The resemblance was pointed out on Twitter by people who watched the series this past Sunday and it is causing a lot of controversy in the US. History Channel has responded to the controversy:
"History channel has the highest respect for President Obama. The series was produced with an international and diverse cast of respected actors. It’s unfortunate that anyone made this false connection. History’s The Bible is meant to enlighten people on its rich stories and deep history.”
The semblance is glaring! Obama has been referred to as the Anti-Christ in a lot of quarters. Much talk about the end time is everywhere, that's a sign, a word they say is enough for the wise, especially christians.
That's so false...they don't look alike at all. People just like to spark controversy n start unnecessary drama....mschew!!
hehehe, satan in the making and satan in the flesh. Chairman Obama why u knw wan come naija sef.
Nah dis is neither a coincidence nor a deliberate act,its providence.
gradually the broken pieces are making whole.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
D resemblance is too much o. Or dem relate?
Thanks for your nice articate
plastic business cards
plastic business cards
There is no semblance at all, wonder why people freak out over nothing...
Anon 7:21 wtf kind of stupid comment did u just send. Is it bcos u can type? Wtf does comin to nigeria have to do with this. Its just annoying.
Hmmmmm.......the end has come. We all need 2 turn 4rm our evil ways. My question is what is the fate of Nigerians living over there?
The world of false and truth
Almost like the world president....hmmm be careful or a law suit
So,wat's wrong if d guy is a look-alike? Un-warranted speculation
i can't see any resemblance, woo jora mehn
Yes o.
Hahahahahaah@7:21 make he come naija make we bundle am go MFM for delivrance.
Muhahahaha. O jo danu-danu! He resembu am no be small but my presido is "handsomer"!
The resemblance is really glaring, Anti christ in the making, God pls direct our paths as belivers....
how do you check resemblance.did you see the nose curve,cheeks and eyes..... Stop passing fake rumour it may ignite tensions
Seriously the guy and Obama do resemble,but that doesn't make Obama a satan.It was just a cast,people should not make issues of this.
I agree with you jare....
U really need to visit an opthalmologist...they really do look alike
=))º°˚˚˚°ÂºLolzº°˚˚˚°Âº=)). Look alike? If ÈŠ̝̊̅ hear
Satan doesnt need to be in Nigeria when hes alredy conquered you.. of what use?
You see what you want to see and you believe what you want to believe.
Sign? Lmao! Coming frm u,am ROTFL
Just checkin tis out
Why do they have to depict a black man as the devil? Who told them the devil was black? He could be an albino for all we know! *angry face*
The bible says we shouldn't judge! How can people be so fast to judge someone based on his looks? You can say he is the devil but he still living a life way better than yours, calling him a devil will not change that.
Lool come 2 Naija n do wot,nywys not so mch of a resemblance buh y connect him wiv such.
Did u even bother reading d post or u jst rushed to comment? Dey look alike(nt striking btw)so what? So d man should b disqualified cos he looks lik Obama. Abeg dey jst lack news... Dts all
Whoever that says there is no resemblance is blind cos there is an obvious resemblance btw d two.His attitude and believe has protrayed him as an anti-christ.
At first sight, d face is actors could be likend to the presidents'. but d resemblance isn't quite distinctive
Vry nice series...already 200million viewers worldwide ...God pass devil o
Why didn't they cast a white man for the role? Just wondering.......... And Lucifer was a very beautiful or handsome angel.
Striking resemblance! Well I aint suprised, obama is not what pple see him as. The dude's quite evil take it or leave it.
Mehn enough with this illuminati talk, face your own unrighteous lives.Let God be the final judge
Americans sha
i dnt see a resemblance.....sumone is just out to pour water on such a powerful message.
in chapter 1 of the series when the devil appeared in the garden, why did they not say it resembled Obama, now that Jesus is now in the picture they want to water down the message of redemption....
next chapter
Doesn't look like Obama
Anon 7:21 pm... so you want make "Satan" (according to you) come naija?....anyway it kinda follows since naija is already hell on earth..."satan" will just be coming back home
Don't let people corrupt ur mind,obama is not antichrist,he is just a product of marthin luther revelation. I had a dream.people sud think and reason very well when dealing with the western world assesment of obama. dnoble don talk
What is the big deal about it, we all have our look alike.
So!!! Does that make the actor satan too! Abeg abeg abeg, not yours to judge please!
