So I've been getting mails from this lady called Onyinye (pictured above right, and left with Flavour). She sent the first mail, I ignored her. She sent another one...I ignored her. And then she sent another one threatening to sue me if I keep writing that Beverly Heels is engaged to her man, high life crooner, 'Flavour' lol. This will make for a good read so decided to bring it here. #sweet! Haha!
So, I know a few of Flavour's people...and they were the ones who confirmed to me that Flavour is indeed engaged to Beverly Heels. After Onyinye contacted me, I called one of them to ask if they know this Onyinye lady and they said yes. They said they know she hangs out with Flavour, but can't confirm if he's
Onyinye is not the first lady to mail me about Flavour, but I decided to share her email because she's extremely rude, very uncouth and won't leave me alone. See the email she sent to me after the cut...

That's the email subject....choi. Lol. Find the body of the mail below...

When I ignored her, she threatened to sue...lol. Oh dear!
And presenting...Onyinye Onungwa
The email...
I understand you are a blogger and the essence of what you do is to report juicy amebor. Unfortunately the last bullshit you posted about my man was not only fictitious but slander to him and our relationship. The nonsense you posted about him being in a "relationship" with that Mbaise prostitute, Chinenye "Beverly Heels" Ukegbu nearly severed my relationship with Flav. It is evident that the fuck shit you write is not credible. Do you not check your source? I suppose not. If you did you would be fully aware that Chinedu Flavour Okoli is in a committed relationship with no one other than ME. I most likely seen me with Flav whenever Im in Lagos. Regardless of the fact that I am based in the US (Silver Spring Maryland), I try to spend as much time with him in Festac, Nigeria or South Africa. In fact Im currently in Enugu helping him with his new music video for Ada Ada.
Flav and I have been together for over a year now. What
we have is unbreakable!!!!!!!!! I am fully aware of that prostitute who
self proclaims herself as Flavour's fiancée *rolls eyes*. According to
Flavour she's nothing but a hoe who is trying to get a record deal on
2nite enter-10-ment. She does all this shit for publicity. What do you
expect from a hoe who lacks talent? She is non existent in his life. He
made a mistake and I forgave him when I traveled to Nigeria in February
for Valentine's Day. And the makeup was MAGICAL! Anyways sha, I am
warning you to stop posting bullshit pertaining to my love Flav or our
relationship. AND CORRECT d nonsense you posted on your "blog" about my
Flav last month.
ps Yes that was me in my baby's 'SHAKE' music video. If you doubt the validity of anything I said, check out the pix ya self.
1 – 200 of 541 Newer› Newest»Krassseeeee you've been given the attention you seek
Make una go settle una palaver nd leave us out of it.
First to comment btw :p
Kill urselfs
Amanda R
Yay! 1st 2 comment! Time will tell who flavor really digs.. But then didn't Onyinye hear d song flavour did for Beverly? And even called her (Onyinye) names? SMH for all these relationship dramas.
This is what happens when side chicks catch "feelings" hoeism101
Na wa ooo.... Nothing wey person no go see....
Lmao Aunty Linda she cant sue you for nada! and for her information you have a full fledged legal team behind you.
ghenghen..... the film is about to start.... #grabs popcorn and puts on a 3D Glass.
Linda quit using ur blog to address personal issues... Just advising if u like no post
hahahahahahahah Linda ooohh i like how u put #beautifuloyinye at the end which is supposed to be sarcasm or irony init? this one wants publicity and u ahave given it to her...LIBers where u at?let the drums roll with yo words...y'all got it..LOL
American wonder...wahala dey!lwkmd
Dis chick is jst an obsessed bitch she's obsessed wit flavour mayb she had a 1nite stand wid him nd she's bin finding it difficult to leave him yeye gal.dnt mind her linda
John 10:10
She is fighting a lost battle. Her yawa should be with her bobo and not you. Just stupid move and motive.
Bahhahahahah na wa oh!!!! Babes just want to be relevant these days. Mshewwwwwwwwww
In one word"HUSTLER"
For starters, this onyinye or whatever is no way as pretty as beverly heels, her eyebrows are so scary..hahahah, sincerely, she's just seeking cheap publicity, or why else would she mention stupid stuff like "am based in the US"...blah blah blah, whu cares? Please keep ur shit out outta here. She makes so mch noise about suing like she can even afford to hire a top-notch lawyer, babe calm down jare, in the end, Flavour would choose who he desires. In the mean time, am pretty sure he's enjoying Banging the life outta u both(Onyine n Beverly heels)
Ha! Dis chick is desperate.
