According to the Daily Mail, a 19 year old Nigerian girl married to a British man attempted to take her life just days before she was due to be deported to Nigeria. May Brown said she fled to the UK three years ago after
witnessing her father's murder and being subjected to sexual abuse.
She settled in Dorset where she met and married Michael Brown in December 2012. May applied to stay in the UK and her application was rejected because UK Border Agency officials believed her marriage Michael was fake.
When May was informed that she would be deported today April 25th, she took an overdose of prescription pills. Meaning she would rather die than return to Nigeria. Choi! Nigeria is not that bad na. See the rest of the report after the cut...

Her mother-in-law, Helen-Claire
Brown, found her collapsed on the bathroom floor on Monday morning with a
note to her husband saying she 'couldn't live without him'. The teenager was rushed to the Dorset County Hospital in Dorchester where she remains in a coma in intensive care.
May wrote: 'I am deeply sorry that I had to go this way, without even saying goodbye. The UK immigration has finally driven me insane. They've pushed me too far this time and I can't take the pain any more. I
don't want a life or a future you won't be part of. I love you so much,
more than life itself and can't endure the agony of not being with you. Please
forgive me for ending it this way. It's better to die with my dignity
than be subjected to torture and undignified death back in Nigeria.'
she took the overdose, May had said she feared her abusers would kill
her if she returned to the African country because she witnessed her
father's death.
She said: 'If they send me back to
Nigeria they are signing my death warrant, they will cut my life short
because I will be killed. I have found peace with Michael, he gave me a reason to live. I have got a family here and we don't claim any benefits. Michael works and I am studying to become a barrister, we have not harmed anybody.'
Brown, a former soldier who now works for a removals company, insisted
the couple's marriage was genuine and slammed the UK Border Agency for
its treatment of his wife.
said: 'May is the most beautiful, kindest, loving person I have ever
met. I can't live with myself if anything happens to her. She is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with and you can't pretend something like that. All we want is a life together. But I'm so angry that is being taken away from us.'
A Home Office spokesman said: 'We cannot comment in detail on this case while legal proceedings are ongoing.
'In cases where people are found to have no right to remain in the UK they should leave voluntarily or face removal.'
Source: Daily Mail
Awwwww!I'm short of words!@ least she shd gain citizenship frm d marriage now.Uk agency might be doing their job bt they went a bit far!Nigeria,see hw ur offsprings have rejected Thee!!
Yay first 2 comment! I never read d story sha will post muy real comment later!hehe
God forgive me, but being deported is not the end of the world. When you kill yourself wetin u go tell God wen u reach gate? At least den for still fight HO and prove their marriage isnt a sham. Where I think she made a mistake was to seek asylum, I mean according to the report, she came in as a student, but then is also seeking asylum on top wetin? She witnessed her dads murder n was molested back home (while that is a sorry case, doubt if it holds water with HO) especially when they r trying so hard to remove ppl from the country. If she stayed on her student visa and married her husband and then apply for spouse visa, that might have been ok, I mean i marry my husband on top student visa and HO no deport me, yes it took them 7 months to return my passport after seeking for spouse visa but hey! they never even believed for once my marriage was sham or anything of sort. The proof was just there for them.
Its a shame really.
O dikwa egwu! hmmmmm
this is how crazy this home office can be, the have separated a lot of families for the same reasons. Nevertheless, the Lady ought not to have taken her own life. since she is still studying she can still apply fro visa extension under student category
this comment just hit the nail on the head
This couple should apply for a spouse visa for May. I am not sure who advised her to apply for asylum, but as many people have noted, the story asylum story sounds flaky at best. if she fled 3 years ago after her father was killed, that would mean that she was 16 when she left. Who paid for her student visa application, her ticket and her education (you need to have been accepted at a UK education facility and paid all or part of the fees). Surely she has siblings. If her father's so-called murderers were after her, then they would also be after her siblings, so where are they? You can see why the asylum claim was rejected. There too many unanswered questions. However as she is married she is entitled to a spouse visa. As for those referring to the nasty piece of work Abu Qatada, all I can say he has a damn good lawyer. I don't know how that lawyers sleeps at night though knowing he or she is defending the most hated man in the UK.
