So here's what I'm blabbing about. There have been rumours for months now that sexy radio personality, Toolz, is dating pilot and EME record exec, Tunde Demuren. A report that was kinda denied. But fast forward this past weekend, Toolz and Tunde both holidayed in Zanzibar...and posted photos on their time there on their instagram pages. Plus during an interview on the juice, Ice Prince asked Toolz about a certain 'Tunde'. I guess this confirms it. Beautiful couple!...
they can hide for a while, but mind you, wind must blow and fowl anus will be expose. Toolz ur anus has been exposed by lindodo
Sex would be so great out there!!! Dayuuum!!!!
they can hide for a while, but mind you, wind must blow and fowl anus will be expose. Toolz ur anus has been exposed by lindodo
Belle*n ofcos dey want d world 2know,he shud pls propose2her abeg n liv long courtship matter!
Hmmm but this tunde get liver sha.see the big thing he carried.haaaaa he sure loves them Extra-large.anytime I think of them I just end up laughing.
What I want to hear is wedding bell,enough of this overdramatizing of relationships.If you are dating someone,either you come real out and admit it or you keep it to yourself.Enough of these lies....lolz
Good for them.. Tunde is cool n dey look Good together. But I sha know if tunde sets his eyes on me,he'd forget tools ever existed.. My hips are badda than...LOL. The truth Is bitter. Love you too :*
Toolz is hot. Don't get d negative buzzes.
They look good 2geda sha......wish em d best
Capt. Tunde enjoy yourself bro, you don hit jackpot! (Jackpot in relation to that superb body Toolz got) and to Toolz, enjoy yourself too gal (in relation to...maybe the guy being loaded) Hehe!
i thought she went alone, ok it just done on u dat she was with him, no wahala maybe dey want start tuface and Ann thinz......country sister
mehn am jealous,so dis is d guy dat beat me to Toolz.
I won't giveup till dey walk down d aisle.
bruh enjoy while it lasts.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Ghen ghen. True true
Case closed!! I wish them d best, ti emi naa aa de!
De tunde guy seems to be spirit..cos dia ar two seats,drinks bt only tools.*confused*
Nice. Off to google resort in Zanzibar! Shipping my hubby for a well deserved break.
linda linda hnmmmn ok
Toolz baby..enjoy uasefiii....love is good o,enjoy the moments anytime u ve the opportunity..!!
Funny toolz u denied a cetain tunde ,you went with the same tunde for holidaying and you post pictures and expect the media to keep quite.BIG JOKA..Linda do ur job ojare
1. Toolz is fat.
2. Sucking her tummy in won't help either.
3. Power of make up.
4. The guy try small.
5. Sharing private stuff on social media is childish.
I want to assume its just a speculation sha,cus na me wan marry dat gal o!Demurem or watever u are called,stay clear of my potential wife.
Cute couple
I almost want ask before say Toolz go alone?its difficult to see a lady who goes on such vacations without a man.but Toolz u picked a fine one sha and u guys should win couple of the year.make ei marry u quick ohhhh!
N.B: Linda I still await your reply to my mail.
so na anoda man property i bin d admire for morning like dt she no fine for my eye again i no care if una call am bad belle i get
They re cute 2geda
Smart girl. Good that she covered her lower half with that wrap otherwise it would have been too much to look at. But wait o is it that all d cool guys r in lagos? I just tire for this abj
Beautiful orobo no doubt, hope the guy has a long thing otherwise the thighs may be his refuge of comfort. All the best to them
Don Tee
Good for them
Latest post on trend here www.soladunn.blogspot.com
Dey deserve 2 enjoy dem selves,all work n no play makes toolz n Tunde demurin a dull "couple"......ngwanu.visit http://labisi-yeye4life.blogspot.com for more tory
Linda of life, lol... I bet toolz would be red in d face wif dis decoding, nice... Notin do u toolz, hav fun
Hmm..they sure look good together
Linda you have concluded even before hearing from he 'horse's mouth' lol
But really, what is the ish with denying...abegi
I am happy for Toolz. Oga Captain Demuren, please take it to the next level, put a ring to it, MARRY her and make children.
Toolz, I love you!
