I have Been trending for the past two days now. Day one was about people wishing me well and praying for me on my birthday. Day two is now filled with gossip, scandals and all sorts, but that is as far as the so called journalists and bloggers are concerned. As far as I am concerned I had a blast on my birthday and I will not allow other human beings steal my joy regardless.
I choose to enjoy my life because I know I deserve it. Nobody went through my own trying times with me and I did not go through any with others.More when you continue...
When God decides to bless me, turn my mourning to dancing, turn my tears to laughter and turn my anger to happiness, no man on earth can change it or spoil it.
Truth is, I laughed when I saw some of the blogs and websites quoting and saying things they know absolutely nothing about. Writing things they have heard without concrete evidence, ghosts that cannot show their faces and ask direct questions. But they believe and think that they can wake up one day and decide people's fate and destiny. Unfortunately they are made to feel important because people hate to read positive things and achievements, but give them juicy gossip and all of a sudden you become the most popular writer who has gist on everybody.
I realized that when I write blogs and articles about important information, encouragement, education and positive things, only twenty percent out of a hundred actually read it and leave comments. The other eighty percent jump at the gossip and scandals and then start to ask me stupid questions. These are people who have not communicated with me in ages but all of a sudden they feel the need to profess undying friendship and a listening ear. The fact that they believe I have the time or energy to respond to the most trivial issues baffles me.
Let me repeat myself in case some of these people missed it. "I really do not care what you say or write, the truth is who God has blessed no man can curse" , and if you believe that trying to turn a wonderful birthday into a global gossip game will make me feel bad then I am so sorry this Stella is not as stupid as you think"
1 – 200 of 284 Newer› Newest»Nice...yay first to comment!
**cryn** if its true, U̶̲̥̅̊ shal pay!!! 1st 2 comment anyways
True talk..love Ī¤̲̅Ńe dress
Thank God u enjoyed ur day..as 4 gossip,its a normal thing...ure in d spotlyt 2day,2mr it'll be sm1else..
Okay Stella if you feel you don't owe any1 any explanation, what's up with all the long story? You get time sha! Secondly wetin concern us with all dis ur boring birthday pics?.......ok I get, u want us to see the limo abi?
Beautiful woman. HBD madam
The Club was so empty
Old wears, thing wey Toolz don used and dropped!
One of my favorite Nollywood actress. Wish her all the best in all her endeavours. On a more critical note, that weave makes her head appear huge:((
She just doesn't get it, does she? God hates divorce. He can't bless you with another woman's husband. This one is the devil's blessing. Enjoy, we will be here waiting for you to dump this guy too...
BTW, that dress would have been nicer without the cheap belt you got from Wall Mart, and as usual your hair is bogus.
Love her comment. Bloody wicked amebo people. Abeg enjoy ur life jor. Cos just like u said, u deserve it. But wait o, this ur dress is d same design n exact color toolz rocked some time back.
This one nation red and black dress!!! Even them chincos don make imitation plenty for stores.....infact its $34.99!
Ms. Stella, pity, that's life for you. Good thing that you are strong....Most aren't and they are enslaved in fear.
Just know that there will always be those who will look to find fault in the simplest things you do...while others generously embrace you...and see only that which defines your best self... Both responses are important because it challenges you to find the inner voice of responsibility and reason within yourself... Character is not a gift...it is the personal power you create in a world that owes you nothing...
Y the belt on that dress?
Nice 1 stella...
yes it really is nobodys biz ...but dont call God for everything
flex on my dear
I'm I the only one noticing changes in the way aunty Linda updates her blog especially the comment section takes forever to post comment, aunty Linda i think you are dating someone or in a relationship cus thats d only reason I can think of. OBserver
I'm I the only one noticing changes in the way aunty Linda updates her blog especially the comment section takes forever to post comment, aunty Linda i think you are dating someone or in a relationship cus thats d only reason I can think of. OBserver
mehn bin lng since i saw stella dz beautiful. .enjoy urself joor...dia negative talk wil only end up propeling yu
In fact to say I am shocked is an understatement. This husband snatching business. When mercy Johnson did it and the wife was shouting, people told her to produce evidence, she did and people still blamed her and congratulated mercy, I said stop praising mercy as she would be setting a precedence for the same thing to happen over and over....
Fluke daramola, Nike Orinoco, bisi ibidapo obe,Caroline danjuma now this Stella again... I used to really like her, she has done it and is even rubbing it in people's faces like fluke daramola. God dey oh, you had a choice to say no to this man and tell him to go and make his marriage work not snatch him away cos you feel you are more posh than his wife. I have nothing else to say
Most times, it's laziness that prompts all these HATES.It really hurts.
