As you read this, Mercy Aigbe and hubby and some close friends are in a room in his hotel arguing heatedly and asking Mercy to go down on her knees and beg hubby for what happened on Sunday Night April 7th, 2013, in Lagos Nigeria.
So...where was I?
Funke Oluwole....(whats your last name?Mrs....?) I really didnt want to start this week writing memos because i have written enough to see me through the week.
I saw the first press release and i ignored it because it was official and properly done..yours smirks of I-Too-knowism so i will bother you with a response..not that i stand to gain anyting by replying you Egbon Agbaya. (wait oh,why una dey send two press release sef?any more coming?)Lol. Please continue...
I saw your supposed press statement concerning the matter and i checked the dictionary,yes you are on point,all the words you used to describe me exist there....clap for yourself. I will not bother you with a-so-long-a letter response because no need abeg,you are too deep in the well of lies you represent to believe anything else.
Let me ask you one question before i proceed..Did you ask around before you drafted that shopping list addressed to me?
did you know that i have received the 100th call of Insiders begging me to spill the name of the rat who leaked the info?
Did you know that i was asked to quickly delete the story before it would be copied by other bloggers and i almost did before i saw that it was too late to delete?did you that i knew when the press release was being drafted and i said i would not respond because i gain nothing from doing a response to every press release?
You didnt?..so nah who send you to respond?
I guess your loyalty to covering up lies and perhaps seek gratification later for a job well done pushed you?..I understand,we have been on that boulevard and its full of pot holes. I was actually waiting for the supposed media people at the event to report what they saw,i actually waited till this afternoon and saw that there had been a cover up....you call me a myopic blogger who dishes out lies?My job is to tell stories and stick by them if i lie not!
Funke..Foluke(Errm whats your name again?)
I lie because I wrote what happened yesterday and you speak the truth because you sent out a press release calling me out?A press release embedded in lies?Okay paro lo! Contrary to your diarhea mind,i have nothing against mercy..A story is a story and they did come out to debunk it which was fine till you came out to do your own I too know to show you went to school.
I have finished addressing you and my last word to you is bring out all your degrees and chew them up like a rat will,,chew them up before that rat finds it. Now to the matter on ground.
If the people involved in my story are denying that it happened,please this is a stern warning to all the callers,I WILL NOT RAT ON MY SOURCE WHO IS ONE OF YOU and even involved in the first press release,I understand that every story must come with a press release and i doff my heart for the first one properly sent out calling on to her fans to disregard the report..i am one of mercy's fans and i used the other cheek to disregard the story that what happened didnt.
I didnt say that Mr Gentry pummelled his wife last night,i said i hope he has not pumelled her...and even if i did say so,abi una dey find my mouth?
If they are denying the story, why did Mercys hubby compell the MC, Soji Omotayo to announce his wife's whereabouts, it was obvious that, Larry didn't know anything about the room being given to his wife to change?sleep?to do what exactly? Didnt Mercy tell her husband that she was going to use the toilet and it took her husband to forcefully barge into the room before she came out?
one of the staff at Troy confirmed that the Hubby who had drank a little too much was so mad that he didn't pay his remaining bill of N6000 for the drinks he bought for friends and foes.
Wasnt one of Mercy's friend/fan who came from the UK so disappointed that she complained bitterly to the hearing of many and said so many things whilst waiting for Mercy beside the Solaria car she brought.
Wasnt the car hurriedly driven from the venue after my story came out?The car that wouldnt start last night started as soon as the key was turned in the ingnition....No i was not there but Journalism now has legs and eyes! Why has there been a meeting of close friends trying to intervene in what happened yesterday if nothing happened?
My source still confirms that the short sexy black dress worn by Mercy is still missing,na who hide am?Please let us know if it is found otherwise I would declare that the dress was stolen off her that was why she changed and vanish or vanished and changed...whichever comes first.
You ask for proof of picture?I actually have a pic of the white 'thing'she changed into but No i will not upload it because i will not it is that simple.
If you do not want anyone to see your pants,do not wash them in public please...I wish the reporters who witnessed this incidence yesterday will be bold enough to come out and support me....Thats wishful thinking,the fear of men and the love for money has turned journalists into cowards who report only half baked stories to suit the people who pay their bills.
Mercy Aigbe-Gentry and hubby should please go indoors and settle this matter peacefully...I am at least happy that my story has stopped this incident from escalating further.
