Arabic newspaper Elaph wrote: ‘A festival official said the three Emiratis were taken out on the grounds they are too handsome and that the commission (for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vices) members feared female visitors could fall for them.’
Lol. Some silly things you hear. Meanwhile if he's over 30 and straight, they should please import him to Naija, biko! Those lips...choi! Hehe. See more photos after the cut...

1 – 200 of 465 Newer› Newest»smoking hot! chai!
chineke choi, see those eyes...oh my gaaaawwwwdd
Oh my daze!!!
THOSE EYESSSSS MY GAWDDDDDDDDD!!!!! Deport him to my bed ASAPPPPP!!!! Sexinesssss!Yummmmm lol
Chei see fine man oh my gosh am in love already. Lol linda u beta post my comment oo. Conffessor!
SHITT dis dude is fiiiiiinnnneee
Fuck!ds guy is soo hot!I want him
Could he put up his sperm for sale plzzzzzzzzzzz
Jeez! I am sooo f**kin gay for dis guy! O boiii, Baba God plz forgiv me.jus dis once
Dis one pass fine o
Choi!!! See damn hot sexy man!! These pictures makes me want to do naughty things *wink**
I concur.. De shud do us a favour.. Import him to 9ja.. We can't be corrupted,.. Trust us.. We will treat him well!..
The hair on his chest made me puke...but he z kinda cute
SMH!I'm suppose to be reading,I'm here admiring fine boy
Na wa o,am speechless.this is too much, choi- I nid this man biko. I wanna grow old with youuuu:: kisses kissess kissessss
Linda!!! Change the headline to "Hottie of the Year", repost everyday and we are fine for the year. Dont com and be giving as some ibo boy that his igbotic accent reflects tru his pix as Hottie of d day.
Jeeeeez!!! My lappy just caught FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HoT! HoT! HoT!
Wow wow wow
Oh my goodness...the eyes"pants",d nose"sweats" d body *shakes",d lips *faints*.......Love me some of dose lips..Just a kiss *i swear I'm still sweating*
Yes handsome indeed. Facially handsome/beautiful but inwardly very ugly, dark heart and wicked....I no dey trip for the beauty of all these Arab people. Check out how handsome the 19 year old that planted the Boston blat is.
Fuck.too handsome
He is Foooineee.
Dis dude is rily handsome. Looks lyk he was used to define the word 'handsome'
Linda if u're ready 2 hit ur head on d floor no wahala,u can ve him.
Not bad but some 9ja guys fine pass him too apart frm d photoshop o, hop linda ll post ds one sha!
Wow wow wow
How can one guy be this fine?he is just too hottt.
Dang!!! Those beards lol
His nipples n lips are pink af demn
choi, haawwttt dude. me likey!
What a beautiful specie!! Good lord! *fans self*
chai.....anyway sha i no be gayyounG
OMG. So beautiful, handsome,gorgeous,cute and evry other qualicatn u can think of. I lov his eyes,lips,chest and his ----. Lov him
OMG!!!I'm cuminggggggggggggggggggg!!! Argggggh!
CHOI my days!!!!! The guy is so daaaaaaaaaaaamn hoooooot as in I can't help screaming at how fine a brother can get.....halleluyah this is just the lead actor for my dream 4 for the next 1 month as in how hotter can a man get? Arabs are just too sexy I really dnt mind having a mixed breed meehn if my son would look half this cute
*cums* *squirts* *shivers* Oh Ma Lawdy laaaawwwwddd!!!!
He's definitely going 2 corrupt d young females lol, oh my he's already corrupting me *love struck*
Soo handsome n scary
N dude has swag!kai,he's d finest man av seen abeg,no doubt!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm,datz all I can say for now. Cos sincerely am short of words. See clean guy.
Fiiiiiine guy!#NoHomo
shit mehhhhhn...daz some hot stuff *fans self*
Whooo God`s wonderful creation. so Gorgeous
Pls come 2 nigga o, ill wait 4 u
Am nt tripin @ll *lickinglips*
The guy is hawwt,asin I felt a tingle.
Am only responsible for what I write not what u understand.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
OMG...dis guy is making me moist!! OMFG!! Come I wud have ur baby for free ooo chiiineeeekeeemeeeee, c hotness? O my GAWD!! I'm tripping! Any guy dat calls him gay must b jealous n ugly...appreciate goodthing wen u c it
See his red nipples. I want,pls I want.
OMG...dis guy is making me moist!! OMFG!! Come I wud have ur baby for free ooo chiiineeeekeeemeeeee, c hotness? O my GAWD!! I'm tripping! Any guy dat calls him gay must b jealous n ugly...appreciate goodthing wen u c it
Linda is strongly dying for this guy,that is why she posted a lot of his pictures.
