According to people close to Foluke, she and some family members have contacted their lawyer to sue Bukola for character assassination. Bukola will soon appear in court to prove that Foluke indeed used diabolical means to obtain Kayode Salako.
Bukola told an Encomium reporter this week that she's not bothered about a lawsuit and is waiting to get the petition from Foluke's lawyers. She said she still feels bad for introducing Foluke to Kayode because the introduction was for Foluke to get financial help from Kayode and not to take him from his wife. "I'm not bothered about a lawsuit though Kayode has sent a threat message to me that we would meet in court. I'm more bothered about Kayode's wife. I hope she forgives me" She said.
She must be joking.
Abegii!!!!!!! Una too get time. #d
Foluke,biko take several seats joor mtcheeewwww
Nonsense!!!! Dey can wateva dey want, not my cup of garri
We will all die n receive our judgement accordingly!!....
owwww please enuf of diz ppl dt hv nth to add to my socio-economic well being. Will dis news put Tracey back to my arms again.
Comment Signed, Sealed and Delivered by DatShapIboBoy
Dis so called bukola shd leave the couple alone, haba if u introduced foluke to her husband wats new in dat?
If she wants forgiveness she shd go to baba God and confess not breaking a home cz u wanna seek forgiveness. Mehn all dis issues is not isssue at all.
Na wetin aproco mouth dey cause be this. But d woman sha, one with her is majority (Nkeiruka!!!)
lol@datshapibo. eiyaah ur gf left u n u wan use style beg am for LIB? ewu igbo
datshapiboboy c ur head like ibo coconut
Bonario, datshapiboboy r u children brodas ni. yeye igbo boys
Why are some women like this ?so much revel in breaking peoples home(marriage)....can't wait to see how this whole saga ends......
Hmmmm!I don't think Diabolical means is recognised in our Constitution!Even if it exists.
Hei!!! This Foluke carry breast oo! Nke a wu mmimi, I can categorically tell you say na bcos of this igbanda breast na him Mr Salako take pursue him wife, eleleoo! Linda iga egbu mmadu na this blog, but Linda if say u get this kind Ololo, I for don marry u te te
I remember Bukola said she had photographic evidence of der visit to d juju man!
If dis is true den dat big breasted-ala nwanyi asaba- masquarade-foluke has just dug her own grave!
Billie jean
Too much drama...ok I done hear,NEXT!!!
Foluke daramola I dare you to charge her to court, I tripple dare you, if you are the daugther of your father, charge her to court, bloody coward, yeye dey smell,
A bit confusing.
Let the court brawl begin!
This whole thing just feels like the plot of a yoruba movie. I mean all the elements are there big breasted woman steals man from wife. Useless husband falls under the spell of his mistress jealous friend finally regretting her actions, impending court scene, betrayed first wife etc. They are just missing baba suwe.
She wants to go to court? I think Kayode has lots of money to waste abi?
Financial Assistance things
Wetin dey worry this shameless kobo kobo whore? This world don spoil sef growing up if u marry a married man u will be hiding in shame for sometime till d world forgets now no shame n fat amoebatic smelly thing dey get mouth say she wan sue.... U will burn
So now u feel bad? Whatever... U two are just two old women disgracing yourselves in public instead of settling as friends. Juju or not, you both are shameless
Yourba pple and juju
Dis fluke is a idiot,solo she planing 2 sue fend all boos she said one or d other...nawa o linda if u like dis time no post ma comment o cos u dry like 2 dry show hr self well anyway am d first 2 comment oops man u no give it 2 someone else.
Lol, how dem wan prove jazz.....abi dem go carry dem dem people enter court to consult ni, Lol. Jobless people.
All of una don craze finish.. Mumu nonsense people..shameless he-goat and she-goats.
Make she no go disgrace her self for lawsuit she for kukuma bone the bukola
one word clear Conciense fears no accusation y d trouble? save urslf d drama home breaker.And u bukky y introduce her to a married man in d first place? Lin lin post my comment.
Forgiveness indeed. When u were introducing her to him, u didn't know u were doing something wrong. Pls help urself and mind ur business
Ok I will not talk put 4 this matter, I go just siddon dey look but how d hell will she prove say na juju for court
Honestly nolly wood actresses need some deliverances form f spirit of promicuosity. It has been seriously trending among dem for quite some weeks.make una take am easy in nolly wood oooooo!!!!!!!
Character assassination? What on earth is that under the law?
U want 2 sue sum1 4 just character assassination... If Baba God Sue u, 4 home breaking, fornication, idol worship etc... I wonder wat will happen 2u... mtcheeew
Shebi kayode ex no talk so wat her probz abi she dey in luv with kayode bt she wasn't fast enough
When a babe says "I introduced her to her husband", it means "the guy was mine".
birds of a feather,as far as am concerned.
