Just outside President Goodluck Jonathan’s office sat 17 ambulances, just in case he or one of his aides fell ill. They were seldom if ever used.
No actual health-care facility nationwide had as many, and in fact a few still have none at all. But as soon as a Nigerian newspaper took a photo of the ambulances and published a story about them, they suddenly disappeared — probably to an underground garage.
Jonathan is president of Nigeria, which should be among the world’s most prosperous nations. After all, it produces an estimated 2.4 million barrels of oil each and every day. With oil now selling at $93.61 a barrel, that’s $224 million in income daily. And yet many hospitals can’t afford to buy an ambulance. The reason, in my view: Nigeria is the most corrupt nation on earth.It gets more interesting. Continue...
Sure, Transparency International lists almost three dozen states as more corrupt — Chad, Haiti, Laos, Yemen, Cambodia and the like. But are any of those nations as wealthy as Nigeria — taking in $81 billion annually, just from the sale of oil? No, not even one of them. So Nigeria steals and squanders more money than any other nation, making it the world’s most corrupt, by that measure.
Nigerian journalist Musikilu Mojeed finds all this so discouraging.
“With its geopolitical power, economic resources and middle class,” he laments, “no country (with the possible exception of Saudi Arabia and Egypt) has the power to change the course of black/African civilization like Nigeria.” After all, Nigeria is Africa’s most populous state — and large, twice the size of California.
So Nigerians are living an opportunity squandered — particularly now. Egypt is in turmoil. In just the last few days, in fact, many Egyptians have been calling for a military coup — anything to rid the state of its widely despised Muslim Brotherhood government. And a new report by the World Economic Forum ranked Egypt the least safe and secure tourist destination among 140 tourist nations evaluated.
Egypt has lost its place as the Arab/African worlds’ leader, and Saudi Arabia never had it. So for Nigeria, the time is ripe. But its leaders seem interested only in stealing the state’s money to make themselves rich beyond imaging. Think about it: $81 billion a year just from the oil, while most every local government official still tells his people the nation just doesn’t have enough money to fix the roads, schools or hospitals. (Roads are in such terrible shape that government officials generally travel any distance by helicopter.)
And Nigeria’s people — well, they are as mistreated as any on earth. In only nine nations — among them Liberia, Sierra Leone and Somalia — do more mothers die during childbirth. And in only 10 states, including Chad, Afghanistan and Zimbabwe, is the average life expectancy lower. Right now the average Nigerian’s average life span ends at 52. That may be why the median age of Nigerians is just 18.
A few months ago, the Economist Intelligence Unit published an evaluation of the best places for babies to born in 2013, given their probable welfare as children and the chance for a safe, comfortable, prosperous life. Switzerland, Australia and Norway were the top three. The United States came in at 16th, largely because “babies will inherit the large debts of the boomer generation.”
Dead last: Nigeria. “It is the worst place for a baby to enter the world in 2013,” the report said.
Even with all that wealth, only just over half the population has access to clean drinking water, and one-third to a toilet, UNICEF says. Two-thirds live below the poverty line. Only one child in four who contracts pneumonia is given antibiotics, and only about half the population is literate.
The CIA also cites endemic “soil degradation; rapid deforestation; urban air and water pollution.” All this in a county whose gross domestic product stands at $236 billion a year, in the same league as Denmark, Chile, Israel and the United Arab Emirates — prosperous, successful states to be envied.
Goodluck Jonathan is certainly aware of all of this. After all, taking the oath of office, he swore to “devote myself to the service and well-being of the people of Nigeria. So help me God.”
Well, just last week he demonstrated who he really is and what he stands for when he pardoned a former state governor who’d been convicted of embezzling state funds and laundering the money. That pardon triggered a broad, angry uproar.
Good luck, Mr. Jonathan. It’s time you were impeached.
(Joel Brinkley is the Hearst professional in residence at Stanford University and a Pulitzer Prize-winning former correspondent for The New York Times.)
1 – 200 of 212 Newer› Newest»He is soo right, i totally agree with all he sed. Linda pls post my comment ooooooooo
Linda we don sabi this tey tey!
He can't be more correct. I think Jonah should gooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Hehehehehe!!!!! I see it.....It is coming....I am watching....the wicked can NEVER go unpunished. God is still interested in Nigeria. Goodluck & Co.....keep looting....ur end is here!!!!
I hope GEJ gets to read this
he definitely deserves to be impeached. he is the worst president nigeria has ever had.may the almighty punish all goverment officials who steal all our money for themselves. may they all die and rot in hell for all i care(especially good luck jonnathan that has brought bad luck to nigeria). mchewwwwwwwww
Mr Brinkley, this is Naija!! Who are the people to impeach him sef? Is it the corrupt legislators that are part of the unscrupulous PDP cabal? I don't see that happening.
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As a good citizen, i feel this man(GEJ) should be flogged to death.
He's a beast. A fucktard.
May he rot in hell.
I support . Non of this our people is ready, all they want to do is steal our money. I wish the British people return back, I know they will steal from us but with our resource we would have better facilities and balance country.
Well said Mr Brinkley. God help us
Let's see if there's anyone bold enough to say this guy is not speaking the truth. Nigeria has potential to achieve many heights but corruption is eating us away and delaying progress.
Nigera is the country of shame. the man knows what he is talking about though...nigerians are stupid instead of them to fight for their right, they just stay there living life kmmtt
God is in control. But we nigerians don't even have the audacity to start a NIGERIAN SPRING.#sighsheavily#
You are so right Joel. Thank you for calling it as it is. Nigeria made the greatest error of a lifetime with this govt. Damn right he should go.
I COMPLETELY agree...such a pathetic story is the one of this great Country...It's a CRYING SHAME...
GEJ is a fool
My dear with each new day things are getting worst in our country.
This wasn't the Nigeria of my dream while growing,dat I so loved and was awarded a price for singing the national anthem then in nursery school.
Sincerely this is the worst govt av experienced as a Nigerian. Instead of focusing more energy to the development of our country,him and his aids are only concerned about how to reply critics and how not to allow decamping PDP governors leave.
Here everything goes,self aggrandizement by public office holders is at its peak now. The most clueless govt ever.
Sometimes am forced to ask IS NIGERIA CURSED OR ARE WE THE CAUSE. To me I guess the former.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
oshay jare better pesin
we actually need the military to step in
even if dey impeach him, na still anoda Mad man go enter.....
