Here's an update on Debbie. Her treatment at Howard University Hospital is going really well. We thank God. She's also getting support from a few cancer support groups like African Women Cancer Awareness Association, Zuriworks For Women's Health, Dare to Courage and SEED.
Debbie has started another chemotherapy session which will last for four months before she does her radiation. See a healthy looking and smiling Debbie after the cut...
Linda, morning, I live in the DC Area and will like to see her and be a blessing to her, how can I reach out to her.
She's a true inspiration....God bless her!
woow this is good news of the day following the demise of the other lady. Its good to see dt bright smile on her face. Dt Spirit of Naijaness ws ignited by her.
Comment Signed, Sealed and Delivered by DatShapIboBoy
she'z such a model
Whew! Thak God for her life. We really pray she doesn't suffer any relapse. God Bless her.
Wow. She looks amazingggggggg. Linda God bless u for using ur voice for positive messages
She will come back health my God grace
Thank God for her life...Wish her complete wholeness soon.
HU....You know!!! LOL
Thank God she's getting better.
Glad she is winning. This cancer is not a joke o! I don't even wish it for my enemy.
And all smiles too, The lord z her strength.
God bless!
So young to have breast cancer, receive your healing now
It is well with her. God shall perfect all that concerns her
Such a pwetty gurl....you'll be fine Dearie.luks like everything iz goin on well.God will surely heal you.Amen!
She looks really good. Our prayers are with her, God will perfect his healing in her life in Jesus' name. Amen
May God perfect his healing in your life IJN
Get well soon..God bless you
Miracle working God, we give you praise on Debbie's behalf.
U re healed in Jesus name Amen
I wish her quick recovery,by His stripes u're healed.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Thank God
God dat started it will surely end it well in Jesus name.Amen
May God continue to see her through her cancer treatment. I have faith in God that the treatments will work & this young woman will be healthy & cancer free. AMEN!!
May d good Lord, d greatest physician grant her total healing.
Debbie, U will win this battle!!!
All in favour say Aye...
God will see her through it all
Debbie God dt hv started ds good work in u will surely complete it in order to receive His glory in Full ok! U r healed in Jesus Name! Amen
Debbie you look beautiful more beautiful than ever & you will beat the shit outta this sickness...I look at you & I remember strong women Like my aunt who beat this & are still standing strong cancer free...& so will your own testimony be.
Still beautiful...even with a shaved head.
Tuface should re-sing his "African Queen" and put u in d video
we thank the lord o.I just pray she lives so much longer and she looks so much better and prettier.
You shall come out of this and Testify to Gods goodness. Remain Blessed
Linda, this is the kind of person to use as beauty of the day. Someone that has gone through hell from cancer and still remains standing and hopeful. Just by the way she looks, she can give other cancer patients hope that they can be beautiful without their hair. She has lost her hair but she is still as beautiful as ever. She is my beauty of the year!!!
Get well soon debbie cos God is ur streght
Wow...thank God...she's looking prettier than ever. May this healing be permanent in Jesus' Name. Amen!
it is well with you debbie...pray for speedy recovery for you..amen..we love you
Get well soon debbie cos God is ur streght
Ur healed IJN Amen!
Get well. Soon!
may GOD strengthen and Heal her completely IJN Amen
The Lord shall be her strength and he will surely see her through. She is healed.
So touched. You shall not die, but yiu shall live and declare the mighty works of God in your life.
Wow see transformation already. Shame on Naija health system o !
You are healed IJN.
i wish her quick recovery in Jesus name amen
What a pitiful sight, Mi dear d Lord who created heaven and earth will definitely see you thru IJN. Amen.
You are a testimony.
Almighty God, praises and honour be unto you for mercies towards us
May the Lord heal & preserve her!
Heavenly father take control. It is well with you in jesus name...AMEN
May the Lord preserve her!
beware nigerian
It is well with u,Debbie......The Lord will surely perfect ur healing in Jesus name!!!
Tears of joy ! Lord thank u for her life , pls see her thru
Glory Be To God!!!
Naijadeltapikin... †̥ånKz God Ooº°˚˚°ºoo may God heal her permanently with his balm IJMN Amen
May the lord be ur strength....Amen. Such a pretty lady
Thank God 4 her. I'm happy she's happy.
She would be fine, she is born to live, but one advice I think she should become a model, cause she looks hot even with no wig on. #lovingHerLooks #BlackGirlsRock #SheIsASurvival
Thank God so happy for her
May God continue to perfect your healing.