- paula , LONDON,
I hope she knows what she is doing? If she has education Nigeria is a lot better than that UK. Europe is a graveyard for professionals so this is super baffling to me. yeye girl
fool u think every woman had the mind to do prostitution like u lots do...nigeria isnot bad na.ode
Na so Naija bad reach? That she prefers death to entering Nigeria? Smh! "May had said she feared her abusers would kill her if she returned to the African country because she witnessed her father's death" How sad!
I think she's genuely in love with him or is dis just a stunt? Well I wish her quick recovering,but incase they still deport u,Niaja is not dat bad naw nd plz spare us d story of witnessing ur father's murder and being subjected to sexual abuse.ofcourse dats a lie,come bck home biko
Wow! just wow!!!
If I hear say this girl dey 19 old woman. Football age mchwWww
Akata !!!! Nollywood for london !!! Lmfaoooo !!! Remix of Romeo and Juliet
Linda I hope I'm not too late. Libers,pls advice her in come write am for oyibo o.Nne ife o bula I ga eme ka I noro,nsogbu adighi ya o.Jisie ike o.Lin,pls tapia my comment.Thanks
19 indeed!
the guy fine sha...
Na real wa!
Yawa plus wahala. Nigerians don't quit, suicide is not the answer. Love is beautiful.
That's quite severe o. She fled after witnessing a traumatic situation Linda! And that seems to be her fear not d fact that she'll rather die than return to Nigeria. If na u nko? They should pls give her a chance if her intentions are truly borne out of love
Aunty May dont worry it has worked u will get ur papers after this lol 19 or 91?? Han Han Aunty May!!!
Pls they shld leave the couple to live their lives oh.......anyway Nigerians have been tagged as fraudsters so am not suprised that they think the marriage is fake!
Choi I feel her pain y she doesn't want to return to naija. Dose pipo could trace her if dey realised she is fully back to nigeria. Buh da was nt enough to jst want to take her life jst like dat. All dis foreign based naija pipo seff sha. Guess she jst wanted the uk embassy to hear of suicide and keep her back in uk lol. Na naija chick nw, she sharp die lolz
May, abegi forget long story & come back to naija jare! Ur scam no work.
If u witnessed a murder in Lagos, hy u no move go Abuja? Or from Aba to Calabar? No, na jand u carry ur head go. Abegi! Your story doesn't make sense. Come home and meet the NAPTIP people to take care of u jor!
Hmmmm e be like say this babe don get full blown British passport now oh, this wan wey she don enter daily mail she don win na .
Na wa ooooo. .but it's not enuf to take ur life. .yeye uk border agency wen are u telling the truth they never believe u what is going to happen to her now??..nd btw if she's 19..I must be 2.gbaski mama.
God, pls dont let her die, tnk u for saving her soul @ her first attempt...pls d uk should reason with her predicaments na, after all, we treat their citizens with much luv n likeness here.... Mr yaxx.
I feel sorry for her but whatever happens, that woman is NOT 19. 34 is more like it.
19 years indeed
Nigerian woman you are a liar according to U.k immigration.You are not raped and no one killed your father or parents.You are normal like any other Nigerian looking for a green or greener pastor.If your husband really loves you,let him come and marry you from Nigeria. or lived with you in Nigeria if he really meant to love you as he claims.You too know that he would look for another available woman in case u are deported.That was why u like to commit suicide.Anyway sorry for the economic situation in Nigeria which made the non priviledged to turn to unwanted rats in foreign land.
Na wa o, it's not by force na, bring Ur hubby to Naija and live somewhere else. You don't have to live in Ur village now. She no wan commit suicide cos if she actually wanted to die, she for o drown or hang herself. Msheew
Naija is not that bad after all o! But looking at the matter i feel they should cut the girl some slack abeg.
So sorry 4 her,thank God she survive d sucide.l hop d uk authority should pamper mercy wit justice.
Na wa sad story, but Uk is not somwer u'l kill urself 4 na, looks older than 19 hmmz
Wao, watsoever happenned to her back in Nigeria before she fled to UK must really have traumatized her. What a pity.
In asmuch as I empathize with her,I wish to berate her for portraying our country in such badlight,just because of her selfish reason of wanting to stayback at UK.
so all the women down here av all died. dear u can comeback and help in championing the course of abused women.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA43310
Nigerian, always in the news for negative the negative reason, she should be deported joor, she is a scammer, what does she mean by saying she will be killd when she comes back home? All those talk are all pack of lies, does she means to say she has no good relative? A country as big as Nigeria, u can not find a safe place to stay? You lie joor. She should be allowed to kill herself.because you want to stay in the UK, fool.
