The former beauty queen and actress moved to the US many many years back where she dropped her glamour cloak to become a wife, mother and a registered nurse. Totally different from the life she led in Nigeria. She shared her current situation on her Facebook page. See the rest of after the cut...
Who is she again?
*files nails*
What a good lullaby,and it worked gradually I dozedoff.
snoring grrh grrrrh grrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhh!!!!
Good night Lindiway.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Am sorry...
Wats was d point of dis again?
I hardly made sense of it..
Is she planning 2 break in2 nollywood again?
Gat me all confused woman!
Billie jean
Ok!!! Next
Yes indeed Regina was the superstar glamour queen of her time... Hope she's truly happy and fulfilled with her choice of living the simple family life in the US..
How touching.....It's a blessing to impact positive in people's life than to live a life of vanity.
Gist don finish Linda. T's obvious
How interesting... She got herself a good resting place in a good marriage and a job she is passionate about, that's good. All the best, she still looks eye catchy though.
She's married with kids :o?? Damn I used to have a crush on her back in the day. She's hot. If nobody believes u babygirl, I do. u hear me?
What's up wiv all the dizziness?? Lol... Prince Jobless waiting for your comment of life hehehe..
This is actually pretty sad...
Shez jst a goddess !
Don't gt dis essay.....walai!
nyc 1
It sounds â„“i̶̲̥̅ke̶̲̥̅ she misses the celeb life, there's a time to let such things go and J̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊t̲̥̅̊ let the past remain as it is- past. She's had a good run as a beauty queen and then as an actress, that was wonderful, but its history, now she's got a family, she should work on their happiness and hers and try and find as much contentment as she had during her heyday. I loved her and still appreciate her now
Pls come do a movie here so we can show d doubting thomases nd janes.
Not new gist. I remember telling folks working beside me at Burger King that I had a bachelors degree in Microbiology and they would snicker and laugh. When I was going to grad school, I told my factory mates I was going to grad school. They asked me how one could go to grad school without an undergrad. That's ignoramus Americans for you.
Mine O mine!! I used to Trip 4 dis Diva. She is one of the pioneers of Nollywood. Thnk God 4 her Life.
Godbless her hustle,living a descent life,everytin is not all abt fame,family is key,we can't hv it all,all d time
"u worked here?" dat was so funny.hahaaaaaaaaaaaa
"u worked here?" dat was so funny.hahaaaaaaaaaaaa
Sounds more like a farewell speech to the USA ? Hmmmmm, dunno .
I remembered those years...She, Dolly Unachukwu and Victoria Inyama were the doyens of Nig home movies, now Nollywood, they were indeed icons and really paved way for these little ones. Talking about dez trio, Linda could you pls dig on Victoria Inyama ? Love dat babe...may be cus I looked up to her dose days.
Echoes of yesteryears.....
Reggy is beautifully ageless. She inherited a nice gene.
WoW! The queen before all these queens..... Age is catching up with you sha
Visit my blogsite here: www.naijatalktown.blogspot.com
Why didn't u just google ur name as proof Regina? Anyway I get d gist. Funny yet annoying to be doubted all d time
Good for her!
Regina was actually d baddest bish at dat time....mid 90s. She had d glamour and exuded d confidence of some1 at d top of her game. I liked her cos of her hazel eyes n she was quite articulate. All in all,am tempted to say her move to d U.S really didn't do her career any good(I think she must av even had delusions of breakin into Hollywood!) Good to c that she's thriving in her present endeavours anyway. Wish u d best,Reg! Bukky.
She made her choice based on contentment and peace of mind. I respect her for that , kudos to Regina Askia for keeping it real
**Money and trapping of a celebrity "fake" lifestyle is not everything
Eya I think by now she would have been more accomplished nd celebrated if she was still In Nigeria acting,such a waste of talent,I find it so funny how pple just abandone their former life simply bcos they are married nd they want to live in America,cnt give up my Career for any man! NEVER
Like who cares next abeg *Bcuty signing out
Well dey wunt believe na,typical of dem...