I have my own cupboard of skeletons and i am not proud to open others...At the end of it all God is the ultimate judge and forgiveness is what we seek.
I wish Mrs and Mrs Gentry well and urge them to keep it indoors next time!
Practising 1st to comment?
Hahahahaahah..giv it to dem stella.so love dis stella's way of dishin out her info detail afta detail.lindsway learn oh..u dnt like to publish all d stories..post ma comment oh
Tooohhh....Lobatan o! Yoruba actresses n their drama! *smh* yaaayyy first to comment!
mehn dis woman is something else,I admire her guts.
reading her replies makes ma day anytime.
wanted to say am so loving her,but a second look at her face discouraged me.
can't wait to av her reply Reno Okri or Abati Reuben oneday.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Lol... Ouch!! She got cool punch lines, but I still think Stella is overly propagandistic, well, that works in journalism.
Gbeborun of life..
Norun gbobe ni Stella yi oo..
Linda pls can u get a more flattering picture 4 stella dis pic kinda scares me
Linda, how won't you love Stella? When u r always kissing her ass and all that bullshit! Abi u r afraid of her? Anyway as for Stella, it looks like all you have is mouth! Everytime you write dis ur stories, you are always saying you don't want to name your source! And you expect us to believe your bullshit stories? Abeg if you can't name your source or whatever, keep it moving jare!!
Gbam!!vip 1
Errm first of all, wch of d pix is stella? Cus d 2 pix can't be of d same person naa, secondly, Wat is my business *hiss*
Shege!! This lady has really got guts damn it! She nor jes send n she nor even wan send! Chai! Mercy Aigbe, kpele O. Dt's what comes with bn a celeb.
This stella must be a comedian, God my ribs hurt reading this.....nice one from her anyway
The truth be say,this Stella babe no dey lie!
Nice one.. Na still insider dey give am the story..
Wahala dey!!!! Hmmmmnnnn, lips r sealed
Ant wey the chop vegetable, na inside the vegetable e dey oo.. Mercy, you gat a snitche mhen..
Nice one.. Na still insider dey give am the story..
Lmao......oh dear I love Stella
Na now Linda Ikeji start work, na dat ugly lady write dis sweet correct eng? Chei
Lmfao... Dis lady has guts and I think I love her for dat..
Na wa o....Who are we to believe now?Stella does sound so confidence of herself,anyways sha,lets them settle their differences and lets peace reign o...i hate to see/hear couples break up,its just not right
The story that doesn't have head or tail. But what do u expect?
Hmmm... When you marry an actress, you sleep with one eye open!!!
See beauty ( Mercy) and beast (*cough*). Bia Linda, I know you love Stella but please can you stop using this pic of her. This pic fit give pesin nightmare oh.
Oboi no be small thingoo, this woman ennh..enmh.. stella Dimoko kokolus, even the name sef na wahala, she be real investigative blogger, but comeoo..shebi she dey jand, how manage she dey gather news? abeg no mind me na global village we dey especially gossips. Abeg mek Lanre and mercy go settle their matter.
Omotola is lucky! every husband can not be like her husband! hmm.
Well I believe Stella... Cos she has details... I love your gossip dear, good work keep it up!
Ms P
Honestly I love stella's guts!! Linda learn from her,cos d way u've been kissing all ds celebrity's asses we hav to wonder if dey pay u..
Who kon dey lie now??
What a long gist.. I got lost in it most of the time.. Hope all parties involved die the matter...
Mercy take note and be caareful,that's the price of fame. But wait ooo this Stella lady looks razzz, pls who gave her license to blog?
If this is a "not so long" reply, i wonder what a "so long" reply will look like..
Linda don't u av a better pix of dis stella woman she looks mad in dis pIx..and linda wat do u love abt her reply,she's digusting abeg..linda don't let me hate u oooo..
This Stella looks like a frustrated lion ready to spill blood. Ojuju. Calabar. she should be careful and learn to be more mature in her report.
Dear Linda, I wish you could be more like Stella. She reminds me so much of Wendy Williams because she brings the heat but at least it is the truth.
It seems the more party you attend and mingle with these celebrities you have become soft. Typical Perez Hilton move.
You are a journalist first. And also put links when you post stories from other sites. I have noticed Naija bloggers rarely do it. It is one thing to mention the source but hyperlink is more professional courteous.