Name calling, and putting people down has got to stop, its honestly fucking childish and annoying seeing people do it to others especially over the internet where everybody has balls for some odd reason. Be humble and respectful to others in life, you NEVER know what somebody else is going through, you NEVER know what other people are holding in. The person you may be talking crap to online maybe just lost a family member, maybe lost their job, maybe is battling a disease, just treat everybody with respect, because you really don't know what others are going through.
When you truly learn to become happy for others, you actually become happier yourself!
Stella you are. A very useless woman and that man is a foolish man. Be fooling yourself o onye iberibe
Hmmmm,na wa o,real wa. Looking good sha. Hmmmm, na wa,real wa.
yeye girl.who cares,husband snatcher
This dress again? Abi she collected it from toolz and trimmed it to her size? Loooolz! HBD tho
This dress again? Abi she collected it from toolz and trimmed it to her size? Loooolz! HBD tho
Stella shut up jor! D facts still remains dat u distroyed sumbdys marriage...idiot...carma z goina fish u out..idiot.
I just pray God 2 help this woman 2 turn A new leaf. I actually tot dz stella was A responsible woman until i read how she snatched oda women husbands n how she killed her recently deceased husband b4 he went 2 SA.. Smh 4 her! God help us all
She says she doesn't care what bloggers write about her yet she wrote a whole blog post about it. Mschew
Just let us know if u re actually married to the guy, shikena!
Awwww...ppl n deir ways sha...smh*
Stella pls just shut up. Useless husband snatcher. First 2 comment
Bitch, leave person husband alone
Stella dear, don't make me hate you. Used 2 have a 100% respect for you buh the fact that you got married 2 Doris's ex just doesn't make sense @all. Of all men to pick from, why a Colleague's ex? Not right @ all
Babe nothing D̶̲̥̅̊Ćø you,baby oku(hot babe)I beg enjoy Å³Ń self jor.
ehnnnn stealing another womans husband is joy abi? THUNDER WILL STRIKE THAT UR YAMAYAMA MOUTH...
Whatever Stella,nobody cares! Boohoo!
Stella Stella Stella!!! This ur essay was so unnecessary cos u ended up saying nothing but proved to all that u are indeed bothered by all this 'gossip'.we can't tell u how to live ur life and be happy,but u do need an Overdose of Jesus cause remember whatever you sow u will definately reap.By the way stop changing Dads' for ur daughters as if u are changing hairstyles,its not good for them.
She has said notin abt her husband,linda na Ę☺Ī° she dey abuse o.make she carry her ass stay one place nd stop jumpin frm one place to oda.very soon dan go be past i tell Ę☺Ī°.i can now see y her first husband pple N̶̲̥̅̊☺ send her.
She and Richard Mofe-Damijo made a perfect match, its unfortunate they didnt end up an item. Besides, happy belated birthday girl.
She and Richard Mofe-Damijo made a perfect match, its unfortunate they didnt end up an item. Besides, happy belated birthday girl.
Sterra,sterra,sterra!how many times did I call u. Well I did nt know u with husband snatching. We know u don't care but fear and respect God.It was death dat made u mourn and nt ur fellow woman. So stop taking revenge.
U didn't debunk d stories yet u r calling bloggers liars and ghosts,anyhoo d joke is still on you.Marriage is a good thing,why can't you come out plainly,oh!must have been because of d way u got ur man,knowing fully well u broke sm1's marriage.don't worry,its only God that can judge u.But remember u have a little girl.karma is something u can't run away from.
Resplendent pictures.
Shining Stella I love u regardless enjoy jare.
She is sha losing her beauty small small sha
HAppi birthday M̶̲̥̅Ī³̲̣̣̥ sweet n beautiful stella, wishing more years of happiness n good health. Amen. I love ʱŃ̲̅ response so much, u deserve 2 b happy cos none of dez ppl who blog and d ones who leave comments were there 4 u during ʱŃ̲̅ tryn times
Goan take several seats. Being happy at someone's expense?.abegi
So this Edo man Daniel Ademinokan truly left his gorgeous wife and baby mama for stella? I guess beauty and being sexy is not everything truly. Cos Stella over Doris Simeon? hmmmm
Is dat gown not for toolz,she added d belt so dat it will luk new.she luks lik Bovis fish.doris simeon it is well.
Is that not the woman that acted "alice my first lady" wearing black...she don clean up oo
wat is she talking abt??? just admit ur married and move on...who cares if u've bn married 3times..she shud jst fade in the dark joorr!!!!
This girl na big Mumu....all she had to say was that she also got married and stop ranting like a person who is not sure if she did the right thing.....third marriage...na waooo..