Hope it was a romantic get-away so dat he can propose to her b4 she bursts!!
D question is...
Wen dis Toolz starts having lil chubby Demuren kids and becomes as fat as a HIPPO... Can he handle it??
Billie jean
who cares?
who cares?
Wow...Tunde my guy...only you with all that hips on a lonely Zanzibar Island.....kai i envy you oooh
why is there no picure of both of them together?all i see is pixmix.......
Linlin typical gbeborun! But surprisingly the gbebosko dey sell! Hehehehe....U go gal!
If you ask me.., na who I go ask #dunno#
they should both die. noone cares
Lovely enviroment*tools gt packaging sha.
Toolz is such a babe... why do people hate on her?? I really don't get..
Lucky him!
Dey luk gud 2geda!!!
U guyz shud complete d adventure by fucking on d beach at sundown or in d sea......
hehehe...oya let the amebo comments begin.
linda this blog should be nick-named "LIB UNITED"...or "LINDA IKEJI GOSSIP ZONE"...lmao
Awwwwwwww..... she broke donjazzy's heart
Go Girl. Get your groove on! Haters you know what to do*bend over*
Enjoyment galore. Wish them the best. #comfort
Linda ikeji the only olofofo dat get paid ... Keep the gossip coming I'n enjoyin every bit of it.
d dude is ok!! ope e never 1st marry o0o0o0o0...HML in advance...
Infact Linda, I am tired of you and your incorrect summations! When did they deny it? Were they asked point blank or did they publish anything refuting the claim? They are both single and of marriageable age, let them court in peace without unnecessary drama! Hian!
d dude is ok!! ope e never 1st marry o0o0o0o0...HML in advance...
Ok linda d only couple I see here is d 2 glasses of juice(or wat eva dat is) chilling on a table close 2 mr sunglasses... Well if u say dey were 2geda, who am I 2 argue. After all ur amebo pass me
I am so happy for her. Aunty Linda. I know ur own special day will come dis year in JESUS Name..Amen
Hmmm...dis geh don jam Aviation & Govt money. Issorai
*sucks agbalumo*
Good for her O弡
As a CSI,even if dey didn't take a pix 2geda dat glasses says it all...hehehehehe
Buh I heard she had somtin 2 do wif banky....ok oooo hollywood style whr everybody date everybody
Aunty Linda, just can't wait to see u enjoy with ur Guy. U are the next in Line oh, urs is wedding wedding. Oh my God. I dey feel like say u be my Elder sister.(pls i am just saying my mind,dear lib readers. Just take it easy and calm ok.God bless u if u do)
I talk am! Biko aunty lin lin no mind people wey dey tell u mind ur business abeg, I like gist like dis o jare
Nice one linda! hahaha i like this two as a couple. they look good together. pop the question captain! What are you waiting for? and toolz baby say yes abeg!
They look good together :)
Biko dem no fit each oda, I dnt just like dis tools, I think she is too fake nd is trying too much. Capt tunde biko marry waje or omawumi or even seyi
I can't see any picture of them together. Abi na my eye????
Linda...I don't understand this your amebor..
Hmmm,y do dy even feel d nid to publicise dir privacy via social media?afta if rumours start spreading dy will say pple r trashing dem.mitcheeeeeew...abeg go and chew grenade jur.zinzibar ko, babylon ni
Ur own amebo no get part two, d way u take arrange d pictures sef. Weldone ooo, mama of gbeboruns. Luv u tho
I love this lady.. she is Sooo real...and beautiful...
Those tits wants to pop out
Hunmmmm lindaaaaaa.
Good for dem
Toolz seems comfortable in her body. Don't think she's that big, just busty.
hmmmm,tolu shaaaaa,what more can a man ask for in a lady!she is just too endowed,toolz of life,captain can you handle this?lovely couple
They actually look good together!but what is with the codes? yall are adults 31 and 32.. abeg jor!If the guy is sure that toolz is the only one he's dating and there is no other bukky in the US (Like we have heared), he will flunt her to the whole world!
Good for them. I hope awon aiye will not spoil the relationship for them.
they look perfect together! they sud get married already.
linda pls post my comments now.
