Rukky Sanda at AMVCA pre-award cocktail party last night | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 9 March 2013

Rukky Sanda at AMVCA pre-award cocktail party last night

The Africa Magic Viewer's Choice Awards Pre-award cocktail party held last night at Eko Hotel and that's what Ms Sanda wore to the event. Hot or not?


Unknown said...

She looks like my grandma

Amarachi said...

Not ,rubbish because everything is sparkling

Anonymous said...

First to comment.

From UK with love...

Gozzy said...

Simply hot

Anonymous said...

She looks like a ladyboy in all these pictures. Her face looks so masculine...

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Hot! She is so radiant! Lovely dress too.

PO$$H said...

HOT sha bt i still dnt like her, plus is she modellin d purse or wot?

Anonymous said...

Hot n fits her

Anonymous said...

Hot indeed

Anonymous said...

Rukky, don't b decieved by ur toothpick legs!
U r not skinny!
U just have oge okoye's kinda body!
So make 'bodymagic' ur BFF b4 dat belly falls off!
Billie jean

Anonymous said...

White fowl…

Anonymous said...

So what's d deal with blonde I missing some in here...xoxo


I choose OR

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Too much gold ....are u trying †o compete wit the sun...I give her 5/10


Nice beauty


Beautiful Lady I love


she's gorgous

Anonymous said...

The hair doesn't suit her face. Like the dress shaa

jaygidi said...

she looks like a tanned asian,

lolade pinky said...

cnt blieve..buh i vote d way lindiway dnt hesitate 2 bring us photos frm papaz birthday oh

Anonymous said...

She looks like transvestite. Her face n pose

Anonymous said...

Too colourful.

Anonymous said...

I like her tho!

teemah beent said...

Abeg leenda,whatz wif ya and Rukky? Is she ya new bff? Abegi...

Anonymous said...

Lol what kinda body does oge okoye have?


Anonymous said...

Trust me guys she's not all that at all, she's just there. I saw her 3days ago at the GAME (the palms), omg, I couldn't believe my eyes. She's not as light skinned as portrayed in most fotos we see her in or on TV, she's got a very dirty looking skin. Her feet!!! Ewwww don't even go there. Nothing spectacular about this broad guys trust me. She's just lucky she's got little cash and maybe the right kind of men, that's all.

Anonymous said...

Nothin special

Anonymous said...

Someone should tell this Rukayat girl to get a good stylist to kit her to this celebrity events. Her fashion taste has always been crappy. Jeez!!

FameLord said...

She's gotten fatter but I still wanna Smash

Nollywood Forever said...

The dress isn't bad IMO but the whole get up (orange weave pancake spiderlashes etc etc) is a hot ass s h i t t y MESS.

Anonymous said...

Linda,what is her occupation?later u will be condemning runs girls.

Anonymous said...

Hian! Some people are blind oo. Very respectfully asking, Did you loose your glasses?

Anonymous said...

I concur with she isn't that gorgeous in real life.

Anonymous said...

Kai. This is harsh o. Cut her some slack now. Lol.

Tiwa Savage reveals her most embarrassing moment was with Tuface Idibia

Anonymous said...

Rukky bebe! She reminds me of onitsha market girls. Bad hair, bad dress, red skin, taboo face. She how she's holding the bag sef. Let me be positive, the bag is fine.

jay said...

Pple can like 2 famz sha oo, each time dere is a pics of one celeb on dis blog, somebody must sha claim 2 hav seen d person 2days ago or 2moro, anyway d gal no try 4 dis pix, n linda wats wit u n dis rukky "sandals' sef?

Anonymous said...



lol@comment funny

Anonymous said...

If u like use one bucket of bleaching cream...u wor-wor be say u wor-wor...dis rukky babe luks scary n awkward

fatima said...

Notin special @ all...

JustPorsh said...

She needs a personal shopper/stylist.

JustPorsh said...


Anonymous said...

Am I the only man in the world who cannot stand this 'wig' or 'weave' fad. I love natural everything but it seems like women and girls alike cannot come out without having some 'roadkill' on their skull in the name of looking good.

Anonymous said...

