In another exciting sequence, the website has grown to be
the 5th local content website in Nigeria and the customer’s number 1
online retailer of choice.
The 10 month retail store has seen
exponential growth in size of baskets and traffic to its site. Inadvertently
leading to growth in all areas of its operations from staff, fleet, warehousing
facilities, to more recently the addition of 3 locations in Warri, Kaduna and
Benin; an addition to those existing in Lagos, Abuja and Port-Harcourt.
“As Nigeria’s no.1 online retailer, Jumia will continue to pioneer the Nigerian retail market,
with a vision to being the answer to retail both offline and online in
sub-Saharan Africa. As a place for direct retail shopping online with limitless
reach and audience, we have seen orders come in large numbers from every nook
and cranny of Nigeria, and in our commitment to our customers and making good
on our promises of on time for delivery, we are gradually expanding and gaining
foothold in more cities across Nigeria”, explained co-founders Tunde Kehinde
and Raphael Afaedor.
To view article, click here.
To get a copy, click here for April’s edition of Forbes Africa magazine.
I will be like you guys soon..
Wow!!! Very nyc
Do check out my style blog www.soladunn.blogspot.com
They look hungry
what more can i say..BIG UPS GUYS!!!
woo nice one
Kudos guys! Congratulations!
Na so pple dey patronise dem reach?neva bought 1thing 4rm dem bt av used dealdey so many tyms
Oh I don hear
Pls do dey have a physical shop here in lagos.....cos am always finding it diffcult to shop on thier website. Thanks..linda abeg post my coment...guess am 1st to comment....*dancing azonto*
At last something like this is coming to Warri yeeeeah!
At last something like this is coming to Warri yeeeeah!
i reali wanna knw...is dia actuali a prize 4 dose dat r 1st 2 comment?....*confused*
No stores in the east? Mtcheew
this is fabu.
linda pls do dey have shop in Abuja?
Nice 1 dude, A̶̲̥̅♏ actually proud ☀̤̣̈̇f γ̲̣̣̥o̲̣̥υ̲̣̥. Catch up with γ̲̣̣̥o̲̣̥υ̲̣̥.
You are really advertising them, hope they know what you are doing for them
Wow. Potential husband
@Jmoney You're miserable! 2 Young men are set out to make a remarkable difference in their generation,and all you could see to this entire story is that they look hungry? I'm ready for your type!I'm ready to dedicate time to fight off all this negativity from Nigerians. Soooooo much hate ,bitterness and envy.why can't we just appreciate?why can't we just encourage?do we always have to run others down with hurtful words?why???well,they may look hungry to you but they sure aren't. Whoever you are,we don't know you but we know them and they're making some goooooood money!
LOL ...I don't know about that, but even if so, them just start na..so please patronize them so that they fit begin chop well well
This is the power of Dreams. Know that thing lacking in the Nigerian market and provide it. Solve problems... I am next!
Their stuff are very expensive.But we love thinking guys,wonderful job!Congrats guys.
Dats d scope na,so dat dey won't fall prey for kidnappers!
Dey don't look hungry.
Dey look clean but their faces look dull dats all.
So young and determined Kudos. Linda oooo, why did u delete amos comment. Am watchin u.
Yes o! Bt dem hold pass u
cant wait for my blog to be number 1 in Africa
that is great,your diligence will show up some day keep it up GUYS
Lame comment. At least they have brains and have put it to use honestly thereby putting food on their table, unlike some will use their technological know-how to defraud people. With their supposed hungry look, they will put food on your table if they consent to give you employment, because I'm sure you are one of those bitter unemployed who cannot use their brains to think of what they can do to make money asides being employed. Goat! Go get a life!
And u look what???? Well fed....=)) plssssssss
@ jmoney: though they may look hungry now, im sure they'll soon be rich enough to feed people.
Please learn to say nice things about people, appreciate people when there is need for it, these guys have done something you have at least not done c'mon!!!!
Welldone guys, God will bless the work of your hands and blow your minds!
This are guys who inspires youth, Kudos guys...you're making a huge difference..this was how the guys who started ebay did it..Keep it up boys.
London Finest.
PS: And for the moron who said they look 'hungry' i bet they can cater for your entire 5 generation, YOU MORON..must every one be fake n Flashy before you know their worth, MORON!