Keep up the work sha. Between ur site and Stella's, I get my daily dose of Naija news/gossip.
This stella is crazy,this is no longer a blog,but judgment,fire for fire,phew,at this point,thank God am not a star,linda,I don't know if there are certain people you want to be commenting here?I believe one expresses how they feel towards a story and it deserves to be published,so,do same to mine.....chima
Dis stella or wetin b her name sef Ω̴̩̩̩̥a̶̲̥̅̊ wa F̶̲̅Õ̳͡я̅ U̶̲̥̅̊ Ooº°˚˚˚°ºo . u̶̲̥̅̊я̲̣̣̥ own too much F̶̲̅Õ̳͡я̅ dis mata abeg pack well joor.
Dis is journalism @ its peak. She's only doing her job bt next time Stella, focus on govt officials choppin our money, we'l gladly subscribe 2 ur blog(if u get d mind, if dem no go finish u). Thumbs up Stella!
Mehn 2 much story, how does this contribute to the development of my fathers community?
If you ask me, na who I go believe?
1st 2 yarn,D missin black dress is here wit me i found it wia it was carelessly droped mercy u beta be more smarter nxt tym..Lolz
Stella welldone,we appreciate u ,d story is true and the person that she followed in was sola fajobi d owner of Troy lounge,God purnish him he has his own wife @ home yet he fires another man's wife when he's even around,super star ,chain smoker,powerful debtor isshhhhhh
Dimoko(whatever that means)you need to get a life ma'am...Let Mercy life her own life.you carry another person matter for head like gele con dey drag your own for floor.Alabosi Dimobo
GBAM! *with a very straight face*
Ah!!..make i confess....i salute dis stella gurl ...criusly..shes bold...buh i luv linda ma dalin more...lol
Stella should learn Manners and social etiquette, let her borrow a leaf from linda on choice of words when writing. As for mercy, hhmm if this is tru, that means you are a shameless bitch. Pua
Stella is just a bitter home wrecker. I am so sorry for what awaits her
No be small thing o....*in 6baba's voice *
I RESPECT THIS LADY...SHE CAN BE HARSH BUT I RESPECT HER.....Nigeria is a country where everyone and their dog wants respect but do not want to earn........if you live abroad this is exactly how gossip blogs operate....how do you think we find out about all the celebrity scandals?...the E!Channel you all watch and all the gossips, isnt it the likes of stella that operate it?..TMZ, Mediatakeout and so on?....this sort of scandals come with celebrity culture....you would not see Kim K releasing statements about her pregnancy even though blogs are saying its fake..why? because they understand it comes with the territory of being a celebrity.....Nigeria a nation where people want to be celebrities but dont want their scandals out there then dont act in public...be private......even Linda has started kissing arse......Ride on Stella but be careful sha cos Nigerians are not yet civilised for a blog like urs...
$15 pink juniors top from walmart..Hehehe Celebrity!
Linda abeg post pics of tuface son from Pero. So cute!
Mehn this woman is BOLD!
hmmm...Lalaland wahala dey o. You are planning a lifetime of exile from Nigeria with this your toe stepping. Interesting story and gonzo journalism at its best. Wish you all the best with "belling cats".
Stella obviously fabricated this story, her response is so unprofessional, I read the story at first and it was contradictory, stella one thing is, u don't blog on stories you hear from people, find yur facts first, its obvious stella wasn't even at the venue sef so she apparently didn't know what went down! She just replied like a 12year old kid!
LINDA am making a new vid. watchout for ur name. i will say lots of things aswear. coz is a shame to have some young girls out there to call demselves bloggers while all they do is copy from u including ur name sometimes and upload somewhere, am not saying u dont copy buh the reason i like ur copy is coz u reference infact Havard referencing style which is acceptable. Buh imagine on another blog someone will say readmore without link? and da whole image is there? NA u cause all dese things ooh, ever since u bought urself a car abi na toy..lolz (lipsealed) Anticipate Hoovers Vid coming from Diaspora
Dis is shit!... She shuld just shut up already with her dirty face. Dis stella is rily disgusting... Ranting b**ch
Dis woman should go nd rest joor,blogger ko blogger ni,if dey call bloggers em go follow come?akuko n,egwu Mike Ejeaha nd linda y u like dis woman abeg she's nt ur type nd class.she looks like a tout(alaye) #running oooooo#
This is really silly, she. Shld av just ignored but nw she has displayed real childishness. Old for nothing mumu
Honestly ı love dıs Stella no bı small, these are d kınd of pple dats fıts Nıgerıans and Nıgerıa as a country,ıf dıs kın woman dey ınsıde Naıja Govt, ı swear Nıgerıa for don dey better small small by now.