Hehehe look at this Mrs Ibu,Lindiway seems u're not afraid of wild animals,what if dis girl forgets her teeth in ur body.
She doesn't know where to channel her grievances.
To settle d issue she should get Flavour to take a raunchy pic with her. And then post on his instagram chilling with my boo. Let her try dis shit with Stella Dimoko korkus
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Beverly heels abi hills- ho!
Onyinye sef- major ho!
She shld gaan chill,it shld be flavour tryn2 correct d info if it was wrong.It just goes 2show d onyi girl is a desperado...booboo bcos u'r in his video doesn't translate 2him wifing u. GET A LIFE!!!!!
Flavour sef na Jinta! Double twale baba
Gosh when did this world go so wrong ....... who is to blame the parents or the youth. She is fighting for a man who wont even acknowledge her.
Sad to think this girl is someone future WIFE & MOTHER.
If this crazy chick is in such a "committed relationship" with Flavor then why should she feel the need to make noise about it? Surely everyone in Naija would know if he was serious about her. Dumb ass chick! Oh he's in a relationship alright; a "sexual" relationship. O g'acha ya n'anya when Flavor will pull a Chris Brown on her ass. See the way he dumped Karruche for Rihanna? That's exactly what he'll do to this retard. It doesn't help that she looks like one of those hookers from downtown Detroit. Carry ur wide nyash go sit don for dustbin. Make person hear word. Mchewwww
is she crazy??? Going to sue u.....if she has any problem with her bf y not sort it out with him.......
Oga at the Top! (Flavour) must hear ds. Is dt bitch 4 real? Flavour should come tell us. O,
Oh my God! Women are so shameless these days.......... r u kidding me! What???
So she couldn't even hide her identity, Oh my daysssss.
Is it that she doesn't have a family name to protect or what? God forbid!!!
So what if tomorrow Flavour marries Beverly, what will she do???
Onyinye, so u r not aware that men can tell u anything just to get in between ur legs. Flavour is obviously having a swell time with u. I can bet that he doesn't buy ur ticket.
Linda u r doing ur job so no fool should scare u. I heard about his engagement to Beverly in Santon, SA before reading it in ur blog so don't be moved.
Igbo girls trained as an akata groupie in the USA. Onye iberibe! Taa si ebe a puo!!!
L̳̿Ö̤̣̇☺ː̗̀(=)))ː̖́☺Ö̤̣̇L̳̿.. Dats all I cn do rite nw
Dalu ooo!!!baby oku flavour. We've seen you what more? Should we develop monster wings and fly, huh?? #Olodo. You think being on his shake video means a lot. This is not annie-tuface african queen oo. Na wa to some chics...
If Flavour is truly her man, why hasn't he come out to say anything, ehn? Ladies are disgracing us o. First it was Iceprince supposed real gf now its this one. You don't have to blame Linda abeg. She simply reports what she's told and heard. Its her job.
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is she a learner, if flavor is really into her he wouldt even look at someone else, na wa so girls still dey fight serious forman like this, if linda story is a fiction according to her Na FLAVOR himself for respond not this loser....country sister
hmmmmm... onyinye or wateva u fuckin call urself, u r a street girl. u r loud and lack self esteem. dont u say shit abt that mbaise girl okayyyyyy.... stop bullshittn
See her large teeth like boko haram weapon
Dang she looks and sounds like Pero of the Tuface three-way
Ghen ghen!!!see gobe(in davido's voice)bt chics desperate sha.
WOW. What a typical akatar...
My dear Onyinyechukwuemekangozi- whatever your long ass name is.
I don't know how things are done in America- Actually I do. And what you have done is typical.
But in the United State of Nigeria -Linda is a well known blogger, millions access her blog everyday. In the kindness of her heart she ignored your emails. She did check her facts and while your in Maryland waiting for your green card, flavour is in Lagos denying your ass like most Nigerian men do in distant relationship- Infact in any kind of Relationship- Period!
You have now disgraced yourself, who do you think you are threatening Linda? with a law suit that holds no ground because you were NEVER mentioned in ANYTHING on this blog so you have no grounds to sue Linda what would you tell your lawyer? "because Flavour is your man", and your soooo sure of yourself- Even a married woman wont pull that stunt we can see who the classless whore is.
PS. Your not "beautiful" you need to get your teeth checked and maybe we can consider you as "manageable"
Bitch vs Bitch ,survival of the fittest!
Demonstation of craze!!!!!!! See how limited some pple's mind works! If truly he is yours u wudnt go dis far to prove it! *smh*
Dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...must i say FLAV is heating up shit globally....
