Junior and his friends had been playing football near his home when an argument broke out. The teenage girl claimed Junior had insulted her during the argument. She then called her 16 year old boyfriend on the phone to a housing estate in Brixton and ordered him to ‘teach Junior a lesson’. The boyfriend thrust a carving knife once into Junior's chest, killing him. This happened in September 2012.
The teenage girl and her boyfriend were cleared of murder by a jury yesterday, but they are facing long prison terms after being found guilty of manslaughter.
Witnesses said they heard the girl boasting that she had arranged for someone to stab the teenager and she later went home to fetch a kitchen knife.
When her boyfriend arrived on the scene, he was handed the blade and used it to stab Junior once, piercing his heart and lung.
The youngster collapsed yards from his housing estate home in September last year and was pronounced dead an hour later.
Prosecutor Jonathan Turner QC said the argument ‘was stupid and trivial and completely unnecessary’.
‘It was loud enough to be heard by neighbours,’ he added. ‘Words were said, voices were raised and threats were made.
‘She thought that Junior had insulted her or been less than respectful to her. She was very angry and determined that he should be punished – indeed stabbed – to put things right.
‘She called up her boyfriend and was heard to tell Junior that she had arranged for somebody to come and stab him.’
Mr Turner added: ‘He (the defendant) was encouraged and requested by her to come and do this. Indeed, to use an old-fashioned phrase, was set up by her to do this.’
The now 17-year-old killer, from Herne Hill, South London, claimed he was acting as a peacemaker and knifed Junior in self-defence.
Both he and the girl, from Brixton, were given anonymity during the trial. They can't be named because of legal reasons. They will be sentenced on April 5.
Such a bummer. RiP to the unfortunate lad.
The sacred age of '18' I seriously doubt whether they did not know what they were doing..
The way these kids grow up today is so so fast and the kind of bitterness and anger they carry inside them..
I think the media and the way modern society has destroyed the very essence of the family unit leads to this
But for them to run under the age of '18'. I don't know whether that a day can be used to signify mental independence and maturity
Smh... So young yet so filled with hate and vile. Imagine a 14 and a 17 year old going this far just because of something that trivial. I hope after their sentencing their years in prison would make them changed people. They deserve a death penalty in my regard.
OMG! U mean dis cute lil boi Is dead.. RIP JUNIOR
Racism is so common oversees.. I hope it stops soon
Na wa o....... Wetin we no go hear
Wonders shall neva cease. All 4 L♥√ع's sake? Ãήϑ wat do dese kids N̶̲̅ø̲̣̣̥ abt L♥√ع sef? Smh
God help this people in uk just hearing of death anyhow that place no good o pls come back home wow from #iwannafuckiyanyasobadthenblowdavido
Na wa o,, wetin we no go hear. R.I.P bro
Good for them. One day monkey go go market. Him nor go come back.
They shd be dropped into a giant pot of boiling oil and their carcasses hung on a lifeless tree for vultures to pick @
Little offsprings of d devil
Amanda Reginald
No b small rubbish.... Children witout d fear of God... God help dis generation!!!
Prince charming am so going to tell the whole world dat you Impregnated me and ran away,u better come and take responnsibility or else!! I just found out abt dis blog dat u always visit 2day.linda plz help me tell him nouf said
Its so sad how cheap. And easy we humans take human life.haba just for a childish turf war a child was killed by children! Lord have mercy on our world
vry bad.RIP Junior
Absolute nonsense....why the delay naa?
Ω̴̴̩̩̩̥ah wa º°˚
Hmmn what's the world turning into. Sad loss. Btw from which part of Nigeria does the name Nkwelle come from? Coz its also a name from the Bakossi tribe in South West Cameroon.
All dis na wa oh. My husband's work is taking us 2 USA n I dnt knw if I can raise Godly kids dere,nt like Naija is over safe. Bt 2 dis extent we re still a liltle safe. Oluwa Shanu mi
What a waste. Parents need 2 start praying seriously 4 deir children. This attack on d younger generation is just too much.
I hope justice will be done, my fear is the change from murder to manslaughter.I pray that its not an idea to pass light jugdement
But why won't they mention their names?? Because they are whites I'm guessing... Manslaughter!! For a very obvious murder.. Hmmmnn, God dey..
Taking the life of someone for a stupid and ridiculous cause....ahan!!!!
A child already having a boyfriend,and with a heart as dark as coal..am sure she learnt dis evil from her guardians/parents...just 14 and already so vindictive,she deserves to spend a long time in jail..d bitch!u act like an adult,u gt treated like one and u therefore get punished as one.that is all!