She trying too hard to be sexy

Anonymous said...

True talk...her face really looks masculine

Anonymous said...

D belle.. Ughhh! The dress nt bad, the shoes, nice bt on a diff outfit, d makeup not nice, d hair lovely.

Anonymous said...

She used 2 b wey cuter wen she had body,bt nw she's looking so skinny nd its affecting her face cos she's looking so old nw.

Wealthy Arena1 said...

sanda dont mind dis guys God made u special n u are hot n beautiful aiit

Wealthy Arena1 said...

she is hot n beautiful joor

Anonymous said...

Nice dress but every other thing is out of place. The wedge shoe doesn't suit that outfit and the hair, the lipsticks, wack.

Anonymous said...

Nice dress


She looks like someone who has herpes. Disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Looks good on her

JSBunny said...

Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Becky abeg no kill me with laff!!!! Pele Ruky Sanda o!!!

JSBunny said...


Anonymous said...

Nice choice Bonario!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If to say she drop that hair,she for fine! My gf's like that too,she's always looking like one old mama whenever she packs her hair like that :(

Anonymous said...

All dese pple always sayin bad about oda pple beauty or dressing, am sure if we see den face 2 face or c ao dey dress am sure dey wld all b an eye-sore.hmmmm we knw dem sha by dier comment.

Unknown said...

She's a hard working girl a Go-getter... But I think she's over trying to be noticed! She likes it or not she's already a star.... So she should tone down on everything she does, especially on color choices. I wish her the best!

Anonymous said...

Tranny tinz

Unknown said...

Ãήϑ how does dat answer Ï„̅Ñ’e question? Mtchweew. First 2 comment my foot.

Anonymous said...

Oge has Lizard shape!high waist and k legs that start from her shoulders!signed:wide eyed!

Anonymous said...

STFU ,u beefer u didnt make any point,U didnt see Rukky cos she is Hot like Fire while u are a local chap wishing u were like her,Ewu gambia like u

Anonymous said...

Oge has bone body

Unknown said...

Rukky looks oh so awful! Whats wrong with this babe?

Anonymous said...

Even with d money they claim 2 have, her nd tonto (her bff) cnt invest in a gud stylist everytin on her is horrible including those tokunbo shoes she has own... Rukky nd Tonto dress 2 save ur lives, hissssss

AIDA B said...

Nice but doesnt suit the occasion.... Too much gold her hair inclusive

AIDA B said...

Shoe doesnt match the dress...

Chikaka said...

Too sparkly.

Anonymous said...

Not. Very razz with the leg in the air, trying too much

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:37 so someone can't make an honest opinion without being called a hater or like u said "beefer"? And why will anyone wish to be rukky sanda when there are prettier and richer girls to envy? Everyone has a right to an opinion so you Stfu.

Anonymous said...

Oh pls shut up and go preach to your siblings I'm sure they have roadkill on their heads too..

Anonymous said...

You would know this cos u have it too.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha,see painment rukky is that youuuuuu

Anonymous said...

Rebecca u ar full of negativity. Remember what goes around comes around. From ur comments on this blog, u sounds so frustrated in life.
U could be passed as a stark illiterate. Who knows ?
Grow up.

Anonymous said...

One word… UGLY…

Anonymous said...

Anonymous March 9, 2013 at 1:37 PM: That is definitely rukky "sandals" hahahahahahaha dirty girl. The thing pain her reach her bone, na lie before? Are you not dirty looking? Shiooor, with your wor wor lips like "beefer" and stop bleaching Cochon!

Anonymous said...

Hot noT looks casual

Anonymous said...

Wow. She looks like a tranvestite. Is she orginially male?

Anonymous said...

Y r u guyz hatin rukky is a vry pretty gal and who tld u she has a dirty skin o she's not fair oga nxt time u see her luk properly

Anonymous said...

U always wanna smash anything in skirt. No break that ur toothpick prick oo habba. Any lady they put up u must comment with about ur sexual urge. Na ur type dey rape young girls so be warned!!!.

Queen Bee said...

Exactly,sparkling like night club lights!!

Anonymous said...

