"I would love to. I am designed to be under a man. I am not going to lie that I like the single mother thing going on. I believe in marriage. Whether you like it or not, it is the best option but it's not a do or die thing though. I have been there before and if I'm going to do it again, it has to be right by the Grace of God. I am not ready to make another mistake."
A true mature self confident woman
wish u d best in ur marriage life
Good one dear,you need to do so.First time here and first to Comment
nice decision
Is it me or does "designed to be under a man" immediately create a visual?
Clean woman... Just love her and don't worry ur man will definitley come
My dear be optimistic,be prayerful and above all be careful. God will see u through.
don't know why I love this woman so much.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Hmmmmm....so d 1st one was not by the grace of God bah? No more mistakes plz,ask God for directn.i dnt buy d single mother thing too,thank God you kw ure designed to be under a man.Nice hairstyle.
Kk.. First to comment...
Beautiful woman...
Beautiful creature.
Wish you best of luck ma'am.
Amen, and so shall it be darling. God will def give you your heart 's desire. Believe !
You right Mona,.
She is been honest, may God grant you a loving,caring and God fearing man. I wish you the best dear Mona.
Ikwere mekaanu! Abeg mek u pray wella to avoid another mistake, this marriage thing no be by power though Ikwere girls no dey stay one place just like yoruba girls na so so try try.
You right Mona,.
Heeyyaa. Nice one. Straight from the heart. Wish U a nice, down to earth, God fearing man for a husband. God bless U Monalisa Chinda.
imagine this ripe tomatoes nobody dey shag her.9ja guys whr una dey
ehyaaaa! God will perfect this one! just commit it to HIS hands.
ive always said it that those claiming to enjoy single parent are deceiving themselves. its not easy. both parent have their role to play in a child's life.
for those who happened to be single parent not by their choosing, it is well.
marriage na gud tin
Nice matured words...on point! I pray she finds her Prince Charming soonest!
Nice matured words...on point! I pray she finds her Prince Charming soonest!
Please mona, I hope it's not with lanre nzeribe. That pathological woman chasing social climbing dude. You deserve the best and just like u said it's not a do or die affair.
Wise statement. Other divorcees should learn, instead of being bitter about a bad experience. It shows u have a mature heart. Big ups!!
Its okay!... Just make sure u make no mistakes
wish u all d BeaT@lisa...gud job liNda
Dn't worry dearie,Dis tym God will give U̶̲̥̅̊ d bone&flesh of Ūя̲̅ flesh.
Very insightful!
Linda, point of correction, she is ugly. How can u say this girl abi woman is beautiful. I believe ur jst being sarcastic sha, coz there is no way she can be called beautiful.
She tink say d tin easy,oya now make she try
Monalisa! You're beautiful babe! Natural fair complexion! But you're just too fat and round! You need to slim down. We men don't like fat girls!
Who's she and who cares . . .?
hi aunty mona, am sure u r marrying that serial womanizer NZERIBE WHATEVER.U R GOING INTO ANOTHER MESS ABI?
Me too. I will marry again.
This is definitely TMI!
Linda is on fire with amebo these days o!!!
Gud 4 u aunt chinda,wen u finally see d ryt man I ope u stay married. Linlin post ma comment osiso, SASSY
D LORD is ur strenght...
''I am designed to be under a man''. I like that. Very frank and humble lady. And may God lead you to good man!
She's a wise woman. Proud of her+ Its not a do or die affair as well but its better to get it once.
God will see u through IJN
U are der girl,good to ave a in ur life(husband)
She's a wise woman...Its not a do or die affair but its better gotten once..Gods Grace to make a right decision.
Linda approv an post my comment
D LORD is ur strenght...
You are designed to be under a man? Hahaha people like Linda don't like such truth.
Most ladies here will fight you (monalisa) for saying you are designed to be under a man. Well no matter how most women want to paint it that it's not compulsory to marry,the truth is we all want to but some people been unfortunate to find a spouse has amounted to saying Marriage is not a do or die.
Linda I know you were hit by her statement bcos you encourage women to be single and divorce from most of your posts. Monalisa just pierced a lot of single women's heart who have been misled by bitter single girls.
So many women are consoled by Genevieve's status (single mother with a career),so are inspired by Bimbo Akintola,some are looking at successful single women to remain single but it will come as a shock to see them Marry or cry out of been tired with their unmarried status.