A peace maker indeed,and u stab someone???if that's the way peace is made,the human race would have been wiped out by now.
So unfortunate for the deceased,may his soul rest in peace!
Silly kids!!! Did the 16yrs old bf of d gal fink stabbing d boi in d chest wid a knife was just gonna be a joke to threaten him? And y did d gal fink she needed a knife to teach dis dude a lesson?(Little evil mind!) Anyways for being soooo silly and devilish...the 'bonnie and clyde' deserves juvenile prison!
Jesus. Kids playing with knife!
Wow this is just sad...
What kind of children are we raising,what kind of future are nurturing? God help us.
Linda get your facts right, the boy is not Nigerian. He is a Cameroonian instead
why do these teenagers do these things??? SMH
R.I.P.....I luv ogechi okoye
Sebi dis is a judicial system.just within few months.Here in naija no progress @ all in Cynthia osokogu's case.d 1 of allu lloyd,tekena...is lukn without hope.D worse 1 is d case of Arowolo who allegedlly slained his banker wife 2yrz ago n still d case is just draggn wit no single progress @ all.WAKE UP NIGERIA,how long will ur slumber last?!!!
They can't b nAmed?but junior nkwelle can be named?am going 2 google search*wipeS tears
hi Linda just an insight on the banner for Gbenga Adeyinka's event i fink u missed the last letter on his name which has been mispelt Adeyinke an oversight i guess just thot to call ur attn if u can adjust it..Thanks..
What a sad way to die
Imagine!!!!!! Wat r d children of nowadays turning into? May God help us ooo
The girl must have shouted "that's my man"....women una too much sha;turning men into puppets;
#strenGTH of a WomaN#--
It is as funny as pathetic. A 14 year old girl? Only God knows what girls will turn this planet to. Facebook to change its look of news feed
Jst like dat,d lad is gone!
Really sad, RIP junior.
Too bad! not safe at home not to talk of abroad.May his innocent soul continue to RIP.
Really sad, RIP junior.
Really sad, RIP junior.
An eye for an eye and a life for a life(meemee).
smh..why do Nigerians think living in a council flat/housing estate is ok?? its like livong in the US projects my people..
might as well stay in mushin na
Wtf... I wish I can lay my hands on dose two..
LOrd have mercy! What is this world turning into?
Omg dats why i hate arguing with whites they can be dangerous. RIP
Idiotic racists
Oh my gosh!!what is dis world turning into?how can pple play with someone's life?is she God or what?dis is a joke!dey both need to rot in jail.
One word...justics*dancing asonto
Linda biko, this ur blogsite or website needs an upgrade. give us d ability to like and dislike posts, put up a poll to vote,u know? stuff like that.
I know u will listen. Thanks in advance :)
This is cold blood murder, they were not defending themselves instead it was done out of spite, maybe cos he is black. They should be given the murder sentence. This is like Д pat on the back to both of them.
Wonders wil neva seize to end, its nt d fault of d gal buh d senseless bf dat a gal of 14 instructed to kil nd did exactly so, wat a cruel world! Dey shld be sentenced ooo,
At 14yrs u kill becos he disrespected u? Na wa o. Wat a young wicked soul.
Yeppa nawa o 14year old cha...there is nothing we would not hear. Hatred has now eaten deep into the society that even kids are getting involved. If you are a murderer at 14 or 16 what would you be by 25. Pls parents let's raise our children in the way of the Lord, it doznt matter what religion you practice
Nawa for this children o, hia...
Legal reasons my foot,y didn't they mention her name or is she Queen grand-daug a murder case they are. Painting it bcos is not d oda way run,if it was a Nigeria. Not only d name but d picture of d suspect Mtcheew*
The both called themselves BF and GF, Should die by cutting off their heads.
This is serious.
What is happening to d next generation? I fear d future!
Let justice be served ! ! !
Oh what a pity may his soul rest in peace as for the seventeen year old killer....may...(Crying)....
Jesus christ!kids of today,#lips sealed#its well...
ewo!!!! I tdon tdie...wat iz is dis world turnin into..infact let me rephrase it...wat haz dis world turned into?.......white pple are crazy beyond comprehension
Junior if say u know,yu 4 run go hux ..which kind problem be diz naw?????........shey dem don fall our Junior now,if say naw 9ja persn do diz 1 4 dat side,dem 4 no dey do anonimity ooo. E clear say ehhh,diz kind partiality open eye....Junior,oh Junior......#cryingandrollingonthefloor
I say this world is going to an end.. 15, 16??? Lobatan!
