From The Daily Mail
Ordo Templi Orientis founding 'prophet' Aleister Crowley, who was born into an upper-class British family in 1875, styled himself as 'the Great Beast 666'. He was an unabashed occultist who, prior to his death in 1947, reveled in his infamy as 'the wickedest man in the world'.
His form of worship involved sadomasochistic sex rituals with men and women, spells which he claimed could raise malevolent gods and the use of hard drugs, including opium, cocaine, heroin and mescaline. Crowley’s motto — perpetuated by OTO — was 'do what thou wilt'. And it is this individualistic approach that has led to a lasting fascination among artists and celebrities.
…celebrities linked to OTO include the rapper Jay-Z, who has repeatedly purloined imagery and quotations from Aleister Crowley.
Whether wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with 'Do what thou wilt' or hiring Rihanna to hold aloft a flaming torch in his music videos (a reference to the Illuminati, an outlawed secret society whose name supposedly derives from Lucifer, or 'light bringer'), he has given the sect priceless publicity.
His clothing line, Rocawear, is shot through with OTO imagery such as the 'all seeing eye' in a triangle, the 'eye of Horus' (an ancient Egyptian symbol frequently referenced in occult texts) and the head of Baphomet (the horned, androgynous idol of Western occultism).
Some conspiracy theorists have seized on this as evidence that he is a member of a secret Masonic movement which they believe permeates the highest levels of business and government.
Others take a more pragmatic view: that it is commercial opportunism, cashing in on impressionable teens’ attraction to the 'edginess' of occult symbolism.
smh...jobless ppl
They keep talking.....he's making his money.....combined worth of almost a billion dollars.....pls I'll gladly join the cult
wateva....it'z his life!
From Illuminati to this? Hmmmn! When you are known for something ulterior in the past, anything bad or ulterior linked to you afterwards becomes incontrovertible when its rumoured, everyone would believe.
End times...Hope Beyonce not part of all of this...and D'banj not tempted to belong.
Only the blessing of the Lord makes rich and ADDS no sorrow. Time will tell
lips sealed. I don't believe this.
Well I belive it sha...beyonce wore a red dress bearing dat baphomets head.
Ok I'm coming! Let me go and get my shoes Lol
Very Ridiculous
i'm not surprised! JESUS is still Lord
All this BS for nothing!his making his money and at the end of The day,only God knws the truth and only him cn judge.nobody holy pass*in 2face's voice*
Here We Go Again!
Ok! So its no more illuminati, its now Ordo Templi.
Joblessness of some crazy few.
Cloyd Ndu
Its true
You re not convinced Linda? What else do you need before you're convinced? Are you waiting for him to open his mouth and tell you first?
Make dem leave Jayz alone oh.
Why don't they go to other wealthy people and write all this nonsense.
I agree there might be a cult some of all these people join but wetin concern us. At the end of the day no one can answer for another when God comes....
I know most of these oyinbo people that go to all these prestigious universities have cults or high society shit they go too...Why don't these same people go and investigate them and see what happens....
Abeg make una leave Jayz, Bey, Rihanna etc alone....when people of our color become successful dem dey always look for something negative to say, if their not doing drugs, they owe money (e.g Mary J. Blige), or they killed someone, etc....
HMMMM jay z na u and GOD OO
Here's food for thought: If he's not into these satanic things, WHY DOES HE PROMOTE THEIR IDEOLOGIES through his music, clothing line, et al??? Really, who does that???
Big fat lie!
Don't believe everything you read.
How can we b sure dat all dis tinz abt dem are true.....may God just deliever us 4rm shaytan..............
I don\'t belief dis story. Jay~z is a very cool and responsible guy. He also dislike anything satanic stuff.
I guess this might just be true. There is nothing hidden under the sun. Sooner than later we will get to know the truth
Almighty Ǧ☺Ï‘ WÈ‹̊â„“â„“ judge these satanic people. Please linda stop publishing things like this. They are use to initiate Ǧ☺Ï‘'s lovely children into their satanic Occult. Engr. Austine Ogbebor say so.