Linda you still dont believe in being under a man? Lol
So tRue! Marriage should Not be a Do or Die affair O! First to comment I guess! L̳̿Ö̤l love u Linda! U r awesome! Keep up d amebo work u r doing! Its ur calling! #lolliemee#
I love a woman that loves love
Nig most stylish brides here on my style blog www.soladunn.blogspot.com
Mona lukin gud as eva
With Lanre Nzeribe? Hmmmmmmmmmm...
under a man???????????????? under his command, or under his body...........either way they both sound wrong...how bout with a man, or beside a man
I like her sincerity.....dats all
She's a wise woman. Proud of her+ Its not a do or die affair as well but its better to get it once.
You are not ready to make another mistake. Really? What then are you doing with a man like Lanre Nzeribe? You might just get hurt again. I wish you well and may God direct you.
God HATES divorce!!! Becareful of how you make ur choice of a lyf partner and stick with them. Adam didn't leave Eve afta she caused them to leave the garden. Going thru divorce sometyms shows unforgiveness, if u can't forgive ur partner dnt expect God's forgiveness. It is clearly stated in d Lord's prayers-"forgive us our sin as we forgive those who trespass against us"
Pretty monalisa, ever glowing, God knows your heart desires and will fulfill it IJN. Stay blessed
Linda why did you change the caption?
you for leave am na....fear let you?
Yes o. Take your time n don't be pressurized into any marriage. God will bring the bone of your bone n the flesh of your flesh. Also a worthy father for your daughter
Mona !! I agreed with you o!!!Look very well o !!! With the rumours we are hearing,you really have to look weller !!! Best of luck on your second attempt!!!!!! Fisrt fool is understandable but the second one is the real Fool!!!!!
And I am designed to love size 10/12/14 women with big breast. Hehehe!
No comments ke! Linda plz lemme see our comments ohhh.....dts d part i enjoy most.
i like her thinking, wish you luck gurl....conutry sister
I think she needs to restrategise. Using LN to oil the pot in the interim could work against her. She should have opted for a baggage & scandal free guy to fill the gap.
God help you...IJN
Go girl. I'm proud of you. May God grant your heart's desire
In a relationship, you know what you have to give but you don't know what you will get back in return. Honesty is the scarcest thing in most relationship. When you give love, they think you are weak, and afaid of losing them. Sad, but that is just the way it is.
And you will not make anoda mistake Inshallah...... Bytheway in the first picture u look like my cousin Funmi Adesola.....
If you intend marrying that man that was with you during your daughter's birthday, it means you haven't learnt your lesson.
I love this woman, She is so real. God ll grant her heart desires and bless her with a good man and a happy Home.
I need a woman that thinks like this woman, and she will ENJOY me for the rest of her life.
Pls dear don't make d same mistake u made with dejo Richards...all d best mona
Kk, goodluck . Unto d next one.
Do u just called that a "Mistake"any where I will still love u cos we are made to be together, yes my love we are ....:'( crying........Ogaoooooo
Way to set women back a coupla years *thumbs up* designed to be under a man.
Wonderful desire my dear,God'l grant ur desires but dis time seek God's face n be more careful.now for dos of u who want to lecture on divorce,wait until u r dumped by ur wife or huzzy go tru d pains n ul know its not funny to be in dat situation
Nah wa oh,after u don fade finish,see watin Mary kay turn ur face 2,u under men Monalisa ,anyway na only Lanre that one go catch.
Designed to be under a man! if you are designed to be under a man you should have stayed with the first one no matter how badly you felt you were being treated.
Definitely......or how else do u wanna make babies,lol.
Fine geh sha,vewy fine
What nonsense!
'under a man?' Seriously? She needs to rephrase that because if she means that, she would have tolerated the domestic violence from her previous marriage. You can still be BESIDE a man and fulfil your different roles in a marriage.
I like this lady, she is not too proud to say it.
Linda, Can I have this lady? I admire her honesty and courage. I would have dismissed her statement if she had never been there b4. Most single Naija ladies feel the same way until they hook the men or after a failed marriage or if they feel financially accomplished. For you girls out there, contrary to what you're fed daily, most men are not evil, they want to have happy marriages just like you do, so pray for your God given husbands and don't let women's lib members deceive you
Dunno y women resist d fact dat we were created to b under d headship of men.'d head of every woman is d man' d bible says. Whether we lik it or not, nature has cheated us and d best thn to do is accept dat fact, pray for a gr8 head and b happy. God bless her for her humility
I pray she gets it right this time, me sha, I no fit marry an actress no matter how "good"
But na wa for men sha dem be real yeye!!how could dejo richards not keep a stainless beauty like monalisa. She looks so faultless. God will gv u a good man
Mona baby,l wish u d best in ur next attempt of marriage.