Awwww what a pity...the uk border agency shud av leave d poor girl and let her enjoy her marriage...what a shame..Rip though..first to comment yaiiiiiyy...cross my leg and eating popcorn
wonders shall never end
Hope u recover quickly @May
Nawa ooo,is Naija dt bad #eyesrolling#
lin u re nt curent i dnt knw y u re bein pashal here u ve neva posted my coment God wil judge u
She cant be Nigerian. I believe na Ghana girl
Ehya..poor her, let the husband kuku relocate with her na if thas d case...Ms Posh
Hmmm.... I pray she survives tho
all na lie dem go soon give her papers. i can't blame her for not wanting to go back to nigeria. Abeg who would have a choice and would want to go to a country where everyone is a potential meat waiting to exploded.Linda sha post ma comment.
So touchy...#sniffs#
Common gurl, taking ur life is not the best way....when there's life there's hope....if u ask me, u are wrong and pls pray for forgivness from God....wish her quick recovery.
Mtschewww. These oyinbo people sef.. Is it not possible for them to love each other genuinely? They shld leave the poor woman alone jare..
Poor girl.
I hope she is given a consideration.
Or contact the Nigerian Police for genuineness if her claim
Please let her stay please, unless you re willing to show this message to all our illiterate idiotic fat belle politicians..who are the biggest disgrace of any in africa.
I mean ordinary togo, ghana, ivory coast enjoy light.
abeg linda, nigeria is that bad. if you live in europe for one month u will see that we nigerians are suffering unneccessarily
Hiaaan!! I would say "sharp Naija babe"...we no dey carry last...but on a second thought...Make them free am na, our economy is bad enuf...make her people no go kill am biko...Vmoore
Stupid. Very stupid.just sayin...
Dnt get it twisted,naija is a good country wit great people,obey d law n come back home!
Even her oyibo husband no fit help her na wa o!
No offense but this Aunty is not 19yrs old joor.That being said,suicide???Wrong move ma,very wrong move,you just told the immi's that u aint mentally stable enough to be allowed/given a perm stay. Zurielle's Opinion.
Eiyah so sad I wish her speedy recovery
wait!shes a teenager?
This is more about the UK boarder agency. Why would they believe the marriage was fake? They are just looking for people to deport.
Oh the British government ! Ever so racist! What's fake abt dis 2 getting married? Even if it's fake , its clear they are just out to cut down on the black population in the uk! But the poor girl too, shey if her husband died, would she take her life too?
Ewoooo, see wetin Naija don turn her Citizens to. Nne stay back ooo, thrz nutn here for u.
She will be ok. Just okay
Chai!! Biko, let her get well soon and they should allow her stay biko. Ijaybaby
Ok, I understand her fustration of being separated from someone she loves.Clearly Article 8 of ECHR is engaged here. I also understand her desire to pursue a career in law even though she apparently doesn't have permission to do so, but I would rather (assuming she is fertile) have a child for d one I love so dearly and stay with them than let death permanently separate me from them by taking my own life.
What does having a child got to do with her predicament? Well a lot! If her marriage is genuine, with case laws relating to d best interests of children, d UK government will NOT be able to remove her. Especially as d child will be entitled to british citizenship through his/her father. See dis UK supreme Court judgment
this is really a touching one, wish the UK authority would just allow them both live their life being that they have not committed any crime and besides they are legally married. i really feel pity for the lady tho especially when true love is involve. she showed it by trying to take her life rather than live without the love of her life. take heart sister.
Short of words...
Survive?pamper?I hail ur grammer o!
They should let them be nau,am so feeling sorry for mrs brown....God pls save ha life.
Hmmm na wa o. I no blame the poor gurl jare. It is better to die dere than return to a country where human lives are not valued. don't look 19 ke...
1stym I'm commentin here, all I can rili sai is I'm still yet to understand Wat ds 1st to comment does to ya'll dats a serz post n ur fytn 4 1st to comment! Kmft!
the gal is smart.... why she no drink bleach? or acid? she only threatened home office cos she sabi say dey no dey carry ear hear suicide. she'll get her stay 'now'.
Linda abeg give us d part 2 of dis gist ooo
Well, the part about torture and death strikes me as errr.....Shuo. Maybe she loves the husband sha. Torture, death,... Boko Haram? Maybe! Follow her personally from Northern to Southern Nigeria to murder her? Kidnappers and MEND in Southern Nigeria sha. Let her remain in the UK for the sake of the marriage.