Ghen Ghen!!
Linda amebo!! Beautiful couple indeed pls no news on Omawumi's concert.
Cool Cool
Ghen Ghen!!!
Linda I trust u, u no dey carry last.
Good for them.
Fbi fit u sha nice1
Was thinking where she got the money from..,now the answer!cuz naija no dey gree spend their money on vacation things..dem too like free things..lol
Linda! Linda!!! Ds ur amebo investigation..u sabi am nobi small.. Agent linda 007!! Thumbs up..lol, well they look gud 2geda sha..nice one.
I love toolz and i think she has got a great body, but give them a few years, she is going to look way older than him with what i see. They however look cute together.
Linda Ikeji de-coder of life! Lol
Congrats 2 them #eyesrolling# why hide when dating? Aint U̶̲̥̅̊ proud of yasefs?
Dats gud,they luk gud together
After denying now, the next is wedding bells. Whatever really
Ok! he's tapping that Arse. and so what.
They are Good together, i wish them success, hope it will end up Good like annie and 2baba.
Hahahhaha so dat y she beat ice-prince ..nyc work linda I l♥v dis gist
Hahahhaha so dat y she beat ice-prince ..nyc work linda I l♥v dis gist
They both looking good, this toolz is sexy...nice outfits
Linda u r sharp sha, I remembered that interview when iceprince askd her abt d tunde dude on ndani tv.....puzzle solved!!!
Well, I'm happy 4 her!
Who says Tools is fat? She dam sexy!
Enjoy babe!but ur still FAT!!
Aunty Linda , honestly i can t wait to see a picture of u and ur hobby
They are both cute together.Think they should give us a wedding too.
toolz ur sexy considering ur size,its not easy,besides ur boo is handsome..carry go..linda post my comment oo
Really sexy & any gud guy's delight...
Toolz, self glorification won't take u anywere.
Tuface and annie in dubia. Toolz in zanzibar. This one in ghana. That one in south africa. So much capital flight (kishi) out of nigeria.. This is so bad for naija. Nigerians are the ones wrecking their country themselves by not wanting to build/create their own paradise. No one will build your home for you naija.Dont get it twisted.
The good nigerian.
I like the guy's bulge. *drooling
fat girl.why the hype on this girl.so much job for the jobless in nigeria.
cool story
Love the pictures of this resort at Zanzibar. Linda, please do some more digging and come up with the details. Will love to go there.
Meanwhile, they look good together!
U re so dry! Matured man like u screaming anus!
Haters gon hate .
But Tunde is dating my friend and has been for close to a year. When the blogs started putting him & Toolz together he denied, even knelt down to beg us to beg her. Even his brother Segun goes out of his way to greet her. I guess she's going to get another apology handbag for this blog. Captain my captain, why the lies? You're playing a decent babe for Toolz, that means you really deserve each other. .. soon we'll be hearing that Mercy Aigbe type gist from your Omole house. Well done Capo. SALUTE
Day time ashawo!!! Keep looking 4 men 2 snatch till u turn 90 onuku!!!linda pls post dis ooh.
Hmmm..... I hope he isn't married too? Anywayz, TundeBobo have fun hitting "it" well!
How many men will this toolz be linked with na wa oh isnt she dating one of her colleague/before then there was don baba j , shamk etc only you just changing them anyhow you go girl
I am sooo happy for them. Toolz seems like a sweetheart. Dont understand why she has so many haters. What has she ever done to you guys? Probably because she did not let you into her private life. No be by force to have friends. Let Toolz live biko. I know Tunde and he is just the nicest guy ever and falls in love hard. Happy for them. Hope they make it official soon
Tunde Demuren is a cheat just playing with Toolz! He has a girlfriend in the United States that he's been seriously dating for the past three years.
Her name is Nifemi, she also goes by the name Bukky, a Doctoral student, they've been planning on getting married once she's done with her degree next year.
Libers don't envy Toolz nor be happy for her, she's just his "Kept Woman"... Poor Thing!
All I see in ds pics are loads and loads of great sex, as in Eat, sleep, sex, repeat! Well, enjoy yourself Tools. You knew you would wear bikini so u started working out since. It paid off tho...d guy looks ok. All d best.