Thank God I moved my family out of this hell-hole in 2006. I am only here to make money (I am doing just that - thankfully). Any time the revolution starts (which will be very soon looking at the activities of Boko Haram and Kidnappers), I will dust my red P and get out - FAST!!! NOTHING DO ME!!!!
Yes i support what Joel Brinkley said in all ramification. GEJ should even resign not 2 talk of been impeached since he doesn't have the leadership and managerial capabilities 2 handle d enormous challenges facing us as A country! May God help us all
Hs dead right! Dt bastard shud be impeached!
his recent alamieyeseigha move alone should call for impeachment
Kai!!so ashamed..God help Nigeria.
Joel brickley is saying the truth.. He has to be impeached..
Its true.I support it.He shd be impeached.People are really suffering in dis country.The rich are getting reacher while d poor are getting poorer.
I voted for Mr Jonathan I guess I was mesmerized by his 'I had no shoes ' speech .. Believing that FINALLY some1 dat understood the pple was going to b incharge .. Alas ! I was sooo wrong .. Small wonder our youths keep trying to get out of the country under d guise of masters n stuff.. Oga jonathan has redefined the act of stealing from the national treasury .. Depleting foreign reserves in record time! * wonderment!* super President!
Who go impeach am??? Abeg biko leave Jonah the drunkard there for us. The dumber he is, the better for us. We dont need anyone who is too smart to rule us. Who do want there, El-Rufai?? nahhhh, too intelligent to do dirty jobs. When we are tired of Jonah, we will ask him to leave. I hope he is planning to contest come 2015??
dats amazing..
Na wah o! Am totally lost for words. God pls, intervern in d affairs of Nigeria.
dats amazing..
Honestly,I cry for Nigeria.I cry because if only you guys know how blessed we are as a nation.....Believe me, if only you know.....There is absolutely no reason why a NIGERIAN should be hungry for life.
Everybody is flocking to Dubai.....15 yrs ago, there was nothing like United Arab Emirate.But today, look at the country.
Everyday, I see my people wallow in frustration abroad doing all kinds of criminal jobs. I say it again,there is no reason why any Nigerian should be HUNGRY on this earth.If only we have visionary leaders.
When will that day be?I cry for my generation because they too have no idea what is happening.It's all like a rat race..everybody is trying to outdo the other....steal and embezzle as much as he wants.
We should take back our country.This is not how it should be.WE THE YOUTHS OF THIS NATION SHOULD TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY.
That's he's own opinion i believe everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, as far as i'm concerned GEJ is the best person to rule this country. he's very carefull in taking decison, which are the best for this country, i Love him because he's humble and down to earth..baba carry go and don't mind this haters. pls call me 08171600038
I mean, he is not lying. All fact, no fiction. It is so depressing when you think of all the opportunity wasted in Nigeria. And the only things flourishing as a result of our wealth is the entertainment industry smh. It makes me questions the values that we teach our children that makes them believe that when they become leaders it is ok to be corrupt or is it something else? if so what is it? maybe accountability?, all I know is oyibo's and chinco's do not have two heads so if they are able to overcome their challenges to have a stable infrasturcture, so can we.
Jonathan shopuld be impeached, I concur. But who will bell the cat. and who will be the next leader?
#words# God help my country NIGERIA...
This man is so on point! I couldn't have said it better.
Alas, the masses bear the brunt of the fund mismanagement.
Dear God, pls bless Nigeria wit good leaders, Amen.
some times these things sound very distant like its not the same county we are in. same on Nigeria, shame...!
Although am not sure if I agree with international interference but then again if we Nigerians won't stand up to our leaders and hold them accountable then outsiders will do it for us
He is right. It’s a shame. The thieves know all that but they will never save the country from the mess cos it’s through corrupt means they get there. The masses are only living in the mercy of God.
Joel is correct; in fact, no Nigerian (except those who benefit from the current system), can honestly disagree with his comments. We have the money, we have the resources, and most importantly we have the human capital, and yet we consistently choose to raze the country to the ground. If as president of Nigeria (or any elected official) you cannot show us any progress in getting our country on the right track, then you do not deserve to lead the country. We don't have time to waste, we can't afford it, real people are actually dying unnecessarily. I mean what does it mean to be, for example, minister of urban development when there are no roads? In any other country in the world, you are given a title of office with full expectation that you actually do the work. In Nigeria, desperation and poverty have led us to glorify empty titles. So as Joel says, if Jonathan can't do the work of president, he should leave it for someone who is bold enough to think progressively and strong enough to get their hands dirty.
The Sad truth... Reading it just brought tears to my eyes.. cos when I remember relatives at home .. working so hard yet cannot make ends meet.. yet we leave in a country that has been so blessed with natural resources.
Those heartless leaders keep on stealing and misusing this funds.. ppl are suffering.. no jobs.. poor education.. the no,. of illiterates in the country is increasing at an alarming rate.
See how much we make daily??? Do our leaders think God is not watching them?
it is even worse that as an educated youth.. helping Nigeria looks highly impossible.. cos no good initiative every survives in that country.
This is sadly true. And this is something we Nigerians have to correct ourselves cuz I am tired of praying and waiting for a reply from God that will never come. No one seems to be complaining about the way these politicians spend "our" money anyhow. I am honestly tired of this country. Jonathan is clueless.
Oh ma God, may u bless d hand dat wrote dis. I tink its high tym sum1(America) luk in2 dis mata, as MST Nigerians dnt knw our ryt n wen u flash 100k in sum pples face dey vote 4 u. I dnt ever wnt 2 imagine dat boko haram is askin 4 amnesty wen dey knw he is a weaklin n will agree 2 anytin. God pls cme n save us in dis country n bring a man after ur heart 2 rule us, dis is 1 of d reasons I wnt 2 go into politics r let dis old pple in gvtmnt jst die. If d root is destroyd wat can d pple do, we need spiritual cleansin in dis country. Even if Goodluck is impeachd d nxt 1 comin will do d same tin. Let America luk into dis as soon as possible.
Please dey shud publish dis on 2mrw's daily Sun.GEJ is a very corrupt Man evertin said herE is true includin d ones said by el-rufai.he shud b impeached tinubu even said it last week.cases come up n jst die down.Nw wre is Maina?all of dem r crooks..mtcheew.ce Akpabio.come to ejigbo LG u go poor spit.not even a single good road.am tired jor.I dey even vex.Worst govt Eva.....