Eeeeya! She was a source of inspiration those days for me. Her acting in movies like Most Wanted and Full Moon made me want to be an actress. *covering face* I learnt how to roll my eyes like she does and imitate her accent which kinda stuck cos people ask if I've ever lived abroad and my legs never even comot from border. LOL! Regina Askia should be celebrated like the likes of Liz Benson and co.
Had a major crush on this Lady....... Missing u Lots and the wankings too
This is a lesson for those of us who run abroad for 'greener pastures'. She sounds like she's trying to convince herself that she made a good decision. Hope she has enough time to 'accomplish'. God help her
I sense depression and regrets.dis woman craves dat past life but so sorry,its gone forever.old age has caught up with her too.dat black american riffraff she married in her home in vgc years back was her undoing cos he's a gigolo.relocating to the states with him,thinking all would be rosy made her realise she made a huge mistake cos she suffered so much,and couldn't leave cos of shame.her ex,her daughter's(stephanie)dad helped a lot financially b4 she went to study nursing.moral of her story:there are good men back home in nigeria dat every decent hardworking woman can build her life with,make good choices ladies.Honourable tonyepriye
Linda,I think u shd do more better on ur caption. U made it sound like d babe was so down n out begging arms or prostituting. No wonder Tonto called u a failed model. U know next 2 nthinf abt journalism. Ur just here to hussle money.
Hey sister are you having middle age crisis or what, they always say when you are getting closer to your 40's you begin to reflects although am happy you were able to get your grove back...lol
Doesn't she have her old movies? News paper clippings about her? (Cos I won't say the internet as there was none back then in Nigeria) old fotos etc. Anyway I don't really understand her plight right now, is it nostalgia or regret?
Chai,eyahhhh dis woman is highly frustrated bikonu.Regina abeg come back home,we won't laugh at you.you can still' make it',you can still get all those stuffs back,the house and cars and live large.but em....as age don catch up with u so,I doubt if u can still work with ur vajayjay the way u used to,btw wey ur old gigolo americana hubby?
Come home,I'll connect u to a very rich politician.stop living in d past.btw how would they believe when you're toiling and living fm hand to mouth.chai life sha!
Glad you got your grove back...
Eh? So this is how dbanj in future will be telling his fellow cab drivers that he was once the koko master and they will just be doing him yimu-yimu.
If you tell me dat kind story regina,me I will slap you and call u a liar and dreamer.you went real broke cos u were taking care of an old gigolo,I no pity u at all.
There is a massive difference between being a small fish in a big pond and being a big fish in a small pond. This is what this woman is experiencing. It must be tough for her to swallow.
Europe and America is a leveler for us Africans. It is like starting all over again. Any African abroad who misses the pecks of home like house helps ( house boys , house girls, drivers etc etc) can go back home. Simple. This woman' mind is really in turmoil. It is good that she is verbalising it. I hope the husband is awake and not in stage 4 of deep sleep. I would not be surprised if she divorces her husband one day and then 'scatter scatter' her family thinking that the grass is greener on the other side.
Seeing all the nollywood queens enjoying their newly acquired fame and comparing this to taking care of sick baby boomers in USA must be very nauseating for our dear US based nurse. I can't blame her. Life is not fair. It is not meant to be. Period. My advice to this woman is, please don't divorce your husband and scatter your family. Just hang in there and make sure your kids take advantage of the educational system in the US. For some of us is better setting up drips for sick people than being a nollywood queen.
Such is life, in life we only have Current Champion, we do not have Evergreen Champion, thank God she still has something doing for herself & others(Nursing) 15 years ago, I could not forget your role with Ayo Adesanya, Ibinabo the AGN, Bidemi Fadayomi & so on, in 'Most Wanted' till today, the movie is still one of the best movies produced in Nigeria, people like Regina Askia, Liz Benson, Babara Soky/Odoh, Gloria Anoze, Sandra Achums, Joke Silva,Eucharia Anunobi, Saint Obi,Bukky Ajayi, Zack Orji, Hilda Dokubo, & many more deserve to be celebrated,then when u watch their movies, you will like to watch it again & again. Let the government appoint them as Executives into any body partaining to Entertainment, while they are still alive, we really need to appreciate these people, they r the real Nollywood, Welldone Regina, Mama B!