HOES, ashewos...old women wey no get shame....olodo rabata.
Ok naaah, nexxxt
Hmmm......Na dem sabi Ooº°˚,buh D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲γ̲ shuld take it easy on each other.wat will happen if D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲γ̲ decide to FORGIVE n FORGET ds whole drama for old time sake?#just askin#
who cares!!!
Husband snatcher.
Hmm..here we go again!!
'juju' is inadmissible in court cos its unrecognised be the law, so how's she gonna prove that?
Bukola Fasuyi is a damn hypocrite. Y introduce ur frnd 2a married man in d frst place,now dt dey v stop giving her her share. She is now publicising rubbish abt.
Akuko uwa. Between, some Libers write terribly. Horrendous spellings and all,it's really heart breaking.
Wats bukola fasuyi problem, she shld live d couple and let dem be for goodness sake, atleast she knws d kind of frnd she role wit. if Foluke Daramola av been usin juju all dis while they av been frnds and i suggest she "Bukola Fasuyi has been using it too" BIRDS OF DSAME WEATHER FLOCKS TOGETHER. I think bukola is jst being jealous. she shld go sit her ass down in her husband house dats if she has one. ODEEEEEH
Yes, let her drag her chikena to the court of the land..
Introduction was for Foluke to get financial help from Kayode and not to take him from his wife. HA HA HA. Na so man dey help woman? As a sharp geh she ended up marrying him.
Acting becoming real
Acting becoming real
Shameless Foluke!!! M-u-m-u. Maybe I too should get ready to be sued cos I believe you use juju on Kayode. The Kayode too is an ode. God's watching
Pls hurry nd release d pics of u two @ d herblist place den we will believe ur story.I smell jealousy on ur part. U r pbly regreting not makin him marry u instead of Funke.u r both birds of a feather.Foolish women,husband snacthers,same will be melted out 2 u two.Afta 13 yrs ur husbands will get tired on u two and move on to oda women.AMEN
all i see iz her big breasttttttttttttt
useless souls!!!! next!
Bukola is a complete monkey. An animal without an iota of intellect in her. What does she mean? Ask for forgiveness??? After sending her ex-friend to get financial (intimate relationship) support from another person's husband? She destroyed the family and the harm is already done. What does she mean by her frequent cries now? Is it because the means for her to get money from Kayode has been cut off? She must be completely mad. If Foluke and Bukola did evil to an innocent woman, then they will see the repercussion soon.
Olomu nla....yeye girl
Gold digger that ruined another lady's home
Sluts! May u suffer in ur guilt till the end.
ur mo bothered abt kayode's wyf n u hop she forgives u. Yea rite, she'l forgv u afta karma catches up wt u. N for foluke, pls file dat lawsuit cos d truth of wat u two did togeda to wreck wat God hs joind togeda wil b exposd! Karma is a bitch, lets jus watch.
Lol. Drama things
such stupidity. The court case is to make daramola appear innocent now or what? Why not save d disgrace for another day n try live beyond d many sepe uve incured. From marrying anothers partner? N d friend should take several seats Abeg. Tired of all these yoruba movie old hags.
All these runs girls and their financial help, instead of using their brain to work, they destroy homes and cause havoc, God will continue to destroy u all and wreck havoc in your lives.Wicked people!
*went to get a bowl of popcorn and adjusted seat in front of pc* Oya!! ko ma roll!
Dis bukola is very wicked and malicious,she didn't know foluke will enjoy d man dis much. Its just pepper body that's disturbing her,men re allowed 2 marry more than 1 wife and guy was already having issues wt d wife b4 foluke came in2 d picture. Friends can be so wicked,u wanna control husband and wife,olori buruku
AsHewo kobo kobo
nollywood movie part two.
Na wa oh! See drama oh.
Go and die already bitch,bukola you're such an envious old hag.you wish to be in foluke's shoes,you bloody frenemy!why are you asking for forgiveness from kayode's wife,when you knew he was married as hell before you brought ur friend?walahi ba,if I be kayode wife I go slap that ya dirty face turn turn,goat.
Na wao o! This is getting more intresting
More ugly Yoruba chics. Those women are definitely cursed. HAHA
South South and South East girls keep the flat flying.
Stupid pple, birds of a feather, u̶̲̥̅̊ snatch person hubby, u̶̲̥̅̊ stil dey sue person to court, God help u̶̲̥̅̊ all
Concience is an open wound, ma dear Bukola,if wat ur saying is the truth,u will pull through in the court.I pity kayode's wife n kid too.
