The suspects, Olasende Akinsiku, 40, Abiodun Akiniyi, 35, and Tajudeen Lasisi, 40, (pictured above) were arrested following a complaint by a retired Major General to Abba Kyari, the officer in charge of SARS, that he was swindled by the arrested suspects.
Akinsiku, who hails from Ondo state, said their victims that they stole the dollars from their place of work and wanted to convert it into naira at a cheap rate so that the victims will not suspect that the dollar notes were fake.
The graphic artist explained further that he was introduced into the crime by his friend, Abiodun alias Tokunbo Babatunde, the owner of the machine they use to print the fake dollars.
On how they were arrested, Akinsiku said it was when he went to meet the General at Women Development Centre, Agege, to collect another N40,000 with Abiodun that they were arrested by officers from SARS.
The Ewe, Oyo state-born Akiniyi in his confession said Ajibola Ajimson whom he referred to as his mentor introduced him to the General in 2010 and he met the General in Abuja at that time where the general concluded arrangement to come back to Lagos to transport the consignment with bullion van to Abuja.
In order to make the dollars which were neatly packed in a small steel box look real, the group forged a CBN certificate which has the inscription ‘Vol: $2.5 million’, ‘domination’ — mixed, Grade A. One, and ‘consignee’ the name of the retired general.
Abiodun also forged a CBN identity card bearing the name Tunde Bakare (Mr.) with No.011
While confirming the story, the Lagos state Police image maker, Ngozi Braide, a Deputy Superintendend of Police, said the suspect, will be arraigned as soon as investigation is concluded and warns youths to shun criminal acts.
The Lagos state police boss, Mr. Umar Manko, also promised criminals in the state hell if they did not stop their criminal acts. (PM News)
Lindiway this one they're hiding their faces,seems u know them,are they LIB readers?looolz
young entrepreneurs.
~BONARIO~says so viaNOKIA3310
This is two bad i mean why cnt people learn hw work for somtin rada dan to stiling too ooo bad
Omen, the street is not easy. Lmao
hahaha dis bitch ass nigga wanna mke it big in no tym nigga. Buh erm d cops wont let em #inriley'svoice) Dia godhands jst cut em
Nigerians!! Yes, we Nigerians!!! Too bad!
Linda you dey find trouble ooooooo.ROTFLMAO
That General should be arrested too. It takes criminals to fall for these kinds of game, only criminal would want to acquire stolen dollars at cheap price of N40,000 for $2,500,000....? That General should face firing squad
Yoruba guys no dey carry last nowadays....they hv gone hay-wire..
Niggas gotta eat!
Oll dis yoruba dudes won't stop disgracin us in dis country...mak una luk 4 work na...ibo dudes r industrious n lata u lazy yoruba's say dey lik money 2much...I so hate dis ple,lazy n dirty#bring d insults on wetin cncern me#
greedy retired Major General, wonder what liaison he had with these entities
All I have to say is HOME and AWAY, they always represent. *runs away*
I c dat dis fraud thn runs in yoruba blood. .yorubaa O wa raree!!! »«Tonguesout»«
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 2bad
Is this English.
What do u expect from 3 hungry brainless yoruba guys..haha! Learners!...beta go learn carpentry..Con artistes are meant for brainiacs ......otapiapia siGns Out
Knew 2 or more idiots would spew bullshit.
Igbos are the most tribalistic goons on earth.
Ejo yin ko.
When una dae wake una fathers with kick.
Eyin omo ale jati jati.
#fuck# this dude are fucking perfect nice job guys....nice job SARS lol
Yoruba guys again LOL Jew men I bet na igbo boy sell am to them collect real money come cut LOL
All this na to survive puverty .the rich r get richer , wetin dem want make poor people do
#fuck# dis dude are fucking perfect well nice job guys good job SARS
Boyz are №† smiling!
Yoruba yoruba yoruba una well done eh
All these 419ners.....dey shud let dem taste jail.....let der asses b busted.
Its not about the tribe oooh LIBer .... U people should stop this .. Pls B4 u insult me am not from there oooh nither my hubby pls .