This is really silly, she. Shld av just ignored but nw she has displayed real childishness. Old for nothing mumu
I love dıs woman name, Dımoko Korkus! Awwwh!!!
I waited paitently for this! I just love it when Stella handles a story. Her replies to press statements are always more interesting than the story itself. You know ur onions! I really like mercy but she fall my hand. Linda abeg post my comment o.
mehn dis gal get mouth oh...
Linda dis stella sabi yab pass u..lols..
I don laf throway my drink..
Gud choice of words
Mercy all ur yanga see ur life I believe stella she doesn't giv wrong info can't wait for part 2 of pples comment o ma bloody lmao popcorn n drink n I siddon dey look
Na wa o, there is nothing u won't hear on this country, this blogger sef, if u wereher fan why air her dirty laundry,I would at least cover up for a friend or my favourite celeb.just ask Bieber's fans.
SDK is d most gullible person ever...anytime I hear abt u its always fake and destructive stories u post.even if mercy's hubby disgraced her,is it sometin of joy/happiness dat u shld post it.I can see u nid attention,we have seen u ooooo
RESPECT!!! Love dz lady jor, she alwayz has backup 2 all her stories. Abeg Linda, find better picture of this Stella lady na, she lookz like Uncle Festus in the Adams Family cartoon in diz picz.
Tuface's last born, a male child named Innocent Ejeh Oluwakitan Idibia turned a year old today april 8th 2013. Tuface has never met his last son.
Born from Oluwaperosaiyemi Adeniyi, she is a mother to 3 of tuface's children. Pero!!!
Linda, post the story about Tuface absentism from his kids lives....enough about his hogwash wedding...and post my comment too!!!!
Stella the Stallion.. She no send, I admire her guts.
Stella, Linda, Seyifumni etc.... Una amebor too much oh! But we like am like that sha
keep up the story telling
Nice!!!!! *singing* "bad girl you are looking for trouble n if u try me ama give it to you double" heheheh Stella..... I believe you!
This woman is evil. Right now, my neighbor's wife is regularly being visited by someone when her husband is working. What's my own unlike this Stella that DELIGHTS in ruining lives.
Hmmm wahala dey oo I'm beginin to blv stella's story , where is d black sexy dress mercy wore more questions
Mercy na wa. What were you lookin for in that room? Your hubby thing no big? Olojukokoro
Linda, I am very sure you have been having sex.
Woooooow!!! Dese bloggers get eyes everywhere. That's what journalism should be about.
1st to comment.I love this stella woman,damn!
Naijadeltapikin... Na wah Ooº°˚˚°ºoo seee gist o ga linda more abeg, I was invited for ds show but I forget Τ̅☺ show.
Straight out from the heart...
@Apple. You are living a very miserable life.
I believe stella..cos Troy @ ogba hmmm
GOD is wonderful, what stella lacks in beauty was complemented by brains
Lool bn following this story...its getting more funny. But if dis stella monster can say her sources are from an insider, then she can like to boldly say who the person is. Well I also think her reply is immature
This Stella sef na wa o...you are just making more friends than enemies all in the name of journalism,blogging,popularity,comments and praises...we live in a very wicked world and anything can hapn o...and ur readers and supporters wouldn't be there to help you...
Linda keep liking her o and i hope you would love and keeping loving her when she brings up your own gist someday.kissing her ass would not change anything.
Shege! Stella I love your response. The pic is already circulating on bbm.
Eeeenh, I love Stella, cos she is a fearless writer! I never doubted her story. SDK has reached a level in journalism that I believe every word she writes. Let them continue to deny. I advice her publicist to stop the denials,or SDK will spill more story. By the way, what has beauty got to do wit doing one's job. People should leave SDK's face alone, and face the crux of d matter. *hiss*
Linda, don't mind the person that wishes you were more like Stella. We love you the way your are. If you were to be like her, you would have pissed off so many people and I, for example, won't be checking your blog like I do every freaking day. Some bloggers are meant to be controversial, while others are not. It is for you to find out where you fit in and excel in it. Oprah was not controversial, but she was able to make a lasting impact. NOTHING DO YOU. YOU ARE GREAT!!!