Dear Linda this should be beauty of the day as she possesses everything that makes someone truly beautiful
I really hope she gets better. Keeping you in ma prayers.
God bless you dear,God bless u real good..
Debby,u shall come back home hale and hearty IJN.. Your portion is Lifa and not death..
God ll giv her d strength to make it...ll pray too
Speedy recovery 2 her!
Ahh.. God I thank u! Debbie I'm so happy.. God will perfect it all IJN.. 'Biola Evergreen
God bless you debbie.wish u quick recovery
God bless you debbie. wish u quick recovery.
This is good news,May God heal and strengthen you. You shall win this fight..Let's keep praying for her and others
God bless you Linda. As for the lady, your healing will be permanent in Jesus name.
I thank God she is responding to treatment, she will eventually beat it.
Channelling Your Sexual Energy
I am happy 4 u!!! To God be the glory!!! Halleluyah!!!
Best comment,,I love this!!
She looks amazing. She is healed.
wow, everybody here is so thankful and prayerful.... Very very wonderful.
I guess sum LIBers do have gud hearts.
I also join my voice in fankin God for the healing of dis pretty gurl.. May ur name be glorified no matter what the future brings.... Such a glorious smile
Wow... Uw say God no de work wonders! She even goin 2 luk more beautiful as tym goes on 10k God.
Wow... Uw say God no de work wonders! She even goin 2 luk more beautiful as tym goes on 10k God.
Wow... Uw say God no de work wonders! She even goin 2 luk more beautiful as tym goes on 10k God.
Wow... Uw say God no de work wonders! She even goin 2 luk more beautiful as tym goes on 10k God.
Linda, you have been blazing hot over the last days with gist...Keep it up my darling.........After loosing 2 loved ones to this useless cancer...I wish and stand by all those battling with cancer and ask for God's healing and for him to raise brains for a timely invention(drugs) to tackle this thing once and for all. Ladies please make sure u get urself checked always ohhh and if u notice anything...pls shout quick and get treatment..shame no dey inside o! u have no idea and dont want to go tru the pain these people go through
Wow... Uw say God no de work wonders! She even goin 2 luk more beautiful as tym goes on 10k God.
Lord thank you! She is such a beauty . I hope she pulls through
u are d God thy healer,permanent healing 4 Debby Osarere Idiagbonya IJN. U dt healed me of Asthma,u remaineth d same, Alleluya!
Lord pls heal Debbie for us and bring her safely to us IJN. AMEN
God will heal her.
Linda ,Linda post my comment. do you alway select people you post there comment?
May the Lord grant her speedy recovery and good health in Jesus name. Amen. May she serve the lord God Almighty all the remaining days of her long life. Halleluye! Hossana!
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The good Lord will continue and perfect His healing in your life Debbie. You are a warrior so keep fighting as you've won already. You're in my prayers darling. God bless you
God will see her thru this Ijn
Debbie, I prophesy in the name that is above all names, the name of JESUS..U will survive this stormy period in the mighty name of Jesus!!!We will not lose you. We will not mourn you. You will arrive safely and God will receive all glory over your life in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.
Debbie, you are healed in Jesus name, Amen.
May the Protection of God be with you....you are healed Debby IJN
You will share your testimony dear and proof to all that only HIM is the healer.
What a beauty!!! it is well wit you Debbie
Reading these comments alone will Definitely put a smile on her face. .you will return to perfect health in Jesus name Amen. .Funkyanny
Great news Linda. My prayer is for Debbie to beat the cancer. God will surely do it. Amen
lord we thank u 4 where she is right nw and we ask dt u perfect ur healing in jesus name
U are healed in Jesus name
Tank God.. Her whole recovery is assured IJN Amen!!!!!!
Sorry! I strongly disagree! Its jealousy that's worrying you!! Plus I'm sure you are very physically unattractive!
I hope she gets well soon..
Thank God for her liFe! It is well with her IJN!
Busty chick? We got something for you here www.soladunn.blogspot.com
ds shud be beauty of d day...linda ds wat we need ok!
you are healed in Jesus Name. Amen. Lord please protect us and our loved ones.Amen
God will see you through debbie...
She looks better, looking like a model too, woaw! I am soo happy for her! Everytnz gonna work out well for her in Jesus name!
I pray she gets even better! Amen
Dont u have linda's email?
Our God the is a healer,Debbie trust God and he will c u through.
it is well with your soul pretty one
Get well soon dear..even on ur sick bed ur stil feeling funky..luv d spirit...