I am so proud of you guys. Tunde Kehinde has an MBA from Harvard. Way to go guys.
Hey shut it..jmonkey
U're jst a bitter person! If u have nothing reasonable to say, shut up! Congrats joh, itz always amazing to see enterprising young people, gives hope!
Great!this is an inspiration.goodluck guys.
N.B. Linda I still await your reply to my email.
Good job. I just feel they have to step up their dress sense more,that way they will attract more trendy customers.
I cant imagine men dressing in pant trousers and still have all those folds on Their shoes. Those pants are too long,they should be reduced in length,Alteration is advisable.
Trousers shouldn't have folds on your shoes,those folds makes you look cheap and razz. Only if some of you know the magic of the ankle of your legs showing in shoes a little in both men and women
Jeans having little folds is understandable if you have tennis shoes,timberland shoes or boots on but for corporate outfits those folds are not good.
I have seen ladies wear denim with unnecessary folds on their shoes,it makes them look dragged.
Women should always know what trouser cut fits them well. We have
Modern etc.
Don't go outside petite if you are 5"4 and less tall.
There is nothing bad in alteration if you so like the merchandise because there are stuff you see but cant buy them because of the size and shape but hey alteration works don't ignore it.
I see some ladies wear Maxi dress and they are 5"2 tall,why? I see some ladies wear dresses to match with accessaries colors like everything red,why? I see some men wear oversized shirts with the wrong size of belts, why?
Some women especially in Nigeria hardly have a belt on their dress and if they do it must be as big as abortion belt,why? Imagine a lady wearing all black dress,shoes,hand bag and she is dark skin,why?
Looking good is not how much the outfit is worth but how you fit in.
Tips for office/corporate wears :
Men should know that the flaps of your pant trouser is a turn off if too pronounced. Don't wear shirts with bold stripes with busy tie especially if you are average or less tall. Folds should always disappear on your shoes,don't wear them to the office,it will be a turn off for most customers/clients. Make sure your pant belt hold is put into consideration beige you choose the belt to wear. If you have a blazer with more than 2 buttons pls spare one atleast. Don't and I repeat don't ever iron/press your pant trouser that has covered pockets with those lines (gators) behind. More to say but will stop here.
Women should take note:
Try to practice alteration it works a lot,most of you think it's bad,therefore you go to events looking dragged and shabby. Wear dress that are petite size is you are 5'3 tall or less. Try belts on your dress especially Nigerian women. Don't wear all black outfit to red carpet like some of you do. Avoid flaps,yes pls it makes outfits look bad,if you are less than average in height why wear cloths with bold stripes? Dont wear those shoes that covers your ankle pls,ankle while wearing heels or any kind of shoes definitely brings out the beauty and makes it look more sexy. Shoes with Open toes should be checked while wearing a pant trouser because it goes wrong if the pant is not a trouser fit. I see people call some shoes oversized shoes just because there is a space at the back,hey it's fashion,it's a style now,those space behind brings out the beauty and makes you look trendy.
The one that turns most people off in men and women is when you fail to have the Head of your belt Aline with your zipper or shirt buttons. More would have been said but next time perhaps.
Are they single? These harvard grads are sitting on about $26 million.
See u ! Thinking with ur Anus ! Poor mentality !
I am super proud of you guys. Tunde has an MBA from Harvard. Way to go dudes.
Anon 11.50. First to comment? Lol. Do people still do the whole first to comment thing. You're funny
Bought some stuffs for d first time online in nigeria with them. Actually ordered wen they were KASUWA befor they changed to JUMIA. And its realy paying off and they re affordable and delivery to Owerri too was fast. Nice one guys, and keep it up!
Before all this praise the fact that they sell fake garments just at unreasonable prices puts me off
Is only in this part of the world that thieves are celebrated.
Nice stuff, Raphael. Raphael worked at my office for a while, but resigned to pursue his dreams and he also holds an MBA from Harvard
@ Jmoney, the idiot that said Kehinde and Raphael look hungry. They can feed and cater for your life long need till u die. Do you know their worth? To start with Tunde with 1st degree from Howard university in US and also an MBA from the prestigious Harvard Business School. To become graduates of these schools u not only need money but excellent brain. Young guy not up to 30 is making a mark; instead of seeing it as motivation for your miserable life, u say he is hungry. He has what it takes to work in Chevron, Exxon mobil, Total etc but he thought of smtin different and pple are employed under him. Black man will never appreciate their own. That is y Nija is still where it is.Linda post this for me o.