If u can write a story like dat........y can't u upload d pics as well jst to tell u na only mouth u get don't believe jack of wat u wrote out.....yeye old wonman na fear make u write dis respond.nd as for u linda u too like to person inside fier......lol@ u linde se u knw be blogger ni y u knw write since yesterday dat someone gave u d gist too too after all u have ur own source too.make dis old woman pack well jor dimoko ko ori koko ni
Linda tuface son turns one. Where hv you been?
olodo... u want her to name her source so that the person will lose his/her job before tomorrow morning. How do u think she can get info for other stories if she cannot be trusted to protect the identity of her informants?
Hey kid u are the 12yr old. Seriously I see a lot of dumb comments, someone actually commented that stella shld name her source!where is that done. And kid for her to be giving this much details you shld know she knows what she's talking about. Except u have a fish brain. Danm u people shld use ur head. So its d funke story that sounds like she's talking to babies u believe? Well!! You sound like a kid. You all shld take it easy on the hatred towards this stella woman and be open. Not support lies jst beacause u hate the person saying the truth.cos if u say this write up is not clear enough then u are one hateful kid
Stella dis is a fake story look 4sumtin else. Omo yibo talk abt our govt dnt spoil ppl's home wit ur lies..we dnt need ppl lik u...bitch u can do more dan mercy dat is if u were sayin d truth so free dem,linda stop linking d hass of dis bitch...
ds stella nids 2 have a re-think abt bloggin. are u d only blogger? u are ALWAYS @ loggerheads wt d pple u write abt. hw mny tx have we rad abt pple fighting wt linda? u beta watch ur mouth. if u must be a blogger, be one with wisdom. dont make an army of enemies simple cos u wnt be be a blogger. chk out d likes of linda n chng ur ways!! u sef dnt have d best marriage o
Rubbish! I doff my heart!
nawa ooo,over confidence for this woman...pls check out this blog for more football news also predict and win lots of prizez..www.superfutball.blogspot.com.thank you
linda keep the fire burning!!!
nawa ooo,over confidence for this woman,pls visit this blog for futball news and also predict and win lots of gifts.www.superfutball.blogspot.com
Would you shut ur stinking mouth and mind ur own damn biz,see the way you dey beg to hear another man wahala story,wen your own plenty for ground,go and sort all ur own ish out before you come here making an idiot of yourself.dirty cow
Mercy, after u go wear gown, remove make up and go to Pastor Wole Oladiyun's CLAM Wednesday morning service, looking like a born again Christian, but we all know all na wash. *yeah I have a picture a friend took of her praying like the devil was after her*.
After snatching a woman's hubby, u still go about cheating? You sure will get what people like u get some day.
As per Stella, why u all asking her to name her source. Are u all so dump (those that said she should or she's lying) to know that journalist don't name their sources? In America here, its called the 5th Amendment and any American citizen can take it if they don't want to disclose a source or answer a particular question.
She doesn't have to rat out the name of her source. If she does, she will never get stories again. So pls u'all take several seats. And saying Stella is Ugly, yeah she might not have the super model look, but atleast she get man and fine kids. And Linda can like whoever she wants, afterall its a free world.
Must u know every thing "Like mother Like daughter" or don't u know that this actress mess herself and family ................meenh to me this disgusting,shame on her pls.
Stella easy but I like ur way of journalism
Better go and look for something doing rather than sit on linda's blog waiting for gossips and even trying to suggest who and who's life to talk about,amebo oshi!if you really want to help linda you can start by giving her gist on how ur mother sleeps arounds and how your father is not sure that all the kids in his house belongs to him especially you cos you sound like a confirmed bastard,anyway na jonna I blame cos dis is the result of unemployment.feel free to bow down that your empty sensless head in shame.oloriburuku omo ale jati jati
You guys r insisting she says d insider's name? Dat will b so stupid of any1 to do..so u want peeps to go after d person? C mumu reasoning!
You guys r insisting she says d insider's name? Dat will b so stupid of any1 to do..so u want peeps to go after d person? C mumu reasoning!