Alwayys knew there wuz sumfin up wit dis niqqa, especially thru one of his lyrics were he said sumfin lyk, 'I'm not a christian, although I believe in God,
I don't believe in the Devil, my beliefs are odd'...or another one where he said, 'You don't have to go to church in order to your God'. He's very fond of criticising most catholic beliefs #punk ass niqquh (˘˘̯)
Its all turning to something else
Jobless people get a life and live my idol alone. If it is true I would love to belong so I could b rich and famous like him.
Na 2day yansh dey back,dis is not a new story nau Linda.
Pls let all these story stop there oooh ... Small time now trust Nigerians u will be hearing OTO every coner, abeg They should carry their corupt life and leave us alone .
He is finished! Beyonce is finished too! Chris Brown, Rihana and all of them. I don't envy them at all. Bull shit!
-ld gist ma namsy. I tink almost evryone knws hes a cultist. I jus pray God saves dem before it gets too late.
Ofcos, there is no dispute about this, everyone knows he is a cultist. They usually use publicity like this to lure pple, cos they no some pple will out of curiosity search out these sites and thereby get decieved.
Na today una sabi.
Na today una sabi.
I thought Rocawear belonged to Russel Simmons or someone like that
but this is not news now, who doesn't know that in every field of endeavor in America and mostly the western world that you have to belong to a cult group to be recognised..its standard you don't join you don't make sales and if accidentally you make it up there, you are compelled to join Q E D
There's an atom of truth in every rumour. I can also see that from the satanic dance moves of Mrs. Carter...Beyounce. My own is just to ask GOD to help me to make heaven! shekinah!
Na 2day, its very true. I don hear dere gist taya.
Some of this artist are not really worshipping the devil they make all this so called illuminati sign to get cult like following wich is normal pple do spectacular stuffs and do the triangle sign I mean footballers do it steadily that doesn't mean they are worshiping the devil
Can careless! His choice his burden! My choice my burden! Next...
Kenyan Babe
Linda ur a learner.he's been there since are u just hearing it for the first time?the dude and alot of them sold their heart to devil just for fame and wealth.
Wateva jare.. We dnt knw if its true or not..
Dis is not new we all know dat jay Z worship lucifer d devil
Na him sabi,watever he wants to do wit his life he should go ahead nd do it
Make dem no die again oooo.
Lot of research as been linked to Jay Z as regard been Occult, Lord of ordo, Pastor of Batphohem and the preacher of Mark of the Beast.. But he's silent and Most Nigeria Artist re imitation(e.g Toto dikeh)...
No smoke without fire.
Why are people so jobless????1st it was Freemason, then Illuminati now its this one. Abeg people should just go get a life jare.
The world is coming to an end please be careful
Hehe sha e concern them
Who cares #rme...that's his business not mine, oshi radarada
Mtsheww sha e concern them
Not interested!!!
Why its only few comment on this? Ask ur self....Why? Simply bcos we do imitate tis guys n mak dem our royal models.We ol knw d true. Let jus face it, after death no 2nd chance. May God guide n protect us frm evil
If. Only people know what many american celebrities do to make it... They do worse than nigerian ritualists
This has been on the internet since when? 2009?
Judgement belongs to God. But, sure there is a price to pay for misleading other souls.
Na wa ooooo
Believe it or leave it,d̶̲̥̅̊ comn of our Lord Jesus È‹̝̊̅§ imminent!â„“̊ hope ds bad nonsense ɪ̣̝̇â„“â„“ nt rub Nollywood Ooº°˚ ˚°ÂºoO ,cos evry trash dats happenin in Holywood bcoms a̶̲̥̅̊ fancy here:eg d̶̲̥̅̊ gaining popularity of homosexualism in d̶̲̥̅̊ industry nau
there's no proof here that he is in any cult....
People are unbelievably stupid! Can't you idiots concentrate on your sick and boring lives instead of saying absolute bollocks about an innocent celebrity?
I mean what the fuck is wrong with this generation? Even if he is the devil has he killed someone? Has he caused World War 3? Why the fucking hate? Disgusting cunts. Cause he's rich yeah? Leave Beyonce and Jay out of your miserable talk!