Linda, hope this your recent posts about financial crimes and scammers of yoruba origin is not a subtle serial campaign of calumny against the tribe. Knowing the penchance of most of your libers to always resort to myopic tribal abuses you never vet before publication, would have advised that you give stories like this a break. To most of u juvenile scallywags hurling abuses at the yorubas for a crime committed by these few misguided scumbags, shame on you and your generations, your uncouth display of Ignorance speaks volume of your pedigree
Don tee
You will never see a yoruba person shouting igbo this,igbo that bla bla bla...it's always the other tribes that's always complaining or trying to start sh!t...it's like igbo's r inferior to yorubas!!! Iono sha... :s
Xactly my thoughts too!
Whao! Dis guys get mind o,they would have made it big time, but no luck eyah! Jail tinz coming ur way
last time i checked, i heard Igbos like money too much, ..but pls what of YORUBAS???
I dunno y LIBers relish tribal wars on this blog.I consider it highly distasteful and most times,I don't even bother getting to read all of the comments so that I do not begin 2 get jaded.
You know the saying about rolling with pigs...Let's end the trend of tribalistic comments,puhlizz!!
Haha!! My thoughts exactly.
Abeg the general is also guilty. Let him face the music too. Even though he will be released thru d back door.
i heard somebody saying Niggas gotta eat! for god's sake there are lots of legitimate ways to make money... crime does not pay
hmmm sure these guys have just sold there freedom to the police for the dollar Bill...some men are not smiling
Shut up! Wot ve u worked 4?
The General should be arrested and prosecuted too, so if the dollars were oroginal he wouldn't have had dem arrested? He wouldn't av felt cheated? Pls they are all same. And to all ethnic bigots! Dis is not a yoruba thing alone, its a Nigerian things.
Yoruba guys on it again........anyway,dey need 2 purchase Owambe tyns.
Plss! Its not a matter of Yoruba dudes. Its a matter of those that are ill-mannered or just dont fear God. Pls grow up. !
My thoughts exactly. The General can't be innocent. O well....
Dem plenty for Ikeja airport hotel.
This hoodlooms should face the concequences of their actions ,to serve as a detriment 2 others.omidan linda dis is not d first,second or even thierd tym dat i wil comment but u find joy in not postin it.pls post dis one.
Trouble dey sleep yanga go wake am!*crosseslegnfoldsarms*am 2nice 2reply u bt I trust my brodas n sistas will!:p
Dey re nigerians 1st!so deal with it!
Why are people so tribalistic? Corruption and social disobedience are cancer warms that have eaten deep to the flesh and marrow of everyone in nigeria.... No one is a saint. No one.
May God punish u and may u be killed by a yoruba person! Idiot see d hate in ur post! Wetin yoruba do una! You igbos will die of hate! That's why the hausas will keep killing you people like rat! Because they no how wicked u people are. Even if they bomb lagos na the igbo community like ladipo they go come! Useless bastards! They would have wiped u people out during the war just like they did the jews. Una never see anything, u have mouth against yorubas, call us cowards because we accomodate all your excesses in yoruba land. What if yorubas start what the northerners are doing to your people! Won't you people collapse? U igbos should better becareful wiv all your rantings! Yorubas friendship ends at ore. And ur people will loose a lot again if anything should happen! Cus u people no dey hear word. No investments in the east. You just build houses there. So u better respect your host community before something start to dey happen! I will keep directing yoruba journalist and educated opc members to this blog like I have been doing. So they would see what linda and her people are doing. I have been successful cus this shit is getting outta hand! Lindas blog especially cus she is very biased.
God help dem in jail useless old men
Useless old fools nde ara oga eme ha vum naya
This set of people duped a late friend of mine in Abuja,i recalled him saying one of them was a general! now nemesis has caught up with them,karma for shizuuu....
Guy u no sabi English oh!!! Lmfao!!
Nigerians, we will neva change. Why should criminals be caught and their faces are hidden from the public? i really don't understand it. Are they trying to protect them?
Hav seen that there a lot of igbo fools on ds blog,its yorubas dt r fraudsters abi? But ur igbo brothers r d kidnappers,ritualists etc,dey hav all d Bad vices we can tink of bcos of dier love4mony,but u idiot ll come on LIB&b sayin rubbish abt yoruba,dts y I can NEVER marry all u igbo tribalistic *piece of shits* mschewwwww,u pple shld beta get a bloody lyf. awon oponu alai ni ironu jati jati. P.S linda post my comment ooo
seiously...its an embarassment 4 d yoruba clan....and over d years its being ondo & ekiti pple d@ has dis kinda 419 brain...
