Have you ever been turned down by a lady?
Lynxxx: No
Even in your KC days? (He attended Kings College)
I haven't ever been turned down because I always make sure there is green light first. And my game was too much then. Now I don't even have time to be chasing women. I am just focused on my music.
On marriage
I am trying to settle down as I am getting older. It is only right you settle down because when you are exposed to this kind of attention, it's very easy to go off track. And you don't know if the women want you for who you are or for your money or for your fame or to destroy you. You are a target once you are famous. So you have to be very smart and don't get exposed in a negative way.
Good answers.
Ofcourse same here.
They can't help it.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Awww my cute love, better marry else I will come and hold you baby boo, honey boy. Your too hot, hope your big sha!!
u don jonce...who u dey decieve...ape like u
We don hear!!!!!
He hasn't met me yet...lol
I want you, I want you, I want you, am obsessed with you, biko bye and do me.
Oh Boy!!!....
lynxxx! i hear you. see u at the show on the 4th!
His green light policy is a smart guys guild to never being turned down by a lady, its simple, you don't ask out a girl who hasn't kind of showed strong attraction to you, you ask out those that already have you in their crush list. Anyways, make Lynxxx no too dey feel like Adonis o, "One woman's "awwwww" is another woman's "ewwwww" Lol... The dude is on point though.
O kwanu Lynxxx Utunu. Dats wats up nwanne. D grl wey go turn u dwn dey mad. Ok make I go play monkey post wit monkey lolz
Comment Signed, Sealed and Delivered by DatShapIboBoy
Lynxx utunu.... You the boss man. Me like your swag.
Ohh...he went to KC??are u serz??those boys dey chook Chook one anoda...I won't be surprised if Lynxx is into guys tho.
He is hot and rich,from a rich family so...he sounds responsible tho.kudos lynxx
Hahaha lynx lynx! U've never been turned down by a lady?since u were born! Handsome dude! Mtcheeew!
Lynxx ooo. You are hottttt, smoking hot. But the question should be who is d person behind lynxx? Lynxx is just his stage name. D man is who we wanna know.
would so do the guy ehn.. he's sooooo sexy. the way he talks, the wy he smiles, he way he breathes...lolz. sexy man. babbyyyy
He looks so good, he looks edible. Yummmy! I am ready to be his cougar.
Dats a boss ryturrr!!!!
He's not dt cute real li
I feel u bro....lynxx is d man
I feel u bro....lynxx is d man
I'll turn him down,ova n ova again..he's not my speck..
This boy can lie!
Walahi,, he's the most turned down.
You'd know that from his reply.
Stupid thug.
My question is; what kinda girls?
0MG!Love yhu muchous bby... Cynzi
how old are you Linda? Can your turn him down? Stop using scope to leave yourself out of the bracket . U sef want do.
For ur innermost mind you grab. No dey let chest deceive u oh! But I love ur song dude.
Emm hmmm, I bet dude has been turned down by a couple of ladies! His lame lyrics suggests that he has no game. Dudes body is banging tho! Lawd have mercy! Pour me another drink of that *drools*...however these days money + hot body= every girls dream man in 2013! So maybe he is saying the truth
Bt he did't mean it in a bad way na sis lin lin b4 nko him no go c greenlight com forge ahead?
I respect him for one reason. But I will sure turn me down and off...... as a famous star I like him but definitely not to date him cos my hubby is cute than him.
Did I hear or see u type nice? Linda dats a great body. He luks real gud.
That is the website of the nscdc. They can use a few extra chest there.
Abegi mak e park well,dis type of boy wil b so stingy cos e knw e is fyn,nor b e body I go chop or use buy hair
clean dude....hw d gals wan tk say no 2 him na...