Fuck this.
Who's business? Ms Posh
These illuminati people stop spreading ya stupid gospel am having headache(angry),we are not intrested if u are d devil himself so stop disturbing d world with ya shit.#EndTimeShallTell#
Wot should we believe?God help us all.sheyi.
My dear no be small "whatever"
Wonder how many mega watts that will add to our power generation
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Do what's thou wilt? Also believe what thou wilt. Bunkum bladadash.
Hmm. No longer news dat JAYZ is in secret cults. God save us
No smoke without fire
@ Linda et tu? Leave such info for the gullible amongst us who can't see it for what it is...a mere publicity stunt to attract huge increase in sales for his merchandise.
Oga the illuminati idiots start displaying your ignorance in 4...3....2...1
The tyme is near...
Jay-Z,has already said he sold his soul to the devil in one of his music,so don't be surprised to hear Lucifer gist about him.
Gush, its getting worse by the day. This people are on rampage with their occult spell all in the name of power, fame and money. But at the end, God will always prevail.
we all know this
is tru.we have always known..God help him nd all of dm involved.
Everything points to the involvement of JayZ and his wife in the occult. But if belonging to OTO is true, then we truly must be wary of them. OTO practices sex magic. The highest form of its ritual is homosexual liaison, though includes all other forms of sexual expression. Could this explain why Beyonce and their protegee, Rihanna, go extra mile to over-sexualise their music videos and lyrics...just curious
End time
Shit as always -_-
They should just free this dude abeg! Kilode
Dakore's red dress, Hit or Miss??? Find out here on my style blog www.soladunn.blogspot.com
It is well with our souls. Lord Jesus, see us through.
To believe or not to?... Sipping my sure alomo humming in Olamide's voice: *éléfoo illuminatti*...
Na wa oh!
mak e turn na, hw e use concern us !
Not surprise, never wished to be like him or his wife. Knew they have thing with satan.
na today? mscheww
Wow! All I can say is wow. Principle of double think is being applied. You see it, yet you don't see it. My advice to everyone out there is to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Cus from the littlest thief to the biggest Occultic member Na d same hell fire una go enter!
Those who reject the truth will follow anything.
All for money n big name nonsense.
All power belong to Jesus please live and die with him because he is the only away to the father and to paradise. Amen
Its possible, why don't u believe linda? Some comments u make, makes me wonder if u are a christian. I am not perfect atall but I dey try by His grace, how far with u?
God bless u! W.H.A.T.E.V.E.R!
God bless u! W.H.A.T.E.V.E.R!
Who amongst d celebrities av they nt linked wiv satan? Even Kirk Frackline ... RUBBISH!!!
And what is new about this Linda!...... Jay-z has always been an occultist we all know it. He has said it severally. Its a pity that satanist have the courage to state who they are in public but some christians are scared of professing their faith.
Before nko its not somthn argueable cos its so obviously written and spoken so high aloud; ÈŠ̝̊†̥ vry pronounced all ova him n his ϑε̲ãr wife n the rests of dem in the entertainment world!
So i'm not surprised or in doubt abt dat assertion!
This is just some people's opinion. Does anyone have proofs?
Now i hv come to believe Art is used as a tool to stray peoples 4rm the path of God...we all need to be careful as the world comes to an end..as it is said in the book we are prone to face intimidation,temptation and all sort as the world comes to an end.
This is ridiculous only God that will save us all "so scary"
Lin,u jst brought 2 light what goes on in hollywood.its a sect some kind of ancient teachings.its either u fucking with em or u running as hell from em.
Its so true n real
dat day He wil com lik a tif in d nite.i wos shown a revelation by d lord,concn d endtim my dear d ppl we tink wil mak heaven wil nt,bt d ones wil tink wil nt mak it u wil be sp they wil mak it.God hav shown me many tinks dt wil hapn on dis endtim.so my bro ad sis is nt only dos who ar in one cult or d other dat wil nt mak heavn.Remb d bible says without holines no eye shal see d lord am writn dis bcus of d comments may God help us in Jesus name amen.
dat day He wil com lik a tif in d nite.i wos shown a revelation by d lord,concn d endtim my dear d ppl we tink wil mak heaven wil nt,bt d ones wil tink wil nt mak it u wil be sp they wil mak it.God hav shown me many tinks dt wil hapn on dis endtim.so my bro ad sis is nt only dos who ar in one cult or d other dat wil nt mak heavn.Remb d bible says without holines no eye shal see d lord am writn dis bcus of d comments may God help us in Jesus name amen.