Shit dis turban nd jalamia aint doing him justice! Still he's freaking hot! Those eyes.....lips.....perfectly shaped nose! Damn God took extra time creating some people!
Goodness me. Wow!!!!! Can't §Ã¥Æ´ ₪☺ more. #fanning maself# its hot in here
My ohh my he is fruiiiiiddddy!!!!!!!!!!!! Gay mofo!!
His eyes r lky maroon
Chineke Jesus! O bu so nma ooo..damn handsome..i want me some pls.
Oh My Lawd
make dem bring am here, i go dash am ma green pali for free
wt ma beauty, our kids wl be drop dead gorgeous
am outta here!
Dude has got to b gay.fine guy like this never marry,n no gal is claiming him.
If u ask me too cute to be strait!linda rest
This dude na made in heaven. Hope say the waist tight too. The stuff between his legs is also important and the size of his wallet too.
I have cum ooooooooooooooooo ... Blood of who now ooo#thinking ... Pple de this life oooo#shivering... I no fit even write good english again#confused! Confused!! Confused!!! Even dou his d*ck is not big and he can't romance,I will by force myself to cum by looking at his face alone
Lol "linda u are too funny, make they import am to nijja lol
i love his sexy lips,hope he has a lovely d**k!
§Ã¸ vry handsome
I guess am not supposed to comment cos am a guy. nah..... he's handsome to the core
Red hot nipple is all I c...
And yeh dey r ryt 2 deport him..
Cos if I was in saudi.. I wud have done bad bad things 2 dat sexy man...
*fans self*
Billie jean
Dey definitely deported him bc of dia men; sodom & gomorrah of modern times
Abegi,dis will be use as an instrument 4 bh in 9ja,cos he will be very gud in terroist,obl blood!
Gosh...he is so "Beautiful" i want him!!!
This stuff was posted like 1 week ago and it's now you're catching air of it. Wow. Talk about stale
Ewoooo,jeez!he's too sexy,abg dey should truly import him down to Nigeria
hahahah O... Boy this guy is too handsome joor
oh ma god....oh ma god........jod where did they deport him too......this is cuuuuute
Linda!!! Nne this one fine but I see a lot of make up oo.
oh my GAWD!!!!!!!! he is hawttttt!!!!!! biko they should bring him naija make we chop am! he luks delicious!! HAWT HAWT HAWT!!!!!!!
Carefully and Handsomely made, by Baba God!, Woo i need this kind male in my life! Lindo pls ping me he pin. me like! hhahahhah
God!!!! See lips.hmmmmm dis guys re far too beautiful....
God took his tym in creatin dis 1. His eyes r orgasmic,his lips r overwhelmin.I bet he'll be perfect down dere too *winks.
Bet y how can one person b dis fine ( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡)
So so cue n gorg oMG!nwa mummy...Hehe
So guys need to be ugly to travel to Saudi?
C̣̲̣̣̣̲̣̣☺̣̣̥̇☺̣̣̥̇ƪ̣̥ dude
Whoa. An example of God's beauty. Biko I am very single
Mehn dis guy is da bomb! So f**kin cute choi..God tak time build am & mould am.Franklin Ibe dey learn for wher dis one dey.linda post my comment
I can not help myself, choi chineke I na eke kwa. Eweooooo!!!! Onye muru nwa a? I rest my case oo. *In bb drolling face*
Omg! He's damn too handsome.....guess I'm in love with those eyes and lips....pls help me tell him that I'm in love with him.
Oh my God am in luvvvvv #lovestruck I nid to meet dis guy in flesh n blood
Hai! Am short of words. Is he human at all??? I for want o but will die quick of heart attack cos na so so fight I go dey fight babes off. Jesox!!! See nipple. Abeg I no look again b4 my bf breakup wit me.
Pretty boy!
Hope he's not gay and hope his looks won't get into his head!
I'm 99.9% sure he gay...
His lips are edible!! I just want to drink from them. Choi!!! God is wonderful ooooo, see creation!!
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww ,is he real ?
God reli create sha..
God really tuk his time ........lol....
Y would sum1 b dis handsome!gawwWdddd!O_O
C̣̲̣̣̣̲̣̣☺̣̣̥̇☺̣̣̥̇ƪ̣̥ dude
Being a guy, I shouldn't be sayin dis buh dat guy's PURRFECT!!!..... No way I'mma allow my chic near anywhere dis chap is... HELL NO
Jesus christ!!....omo diz one na die!....luk at dose eyes and lips. Chai!!!