And her point is?
Post Celebrity Syndrome. Its not easy to be satisfied with a normal life after a lot of glamour & attention
Heyaaaaa i absolutely relate i was in yanks nij then yanks again and back then when i discussed my upperclass lifestyle AKATAS GO DEY VEXXXXXXXX me!!!!! Loll!!! They said that exact same chite..y not go back. go back i did...and live my .lifeatyle even more worser than i dished to them all the while naiajwill call you returnee and same WHY NOT JUST GO BACK...because of all the money i made stateside. So the whole time i was in nija the yankees watched mouth agape via fbook.. see JenLuzzy!!!! Lol I die. Some were now begging i should come back. now cycle continues, the naijas watch agape as I make my mooolas all over again, esp the ones that will invent one deportee story and how your life is finished and you must be a criminal simply for the crime of wanting to share small of their demonic infested air! Wow, cant some of us JUST HAVE IT ALL? Cant I just generally have a good life and like variety and spices inspite of watever depths/sacrifices I encounter to achieve it. Classic case cant please everyone. my dear keep your dreams aapirations and lifeatyles of Grandeur to YOURSELF! Not everybody can handle it comprehend it or envision it with you....especially not these wretched yankers. its not by force to assimilate and I surely dont bovv to try. Afflicted ko affluentia ni
Story story story! Na person send u do andrew "am checkin out?" Abeg park well whre u dey 4 yonda... If una go american nd hang 4 dere,shame no go let una com back... Abeg do honorable tin nd com back home b4 u die in shame. Linda if u like no publish my comment
Love u all, Mwaah!
She is one of †Ñ’ξ most talented actresses ever.
beauty indeed fades. The picture speaks for itself.
whats she on about?
I remember when she acted Most Wanted....she was a star.
I remember when she acted Most Wanted....she was a star.
Asko? And so whot?
Arrant nonsense.....
Am sorry for deviating from the main post, But i have to confess am so addicted to Linda Ikejis blog that i had to go back to way back 2007 just to see how the blog was operating then and i must confess it was such a beautiful experience.. People like Toni Payne chude of ynaija and even funmi Iyanda were regular callers wow, Toni was always dropping comment and she was so matured with the way she always address each issues and Linda was always stopping by to also drop her own comment despite that she is the owner of the blog.. And one thing i also noticed was the fact that during the evolution of Linda ikejis blog i think most of libbers then were basically in the diaspora, Cos i think Nigerians were not that into blogging and i think the proliferation of blackberry phones and other smart phones gave the home based Nigerians the opportunity to start trolling the blog and ever since, they got to know about linda ikeji blog they have hijacked this once peaceful and interesting blog spot and turned it into a hub of hate and insults names calling and what have you... Fine i know linda is enjoying all the traffic and all the craziness that comes with it but Linda you yourself can testify to one fact that your blog was more and more matured and interesting than what it is today cos initially i noticed that bloggers will just come to your blog and drop their comment and no one was ready to shut the other individual down or tell his or her fellow individual how he or she couldn't spell a word correctly and all that childish non charlatan behavior.. But now you get to see a prince Jobless telling a bonario that he is stupid and u see a bi lie jean always looking for who will commit a grammatical blunder so that she can tell the person how fucked his or her life is, Or you get to see a prince charming ready to pick on celebrities and their useless ways of life.. Linda i think you need to restore some sanity into your blog by censoring what this guys bring on here cos right now to be honest with you even Basket mouth had to admit on Bella Naija that Linda Ikejis blog is the chief hub of haters. Instead of we to always hate and pull our fellow celebrities and Nigerians down lets pull all our corrupt and wicked politicians down and lets start our own Arab spring cos if we look at what is going on here in Nigeria i think we long due for our own kind of Arab spring or revolution... With social media mediums like Linda ikejis blog we can send our message of pains frustration insecurity corruption and abject poverty to the world so that the global word will know how we living here in Nigeria and they will also be aware of how our our so called government are treating us... Please Linda the only thing you can do for me is for you to make sure you post my comment k.. Thank You And God bless...From Iyke..