This girl no be 19 years old jare..we can believe her story but not the age sign of youth at all!
I wish there was a like button, if this geh is 19, then my junior sister is 12.
Gosh, you're fucking stupid and its irritating.
Hmm some kain english wey i dey see here na wa o"pamper justice with mercy" hehehehe
But y na! Very uncalled for
Smtin for d Bald n sexy dudes here on my style blog
Was thinking the exact same thing. Looks more like mid twenties to me
He is ugly! Oh wait! He is white therefore he must be fine. Mtchewww
What a stupid way to prove your point..
Heaven and earth would have rejected you.. foolishness!!
All of you should be dulling yourselves there. I'm presently studying in the UK and can't wait to get done, pack my load and return to Nigeria. Apart from constant electricity, malls and good transportation and some other necessities of life, there's nothing in this country that should make anyone want to die instead of going back to Nigeria. Even the british citizens are complaining about unemployment, benefits are being cut etc. Somebody is now attempting suicide because they asked her to return to Nigeria. Oshisco. I can understand the 'I'm in love' part but the excuse she raised is enough justification to send her back home. Why would you bellittle a country just cos' you want to stay in another. When she wakes up from her coma, she'll meet herself in Heathrow, ready to board the next BA flight to 9ja and they'll hand her over to overzealous Nigerian police to protect her, her husband can come and be visiting.
This May can lie, from one white man to another. She was dating an old white man in nigeria, who took her to uk for schooling. She was in the same college with my sister. May pls stop lying, after all the man did for you. You were just using him. Send the ashawo back to Nigeria liar.
You are silly and you aren't even the freaking 1st to comment. I bet u are still under age
This guy is def not 19. She look 30... #MyThoughts#
abeg she's not 19!!!!!! gosh!she a mature face and body.anyhow,she went too far.why couldnt she just accept to come back then the husband who is English could begin procedures for her to join him.she was being too impulsive.
Citizenship sha. You must think its automatic right?
Pamper mercy with justice?? No b only!! Na mercy n justice wear pampers u go see. Hisssssss! Olori baruwa read b4 u post nxt time abeg.
Lolzzzz linda use to give 1st to comment free firstclass BA ticket to all d bad roads in nigeria*big grin*
First of all , she doesnt look 19 , and then , Im not so sure of this her father's killer story, aunty just go back eiyeh? Thanks , and besides , she got married at 19? wow , that's very questionable
U guys are just dump..i mean all those who dont undeestand d meaning of this story..
She never said Nigeria is a terrible place to live in.she only said that cos of those who killed her father and the abusers dat is why she dreaads going back to nigeria..i mean put urself in her shoea(nd i dont mean commiting suicide)if u were to b deported back home with nothing waiting for u at home u wld do anything to stop dat from happening.
Now back to d girl..abeg she no try,taking ur life isnt d solution to d problem..i personally have a close relation who has been sent 4 diff.deortation letters in d past yr bt its just God who made it all calm again..i pray she comes out of d coma alive...#peace#
Lmao!! U ar allowed 2 ither speak queen's English or obasanjo's grammar. Lol!
Linda Ikeji, if you like don't post my comment. But you really need to stop. How can you insert "but Nigeria is not that bad na" and still write culled from Daily mail? Do you think you can handle the heat if Daily mail should sue you for defamation? and about the girl, Nigeria for her is like hell, He father was killed and she got raped. I saw a picture of you and your family online. your parents are alife. Imagine if your father is killed in your presence and then you are raped? will you still say Nigeria is not that bad na? This lawless country? better correct that thing you wrote or put (with added modifications) or you can get sued.
I don't blame her o. Abi if na nko ?
may, r u sure u r 19, c mak i advic u 9ja is d best plac in dis world, no plac lik home,,, or if u still wnt to die u can die n go to hell fire. 9ja 4 life,,,,,,,, Wisdom
Abeg let's face reality, Naija is that bad, infact over bad! I dnt blame May @all, evn if she is ova 19yrs of age, its her life. Who will see an oportunity to leave Naija n won't quickly grab d oportunity, a country where lives n properties can't be protected, a country that is sopose to be flowing with milk n honey is flowing with death, kidnappings, ritual killings, wickedness, injustice n some pple say its not that bad??? Its very bad, let's face reality. May I don't blame u @all, who go taste the wonders abroad n would want to return back to ds hell on earth, abeg take more pills.