All of you saying he is making his money or smiling to the bank, you are equally guilty! Is everything about money? Is there a price for ones soul?
Everything these so called stars do should not be labelled ok just because they are popular and stars to a lot of people.
God is not impressed nor intimidated by how popular you are or how much you have in your bank. After all, is He not the one who gave all those things to you? Then it means you will be punished the day your cup over runs, whether you are Beyonce, JZ, Micheal Jackson or Whitney Houston.
Fear God in all you do.
@ Nigerian America, thank you for that question! Why can't people ask these simple questions? Like the say goes, common sense is uncommon.
Ff me @arryrashad..
Sit down dia like a fool and be an ignorant fool I v always knwn u to be,u fucking gay transiversite fargot... He is evil to d fullest
So????please NEWS,not stale gist.....
Yh. Its very clear that'd be God's interest on d day of judgement. How much we acquired without interest as to d means/process. I am not declaring him a cultist, but what is worship? When all u do makes people attach you to devil, den you r under the devil whether u like it or not. Ignorance is not an excuse, its either you r for The Most High or you r for baal. There's not middle stand. So be wise, no ones assignment on earth is to acquire wealth which will be left behind when death comes
This yankee guys with satanic secret cult God help them... Show them your through salvation.
It is not hearsay Anonimous.I can give u d video where he and d wife said it all and endosin it to be d way of good life.d truth is dat dia dirty lyrics and songs has sent many to Hell and is still doin dat now.Money is not everythin U had beta get dat into ur skull....mcheeeeeew.
Funny u are on a loooong thing.d wife is deep deep down into it is lik she is gettin worse i have d video.
Africans ar d most naïve nd jobles set of piple eva, esp all dis igbo piple. So its no longa Illuminati, mak una de sufer nd cont to talk trash wyl a niga makes his dough. Nxt tym na, Jay Z in d Devils Cabal.
Bush human being, abeg giv way! U even get mouth to wish, wey u neva see gari drink. U no see name..amaka!
Africans ar d most naïve nd jobles set of piple eva, esp all dis igbo piple. So its no longa Illuminati, mak una de sufer nd cont to talk trash wyl a niga makes his dough. Nxt tym na, Jay Z in d Devils Cabal.
Ehhh blame daily mail!! Just drop out of uni mate! You are just dumb! Mumu
Jay z is a satanist, and he doesn't hide it. Check out this lyrics of his song,'I must die in ur arms tonight' in the third stanza.
"...in the inner circle all we do is ball, till we all gat TRIANGLES on our walls"
In Empire State of Mind, he said, 'o city u r a virgin. Jesus can't save u. Life starts in u when the church dies'
Jay z is a confirmed satanist and has a right to his beliefs. My concern is d millions of pple he is swaying to indirectly worship d DEVIL. Ignorance is not an excuse on judgement day. BE WARNED!
Talks of Illuminati is now stale so in order for his name to remain on hypocriates'lips Jay has started another rumour about religion. I love Jay, he's such a PR genius!
Open your fucking eyes hypocrite!
Jay z is a confirmed satanist and has a right to his beliefs. My concern is d millions of pple he is swaying to indirectly worship d DEVIL. Ignorance is not an excuse on judgement day. BE WARNED!
Believe dis,&,u'll believe any nonsense..dis na PR stunt..
Is jay ur Broda or ur father or are you by ny chance related to beyonce .........silly has individual don't show the world how stupidbu really are please.
I hope you know you are also finished!! Fool, if u ve nothing smart to say just don't say anything
@ Ibrahim Muhamm. You are 1000 percent right! ART is where the devil is lurking behind to trap a lot of people. You know why? Because singing, dancing naked, braging, profanity,, exergerating, etc have no Barraka. There is no blessing in the music industry.