She didn't make much sense to me. What is the issue here? The birthday or the secret wedding? She should be used to the life of nollywood stars by now. What's the big deal.
Wait o. What am I missing? "newly married"? she didnt see any other man in the whole of Nollywood, heck in the whole of naija sef, it is someone else's husband she saw to marry her. Is the guy completely divorced from his ex sef? Stella, Stella, Stella when will you stop this nonsense of chasing other people's husbands?
Dis stella na "ngbeke". Y she come use belt for dis dress na? Hian! Howeva sha soar on d wings of gossip my dear.
Very ugly thin gbokogboko osi
U don't need to respond if u are not bothered, guilty conscience is really worrying u. Ode, husband snatcher.
Me love stella die.
Its ur life, u can like to marry 200times. Take it easy for d sake of ur late husband nd ur girls that's all I can say. I will still be here to congratulate u on ur 20th husband nd not to think I was discussing with my bestie how lucky nd blessed you re. One advise have a little bit of respect for ur self
Happ Birthday Stella.....have a great one!!!
P.S: You should do a little exercising, it won't hurt :)
I pity u,anoda woman's husband.u r a disgrace
Wey the lange lowver pishure na?
U don't need to respond if u are not bothered, guilty conscience is really worrying u. Ode, husband snatcher.
It looks like a party...well done stella...u don snatch anoda woman's husband
Stella stella! Looking so radiant as always.nice dress btw.
am really speechless. I cant believe stella would do this.
beautiful stella! hbd dear
Nice 1 stella.nice1.
Mehn!!!!I like ur spirit,if anybody dey para wiv u,make d person go burst grandma pimples for villa.no time for mumu level........
Smh for you Stella. Btw Linda Stella is referring to you. Lol
I beg let us call a spade by its name, Doris was pretty but was not on Daniel's level academically and status wise. Beauty cannot make all men happy. Stella and Daniel seem to be on a more class status than he was with simeon. But no one knows what led to the break up so i wish all parties well
Lovely pictures thou. Buh Stella why have you choosen to be an adulteress? Linda biko post my comment.
Maami, u actually care what people think of u. If not, u wouldn't sit and type this plenty story. I'm a crazy fan, I still love u but I don't see u as a role model again... That's if u are truly married to Doris' husband.
Btw, y did u steal Toolz' dress? She rocked it better. LLnP in good health and riches.
seriously I am disappointed in you stella. terribly disapointed
Stella,a celebrity is like a beautiful Gazzelle.Hunted for both the right and more for the wrong reasons.Gossip sells millions and successes are greeted with accolades.ah ah ...r u a learner? You chose this path,embrace it with finesse.
So funny,u dnt care abt wat is written abt u,why did u bother to reply den? Husband snatcher... Dis same bloggers wrote abt u dating doris's hubby sumtim back but u said it was a lie,na who cum de lie nowwwww??
pleaseeeeee shuuuuutttt uuuupppppp!!!!! husband snatchaaaaaaaa!!!! i used 2 be ya fan bt ryt nw i find u DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!! london gal
Okay Doris used to be a runs girl before marrying her hubby. Maybe she went back to it and Daniel found out. You know it never really leaves the body even after marriage... They both know why the marriage didnt work jare. Me sef dey find husband. Make I face my own "incompleteness"...
Č̝̊̅§ she wearing spiderman cloth........
I don't know if its only me but yoruba men never really end up with one wife.when one has been there you'd tend to feel for others. I wish her a happy birthday and married life,what did he find in stella that is not in Doris?but I still feel for Doris,it shall be well with her.
wonders they say will never ceased to happenoooooooo Linda pls post my comment na my first time to comment,but i always vist your sight everyday. But waitoooo nobi say i dey support this stella. young girls like Linda never see one marry na hin Stella don marry three times and getting ready for the fourth one.
Linda Ikedashian, Stella is talking to u!
idiot so u nw knw dt who God has blessed no man can curse? wen u wr beefing young nolkywood last year for wearing high end designer clothes to a movie premier u ddnt knw? greatest runs girl of nollywood. She used to fool me with her soft voice and 'holier than thou attitude' til i saw her @ concord hotel owerri,with Eze Ilomuanya. She almost became his 2nd wife cos he flew she,her kids n elder sis to the Uk on a shopping spree. Cheap ass bitch. husband snatcher,2moro u'll write anoda tribute to ur late hubby.
In the last pix, you rock that dress more than toolz. So are you comfortable marrying another woman's husband? I ope u will sick to this marriage sha...if not I go laff dis ya 3rd hobby.
Trashy and arrogant.
