I opened my email and right there in my junkmail was this petition asking me to tender an apology or they will sue for Five hundred million naira(only?) if i do not tender a public apology on my blog in 48hours for what the lawyer terms slander.
First of all your petition referred to me as ''Dear Sir'' and my name is spelt in the saving jpeg as 'Stelladimokorus...''...Sorry to correct you oh,I am not a ''Sir'' and my name is as found on the blog ''STELLADIMOKO-KORKUS.See the rest after the cut...
Let me categorically state it here that I refuse to be scared into a chickens nest by Mr Lanre Nzeribe your client.....I am sure you people can use google and can find other stories where those names you mentioned in your petition exist.There is no where in my memo that says''Lanre dated any Stella Damasus '' so there is nothing to take back.
If ''Mrs Stella Damasus is married to Emeka Nzeribe'' how come she is Mrs with her maiden name?Shouldn't it be Stella Damasus-Nzeribe?
You claim your client is Stella's husbands cousin and they are still married? READ HERE SIR
The same law which gives Mr lanre freedom of association also applies to me...A Nigerian citizen. The memo i sent Mr Lanre Nzeribe and his (new) girlfriend Monalisa Chinda is HERE and I have re-read it and would like to know exactly what part i should be apologising for in the memo and if ''reverse'' means to delete..
You say Sir that ''a word is enough for the wise'' and I totally agree with you 100PERCENT!
I await your humble response and also use this opportunity to tell you that I no get five hundred million naira but if found guilty i can do community service in your clients house since if you squeeze me i cannot cough out the chicken change you want to ask for..
Thank you Sir(s)
PS----Please hurry with your Response Sir.and pardon any Mistakes,I am not as Learned as you and i was too much in a hurry to reply you in case una increase the money to ten hundred million naira.God Bless This is your petition Sir

i love this woman hahahaa. See response lol
This is a comedy...
This woman is such a bitch & love it! Stand your ground Stella. All these money miss road supposed "Big Boys" think they can intimidate people to do their bidding. As for this Lanre Nzeribe take a flying leap of 3rd Mainland Bridge. Big Boy my dog's ass!
" I no get five hundred million naira but if found guilty i can do community service in your clients house since if you squeeze me i cannot cough out the chicken change you want to ask for.. "
"I am not as Learned as you and i was too much in a hurry to reply you in case una increase the money to ten hundred million naira"
Laff Wan Tear MY Belle.
This Stella is Hilarious
All these celeb with scandals here n there.God help you all.500million ko 1million pounds ni.linda I am a first timer so post dis comment
Lmao,,dis lanre dey waste him time, space and money
Sue stella kwa?? Lmaooooo..
Stella wey no even get 5million 4 ac u wan sue her for 500milllion..
I haf died wit laf...#SMH
Stella see ya life? lol
So she is a blogger? She needs to go back to school or takes some crash courses, her reply is so poor, it is not coordinated and too elementary.You don't reply such letters in hurry, haba! Are ulearner? Wannabe blogger? Linda over publish my comment o or?
Abeg dey shld free stella,journalism is growing and everywhere arnd d world people/celebrities cannot control stories posted/published abt them,even d royal family.So ms stella ride on,mr Nzeribe just like 2face idibia,quit ur randy lifestyle or d media will never gv u a break(post my comment dame linda...lol)
Case dismissed :)
this is serious
this suit is too funny. so lanre, as big a man as you are, as much of a heartbreaker, you heart has been hit by Stella. she wash you well well e come dey pain you.
my friend go n sit down jor, its either you are seeking undue attention or you have no brain in tha big head of yours.
if you had let it slide, we already forgot about the story but now you remind us all over again how much of a moron you have and continue to be.
so if she no beg you now and u go to court, you'd honestly and with a clear conscience demand =N= 500,000,000 from Stella? is this you get rich quick plan? For a story you n i know is probably 80% correct?
Seriously dude! get a f****** life
This stella won't kill somebody. I don laugh taya. Jeez! Dis woman is a clown hahahahaha. She can do community service in d client's house to get more gossip... Lmao
i dont dig dis chick, but this is hilarious
Lol @ I no get 500 million naira!
Dem don mad ,......y bloggers d alway Ugly linda na another example cos I don see linda face to face.
Omo! The links wey follow this story na wah o.... See how dem Finish Stella Damasus. Anyway, wetin concern me? I no like to dey comment for celebs mata joor. Cos I know I'll be a celeb one day in the near future.