she could have stayed on.....but she chose to go to the US to carry last. *hands her lastma uniform*
lol welcome to yankee- shes not really fine, as an american born n raised. on a scale of 1-10 of LOOKS shes like a 5 out of 10, no offense but her being MBGN is a bloody shame. same with most MBGN babes. i've seen women in the "ghettos/hood/slums " who are fine pass her just in DC/Atl/NY. STOP TELLIN people in yankee you were the most beautiful, its a disgrace. sorry if thats harsh but shes "Very Average" like Gen nnaji, Omo T, Tonto dikeh, ini edo, stella damasus ALL very average.
Nigerians have forgotten how evil some people are, are you meant to keep a friend who envies you and wishes for your downfall? A friend who tries to snatch your girlfriend or boyfriend? Not all old friends are genuine friends.... Remember good company is better than bad company, so Nigerians should not be deceived thinking because you want to keep old friends that you should accept bad friends and bad influences in your life... Be wise, great men on earth are usually destroyed by the so called "old friends"
I have always known that Regina will regret her move to the United States. Here was a girl getting all the glamour and attention in Nigeria, suddenly saying she is relocating to the US. Now she is nobody when alot of her contemporaries who remained in the country are making it and getting prominence in Nigeria. The lesson in all this is that the best place for a Nigerian is Nigeria, for a Ghanian is Ghana and for an American is America. Anywhere else you are a bloody slave. Period..
I deffo understand the irony of Regina's post, the pains & blessing. Honestly i would never give it a thought if i haven't felt those moments myself. Its a diff world living here in the states if u ve' ever been exposed to fame and fortune back home. To complicate matters is these Black americans (as they ve' resolved to identify as rather than be referred to as African American, thats for African immigrants) do not see/ regard us as one. It leaves you wondering where do y'all come from then?
How could i forget when one said "Oh no you can tell an African when u see one, they kind of have this bone/ facial structure that u could just tell"
She sugacoat it so well I was like B* clap for yourself, your ignorance is bliss
Regina who?! Abeg let her go and siddon for one side. She's an HAS BEEN *yawn*
Lwkmd!!! And she was such a good actress bk then
Iyawo paso
I used to enjoy getting as an actress years ago and I sure still see her as Regina Askia; but I couldn't really figure out why she decided to say all that on her FB page, is she complaining? It could be worse though! I just hope she feels fulfilled, this is not the time to burden yourself with "what could have been" because that's just an imagination. In all things, give thanks.
Man I remember her from Most Wanted. she was so hoot and a good actress
Fact! America is one crazy place where no matter who and what you have, go to the best University,be A list celeb,whatever ,to them you will come to America to start a new leaf. I understand where she is driving at. All the best Regina.
Sorry but how does dat concrn us...nxt pls
Awwwwwww...a lot of celebs are so scared of returning to 'Living Simple' so they begin to spiral out of control. The only constant thing in life is CHANGE. Kudos to her for taking that BOLD step.
Awful grammar, so painful to read. I do sympathize with her..
Lolz....think that's the world for you
Oh Regina Askia, she was so cute, very beutiful in those years. She's changed a lot, it makes me wonder why women would be careless about thheir looks after popping out babies. Hit the gym Regina,and follow fashion trends. Why would anyone believe you were once a queen? You need to still represent that fact. I'm so sorry, but look at that hair, make up..Naaaahhh! Think about a total makeover!
They would find it hard to believe her, because her life in the US is very different from her life in Nigeria as an actress
when the life was good,no body knew,,but when things fall aparts,,,every got to know,,,
how is ur husband there today?before I will come back to comment,,@linda woman cry out site
That is life for you. In Nigeria, you may be a big shot but over there, you are nothing.
REgina Askia
If U like Enter MOON
We dont Care....I personally I dont Care
Buahahaha.....The day U RAN race 440 to America....that was the day,,Nigerians Forgot about you.