And he stood there looking @ them while they wer stabbing him 2 death...smh
Damilola died for a PUFFA jacket yrs ago, this Kid and countless other unamed kids... Lord take control !!!
Rubbish!!!! Hw is dat manslaugter? Dats premeditated... Its murder
How can they not be named? I hope racism will not find a place in this case.If Junior was a white boy, this case would have taken a different twist.
Oh М̣̣̇Ɣ jesus! He looks so much like М̣̣̇Ɣ nephew! May His gentle soul rest in peace. SAD!
They were all black mumu,
Yes infact it suicide , he jus stood their n allowed himself to be killed,
RIP Junior. The devil comes in all shapes and sizes. Get your facts right Linda. He is Cameroonian.
So stupid! Three young lives destroyed over an argument. RIP to Junior. I hope the other two now realize what a waste this was.
anyway, u dnt much a say............. God is watchn.......
Welcome to england
What sort of talk is that, can you hear urself? That a human being should be put in hot oil and hung for vultures. How do you process such an evil thought? Do you know thinking like that makes you almost as bad as the stabber. Young people everywere are so full of hate its scary. Just check blog comments and you'll c how bad its gootten. Just cos someeone has an alternative view people wish them dead.
I think we should check ourselves b4 we judge those teenagers in the uk, we are too foul mouthed and having such evil thoughts towards people you don't know doesn't make it right or better
Africans stop living in estates and dodgy places. damilola Taylor was stabbed in estate and now this. We pack ourselves in east London dodgy areas and get stabbed or kids into drugs. I stereotype I kow.
Nigerians SMH the UK's legal system protects Minors hence y their names cannot be mentioned and for those of u shouting racism I can bet u the evil little she devil and her puppet r both black #blackonblackcrimeisreal.
Help us God
Are u serious? Or is this a huge joke?...pls tell me ur kidding!**cant watch**
Oga ooo!!!RIP and Good moni linda
Lol!when wil u give up ...leave this guy alone..shikena
Oya prince charming,ask this person out so her conji can be cured...Lol!!!
Oga ooo!!!RIP and Good moni linda
RIP Junior! Sad.
Are you for real??
I really fear for the younger generation, I watch Beyond scared straight and the way these kids behave is just jaw dropping. Kids btw 10 and 17years selling drugs, joining gangs, some even take drugs, some prostitutes themselves! Omg is just sad! I can bet you this girl has a bad attitude yet she wants respect. So sad
PC ogbontarigi atamatase(the sharp-shooter wey no dey miss target),na true say u give d Vicky girl belle?congrats o...u sef go soon become father of many nations like 2baba...lmao
It only shows that racism is still given a seat on the high table in the UK. Why hide the murderers identity & reveal the victim's? Shouldn't it be the other way round. As if that wasn't enough they changed a planned murder to manslaughter. God who is the perfect judge is above watching & He'll give a perfect judgement & punishment to the murderers & the jury alike. God help us in this wicked world.
this is serious. At a tender age both of dem had started commiting murder, but sha it not dre fault if not for we africans that we dont get satisfied wit what we have in our own father land. Nevertheless those kids will dance to the tone.
U r nt makin sense is death happening only in uk?
Premeditated murder and racism which man slaughter ....d judgemnt should b death sentence is
Nkwelle is d name of my hometown too. In eastern Nigeria
Really sad...Nkwelle should be from eastern nigeria
Ur funny .....
The hell is wrong with you? You wanna fck Iyanya and blow Davido??? Bitch pls, have some self respect..
I want to believe that dis case won't be died...see I've said it over n over again,d blacks do not have a "say" its a pity smh "RIP Chap" God still dey!!
Hahhahahahah! Jesu gbami! Prince Charming oya, over to you..
Lol, if them misbehave, beat the hell outta them..
Hahhahahahah! Jesu gbami! Prince Charming oya, over to you..
The hell is wrong with you? You wanna fck Iyanya and blow Davido??? Bitch pls, have some self respect..
I want to believe your joking about pc and the pregnancy. Lol. For good furniture deals pls visit our website www.winnyzinteriors.com
Ha ba, the race of the defendants was not disclosed in the article. Therefore racism is not the issue here. I am very sure that defendants are black. Nigerian kids stab a lot in UK. Something need to be done to stem the rate at which our kids go on. Majority of the gang members are black kids, mostly with Nigerian heritage.