Annie nawa o. Calm down naw
Yawk! People like stella digust me, I just can't stand people with her type of I.Q, she is just not intellegent, best advice to celeb, plz ignore her, she can't go far in dis jounalism, figthing her is pointless.
You don't believe her cos she likes details, you believe her cos u love to feed on negative things,
Skeleton in Mercy's cupboard. & it is now an open secret. Probably a maintenance job was being done on the dress lol Voice of Sagacity
You want to know her source? Hisssssssssssssssssss
Annie nwayo biko!
Don't mind the foolish idiots tryna defend nonsense,if dem let us vex now,we go post some pictures. Lanre Gentry should go and rest,does he not do worse. Useless people. That Sola Fajobi ehn....
She has a life! A sweet and beautiful one for that matter.Oya,go and die!
Really? The story sounds fabricated?lol,you are just plain DUMB walahi
Lol! Stella of Life!! Stella the Great!!! Me,I love people like this abeg. Stella paro lo,nothin do you. You people keep hating,its no skin off her nose,doesn't affect the price of pizza. Meanwhile,una dey here dey yarn dust,people are circulating Mercy's pictures already n na Mercy friends sef dey do am. Well,sidon watch na wise babe name. I love you Stella
That mercy snatched anoda @erson's husband is it a thing of joy?ode like u
Dont mind people coming here to blast Stella. If its the whites that wrote this story, we will all believe and congratulate even the writer. E news, we laugh when scandalous stories are carried abt the celebrities. But back home, someone is reporting it as it is and we are busy criticising her here and there. We are always ready to abuse actresses like Ebube and co if they buy new cars cos they are single girls and fail to realise that most of these actresses use marriages to cover up some of their escapades. Nigerians always want to eat their cakes and have it all. If una like, cuss out Stella, a story is a story and so long as she's got solid proof, she is free. She reports as its meant to be cos in journalism, u dont take sides and ass lick. otherwise be ready to lose focus.
Τ̣̣ђё woman with guts. She no send.
This girl dey vex ooh.
Stella ....I trust naa... Giving it back to them. Hahahahahahahaaa. Daz pure Journalism, reporting as it happened. No ass licking.
Ride on Stella, I wish CNN could employ u oneday. *kisses*
Anon 12:50, you are so jobless! Abi did Pero send you to help her announce? You even had the time to write all their full names as if we are suppose to use that to collect money from the bank!
Ahn ahn so how is that your biz??
Who asked you? Pero is paying you to do this abi? Hungry fellow! You see why the guy took his wedding away 4rm u n ur madam? Rubbish! Eke adugbo mafilomi ndasi
Walahi Taribo West fine pass Stella!!
Baby u jst disgraced me....u too drag ursef to b d 1st to comment 'smh' *withdraws emotion* :(
*confident* #ThankMeLater
stella just can't stoop soo low to lie bout Mercy....I believe her 95%.
Yea she looks Raz but spks nd write better dan u.
So true! She writes the truth and people get pained cause they know it's 100% unadulterated truth! Lol
Abeg this Stella picture dey make me fear! See her forehead like Dracula own! Haba na so person dey wowo, this line for your forehead na wah! If u like no post my comment linda but u read am sha
Rumor has it that the people in that area have confirmed that it's true, and that's the topic of discussion there now...lol
We can be so quick to point fingers en!!all these people opening mouth gbaga were not there oh. Even if anything untoward, whose business is it??Including you Stella, report important things and stop gossiping abeg.Its very irritating. aS IF ALL OF UNA WEY DEY TALK NO WORSE PASS!!INCLUDING THE STELLA WEY BE LIKE WETIN I NO KNOW.
"@ Troy Ogba"hahahahhahhahahahahaha#
Ur own is dat ur neighbour is. Not freaking famous,u r also not a journalist so its nt ur job ogamadam
Linda pls mind how you publish story from stella Dimoko. Many people hate her and her style of
blogging. she is agent of happiness destructions. we know she blogs and we also have her blog address. let those who are interested in her visit her blog.You are just giving her cheap popularity at your own detriment. stop it please or you may loose ya fans. look for story from other sources, if u dont have meaningful story tell us but please and please stop bringing stella dimoko into ya blog
Dimwit,you wish! I aint annie,just can't stand peeps who derive pleasure in poke nosing into other peeps affair,why don't you start ur own blog instead of bothering linda on what and what to post. ITK
Abeg make una 4give my grammatical error,na vex I take type am.
