This will always be home for me,
at least, it’s comforting to know one is with family, and I am glad to be home.
I missed home, mum and dad. Things may not be what it should be, but home is
it. There were too many things I took for granted before I left, but now I know
better. When I’m done with schooling, I will be back home, to do my own thing
too, even though, the weather is killing me right now”.
You are a child of two different cultures, how
do you cope?
I think I’m just the female
version of my dad, we are just the same pretty much, I guess I caught his cold after
years of being around him. I have always admired him for his freedom and his
tenacity at a time when it was taboo to look that way. In my case, the whole
thing just grew on me.
I don’t do all I do because I am
trying to be like my dad. I am just Dominique, even though I wear tattoos and
have piercings, but it’s just because I love them, not because I got influenced
by my dad. There are many people who do this stuff, not because anyone, but
because they are just comfortable that way.
What’s is your choices of career,
and what influence does your dad have regarding that?
I want to be a designer and a
stylist. I am like my mother in that regards. I like to make things, and I’m
good with my hands too. As long as you walk that positive part and observe dad’s
little rules, you are free to express yourself any which way creatively. Knowing
the battle dad fought for his independence, it would be wrong for him to remote us into something else that does not
agree with our innate ability.
My dad didn’t influence my choice
of career, it is just what I’ve always loved and desired to do. I have always
had a love for fashion since I was in high school. I could say a little bit of
influence as to his nature but not like I was pressured or told to do what I am
doing now.
Like any normal parent, always looking out for their children and wanting the best for them. Most of the time, he is easy with us, especially when we are good. However, sometimes he is a bit old fashioned and can be very strict.
Growing up, he was really strict
but I actually understand now that I’m grown that he was just looking out for
me. People see him differently on the outside but to be honest, he is really a
cool guy. He really understands and I could tell him anything. He is like an
elder brother or a friend. Yes, I’m very close to my dad.
We all know there is no
smoke without fire. How weird is your father, is he as weird as it is made
public…like sleeping in coffins, having pythons as pet and even that his
sexuality is questionable?
Hahaha…my dad is an entertainer,
that’s what he does for a living, and as an entertainer you would attract all
sorts, good, bad, ugly. It is their stock in trade. At home, we don’t see any
of this, it’s as normal as it could ever be, but I guess people confuse his
life as Charlyboy with his life as Mr Oputa, they are two different entities.
The man I know as my dad is Mr Charles Oputa.
Do you share intimate
stuff with your dad?
Yeah, I share intimate stuff with
him. Once, I had shared the story of the birds and the bees with him and it
wasn’t funny, maybe the timing was wrong. But we are still very close and we
talk pretty well. I don’t feel like I need to hide anything from him, I just
feel like I am an open book.
Are your parents still
together? What is their relationship like?
Yes, they are still together. Every
relationship is hard; there needs to be collective efforts to make it work. I
think they have had a cool relationship thus far, though, they have their
bitter moments sometimes, but what they share is worth emulating, it’s kind of
what I would like to have in future, with my husband whenever I marry.

What about your mum?
She is cool. I love her; she has
always been there for me. We have a very good relationship.
What about all the
funny stories about your dad, how does it affect you, how do you deal with
Some pictures came out some few
months ago and I really didn’t know how to react to it then. I know who my
father is, but sometimes, people’s ignorance and bad words can get to you. That
is the price we all have to pay, for
being Charlyboys offspring; but on the whole, I am proud of where I am coming
from. I have a thick skin now so nothing anybody writes gets to me again. I
just tell myself, I know who this person is and I am not going to get upset
over words. It is something I have gotten used to over the years, so it no
longer bothers me when he does some weird stuff. Sometimes, it gets so annoying
being his daughter because I don’t like so much attention focused on me, I hate
crowd around me. I am glad he is my dad, but sometimes it’s way too much.
How does being
Charlyboy’s daughter help you?
I’m proud of my name, but I don’t
go about telling people that I’am Charlyboys daughter. I even hide that angle,
because you want to know who your real friends are, not based on something
else. I don’t think anyone of us wears it as a badge. I love to be seen as Dominique, not as
Charlyboy’s daughter. Though, I am independent, I still love my family’s name
and no one can make me feel bad about it.
What do you feel about
Nigeria’s economy right now?
Nigeria’s economy is very bad. I
feel like nothing is going to work anymore, like when something is so damaged
beyond repairs. Over there, they are so ignorant; they still feel Africa is a jungle.
I am also scared of the Boko Haram insurgence in Nigeria, even though people
die everywhere; Nigeria already has a bad name that generates gossips in other
countries after a small strike.
I easily get angry, even though I
am calm and easy going; the slightest things get me angry. My dad is a little
bit short fused, though age has mellowed him down some little, I think we all
took that from him.
