“I was in the staff room on a break. We were actually having a laugh at my belly button sticking out and checking for baby movement. Then Karen who owns the salon came in and said, ‘Oh my God, I can see a face.’ She took a picture and we’ve been showing it to folk ever since.”Looks like a face to me but doctors say it's an illusion we are looking at and not the face of Karen's unborn child. Read their opinion after the cut...
"What everyone is seeing is not actually the face of McMartin’s unborn child, but an illusion. The Sun spoke to medical expert Dr. Carol Cooper who explained that the “face” was actually a trick that was caused by her swollen belly button, an old bellybutton piercing, veins and stretch marks.
She added: “The paler area that forms the ‘face’ may well be the baby’s back.”
The head is too big for me so I don't believe
I whld swear dats actually a face am seein there oo wonders shall neva end ooo
There are several layers of muscle on the womb and another 3or 4 on the anterior part of your tummy. Its not possible for a baby's face to come thru all of that.. anyway, mum wants popularity...guess she got it now
Yes, that can't be the baby's face, the ratio of that face to the body is way larger that how a normal baby would be. Nice illusion though, hehe!
Doctors know thier job so it isn't a face
The baby is evil. She needs 2 pray
The Doctor nailed it on the head,just her belly button and d marks on her tummy.
trust white people,soon she'll start her own reality tv show out of a mirage.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
An unborn baby with that size of head / face? Tell me something else… anyway, don’t say I told you it’s a Photoshop…lol
D face is to big....its an illusion
Not real.its nt possible dat its d baby's face,looking at it frm a medical angle
So nt real.
Even if it was a face, that head is 5x the normal size of a fetal head at 25 weeks. So def not a face
Not a real face...Just an abnormally!!!
This is absolutely scary!
How can you say that?you are crazy and deluded
Rebecca T lmao you are just an African everything is spiritual...lol..anyway its an illusion..that size of head you are seeing can actually fit the whole size of the baby..except na only head the woman wan born..
Photoshop tingz to badt!!! @rebbecca ur brain eeehhn na 70's own lmao chaii wat brought evil into d matter now?.....
It can't b a face...cos its 2 big 4 25weeks in d 1st pix....bt d 2nd pix,d woman's abdomen luks lik d child's lips doin duck lips...lmao.wish her safe delivery sha.Lilybabe
It can't b a face...cos its 2 big 4 25weeks in d 1st pix....bt d 2nd pix,d woman's abdomen luks lik d child's lips doin duck lips...lmao.wish her safe delivery sha.Lilybabe
awwwwwwwwwwwww pukesss
Nigerians are the worst. I cannot.
Na wa o sis rebbecca how far na?, u jst stay n tag d baby evil shaperly, I know dis may come as a shock 2 u, bt my dear everytin is not juju...yeah let me give u time 2 think abt it
Bonario! Kai, I always look forward to reading ur comments. I just dey laugh here @ creating a reality show out of a mirage...
The doctors were right joor, its an illussion, hw can a baby face luks big like dat, unless the baby is an ALLIEN.
Dr cooper and cynthia Ezekiwu have said it all.
U mean anomaly!!!igbo pple!#straightface #
Dis is adult face na,wich kind unborn baby of 25weeks wit face/head as big as dis?. Absolutely not real. Besides da foetus head is normally upside down nt upright.
The baby evil ??? Jesus, like some peeps still have ds African Mentality in Superstitious beliefs,at ds Century? Rebecca u ar simply deluded, its ur type that throws their baby in the pit toilet on seeing *how evil the baby is* U seriously need a mental check up, for vomitting this comment here. Shows how ignorant u are. We have a lot to achieve in this country, as we have so many educated illiterates. *so sad right now*
Too big to be a baby's face.....creepy!
Seeing the beely button is d "nose", of course its not real! Besides, for the baby to get into that position to imprint its face on the tummy, one will wonder what position the baby is in! E dey kneel down for d mama belle?
Newborns are not that big linda.
Yeh babe, u ar right. She def needs a mental check up. For a woman like her to have said this Trash. Rebecca it's called an illusion. The pix u saw above is actually a trick that was caused by the woman's swollen belly button, an old bellybutton piercing, veins and stretch marks. As explained by the medical doctor. There are so many out there like Rebecca, who still holds this belief that a baby born with deformity is evil. Remember the man in the news that tied his little daughter up in a room and starved her of food n water for several days, cus it was devilishly revealed by a false prophetess that his God given daughter is a witch. u can imagine!! It's high time people stopped all these negativities. Pls always read to be enlightened. Btw, Rebecca, No,the baby is not evil, according to you.
Chantella ....xoxo
Ur right,this is fake
It is an illusion but pretty cool...a friend of mine has an ultrasound scan of their baby at 16 weeks and in this scan you can clearly make out the face of a peacefully sleeping baby. Its also an illusion but its pretty cool. Linda i can send it for you to post on your blog. people want to see this trust me.
I dunno if its just me but that's the ugliest,most disgusting pregnant belly i've ever seen*am sorry didn't know how else to make that sound any nicer* And Please that's no baby's face,can't possibly be
Pretty Girl
head too big to belong to a baby. most assured its an illusion. for entertainment gist fashion guide and beauty tips log on to cimdhog.blogspot.com
i only saw a face of an old man,by d way, is dt d positn of a child in d womb? I never born so i no knw. Ds Linda sef no dey post my comments, better start posting my comments b4 i swear 4 u in Edo language, abi na only Bonario and prince charming comments u sabi post? Continue wit d ojoro
See this mumu tribalist trying to correct someone but they themselves don't know what they're talking about
D nose too pointed too
The face is too big. The belly of the mother is too thin, like cellophane, around the nostrils. The face should not imprint like a solid plastic on a muscular wall like the belly. Doesn't seem real.
It cannot be real, dat face dey are seeing looks jst like the symbol of ITV lolz..a 25wks old baby's face cant be like dat, extralarge face, and besides the abdominis muscles are quite thick and 3 for dat matter, excluding d superficial and fatty layer. Then the uterus muscular layer cos of pregnancy is thickened as well, so all in all, a baby's face cannot imprint on d belly, except Йą winsh sha.lolz
It cannot be real, dat face dey are seeing looks jst like the symbol of ITV lolz..a 25wks old baby's face cant be like dat, extralarge face, and besides the abdominis muscles are quite thick and 3 for dat matter, excluding d superficial and fatty layer. Then the uterus muscular layer cos of pregnancy is thickened as well, so all in all, a baby's face cannot imprint on d belly, except Йą winsh sha.lolz. I know say Linda no go post my comment..I swear say I go naked baff for bathroom if she post am
Madam yu re evil ursef.......mtschewwwwwww
This aint a real face. Hallucination at this early stage? Na wah oh
this is incredible.
this is incredible.
This is irritating chei.
This is irritating chei.
The baby's nose should be that strong to push out the belly muscle so the doctor is definitely on point.
If that's the babys face, then am 30yrs old! ...and am not! Except of corse its a spawn wit just head!
Sorry but that face is way too big for a 25 week old feutus.
i dont get y some1 can say dat d child is evil when its proven 2 b just an illusion, smh
Naaa.. Face too big to be a baby's.
The Face is too big to be a baby's.
its not real. and if it is dt must be antichrist coming
D*Face is undoubtedly one of the most important artists working within the realms of street art today. His bold compositions and daring outdoor work continues to push the boundaries to new levels
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