According to a very reliable source, the former beauty queen, model and actress got a nose job (before and after photo above) and also got liposuction (removing fat from the body using suction)
I heard that the procedure, which she got gradually since 2012, cost her a whooping $30, 000. See more photos of the stunning model after the cut...

Chai see what money can do!
I don't know why people just can't be grateful with the body that God gave them.
Each to their own sha, she looks good!
What about her breast? Hope she did not go there? Lol!!!
wow, they did a really good job.
I've been thinking of getting a nose job too. Once i get the money!! :-)
na wa oh...she looks good
Cosmetic surgery, girl why not use the one nature gave you, this things makes you fake like nicki's butt
She looks great but should know that once you start you may never be able to stop. Touch ups and all that.
Romance Meets Life.
How was she miss Nigeria Uk looking like that before?she has reSlly upgraded herself sha she looks good with the lipo and new nose but linda you said people are hiding surgery did she come and tell you or tweet it?lipo and rhino can't even cost up to $30k anywhere in the world as I type not even in Beverly Hills she won't pay more than 15k for both except she did more than that.abeg free me almost all naija celeb have done something,tiwa's teeh fake,Dencia's breast,rukky
Omotola,Jenny I can go on and all all have touched their body so this is not need sha
Mumu girl, see her big NOSE wondering if she wants 2 smell a century with it...
Ok, dats gud 4 ha. Can we now move on?
U go girl.u hv d money, do it. If I had the money I def get a nose job and liposuction.
Hmmm..na wa ooo...woteva happned 2 appreciating nd being d way God created u?#lipsealed#
Omo d diff is clear everyone nids a lil bit of nip and tuck me likey biko but d moni na my 5yrs salary really nid 2 up my hussle oooo hehehehe
Nice! Sugbon photoshop yii yapa gan ni oo.. Pls don't kill us with photoshop, let us see you..cos this aint you..
Flawless! I totally love her.
True tlk!
As a former Miss Nigeria UK she is already beautiful, why the surgery?
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Mad difference!
Plenty work was done.
I want ma own to be nashural na
(Do u know $30k?)Loll.
This is money well spent o, she looks stunning.
Lol now she looks like she has a beak. lol. http://livingscrolls.blogspot.com/2013/03/time.html
Tiwa ke?which surgery tiwa do abeg yarn me biko!
Shut up. Genny has looked the same for the last ten years
All these Africans here saying they'd get nose jobs, shoes how much we hate our African features. Smh
Dying to belong
Doesn't even look like the same person..
oh geh why you no come do your legs join nah. nah the legs you for concentrate on oh. you for nack the legs come out oh. you did justice to the stom ach thoough.
Lovely change! Every woman deserves to look the way she feels will make her more at peace with herself, if you have the money, go for it! Just do things on the safe side though, and for those who keep saying you are not contented with your body getting a plastic surgery, pls take the back seat jor!! Is it ya body??
No be small transformation
Her after in the topmost pics looks great...but is there really any need to these things!!! Be content wit what God gave u,I av som areas in my body i would want to be different but even if am given free money for those areas today, i wont do it!! I am overly concious of side effects.
Wow! Dats a huge transformation, buh how come she won miss Naija wit dat her former Luk? Money good gan ni o, she now luk sexy buh dat her leg wey be like toothpick.....#GodForgvMe#.
Maybe its just me,but honestly she looks like she just lost 20 lbs. The nose looks the same.
I think this story was planted to just give her some notoriety.
Tiwa has bonding or veneers on her teeth,Genny gets buttox done I can keep going all your governor and senator wives get lipo,buttox and all
All she had to do was diet and exercise and she would have lost all d weight in 2 months.as for the nose dnt c any difference cause u are already beautiful.
No amount of surgery can make u feel beautiful on d outside if u dnt feel beautiful on the inside. Baby girl I will love to tell u everyday day , God didnt make a mistake when he created you, so don't play God in your life.
she didn't need a nose job. are you sure she didn't get her breasts done? of course, she's also bleaching her skin. ah it's not easy to be a BIGZ GIRLZ.
I hope she has the money to keep up with the liposuction or whatever they call it.. What about exercising and eating healthy?
As long as she didn't realistically work hard to achieve her new look, 6 months is too long for her to go back to her pre surgery shape...
Laziness and self hatred are the worst diseases..