Happy Birthday in arrears eva glowin stella, wish u all d best, dnt mind d gossip spreadin abt o jare.chop d life of ur head!
As far as I am concerned, she's spewing thrash. Stella, you can't build happiness on someone else's sadness. You can't make someone sad and expect to be happy. God cannot be mocked. I don't blame you, I blame that silly Doris who allowed you steal her hubby without teaching you a lesson. Let me say a prayer for you- what you did to Doris, someone else would do to your daughters. Since you feel there's nothing wrong, pls say amen.
Happy Birthday in arrears eva glowin stella, wish u all d best, dnt mind d gossip spreadin abt o jare.chop d life of ur head!
So what's the moral lesson of this bullshit... That God blessed you with another woman's husband. Please take a seat... I can't imagine my friend or my colleague dating my ex-BF let alone ex-husband... Stella I swear I will make history..
Concerned citizen
Lovely dress, she's ageing, nt as pretty as she used to be, and Linda, shey no be U she dey follow talk sha??? Dis one she says blogs dey gossip. Hian.
madam stella if u do not really care about wot people say , then you should not display your pictures online. you are not the only one that has passed through so much . life is not about bread and butter. abeg go and sit down madam.let the way you live speak for itself. you are not a role model.
Madam don't mind them jare, if you like marry 50 more husbands, u wont be the first neither will u be the last... carry go, but the only thing wey dey vex me 4 your matter being say you too dey hypocritical. pls dey talk like ds more often, i go love u.
Pls this gown doesn't need a belt. Get a stylish joor
U ar a bitch stella, shameless woman...hissing....
hbd to u,,,,,, kudos to stella and dan
Na wa oo after u don collect person husby finish u still get mouth to talk dat, u don't kare God is watching u n he knows ur house address,d way he dumped doris simion dat is d way he will sill drop u lik a piece of trash ode
Nne u are right ,who God has bless no man can curse! Linda o kwa inugo ya ! Whether she marry 3 or 30 husbands Ino concern u!
Eeeh cat fish self na fish?
Secretly Wedded that means that the man must be somebody's hubby
But some yoruba men too like person wife as in expired Toto tins u know naaaa.......................
used to like u bt now u jst anoda desperate husband snatcher!! neva watchn any of ur movies!!!!!! linda betta post my comment
I so luv ur spirit,dnt mind dis bloody nigerians who dnt ve wat 2 say n do.....ur life is so pretty,congrats.
Kongrats Stella m hapi 4 u,pls leave Haters kus they re alwys gonna Hate.Wullnp nd Hml.
Ok oh!!! We've heard you.. Dat dress tho..d dress done dey turn PURE WATER! Made in Aba..lol. That belt is a NO NO..haba!
I have never commented on ds blog. But I will dis time around! If truly stella is married to daniel she is an hpocrite was she not d same person who condemned Lola Alao when she said if u find love with a married man settle for him am sure her relationship with dan is not yesterday.it surely must have been taken place bafore his divorce, it could even have been one of d grounds for his Divorce. For dem to have had several joint biz! I doubt if it will last shuooooo divorce is not new to both of sha
Infact stella,I'm suprised at you,thought you were different from others,but you marrying Daniel is unexpected of you.justify it all you want, it doesn't change the fact that its wrong.you've finally joined the band wagon of home breakers and irresponsible ladies.Ayo
As pretty as ever!
Enjoy every minute of your wonderful life joor!
God keep you!
All I read is guilt in her response, if Stella is not as stupid as we think then why is she telling us cock and bull fairytales? The Simplest advise for you is to remember your kids are watching you as role model please lead them aright.
Stella damascus!!!!!! Ure just a BIATCH!!!!!!
Please take a seat, talking gibberish
The reality in relationship / marriage is that is that Love is not static. Feelings of love come and go just like feelings of sadness or happiness. It is COMMITMENT that does not waver.
Stella and Daniel and grown adults. They are not ignorant of what they are doing.
The old clichĆ©, ‘I love you but I’m not in love with you’ simply describes Daniel's transition from one type of love to another.
Don't fight it, It's none of your business. You guys should learn to mind your businesses and leave grown adults to live their lives.
stella obiageli ojukwu please shut up. u have always had problems since u were young. why r u always fighting with everyone? u always have something to say, even when you're not involved. listen to people's advice and comment, whether positive or negative and use those comments to improve ur life. u can't stay without men, but u always get angry when ur secret is spilled. u were not even in good terms with ur in-laws and some of ur colleagues because of ur i-too-know attitude and your love for men. abeg shut up and train ur daughters so they don't end up like u, depending on a men to love u and prove ur worth and existence. mrs holier than thou. tufiakwa!