He shd come lemme turn him down. I'm under 30 and I tell u he's got nofin on me. I'm not bein bitchy but its js not possible dat he's every lady's taste. He's not my kinda guy. Kapish
'...I always mk sure dr is green lyt first',dts wt he said. I aint nva bin turned down eida,cs I also cnfam d green lyt 1st.It dnt min he's irresistibl 2 evry chic,rada he goes 4 d ones hu r alrdy fallin 4 him,hw cn dy say no? Gues me n him v 1 tin in comon,we lyk it sure n ez.
He should come let me turn him down oloshi
Gud 4 u̶̲̥̅̊ guy, fine boi tinz *wink*
This guy mouth go dey sccchhhmelll........
Marry me already@ lynx! Linda the day I will beat u is coming beta coming! Beta post my comment! Senior alika
Marry me already @ lynx! Linda the day I will beat u is coming! Beta post my comment! Senior alika
And what's wonderful about this? NO man had been turned down by a lady of he got the genuine "green light." Better looking men get turned down ask the time.
Of he said that he'd never been turned down buy a woman, green light or not, then he'd be start selling his own brand of "touch and follow! "
Ok we have heard! This boy, you are too full of yourself jare! On top how many songs? Btw who told you that you are famous?
Hmmm,even if dem turn am down,him go talk??? Well,tank God u'v nt met me cos I'll def.turn u down,reason being dat....I luv me some "MEN" nt "BOYS".
That's my homie! The freshest there is
Chai lynxxx I'd gladly give you for free,anytime you want it!
Smart guy!!!
Somehow,i believe him...Av met guyz like that and they aren't even celebs...But This guy sexy die sha*Whewww*
Pretty Girl
Cocky much Lynxxx??????? Well can't exactly fault him, & like u rightly said, wit his kinda insane body, well............... Get ma drift! Bt one day, am sure he'll meet a gal dat wud give him a run 4 his moni b4 she accepts!
Linda abeg tell him m very single nd seriously searching. He shouldn't worry I won't destroy him
Oooh lynxx lynxx lynxx! Hmmm...anyways jus come I'd protect u frm d going off track.
Heyyyy,he shudnt think it twice there are ladies that will turn him dwn nd treat him like normal guyz ...wat is he feelin like ..mtewchhhh
sounds cocky to me
Lynxxxx utunu!!leave dat ting joor. women will want you o.In any condition.Haters go put your heads for fowl nyash.
Dis short idiot shld shut up, short n over muscular men are not my stezzzz. I'll turn him down 1 million tyms, I dnt care if his a celebrity or not. I can only keep him as a friend.
Lynxx is hot!
Fucking liar. I shunned n rubbished him. My bf is cute too so kini big deal. My male frnds in US are way finer than him. Look at him in d second picture looking like Ozodimgba. Ape
kkk,we haff heard...lynxx ave neva bin turnd down by a lady.
C☺☺l dude
Tho is engaged now...
His stil kippn it on low key
#rock gurl#
I luv ur look only....mua
Who told you you are famous?????? My friend fibd a spare sit and just sit
Handsome dude I gas say mehnnn, who wld turn down a fyn dude as lynxx except d person get kwashiorkor 4 face...... Muahhhhh
U think u r handsome abi? Dont conclude yet, just wait till u see my bf..
Well its good u have ur head straight... All the best in finding Mrs Lynxxx in btw I get sis wey go love you for your whole package, Shebi dazz what u want naa looool. Just kidding.
Beforeeeeee who would turn down this sexy being gosh I love you lynxxx
From my sister to me. "Way back in the good old days, Lynnx came to Queens College to see his sister dressed up in bell-bottom pants - very wierd outfit. All the girls on my corridor were 'jelling' for him. I thought he looked ridiculous, but he has sharpened up".
Really cute!
Same with me I hv never been turn down by a lady is nyc being a player
Taaaaaiiiiiiiii,comot for there. I won't be surprised if dis muscular agbero is still a V.
See his eye,like who don smoke igbo finish...