this one 19 keh,story lol.all dese pple dat write 1st to comment deserves hot slap mtschewwwwwww.
please note that the immigrations officers are not stupid. although she can lie to the white man she cant lie to us. this her suicide note is quite funny and looks well planned.first if you want to commit suicide nobody will find you until you have died,how come the mum found you. secondly if you are been tortured and all that b**shit story please she doesnt look hausa #just saying# and last time i checked boko haram is killing people outrightly and not torturing them. my conclusion is she took an overdose that went the wrong way cos am guessing the *coma* part wasnt supposed to be part of the plan.anyway aunty how many years did you say you are again i wish you quick only concern is that when you eventually come out of the coma and they still deport you,will you commit suicide again? just bear in mind that nigeria that you know doesnt have sophisticated med facilities that might save your life. use your head
Nnenne, soso gi kwuru okwu ebea, ndi ozo na ekwu maka na I dont care bu onye o na agbasaro.on point
Nothing less than 32 years of age. But that's how we are. We nor dey quick achieve so we need to remove some years depending on the level of achievement. Sorry sha, it's not easy to come back and start all over. Maybe the real suicide will take place after repatriation.
Person wan commit suicide then she come dey write story full suicide novel oh sowei note.babe come back home jare.wetin we wan use ur death do kwan,nonsense.
Linda I think u should start a competition for the first commenters! Since ur readers re freaked abt commenting first
Abeg dis woman is 30sumtin. 19indeed.
Daft comment! I have a very fulfilling career and life here n i would never trade it for naija. The fact that you MAY have failed doesnt mean all nigerians are failures.
Dis ya oyinbo na wao
Pls tell her oh hahhahhh, hw did she manage to get dia at age 16. Pls come home
Abegggggi this old hag claiming 19,the oyinbo dem blind?Her story na wash & besides these asylum seekers do not have new stories to tell about why they need to remain in the U.K.Its people like this that make 9ja look bad,who the hell is she?Who she know wey wan kill am?I'm so angry at her lies about 9ja,She should take several seats joor
At least she got her stay... I live here in london and am happy with my life.. No BOKO HARAM, NO ARMED ROBBERY, NO KIDNAPPING, my biz is flourishing, constant power/water, lovely home..and you want me to give all that up for uncertainty and a place called NIGERIA?...I'll do all it takes to stay, life's too short... Repair and I will return. I LOVE UK Period!
At least she got her stay... I live here in london and am happy with my life.. No BOKO HARAM, NO ARMED ROBBERY, NO KIDNAPPING, my biz is flourishing, constant power/water, lovely home..and you want me to give all that up for uncertainty and a place called NIGERIA?...I'll do all it takes to stay, life's too short... Repair and I will return. I LOVE UK Period!
He he all these olodo babes with pensua shoes and fake accent wey carry blackberry but no fit write. Okay o
You must be 12 Victoria. Linda i wonder why you upload all this useless "first to comment". make i ask you,u dey give them sweet? if you like dnt upload my comment,
Lamo!!!! They should leave the poor girl now. But really Nigeria isnt that bad..... Coughing!!!!!!!!! Her age ehen!!!! Qestionable tho.
Lamo!!!! They should leave the poor girl now. But really Nigeria isnt that bad..... Coughing!!!!!!!!! Her age ehen!!!! Qestionable tho.
Name calling, and putting people down has got to stop, its honestly fucking childish and annoying seeing people do it to others especially over the internet where everybody has balls for some odd reason. Be humble and respectful to others in life, you NEVER know what somebody else is going through, you NEVER know what other people are holding in. The person you may be talking crap to online maybe just lost a family member, maybe lost their job, maybe is battling a disease, just treat everybody with respect, because you really don't know what others are going through.
I'm sorry bt that her story of torture and asylum is a big fat lie. She came to the u.k on a student visa and decided to stay back. Just say u want to stay back there. What's the point of spoiling Naija's already tarnished image by saying ur country people will kill u. Say wetin happen nah? She went to the extreme not bcos she's madly in love wiv her hubby bcos she cldve fought the case even if they deported her. She did cos she doesnt want to go back to Naija. Let's call a spade a spade biko. Hope she recovers tho.
People prefer death than returning to the land of their birth. What about the husband she loves? Didn't she even want to live to be with him?