First all dy make d bible in2 a fairytale. Second obama is pro-gay,wants 2 engrave on hands n forehead(hellooo,antichrist).thirdly dy dnt look alike. Don't see it. Just sayin...
Resemblance,#People d Eye only seez wot d brain wants it to#if becos obama has been referred to as d Anti christ ur brain chooses to see every act dat takes d role of d Devil in a Movie as Obama Resemblant den i guess u sure av To Visit a Psychiatrist.HolluwaKamsi Says So
There's actually a striking resemblance between them but,everyone has a look-like...
False!! Sooo false!! There is no resemblance of any sort!!! People be assuming sh*t!!
What time does it air? I saw the preview on TBN some days back..its a wholesome program and I'm interested in watching it. Pls anyone who knows what time it airs should kindly reply me. Thanks.
OMG! They so look alike, and the producers surely know what they are doin, common!
lol, i watched this episode on sunday and i didn't even think about it until I saw all these posts about the resemblance...i guess something to talk about
Why do these white guys make us believe that satan is black and Jesus is white? Until we free ourselves from a deliberate western brainwashing and a calculated degradation of people of color...
Have u also noticed dey use blacks to play God too?
always knew u wher an atheist...beta accept christ or hell wil await u....bak to d matter on ground
d producers of d film knw fully wel dat d guy luks like obama nd i tink dats why dey used him..
America is a country of doom
deir lifestyle nd everytin abat dem is basicaly wat d people of sodom nd gommorah did.
So it wont surprise me if judge starts frm dere
its so sad how we nigerians are falling into this rubbish of obama being the anti-christ. So sad. Why label him the anti-christ? Is it because he speaks well? Or he supports gay marriage? Or there are so many crises during his time? Or simply because he is black and people are yet to get above the shock of blacks ruling the USA and so "it had to the devil that helped him"? Honestly, religion makes me sick. And mind u, satan should have the best complexion (if there are any) among all the angels. He is not black!
He looks more like ben murray bruce
So now obama is an anti-christ? GOD please open d eyes of ur people!!!!
Oda presidents has ruled america n no one called dem d anti-christ buh nw dat a black man is in power y'all yelling he's d anti-christ,smh...always looking 4 ways to run a black man down. How cum dey dnt say bill gates or donald trump are in illuminati but wen a black man makes little mony ppo start tripping. Guys use ur brains n stop b brain washed
Nigerians should go get a life and stand up against the oppressors(govt leaders)who refereed Obama as an anti-Christ??? damn the conspiracy theories,what's even Illuminati???poor reasoning and shallow minded persons...Lobotomized individuals,that's why you can watch your govt officials loot billions of dollars that are meant for your well and you come to blog to write bullshits...U people are not even ready for a change with this dull comments I see from a lot of people here.
Striking resemblance?yes! But dey aint dsame person so am wondering wat d controvery is all abt.....he luks lyk Obama,so? Mayb evry1 arnd d world dat luks lyk Obama shuldnt b cast in films wit roles dat r negative...cos Obama don turn 2 God wey person must nt luk lyk again abi?abeg make dem park well jooor.
I hate Obama
Yea they look alike,bt bcos pple r so lame n shallow d read meanings into it and say rubbish
Who else does Satan look alike if not Obama? He is promoting homosexuality left, right and center at the time the most important job for a president is the economy. He's making his presidency's main agenda to be the stripping of individual Americans rights. What's Satan's job that he has not done?
Wud luv to c dis movie, but of all people to use as Satan, na Obama look alike lol.
well....i have never liked obama. very possible he is what it seems
I think someone has hacked Prince Charles' handle here....lol
people do luk alike so is a normal thing, so 2 me there is ntin new in it.
So what if they look alike? Obama is still the oga at the top in America and he's just the devil on tv.
This is just Lack of news to talk about... Using an ugly, worn-out photo of Obama for comparism... Nonesense!
Those talking about him being the anti-Christ... Its funny that you can't identify the very one under your nose!
Ma question is what is the fate of you living in Nigeria. EWU!!!
MY people perish for lack of knowledge. People shud begin to study the bible and get understanding. So that when they look they would see and when they listen they would hear. Jesus accused the pharisees of his time of these same things. So many bible prophecies concerning the end times are unfolding before our very eyes but it takes a dicerning spirit and study of the word to see it and understand.