Madam fasuyi, you are d master minded of dis bad act of foluke daramola. U know wat u did was very wrong, by introducing ur friend to a married man. Since u knew dat u and foluke are aristos. Anyway, may God 4give u.
..and her conscience begins to give her a tough time hence forgivness is being begged for.
both parties are shameless!
Character assasination lawsuit in Nija by an actress, she should be able to look pass this as its to be expected in her line of profession to ride the rollercoaster of hearsays and petty talk without batting an eye
Which flat? You sef keep that duplex flying, tribalistic fowl!
@4:22pm, you be first order fool, Stella Damasus d serial wife na Yoruba? He easy na him all una guyz dey marry US?
It's not just "flat" it's duplex...... Dim-wit, if u wanna cuss out a tribe @ least go 2 school ist even if it's evening school.... So Mercy Johnson, stella damascus, and others re yoruba abi??? Lol!! Like we care abt ur myopic opinion huh? Buhahhaahahahah..die already bitch! Who wants 2 b ibo or a ssouth pErson? Like seriously? Mtshew....
Don't mind her she want the same too!!!
Mumu, na flat make u dey fly. Idiot. Linda if u like dnt post my comment, e dey year body. Smh
,D bukola friend said" I advised ha as a true friend" hmmmmmm...true friend indeed. Its glaring u dnt even knw d meanin of "true" let alone "friend". I wonda how d judge wil handle diz case in court cos its jst gona luk lyk a comedy show cos I stil find it hard to biliv dat 3 adultz of ova 30yrs of age culd com to d public wif dis rubbish... thiz 3 ppl r d perfect definiton of d 3 IDIOTS...
@bukola,I perceive jealousy.y did u ve 2 introduce her 2 a married man?now u re sayin ur conscience is prickin u.wa do u xpect?she date d man n let him go?ma dear we re human u can't ve a good man n nt fall 4 him.well dey re married jes let dem be.u join dem jes go n ask 4 4giveness oh.n 4 foluke if wa u re doin is rit carry on bt plz make d HE GOAT make up wif his first wife so dat dere ll be peace in ur home.linder post ma comment o
husband snatcher and a jealous friend..God is watching u guys
Dis mumu foluke jst wants to trend like danstella...abeg she shud go and mope oniru beach!shameless thing'igbeyin lodun,esan a kee o,gbogbo eyin ase baje,esan ma n bo...*strolling by n singing in King sunny ade's voice*
Lindaaaaaa Post my comments pls nw
Did I do anythin wrng ni
Sumbody pls beg linda 4 me ooº°˚ ˚°ºoo ooº°˚ ˚°ºoo. Heeeen
Heenheen bak †̥ dis pple, T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ thin d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ pain bukola ni Ơ̴̴̴͡,bcuz T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ man Ŋo̶̷̩̥̊͡ ask her out,ℓ̊f T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ man askd her out,she wud av said yes nw! d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ α̲̅r̸ε̲̣ Birds of same feather joor! She s just bin jelux *Lobatan*
Prof Fej...Wich constitution is dt written dt u cld marry anoda wife wivout divorcing d first?
Buhahaha @flat...Olodo rabata,4rm deir comment u shall kno dem.shior!
You people are still getting it wrong, read carefully before you jugde or jump into conclusions. Kayode's wife had moved out of the house 2years b4 he met foluke, so she clearly dint break his home, this Bukola frnd is just jealous cuz kayode Neglected her n Married Foluke n she's jealous cuz she was f*cking the man underG n collecting money.
@ Anon 4:37pm u must be a foolish tribalistic goat. Are ur women beta off? if u don't knw wat to say kip quite it is nt a must u comment.
Madam lecturer, It's "By the Way", not "Between".
Just shut up, were u there?
Thank you! This is the only reasonable comment I've seen here.
Dis ugly unfolding drama looks like a badly scripted yoruba movie.juju might not b admissible in d law courts,but,it's imperative 2 not ovalook wht d bukola lady is sayin,afterall,d foluke has been accused of juju tinz on past several occasions even on her 1st marriage,not even 4gotten how she was pursued 4rm where she used 2 stay 4 magodo bcos,she 2 burn incense 4 dere not 2 long ago.We men must b very careful,make we no allow manchester & arsenal no come send us 2 early grave..d 2 women are shameless passed around nollywood pretenders,na mumu salako dey wash tokunbo car countless drivers don drive roughly..after leavin I'm new chasis in d cold.I'm eyes go soon clear.
Bukola fasuyi am sorry to call you a capital fool, but that is what you are
This is absolute Non sense,i thought as much,the movie they act,has gotten into their brain,so they practice the movie in the real world...what a shame.
This is cool!
Apρreсiate this post. Will try it out.
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