All for Flavour o. Chei! Anywayz, I need the comments to make me laugh,been feeling very low,and d comments here usually cheer me, make it juicy people!!!.
Linda, dont fool urself...who needs you to become popular...girl get ur act well. no one knows u
Ratchet!!!!!next !!!
thats rubbish lindA u should not take that from her.that is not the way the goat should get her point across.she has no manners
Drama tins loool beverly oya reply...and onyinye i like u but dont eva insult my LIn Lin..:)
Hehehe... I pity you as a gal once you are comfortable with fighting for a man and singing it to any one that cares that he is your man, if truly you are his, you wouldn't even have to do a thing, he would be the one singing about you for the world to know.
Me self luv flavour, so onye shld chill, i dont mind a good fuck 4rm him, his body turns me on
Lol. Flavour, can you handle the heat?
W0W! some babes tho..smh
if she's so sure of her position Then y d fuck is she d one fighting the battle.? Hahaha.. a battle that she's clearly d only fighter..
Lol at threatening to sue. Na beans? She shd be handling her "man" instead of attacking you and and disrespectful on top of it. Who wld want a sour mouth for a wife? So she is based in DMV make we quench?
I recognized her pic from the shake video and she cant even shake. Throwing hands in the air like oyibo pikin.
All these tasty chics need to go and learn how to handle business or leave the game for the pros.
What will she claim as her damage? Ewu
Linda plz inform this bitch that, wht God has join together let no man put it assunder. Let her get a life instead of exposing her selling Point here. #Nudepix
RUBBISH* she shld go n kee ha self na or if possible drnk poison,its no 1 fault,we didn't notice u,even in flavours video.....attention seeker!!, flavour flavour crap....see de way she's even bragin...flavour will soon end up dumpin u.... hoe*
Oga oooo, yanga dey sleep trouble they wake ammmm. So must she attack you Linda to correct the story? some babes na wa.... "My relationship is unbreakable"...really? all the best to you...
Hmmmm wahala dey o, just becos of one dick
mental problem at its best!
Menh dis girl is a fool@40 n a looser,linda dnt mind her ur a only doing ur work.
Mmmhu!Oooook!desperadoes,so na by force,bet her parents r soooooo proud*smh for some girls*
hahahaha...... I couldn't stop laughing... She was looking for publicity and she got it big time... *winks* Ma advice- to all guyz out there- make it big in da industry and have ladies fighting over u.
See ehn d problm dese useless men use deir very own hand 2cause 4demselves is d 1goin in 4rnt!look @dis1 now,acting like flavour is d reason y God gave her life n d reason y Jesus has bin protecting her 4rm dying?is dis ur goal in life madam?2b mrs flavour?o ma ga o,am jus 2ashamed abeg,d desperation of girls dese days liv me weak,d 1n only tym I checked my man's 4ne,u shud c how girls text 2beg n plead n cry 4sex!I was 2disgusted,av noticed very low self esteem girls act like dis,dey act deir life without dat particular guy wud b ova.I was gonna reply dat girl dat said cpt tunde was using toolz bt his real girl is 1bukky in US,like d guy won't av an idea dating sum1 like toolz will b public knowlegde,my guess is afta dating her 4 3yrs,he ended it n dat lil comment was suppose 2hurt toolz or break dem up?am jus tired bcos I can imagine dating my man in piece n 1 useless bitch will come n b making trouble,get anoda man n get a life!I dnt no beverly 4rm adam bt I hope she doesn't comment on dis issue n jus let it go!bladdy disgrace of a child!hissss
Wat nonsense!!Y make a fool of ursef in public?if she is actualy in a relationship wid him,den Flavour shud be d one 2 make it known.
Interesting. Sometimes i wonder if some girls actually have friends or they just don't listen. Am sure she must have asked a friend for advice b4 sending this mail.
We don hear madam flavour u r d real fiancee. Olodoshi u ll get d man like dis. Mscheeeeew bb rollin eyes
Attention-seeking whore.....ignore her linda,she's damn irrelevant to great career#Shikena!!!
lol...linda u don see nwiiii today...anyway, beautiful onyinye fight for your man if u think Flavour is yours
Lmfao, abeg who be dis mgbeke?
Yup. U just gave her whAt she wanted. Free publicity. Linda u should be smarter nau. Dont let ppluse u
LOOOOOOL! What a shame!
Mschew. #teamlinda!!