Monalisa, pls rethink o.. Lanre Nzeribe is not the way o.... Please please my sister rethink o
@Anon 6:17. ''Designed to be under a man'' does not mean you must bear the unbearable.
Love's in need of love today.
hmmm! Manage the first man God gave u, better men no dey! 99.9% of men are useless
You completely missed the point. Ode
You are a goat! Linda never encourages divorce, single status etc. She has made it no secret that she is independent in terms of money, not that she doesn't need a man. If there is anyone who wants to be a good wife, mother and be under a man and be happily married, its linda! Are you a learner? I bet u just started visiting this blog!
Abeg abeg anonymous 6.17pm go n get a seat on the back corner. If momalisa was ur sister u wud v advise her to stay put till the beats her to her death? Na same u go use ur bend bend mouth talk say she go na if the marriage was bad. Stuckfish like u.
I see nthing wrong if a woman is sumisive to her man. Mona dear.I pray God grants u ur heart desires.
Under a man that's what she said? Got a problem with it? It doesn't mean dictatorship, but the man is definitely our crown.I'm Not every talking. about riffraffs o, I mean I MAN
Omorodion....lengthy epistle.....bt finally....makes no sense!
Linda I always check d time of d day I post my comments , why isn't my comment here? Person no dey understand u sef, y waste ones time wen u won't post? Mstchewww
Definitely a true beauty. I'd sure love 2 fuck d shit out of her
99% percent of men cheat. Men are all the same bu different ways to tolerate. By the way I am a man so you know I am not being partial
@Kimorarala1,must you call him a goat? Bitter single old cargo,and u wonder why no husband coming ur way,maybe you won't even get married for life,mark my word you will remain miserable all your life and childless.
So bcos I said shez ugly linda refused to post ma comment. Linda, don't worry oh, u'll soon start loosing ur readers since ur being biased about the comments u post. Is it a crime to say ur opinion. Abegi
Maybe nature cheated you. Women like you are part of the reason men are not striving to be better people. If we demand better treatment, we will get it. If we train our sons to see women as different but equal human beings, future generations will be better for it.
I don't encourage divorce but at the same time,i don't advise anyone in an abusive marriage not to get a divorce.
I ve been married for 10years now,initially I felt like quiting but God has helped me over the years.I have taken my time to understand my huzzy,overlook his flaws n love him regardless.We are happy together now n hardly quarell.My advice to singles is for them to marry their friends n take their time before rushing into marriage.Take time to know who u want to spend the rest of ur life with.
Secondly,let God lead you to ur spouse.Pray n seek his face b4 u take the step.U can never go wrong with God.
For people that are married,pls note that there are trying periods in all marriages.Most people quit at this point n end up getting a divorce but if u stay strong and pray,u ll overcome this period and u'll have a successful marriage.
@anon 9:11pm shut up ur dirty mouth! R u God? Ur words will hav no effect u bastardised son of a bitch. Minor lik u or u r immature, mtchww get a life joor u miserable little dicked midget.
Ofcourse, you are designed to be under a man. That's the case with all women. Where else can you be?
I wonder why it has to be like that
Nikki , she has expressed herself in line with her background and exposure... Different strokes for different folks .. As a man I love my wife 'beside me' not under me. My 'help meet', my lover, my friend , my everything, my 'me'
WORD!!!@ 99.9% of men are useless
Well she was "under a man" before but couldn't handle it. I hope the next one she is under doesn't put her under the earth. But thank goodness she is speaking for herself.
WORD!@ 99.9% of men are useless
Know this Jey- NO woman is created to be under ANY man but her husband. I have no idea which Bible you read,get your facts straight. Submission does NOT mean being walked over,I don't know where people get that idea from,especially here in Nigeria. The moment you mention submission,the men spend all their time defending it,but always forget that the same Bible states that the condition for that is for the man to love his wife as his own body. Men want submission but don't want to love or love wholly. They want to keep their girlfriends and keep living their lives without playing their part,in fact,they live their lives as bachelors with the title of a married man. It's beyond being just a provider, being so domineering and being the 'alpha' male. If men want to be submitted to ,they have to love their wives as their own bodies,and we all know that no one will inflict any injury or pain on their body,let's start from there and spare us the headship crap.