Nigeria is hard, but it ain't hell. She could have started a little business and gone far. Maybe returning home would have been a blessing in disguise.
Liar liar pants on fire, this over dramatisation is the result of too much african magic tv, with her very manipulative suicide note marriage. may not be bogus but her story certainly is, as big as naija is she not fit commot way from alleged tormentors or even run say to ghana. instead she sidon months of waiting for stufent visa and now claims she FLED to London, abegi.
If u watch uk borderforce every african asylum seeker is running from family that want killam. So glad the home office aren't buying these sham stories, if.oyinbo love you dotey make he gollow u go.
19 bawo.....hhehehh she looks 28 faaaa!... But d guy's cute tho... This her story get comma.
It's really humiliating for someone to get deported. Then there's nothing real about this UK USA EU thing than being there. She's just a fool trying to kill herself because of community who never wanted you in the first place. A big shame! You would see a lot of Nigeria girls running after white or Uk/EU citizens because they don't want to go home after their study! I have never met one of this so called naturalized Nigerians having up to 10,000 pounds in thier account for being a British citizens
liar liar liar
Abeg dey shud free d gal biko..if I ve my way I will leave ds useless country...d govt doesn't care abuh dere citizens if hundreds of ppl shud die nw badluck nd his peepz will nt lift a dey r afta is national cake...d girl has tasted beta life nd doesn't wnt to settle 4 less she rada die dan cum here nd start 4rm scracth e no easy o...hmmm enuff ppl wnt to run away 4rm ds nigeria to even b housemaid in developed countries dey dnt mind in as much dere children r gna gt a brighter future dan theirs...even d 1's abusn ha on ds blog wud do same dem go jus dey yan dust...I pray she gts well nd cum out of ovakaku thinkn do d geh o...chai nijja c ur life..#longhiss# nd stil hissn cum *rme* join-badoo-
You try. I guess you are demonstrating your legal skills here. I smell you just graduated from Law school in UK. O ya hurry up, Nigeria Law School is calling!!!
Some idiots are blaming the girl for rejecting Nigeria, come to think of it what would push any one to put such a fake story about its country, if the country was worth living in, in the first place. I can sit behind my computer and judge or access her story, all i know is that no security or any form of protection for her in Nigeria, if any one is after her life, she will be killed in 24hrs, and all you idots will come back to linda,s blog wash ur mouth in roforo. cheeeew!
Hey u fool,shld av leave her indeed and didn't u read well she's still very alive they said she's in coma and not dead...olodo
Oh plssss, its Nigeria I doubt the so called people would be able to even trace her
This is too sad :( but the marriage sure looks real.
What's it with you people and disputing someone's age? Haaa... She does look young.
Sincerly I dnt knw if dat is a 19yr old cuz I ddnt look like dat @ 19, n 19yr olds dnt look 25. Wait!! Is d UK heaven? I dnt knw wats so freaking abt a country where u need lisence to even lift a foot....seriously comitting suicide lol how pathetic!! Vry funny. O! I dnt think I can live anywhere but naija. Despite d issues we have I love my country
How can this woman be 20 years old. Then me i am 5 years old na. This is the lie that a lot of Nigerians in UK use. Seeking asylum to get papers. That woman is lying, period! She may love the guy, but her intent for marrying him in the 1st place must have been fraudulent. Finish!!!
I am sure the Home Office must have conducted an investigation before coming to its decision. I have an old neighbour who entered the UK with false documentation and a cock & bull story about his situation in Nigeria; he was lucky and is a British citizen today. Only Mary knows whether her traumatic story is true or just a fabrication that she hoped would have helped her to easily secure British citizenship on asylum basis. Either way, it is a pity that she tried to take her own life.
If it be true that she's got killers after her then Linda you've just opened her up to them by posting this for all to see and know that she's coming back!
Ireally doubt her age and in as much as their love is genuine, the most important question remains how she entered the UK and on what grounds she remained. If there are any irregularities, she doesn't have a strong case in the current conservative regime. Attempting suicide makes me wonder is Naija that bad?
Whatever her story/claims - false or true, I sympathize with her. I will never pray that my enemies be deported to Nigeria. Nigeria is no longer your mother's or father's Nigeria. Nigeria is just like Afghanistan - no man's land.
Hope she recovers fully and be allowed to live her life in the U.K.
its more of a psychological thing for her. she witnessed the killing of her dad and was a victim of sexual abuse in naija, c'mon what du expect?