Gben gben! ...Linda u don enter one chance wit bevele heels story... D really owner onyinye is claiming her thing publicly...Forget Linda Amebo, Onyinye is not rude and not looking for publicity... She's angry and want u to correct ur notion to the publicly on her relationship status...cos the Mbaise lady (beveley Heels) story u posted on ur blog caused Alot of trouble for onyinye...she speaks out of anger, so don't mistake dat for rudiness..'STILL WATCHING FROM MY OCEAN
See pot calling kettle black, she is d hoe, n she is even Fughly, ode atole.first time commenting on ur blog
so shameless and desperate. unbelievable!!!!!!!
Lool. I will just wait and see what others have to say. Trust Libers to go innnnn
Thirsty hoe stfu n take a chill pill
This Linda too na kolo. She is even making a fool of the Onyinye gal. Carry go jare my darlyn linda nothing do you. When she blab finish she go sitdown for shit. Yeye, fighting over a man that has not made hios intentions known to her. Cheap slut.
If u're truly his babe onyiwarefa he wud be di one protesting and defending u αϞð not di oda way round k...#thats what real bfs do,in case u no sabi....lazy ass wannabe!!!
She's so stupid,if she truly belive dat wat dey ve is unbreakable den y disturbin herslf over notin,*rolling eyes* or is she scared of bervely heels,abeg mke we hear word,if d flavour truly luvs her as she claims y din't he mke d first move,stupid old cargo lyk her,4rm d luk of tings she even senior him,linda post my comment o
Linda babe, she wants attention and it is ur duty to give her attention cos we fellow amebors that visit ur blog cos it is our hobby to gossip too can fight for u. haba, ds one dey compare herself to Beverly, nna na wah o. cos she dance for flavour? well unto una fellow amebors to comment.
LMFAO!!! Beauty of the day ko.. Linlin you are wicked ohhh.. hahahahahahahahaha
Onyinye stop callin linda a bitch,d only bitch I see is u,kip fightin over flavour d chronic womanizer,u r callin beverly a 'hoe',kip rantin & dnt gt suprised wen flavour walks down d aisle wit ha den we'll no who d 'hoe' is #desperatechick#. Sassy queen
Hmmmmmm,are u supposed to be fighting for a man or the man should be fighting for u..So u are always in all of his videos,i hope he pays u sha and u havnt been doing oshofree? Good thing is,this blog that u have brought your story will finally open your eyes,na today today u go know if na u be Flavour'a official babe or not..
Oya all of una wey know Flavour well,make una com drop the real gist. Who be flavour real babe? is it onyinye? beverly? or None of the above?
and u Linda,make sure u post everything on this quicy topic,dont hold any info back abeg
Lol Flavour def don't wanna date a razz girl like her. Like wtf?????
Ok... I gerrrit.. She was the idiot with hanging mouth that said "Mr. Flavour On The Microphone" , at the beginning of Flavour's 'Shake' video!
Missus, know ye thou that Flavour is fooling both u and that Beverly. When he's ready 2 marry, he will pick one 'innocent', decent girl.. from d east sha...
Oh my world!!!! This girl is obssessed & crazy........ Buhahahahaaaa
Lolsssss! Onyeoshi! Thief! See you mumu babe. On top man matter! Na so e sweet u? Beautiful onyinye . Pele o! Kabo! Madam "I own flavour's "down below". Funky illiterate, better contunue ya yansh cleaning work in yankee with humility. Cos on top flavour matter be like say u don enter One chance ! Lolsss
One of the wannabe's#hissssss
Dear flavour GF wanna be, my advice for u is to go back to ur US and take several seats we don't knw u as flavour's GF, only flavour can tell us the truth becs to me u re just one raving mad woman orientated on hw to dress up ur crazy part,infact flavour is presently dating my GF so u can nose dive on a concrete floor!!!
wow...this girl is angry o, but if what she says is true, i think its her love, flav that shda fought for her na
Hehehe.. See Diss. Let the Mbaise gal come reply dis diss Oo. But onyi fine sha.. Her Ass is... damn!!!
Lin Lin u 2 kind time! U dey trend her so na....can't help bt laugh I'm my mother's language..LWKMD.!isorit!
Kai women dey suffer o!imagine d nonse mail,trust guys naa-Flavour no go talk,I pity her sha but dis is not the way to go about o.