Not sure if I support international interference but then again if we Nigerians won't stand up to the bullshit going on in our country and hold our leaders accountable then other people will do it for us..common we have become the laughing stock of the whole world
I'm not one to comment on the blogs but indeed its time to rid this country of the filth that disguise themselves as our leaders! If all that is said above is true then our leaders really have no conscience talk less the fear of God! May justice be metted out on each and every one of them! As for us,we can't be silent anymore! The truth is glaring!yes we may revolt in our little corners but something drastic needs to be done! If an outsider can say this...I'm a pregnant mum and I shudder when I think of what I'm bringing my baby into! My fellow compatriots,please let's brainstorm!its not enough to pray,back it up with actions!...
Gosh,dis is so sad
I totally concur with this gentleman. He hit the nail on the head, GEJ is a disaster to Nigeria. Since he came on board as acting president and now president his so called transformation agenda is a joke. He prefers junketing around the globe, instead of facing the challenges of governance and how to make the country better. I think he take a long look at himself in the mirror. There are many people in his cabinet that has got no skin in the game.
Waitinf for Abati's comment...Bunch of fools...He'll soon come out to defend his master.
I hop this gets shared to everyone around the world! he needs to go !!!!! This just sums it up nicely! what! My people , we need to be the change in our society! Join me , in any little way you can
Wonderful write up. Need anyone say more?? Well we might lie to ourselves daily but the world knows the truth Nigeria needs a revolution, but then who would lead when coruption has eaten deep into the heart of every man, woman and child. Prayer is not the only key...re-evaluation and the renewal of our minds is what we need as a nation.
People get ready change must come and change will come. God help us all to play our part.
Just like Egypt, me i will welcome a military coup now!!! at least then we will know we are not in any democratic dispensation and deceive ourselves!
Actually, I think Jonathan should be shot in bar beach like they used to do in years gone by. They should tie Dame to the stake as well. Uneducated foolish, thieves.
Rubbish talk.....
Wow, this is soo right! Saddening at the same time, so much opportunity but for our leaders
How i wish the evil once on Top will allow the Impeachment to go through. It would have been a step forward for Nigeria. God bless our great Country NIGERIA!
that is his opinion... who should replace him now?? a solution that is not actually a solution....
Mr kelly freeman, its obvious u are looking for cheap favour dts why u had to leave your number so that jona can call u, you are just one of the problems we have in this country, hungry fool. May God impeach Jona for us, all he does is to drink and talk bullshit.
Oh, you've moved to number one?
Ok, congratulations!
btw, @kelly freeman, you are a BIG FOOL for YOUR COMMENT! It is obvious you are very very dumb upstairs. Are you even a Nigerian??? IDIOT!
And that man that they call jonathan still want sto return back in 2015 wen he has nothing to show for it its on record that Nigeria has lost more lives that ever since this clown took over as president even the civil did not claim as much life's as what boko haram is claiming.
Nigeria has become very very unsafe thanks to this man lives are being lost on a daily basis oh obasanjo,obasanjo did us evil by foisting this man on us a man dat knows next to nothing in administration and governance
That's he's own opinion, i believe everyone is entitled to his/her opinion as far as i'm concerned GEJ is good and reputable man, and the best pesron to take this country forward.Please GEJ don't listen to them, do not be discouraged keep doing your thing, i have noticed something special about you which some of all this critics out there do not know , you are very carefull in making decision. please GEJ call me 08171600038
The LA Times columnist should leave Nigeria alone let him go and tell president Obama how to run America.I believe Some Nigerians are sponsoring him to destroy this country.
The British can have u bro leave the rest of us out of it! Is it becos most of the atrocities of colonialism in nigeria were undocumented. Many people were unjustly killed by Britain in 9ja eg Eze Nwa Iboko of Abakiliki hung in Enugu for protesting "taxation without representation" and the "Langa Langa show" in northern nigeria were the British chose to burn the people stuck in a train crash instead of sending the rescue team!!! I bet u don't know all that young Nigerian? U can cry against this govt cos u should buy don't ask for the shit of years past!!!! British nonsense
True talk. If only his opinion mattered#sadface#
Ur gbagauns tho 0_o
Not only will the British steal your resource, they steal your humanity. Remember the cries of Steven Biko
In other news, Buzzfeed things He looks like a Sloth...
@kelly freema...u must be from bayelsa...double english name(first name and last name)same as GEJ,SUSPID ANOF TO POST YOR MOBILE DIGITS SEF...ODESKY...una nor be nigerians walahi...na God go purnish u AND GEJ.....GOD PLS SEND A SAVIOUR TO US...NIGERIA NEEDS 1...JONATHAN HAS FAILED US...FX
any nigerian that supports godluck is a BIG FOOL. fashola shud be the next president.
Wow, Patience Jonathan my baby u finally made a speech without pitfalls! Clap for yourself...... if ya hands can come together over your rotund belle
True that!! Thank you Linda for posting this.. you are mouthed!! pardon my use of words okay.
A man named Kelly Freeman with a "killed by slavery" attitude. Ride on and keep scouting for sex with your HIV infected fone numba
Wow...is it really that bad over there in your country? And to think I was planning a visit? *tsssskkk
Dey der do do "baba, baba". Thunder fire u stupid Freeman
A man named Kelly Freeman with a "killed by slavery" attitude. Ride on and keep scouting for sex with your HIV infected fone numba
PS: Linda pls you need to activate smileys for this your site o
couldn't agree more, but what gives us the confidence that the next Mr. Whoever we vote again won't b worse than "the boy with no shoes" SMH. i seriously do not want to agree that Nigeria is a failed nation or that there is not even one righteous(not necessarily biblical) enough to do the right thing, but at this rate, only God's intervention can help us.
Mr. Brinkley hit the nail on the head. Nigeria in my opinion is a lost cause!! This issue of corruption did not just start with Jonathan, but with our former "leaders". I get tired of hearing people lament about the situation in Nigeria, but don't have the will power to do anything. When i was serving during NYSC, i wanted to protest and picket in front of my PPA and NYSC headquarters because of the delayed payment of our monthly allowance and grievances with NYSC officials, some of my fellow corpers agreed to this. When the time came, everyone bailed out.
My point is, until people in Naija realize that their silence means complicity in the activities of our so called "leaders", this lack of leadership, responsibility, accountability, transparency, etc, will continue. God has no hand in this, He gave us oil and plenty more resources to use for the betterment of our people, yet, we keep saying "God dey". We are seriously a lost cause! Bravo Mr. Brinkley!