Come ooooO, re u a leaner? Wiout been told or frug one shld knw dat does re fake dollars. Guy check nah ,$2.5 for #40.000. I wu tata
The General is going scot free...
Nigeria is synonymous with crime now. What a shame! Chinwe.
"Two"???...no na "three" bad...lmao!...and stiling...when's ur bday so I culd surprise u with a brighter grammar textbook?...tank me l8r
I tink d General too shud b charged 2 court.he wanted 2 carry dollars with a bullon Van from lagos 2 Abuja..Where did he get dat kind of money 4rm
thank God they were caught..
Linda, kindly use your discretion on tribal issues! All tribes come to your blog and people read the comments. Its just like going on daily mail or some other famous blog and reading outright racist remarks(you wont find them there).Be easy:)
Why won't they indulge their selves in fraudulent activities when its only the ogas @ the top that is enjoying nigeria money. They'r thousands of graduates out there without no job opportunties. Nigeria government should do something for their indigines. #fact#
After una go say 'ibo ppl too like money'.....thank God, u see how the table turns.
Stupid pple shoutin yoruba! Na una igbo pple do am pass! Mtcheww bunch of idiots
Stupid pple shoutin yoruba! Na una igbo pple do am pass! Mtcheww bunch of idiots
To be a man you have to hustle hard.....wats d diffrnc btw dem n those old fuckn politians who steal billions of naira....everybody dey Para...if I have d chance I'll do more....2 all d guys hustling on the streets u guys shud be more careful.....since our leaders are into big time fraud den Fraud is allowed jst be smart and dnt get cut...if u lyk linda post if u lyk dnt post dnt give a Fuck....
Yourbas na wa 4 una ooooooo....una get everytin ooooooo including juju....
Well, you just reminded them to spew the bullshit. I really don't get why people are quick to point out which tribe is faulting. There's no tribe that isn't involved in crimes, including the minorities. The fight for superiority is already stale. Stop boring us already. And I'm a Nigerian, I'm not particular about any tribe.. Iranu oshi
Mechionu gi osiso.. Una no dey tire?? And Yes.. I'm ibo and I'm tired of this tribal bullshit! Jee zuonu ike
Mr don "patrick obiagbhon" tee! U r a retard !
Hahahahaha,no,its called "glish".
Actualy dearie u yorubas r d ones dat dn't hv dat respect.4get d fact dat they say u guys bow 4 ur elders,u r dweling on d past glory..so shut up n stop sayin trash
And as 4 u linda..continue dey neglect ma post o..hmmm buh wen i vex u no go lyk am o.na jux warning i dey gv u o
* priceless*
Later people'll say igbo men love money a lot and could do anything to acquire wealth
Igbos are the most hardworking and confident tribe in Nigeria. Its no jokes. There is no place that you wont find an igbo man. Other tribes feel intimidated by d igbos and nomata how hard they try they cant subdue the igbos. Igbos are super smart and sleek in all dept of life. The hausas r scared of them and d yorubas feel inferior. So @annoymous 1:57and Tolu. Deal with the fact that some yorubas ere caught in an illegal act, bad people are everywhere.
good for them...
Loool.... @brighter grammar textbook. Don't mind them, instead of going to school they'll rather stuy on how to become yahoo plus graduates. Idiot oshi.
Its a sunday,so I would not resort to insults to get my points across 2 U.If truth must be told,the Yorubas are the most tribalistic in Nigeria,meet them in the offices and positions of power,or be a colleague 2 them and get first-hand experience.
Oops,you are yoruba,so U wldnt understand.Just stuff ur face with shit and shut up,negress!!
U mean canker worms??? Thankmelaterpp
Nkakwu wey dey hide make vulture no carry am, vulture don gree say em go marry am? Who wan marry u in the first place?