Flavour(da ashewo guy) is a player n we all know dat fact..it's Such a pity dat dis 2 chicks r being played by da MASTER..una better get a life..rolls eyes n walk away..dafted chicks..odes
‘When I went to America, I met one girl, her name na Beverly. All of a sudden, I get enemies. Within within enemies. Tell Nneka, Tell Onyinye, Tell Benjamin, to leave Beverly alone. What did I do to them? Many bad things dem ma talk about her. Many bad things dem ma write about her. Too many people flex say they know her. Everyday I’m always reading on Twitter, Facebook dem ma talk about the matter, say I wanna take Beverly to altar.
Onyinye leave beverly alone, Flavour has told you.
nice ass
All these candy girls sef. Go get a job and have a life. Ehen, don't forget to hit the gym too. Olodo
U are a big fool olodo very foolish girl allow flavour to defend himself and say u ar his girl.total disgrace to woman hood.
If Flav is not claiming you between the hours of 9am to 5pm, then he is NOT your man. You sound delusional. And by the way, you have zero basis to sue Linda. Linda on the other hand may have a basis to sue your for harassment and get a no contact order. Additionally, Beverly Heels may sue you for slander for calling her an "Mbaise prostitute" when she is not such. You sound really immature and need to grow up.
niiiiiceeee assssss
damn!!! these bitches are thirsty as hell...such is the demeanour of a bitch from the east.I survived my tenure over there but never has a man seen such brazen display of alpha male possesiveness in a female as an eastern woman...refer to post for example
Na you de go use (linda)y do settlement ground aka Aladimna. Hehehe. De dodge your head oh cos you no strong like Stella Dimoko korkus. You get your stories verified through phone calls, stella with pictures/ conversation proof. These babes go use u pound yam oh. Abeg steer clear till the day we all hear Flavour don marry one 'okirikata nwata di nma'...or "ukwu sara mbara". Lol
Well try and post your side of the story and leave name calling out it. you have your right to air your mind but....
Hmmm! Vvvv ugly gal.Fightyn ova aa man Ȋ̝̊̅§ D̶̲̥̅̊ most stupid(est) tin 2 do
Abeg d girl should hide herself.... She no follow
This one na typical mgbeke a.k.a bushmeat
Some gurls are shameless,go nd fight ur so called boyfriend. If truly he is interested in you, he wuldnt disrespect u by using dat naked beverly watevers pix. Read btw d lines. Nonsense.
ROTFL..dis onyinye girl u are so shameless and jobless.
i cant wait for the comments!! History will be made in LIB 2day...:) nenye
Nawa o! Flav na hot cake o!! + d torry soundz real self.
She even get time to write all that nonsense! Jobless thing! Sort ur issues with flavor no one gives a shit out here!
Ha ah! Hehehe! Hmmm no comment I just can't wait for Linda's dragons to finsh u! * runs to d fridge grabs my coke* *speed run to the kitchen and microwave my popcorn* while I watch ur drama unfold with 1 billion suspence hehehe
Buhahahahahaha...cheap attention
Look @ u calling ur fellow girl a"hoe" cause of a guy who ve nt even c ur pple talk more of paying ur bride price...wat ar u a "PUBLIC TOILET"nonsence jobless human being...
Lin, since u've exposed this one, expose d rest na? Nne m bikonu .. Asiri na-ato uto.
Akuko!.. Cheap publicity!.. U just de make noise and yes, u cud have politely ask linda to use ur pic as de 'beast of de day' and I'm sure she wil oblige.. Btw!.. Happy bday to my bestie.. Nonnie baby from nkeonyelu!
Yes bitxch!!!!!!!! Drag linda!!!!! Lol
Na wa oo...see women thatchin on top celeb kwa....Margret thatcher...let flavor have a press conference cos of u na...declarin his love...babes abeg Gbafuooooo!!!
Heheheh odikwa Risky. See where idle babe de drag me. Too shameful
She no even fine reach any beauty of the day stupid gal, look at her brown teeth u need hypo to bleach ya teeth bitch!!!
Hmmmm. I see low self esteem playing out. Babe, you asked for it, now libers are about to give you overdose. I don grab my dry Abacha and palm wine siddon dey wait. Let the comments roll abeg.
Laughing lietrally out loud... I mean dis women, y would they hav heart attack ova a man dat is not claiming dem... Lord. D girl is pretty though
Spineless Linda! U think u are Stella dimokoko ehn? Why would u not share dis girl's emails. You think she is a nobody, abi? If it's a celeb now u will turn to a chicken and apologize! It's not that I think this wannabe is 'alright' in her head, but u dis Linda, u are too scared to give us correct gist. Getaway! If u like don't print my mail!