She even still get mouth 2 talk, see as she open mouth dey talk rubbish, if u don't want pple gossiping abt u don't do anytin dat will allow them gossip. Shameless thing.
Linda na u she dey refer to... So na so so so lie dey make u popular? Babes,this Stella woman eeh! U don't fall my hand . This is a wrong atitude I swear .
Gossip is all about been jobless. ₪☺ matter how good you are people must say ill things about you.have always known you as a young hardworking lady write from when you where in university of benin(ekewan campus)so keep smilling and ignore whatever they say about you.their gossip cannot and will not change the love I have for you.
The fact that she didn't deny it is enough to say its true. And i'm sure i'm seeing a ring on her finger.
She should have a seat.
No be small matter oh. But frankly let's be fair to these our celebrities. Don't peddle rumours cos u want to talk. If u did not see let ur mouth keep shut. They are humans like u and I. Na Chinwe dey talk.
With all what u have gone 2ru i tot u will be wise by now.am so disapointed in u because de s no wisdon in all u have said. I use to like u b4.....but with what have read now stella u fork up o u jst bring ur self down
Fine lady.....me likeeeeee
Hapi birthday dearie..enjoy ursef cos who God has blessed no man can cause as uve said earlier...first to comment**grab popcorn and waiting for a chilled drink.....
She is just talking rubbish. Why didn't she address the marriage issues? Now showing us pictures of a dry party with limo that everyone can rent in the US and dress that toolz has made popular with that obnoxious belt. She should take 3 steps jare
Shut the f**k up. Gbokogboko oshi. Na only you. Heard Jumobi Damijo heard to pursue her away from RMD then. If you do not care, then why did you respond. Bury your head in shame and have a seat.When she was married to her first hubby, she was badmouthing her in-laws all over the place and those ones never said a word. karma is a bitch hen. Now we know who the real villain is.
Linda pls take down d pic with d lady with grey jacket... Shes so wor wor in it
her piece of mind. ought be respected.
I love Stella so much, like her carriage and the fact that she is not seen in all the red carpets and all. My dear enjoy your life and make yourself happy. BUT just wondering why celebrities these days recycle husband!! #confused face#.
He's not wearing a ring
I didn't break Doris Simeon's marriage -Stella Damasus
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Written by: Entertianment Express Nigeria
Posted: 2012-04-30
Category: Headline
Contrary to rumours and speculations, Nollywood actress, Stella Damasus has washed her hands off reports romantically linking her with filmmaker, Daniel Ademinokan.
The actress also absolved herself from tales that she was the reason for the crash of the troubled marriage between the young filmmaker and his actress wife, Doris Simeon.
A reliable source revealed that since the news of the crash of the Ademinokans marriage became public, Daniel who fled his matrimonial home has now found succour in the arms of the single mother of two, Stella Damasus.
Several sources confirmed that Daniel has been a regular fixture at Stella Damasus’ office cum film school at Ikota Shopping Complex, Lekki.
“We don’t even know whether he is now Stella Damasus’ Personal Assistant or chaperon because both of them are so close. He even carries her bag around and sometimes drive her home” squealed our source.
Another curious twist was witnessed on Thursday when a widely-circulated press statement on a popular actor’s illness was jointly signed by Stella Damasus and Daniel Ademinokan.
Reacting to the news, Bayo Adetu media consultant to Stella Damasus denied the rumour.
“But people need to wake up, for crying out loud, that a man and woman are business partners doesn’t mean they’re dating!”
“I marvel at how most people jump into conclusion on issues like this,” he wondered.
In the meantime, an anonymous reader recently confirmed the sighting of a disheveled Doris Simeon at a Gwarimpa Pharmacy Store in Abuja.
“She cut the picture of a troubled person when she visited the pharmacy. She ordered for some pain killers and stress relievers. That confirmed to me that the stress of her marriage crisis has hit her badly”, divulged our source who does not want to be named.
Director/actor, Daniel Ademinokun’s marriage to cross-over actress, Doris Simeon, has produced a male child. The union which used to be the envy of all in Nollywood has suffered a setback since the beginning of the year, with the estranged couple keeping sealed lips on what could have gone wrong.
Upon how the gown tried to give her shape, stella still couldn't pull off a figure 8! Buy spandex Mma, you've got Michelin tubeless tires folds everywhere, and your tummy...whew!!!!!