Hahahahaha Stella is Hardcore ratchet mehn, I love her guts!
stella dimoko korkus is a certified clown
Hahaha Stella is a clown
This is so funny, let's watch as it unfolds.
Lwkmdooooohhhhh! five hundred million ko...ten hundred million ni
hehehehehehe this woman's comment so made my day.
lolz@ even if u squeeze me,I can't cough out that amount. I admire her guts.
If she's meat,it will take 20years to cook her. she tough die.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
hehehehe LWKMD
This woman can do no wrong in my eyes.
These people only spread more of their dirty linen by replying her.
i like @stella...she no dey send
###Bow Bitches##
Stella...U get Mouth.
Matters arising.. Who go win? This issue started somewhere any way na their business =D how is your health linda? Post my comment oh
Monalisa has ended up with a clown oh!
lmao i like dis stella. "i no get 500 million" loooool
Defamation of/or what if i may ask? I just like Stella 4 so many reasons, she never takes back her word. Always ready to give it back to you. Waiting 4 part 2.
SMH! Did a lawyer actually craft this?sigh.. so rife with errors and this 'odioum' word sha and the context in the sentence..sigh again. They really should have proof read before sending this out. such an 'odiom' read! hee hee.
ehen hen this is just the begining ohh..btw Linda arent you going to defend yourself Kemi olunloyo has said stuff abt u..
Hilarious response.. 'i can categorically state that...'
Thats total rubbish, Stella has every right to write whatever she wants to write on her blog. Lanre Nzeribe/Monalisa Chinda the least you can do is to start up your own blog and do whatever that pleases you. Monalisa a word is enough for the wise. And as for you Lanre aka gigolo please grow up!
Thats total rubbish, Stella has every right to write whatever she wants to write on her blog. Lanre Nzeribe/Monalisa Chinda the least you can do is to start up your own blog and do whatever that pleases you. Monalisa a word is enough for the wise. And as for you Lanre aka gigolo please grow up!
Lol @ ten hundred million naira.. This woman na real wahala woman. Ended up making them sound like fools. Lol
Kai! This woman get mouth
Stella never mentioned Stella Damasus' name in the memo. all things being equal, this suit will not succeed
This Stella sef...I just love her attitude. The babe aint got no time for hypertension biko.
na wa 0000
Hahahahaha! Abeg free Stella! The babe don tell you say she no get 500 million. Abi you go gree make she move into your luxury pad for Island... that would not be a bad idea as I can bet you there will be more exclusive reportings from there! Heheheheh! Leave this matter abeg, and enjoy your relationship in peace.
u go fear threat nahhhhh biko tell them to pack well stella u have constitutional right self total rubbish
Lanre shld take several seat jor.
She not scared, I love the way She went about her response, but some Lawyers na aboki o!, they should try and be reasonable next time, 500 million is un-reasonable.
Hahahhahahh. OMG. Lindiway I love this woman.
Firstly ehn... the woman is just unpretty; not a fine somebody at all. Secondly, why must she always sound so bitter and vengeful; like as if she is using here journalism as a weapon; dats my 2 cents
Lmaoooooooo..no b small 500million..abegggggy dey shld rest..
yepa!!! the lawyer sef gbagaun!!!
"it is our believe"
Stella stella u no send anybody. Nice plot. Career gigolo threatens to sue career gossip. What a joke.IAI
lol...I love this lady!
This woman is Crazy sha!!!
I wan laff die oh!!! Chei!! Which one be all these one naa. Lol. Defamation of character ke!! Na only Stella de fit show small muscle. Make dem kuku carry all anonymous bloggers go court. Linda sha be careful...these guys de no de see dia 'ukwu eze oh'. Na Nwadichi (kotuma) go be d presiding judge hia. Lol
Lmao...I lik ur style
Lmao...I lik ur style
linda why do u always use this pic of this lady? ko fine now, use a better one.
The battle begins. Mr. Nzeribe is doing all this one so MonaLisa will think malicious lies have been published about him. Scammer for life Lanre.
Why do they say Stella is ugly? She's not. All she needs is a good makeover. I've seen worse looking women.
Nawa o.4 dis naija sef?
SDK!!!!....i too gbadu u jor!...no long tin.i over love ur style.u no send any gaddamned body!...no b only 500 million na 500,000 million dollar pound naira.lol!