Omg!!! Look @ those eyes... And his lips... F#*cking gorgeous
Linda, I don't usually comment on your posts but I have to say that I love, love, LOVE how you keep it real about blood flowing through your veins lol. This one needs to be deported to my house lmao ;)
I rest my case this is beyond comment subhanallah Allah is the perfect creator
OMG.....ez really drop dead gorgeous.:G
If u re talking of beauty handsome money it's mostly common in Arab world God really show them that he love them and he will do anythg for them arab rock pass Islam tinz
Make sense guy
See handsome
Sm1 pls slap me to wake me up from dreaming, dis is d finessssst guy I've ever seen.God is great!! Is all I can say
Chai,chai,chai! Blood of God,I haf died n gone 2heaven! Dis specimen is beautifully handsome! God is wondaful
Linda, this is no news..........read this about a weed ago.
Jisus oooooo see his eyes. I would be angry if he is gay o.. Total waste that would be. God u dey create human being sha (covers face and giggles)
Omg!! He's gorgious.ÈŠ̝̊̅'d hit that anyday
choiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii......as innnnnnn, lindus.....o boiyeeeeeeeeeeeeee......hhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooottttt, where do i start from, is it the eyes.....
He is f**king too handsome....damn!!!!
Jesus am dead. Smokin hot....fa*k.
He's so cute! WoW he's eyes alone can melt any heart, muah
Faints *fan self*
He is really cool and has something in common with Jack Sparrow of the pirates of the Carribeans!
Lawdy lawd
Hot, make dem send am come Chicago
Linda, if u lyk no post my comment ds tym ooo*rme*
Ds guy is dead drop gorgeous...hahaha, wetin dey,looolz,me tripping big tym..hehe
U prob dint knw of some cheap make up product wif excellent nd betta result dan expensive ones, check out olumakeovers.blogspot.co.uk ...dnt 4get 2 leave a comment *kisses*
Over hot. I don fall in love sef (blushing)
Too hawt 2 handle. I'm amazed @ dis guy's beauty. To die 4
Oh! My God!!! See hawtness o!!!! This guy is sthg else... Dear Arab, kindly deport him to Nigeria let us show him the way! He needs to see the Light! Dayuuuummmm!!! Modellah!
Lol. So na crime to fine again eh all dis arabs wey dier gals dn spoil finish na im govt stil dey protect? Dem dey cova 4rm head to toe bt thier toto wide like well.mstcheew Hypocraites
So if he's over 30 Linda u abi they shld deport him here coz u love him shey nd u wanna marry him but be prepare to be a Muslim shikena
Oh my jesus. Fa*k. Am wet oooooO. God is good.
This na temptation*psquare's voice*
Wow!!! He's so cute.... i really don't blame dem 4 sending him away
Omg!!! This guy is a killer. He is indeed wonderfully made.
OMG!!!#trying to catch my breath.. Ds dude is so handsome
My thought exactly..he should be brought to Naija..Half the babes will just get preggy for him...This man has got to be the most handsome man alive...looks flawless..God really took time to creat some of us..lol
He is gay...buh i love him
I think I came four times scrolling thru dese pics!! WTH!!! Deportation fit am oh! How one person go jst carry all dat finess?? *fans self* meanwhyl he shld not come 2 Nigeria oh! I love my boyfriend biko! Those lips mehn!! Kai!
Linda,i sure say u don cum...lol
i am so in love
Rubbish! Linda, have you seen Mario Cimario?
Pls I need his cotact. Wowwww
He deserves it..how can only one person be fine like this.please he should be imported to me biko.I need Ds beauty.c those eyes..*crying
Na person born dis one so oh....#shine my eyes# abeg we're him dey? any we're in d world I go find am go..... Lol... Seriously dis guy is perfect... C lips
Feelin swept off alredy! Sumptious lips!
Na person born dis one so oh....#shine my eyes# abeg we're him dey? any we're in d world I go find am go..... Lol... Seriously dis guy is perfect... C lips
Jesus christ I love dis guy I swear,his lips eyes.. He's just too handsome. Linda dis isn't fair u don't like posting my comment...
Haaaaaaaaaa! God took His time to create this man!! This guy is sickenly fine. If I was his woman, I'll probably have constant High Blood Pressure.... DAMN
i'll totally sin for those eyes
Wow...y won't he be deported,he is too fine.temptation tins.
Pls let him b deported 2 9ja...Edo state to b precise. I promise 2 take gud care of him. *winks*
Ok, I have officially died and gone to heaven! *runs to Jesus to seek forgiveness for fornicating one million times in my head*
jeez...i watched his pix for over an hour all glued to my screen..jeez......God took some time in creating ds guy o....handsome..is even an under statement.....the guy's look is beyond description........WOW!!!!!!!
