. If u think he is making sense, I'm sorry for u oh because someone can aswell give u sensible reason to sleep in a jungle #word
Y not get a picture of dead people, car accident victims, sick people and paste it all over ur room, that will help too.. Someone lying in a casket is giving u good reasons for doing it and ur agreeing, God will deliver u sha
wht's wrong wif dat???.. Ordinary coffin for meditation! I jones slept in cementry for 6 yrs...and nobody knew.
U dnt nid 2 lie in a casket 2 b reminded of death dats straight up devilish u twistd psycho! Somtin is seriosli wrng wit u n all these idiots dat fink dey cn relate2 d crap dis charlie boi is spitin out of dt hole in his face he calls a mouth,u guys nid jesus!.caskets r 4 d dead n if u nid a reminda of mortality shoot urslf n remain in ur casket..sick fuck!!
Normally I don't comment on this blog but this issue calls for concern. See how he will mislead people.The only book that sets the standards for living is the Bible. Read your BIBLE and leave...JESUS IS LORD
Nigerians and judgments, this life is one. Live your life and let d other person live his. I doubt that all of you who posted bullshit bout him don't even know what your aiming at in life. Undertaker is one guy who can sleep in a coffin till next week. But U would say that's cool because he is undertaker. Everybody dies not everybody lives y not do your own thing. The money wet him get pass some people for illuminati. We Nigerians are blessed. Oprah Winfrey was d richest woman bcos of illuminati the richest woman now is a Nigerian and she reached there due to hardwork. We are more than all those so called illuminati we don't need to shed blood for money. We have d brain up there. Charly boy dey live him life. Free d guy abeg. Wassup.
Just one word!(Pyhno) ghost mood!!!!!una no no dey see am!!!oyala na pko oyala ne be osi na puala!!!!
Buhahaha @anon 7:38,I tire 4 dem o
God forbid,I reject it for Linda
Occultist or occultic?
Cos you are mad... an attention seeking self absorbed old man.
Any intellectual mind will understand the type of message this man is trying to portray though weird but that is Charlie for you always dramatic in his way. Wit what is going on in Nig now everybody feel that life is all about making money. Corruption in govt n kidnapping of innocent citizens etc. He is trying to tell us all that this life is temporary no matter what u have it will end one day.
publicity for your reality show i presume
oga charlie boy,try sleeping in the mortuary if you rili need to drive home your message.corpse go to the mortuary first before casket.oloshi!
Hello peeps can anyone remind me of why he was evicted from idols show as a judge I mean Charlie boy
some people are extremely weird but for charly boi I tink hes a possessed PSYCHO! how on earth wud u medidate in a coffin and try making us belive ur ideologies... Thats evil and people that think hes making sense wud equally beliv dat boko haram with their madness still justify their acts is really cool or suicide bombing earns u 72 virgins is a gr8 idea. .kai Nigerians make una wake up ooo. Think well make em no confuse us- kastro ramirez from kaduna
Twisted way of thinking...if i hear u will live 4ever!i dnt see wat u av done that will inspire pple 2 always remba u ooo... used 2 lyk him bt not anymore...
i got the drift in charlie boy,s philosophical poem.Death is inevitable and the earlier Nigerians, begin to think about death, the better for us all, as this will help in reshaping our attitude towards life and living like true human beings.Forget about charlie boy,s weird nature.what matters most is the spirit behind every being and not the appearance.Linda if you like don,t post my comment.A word is enough for the wise!
Look at tis unreasonable man,so bcos a church is built with cement,one can likewise sleep in a shrine made of cement too.undertaker...
Look at tis unreasonable man,so bcos a church is built with cement,one can likewise sleep in a shrine made of cement too.undertaker...
Look at tis unreasonable man,so bcos a church is built with cement,one can likewise sleep in a shrine made of cement too.undertaker...
No matter what your opinion is...one day the reality of his message which today appears foolish will gradually begin to make deeper meaning that U will understand the Legacy of his message...He is weird but I so much like him...He doesnt send Uuuu...
the extreme things we have to do b4 we can understand the basic meanings to life is also what differentiates us from a mad man!
His methods may be difficult for some to understand but I think he made some sense.
This is a philosophical truth about the happenings in our country today. The corrupt government, the kidnappings, killings etc all because we are pursuing money......here is a creative work of some one we all have known has a different and unique life style that preaches individuality, tenacity and consistence in life. i employ you all to learn from this message and not the drama. stop doing follow, follow do your own thing and be your self. Good message to all the bad people......Up Charlyboy!!!!!!!! we hear a lot of what your Charlyboy Foundation is doing.....more grace.
This is cool!
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