What are the positives
you got from him?
We are very focused in anything
we want to do, and I am sure, all of us have that fighting spirit, the never
say die attitude. We are also people friendly.
Are you a Christian?
I am pretty much a Christian, but
I am not a regular churchgoer. I don’t like being forced to go to church. I
don’t feel good about the fact that I don’t go to church anyway. In our family,
we are more spiritual than religious.
That line about being more spiritual than religious is a testament to the fact that you have spent years in the us . That said, she is pretty.
someone should please summarize...
All these sermon na for wetin?
I even fine pass this one... Next story abeg
Its so forebodingly palpable! Like father, like daughter!
What's she n her dad doing in d 1st pics? See hw charlyboy b like Babe sorry nor vex... You look gd anyways... Whateva
Nice choice of words..
She seem intelligent too!
I know both of them, Adaeze and Dominique here in the atl. Adaeze is the opposite if this lady, very calm,not crazy and weird. This one na truly my papa born me.
i will lyk 2 have dis girks Ass for dinner ... lol
Ω̴̩̩̩̥α wa oooo dats all I can say.
Indeed more spiritual than religious!
Food for thought.
Another oddity.....
This is beauty without hairs. chika ike was scary
Am not surprised whatever a snake begot must be long. hope she also take time to think about life inside casket like her dad. Iberibe of the highest order.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Fine babe.
I like her response to the last question.
How much dem pay you for advertisement?
Ewo ni were !!!! Linda stop using your power and influence to feed us this rubbish ... there are better things to know than this rubbish from Charly woman and the gang
Great answers, I think I like her. Linda, more of her pls
Ewww....diz gal z freaking me out. And is it just me or their picture poses looking kinda incest-y?
like father like daughter, she is negatively influenced by her dad. i pray God delivers u
I love d father and child relationship, it gives room 4 more lessons N less mistakes!
More spiritual than religious.... Spiritual i see... Trying not to make a comment, so No comment.
nice one
nice one
Crazy people, although d girl is pretty, pls don't end up being like your dad. 'Ms Bee
Lol, Charlyboy don born him specie, d gurl is fine sha, independent and philosophical minds
Why the exotic pictures with her dad? Hmmm. Strange things.
Hey Linda see my primary school mate from Grace Children School.. she looks so different now father,like daughter!!! Though she is still as pretty as ever!! First to comment!!
Hey! Linda o, anyway goat cannot give birth to a dove. I no fit shout, dazall. Lindiway pls post o, I no its not easy on u , u dey try wella . Luv u for it
Cute girl there...charley boy looks like he is gonna explode,dayum!
These their poses sha.... So not proper for father-daughter. *lips zipped*
Dis linda @times makes me laugh,I may nt kno u personally buh I kno ur cusine nnadi ur sis laura,nnadi was my guy travel to south Africa came bac nd got married to one white girl lik dat*dnt care sef*it makes me laugh each time u say ur comments ll b made visible wen is approve*shm*lov dominique sense of humor..........
Bunch of weirdos,shez pretty tho!
Personally, I think Dominique is as free spirited as her father. Nothing beats that. Fela was also free spirited. They know their roots but are not bound by it. 120years is a short time to live. Live your life, and live free.
She's very pretty
Very pretty girl. She looks like mercy johnson.
Btw, "we are more spiritual than religious"... What does that mean?
Beats the shit outta me,Y u think we would give a hoot about the Nigerian version of 'The Addams Family'..
There are already enough loonies roaming the streets,when i feel like knowing about madness,I look at them,I dont need to read about it.#Be guided Linda.
Wow, she's not bad at all, prettier dan I xpected,her answers 2 d question were quite impressive. She try.
Those pics are a bit disturbing..... Just sayin
Wow, impressive. She's a pretty girl, prettier dan I xpected & her answers 2 d questions were also quite impressive. Abeg she try.
Wow, she's not bad at all, prettier dan I xpected,her answers 2 d question were quite impressive. She try.
Ughh. this man is so uggg and scary. i won't even want to wake up beside such.
Wow! Spitting image of her daddy..That crazy gothic chic! She's proud of what she's doing..I think I like her. Strong independent African lady. ::HardcoreLibHead::
Sexy girl homo!!
There pics r so weird. It's not ur regular father and daughter pic.
the poses are so unappropriate for a father and daughter.... Beautiful people tho..
all of them are just possessed in this family. sigh
God help them.
There's nothing called University of Arts Institue. It's Art Institute biko!
*first of all get down low*pls take a closer look at d first,second and last pics.are u sure charlyboy n dominique are lips are closed
She is definitely a finer version of him.