The guy beautiful gan!
Lord have mercy and compassion!.is this dude for real?.those eyes n lips...Gawd!.Lin Lin,I agree with you,this dude should come to Nigeria mbok,since he'l corrupt their women,we sha won't mind the corruption.#eyecandyoflife#
Dis dude, fine dieeeeee, kilode!#drooling# linda biko post my comment.
I have cum already ... Choi
O. My. Lord. Is he human?
*drops dead
The woman who brought forth this hunkamousakka is truly blessed. See fineness o! The Saudi govt. was correct. His looks can even corrupt a lesbian.
N he knws he's fineeeee (too handsome) jst admire joor... If person marry dis 1 ehenn, na untimely death.....lol..
OMG!!! Dey r jst too hoooot chai! Pls come to Nigeria, see does lips, oh my!!!.
he looks like me...
My mum just took all the pics!lmaoo!yep!he is hot.he looks like jesus.I bet my dad will be jealous of him(his bizness tho)...linda u n ds over 30 tn..u can marry som1 29 n above tho.stop ds age tn biko.if he is responsible and financially stable,then go for it.stop chasing pple away with this age tn.let it be all about that good person that can take care of u n ur kids and support ur dreams.not the age tn...hian!
Pls, they needed to deport/export him! abeg, see those eyes, those lips! chai. let hi, come and serve prison sentence in my jail oh!
Am in love wit him already wow!!! The guy is real sweet I wish his my bf
they can like to deport him to uk pls
This guy is so HOT...WHEW...sexy lips and eyes
Omg menh dis guy is cute, plz dey shuld deport him come 9ja biko!!!!
Pls wats his instagram and facebook name#bigsmile%
Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! Gosh,I cant even look at his eyes,too HOT to handle
He looks gay sha
Sheege!!! He truly is handsome! Buh se na crime 4 psn 2 fine ni? Na wa O!
He's so cute!!! I'm falling already.
I want to faint! Wia can I find him?
I remember Prince Morocco Maduka's version of music titled " vision 2000" one verse of the music states it clearly...." Uwa Onye Nwelu Ego No N'afufu....Onye Na Enweghi Ego Tolu-ato. Nwanyi Malu Mma Kotelu Okwuluoka, Onye Jolu Njo No Na Nfuju Anya, kedue Aga Esi Mee Uwa Owee Di Nma? Nwanne m Uwa Emego...ooo Ije Enu!...........Linda please translate it for the benefit of non Igbos after all u are an Igbo girl
Oh Lord!!!let him be deported to naija!!we don't mind being corrupted by him!he has already corrupted our minds...*fanning myself* lolz
he is fiiiioooooooonnnnnneeeeeeee!!!! dammmn!!
Those eyes, those lips gt ♏Σ tripping choi!!!
Dis guy is fuckin gay
Cool dude...
Choi....see lips,Biko come to naija
Hian. This one will struggle for makeup with his babe biko. Guys that don't really bother about their looks but still gat it are hotter. This guy looks like he consumes over an hour dressing up
Linda you be mumu. Can't you see that the guy is not straight? He is HOMO.
Dem N̶̲̥̅̊☺ lie o dis guy fine die!he resemble my husband
Abeg which kin nipple d boy get? Is he lactating? I can only imagine what his d**k would look like. :x
Am melting,chai I love those eyes and lips... O boy,u fine die
he is hot and handsome no doubt. but personally other factors were involved. He is probably famous as he is a poet and fashion designer.we knw most ladies fall for popular men(even the ugly ones among them). I still believe there some arabs that are more handsome than him but less popular. All the same, he received an unfair treatment.
This is jst unfair...totally...complete torture...smh!
Abeg make dem deport am cum 9ja...God Really took His time 2 create dis guy choiiiiiiiii....
These arabic countries and their ridiculousness,i think its saudi A or syria that women are not allowed to drive.sick people.pls come to naija and have a baby by me
Soo cute,abeg come to naija and stay as long as u want o.
This guy is effortlesly handsome......
Buh he looks gay, very gay
Hoooottttttt jeeez too pweety.Ms joi
Omggggggg!!!!!! I cn die 4 dose lips mehn
Linda this guy is handsome but let me ask you? Did he tattooed his lip? Because I don't think that lip is natural, but all the same he is handsome
y am i not like dis nawww
Pls, they needed to deport/export him! abeg, see those eyes, those lips! chai. let hi, come and serve prison sentence in my jail oh!
Am in love!
y am i not like dis nawww
Ouch..............pweeh! Dats all I can say!
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