Happy Birthday/Married life!! Dis dress looks better on her than it was on toolz. Love d belt
na wa oh , marriage number 3 , she should hook up with pastor Okotie
Thank u very much jare Stella, u too much. Niga 2 d̶̲̥̅̊Īµ̲̣̣̣̥Ī³̲̣̣̥ like ppl down fall, must another man's poision becomes another poision? Abeg babe, enjoy n live u life, only u can truly give urself that happiness u deserve. When u d̶̲̥̅̊Īµ̲̣̣̣̥Ī³̲̣̣̥ sey suffer emotionaly, nobody see u o! Live ur life gal. World ppl, pls face ur headache b4 una drink panadol 4 other ppls fever.
Wow! Nice cake, and i like her dressing
2 words HUSBAND SNATCHER!!!! shame on u!!!
Abeg take back seat joor! Like say persn care. U no dey shame! Next gist jare, na her life. Sh tink say na enjoymnt sh dey
Mrs woman, u marry second-hand husband abi u no marry? We dont need d long epistle...some of us ur true fans want/need to knw..and its out of curiosity and love, afterall dt doesnt change d price of return tickets frm lagos to london...like u said, no one really wants to live ur life for u...feel free to enjoy what u think u deserve in life...only u understands what u bn thru n where u wanna go....bt jokes apart, I actually got really disturbed wen I read d 'rumour'...gt me thinkn a lot...what r our celebrities turning d country into?...slowly but steadily, dey r redefining our norms/rights/values..which in actual truth is nt good/ healthy for dis generation n d one to come...we r fast loosing it....hmmn
U use to be very pretty stella...not so pretty anymore.that's what happens to u when u hurt or steal someone else's joy. Guilt and unrest eats ur heart up. Go to ur bible,eat d word n get out of sin. Walk in d right way,God will bless u.convenant blessing is d surest,dis one won't last.
See how ugly u now look, see how selfish u sound. There r pple dt hve worst issues in life than wateva u must hve gone through they didn't break pple's home bitch. See d life of omotola,she knw how to stay wth one husband dt wat mak her successful, or copy genny, single n not distroyingg home
Nice pix bt d dress looks better on Tools, d shape of d dress no comot at all. Nice though
Linda, no let me&u fight o, post my comment na.
If u don't care why r u speaking plenty english,stupid biaaaatch,u shld b brand ambassador for postinor I'm sure ur whole life depends on it,I don't blame d aboderins now,its pweety obv who u really are.....I hope doris finds a better man,to think dat I was really rooting for her n dis shameless daniel is so sad.stella u r a beautiful woman with a very black soul
Gossip sells dear *wink*
Linda seems she's taking a swipe at you oo. I rest my case.
Forgive me, but pls I dnt dig this daniel/stellas marriage!!happy bday though.
NOTORIOUS snatcher look @ d way she's writting as if she's passing a msg to her kids scum of the earth mtcheew
Fi won sile jeki won ma so looo..really u can't not please everybody in this world. Stella, u have been thru a lot n I can say dt u're a strong woman. What happened to u in d past would have thrown some other ladies into permanent obscurity but u bounced back. I'm happy for u jooor. EWE
OMG dis is d height of shamelessness!LOL,na wa!linda berra post dis
someone should tell this old lady to stop fooling herself.u take ur colleagues husband,her son and run to abuja.hv a secret weddin.and ur sayin whom God has blessed.ur supposed joy is temporary mrs stella.enjoy it while it lasts.no b only 35th yr birthday.mtcheewww.linda pls post my comment o
That is her business
I forgot to add,wat does dat belt have to do With dis dress now,its bad enuff dat its a cheap dress,u look as disgusting as ur real self,home wrecker oshi,I hope u read and see dis.mgbeke feeling funky mtchewwwww!
Alriight people worry about urselves first before you worry abt sm1 else who dsnt gve a fuck if ure dead or alive esp u linda! Iits coz of ur toooo much tlk tlk u neva marry.old woman feeling funky get a life nd stop harassing pple biko.which man wan marry gossiip sef so all his biizness will be publicized by u.all of you judging stella, have u eaten today??
I won't jugde you cus u deserv to be happy enjoy darl.. Na ur GOD give u and its ur time
3rd Marriage!!!Abeg where do they go to get these type of men?Single ladies are everywhere but the ones getting married are the ones already married!Help a lady abegggggggg,!!
Lindiwe u see say ds ur olofofo work no good. No wahala we dey look sha
Must she marry again ni.haba.pls I don't want to bliv na dis guy she marry.Oh poor Doris.
Dnt undastnd ds woman ppl wld stp givn gist once u r dead bitch...b happi ppl tlk abut u#raiseeyebrow#..tk a chill pill nd b grateful u r worth tlkn abuh...dnt knw ha fing prob..go sit don 4 bk of brt jo-badoo-
Movie Producer Daniel Ademinokan Responds To Engagement News Trailing Him And Actress Stella Damasus.