Pls find something new post.this is not news
Don't judge life because you are not god leave satan for god ,
White men and their ways,they have so much brianwash the blacks.why will a black man be portray as devil and a white man an Angel or jesus himself?I wonder when the black man wil wake up from his slumber.the bible we we all prach about is what they used to steal and dis organise Africa.mtchewwww.y'all better think with ur brian.#bee#
Not only dose Obama look like the Devil, but his number also adds up to the beast.!!!....Obama is 44th president of the United States of America and the word "Beast" is mentioned in its singular form 44 times in the book of Revelations. ........Barack Obama Born 4 August 1961 the 216th day of the year. 216 = 6x6x6........A=6 B=12 C=18 D=24 E=36 etc. BARACK = 216 = 6X6X6..............A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=11 L=12 M= 13 N=14 O=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26. Barack: =2+1+18+1+3+11=36 Hussein=8+21+19+19+5+9+14=95 Obama = 15+2+1+13+1=32 Add these three totals 36+95+32=163 Multiply by the Beast: = 163 x 666 = 108,558 Split and Add: = 108 + 558 = 666. From this compiling evidence we can now take it that Obama is the Devil incarnate to be.
Anon 9:35am is just a little ignorant fool....y'all beta still d antichrist in u,wo gave u all dese stupid signs n all...abeg shift jooor...dere r so many antichrist arnd d world,an antichrist is one wo is against d will of God,I dnt see y deres so much hulabaloo on Obama,u myt also b an antichrist too so pls chill n dnt b stupid..read ur Bible well n b enlightened!
And so what... there is a resemblance because they has to prove that he is the antichrist....Charistians kets prepare for the coming of our LORD JESUS...Linda pls post my comments o.
i dont see the resemblance
This is just sheer coincidence abeg... It takes one devil to know one so those pointing out deep details about this need to look in the mirror#pointinginthemirror
So if he looke like Obama nko? Make he hug transformer? He didn't create himself neither did Obama, he was just cast as the devil n that doesn't make him one. U people are just too superstitious, becos he resemble Obama n there's that speculation about Obama being the anti christ e mean say world go soon end abi? If it will make u feel better, give ur life to christ and leave all these dem say dem say.
Dey there dey calculate, no give ur life to christ u hear? If he's the devil incarnate nko? The world will surely end one day, God said it n we all know it. Question is, are u prepared? All these calculations will not stop the world from ending, so do the right thing ok?
Nawa ooooooo, anon u really get time, I swear u fit pass for minister of finance, u dey watse ur talent untop obama name. O ma shey ooo
Nwanne mechikwa onu b4 ikwute problem. Lol
Nawa ooooooo, anon u really get time, I swear u fit pass for minister of finance, u dey watse ur talent untop obama name. O ma shey ooo
Bloody coincidence nothing more....If Obama is really the anti-christ well only God knows stop analyzing with your fickle minds abeg get a life.
@Anonymous 11:12; Huh? And you point is? Ain't we saying the same thing here? I ain't no Atheist pls! Amma full blooded Jesus Pikin!
Y'all stupid blacks.bringing one of your own down.dumb ass niggas who dun know nurfin.animals is what they call u.and dats what some of u bringing him down iz#am out#
@ anon 9.35...u stil down all day working out figures that dont mean anything, you are simply jobless. Get a life
And evn if they look alike...So bloody what?
Unnecessary speculation i must say.
Linda next on d line pls.
Bullshit!!! Some people just like tarnishing the image of USA's number 1 citizen. They will not succeed because Obama is a man of God and will remain so forever!
Mathematician o ga o, because of Obama this calculation self is too much, but what is people biz about his look alike, live this man, people are calling him anti Christ, but he his supporting Israel with their atrocity on Palestine land. If I may implore the mathematician to help us calculate Israel + Palestine and give us answer, so world will be at peace.
Beyonce is a good artist. No doubt. She is also a good wife, sister, daughter and mother. This lashing out at the so-called 'bitches' however confirms Rose's theory more than ever. She is being juvenile in this instance.
GEJ and all other govt officials are the Anti-Christs people without conscience that left the masses in perpetual servitude not Obama at least the people he governs lives happier than Nigerians if you want to tell yourselves the truth.
Ma tot exactly...
Ironically, many who talk about antichrist are not even Christians, some are not saved, some don't blv the Bible, while some are not even ready in case Jesus comes today. Am not saying am better than anybody, no. Jesus made me better by dying for my sins. Let's forget abt who's antichrist n get right with the real Christ by making Him our Lord. Visit my blog, www.thebanquethall.blogspot.com Linda, pls post my comment. God bless u.
looks more like nicholas cage
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