So,,dont be doing Madam 'notice' me
Make we see how we fit Manage,,,@Genevivie,,@Omotola,,@Tonot Dikeh..@2face/anny Hipe.
dear Regina sweet, thank God for ur life but i think we will accomodate u more wen u come bk to us in 9geria or don't u miss us?
Wow! Dat's a really nice write up.
I like dis woman, I hope genevive and rita learn from her!
And what is the essence of this long essay?
Reginal was my roles model (in Funke Akindele's voice ) when I was little. I have always wondered where she disappeared to. God bless her with those her contact eyes.
lmaooo amen oooo, there is defffs no place like home Regina
S̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊ happy to knw dat she has a family she cherished Ãήϑ a career. She is where the Lord wants her Ãήϑ not in nollywood paparazi.
She has really changed. Was watching full moon some weeks bak on africa magic Ãήϑ was wondering where she has being, lo Ãήϑ behold, linda's blog has her story.
This gave me goosebumps. More grease to your elbows baby
It is true saying that americans celebrates their own stars,I can bet u when u are screen diva here in nigeria noolywood is just a local ass. We appriciate you back home.I still luv to watch one of ur movie "most wanted",back in those days it use to be my best noolywood movie. Enjoy ur nurse job jo nothing is as sweet than taking care of the sick and seeing them get well, pele o nurse regina
No Comment ke *suprised* Where is everybody? I'm sure dey wud soon come and lambaste dis woman now. *eyes rolling*
What the heck....dnt understand all ds gibberish one bit....what a rant! Cant she talk or write plainly?
Its as if i was reading Prof Peller magic book! #phew#
And pls no insults abeg....just my tot n yes I am a LEARNER!
You cant have your cake and eat it dear. You either want to live in Nigeria or America? make your choice and live with the decision you make. Good luck
Regina Please some back. D industry's bleeding 2 have u back. It sure needs some make over. #GoingBack2Droots
I used to look @ her n say WOW bck den, she was so pretty.as dey say beauty fades, but character is everlastin.
My namesake!
Poor her, she's definitely missing her old glamour life. She was bIg here & living fine. I wonder why pple do that.
She made her decision.. Queen in ur land or servant in anada manz land. She still got d looks she's more dan beautifull for her age its neva too late.
Hmmmmm come back home and thank God u have a family unlike some of nollywood stars
So sweet. Just keep doing good don't mind the doubting Thomases over there.
Love her in d full moon n oda movies.wonda y she jst abandoned evrytin.gudluck to her dough.
God! This lady is gradually losing her beauty.
Still watched her movie, full moon this week.
She was an epitome of beauty.
Oh well,such is life.
It's well.
She doesn't sound happy with her present life"tone of regret.....
she misses celeb lifestyle.Sowwy Regina
Simple,tell them to google you.
She's amazing,I Loveeeee her
you made the right choice to switch careers to a decent occupation unlike your fellow Nollywood divas. E.g tonto dike killing her career with horrible music, omotola trying a 5min reality show that won't last, etc you know others. Am really proud of you babes. Nollywood is just so fake and annoying. I mistakenly watched an accident scene yesterday. Chai so annoying I swear.
Good u appreciate what u have now, just continue to live it while it last ( enikan ki je meji ni aba alade* u cant eat twice in alades den) dont be afraid we at home too will forget u so soon we still have some of ur movies
This is my idea of an ideal woman, left acting when the ovation was high, started a new career and has a beautiful family. Unlike those we have here that will sacrifice family and all for acting
I totally agree with you!
She was quite ignorant or should I say stupid now? Her priority was misplaced and now what does she have? A greater past than her present. Nwayi ga nodu odu.
Oh Regina,my luk alike..i miss her so much
Think most people are missing the point here... The fact that she has come out to speak so candidly about her past means she does NOT regret it. There is more to life than fame and fortune and sometimes when you have it you realize how empty it all is... I bet she is more fulfilled now, touching more lives and thats the reason we are here not for the glamour etc. My respect for her has just gone up a thousand fold; you go girl!!!