Linda ooooo! Lols! Every man gets turned down by one girl somwhere!!!!! Exept the guy hasn't really chased lots of gurls..No matta how fine u dey!(Av chased, an am not a bad lookin guy @all)....infact som gurls will jus turn u down 4 d simple reason of ."This one is too fine! It can't last"! Lols #WORD#................................. The key words. He used in this interview was "I always see green light first".......yeah lynxx is a bonafide "soji boy "!.......................................If u don't want to b told no!...then watch signals......the hommie on top of his game sees the greenlight before hitting the pedal!
With money & fame gals no fit reject u.
I jst love him.Biko cum nd marry me
This guy dey waste all him Obama for rubber, only for him to Born Osama when him go marry...him eye go clear by then!
I wouldn't "ever" say NO to Lynxxx... am all over him now sef...
Liar liar pants on fire! I know someone that turned you down and boy is she sexy!!!!
Abeg park well jor...u think all girls are d same...mtcheeew. linda post my comments o, if its bonario, prince charming, billy jean aka billie goat u wil post their comments.
I like this about lynxxx, always wait for the green light. If a lady like you, it will be very hard for her to turn u down when u approach her. Most guys just want to talk to any woman they find attractive which is why they are turned down
That photo's so photoshopped my dog would even shit itself laughing its head off.
This guy can't turn a plant on talk-less of a human.
Who is Lynxx?
wat's he feelin like? mtcheeeew! pele ooo george clooney abi na morris chesnut i go call u. plzzxxxx NEXTTTTT.
biko post my comment ooo
@forensic brain where on planet earth are u???? U dnt knw lynxx plz wake up
Green light...GREEN LIGHT!!! Infact the traffic light is stuck on green and broken...but this guy is just a big fool sha! How will only u b tall, clean, have a hot body n swag *sigh*...my hormones can't take it.
Ok take the first one No No No
OMG! Aren't you supposed to be male???? :o Your name says so! X_x
LOL! Obsession! :p
You're reeking of desperation! :(
i hear u
Is it just me. But I dont get the hype about this guy. If I hadnt seen him on this blog, I would have walked past him in public without looking back. I guess one man's meat is another man's poison. He aint ugly. He looks like an average looking man to me. Maybe he has a nice personality( talking to myself).
@ Prince Jobless, u no go kill person for this blog! Oh my God, my rib cracks.
Dead( dry)! Chatting shit as usual
Crazy fellow! Same here ekwa? I laugh in nsukka
Lmao @ D way he breathes U dey him diaphgram abi u dey his lungs? *rme*
Meanie! -___-
I tink lynxx shld jst join nollywood..obviouslydey prefer beauty witout brains cos music&lynxx jst dont fit..he\'s nt meant 2 b a musician..and ibeg who told him he\'s famous?
Fyn boi keep de game tied 4get all dis gurls tings they we distract u..steadyman say so
Yep,I heard he is bi.
When u become famous, expose urself beyond u can handle and see the repercussion
Abegi, make we hear word jor! Fumble oshi beere niyen, who u be wey woman no fit turn u down?
Bro, ur annoyance no fit change wetin people believe o. So calm down go find money make ur mentality change.
Word! Straight from the "Playa's manuscript". Watch out for signals.
TahhHhhhhhhh he is so not my type. i m gonna turn hm down over nd over nd over again
lol. Its Not all about physique
Why're you soo pained?
DOES HE MEAN NO ASHEWO HAS TURNED HIM DOWN OR IN WHAT CONTEXT DOES HE MEAN? He looks like is a one night stand jerk, just like some downright glamourous girls are dogs. So what's the big deal?
It's very obvious he's far from an ape, common!
I like dat...lol
I taya ooo! Sincerely speaking I knew about lynxx and burna boy on linda's blog. I'm sure there oda's out there who neva heard d name before.
Prince J, that's an Instagram filter and not photoshop.
He's always been cute, right from his Corona primary school days. Happy he's found success :)
God forgive me but I don't know why I always feel this boy smells!oh well...