As a dual Nigerian/British citizen who has seen both worlds in-depth, I want to comment on this for what it really is. I'm shocked that the Home office rejected her application to stay as the spouse of a British subject unless there are other circumstances that come into play. I however understand why this young woman would want to kill her self. A lot of people would rather kill themselves than return to the crime infested, poverty ridden hopeless Nigeria. A country that is regarded as 'Hell on Earth'. And for anyone who is shocked at what I just said, yes your country is just that bad!
High five babe! I'm loving my life here!
Her name is May Brown? Hmmm. Really?
And she is 19 yrs old?
Airight oh!
So suicide is now dying with dignity??! Abeggggggg shift mshewwwwwwwwww! Go back and file properly. Nigeria is a bigggg country, don't think anyone will come find u if u relocate to a different state! And she def does NOT look 19, but hey who am I to judge
She's gng through this now oo when they both now give birth there son or daughter will be like I am mixed nd africa is a dirty place nd she wont knw his or her mum history to av a stay here in d uk
if this aunty is 19 football age then my sexy Linda is sweet 16.
Firstly she isnt 19 but that is beside the point.
Now any marriage to a white person is fake thanks to the rats marrying old men and women for passports. He should move to naij with her and appeal from there its better.
LOL, is nigeria that bad? hian
U dnt want to come back to nigeria cos u dnt want to die( ur father's killer after u), yet u attempted commiting suiside... Pls wats d similarity or difference...
Shut up bitch!.Nigerians are full of life and substance, something people in the western world don't understand. Working like slaves until you die with little to no meaning in life.
mchewwwww... y she no take enuff medicine to kill herself proper.. ppl no dey live for nigeria? abi? abegi, how stupid r u, u came with student visa, you go apply for asylum.... abegi... UK na d all and all, some of these ppl who feel UK is the all and all na dem go dey here 50yrs no go go back, they will end up regretting at the end of the day y dey neva went back home, u no know wat oda plan god has for you....i lived in the UK for 10yrs nothing, i went back to nigerian, like joke like joke and I am using my degree well here and i am doing so much better than i ever did in the UK and i thank god I made that decision to leave. Sweetheart, if you go back to naija, its not the end of the world or beta still next time take enuff medicine to kill yourself hun, to me ppl like u r a waste of space, do a beta job next time, at least take a bit more drugs, stop wasting ppls time and resources abeg. marriage ni, marriage ko. abegi, na today.
There are so many liar sorry story my mother tell me old people no dey tell liar sorry aunty May
My name is Theresa May
lam 19 year football age afterall Linda is 21
student visa, who paid for your school fees or bro London like benson.
they kill my parent like benson i use that too to seek asylum in france and before i got my passport but fear God no use all the story finish keep some for your unborn child with my brown mr lover boy .
Abuser please no kill aunty may i forget Akosi big brother star use that one too. mr micheal Brown please i no want to hear story later you think you don catch hot cake she older than you sorry she just 19 and you are 34 everybody love fresh doubleomoba
Na mata wey no concern u u wryt dis long story 4? Na wa 4u o!!!
I knw blame u my sister,even I here if I get any chance,I don go b dat.bcos dis 9ja every 2nd is turning in2 hell.
Thank you my thoughts exactly, becoz you didn't get visa to come here doesn't mean you should beef, mgbeke like you taaaahh
Shut up not all white guys are fine but this guy is not bad at all
Then I'll assume you live in Nigeria and hardly see white guys because where i live this guy would hardly even be considered average. You inferiority complexed Nigerians that always overrate these average white dudes. Lol shame.
Hahahahahahahahaha... BE KILLED...!!! Bwahahaha
Aunty Esther is this U?
Aunty Esther Is tha you?
Una neva get d joke for dis story, sum years ago, sum pple esp nigerians used dis same lie may is telling now to gain a stay in the uk.sum pregnant lied that their husbands died n left dem with nothing and they were at d mercy of dia wicked inlaws, lies upon lies , must u live abroad? The babe de lie big time.
Linda don't you wonder why not one of LIB know this
Na wa o......
lol she is not 19... abgaya like her... let her get life.. kmt... if she wanted to reli die she cud ve stabbed herself... not used pills... dats too slow haba...
U are an idiot.
Stop giving a wrongfully advise to someone. Especially, if you realize is not going to generate a greater results. God is greater than your problem. Arise and face the music.
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