And u think God will ans dat ur prayer ewu congo! Wat hav u done 2 beta ur family,ur relatives,ur community or ur country even? NOTHING!dats write,wen ur pointin 1 finger d oda 4 r pointing bck @ u. I knw u 1 of d northerners (lik boko haram buhari)/southerners(opposition lik tinubu) dat hav sworn wit der blood dat GEJ must go or inncent ppl will continue 2 die.
Well we wil b sayin d amen wen u wil b put 6" unda
U said it as it is and sadly so too
I hate when Nigeria's call god on something that's so simple, god will not answer when we don't work to change the system ourself, am an igbo and forget this north, south bullshit, GLJ is useless, he has not done one single thing for this great nation I ll not vote for him again and I will make sure my parents don't any one is better then GLJ
Hi Prince, I'm kinda new here and I noticed you always drop your comments. Nice avi by the way, how do I create one for myself. Please reply. Thanks
And who wants to impeach him? Is it those sadist and corrupt ''Legisla'thieves' we've got in the house? Nah!!! I don't see that happening at all. Seriously, I don't know where this country is heading. Public office holders has never been so corrupt until now, they embezzle public funds with impunity, living extravagantly thereby leaving the citizen to suffer. Imagine a legislator earning close to 15million dough for just sitting and talking for how many hours in a month!? No jobs, no basic infrastructure, no electricity, simply nothing!!! Its just so so unfortunate...
U don talk well Olodo! U r talkin bad govt,corruption so who will build d nig u want? Wen ur ready 2 bell-out if der is trouble. Bloody hypocrite! How hav u shown good example 2 d youths or ur country.
U don talk well Olodo! U r talkin bad govt,corruption so who will build d nig u want? Wen ur ready 2 bell-out if der is trouble. Bloody hypocrite! How hav u shown good example 2 d youths or ur country.
Present Nigerian regime led by president Jonathan is the most corrupt president Nigeria ever produced who least care to move any official action to vigorously fight corruption. Dr Abatti and Reno omokiri can we see your statistics to confirm and accept this conclusion by a foreign man?
In conclusion Anyway, even if An Angel becomes president in 2015, He or she will not make any iota of difference,positively.... No individual or group can ever beat a quacked system, especially one as corrupt, crooked and fraudulent as Nigeria. The System gotta change.
My mama used to tell me stories about old good Nigeria, when peak milk was 3 naira and how she would spent 25 kobo to prepared a soup to her own satisfaction....I alwayz feels bad, wondering wat kind of story I wuld av to tell my own children about this country. $224m daily and we are still living in penury? Graduates are jobless? Imagine a graduate earning 12k per month and our God forsaken leaders just siddon there drinking our money like water....God will punish them all!!!.
While i totally support that "Mr. Clueless" should be impeached, we still need to fix this nation. How do we know the next person coming has sincerity of purpose? The average Nigerian is soooo corrupt even in their own little circles that what we need is a total overhaul of the nation. "Government" is not a spirit, its made up of people like you and I. The true question is what have YOU, as a citizen done to make Nigeria better? What are you willing to do to make it better? No outsider can fix our country for us. We have to do it for ourselves. Lets rise up and fix our nation brothers and sisters...
Impeached by senators or National Assembly members dat are worse than him!who is the saint among them!
Tnx a lot @anon 6.19 I seriously think dat d opposition party d like of Bola Tinubu and boko haram buhari gave him moni 2 write dat article. Who doesn't knw dat america is corrupt esp der press
and whose bin informin dis fucktard? leave my Bros J alone o jare. has he bin to Naija b4? wat is informin his publicity seekin dumbass? dat sum1 livin in LA wit no known ties to any developmental prog or org can open his mouth to say trash abt my President I agree not. he shld beta talk abt issues bedevillin d govt & pple of California whose economy is a shadow of wat it used to be
Tnx a lot @anon 6.19 I seriously think dat d opposition party d like of Bola Tinubu and boko haram buhari gave him moni 2 write dat article. Who doesn't knw dat america is corrupt esp der press
While i totally support that "Mr. Clueless" should be impeached, we still need to fix this nation. How do we know the next person coming has sincerity of purpose? The average Nigerian is soooo corrupt even in their own little circles that what we need is a total overhaul of the nation. "Government" is not a spirit, its made up of people like you and I. The true question is what have YOU, as a citizen done to make Nigeria better? What are you willing to do to make it better? No outsider can fix our country for us. We have to do it for ourselves. Lets rise up and fix our nation brothers and sisters...
Come 2015 we should all refuse to vote!nd demand change!
If anyone's been to the UAE, such will curse the Nigerian Leadership! The mere thought that we could be living as prosperous as those arabians kills me...*deep sigh*
Yea, true talk. I feel he should leave too but is there anyone who is better? Even most of us talking here, once we get there we would do the same or even worse. I just see it as a drill!!!!!!!! for this to work well there has to be a coup and thats were i belive all this boko,militants and kidnappers should come togther and flush them out of the Nija system instead of killing innocent people. all those Northern Chiefs&Co.... we know them this is what needs to be done!!! if they were fighting for this i am sure the will have the surpport of we Nigerians, this is my mind.... Chocomall has spoken
Linda I am practically crying like a bby I weep 4 me beloved country
Where is he when USD 16Billion meant for Iraq war rehab was looted by Americans? was he sleeping during IBB,ABACHA,ABUBAKAR AND OBJ regime?let him save us the breath...USA was the cause of world economic meltdown because of frauds and corruptions at wall street..we don't need any idiot from the west to tell us our problem,GEJ never caused the problem we are passing through today....USA loots world bank and IMF in the name of providing aids to African countries..
Am not a politician neither interested in politics. Believe me this is a sponsored/framed by opposition parties. No doubt.
Instead of you all to start crying IMPEACH JONATHAN! You are all saying "its soo true"
@Kelly Freeman & Anonymous 6:19 PM,you both are a total waste to your generation,ignorance they say is not forever.You both should be shot alive with your sick president.The level of poverty & corruption in the country has no meaning in your demonic hearts.I pray God takes this pain we call Jona & give US a leader who is ready to make life worth living.
I feel like crying...crying for Nigeria. You see why I will never forgive those of you that voted this man just bcos his name is Goodluck or simply bcos u didn't wanna vote a northerner. U see Jonathan is not d only Nigerian problem. The foolish people that voted him are a big problem cos they'll probably do it again.
Who r u?
I agree he needs to be Impeached.
So many things happening in Nigeria and he is not addressing it.
Everyday Nigeria keeps deteriorating. It's hard to feel free at home without thinking you would be kidnapped.
We need to do something about it, it's sad our money is spent on unnecessary things. We need jobs, better education, security, constant electricity, good hospitals etc.....God help us to help our country....