And which igbo wan marry you..??? Onwe ebe oruru ogalanya na ogbenye?? If u re a guy, u csnt afford to marry an igbo girl and if u be girl, worst for u so stop dreaming of marriage wit an igbo
God bless you for this!! And yes Linda is very biased..*i honestly don't give a toss if you don't post my comment*
Shut ur dirty mouth you stinking thief,I can see that's the name and pic you have been using to dupe people online,gosh your family must be very proud of you,but mark my word,sooner than later we will be talking about you here on LIB as the low life scammer that thought he was wise,stupid goat like you,I need to send an email to my friends in the US police force with this ur I'd and pic telling them to warn people to be wary of you.bloody thief may your family be robbed of everything they hold dear to them.child of a whore
GOD purnish you this cheap thief make e nor better for all ur generation,for giving this Country a bad name,stupid yahoo boy like you,nor go find work you dis lazy bastard,and you even have the guts to use ur thief name and picture ontop this blog,useless asshole
Lol..see this one o.Who wan marry you?abeg park inside deep gutter.
A fraudster is a fraudster..you bloody nitwits should get that into your head. I'm honestly sick and tired of this tribalistic shit(excuse my french). And to think madam Linda is letting this comments go through is mind bugging. What exactly does that say of you Linda?? I have so much respect for you and your achievement. For the love of God,please this issh has got to STOP!!
Point of correction! Nobody and I repeat nobody is scared of igbos or jealous of you people! If u are making money or doing well it is nobodys business until u start to rub it and disturb others because of your success. What u just typed is the exact reasons why Nigerians especialyy hausas hate and kill u people! You brag to much. When linda manages to post yorubas doing well in other fields, u never see or hear yorubas who come to this blog bragging about how their tribe is the best tribe on earth! Or how God has blessed them or anything! But when linda post anything about igbos, u will be quick to see ur kinsmen bragging and saying other tribes are jealous of them! Yorubas and other ethnic groups do not loud their achievements the way u people do! And when they try to shut u up, u term it jealousy. I urge u to go to"proudly yoruba page on fb and Ndigbo page on fb and just see the difference, can u remember what your forefathers did to the hausas that lead to the killing of igbos to this day! During the first coup plot, how your brothers were taunting and abusing the hausas after killing their leaders. Its d same thing u igbos are doing to yorubas, calling us cowards all because we don't fight back. Can u call an hausa man a coward? Don't push it o! Cus if the yorubas shake the whole country will feel it. The yorubas are not cowards as u people think. They are just accomodating and they love life. Because when wahala start now u people will be crying victim! Meanwhile u people cause trouble and cry victim!
@Ijeoma: u funny ơοθΌΌ ! GLISH ?? Hahahahaha ! lol. Laugh wan tear ma mouth for here ơοθΌΌ !
See this yahoo yahoo boy sef dey talk,Mr galloway david barnes,na the name wey your papa give you be that abi?go hide ur face abeg abi you nor know say na thief you be?
c as them they hide there face
The time it took all the fools to insult each others tribes,smart thieves from all different tribes have come together and looted more OIL MONEY.
Meanwhile silly poor fools are insulting each others tribes just as the big thieves want you to.
OMG and linda allow this kind of tribalistic shit on her blog,OMG what a pity,people using words like hate,and am sure these people have yoruba as friends how I wish they know the kind of hate you have,that's why Nigeria can never move foward and have have notice itz with the Ibos always feel they are superior to evry other tribe in Nigeria,when there is a Ibo post u boast and say all kinda of shit,but when itz about other tribes u start been Tribalistic.guess this few ibo tribalistic piece of shit where bath with hate water and drank part of it.cos I have Igbos as friends and love them.if u are Tired of the yoruba people why not go back to your diffrent villages?
Ka adafun iponri iponri é...... Omo ale jatijati. Try n drink hypo to wash dt ur bad belle.
who snitchd..who called d popo...lols
When an Igbo man commits a crime, yoruba people will be the first to call them names, when a yoruba person commits a crime, they want Igbo people to praise them. Oya you guys continue to spew all the abuses you know about Igbo people, the fact still remains that no tribe is perfect, so when the stone you threw at others come back at you dont cry like some of you are doing here.
You people should wake up and stop fooling around
So middlebelt(Edo,Bayelsa etc) people on this blog can't talk about yoruba's...must any negative comments directed 2 Yoruba's be from an ibo...shallow minded peeps!
@ stupid Anonimous April 7, 2013 7:25 AM, don't stop inviting your yoruba journalists to see what is happening in the blog, you can aswell seek the support of your Dieties to face the Igbos. You will always be the one to be messed up.