My dear tell your friend to take heart o.. The time u guys accused him,toolz had probably not said YES to him so he could have been playing safe.. That's Men for you!
Buhahahaha! From a whale to bn a Hippo...CRAZY! I'm still tryna imagine dt transition. Billie jean,ur mouth is juss too wicked!
@My Turn, but you dropped a comment. Shows you care. Frustrated mad woman!
He has been enjoying his baby oku, and yet people are criticising her. Captain chop your nkwobi dey go.nothing do u
It is now suffice 2conclude(like a former lecturer says,lol) dat billie jean is not only a bitter human being bt she MUST av personal beef 4tolu!1)billie jean's ex bf,probably her 1st luv dat disvirgined her,dumped her 4tolus,2)she sees all she hopes 2become in tools persona,all d babe has achieved is wat billie tried 2achieve in d past n has failed,3)cud b jus shear envy,she envies dat tolu is 4rm a wealthy home,she envies dat tolu has a great body,whether big or not,dat she turns heads,dat she has nice cloths,lovely ride,lovely hairs n all!I mean,dis is d only explanation y wheneva ders a post about her n on any blog,dear billie jean is der 2mke her mark'operation spit bile against her'lol,dnt know tools 4rm adam bt av noticed dis,n I jus had 2sit bck n wonder!get a life billie jean
Ehn n if he doesn't marry ny of dem nko!shey u'll call police2arrest him!ODE
Hate all dey want....u can like to mop atlantic ocean na...#ITK
Hedgehog hair, we ask u if u care. Idiot. Jealous hedgehog
isn't tunde funmi's boyfriend. chineke !!!!
Old cat like you.
I hope he took her there to propose sha...
great lesson to all those in hide and seek relationship! tunde has a main chick who isnt toolz but only a few people know they are dating. now this!
There are too many hoes in this naija industry abeg! Its like stardom is the new cover for runs ,make we pity dem and not name names hiss
I love the pictures,i love them,praying for my boo to take me on a vacation soonest,cant wait
Linda I don't Tunde Demuren is an EME exec ooo.pls make ur findings...its Segun Demuren and not Tunde...
This explains why she was carrying those gigantic tires,Bikini bodyfor your mind Tools.Burn more fat hun.#okbye
Hmmmmmmmm awon aiye!!!!
Guy, you are obviously very uneducated. Smh
Hahahahahahahahhahhaahaha...lwkmd...I swear real spirit
Look at his thick kpomo lips msheew
Me? First 2 comment? *fans self* So I actually thought people get paid 4 being d first 2 comment!! Lmfao! So y ya'll always excited though?:s
Am sure Ur mum is uglier than her..it's so easy to open Ur dirty mouth and call a woman like u fat...wth!
The real story must sha come out in the comment section of Linda's blog. I salute una
I tot was toolz with praiz*sad face*she and praiz looked cute together
What's with the Kardasian type behavior
Zs friend...wetin concern u sef?na d designer belt she dash u wey d bring diz tory wey no concern us.ta!captain na man wey neva marry so advice ur friend to pack body well...every gurl gats play diz card.na d winner we get advice 4 lin lin blog u hea?as u giv us info say ur friend too dey get expensive!make she calm down allow person chop too.thieves forming good gurlz.
Hmmm! This is serious
Hahahahahahahahahaha....real spirit...
Hahahhaha,abeg leave d girl joor.she dey sample herself
Tunde is co-founder and executive director at EME. Banky always says it.
Lmaoooooo. I just can't yo!
So are you fugly Pealie
Lol gosh though!
Hmmm capt linked to funmi, Bukky 4 yankee nd now toolz, which way bros!!! Dunno which story to bliv sef. Linda ur work still plenty 4 dis gbege...#superstory tinz#
hehehehehehe......it appears Tunde has numerous girlfriends...
He should just stop lying. Why is he coming to beg her friends to beg her if he's actually dating the Toolz babe? Im annoyed. See how he swore that he's not dating her that they only snapped picture together now this again. And to think other serious guys have come but she was there trying to build something with Tunde. Anyways every disappointment will come with a blessing
LOL, guys take it easy
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