Be heal ijn. We shall rejoice with u. It is well, dont lose hope. God will fight this cancer for u. God bless, protect and give u strength ijn Amen. I love u and will always pray for u.
Ur smile melts ma heart. May ur case be a miracle. May the good Lord perfects his work in ur lyf. U r healed in Jesus Name, Amen.
Am with ya on this one, she is ma beauty of the year..streetlight..
Thank u lord 4 her life...I never tot this wld be possible despite her being told she had a month more to live as @ oct 2012. I commit u in God's care n he'll c u thru all dt he's started n will do in your life. Thank you Jesus
AMEN!!cancer is such a horrible thing to happen to one.and most of us here in africa don't go for check ups until its late and nothing can be done anymore.this can also serve as a wake up call for us,most especially women.God be with her and heal her diease.
The lord is ur strength osarere.I lost my dad,my grandma and my uncle to ds dreadful disease.d projection for Nigeria is dat one in every 4 nigerians will have cancer in dia lifetime......God in heaven knows dat we cannot bear with dat.send down a breakthrough lord to put an end to dis scourge...........ladies pls always do a self breast examination on yourself.early detected breast ca has the best prognosis/outcome.do not ignore any lump,discharge,wound,discolourationor pain in ur breast....run to ur doctor.God help us. Dr olaspecial.
We shall decree a thing and it shall be established, I decree upon your life supernatural healing. You shall not die but live to declare the Goodness of the Lord in the land of the living in JESUS name, Amen!.
Thanking God in advance cos he has done it, and his name will be glorified in ur life.
Thank u Jesus, Ʊя̲̅ daughter Ȋ̝̊̅§ a conqueror. Debbie Ʊя̲̅ healing shall b permanent n whole I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ Jesus name, Amen
May God heal her sickness in Jesus name.Amen
Cancer will never appear again ijn
Tears of joy streaming down ma face n I say 2d most High...You are a wonderful Father n Friend...tenk u 4 Debbie..
@anon. 1.05,Ur comment deserves a 'like'button...I love Debbie's smile,her positive outlook,her hair,her eyes.... infact everytin abt her.May God bless u girl,u will win!
So!!! I met Debbie at HUH! I saw the person and I was like I love your hair cut, she said thanks and explain why she cut the hair by pointing to the sign indicating directions to the cancer center. Immediately I stopped to speak with her, we took a photo and exchanged numbers, that was when I discovered she is Nigerian.. That was just amazing to meet her. I didnt even know there was a story to her. Bless her heart! Ofcus I have sent an iMessage to her letting her know I can see her...lol
God be with you debbie.....you are healed.
This is the 1st time am going through all the comments on LIB and not finding a single hating. I guess this is something LIBers all agree on
God am so grateful,perfect what you have started.....
This is what I call Beautiful..... Going through the Fire of Cancer and still looking this Gorgeous!!! OMG the devil must be having a bad day right now. God bless you Debbie, you are one heck of a fighter!!! We are all praying along with you babe. God bless you soooooo much!!!! Big big Hugs.
Lin definitely a beauty of the year
I pray for her complete healing in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen. With God all things are possible.
I wish Funmi had had the same opportunity. God knows best sha.
Debbie you are healed in Jesus name. You are a brave girl, keep fighting
Aw Debbie! May God continue to heal you and guide the doctors to administer the best treatment on you. You must really be a lively and positive person. Look are the smile and brightness in your eyes, even at such moment when you are unsure of what next will happen. Keep the spirit up and God will continue to heal you while the doctors do their best. Wishing you a speedy recovery. All the best dear.
Perfect healing for her IJN
May the healing power of God Almighty come upon you Debbie and make you whole again. You are healed in Jesus name, Amen.
Thnk God for ur lyf debbie seein u brought me great joy u look stunning wivout ur hair...tru african queen...we r alwais prayin fr u
I'm so happy for debbie...May God see her thru the remaining part of her treatment process. This is an inspirational story
ur healed dear,God neva fails
'am so happy for Debbi and you are not left out Linda God will perfect all that concerns u too. we pray that her healing will be perfected in Jesus name
The white mans land is truly blessed! See how sweet she looks ehn! Na wa oh! Im so happy u.ve made it dis far sis! We.re praying for you.may God heal u completely!
Osa says so...
Check her on facebook, name is Osarere Deborah Idiagbonya. You're richly blessed!
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