See as the hoodlums de hide their face, e remain to melt enter inside wall....lol
Weakling Invite all the yoruba journalist and the educated OPC members.....lol
Na your tribe still de carry flag for crime, or is it that they are not smart enough?
Linda post my previous comment o ,I can't type all that stuff to hv u neglect it ..this ur new habit no good o !waiting 2see it cos all these yoruba retards needs to read it ..
Shut up!if u want to be neutral be neutral and speak in d voice of one Nigeria cos from ur comment u r not different from d tribalistic retards speaking against eachother and for the fact u r taking d side of d yorubas itz obvious that d yorubas r more tribalistic than d igbos...I'm sure u cling to ur igbo frnds 4d benefits u get from them..Tribalistic Yoruba piece of shit!!!
Point of order, u dis Hausa slave! It's d Yorubas who ar in d habit of insulting oda tribes. Why is ur tribe so tribalistic, arrogant & full of bitterness against oda tribes? Why do Yorubas find it hard to appreciate & support oda ppl?
It's bigots like u dat dat shamelessly trivialise & tribalise evry issue under discussion to suit ur selfish & evil intents.
If u think d Ibos ar of no benefit in dat ur remote village go tk ur fight to d streets & see hw it goes.
And immediately recall d Yorubas who are around River Niger.
Cowards ranting carelessly online!
Exactly my thoughts!to tell u that yorubas hv a bad mindset concerning igbos..cos igbos r obviously better than them..most of the comments on this topic are from yorubas trying to be defensive to what people think of them and opportunity to pour insults on igbos instead of facing the topic @hand ..smelly people!if u like think I'm an igbo person DAT 1 concern u#i prefer igbos and hausas to u deceptive yoruba double faced people#
Anon 7.25 ibos r in ur land cos u pple can't develop it!lemme tell u if ibos leave,u guys r finished cos dey r enterprising,dey can turn a desert to a bubbling business arena unlike u pple dat r so lazy, rude n isultive!!d pple bombin n killin d ibos r doin so cos dey feel threatened by dier progress,dey r scared cos d ibos r more sucessful dan dey are n can overthrow dem in dier land.so if u like,continue rantin..d ibos r n will remain hard workin,resilient,creative n enterprisin,somtin u d yorubas can never ever be in ur entire sorry lives!!
Anon12.13 mechi onu gi dia biko!Thelma is ryt!!I dunno y I ddnt c dis comment b4 replyin dat oda yoruba person.yorubas don't brag bcos dey don't have!wat do dey have to brag abt??n u sayin,u pple will shake dis country is hilarious!every1 knws ure cowards so jst relax eh??abi na u wan shake d country??even d hausas ure supportin,don't u pple insult dem 2??abeg gaan siddan jor!mcheew!
Thank God say e don dey show say na everybody like money no be only igbos!
now we can see dat everybody likes money, not only the igbos
But na yoruba pple dem catch!Ewu!!
Bia tell her o!!she won't hear,its all about the money to her!!!
0725AM, u are not far frm being a disgruntled and confused toothless bull dog. If u like invite all ur ancestors and ur numerous powerless deities (Ogun, Osun, Obatala, Sango, Esu, Ifa, etc) to confront d Igbos u will fall like a pack of cards. Where were ur ancestors wen Afonja defeated d Yorubas and occupied ur territory till date? Where was OPC wen Boko massacred ur Youth Corpers? Cowards ranting carelessly and stupidly!
Hw can a lazy set of ppl b bragging abt accommodating d excesses of an industrious tribe? The reverse is the case! It is d same ppl that generate d much revenue that is being used to cater for ur welfare while u breed miscreants to harass and extort moni from d citizens with reckless abandon.
Do u know d great no. of companies whose operational areas are far from SW yet chose to site their head offices are in Lagos? Yorubas are just too bitter against d progress of other tribes. U are so filled and blinded with much hatred and lies that u hardly appreciate d good in other ppl. That's Y Ali called ur tribe bunch of ingrates!
If u are worth ur salt, leave Linda and her blog alone and stop dragging other tribes to com aid u to fight, simply go to d streets of Lagos and begin d fight to claim Lagos.
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