Story by Dimokokorkusstella
Last Updated: Monday, June 18, 2012
Good looking movie producer Daniel Ademinokan(who moved from being an ordinary movie producer in lagos to one of the richest single men in abuja with properties running into hundreds of million of naira) is having it hot at the moment with the gossip medium agog with the story that he is about to wed actress stella damasus
The movie producer who is officially divorced from Actress Doris Simeon since Febuary 2012 was upset when we called him in New york(Where he was premiering his movie) to ask a few questions.
Daniel also categorically denied that Actress Stella Damasus was the reason his marriage failed.he said''between Doris and I we know what went wrong,thats all i can say''
So we asked him some questions.
Let me go straight to the point. There are repoerts that you are engaged to be married to actress Stella Damasus. What's the story?
....I don't know why people will not leave me alone. What's up with this sudden new found interest in Daniel Ademinokan's life. 1st it was Tontoh Dike, then I heard I was dating Mercy Aigbe,.now I'm not just dating Stella but engaged to be married to her? Na wa o
Stella and I work together and have the same production company. We Work together and If they cannot respect the fact that we are just working then its a shame.
So there's no truth in the rumour?you both are not lovers?
...There's nothing like that at all. The thought has never crossed my head.I work so freaking hard burning sweat to keep my head and family in one piece. Only for people to just sit and be making up stories.
This is for the records stella and I are not lovers, we are not engaged and we only have a business working relationship please.
So people he has cleared the air.let this interview be the evidence against them if tomorow they indeed get married,abi? Lets free him for now to go about his business.
We don't really care what u say mama. Gossip is what goes wit d kind of job u do. If u are not down wit it we got 2 words for you ...FUCK YOU.
Na wa ooooo
HBD stella
Wat happened pls?her hubby died?do u no how many widow are out der?didn't u rid of d sokoto's son young widow?pls is it new?she shud praise God 4letting her scale tru all dat bt am sre he won't av put her happiness in anoda woman's hubby!
She has been thru notin any other person hasn't been thru.....Stella notin u say can justify u....u re a Bitch wit a capital B....Wunmi ur late husbands sister was Damn right abt u...Thief!!!
Trying hard to hide the wedding band. She forgot to hide her hand in some pictures. You guys denied you were dating but its true. Wicked woman. Home breaker!
lIB bloggers,especially d haters...get a lyf n stop poking in2 odr pples affair....sme r already taking it personal...smh. Wen u find urslf in her shoes,pple will taunt n abuse u also....take my wrd 4 it!
My stella what happened to ur baby face,uve really changed,HBD dear
Insecurity is wot happens to you when you steal other ppl's hubby/joy.Keep ur bitterness to urself,nobody is interested in your story,we've all had our moments of hard times so keep your mouth shut & enjoy your marriage while it lasts!
She just spewed cough drops that has no tingle. She sounds kinda mean, unintelligent and confused somewhat.
Sincerely from the depth of my heart,i dont think any man anywhere'll satisfy stella d way"jaiyejeje"did...im not a killjoy o,but i doubt if any oda marriage'll work 4 her..Btw,Happy bday girl,A wonderful smile u v got!
Bounced back! U must be a jezebel for saying such thing! If u want to bounce back from whatever u av gone through must it now be by snatching som1s husband? R u d only 1 that something happened to in d past? What have u gone through that pple b4 u or after u won't go through, n what gives u d probability that some other people r not going through worst situation? Whatever u can't accept u don't dish it!
I quote "he who God has blessed, no Man can curse" Its otherwise "he who God has cursed (Stella) let no Man bless. Stella you are cursed...... But the fact that you affect other peoples lives with ur curse. *smh*
Na wah oh,Anyway,Linda u never hear say peter Odili's daughter Njideka dey wed? Tank me later..date is 1st June. The groom is Hon justice Chioma Iheme Nwosu's son.post my comment oh.
Ur soooo shameless. How do ʱ sleep @ nyt. With all ur professions of been a christian. ʱ can comfortably take another woman's hubby and tell the world that God has blessed ʱ. ʱ have finally lost it. Ur so shallow,empty and left with ₪☺ dignity or esteem. Pls go bury ur head I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ shame ugly fat cow
Abeg go n sit down..EWu..I used 2 like her sef bt not anymore..marraige na by force,if e no dey favor u y not become a single mother..I hope Daniel is ur dream man n u go stay with dis one forever..shame on u stella
What u hv just said stella holds no water....guess ur teaching ur girl how 2 be hustlers....dey re growing watching,watch it...smh.