I support 100%, he needs to be impeached. I feel so mortified to call someone like that a leader
Nigerian citizens are FOOLS period! all they know how to do is talk,talk and talk, NO ACTION!.
What is happening in Nigeria is appalling,shocking and unbelievable and the citizens are not doing anything about it.
Who the hell do you people think will fight the battle for you, if not you FOOLS.Your roads,health care,water supply,power sector,education,security are messed up,in fact nothing is working and y'all sit back and do nothing??? thats the height of stupidity.
Go to South Africa and see what happens there,they dont talk like you FOOLS do, they swing into action,how dare the government not do what they are supposed to do.hell no!!! they dont take shit,they burn down the corrupt officials houses and threaten them and you know what? whatever they demand gets done,because their Government knows they don't TAKE SHIT!!!.But in Nigeria,nothing is done,you allow the criminals to go scott free.They shit in your faces and laugh at you and you people do nothing???
Thank God i am not a Nigerian*sign of cross*
God punish u and fashola,dats y we never get anything right,u want to start crying come 2017 and u'll vote buhari in 2019 and den u'll cry again,den vote david mark in 2023? R u nt tired of all dis politicians? Wt happened to intellects like pat utomi? Wole soyinka and other pple who have evidence of wt they'v done and can show for it..let's get it right dis 2015 enough of this politicians,vote intellectuals,imam,pastors anyone but another silly politiffcian
You can't hold a man down without staying down with him. When Nigeria is holding so many raw undeveloped talents down how do you expect the Nation to grow. The govt has frustrated our young men to pick up arms and our ladies mostly have to sleep their way to success, rarely with the content of their head. Sadly like I said Nigerians are afraid to die unlike the arabians so until people are ready to free themselves from the shackles of lack when you have a goldmine looking at you, we may neva have change
Who r u?
U cldn't av said it any beta
There r so many ministrie
Buh yet no result,they
Can't give account of
Wat dey'v done or are
Doing and yet he still
Create new ministries.
Infact GJ has created more
Ministries dan any oda
President in Nigeria+his
Wife's office
You're one of the problems wrong with nigeria. Always blaming opposition for your failure.
and wat have u done about it?
Reading this as a nigerian living abroad! I cried
HA!!! Linlin thank you for posting this!!!! I read it last week and I wanted to send it to you but i forgot. so glad to see it here! And with people's comments i can see Nigerians are finally awake and thinking the right way. It's time we refuse this nonsense. our case is like "omo olowo to n wo akisa, omo eleran to n je egun" for those who dont understand yoruba, i was saying our case is like that of a rich man's child in rags and a meat seller's kid feeding on bones.....People wake up and lets live and enjoy Nigeria. Get rid of all these agbaya!
for once i disagree with u, nigerians are the cause, d land is green but d people have refused for it to yield for us. ask urself, wen r we ever going to pluck up d courage to fight our government? nigeria needs a revolution, either arab spring style or rawlings!
He is the Worst President ever in Nigeria History!!!
anon 6:19....
he is stating the fact.. an there is nothing wrong about that! Even if he was paid to write it.. we all know it is the truth.
If you are among those ruining Nigeria,.... God is watching you
We must not forget that even our so-called pastors and bishops are also involved in all this, as they are effusive in support and working hand to hand with GEJ to turn this country black. They are solemnly behind the president and our politicians for personal benefits in boosting their businesses and enjoying lives, after all, they are not serving a poor god amen….Amen.
Initially, we said the president is an occultist and some say he is a member of OOO, but as time goes on the president attends our churches, worship with us often, and always with our men of god which we cannot deny. Even I could remember our daddy papa Ayo prayers earlier period that all the oga on top that marauding public money must die, but today we can see him among others with the ogas on top.
And I ask again, what are the works of God in the lives of these our men of god with all the happining in our country, suprisingly, they too are contesting political posts at the same time, which their spirit of god is ministring to them always, and our own is to be praising God over their ego amen….Amen yet we are complaining.
I love your reply jare, make dem shot am, and throw inside beach, we would pray that d water and soil reject him. let vulture eat am.
Hmm. May God bless this man..hmm. everything you wrote is true. I hope the Nigerian youths are reading..
What do you all xpect from a man with no shoes growing?? At the same time leaves the affairs of th economy in the hands of his mistresses specially that bitch in the oil ministry. May thunder fire him 1 million times.
GEJ....your days are sooooo numbered!
Goodluck Jonathan needs to be impeached and tied to a stake and shot to DEATH...along with Obasanjo, and all the other criminal political gang in Nigeria...a military rule wouldn't this bad!!!
It's time to get rid of ALL NIGERIA CORRUPT POLITICIAN and start afresh!!!
Until people of nigeria choose there president ,I we never vote for corruption,I have no case to answer to God on nigeria politic,
U r no doubt an idiot. U have said something sensible in ur mind right? No wonder the country remains as it is.
Well written piece. Wicked govt. They will not go unpunished!!!
Thks my dear Linda, is there anything new here and even if we impeach GEJ, surely another rogue that will continue to dish out to the cabal will be in as Presido...I cry from my hear..God save Naija
Mr American Journalist, to impeach Jonathan is not d case, they r all corrupt. Even d so call APC
ds writing is so sad to d xtent dt i shed tears while reading it, who'll wipe away our tears? Goodluck Jonathan is a dispointment and obstacle to Nigeria
Mr Goodluck 'I no get brain' Jonathan a.k.a, just in case you're intelligent enough to use the internet then i hope you get to read this, this one's for you... Oloshi!!!
The man would never step down for fear of shaming himself and accepting he has failed. Simple solution, he should just kill himself.
We all say dat Nigria is a fail state. Yes, each of us have contributed to the state of Nigeria now. We are shouting impeach him (GEJ) yet we have not made any contribution to the growth of this nation. The government gave me free education while in primary school and i have not paid back because i want more from government.
Is it the sole responsiblity of the president to build this nation? I will say no. We all have our own quota no matter how small it will be.
Have any of you thought about the fact that BH have really destroy the growth this nation? The more the man (GEJ) tries to stop it, the same group of robbers and crooks frustrate his effort because the believe Nigerian will never see anything good he has done.
If all the people buying private jets channels that resoures into building industries and other things that will either create employments for the masses, don't you all think it will be better. We are busy comparing US and Britain were majority of its citizens comtributes very well to the growth of their economy. Yet we want to be like them without anything.