I just hope she's not as crazy as he is
The father and daughter poses seem inappropriate......very awkward if you ask me smh
Wonderful people....I love charly Boy, he has a great family, irrespective of his exposure and enlightenment, he didn't let his family fall apart, he is still happily married and all his kids are doing well, young celebrities should learn from him.
Sportish attire all d way. Boyish and boring
I like her, and she pretty
beautifully urghhhhh!
Ardent bonding.
Hmmm. I just don't like the kind pix with her dad....its weird. When you say u are more spiriruaL than religious what do u mean? Everyone just rattles that these days to make themselves feel good about their short comings. Spiritual or not, u still need guidance! Teachers r gifts from God oh, study from 1 Corinth 12-15, they dint just emerge from d sky to control ur life. Good teachers that is.
with your ringed nose, you resemble a bull on heat!
Odi egu!!!!hmmm.....
Isn't this a little inappropriate?
If charlie boy decides to do a reality show about his family, i am so sure it would rake in millions for him.
The good nigerian
Make sense.... The girl sounds very positive and honest.... I wish her well in her career and life in general.
She's pretty...but her father? Weird
Nice haircut...seriously considering it. She's pretty as well! #nina
There's something slightly disturbing about some of these photos. Are they serious?? there is trying to be edgy/different/pushing the envelope and there's downright inappropriate behaviour!
Something's not right about some of these pictures, especially the last one.
I don't care how open minded you are, these 'straddling' photos are in poor taste.
i realli wudnt take those kind of pictures with my dad. dats just not right.
Good for them....
fearless my nyash! why she no come live for ajegunle make we no say she fearless. kmt. craze people. kmft. comot abeg
Love this babe. Love their family. At least they know what they r up to and know Eachoda. Unlike other pple who pretend with their parents
I really like their relationship, mere looking @ dem u will know they are Close.
i always knew that since elementary school... dewy oputa FTW
Why did they take these photoes... A litle off/odd
Hmmmmmnnnn is all I can say.....
i always knew that since elementary school... Dewy FTW
Na wa o..wats up wiv all de weird pictures nw....she wud hav bin a fyn gul buh 4 de weird peircings..dough hot body sha....
So much love in that family. Like them a lot.
The poses in these photos are not father-daughter appropriate...
Wow! Breaking News:Ladunliadi's blog has just been hacked!
Nice 1, Love ur been unique gal..
no nid 2 coment cos linda dnt lik postin my coment
Is it me or is the last pix kinda awkward lukin.
she is correct; fight to make your own mark as someone not depending or riding on your parent's image and I believe too that nigeria is gone, way past past beyond repair.
Wow...... I love dis families. Like father like daughter.
Spiritual dan religious...spiro people. U cute babe.
Everything about that last image is so WRONG! lol
Pretty girl. Charlyboy and his family are becoming like the Kardashians. Publicity stunts every other day lol
Train up your child in the way of the Lord, when he/she is old they will not depart from it. Really? Dominik and Charles is this life?
Two weirdos like fada like daughter.
Sweet sixteen!
WTF.... Watz wrong wit these two,dis man is so demonic,I dnt like him 4 any reason,wat a waste of beauty,smh
Damn she's sexyyyy! I have a girl crush on her. Damn!
Hmm oshisco! Arrant nonsense
She is sooo pretty!
I had to come back again and say how hoooooot this chic is! I am as straight as a pin, but if i had to swing to the other team, i'll so do it with her! Gosh she's sexy! #okbye
Absolute nonsense mtcheeeeeew!!!
Every child ought to be proud of their parents irrespective of wat they do and so, she has to rep Charly's name. Having said that, I have this feeling that something's going on somewhere
Poor child!
What an interesting interview,like father like daughter
Dis kain family sef! #smh# weirdos . Lion no dey born goat sha.
Like father like daughter.
Like father like daughter.
I reserve my comment. Una weldone oo. OZ
She's pretty without the CRAZE...
I don't understand what she and her dad are doing in most of the pics. #Lewandowski
Wise girl jst love u dear
i love her backside....dey look like dey hv banged tho!!!
Sometin abt d girl irritates me...stil trying to figure out exactly what it is...
why sleep ontop of ur dad's body lk dat?is dat even normal?ds is why hulk hogan got issues wt his wife.
Truth be told she is actually a pretty girl.
Wish u all d best :)
Wow! Beauty wid brains,
Naso crase dey start
She's a pretty girl n yes, she evidently got it from her dad. I dnt like d last pose tho!
Checkout my style blog on
ummm the poses with her dad...especially where she is bootyliciously sitting on his thigh/leg...make me uncomfortable. I hope I am not a prude. Other than that nice interview and pretty lady.
pele o. smh.....
Is Nigeria really this bad?
Ife eke muru aghaghi iyi agwu!
like father like daughter.