Actually I'm indifferent about Stella, but i love her style of gossip...and this response right here is crazy!!! Haahaa!!!
Stella Dimoko I too gbadun you joor!
MEN!!! This Stella no fine AT ALL.
Stella is unprofessional and probes too deep into
Peoples lives. Its abt time someone sued her.
Stellaaa, she's such a stubborn woman. I've always loved her sort of gbeborun. She just doesn't care. I really hope she doesnt get into more trouble. Lawyer fees alone is enough punishment, talk less of 5 mill. Her reply was typical Stella. The oyinbo for that letter serious ooh. She sort of made them look slightly stupid. Can't wait to see what happens now.
Lanre should take several broken seats, i read the memo and there is nothing so wrong and defamatory about what she wrote.
All na celebrity gist.
I gbadun this Stella too much. Stella truth all the time
I luv ha replyyy 10,000 million naira lolz
I GBADU my dear sis
I really laughed. So hilarious
Lol...I totally adore Stella's style joor. 500 gbagaun?? O bughi obere ihe mehn....
chai... linda fine pass dis 1 like 500 times
Linda ikeji oh! Pls post your readers comments. They are so hilarious, now I am bored and there is absolutely nothing to read and laugh about.* sad face* I love your readers, soon, they go form a new colony. Ha!
Dis girl is sick sha..aahah cnt laff
We aint gonna accept this nonsense. NOOOOOOO !!! Lanre Nzeribe, back off. HOW DARE YOU. Your "case" is without merit. GO JUMP INTO A FREEZING LAKE. YOU WILL NOT GET ANY MONEY FROM ANY NAIJA BLOGGER. WE WILL NOT ALLOW YOU OR ANYONE TO SET ANY PRECEDENT OR (directly / indirectly) CENSOR OR OPPRESS OR PERSECUTE ANY NAIJA BLOGGER. If the Daily Mail or The Sun wrote the same article about Lanre Nzeribe, he wouldn't dare sue because he knows his case would be vigorously defended, thrown out and him slapped with huge legal bill. Lanre Nzeribe, leave Naija bloggers alone or we will tarnish your fcukin name PLUS Monalisa Chinda --> Give both of you persistent online and offline bad publicity. If you want to make money from suing bloggers, go sue oyinbo bloggers. I have no problem with that cos they will humiliate and teach you a big lesson. An attack on Stella Dimoko Korkus or Linda Ikeji or another Naija blogger or Naija journalist is an attack on each one of us. Today its Stella Dimoko Korkus, tomorrow it could Linda Ikeji or another Naija blogger or Naija journalist thats being bullied, harassed and oppressed by the likes of Lanre Nzeribe or Monalisa Chinda or whoever and their stupid "lawyer." It is not right and must not be tolerated. Monalisa Chinda and Lanre Nzeribe, GET LOST. SMH.
Linda u fine pass stella, since that punked by ciana I jst luv u d more joor. But I like her response. N I like to say I luv stella Damasus DD
Hahahaha, 500 million and her name is not on forbes richest black woman...
Stella Dimoko I over love your courage, I wish I can be like you hun, kudose to you
Chai! this stella woman na craze her self o..see response lol!
This one blogger who's got guts.. Unlike linda and co, ass lickers lol. Post am oo
only in nigeria, where people sue bloggers. it's a blog, get over your fucking selves!
Linda stop the sensational headlines,she wasn't hit with a lawsuit please abi is this SUN newspaper?
Ok now why is it only divorced women nzeribe guys de marry by d way Stella ur own too much joor
Come to think about it her pics looks like she's a DUDE,so dont blame them for using sir.
Ds woman is fire fire.dnt fuck wt r or u wud gt burnt
Oya,show your babe or wife pix make we see. HEDIAT
very unprofessional way to answer a lawsuit summon
I'm surprised Monalisa Chinda allowed this Lanre and his so called Lawyer to do this. Instead of her to jejely and quietly enjoy this relationship while it lasts cus it won't last forever,she wants to add controversy,scorn and ridicule to it. Lanre wey no get shame before. Shior! We watch on
wey rey matter
Oya,show your babe or wife pix make we see. HEDIAT
Stella needs to be a little refined in her writing.Freedom of speech does not mean you can be abusing and dehumanizing people at will because you are not preetty.