They don't look dull or hungry. I see brains,potentials and world shakers.
Lol all black to event,Linda take note.
But seriously, don't they look hungry!!!
mama u refused to post my comment bcos i said d truth about d company abi....God is watching you
I admire their drive. Productive young men! Opportunities abound...
See www.devsynergy.blogspot.com
I am honestly so proud of them. They have indeed transformed their brand as one of the leading online retail company.
Wretches always have an explanation
I seriously doubt that this is a viable business. The technology, security and public infrastructure to run a scale-able business is just not there. So you're effectively an IT, retail, delivery and payment processing company all at once? Do your package delivery teams travel with security? What stops a 12-yr old kid from ordering gadgets and having them delivered to some random address just for fun? The obstacles to this business model are staggering. I am shocked nobody talked you out of this.
This is what a business education primarily based on HBS cases leads to. Bold, flashy but utterly unworkable ideas.
Tunde, I hope you are still in touch with your banking contacts here in New York (probably San Fran/Charlotte these days). You might be needing them for a job to pay off your student loans except its family money that's bankrolling this ... erm... "project".
Alternatively, you can always hustle a gig at some "PE" shop in Lagos. Your practical experience with a start-up business should be compelling enough to get you in the door and I am pretty sure you have enough contacts. Good luck oh!
Anonymous April, 11 2:03 AM.
Shut up. Please just shut up. Even in the United States, people send stuff to a wrong address for fun, so what point are you trying to make?
Businesses, multi million dollar businesses exist in Nigeria, guess what, they don't always follow a US business model.
You sound a bit bitter taking a jab at Harvard and their case study method. E dey pain you say you no enter?
Last, you sounded like any other dud out there, when you talked about him sticking to banking or getting a gig at a PE shop in Lagos, na every MBA graduate go do Banking or PE or Consulting? Abeg, let the guy do what he wants to do. You're not living his life for him. Concentrate on your failures. He is opening up more branches. What does that say about the business? Chill ma nigga, aight?!
Ï know Ralph(the dark dude) and he is no where near hungry. He is a brainiac, havard grad and a really nice dude.
@Anon 2.03am - They just raised $26million for what you have called a business that is not viable.... How much have you raised Mr/Ms Archair critic?
God i want to go to HBS, this is one thing, i am fighting for now.
Every nigerian is a star wish we had the facilities this country will be a heaven on earth.Love ur effort guyz keep pushing bill gate started like you guyz.
Blah, blah, blah... you can take a man out of Nigeria but you can't take Nigeria out of him. I said that the business model is not viable and your best come back is that I am jealous? Jealous of what, exactly? Of the naija HBS grads that still struggle to find work after graduation? I can name several jobless ones right off the top of my head. One of them just interviewed at my firm last month (he didn't get an offer).
I have nothing to prove on here. It's a small circle - Nigeria graduates of elite US business schools - so I know what I am talking about.
Linda, please give us an update in a few years so I can come back to say: "I told you so."
It doesn't matter wat happens to them in a few yrs , point is they tried something, better than not doing anything. They re employers of labour! Gbam ! Haha
Linda pls post my comment about the used phone sold to me by jumia.com.ng
Anonymous 4:56 am
You are exactly what I said you are... Jealous. You talked about the problem with Harvard Business School's downside of their case study method - all flashy, but nothing substantial; hence the reason I said you are JEALOUS. Look how haughty you sound saying an HBS grad has no job offer, he interviewed at your firm (which you obviously don't own) and didn't get an offer. FYI, your job isn't secure either, as you can get laid off at any moment. Asking Linda to update you a few years when the business has failed, shows how wicked you really are. People said Elon Musk of Tesla would never succeed with an all electric vehicle, I'm glad he has shut people like you up. I'm waiting... A few years and you'll be looking like the idiot you are.
So much jelousy that is the common thing we havard graduates face among peers. But of course only a few has to be chosen.
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