Heyyy prince charming. U don read this post so? Hmmm.
Why on earth he did not flee in the intervening period when they went to get the knife beats me. It's such a great loss to all of us. May his soul rest in peace.
Godly children wn be raised anywhere in the world. The responsibility lies with the parents. Instill the fear of God into your child from very young age and don't allow western lifestyles. Adoption of westernised lifestyle leads to such problems.
Lool... Are u a learner? He forced ur pussy open abi? Ashewo
It doesn't always mean she got her behaviour from her parent, In some circumstances but not all. These days these kids learn a lot from their friend and company they keep. Especially those involved with gangsters. UK laws allows offenders to escape justice most times. Why not find them guilty of murder charge? stabbing someone through the heart is premeditated murder to me. The defender knows that his actions will kill the victim. That is murder.
Why are people on this blog assuming the killers are white?! They're probably not releasing much info because they're under 18. People shouting racism and reduction of charges from murder to manslaughter. If it had happened in this country nobody would have gotten justice unless the boy was a governor's son. People would have been shouting it was devil's work. We're such bloody hypocrites in this country, calling each other tribalistic names and then making noise about racism. Please wait for them to say the girl is white and ordered him killed because she was racist before jumping to conclusions.
Based on your writing and slang, you reason like the girl. You're on thesame page with her. Gang members sound like you write. .... Birds of thesame feathers flock together.
Where do you live? Stupid person. You fit no get house sef. What relevant does housing estate has to do with this? People that live I big houses in UK may have thesame experience. It is what kids do and who they get involve with that matters. So, alan poser it is not council flat issue. There are lots of people who live council accommodation that were able to bring their kids up without getting killed.
You're funnily crazy
Where the fuck is that dumbass Prince Jobless when you need to tell him 'fuck you'? I tot he was glad he was abroad where he won't die like a rat? Hope you stop a bullet you fucking cunt!
Linda update us on the gay scandal mess of the pope hahahah or are you scared??? Your popes been giving backshots and getting head ahahahah gay ass punks
Inukwa!! Linda oya investigate
Linda update us on the gay scandal mess of the pope hahahah or are you scared??? Your popes been giving backshots and getting head ahahahah gay ass punks
wickedness and racism!!!
This is really sad. The world is so scary. So where is it that is safe????? Odikwaegwu!!!
We hav noticed u #okbye
I hope they send Both of them to life in jail,Linda u are doing great Job,but credit me wit the story. appy sunday, Josimar.
I hope they send Both of them to life in jail,Linda u are doing great Job,but credit me wit the story. appy sunday, Josimar.
Wat a shame! RIP Jr. May God give ur folks d fortitude to bear the loss,
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Linda daminos death is causin so much havoc in Lasu anoda person has been gunned down, I can barely look at d pix.
Prince Charming,bros how far?......a 'Vicky has been accusing u for impregnating her for days now,what's ur own side of the story?
Abeg o,no fall my hand!
Can u imagine? Life is now worthless to people of this generation even to those young children. Smh...what is it we won't hear in this life? Life has changed so much since I was a kid.
King Hero and the dancing girl that requested for John the Baptist's head. History repeating itself in several ways. Once an argument ensued bwtn u and a white kid, omo find ur levelz. Datz d way we live it hia. They cold blooded, could be deadlier than a cobra.
Abeg make we hear word jorr! So no killings in nigeria?? All that asu, snabbings, cult killings, acid pouring, death from armrobbery, boko haram, burning down of people, road side killings etc nko?? There is no country without crime but naija worse pass abeg! May his soul rest in peace
Black on black crime, it is not racism...it the a plague in our black community
You actually did gave a voice to my thought. It's indeed sad, in a frightening way, how humanity is fadt becoming victims of a mentally unstable society it nurtured through time and the introduction of an otherwise debased mordernization.
Obande S.J.
Comments takes ages to be uploaded on this blog. Ages.....smh
choi.. this is too sad. 15 and already gone :(, the government in britain needs to put a stop to these Knife killings... later they'll be saying Nigeria isn't yet developed.. please person need to fit check him own pikin before he correct some one else's pikin!
Its herod u olodo. She reminds of queen jezebel the evil queen.
Herne Hill, elephant and castle, camden Brixton,woolwich, all the way to croydon.....dangerous places. RIP
Eternal rest grant unto him O lord, and let perpetual light shine on him. May his soul rest in peace Amen!!!
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