SDK, your response made my freakin' day! I laugh sotay for piss myself LMAO!!!! Where do they get these amounts from
Stella is just something else: she don craze no be small.
I'm still laughing at the "I no get 5 million naira..." Kai, laugh wan tear my belle for here oooooo, hehehehehehe.
seriously, stella diomokorkus is a very brave woman who is not afraid of her words and can defend it to the fullest. she's got guts! she looks mean, yes! but I love hard core gist, told as it is, not half baked.
damnnn! see story!
Stella the brave woman, ride on. Indeed, the pen is mightier than the sword!
I am petrified by the poor command of English exhibited by the Esquire fellow signing the letter. Who drafts these letters employing big grammar yet grammatical incorrect?
E don red o! 50 million ain't moi-moi! I am sure she would make that apology call, discreetly though, Lol... Madam reporter(Stella), abeg retracting a story and avoiding all the stress and costs of being in court is worth it o! Hehe! After all they have done you good sef, more popularity, I even visited you website because of this.
Hey Mr Lawyer, apart form many grammatical errors, your letter shouldn't have been framed as a petition. You write petitions to person/s and institution/s in positions of authority or power. It should have been a letter of demand. You cannot be petitioning and at the same time, issuing orders to Stella to retract the publication and issue apology. And how come you did not identify the particulars of the publication that you considered libelous and defamatory? I'm not impressed at all!
Very funny
I hope it's just scare tactics because that moni is not a small somtin o!
And where was she refered to as Sir?? Stella is a noise maker.
Ohh so dis is the Stella. Now I understand her write ups. She looks like a frustrated faggot! Hian.
Mona lisa! Mona lisa !! Mona lisa!!! How many times did I call u. No be dis boyfriend of recent at ur bday event. Dis guy na celebrity lover. Beware of old boys!
Craze world...stella no get respect o
I so luv stella hahahahahahaahahah
Controversial stella!
see this lawyers oh! Abi dey don jam 'JJC'? The lady knows her rights.
I don't really c anytin worth apologizing 4...she is jst wshin dem well even though she wz insinuating..abi Lanre dey hide sumtin?
BADDEST STELLA.lanre don enter one chance.BIGGMAMA
Now I know (for lack of better grammar to use) the man dey hallucinate! 500million for wetin?! No be money wey person get u go sue am for?! The Lanre Nzeribe didn't need stella's blog! His reputation was already damaged beyond repair! Abi no be dis guy dey do mummy grace Egbagbe and dis same guy that dragged his mum to court abi na fight alone over landed property! He shd go and siddon for the next available suku suku jor
*tears ooo* I wan laff die! But Stella writes well sha
U don settle with eldee ni?
LMAO.......This lady is hilarious.
Babe no fall person hand o tell who so ever it may be say dey no fit use u make moni
Serzly, they take dem for granted.
500million naira?!
If she's got that kinna money, they wudn't even say 'jack' to her.
Learned toh badt!
She needs to hire u as her lawyer.
I wish I love law as much as I should... Oh well!
Linda Linda!!! I am sure people wrote worse comments about this Stella but fear dey catch you so you no fit put the comments up! Hiss....
Lanre Nzeribe again! This guy nor dey tire? E no get shame at all! Hian!
This Lawyers command and writing of English is just sad. if you are going to attempt to use big words, make sure they fit in the sentence and use the correct tense too! He keeps putting "Odium" incorrectly and that sentence with "pathological and a tissue of lies" in it? Just Sad.
Gbam!!! Hahahahahaha!!! Stella ain't no chicken!
When the chips Ǎ̜̣̍я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ down, you all Won't be there †Φ clean the tears off stellas face...you think its only gossip?...its more than that. Hope this doesn't get out of hand.
Psycho stella...this one na yaba left matter
Stop shouting!!! ALl I can infer from dis post is you shouting, colm down and no be you den sue na
To a very unprofessional letter, this letter is poor, sounds like what a charge and bail firm wrote....
Sori o, incase u dnt kno, u can referred 2 as Sir in law. Mrs kno all. Always entering wahala wt pple. Insulting pple doesn't make u a star or an outspoken blogger who doesn't fear anyone. Mtchew!!!. Go & sleep joor.
Libellous and defamatory mean the same thing. If na Prince Charming now you guys would be making noise that he is using same big words
Hahaha. I love Stella. Linda should Learn from her. She dosent chicken out of her game. If it were Aunty Linda she for run delete and apologies. Up Stella.