I'm sure you're a typical african man.what is the role a man has to play to have a submissive wife?If a man doesn't deserve submission,he shouldn't get it .Submission is between a woman and her husband,not the woman any any other man.The man in turn is to respect the woman,kapeesh!
@anon9:11,who is now worse off?d 1 who called som1 a goat nd u who says a person will be misreable nd childless 4life!!!!who ar u 2say such?may God 4give u.dere seem 2b too much hate nd bile on dis forum
Buahahah you gay men huh?? Go suck some dick!! You need it
I know people like you don like what monalisa said bcos u don't respect men.
Fool ode...put ur pic na mk we see
I just love u dear,dame b
@Nikki,dat phrase had me raisin my eyebrow but readin d whole statement,I'd say she has figured 4 herself wat she wnts from life..
@Anon10.05,for a man,ur words r real nice!
Linda are you designed to be under a man? Just asking.
Dat is a very shallow thing to say!!I'm sure ur mom is a housewife whom ur dad treats with disrespect!!
''under a man'' simply means the man is the head, you submit to him by respecting him, just like your mother submits to your father and in return, you will be loved. No gragra. Simple!
@ vee ur brain no dey house e dey ethopia u lack self control dog
It's only a wicked man that doesn't appreciate a good woman. There are so many good men out there.
I see the men salivating as in interpreting the under a man literally. Beautiful pix to the right. really beautiful. you rock girl. I would rephrase what you said this way - You are designed to have a constant companion and confidant. someone to share your smiles and tears with. Someone to brainstorm with and grow old with. Someone to share and care. Not someone to lord it over you as in place you under them.
Ikwerre anumekanu. Una men no sabi marry women. Na im make we dey skip.
@prince jobless. Your name speaks for you. You no get better work. Wetin make she fat? No be everybody like kpanla. Keep your desires to your self and don't generalize.
Very true....crown
Linda, I hear SALT 'N PEPA are coming to town? is it true? I am a huge fan of theirs. Please confirm. Thanx
Foul! 99% of men can never be cheaters. Its a fallacy. You can say many but not "almost all" (99%). It is not possible and can never be possible. If you lack self control, ask for the grace and fear of God. Stop decieving yourselves by jusitifing your sexual immoralities. Stop selling the truths and buying lies from the devil.
Honest & mature
she need's a man,a real man n not a guy. My dear mona,may God give u a man afta his hart. A man wit a good hart n a God fearin man.u r detamine,evn wen u fall,u neva remean dai,rada u pickd sumtin while standin up.dnt giv up.luv ur hairdo n jewelries.
Pretty woman, u deserve to be happy in your marriage life and God will surely provide .
pls Mona, will u marry me? i promise to make it right for u.
And mr Nzeribe is who?try reading more ps
Well, someone had to be †нƹ idiot and it just had to be U̶̲̥̅. What's wv †нƹ tribal ish? Wherever U̶̲̥̅'re from, are all U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ women faithful. Ode oshi, oponnu aiye at'orun. Isi ewu
Ha! Ikwere ....u had beta lay low o cos we no d trut mak ppl no atak u for dis blog now i no dey dia o.hehe.
Adam wasn't exactly spoilt for choice though.....
I tire!!
As in ...!!mchew.
She needs help. Lack of self esteem or what?
Lmao!!! So true.
most libers i realise dnt understand english.b4 u start shooting 4m d hip,try 2 read more dan one meaning2 wat people say.i mean read in btw d lines.her sayin'under a man'in no way connotes being a slave or having no mind or freewill,she is only pointing out d truth as it is.women hav men as dia spiritual head,as a husband,as a father.weda we like it or not til Jesus ll com it is a man's world.wat men do and get away wit,women can only dream.having said dis,it takes a real man,2 understand gender diff,and treat his lady as partner and queen.ladies dat push ovatop 4 equality hav submission problems.if u marry ur friend,u treat a man with respect,u understand timing,and try nt 2 emasculate him.den wit God as ur foundation,d man wnt wait 2 carry u as his trophy,his partner and queen.ladies,live all dis gragra.men are lik babies,u undertand d nids of a baby,u get him where u want him.except he is not a real man or he is a demon man.fyi,i am a lady.