Some women just don't know how to handle issues. She just sell herself short for her comments. Abeg, Linda, no mind her. If Flavour loves her and the relationship is solid like she said then no shaking. Why fret?? Unless, trouble dey hehehehe
Met some desperate hoes...but this bitch?!....Mehn,she's crazy!!!
The girl is fine, but so insecure! If she is so sure of her relationship with Floavor, then she wouldn't worry about the blogs, right?
Desperado OSHI! Mschewww. Linda, I wonder why you give these fools the time of day. #Idiot onyinye is what you should have called yourself. Monkey banana. Why not face your man and ask why he's taking explicit pictures with the Beverly of a person. Some girls just make other ladies look bad, giving us a bad rep. Stupid things.
shameless fool,u re a disgrace to womanhood.linda darling pls cont.d gud wrk nd dnt mind dat fool.luv u girl. HARMONY
Haha,lmfao, flavour is the don bt sure aint a gud playa lol!!
This lady is surely an attention seeker and she aint hiding it, its obvious to me.
LOOOOOL i'm gone! She has no dignity worth so ever. Damn see how she is reducing her bride price from the 5 naira that was originally placed on her :(
"D beautiful onyinye" jst wnts publicity dazzal!!!
Stupid gal. Y not meet flavour or favor whatever his name is. Y attack linda... stupid gal that wants publicity. Y not go fight beverly heels since she stole your man... mumu. See how big your mouth is.. I wonder how flavour's mouth fits with yours when kissing...Rubbish
She is preety yh but who is the Real girl friend :s
Bitch so desprate!
To think I was admiring her in dt shake video!smh!she is shameless!I feel so sick!ds is jst the height of desperation.honey,I know u re going to read ds comment,I feel so sorry for ur mama!u lack home training!hw will flavor feel if he finds out u ve been emailing bloggers n spewing trash!u re most def not a wife material.I hope u get dumped(dt is if u guys re togeda for real)well groomed girls don't run around like rabid dogs,threatening pple!ughh!u shld bury ur head in shame!u re shameless!so shameless it hurts!get a grip anuofia!if u feel the need to fight me,am @ toni_kard on twitter..I will gladly teach u some manners...GOD!!!!
Sexy mama oya kejo mama... Madam oyin,wat will be will be.you don't have †̥ fight over flavour,JƱڪτ̲̅ remember say guy wen fine N̤̥̈̊ɑ̣̣̝̇̇ evry womans man o
This one na mumu oh! Kai some girls are extremely stupid! Anyways the end will tell.... Linda don't mind her. Just treat her like the fool she is. As for you my dear beautiful Onyinye or what ever please, wake up you are obviously forcing yourself of Flavour.... Point of correction he is not yours till you guys are married. Even @ that....
make she park well, how come we never hear of her from flavour? attention seeker. ngsaidso!!!!!!!!
Okay another chapter don open... Beverly Hills we expecting your email soon.
This one na mumu oh! Kai some girls are extremely stupid! Anyways the end will tell.... Linda don't mind her. Just treat her like the fool she is. As for you my dear beautiful Onyinye or what ever please, wake up you are obviously forcing yourself of Flavour.... Point of correction he is not yours till you guys are married. Even @ that....
Ladies!!! I can't believe this, in this time and year, we've passed this level nah. He is flavour we know, but that dosnt call for all this.
Lol crazy bitch... See her tooth gum... Rubbish
cheap slot
Hehehe! Poor ha!she lacks manners! Dats a very rude way ☀̤̣̈̇f beggin 4 fame!
This gal shd get a life, I bet she's a teenager, cos I see no reason for this email
She should get a life and stop blaming sm1 else for her man's infidelity.For Flavor to ingor the issue,that means Beverely Heels is in his life. Oyinye,go back to the states.#dazzall#
if ur wif flavour den let him contact linda himself why send 3 stupid emails abeg pls dont give linda body pains o!
U re the mistake flavour made nt wit anyone, becs if he love u he won't put u in baby shake video, crazy gal!
Beverly na she i knw!!!!! Oyinye where r u coming from? you called beverly a prostitute but you look like the hoe here
Honestly, y are we being bothered with this nonsense abeg, who cares, does this blog av to b more about pple that add no value @all to our existence or impact us in anyway, linda pls we can do without such.