Lets talk about tax, how many of you have paid tax before? I have not. Those unfortunate Nigerians that are abroad knows that tax is the main koko. They pay taxs for everything yet if the come to Nigeria for 2sec and are told to pay the same kind of tax that they are paying abroad, they will complain. I have been there so i knw.
I believe if we all open our eye and stand by the truth instead of always following the masses in abusing the effort of one person struggling to find solution to Nigerias problem. Let help instead of condeming.
By the way, i don't knw anybody in goverment and i have not been paid becauwe i know smone will say ' I have been bribe'
Come and fight for us please.
Well even though I don't like international peeps medelling into our affairs, I will NEVER deny the truth.
Nigeria was on the same growth trajectory with Singapore,UAE,Malaysia and Brazil during the millitary era, that is 70s and 80s. Also we were top 10 in oil production as at in the 90s we were No 6. Now when I checked recently No.12, even Brazil is producing more than us.Instead of boosting production, GEJ is talking of fuel price increase. I hope this article gets to Channels and other media outlet, I want to seee the lies Abati and Okupe will come up with. Linda please allow up to 3000 comments on this post because it all affects us, whether ur living abroad or not. Impeaching GEJ is definitely not the solution, but let this piece of information prick his conscience as well as his cohorts.God bless Nigeria.
I cry.
Yet, the outsiders feel disgusted by our leaders & corruption than we Nigerians
Anonymous who received free education cannot spell well or use his or her tenses well because the free education is of low quality ,face the truth we are being ruled by thieves and liars whose children live too comfortably in Nigeria or abroad. Their children study in Ghana or UK or USA so they dont care about education in Nigeria. They fly to wherever they want to go so they dont care about the roads. You and i will go to school and never hear about employment opportunities in good companies because their children and families will be employed without interview. We need change for us to feel that our lives are worth living.
So! As u don sabi dis b4, wetin u do abt am. Nice article Linda
A friend of mine went to Germany for greener pastures as they normally say,getting there he got a factory job where other Africans work but the Manager who's just 21 would every morning line them up and ask their country of origin knowing that some of them have incomplete papers. While he would clear other guys from Ghana,Togo,Gabon etc,acknowledging that they are poor, he will delay my friend,take him to his office and show him on projector the billions Nigeria makes from Oil alone and then ask what he was doing in Germany that dosen't make such revenue. And you know pay there is calculated by hour.The guy go just tire. Where him wan start?he will plead that it is bad governance then guy would tell him that means ALL Nigerians are stupid
not to know how this voluminous amount is expended. For the government apologists and "attack lions",Nigeria's case could be likened to one given a loaf of bread to share among a group and he alone takes more than half leaving the rest.It can never be enough because someone has taken more than expected.What will ensue...Boko haram,MEND,Bakassi,OPC,Egbesu. Its that simple!
Shut up, wot can he do?
Instead of keeping the wealth within the boundary of Nigeria, we take it out to enrich the UAE further. Part of the reason is because we lack the amenities and development to be able to compete with them, due to the bad government officials we have. Imagine how much our GDP is, yet we have nothing to show for it......I weep for our nation. Sad! Sad!! Sad!!!
D bloody british never left. Dey r still running tinz and are d biggest beneficiaries of nigerias lack of good governance & corruption
Na u go punish abi? Till dem steal and load their pockets finish, nobody go fit touch 'em before and after they leave office. It's just d naija way n everybody don accept am as the norm for those in naija govt.
True word kampwe!!! As long as everybody the is able 2 loot n go free, they're happy with d president 4 whatever decision he makes
Your head is there sir
OMG! Anon 6:25 u hav kee me! #rollingonthefloorkaughing#
Well i totally agree with most of the facts in this article but impeaching GEJ is not gonna solve the many problems we face in this country because his predecessor will probably do worse. We need a reformer, a visionary leader and not just one but lots of them who wanna serve instead of taking glory in the name of mediocre performances.
So much truth in this article
Where is ex senator Arthur nzeribe? He would have impeached Mr president alone not these crippled legislators that wants healing from G Jonathan.
In as much as we shy away from the truth,I must say this:
Jonathan will drop his last blood to rig the coming election with the power of incumbency .OBJ will back him too bcos if jonathan doesn't win,then OBJ may end up in prison especially if a northerner wins. So do the Maths to know where I am coming from. Jonathan is reverse gear and all we wanted and want is 4-D.
its a shame that we wait for a white man to tell us again say we be mumu....so whats going on here , is there any Nigerian that those not know the problems and solutions to the country?????? this too much talk here if we not ready to take action we should stop talking cos it has not change anything before...Nigerians should be waiting for America to come change the the country for them...Nigerias better wake up becos they have alot on there hand, it is said, ppl like Fela said....we too like life even if we dey suffer no nija person ready die for the country ...meaning the country with all its wealth is not worth it....make una wake up and take action stop talking or waiting for oyibo them nor go come cos we too plenty and smart in the wrong ways....
Like I said on the blackface post,a revolution is what will solve this,our govt officials have taken laws into their own hands. It's embarrassing for them to keep flying out of the country for medical treatment thus boldly saying to the world at large their own medical arm is not worthy to treat them. Jonathan,David mark,gov akpabio,fashola and every other corrupt official,should cover their faces in shame whenever they travel abroad for treatments or send theirnkids there to study. Again,I am not beefing,just a pained Nigerian.
Go n sit down on a hot coal with ur bare bottom lucinda.
Lucinda, the corruption is bad, but the situation is not bad enough for you to stop planning your visit. On second thoughts, don't come yet until we eliminate terrorism in the North and kidnapping in the South. Naija get wahala oh! LOL.
Don't come yet until we eliminate terrorism in the North and kidnapping in the South. Naija get wahala oh!
GEJ is undoubtedly an advocate of moral hazard. The leader we need in this country is that type who will materially curtail the scale of corruption. And as for freeman or whatever he calls himself, the guy is so poverty-striken and senseless.
Why was Saudi Arabia mentioned in this article? Is Saudi Arabia an African country? What's the percentage of black's population in Saudi Arabia to warrant it being a supposed 'savior' of blacks/Africans. This particular inaccurate representation makes the article in a very bad taste. Perhaps the writer is one of the jobless people his American government is currently feeding through FOOD STAMPS. It appears this man knows nothing about what he's writing about. It's shameful!