Yes, it is true, 99% of men are useless, including your FATHER!
God bless u Mona.. God will give u the right Man, U 're just one in a million.... u 're simply d best..
@VOLTRON thank u very much....well said.
@Diana...until she is been beaten 2 pulp right & you all here will still say y didn't she leave d marriage. Dere are unbearable situations in marriages & somtyms d only answer is DIVORCE.
GOD Help u Mona in ur next try!!!
I just see shoulders getting high wen submission is mentioned on social medias.
MEN get dis in 2 ur heads....SUBMISSION 2 men isn't SLAVERY. Dose who kn dere women's worth will understand better, bt 4 d others, kip treating women like piece of rags. ONE DAY NAH ONE DAY!!!
Sweetest Monalia In fact I am beginning to love you, God bless your marriage and keep showing that good example to the ladies out there kisses
I like her, but here is the thing,over submission comes with disrespect for you.Guys will so walk all over you when u are too submissive, take this from me.In any marriage both partners has to be in charge and same time both has to be submissive.A woman contributes to the family,she bears children,look after them,after the house,work to earn an income and look after the man.This is't like eating crackers is a huge deal.If a woman contributes this much,then I deserve some respect,woman are not demanding this,they earn it.
@Nikki...I see you
If you are thinking L.N will marry you,then you are on a sailing ship.
PJ you're a dickhead
See your head like pillar
Same here
You're definitely a Plonker!
I hail
Any goskolos there?
Oh shut it already
Can you have her?
Like seriously?
Darling is that you?
Dats below the belt missy!
Dats why he be gay..... E like bone to bone
linda,ma comment wasn't posted.
Some people are just whacked up, some comments they make are out of place.
...And I'm designed to be ontop of a woman. Arent we just perfect for each other? Bullsh*t! Neeeeexxxxxxxttttt!!!
Must say MonaLisa's as honest and frank as she's charming. Anytime one of my favourite personalities in Nollywood. And may God help her.
Morgan N.
Wish γ̲̣̣̥ou goodluck in your new marriage .... www.Whispernaija.com
Under a man...interesting choice of words. The bible says a woman should be submissive and a man to love their wives.
Note that LOVE is the action word here.. A woman should be submissive to a LOVER. Now Nigerian men if you are mean, cheating, egocentric , abusing a woman physically and emotional ..How do you want her to be submissive to you.
Are our men raised to think women should be their semi-slave..or how can you follow the word of God that's says LOVE and do this things..SO RIDICULOUS talk about wanting to MANIPULATE THE word of God to suit you.
And mothers stop encouraging your daughters to stay in an abusive relationship either.
Under a man...please explain what that means. Physically, mentally, psychologically or what. A beg explanate.
Sound like u are about to walk into it and I don't mean a puddle. Get that thought process straightened out or maybe I am not getting it
I must confess aunty chinda u are indeed a wonderful lady...it never a do or die afair anyways buh u really need 2 hook up...coz u are 2 beautiful 2 be single pls.i pray ur own man will cm ur way soon....Amen...hycienth Raymond.
Thank you. Have been blissfully and happily married for 10 yrs to my heartthrob. Am quite successful and independent!! But I still believe my darling hubby is the head of our home.
He supports me fully in my biz-interior design/furniture making. My no one critic and fan. Love him to bits...
Mona Lisa Chinda, IF you want to say that you are a woman who doesn't like to be alone because single parenthood is not for the faint of heart, a woman who needs to be in a relationship, please simply say so clearly and succinctly instead of being coy with a statement that can be taken wrongly in 7 different directions.
No grown, independent, accomplished woman should be designed to be under a man, she should be designed to be his full partner fighting right next to him like a foot soldier in this battle field called life. How are you helping him when you are lying up under him, lying down is a position of weakness.
I do admire her honesty but I will beg her to stop setting woman back into the 1950's. We've fought too long and hard to be considered equal partners in our relationships.
@Prince charming, not nice “matured" words but nice "mature" words. Well, u cnt know it all. Thank me later.
Lind we need a reply button under each comment. So that there can be an orderly arrangement of replies to peoples comments. Some comments need to be properly addressed in a unbroken or continuous dialogue. So that idiots can read replies to their imbecility.
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