Am i the only one that thinks she looks like a man....*awkward*

Anonymous said...

not hot bcos d make up is a bit too much

tammy said...

Its not by force to be blonde, luv the dress. Would have preferred a different shoe.

Anonymous said...

You must really think i am Rukky,is RuKKy Ibo to write Ewu gambia,keep beefing her idiot,Men are dying to be with her and you dirty local things are here Beefing,Owu Girls,work hard you wont work,just to beef people that made it

Anonymous said...

rukky u wor wor now no be small oh. bleaching na bad tin oh, chai. see wetin u don turn into. girls pls stop bnleaching your skin oh. thr are beautiful black girls oh

n5 said...

OMG!this prince charming comments on every what a jobless person he must be.....lawd have mercy!smfh*straight face

Anonymous said...

Anything that wills show her ugly tattoo

Peace said...

HATER! Get a life! Lib readers are full with hate! Kai! Tufiakwa! Its getting irritating common! Tshew!

Anonymous said...

All y'all saying nasty things about Rukky have very small and measle infested minds. I wonder Y all the Hating. Remember wateva goes around comes around. I am sure if y'all seen in flesh and blood u wud all look like what the DEVIL has RE-CONSTRUCTED!

Alicia says... said...

Why attack 1st anonymous for their opinion? You just be one of those road kill wearers he is talking about. Close your mouth sweetie, your insecurities are showing.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

•◦°˚ e b

Anonymous said...

Bleaching gone wrong. She has literally bleached out the beauty out of her. I completely agree with those who said she looks manly, she looks like a man in drag.

Also why do everybody look alike these days. The same tired weaves, makeup, style of dressing etc. It's like they are all clones..weird.

Anonymous said...

Nice dress. Lovely smile.

Anonymous said...

Nice dress. Lovely smile.

Anonymous said...

Kai y d hate on innocent people like this??? Not good at all.


Anonymous said...

Prince Jobless...u bloody low-life wanna-be. Dead guy...lying all over the Internet, how in the world does she look like she has herpes? Where r the blisters or spots? U retard! Throwing words around like you've seen fools. Thot u were tryin to be funny with ur comments but now u r just being a dick. Or did u give her? I'm even asking...u no fit, u r NOT on her level. Bastard little child u better dont let me expose ur life. Dead dundee fool.

Anonymous said...

@billiejean Ur comment is so pointless,it makes no sense

Anonymous said...

Nice dress and shoe bt cnt jst fathom wts wrong wiv er look...She luks so dirty nd tacky!!!

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahaha,that's y I love this blog

Anonymous said...

one word.....ugly!

Anonymous said...

Has back tattoo like her bff, tonto

Anonymous said...

Please she should invest more in her skin! Those knuckles are awful. I don't know when Nigerian girls will finally realize that black is also beautiful. The bleaching trend is on the rise and we now have people looking red and orange, some fair with black patches all over. It's just disgusting!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Then your Grandma must be one hot sexy young lady! Invariably, you haven't been born yet! That also implies that your response must either be from heaven or hell. I've no preference to any for you shall.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wat kinda gold hair is dat? ugly hair, ugly face...abi Йą u goldie leave to continue from whr she stop?????

Anonymous said...

Nneotta make envy kill u idiot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rukkyyyy is here oooooooo,Rotflmao

Anonymous said...

For your mind,that's what you think?, will be shocked lol.

Anonymous said...

9ice dress,2 much mkeup..doesn't fit @all

Anonymous said...

Ugly hair,ugly looks..rukky used to b beautiful wen she started acting but nw shez has no beauty, no class ,no a no no no for me

Anonymous said...

@anon 1.37pm u such a big fool...mumu.everybody has the right 2 his or her own opinion.must u comment??oye buara brain!

Dee said...


MY TURN said...

Love the dress hate the shoes and everything else

Anonymous said...

She should read fashion blogs those will help her

Anonymous said...

Lol @ toothpick prick. Lwkm. I really love this blog.

Anonymous said...



Like seriously... Those shoes r so ugly... I hate d pose so much n wrong choice of everything. Its a Big NO for me

Anonymous said...

Omg lmao! Funniest comment

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