Fool its same occult and evil practice,
Peeps whatever dis guys claim they bliv is what they are promoting. Lets promote God and His Son Jesus Salvation instead of being an advertising agents for what for this organisation. God help Us
Thank God he knows there is Jesus and a Church. Its left to us to choose the path we want to follow.
I won't be shocked if Jay z is a Mason member,his name is too linked to it jare but den, their business not mine. /// Aha! Big John, I tot I was d only one dat believed prince charming is gay! The way he rants on dis blog, d way he retorts back via his usual feminine ranting methods wen pple try to correct him ( and he is never wrong, he will never accept he is wrong ever) all these made me believe he is gay. Real men ain't ever drama Queens, Pc is d epitome of it. No matter how much a gay guy try to hide in d cupboard, Ul always figure him out cos unconsciously he will be displaying his gay xters without even knowing. I'm just surprised oda libers haven't noticed how gay Pc is. Lin Lin how re u? Post my comment u hear? Hv a cute day love.
Of course u will find cunts disgusting cos it's dick u take in and it's dick u prefer entering ur anus and it's dick u also suck or shuld I properly say it's dick u love giving blow job. Fucking faggot oshi! Linda, Ul make my day if u post dis.
Ur level of ignorance and stupidity is both appalling nd baffling! STFU blaadi illetrate.
Shut up if he's Gay ur his Bitch...& this is just a conspiracy Theory.
@ big john: guy did u go to school at all?
Thank you Max! I can't even make out what he's saying..grammar/spelling is just off. And the word is "TRANSVESTITE" you ignorant bastard. Chai...bricklayers have started blogging too.
Prince Charming do you employ the use of a dictionary to blog? Chairman its not that serious oh! "the ulterior becomes the incontrovertible" what the fuck exactly are you trying to say dude?????????
Both Prince Charming and this illiterate big john fella are bore of the same tree of stupidity! I would LOVE to witness an english speaking competition between both. Hehehe #priceless
@ big john: guy did u go to school at all?
Do what thou wilt... no long tin
Very ugly Aleister crowley, looks like the devil himself..
na Beyonce headache be dat
he is just a puppet
@anon 9:49pm... Truest talk
Linda, this Illuminate thing is true watch this Kat Williams video o youtube.
I strongly believe but what do we tend to gain by gaining all the riches in the world in exchange for a precious everlasting soul...Caution Caution Causion
Its not by looks o,spiritual things are beyond ordinary eyes.
There are gods of this world That give pple wealth and fame in exchange for their souls!hmmmm.
I always say if only dia won't be death or we will take wealth to the oda side' ,is the only time I will join a cult for money!there's no point.
Make dem investigate that nonsense Tom cruise and other followers call SCIENTOLOGY......how come when wahala wan start they look for ways to dissolve it so no one knows what REALLY is going on their.....
Please give me a break with this Illuminati stuff with Jay and Bey.....
Who are u to call him ugly? Are u richer than him? U don't even look half as good as him so stfu! Bastard!!
Different stories.
Anon April 22, 2013 at 7:58 PM; Jay Z's back street name is Gay Z. Sexual magic comes in there.
Linda I'm sure you don't believe this. Money worshippers don't normally believe such things. people who will do anything for money never believe such. To each their own.
You guys say a lot of things you don't know. I'm a nigerian residing the Commonwealth of Virginia a 12th Degree OTO, shut it up if you have limited knowledge. You don't just copy and paste anything you see online. Grow in Knowledge and decrease your ignorance.
You guys say a lot of things you don't know. I'm a nigerian residing the Commonwealth of Virginia a 12th Degree OTO, shut it up if you have limited knowledge. You don't just copy and paste anything you see online. Grow in Knowledge and decrease your ignorance.
Half of us typing comments are christains..... Lemme tell u something "marketing strategy or whatever u call it is labelling it" its obviously end time stuff.... Be wise ignoRance they say is nt an excuse.
Damn you're as dumb as a box of rocks Lmao Go ahead and follow his ass to hell,it's your life.
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