I agree with ireti!........Politics in this country has been so Ethnicised. Christians won't vote a northerner because we all see through "Religion Tinted" sunglasses........................................................My people!!!!!!Buhari/Tunde bakare ticket would have turned this country around oooooo!!!!...Goodluck is just a spineless stereotypical nigerian politician....Anybody expecting any radical change in government policies Or betterment in living conditions for the general populace is "SOYO".(Strictly on your own)................................ In the next Presidential election ill still vote buhari....My extinction is Ibo ...but I have No qualms whatsoever!!!!about pitching my Tent with any northerner wey go do the job!! Nuff said
Is any of this really new? Does it feel more real because an American journalist published an article about it? Did corruption start with GEJ?
...Well maybe this article will motivate us to get off our asses and restart the engine of a country that's been coasting into oblivion for years!
This is popular but incorrect. In the first place, Nigeria oil production of 2.4million barrels is share between NNPC and the multinationals oil companies in the ration of 60%-40%. He has conveniently ignored production cost which is about 20% of the gross production.
Also, the money is shared between the Federal, states and local governments as constitutionally prsecribed. A large chunk of the money is employed to paying salaries of civil servants and public officials with the NLC hellbent that the largely unproductive civil servants must be retained as a drain pipe on the economy.
Finally, the NASS that this writer called upon to impeach GEJ are earning between 12-15million per months and are the harbinger of corruption.
I think rather that being emotional about GEJ, we should rather look at the structure of the state i.e. Why should we have so many states and so many local governments? why do we have so many lawmakers who pass about 6 laws in a year? Why are our courts taking so many years to decide cases? why so many ministers and aides? The root of all these problems is indiscipline and not heaping our collective failure as a nation on GEJ. The happening in Egypt has shown that popupar reaction ie coups, revolutions, protests etc may not solve national malaise unless we embrace discipline as students, workers, parents, children at the motor parks, churches, on the road.
Honestly! Sharp sharp!
O please, y'all should stop moaning. Only the discerning can sense the gradual but sure progress in Nigeria.
GEJ has his own faults but he is gradually steering us in the right direction.
He cannot undo decades of corruption in just a couple of years.
Corruption is a sin almost of us are guilty of. You do not need to hold political office to be judged as corrupt.
Change should start from YOU!! (Forget Jonathan)
As much as i agree with him, with regards to corruption and Nigeria taking charge of the Africa at this time. i disagree that the solution is to impeach GEJ, what exactly will that achieve? who will impeach him, is it this corrupt national assembly?
We are in a country were corruption is celebrated, where the same people who are commenting on this blog will collect with both hands benefits from these corrupt persons.
if GEJ is impeached, who impeaches the officers of the national assembly, who impeaches the officers of the Nigerian police harassing and collecting bribe all over the place, who impeaches the corrupt civil servants all over the government agencies?
The problem is not GEJ, the problem is you and me, every Nigerian who aids these persons in their corruption. Nobody can steal public funds without the aid of other persons, who often time than not are junior staff of the organizations, who carry's the Ghana must go with money to the boot of the jeep is it the thief himself?
A friend of time suggest a Nigerian Spring, like the Arab Spring, but before we all raise our peach forks, lets take a critical look at Egypt, Libya many years after and still all they have is a semblance of governance. this is because in the name of a revolution, the governmental structure have collapsed (the mistake people make is that the structure of governance is not the problem but the people), when you take out the structure you have nothing.
Surely and slowly the change will come, but that will only happen when we the youth take charge of our future and ensuring that we have credible elections in this country. IT IS POSSIBLE.
We need system overhaul. Death penalty for any kind of fraud. The system has been like this since not just cos of GEJ. We are just more informed cos southerners are loud. Northerners are secretive. We need total change. If caught in any kinda fraud...straight death. National assembly will be empty in 3days.
You guys are funny. So naïve too. It took more than 45yrs to fucked up this nation and u guys thought anyone can fix it under 2yrs? Incredible!!! I am not saying GEJ is very good but honestly he is the best we have had so far. I know many of u will slander and insult me but take it or leave he is doing better than IBB and OBJ. OBJ wasted 8yrs, spent billions of dollars in power sector and still couldn't increase power from 1,300,but this GEJ has done it under 2yrs. U guys should chill please. It a gradual process. U can bring a 100 story building down in 10mins but can't never rebuild it in 24hrs. If na obj time,all these idiot fit dey open mouth dey talk rubbish? Mtchewwww
The most corrupted people in this country is the house of rep members and senators,they just sitting there earning #400million per annual,what exactly is there work in this country? after all the blame will go to mr president and mr governor,AS for GEJ he is d worst president nigeria have ever produce
yes President goodluck jonathan should be impeach. he is not capable of being a leader, recently he travel more than any person on earth spending govt money for his personal reason.God is watching them
As much as i agree with him, with regards to corruption and Nigeria taking charge of the Africa at this time. i disagree that the solution is to impeach GEJ, what exactly will that achieve? who will impeach him, is it this corrupt national assembly?
We are in a country were corruption is celebrated, where the same people who are commenting on this blog will collect with both hands benefits from these corrupt persons.
if GEJ is impeached, who impeaches the officers of the national assembly, who impeaches the officers of the Nigerian police harassing and collecting bribe all over the place, who impeaches the corrupt civil servants all over the government agencies?
The problem is not GEJ, the problem is you and me, every Nigerian who aids these persons in their corruption. Nobody can steal public funds without the aid of other persons, who often time than not are junior staff of the organizations, who carry's the Ghana must go with money to the boot of the jeep is it the thief himself?
A friend of time suggest a Nigerian Spring, like the Arab Spring, but before we all raise our peach forks, lets take a critical look at Egypt, Libya many years after and still all they have is a semblance of governance. this is because in the name of a revolution, the governmental structure have collapsed (the mistake people make is that the structure of governance is not the problem but the people), when you take out the structure you have nothing.
Surely and slowly the change will come, but that will only happen when we the youth take charge of our future and ensuring that we have credible elections in this country. IT IS POSSIBLE.
Check dis problems; our mentality as a people, our constitution, our dictators diguising as leaders nd embezzling our funds, PDP..oh PDP-they already shared our presidential cycle in turns, enriching demselves. The corrupt nigerian police, the nigerian army nd deir obvious high iliteracy level. They treat nigerians as animals nd our society smiles at dem. Without any form of intelligence gathering, how wud dey infilterate d influx of islamic terrorists groups? GEJ and his high level of indecisiveness, you can tell from your tv screen dat he needs advice on what to do.
Our resources, lavishly donated to us by God himself. We are all abreast with nigerians doing wonders abroad; uk's no1 intelligent family is a nigerian family. Nigerians are ontop of academics in various universities abroad. Wale is a nigerian, and same for the new and only artiste signed on nicki minaj's label.