The last oputa who used to bring her dog to school!
Very indecent n provocative pic wt her dad....simply perverted!Yuk
chie..some commentators make me crack up.....
It's her beauty and confidence those 2 things usually irritate haters but they can't figure out why they hate the person!! Eeya sorry o
Wtf! Cnt u guys comment without criticizing...funny enof not lyk u guys are perfect in anyway! Some of u commentin suck as hell..
Charly boy looks like all dis #babalawo# in igbo movies...plz do away wif d eye pencil or shay na kajal....d daughter z pretty tho,buh she too serioz for all d pix, loosen up a bit....and enjoy d photo shoot!
For real oh!..... The chick is pretty but that nose ring?! Big no no.
Ahn ahn something like what????
Ahn ahn! Lmao u no sabi keep ur comments to urself? Lol!
Ahn ahn something like what????
Omg Linda....are you this slow!?It's Arts institute of Atlanta...not no doggone university of arts institute...learner!
Weird lookin creatures!
Anyone that went to grace high school or grace children school will know this family, they are all really cool.. they are not as bad as the media makes them all seem. she has an older sister Adaeze, u wont even know shes from this family. even dominique, very cool babe..
Na wah o,,, dis man is too old for this na... Abeg I'm not interested in this.. Plus d pose not proper
Lol..those pics tho...anyway they expected comments like these b4 they took the shots...attention seekers making their money..ugh!
Linda is charly boy payin u 4 dis promotion???? U wnt 2 help him ressurect his dead music career... Hissss
me like her,she turns me on
POSSESSED FAMILY!!!!!!! Y'all Need deliverance.
annonymous 6.11pm u must be a goat so she was ur school mate and u are here doing 1st to coment lk an idiot mumu,when people talk u knw what they hv upstairs i already knw what u represent pls hide ur local brain dis is y i dont lk reading coments frm d begining i always start frm d end cos they are always bunch of fools and local people dragging on 1st to coment instead of focusing on d topic.
annonymous 6.11pm u must be a goat so she was ur school mate and u are here doing 1st to coment lk an idiot mumu,when people talk u knw what they hv upstairs i already knw what u represent pls hide ur local brain dis is y i dont lk reading coments frm d begining i always start frm d end cos they are always bunch of fools and local people dragging on 1st to coment instead of focusing on d topic.
Some of you are just funny haters. U'all are being negative about a 55? 60? year old successful entertainer and business man with political and social clout in his own country; who has decent children who are either graduates or undergraduates, who is a happily married man of over donkey years to the same woman......imo he has lived and is still living the life of HIS dreams! Point that finger right back at yourselves and sort out your own lives!! mtscheeww!! smh
You are absolutely correct
Nothing wrong wit any of the pics ok people? Its a father/daughter n its called bonding! If u see otherwise, that's really wicked of you and probably lack love from ur parents. CB is weird, I guess u already know dat right? So i dont think he cares about your opinions #JustSaying.
Too sad for these jobless youths who think that their comments is of any importance, already seeing something bad in an innocent picture between father and daughter, Godforbid you people. This is one great family, I know them and I swear all of you haters would love to have come from such a privelaged background, and here you are talking like an ignorant Nigerian. God save his country. Linda you should all publish things that are constructive, because we already have a problem with misplaced aggression, hence kidnapping has become a business.
these pics r disturbing on so many highly irritated...looks like they are about to f..k
So sad for U̶̲̥̅. Somebody had to be †Ð½Æ¹ jerk and it just had to be U̶̲̥̅. Mtchewwwww! Ass ko, yanch ni.
Linda, post sharpally
Tot so too. The nose ring just reminds me of cows. Uurrghh
This Girl don allow hm papa broomstick her brain! so sad
like father like daughter
4ny adaeze wuz kinda lik d crazy 1 wen they used 2 live in gbagada & dominique used 2 b calm.
She look beauriful and crazy...I go like do her! She looks nuaghty
Sorry ooh, but am i the only one who thinks photos 1, 3 and 7 are seriously disturbing?!
una two go suffer
Nice one
Am I the only one who thinks these pictures are a tad inappropriate...??
Pretty her lips.
Lovely ans,n very deep. As for the truth, we sld be more spiritual Dan religious. Really food for thought.
Lmaooo, adaeze used to be ma senior in high schl very calm lady....whyl dominique, my junior crazy kid I tell you
its very insensitive, not to mention rude to suggest incest in a father and daughter picture. the fact that some of you dont have that kind of relationship with ur fathers does not mean that others media does not give you the right to insult the bond she shares with her father. depraved minds. its just not right!its not everything you must say. some things are better left unsaid. words have life and cant be taken back! at all of you saying "incest".... na market wey person dey sell, na im e dey sabi well
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