Dis jobless Stella should get a life,home destroyer like her.
If only we can hv 3 strong bloggers like SDK.nigerian celebs head 4 don straight.
U r very stupid...go get a life and run bac 2 mummy's breast
Super star ,chain smoker,powerful debtor,fucks like a horse,ugly e t c
Stella is just a frustrated woman. See her eyes sef, u go know say sand sand full her garri, so she wan take her own spoil another person own.
Not interested
Nice one Stella, Linda pls learn from dis lady. She doesn't have time to kiss ass like u do!gbamm!
Everybody cannot have manners and social etiquette some people have to different for the world to be interesting.... Stella and Linda. Are two different people...
hahahahahhahha, honestly all these so callled celebreties should know that they have people that spy on them, so they should stop washing their dirty linings outside.
Bia stella abi wetin b ur name, who giv u homework? so u expect me to read all dis beautiful rubbish u wrote about anoda man problem abi? u must b a joker.. mtcheew yeye story wey u no even wan reveal d source na im u want mak i dey read.. seriously somtin dey worry u nd d yeye mercy no b small mtcheew.
Are u a journalist or a blogger? No!! So why will u compare yourself to Stella... Remember to whom Brain is given sense is expected.....
stella my babe! u too gbaski!
Thank U,I just think dis Stella woman is seeking 4 cheap popularity and she's gotten it! I cnt be bothered bou the actress but I don't think Stella projects good journalism! She writes in a biased way,leavin no benefit of doubt like a real journalist shud! She wasn't there wen it happnd so she can as well shut off dis silly certainty of hers!
PS:they give celebs rooms in troy wen dey host dem! Its a Norm
Dis stella lady is no journalist, pls don't insult us by classifying her as one.. We journalists risk our lives to bring news about reality, that will help the nigerian man know their rights, and work to preserve it, for the growth of our families and country.. So how do stories breaking families and exposing peoples privacy count as Journalism? Please do not Insult Us - d real journalists
Nothing await her (˘̯˘ ) deal with that.
Stella is one blogger or wld I say Journalist that was quietly fading away so she will write anything to be relevant and be in the news. How can Mercy be that stupid, even if she was on heat, right there where her husband was, some stories just dont add up and only gullible people wiill believe everything they read on the net....I am not naive! Stella seek relevance elsewhere, cos even if one visits ur blog, U the so called originator of this gist have but a few comments there, no one take U serious.....Guess U are approaching menopause and these are some of the things associated with it....QED!
If you are any better than her why are you posing as anonymous and no picture of urself? The Stella lady is just Fearless but I don't know if that is bad in nigeria. So now u choose co bloggers that linda can interect with? *sarcastic look* typical nigerian running away after dissing "the fearless"
Nothing await her (˘̯˘ ) deal with that.
i love you stella joor
This Stella person is quite spiteful and seems to crave the downfall of others.
Stella Dimoko u we never see Good thins in ur life again y big lie
Pls stop fooling ursef u know that the mercy lady is saying exactly wat happend.
For those of you tellin g stella to disclose her source,one of the rules in jounalism is "never disclose your source".Even when you are about to be killed, dont ever disclose your source. Stella keep doing what you are doing. l love you pieces. Habby
Don't be stupid?? Do you know what goes on in her home behind closed doors??
As u be like mad woman stella,why u nor go spoil person own?idiot fellow,mercy mercy mercy person nor go hear word 4 you.go get a life jare
Nicca!!!!!.....Lmao...Ennhh Eze chukwumereze!!!!! U too haff join the list of "Ist commentator"........Lols.....Oyatell mi how it feels..so ill know weda to try it......Did u like get an extraordinary rush of high??? Win 200k prize money etc ...Funny man!....................D story of Mr and Mrs Gentry dey mi lyk naija film!...I hardly watch them so, this don't intrest me too!
Stella baby l like ur guts. Please dont mind the haters dat dislike you. keep up d good work.
Linda dear, abeg no learn this type of Amebo biko... i kind of dislike dis woman.