The governent announces resurrectin our rail system with locomotive trains. Stable electricity is still a mirage. Roads are still in our budgets with half the awarded road contracts almost abandoned.
Nigeria...God be with you!
Ve u asked ur self? Where do all the taxes being paid by corporate bodies in Nigeria go to?A lion share goes to Elected/Appointed pockets, so y wld an individual pay tax, when he fully knows where his/her money is going. We need Reforms in every sector of the economy & Good people in govt ( Wole Soyinka, Fela Durotoye, Pat Utomi, Leke Alder,Festus Keyamo). God Bless Nigeria
...And the question is, what will Nigerians do about this. The answer is nothing, other than wait for God to come down from heaven and save them. So the suffering will continue...
subsidy removal is back again .....i think all we gotta do is to rise up and fight for our right
Na Jona time corruption start. u all should go and seat down. am not supporting corruption but Rome was not build in a day. to fight corruption we all must start with ourselves, if your parents sent u on an errand and you keep back the balance Witout der consent dat is also corruption or ur employer sent u 2 buy sumtin & u inflate d price dat is corruption. we need 2 change ur mind set.
Our problem is that we are all talk, no action. When will we rise together and do something to these people? Nobody wants to make the 1st move
So you guys can open your mouth and criticise Jona abi? In you "little corner" how have you impacted positively to effect change. Change must start from you dat will indulge in corrupt act and call it runs or sharpness. You dat engages in exam malpractice and think you have gotten away with it. You in your so called corporate office that will advertise the contract and arrange to do it yourself. The market woman nko! Let the judgement start from Yourself!!! Self righteous fools dasall!!
make me the president and all our troubles would be over
may the almighty lord who delieveed isralite deliever us,i pray as a teen that the god of consumin fire ll consum goodluck n his family cos the man whose dose nt ave mercy on pple should nt recieve mercy,lord i test u today on this jonathan ,s case by the reason of ma tithes that it tym for u to devour him,amen
Everyone doesn't seem to realize that since our independence, each generation has learnt nothing but greed and selfishness from the previous generation. The cycle can only end when the cancer is cut out completely. This can not happen with getting rid of only Mr Jonathan. The entire cancer must be eliminated.
But tell me, who out there is ready to do what is necessary to accomplish this?
The problem of corruption in Nigeria did not start during this Jonathan's Administration rather it has been there for a long time now. People should stop insulting his person and focus how to change their individual lives. He is working hard to correct the ills of yesteryears and this will take time to achieve. Furthermore, it is sin before God's eyes to insult your elders, even your leader. This rain of insults shows that we have lost our moral values as good citizens of Nigeria. If not how can small children open their mouth wide on this blog to insult his person like that? America have her own corruption and shortcomings but manages it within themselves, likewise Britain. Corruption in Nigeria cut across board both public and private sectors and 99.99% of Nigerians are corrupt or has corruption tendencies. Therefore, Jonathan will only do his part and leave. If America, Britain and other developed nations are not corrupt why is it that they accept these loots and do nothing when those leaders are there with these monies? I believe Joel Brinkley spoke his mind and he is only one out of over Seven billion people on earth. I rest my case.
wow this gave me goosebumps and motivated me, such passion and anger and to think that this was written by a foreigner! our leaders do pretty much what they want because we let them get away with it. everyone is too busy living their lives, finding their own way to survive. but really things will always be the same if we do not demand and implement a change. we are a youthful hardworking ppl, the power to change this nation is in our hands. its high time we say enough and begin to build a revolution! we need a revolution!
@kelly freeman, u are an Ike Nkita, Ike nshi, even someone from a different continent knows ur country is corrupt and u take ignorance to believe ur leaders are good. God save people like you, if you like dont look for way to uplift ur self and stop sharing ur cheap ass phone number.
Cheap ass commentator like you.
this na white man dey talk o.... kudos to him. none to kelly whatever
Mr president can never be impeached, his goons in the other arms of goverment are well settled.He is an Ijaw man!
Wonderfully written article, even if there are some inaccuracies with figures and such as some posters have pointed out. However, It still does not take away from the fact that GEJ is an abominable president! in other countries politicians know to resign if they are not up to the task, or they have been disgraced in some way or the other.. but the opposite is true of Nigeria, they would rather contest for another election, knowing fully well that they are in no way qualified to lead a country. What qualifies GEJ to be a president? what plans does he have for the country? sure no one can fix the issues that have been eating away at Nigeria for the past 2 decades or so,BUT show people a plan of action and start to implement them as necessary.
This country has failed so many people -directly and indirectly - There have been needless deaths from poor infrastructure, the poor justice system and just the general barbaric nature of some people, which perhaps in some ways can be attributed to frustration. It really is saddening that a country with so much promise is in this state.
I don't know that impeaching Jonathan will solve the issues at hand, because as many have pointed out, it will only be more of the same from the current crop of politicians. But perhaps this article it will get us all talking and questioning things, as it should.
Here we are again on the same turf we find ourselves month after month and year after year - talking about the corrupt Nigerian State. This isn't news, we have known all along that Jonathan like all his predecessors is no good, has nothing to offer and is a PDP figure head.
The reality of the political state in Nigeria is that it cannot be improved until its citizens take firm action. I must say I completely agree with all those who have argued that all Nigerians do is talk, they do not act. Look across the world where people have had corrupt leaders and decided they had had enough - the Arab world for example. Can Nigerians imagine themselves rising up in the same fashion? Requesting the same changes? Dying the same deaths for the freedom of the generations to come? Knowing Nigerians, the anwser to each question is a resounding No. The average Nigerian is looking to put rice or garri on his plate and has no time to contemplate the benefits of rising up against the powers that be which invariably make it next to impossible for him to put the very rice and garri he seeks on his plate. So tell me what next?
Nobody can do anything for Nigerians except Nigerians. If you want to rid yourselves of corrupt politicians then do that and stop complaining.
As far as I am concerned, Nigeria should be turned into a police state with one sole dictator - his aim should be to restore law and order, and sort out what has become nothing short of a terrible mess.
I have offered a polite opinion, any adverse comments curses etc. go straight back to the sender.
6 years i ve lived outside nigeria, we r in big mess, its unfortunate. nigerians studyn abroad will never want to return to their home country its a sad thing for we nigerians.
More like Jonah should die
The question is how many of the talkativeness here will vote in 2015? We like to ask for change, but we are not ready to be change agents!
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