U think? Oh dear!!! Thot it was super obvious!! Yes gossip sells but like I always say to Linda to sell gossip u must be either holier than thou or perfect if not!! Hmmmm when ur own yansh opens same ppl that patronize ur blog will finish you!! Karma is a blogger too.
Tru Talk
Don't mind d cow. Her comment really irritated me. She came to my church once, knelt on d alter and was wavering hands up n down like a traffic warden, now u marry another's husband n gat d nerves to justify it. Okpo brigade!!
ds babe is without shame. U snatched someone's hubby and u are happy? Gosh
Pls why is she destroying this nice dress with that ugly belt.
And can we blame the stupid guy for being greedy and leaving his wife and not just Stella. Cuz it takes the 2 of them to break up the previous marriage to Doris Simeon.
Strong woman indeed,I'm sure she's above 35 jor or just looking older dan her supposed age.. 'on to d next one'(waiting)
Aunty stella...did u or did u not scatter sumone's home and snatch d husband? Mtcheeew,d cane wey dem take beat d ist wife dey ontop cupboard fr d 2nd wife!
Whatever Stella, you smell like SHAME already....... Get your life together.
It's not wall mart is it? It's Walmart!! #straightface# stop hating for no reason abeg!
Why ugly ppl full d birthday. D party looks like a cheap corner broklny parry. Forget d limo tin, with less than 100usd u can rent one for d whole nite. Nothing special to envy dear, ppl re just asking why dat dude is beside u? Re u guys married? Did u contribute to his broken marriage? Are u hiding in d us becos of fear that u snatch a frnd husband? Don't mention God pls, cos he forbids a deviocee who remarrys when ur 2nd husband is still alive. 3rd marriage? Sorry dear its not God's blessing especially under d seconstance in which this union came to be. I don't wish u anything but examine ur self dear.
Naijadeltapikin... @annon 9:27 happy 4 wht person steal anoda person husband Ī±̲̅ĻĻ destroy person home, U̶̲̥̅̊ say U̶̲̥̅̊ r happy birds of dsame feather flock together.
On the phone talking to Stella...
She shuld hide her face in shame jor, nonsense.
Tru Talk says Aside the belt, hair, dress borrowed from Toolz I am more concerned about Stella being 35 years old cos am 30 and I used to watch her back then in Naija 15-20 years ago is she saying she got married to Late Aboderin as a teen? Oh dear oh well am gonna start saying am 25 too cos these days every oda Naija gal is 5-10 years younger!!!
See her wedding ring is obvious. Kai stella u fall my hand. All ur preaching and modest way u talk na wash wash
Linda better post ma comment! Btw Stella is talking to u here .
She is so annoying now very stupid woman feels so omportant smh 4 u.
Nawa 4 stella oo,why u dey dis linda becos say she talk true....moreover she neva condem u 4 getin a 3rd husband. World people
On the phone talking to Stella...
Leave her. U know d good thing about God?! There's KARMA. What goes around comes around.
Haba@ post my comment, who is sick? Did Linda said she's sick? Abi na Stella?
Nigerians!!! You guys don't seem to stop do you...whether or not she stole somebody's husband of what business of urs is it...cut the lady some slack...aiit?
Linda av being try to comment all dai buh to no avail..abeg post dis one o...as fO̶̷̩̥̊͡ŠÆ u stella...u used to a woman i respected Ć£Ī®Ļ admire a lot..u've been tru wah most women pray not to happen to dem..i don't knw it like Ć£Ī®Ļ i can only imagine...yet it doesn't justify u being a home wrecker..u causing pain fO̶̷̩̥̊͡ŠÆ a fellow woman like u...u fall my hand die..so wah role model are u playing??..here u are saying u don't give a fuck wah pple say*smh*4 u o..a man dat can leave his ome fO̶̷̩̥̊͡ŠÆ u will definitely leave u too..GET REAL..@ U̶̲̥̅̊Ń age ure on U̶̲̥̅̊Ń 3rd marriage hmmm...U̶̲̥̅̊Ń still d̶̲̥̅̊Īµ̲̣̣̣̥Ī³̲̣̣̥ go 5th Ć£Ī®Ļ counting..I'm no hater buh wah u did isnt right @ll..all †̥Ńe̶̲̥̅ best..*omolola
Nd she doesn't deserve 2see sum1 abi?Abi na u wan marry her?
God bless u...I guess dere is a curse placed on dis Nollywood actresses
Lets not be too quick to judge this woman.It's possible Doris n ex hubby broke up before Stella came into the pic.We may not really have the details.But if it was Stella's involvement that destroyed their marriage then she's at fault.
But i feel for her cos she became a widow at a young age and was rejected by her husband's family.I'm sure it has not been easy for her.May God help her!
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