Exactly!!!!! He hasn't met me....a whole damsel like me!!!!!mtchew...
Lynxx is nowhere near short. Hater
I tink d best tin 4 lynxx is 2 join nollywood...dey seem to prefer beauty witout talents on screen or beta still,he shld jst be a model..cos to me lynxx&music dnt mix..btw who told him he\'s famous?
Lol guy we haff hear u......lier
Hot geh! Behave yourself o. Stop hating on a fresh boy.
U must be blind
Good answer keee.....taaaaaa
Exactly! PC, most people are put off by any form of arrogance. As conceited as he may appear, if you read between the lines you'll agree his "green light" policy is credible because, once a girl shows interest in a guy(for whatever reason(s) the natural progression is she'll accept his advances. Unfortunately it's human nature to be repulsed by any form of self praise. I bet if he said he's shy to ask a girl out for fear of rejection, he would've gotten more "awwwwws" and "uhhhhhhs". Lol!
LMAO!!! OMG! Who are thou??? You are such a clown! NSCDC ni! LOLZ! You've got me in stitches.
Compliments of the season,btw.
Oh hell! Not dis prick head again! Human laxative! My stomach runs all day each time I read comments from this shit face. Fucking uncircumcised punk ass who is as dull as a rainy day. Schizophrenic hyena who runs off to feel manly on various blogs after failing to maintain an erection for 1min. Nice one shit face not only do you make me PURGE! U challenge my gag reflex!...ewwwwww! *runs off to puke*
For ya small mind
Evolutionary-wise not that far. Well, according to Charles Darwin
@bellani rofl.....'He' might be a homosexual.
Are you serious? Nwa, oya upload gist.
Coven levels. He! he!!
Desperately horny ones
Monkey no fine, but im mama like am
A good body does not make you a good lover or good fucker. A very good looking man might just turn out to be a complete DISAPPOINTMENT in bed. I know what I am talking about.
HOPE ALL D DESPERATE GIRLS realise d 2nd foto is photoshopped
Abeg no spoil my market o,i never engage o!
Abeg! Make una tel am say make hin go toast kim kardashian with her belle nw! Make we see wetin go happen
I am a very handsome guy, guys and ladies tell me I am very good looking. And yes, I have been turned down, not every lady fall for handsome guys. They might just turn you down for the fact they have someone serious in their life.
Gay thinz, Lmeo
who is he? what is his name? Liar i guess
U're not a lesbian u're just an attention seeker.
Abeg u Bellani rest!!let the gurls be..shuoooooooo wetin be ur own sef?
Na-wa for you guys oo. Did you expect Lynxx to say he's been turned down before? Or do you think he is a learner?
That homo-type shiii......
Money might not change the mentality.
Folks, dnt get this guy wrong.he said he must notice some signaL before pushin ahead.
Lie lie lie. No man on earth av never been turn down by a lady. Even if is c.ronaldo or usher so my pple don't by dis lie
Lynxxx na bingo naw! Make em come, I'll clear em thought. Iz he a learner!!!
If e dey always wait for green light before e make move, na im be say e no get liver and e no get game. The sweetest part of the chase na when you wan enter that gel wey bin no send you at all at all. You go don use combination of lyrics and efizy wear down her defenses. That na for person wey get real game...
PC, you noted the point he made. Most people jumped at the headline and made negative comments. There was nothing wrong with all he said.
Watin em con mean! Nigerian gals cheap bah! Sha na tru... U fit toast dem with ordinary La casera
SO GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
HAWT OR WHAT????!!!!1
DAMN U FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't know him and his music
Prince Jobless enof alreadyyyyyyyy! still complimenting ur fucked up yourself posing as anonymous! Pathetic!!! Smh
he dosent even freak me i will turn him down a thousand time
heeew!look at fresh boy...even we married women wont mind,if not foe the grace of God.lol!
Linx is so fine. Dayummmmmm!
Honestly this is the first time I'm hearing of him. Please who is he?
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