Sadly regina left at the worst possible time..but thank God for her life. Tho she coulda been a multi millionaire and quite the biggest star..all the genevieve and omotola had nothing on regina back then!
Hahaha,u're hilarious!
U dat is tryn 2 correct someone.. Oya,is dat hw they spell "sense"?? U're jst writing rubbish.U be learner ni?
Hahaha,u're hilarious!
Iyke you have spoken exactly ♏Æ” mind, thank u so much and may you, Linda act fast on this.
Laughing°˚ ˚°Âº≈inº°˚ ˚°Âº≈*Akwa-IboMº°˚ ˚°Âº≈dialectº°˚ ˚°Âº≈iyammi º°˚ ˚°Âº≈=)) =)) =)) nsutor_mkpo-idom?=)) =))=)) =)) °˚ ˚°Âº≈iº°˚Mbong akam˚°Âº≈*º°˚ º°˚Sungsung o I don die o! *rolls 2 boko haram camp*
Please you people should leave the woman alone. She only shared her thoughts on Facebook. She's not trying to prove anything. Y'all should please just have a seat!
how will dumb people like you comprehend a nice abstract expression of an absolute exposed lady like her, when all you people do on this site is to rant and blab and castigate achievers and creative people.
Damn! My old crush. She used to be the BADDEST girl in Nollywood. Sexy & we'll talented. I still Luv u gurl & wld still probably smash dat ass if I ve d chance. *winks*
As much as she is trying to pass a message, It doesnt Make Sense to the ordinary
nhmm...well done Regina. u choose ur path. but its kinda funny n irritating hw some responds can be. yankie pple ehh
Aww regina, hope you are happy. Don't know about genny cause I know in the movie most wanted, genny played an extra while regina played lead but I know Omotola gave her competition . I remember it was always either omotola or regina that would get a part .i think case study was Chico ejiros Daybreak. The hype was who out of the 2 will get the part , then omotola it was. She still looks good though.
on a second thought she shldnt border herself wt all dat jor. jst like in futbal, u cant boast to d champions league trophy holder, wen u re jst a runner-up in ur local league. she had d talent n fame yea, but she's african, u kno hw ds yankie pple reason. doh things re changing now sha
Lol...still yawning.
Regina, I remember her....sounds like she's happy but misses all that comes with the trappings of fame in Nigeria......
I wonder if she will ever make a come back and make a movie. Come backs are big right now!
Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink
she really look like a mummy nw o
Me i think you should have married one old powerful rich baba like Bianca did, this way when the baba die like Bianca baba ( Ojukwu )die, you for don inherit all the baba wealth like Bianca did :) Now Bianca has all the money, children and can get any young boy to dey duck am any time any day. :)
Coming to this blog shows me how low education in Nigeria has gone. Most do not know how to read and are finding it hard to breakdown what Regina posted. What happened to the English comprehension classes? We had loads back in the days, bring it back I say!
Hi Regina,
It is well. You are somebody! You are one of the people who can beat their chest and say you are one of those who started the great Nollywood that the whole world is now crazy about.
When 'black americans' think you're winding them up. Tell them to ask about you; you are on google and you are in wikipedia! How many people can boast of that?
Nigeria is your home, you can always come back and be a tv show host, a judge at AMBO, act in a nollywood movie....
We know you, we love you and are proud to call you our own. Regards to your family. God bless you and keep you.
4 God sake must u bring up dat razz Tonto Dike's issue all d tym? Did Linda force u 2 read it? If u feel d caption isn't good enof y didn't u js correct her in a good manner instead of vomiting nonesense?
Better lives by sucking dicks and carrying expensive handbags , I respect Regina for using her hand to work not her Yansh.
Dat stupid,arrogant victoria inyama...I wonder where she is now
that's life Regina. stop whinning and get going
Very well spoken abi written but remember,there are 2 sides to a coin,Never forget that
Was she most beautiful Girl? Did she win any competition? Shuo! If say Bianca no resign nko?
Self aggrandizement
Thank you Iyke, God bless you real good....Linda I pray you take note of this observation...its really sad...yes God wants to make use of you, but I guess you are yet to figure out the exact purpose...ponder and be wise..Mrs B
Very well spoken abi written but remember,there are 2 sides to a coin,Never forget that
Thought provoking piece
Beauty sure fades * she was a queen.