How many people can they possibly expect to shut up? The name of d venue isn't hidden,if u r someone who knows how to get stories,go there,dem go tell you everything including how Lanre broke the door,he pulled mercy by her hair into the car. ANONYMOUS 8:35,its Stella's business and its our collective businesses,if we must be burdened with when they buy a new car,a new dress,born pikin,go london etc,y should we not be told when dem go hide fuck? Yes,everyone fit dey do am but na who dem catch be TIF,Mercy has been caught,let's all gather and sing tifitifi jankoriko for her,it could be ur turn tomorrow,it could be mine but there's a way out "let's all live right". Mercy is supposed to be a role model for God's sake,haba!
Same here
I love her guts joor oh!
Na 2day?! most of those condemning Stella are mercy Aigbe's people , who knows it could b Mercy herself hiding under the umbrella of anonymous. Abegi! water no dey carry person wey im no see him leg o, Next time, Mercy and Hubby keep some things indoor.When a secret is no longer kept as a secret it becomes PUBLIC OPINION>gbam!
Hehehhehehhehhehee! I was gon say dt tooo, dts linda's way of insulting stella, btw!! I luv d response baje
Im so loving the whole saga and i believe Stella cos all my peeps present @ the event confirmed it. Ao would one explain that a Seun Oloketuyi has not sent anything regarding this story on blackberryas a broadcast or even on his blog naijahottestgist.com all cos the stupid homw wrecker
Sola Fajobi is involved.
It doesn't matter what you kind of feel towards her
Calm down peeps, we mustn't be too serious on this blog, I just visited Linda's blog and noticed that the story is just too long to read so just joining the fun, I don't even know who the Mercy girl is. With all the venom and insult that goes on in this blog, we all need some '1st to comment' moments to ease up tension and have a laugh. Now that I noticed that I was the 1st. 'Otito diri Jesu'.One love everyone.
Shut d fuck up, moron. So if TuFace no see im pikin,, wetin concern you. Ok, we go buy cain to flog TuFace abi. Olori kori. Amebo is my hobby. Go n tell Pero to move on
She cannot force herself on d guy. What ever her plans are, she would fail. She's such a disgrace, I can't even deal
Useless girls. Shameless cunts
Why are some people condemning Stella. What does her appearance have to do with her work? She ain't got to reveal her sources either. What do people expect from mercy? After all, she married some else's hubby now. Linda post my comment.
Part of the business of blogging is gossiping as indicated on linda's page. For those of u who hate stella's gut, go get a life. If am to be bothered by all this actress lifestyle, why won't I be bothered wit their sexual escapades ?. The husband made the show public and gossipers started from where he finished.... Abeg delete urself if u re tired of reading the gossip and don't hit on the bloggers.... Nobody force ur finger click on the gossip caption
Bias stuffs! Typical street amebo things. Stella is bias and wen did it becomes good journalism not to av respect for peoples private life, reporting an event as if u were in d room wit her wen nothing happens anywhere near u. Attention seekers!
Stella u wwill not die well ijn.if u ever hv a home will not enjoy it for 1mints.I was @de event.noting of surce hapen..and u pple dat jurge on dis blog should fair GOD and jurge other pple less bcos wat dat olg harg stella post it all lies.mercy did not have anyting wit sola fajobi..plz stella hv a life...
I love Stella! articulate, straightforward and hits the nail on the head. Greatest Uniben Alumna! No kuru kereism! My dear people leave Stella....if you do not want a 'tell all' do not be a star! Go back to your village! Mrs Mercy's press release is of no cognizance, holds no water and obviously doctored to look good.. She should get someone more articulate to deal with her press release e.g. Stella! LMFAO!
I definitely had a laugh. Stella really doesn't send.
I thot she saaid she had no intentions of sending a long reply.......WHAT do we call this then.
I couldn't even finish it.
Can't be bothered
All of you calling Stella names and saying she is a gossip are hypocrites.
what are you looking for on blogs you know tells all?
did anyone force you to visit these blogs? or read the gossip columns for that matter.
it is the gbeborun in your blood that brought you.
i cannot fathom anyone suggesting a reporter should reveal their sources, where in the world is that done, it shows your level of literacy.
if you dont want to read gossips, read your Bibles, Quran , click on intelligble sites.
she is doing what she loves to do, free her.
the day you decide to be in the lime light, you have given your life over to scrutiny to the world. you cannot have it all and not expect to pay a sacrifice.
Linda, Stella, carry on. i gbadun the gist, it does nothing for me but give me a good laugh and relieve me from a day of stress.
you dont want bad publicity, live holy, if you cant then keep it private.
my 2 cents
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