Attention seeking whole, who wouldn't choose breverly over her
Linda no mind dis hoe
Its complicated anyway u can't totally blame her,abi no be flavour dey double date or triple date sef!!!the girl is a bed warmer.*coughs*
was his song chinny baby refering to her? just asking. but dayuummm she dey vexxxx...lol
Na wa o, the rate that some girls will go to disgrace themselves makes me wonder where they come from and if they have any dignity,this onyinye of a gal needs help,if truly she is in a relationship with flavour and flavour loves her,its him that will come out to defend it all but sha,Thats a typical Naija gal for you,to make the story short,she is just making a fool of herself cause me cant even see in Oyinye in her talkless of the Beautiful...Metchew
Na wa o,so people actually go dis far cos of a man whom they r not legally married to.I wonder wat wil become of her if he changes his mind abt marrying her dat if they r actually engaged.hmmmmmm may God ve mercy o
Thirsty bitch!!go colour a butterfly or smfn...smh
Okay okay, why is she tryin so hard to convince us??? Madam "beautiful onyinye" take a chill pill pulease!
Linda, this gossip blogging you are doing may be making you millions but it's far from being a decent 'profession'. Involving yourself in other people's business, allowing 23 year old little girls to get to you, and posting their childish rants publicly.... na wa o..... I hope you are saving enough money now so you can start and be known for a business that brings you integrity and respect.
Rosie Said......All these small,small girls fighting over a man,how stupid can they be,I bet you Flavour will not marry any of them,Watch.
Attention seeking b***h. You must be a learner.
Wahala deyyyyyy!!!...GoLd-DiGgErS!!!
Dis lass is so sooo uncouth!! Damn it!! See wat US does to children?? Smh 4 U and Urs!! Slattern Onyinye, we av noticed U ok? So it's high time u got a life and real quick.... Silly bitch!!
see how cheap girls can be! shame unto you! still fighting for a guy it was obvious is in love with Beverly Hills! Beverly Hills! Beverly Hills! Beverly Hills! Beverly Hills! Beverly Hills! Beverly Hills!
oya sue everybody! mumu
She should take a chill pill jor... See her screaming at d top of her voice on top man. Get a life Madam, na so d tin do u reach? Now we know u as d 2nd fiddle, let flavour tell us himself who he's dating and not u attacking linda. What u have is unbreakable?? Just after a year See her mouth.. I'm sure flavour is somewhere chilling with his guys and laughing at u. You just disgraced yourself. Mind u dating celebs comes with its own pains so deal wiv it
By the way, we don't need ur maryland location and ur movement within festac. Mtchew. Insecure Mgbeke.
To be honest this girl is just another rachet hoe seeking attention. I like dat u put up her pics let her rest biko! Ur man is a celeb dat hasn't married u...he's as good as public property! #jenjen#
All this gals self.Y don't u allow the man to claim u or rather still y did u nt ask Flavour to write letter instead of u writing.This is a shame act onyi btw u sound desperate.
She is a cheap girl. Onyinye, why u dey do follow follow like dis, Abeg leave Linda out of dis o. Stop forcing yourself of flavor. The flavor self, I can't date for £1,000,000B, same of u.
I see where flavour get inspiration about ukwu from. Ukwu nwanyi Owerri
Now this is entertainment gist... Flavour respect. U da boss
This girl done craze o kaii!! Linda nor send u message @ all....with ur eye like small rat wey trap catch.mtchewwwww!
Odikwa egwu... I no go fight for a man like dis oo, if nobi М̣̣̥̇̊Ɣ husband. Onyinye U̶̲̥̅̊ no get shame oo.
Haaaaa #desperadolomo!!! Sme girl r really shameless, no self worth. She should take it up wit Flavour n ask him 2tell Linda 2remove d post. She is here running her mouth.Lmaooooooo @beauty of d day. I guess she has shown d world how useless n foolish she is. I bet its prostitution she is doing in d "US". I guess dat y Flavour is not wit her cos she z just a cheap pussy he is digging. Get a life!!!
I await the juicy comments. I'm not one to revel in the bashing of anyone, however, she definitely has it coming with a bang and I shall prepare my snacks to watch it unfold.....
foolish girl. for your info. beverly and flavor are gettn married soon. this is from a very reliable source. he is fed up of your proud and arrogant manner. so wake up from ur dreams ok. linda ikeji i would write a press statement soon ok.
Dis one is on a loooooooooooooooong tin mahn. #ode, u r just his video chic or groupie. U no even fit to be #sidechic sef and wth is 'fuck shit'. Lyk seriously, dis babe needs help. Linda u av alot of pipl in high places; abeg ask dem to assist u secure a bed for her in #yabaleft cos dis one done crase far.
Awon alainitiju oshi....but really d flavor guy dey enjoy o...al these big booty girls dey fight on top am.