Linda I hope you see how a writer stands her ground, not begging and apologising like you did with low-life-nothing-to-do SUSAN PETERS etc. what if you ran your own publication, any little petition you go fold up. I like her guts and her no nonsense approach. Linda learn from her.
Careless if you publish my words, am sure you've read it.
London Finest.
I wouldn't take it seriously either, this is not a proper legal document. I would be ashamed to hire a firm like this. Pathetic!!
mschewwwww, Lanre Nzeribe, a fool at forty is a fool forever, u dnt have shame in this ur life, oya go and sue city people too because that was where i knew who u are. all ur dirty dealings with older women were published there years back, all these ones u are claiming defamation and assasination of character, u are d one dat brought it on urself. monalisa chinda has shown she is a fish brain. linda post my comment o
The woman wor wor sha! If not for that, the guy would have considered the offer of "community service" (coughs), and would have pursued the case vigorously.
i love Stella's boldness abeg, Lanre pls leave stella alone o, no be she say make u dey smell, bcos u really dey smell,mschewww, yeye dey smell!Linda post my comment
if only one can go to city people archive and bring out all dem Lanre gist eenh,
Has this woman consired the possibility of this letter not exactly originating from Mr Lanre? She found the mail in her junkmails, that should give a certain degree of doubt. Did she bother to contact the said chamber and confirm that they originated that??? Na to wind mouth up n down, gre gre get levels I hope she sabi dat one.
Ur an obvious otondo.
Lol @ "i've seen worse looking women",no one said she's d worst looking woman
Even if u say so yaself linda
Mr Nzeribe, next time hire a proper counsel to represent you on such matter. This petition/demand notice is amateurish and a man of your class should retain a SAN.
Oh anonymous go take a chill pill please!!! U Were quick to criticize d lady yet ur own comment was damn poor. Besides cos u r so dry, u have refused to realize that Stella was only being humorous and sarcastic. *drops mic*
One simple but crucial fact is that Nigeria is yet to have any law relating to Internet activities, if the issue happens to be anything related to online or posted on blogs, then such material is not admissible as evidence in any Nigerian court as of today.
The lawyer is obviously a blockhead. Internet frauds have been stalled in court by this singular fact, while as for the said Lanre me thinks he is so idle and self-centered and comfortable; divert that energy towards liberating so many less privileged nigerians. That will certainly rebuild the name/image you claimed was destroyed by Stella.
Stella wey dey yansh Daniel Ademinokan 24/7....I laugh in Latin! Emeka Nzeribe kor? Aurthur NZERIBE ni!
"The story as captured in your blog is nothing but a pathological and a tissue of a lie"
Haba. Na so dem dey train high profile lawyers to write for Nigeria now? Gani must be pulling out his hair wherever he is. What does this mean? What is a " tissue of a lie?" Hysteria wan kill me. I dey laugh tire. E be like say that house of reps dude from Benin na him give the dictation for this letter. he he heh.
More seriously - Lanre, many blogs carried your news. Dem say u be womanizer. All of us read am for several pages. You no fit sue one person. By the way, the babe don rear your behind with her response. Come carry go make she go do community service for your house. I wonder the nature of the community service. he he he he he. 500 million ko, 500 million ni. She no even get money for weave. Be4 you overreact to her response, respect yourself and ignore her. It is not as if she has naked pictures of you and any of your conquests. If you feel like slashing money to punish someone who wont feel the pain, please I need it for basic life amenities. Jesus will never forget you if you send me money. Pick fight with awo (frog) wey big like you okay. no fall my hand Mr Maserati.
Oh well
That's my babe no shakings you got our back,'gbeborun' with a sound diff.
Mumu,so he should marry 'married" women?
Dis is so funny.come carry go 4 community service jare.stella more news ooo.shameless pple like dem.
I understand that there has been a case of libel.. which is actionable per say. But claiming the certain amount to serve as an example to other bloggers is rubbish as it is not punishment. It does not respect the right of the person who is being punished. Punishment should be treated as a means to an end and not a mere means to some good.
In addition, I believe there are defences for defamation.
Also, if found liable for damages, she obviously cannot be indebted for the rest of her life.
Can the government compensate the claimant on behalf of the defendant?..
The best is to settle out of court.
Don't mind d anonymous he just wants to feel among by commenting .
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