She sounds although she missed the life of a celeb that she was.
She was a gifted actress Nollywood is yet to have the likes of her.
Omg omg loooooooooooool #dead *tears*
Honestly Linda, in as much as I like your blog, it seems you have lots of immature fellas in this house. A lot of people saying blabs here don't know who Regina is. They only believe everything is about being a celebrity for life.
Linda, tell me anyone in the Nollywood apart from old papas that has PhD?
Also, the poverty level in this country has gone into some peoples' head which is making them to lose focus and killing their ambitions.
Honestly Linda, you need to help this country by reorientating people via ur blog. Stop being concerned alone about the money you will make from band-wit. Please help!
Eiyaaaaaaaaah living the American dream has become a nightmare. Small girls like Genevieve and omotola that she left have become BIG NAMES. Come back Regina but boooooy would it be a struggle my advise hit the gym first and get that sexy back then let a personal stylist do the rest i see your wack style hasn't improved.
Your written English is despicable. I would hate to have a conversation with you.
Lol @ Newspaper clippings, that would be a tough one now. Suicide Mission was my favourite of her movies.
The thought of moving to America back when Regina did was so appealing, but now, with the likes of Genvieve and Omotola bridging the international stardom divide and being very relevant both home and abroad makes Regina's current situation appalling. She could have been a household name both here and abroad if she had played her cards right.
She's on twitter @reginaaskia
We live with the choices we make..i dont think her post sounds full of regrets and i think she was just looking back with fond memories and taking stock..We all do so esp if you are about to hit a milestone age like 40 or 50..May God help us to follow the right path we are destined to in our time on earth
Why do Nigerians tear each other so bad? And what's with all the yawns? You don't have to read the post,you don't have to comment,just get a life. She is a lady that has lived a fulfilled life and now she is content where she is.What is your problem guys? You have such low memory span that such expanded write-up by Regina Askia gets you confused.Get a life and become something so we can read about you someday.
Gaia, u read inbetween d lines. U ar smart.
Don't mind sum of dz foolz here talking JAZZ.
Toling from hand to mouth? Mschew.. Block head. I am sure u wld have prefered it if she was back home doing what nollywood n nigerian ladies do best. Prostitution.
Anon 12.49, you hit the nail on the head, thank you. Bunch of prostitutes with no talent claiming nollywood stars.
Big names only in local nigeria. Thats how far they go.
Hiss.... Abeg abeg, dis woman shed go n SITDOWN! What a load of rubbish ...*yawns* she was a poor actress and an overrated beauty queen wit her fake americalabar accent bk then. Nonsense....surely her colleagues (unlike naijas) can c past her pussy eyes n see derz nu thin else special about her. Everyone knows d easiest career path for an immigrant without corporate qualifications (dare i say sans respected qualifications even)is nursing; so pls who does she think she's fooling?
She lived a so-called highlife courtesy if her whitey expat with whom she had a Baby. Shame she ended up wit a poor man who can't buy her an SUV n put her up in a house with swimming pool n domestic staff catering to her needs n she is paid to clean old oyibo ppls shit.
Poor Regina. Beauty isn't everything. You were too shortsighted n shud have spent our youth planning our future but noooo ....now u r making noise expecting sympathy. Abeg go n sit down in d moon if u like. Or glory days r long gone n no one in naija cares. Deal wit it!
Comment of life... Hahahaha
*yawns* on to the nxt one!
Haven't heard of Susan Patrick For a long time now. great actress with gap teeth. pretty.
......and the morale of her story is? *files nails*
Most regular working folks in U.S.A do not understand how we foreigners are able to do all that we do, because most of them just wait for their retirement.
I was considering getting married to an American guy b4 now. Thanks for helping me makeup my mind. DECISION MADE!. Regina abeg come home. i will be the first to buy your movie. That's a promise.
she should show them her old movies
just ask them to google her
Haba! Everything is just wrong with this comment.
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