Lwkmdooo,see dis mumu girl oh,pls she shuld take the back seat where she belongs,see her ugly face,dumb hoe... You can't force your diseased Ass on flav,you can't force a man2 love you if he aint meant for you ask annie idibia... MATILDA JACOBS.
Aunty Linda u are making dis gal popular why na. Why did u have to give her so much attention.
Whois the hoe
But linda, u suppose look this gist up wit flav to b sure before posting it...now we dont know who to believe....
Joblessness at the highest level...
Attention seeker......mshew.
She's seeking for attention
1st to comment...this bitch is confused.
linda,dont mind the attention seeker.
omo girl, tie ti ba e...you are seriously in big shit,hope you can stand the heat. Dudes, oya set the laugh rolling lols!
why this girl de jonz herself like dis? nawaah ooo...Even the once in the US drags a man..9ja girlz will always show themselves..I tire abeg!!
Oshisko! Why he never marry you? Didinrin din robo..... Lmao
this gal is just looking for publicity, and linda just gave it to her
Women hs sold their shame,mtshewwww!!
Aha this most be the famos Onyinye flavor sang about! Onyinye flavor said u shld leave Beverly alone. Let me quote him, he said, gwakwa Nneka, gwakwa onyinye, gwakwa Benjamine ka fa rapu Beverly! So leave Linda out of it!
This Onyinye girl na fool o! So she hasn't listened to Flavour's latest album in which he dedicated a track to Beverly? Flavour specifically mentioned Onyinye's name and asked her to leave himself and Beverly alone... In fact I'm listening to the song now and transcribing... See the lyrics below!
"When I went to America, I met one girl, her name na Beverly. All of a sudden, I get enemies. Within within enemies. Tell Nneka, Tell Onyinye, Tell Benjamin, to leave Beverly alone. What did I do to them? (He sang this part in Ibo tho) Many bad things dem ma talk about her. Many bad things dem ma write about her. Too many people flex say they know her. Everyday I'm always reading on Twitter, Facebook dem ma talk about the matter, say I wanna take Beverly to altar. Within Within enemies. Tell Nneka, Tell Onyinye, Tell Benjamin, to leave Beverly alone.
Its just funny how ladies sell themselves torotoro!! n kobokobo!! These email shoulda been sent by flavour and not you if really you guys have something serious going....we ladies eh!!!
Hahahahahahaaha.Linda make dem no break ur head oh.Make Flavor come tell us which of d ladies he is dating.lol.cant wait to see Beverly's response.
The things people do for fame......crazy!!!!
Next thing now, she will say her account was hacked
Yeye biatch! No be ur husband yet,@ least mechitu onu gi small 4 now. Hez an entertainer,anytin is possible. U dey here dey run mouth"my flav,my flav"... And so? Tie him to ur waist. I don't know y sum girls publicise what should naturally be private...
Mad women abound
pls go sit down there.u so rude.shitlady
HILARIOUS. I love how open you are with your readers linda. Good job
Naijadeltapikin... Oomo lindusss d lindusss correct babe I D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ gbadun all ds gist wey U̶̲̥̅̊ D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ gnagg us for ds U̶̲̥̅̊я blog ds few days, Ǻ♍ loving ds blog ℓi̶̲̥̅ke̶̲̥̅ mad enough gist abegg gist us more, me I wnt do aproko, se na bcos of flavour all ds pics posing ahhh linda ds pics b beauty of d day Ooº°˚˚°ºoo =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=)) abi na naija gurls ₪☺ go kill us on top of men matter Ȋ̝̊†̥ Ȋ̊§ well cos I ₪☺ knw wetin I want talk again Lols See =)) =)) =))º°˚laff ˚°º≈Wan º°˚ ˚°º≈º°˚turn my brazillian weavon˚°º≈º°˚ ˚°º≈º°˚to dread lock ˚°º≈=)) =)) =))=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=)) flavour ₪☺ come turn baby factory distributor Ooº°˚˚°ºoo Wƺ need Τ̅☺ hear flavour side of ds story Ooº°˚˚°ºoo oya linda flavour make Wƺ hear him own part =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=))
Hmmm, women will never learn! Your man is the one that went and chased another girl knowing fully well he is in a relationship with you, and you are here fighting the girl instead of your man?? How STUPID can you get???. Men can not be trusted so if i were you i will wait until he PUTS A RING ON IT!!!.. Wen DICK don dey SWEET women them go loose all their senses..hmm.
Hahahahahahahaha!! I cnt help but laugh,see as d gal ugly like Monkey!! Linda abeg no mind dat mgbeke!
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