With That Her Former Look, I See Wowo pikin wey dey form pretty but now...her levels don change, maybe she wants to contest for miss world or miss surgery or wateva.... See the nose, very soon, michael jackson go come down from heaven come show u hw him own be!
Yeye girl.
big lie! dabota didn't have any nose job. she just lightened her skin, maybe boob job, maybe liposuction but no nose job. she needs to fix her teeth. and she used to be prettier when she was darker, but i guess lagos big boys have made her lighten her skin. ride on, abi u want money, so u r enhancing urself.
VANITY upon VANITY! #Singing 'God of Mercy and Compassion' and flipping to the next page#
Alicia foolish igbo girl, you're here again! Asshole
Hypocrite! See u talking about african features but u are the first to abuse toolz and omotola. Abeg go siddon somewhere. I see why people don't like u in this blog! Always yarning balls.
So many pple in naija have done it. Funmi Iyanda did nose and breast enlargement, shade okoya breast enlargement, Its Giwa liposuction etc. So many of dem av done and are still doing.
Then she did it eleven years ago.
none of my fcking business...
I think genny takes dieting and exercises serz rather than surgery
She looks gud in d 2nd pic we agree,but dose pics r so photoshopped!she shudve photoshopped d 1st one too so we can compare dem on like terms.
Who say 30K, this Linda can lie ehn.....lipo is just 5k dollars O,evrting cnt b mre than 10k..u tink say Dem dey pik dollars okwaya ...she looks muah..
hope u included bleaching
Lmao @ smell a century .
I hope u dont use any form of make up or accesory.
Ohk now am very much intrested in dis,hmmmmm wen money talks ...
Help me tell them o
Better, and she even looks cooler and all.. Wouldn't mind enhancing my body weight , build, bysepts and generally look like the incredible hulk .
She looks berra. Congrats.
She luk g 26%
Ã…2#3/4/2013 26%
Both in old and new
One question comes to mind after seeing this post,does she know more than her creator who made her in his own image and after all rhe beauty won't she still age and all those body work gone?
E b lik say she geh beLle for d 1st piX.....abi na me nor see weLl ni?
Alicia, are u this naïve, genny even started it
Even with the surgery she still looks just okay... Can't u see its a lot of photoshop at work? The before pic was taken with an ordinary camera and the others with a more sophisticated camera. Love that blue dress with the lace detail!
Ol Boy! Nice but the most important thing is her health,If she's still healthy and there won't be any funny sickness in future then fine! Enjoy your self...
This plastic surgery what it
Yes Genevieve don do!fake thing
Nice one...mhen I wish I had d money I culd av gone for it teytey, chai c what ego can do.
Before I think of doing any nose job or any liposuction or Boobs job.I must AV given birth to all my children,and must be the age of 50.
True friends are the ones who always be there for you no matter how hard the situation is, and always say, "I'm here."
Pls next
Me too! Need 2 get a Nose job infact I must get a nose job. It gives the face a pretty look.
Nose job, liposuction, bleached skin all are very good but on top of all that plus the money, she still has 2 be photoshoped 2 look the way she wanted. Who don fine don fine, her 30,000 Dolls just went down d drain 4 nothing leaving a big eroded well in her neck, hope she's medically ok cos am seeing she bought her death closer with her own money.#mumu#
i call This foolishness. Lust of the flesh
Dammmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnn she's so hot!!honestly she didn't look bad in her before pic,but wow, wow , wow, the power of money... God go make us bigger..
On top of her 30grand, I still don't find her attractive.Maybe other guys would.
Can't deny she did it well, plus she's already a beautiful lady...
Abeg! I need JiGi bola(glasses). which one be before which on be after?
Ahhh aunty Linda,you have come oo, $30,000 ahhh! Ahh! Na wa oooo
Shez NoT LukinG Bad At ALl ... #poko
She luk gorg,will def get surgery wen I ve de enuff benjamins
WTF Linda what if she just lost weight and is in good shape?
What's wrong with Legs .Her legs are sexy, isn't she a model. Fat People fall back!!! 2013 go plastic!!!
and she definitely bleached too...
Darling Shows* not Shoes..
Agbani Darego did a nose job
Thanks jare, if me Ifeyinywa have the money I will do it. I don't think there's anything bad in cosmestic surgery sha.
One day I will do lypo and whiten my teeth cos I can afford it. After 3 kids ur body is not same. I was a size 6 b4 kids and now 11. Still look stunning but a little help will make me happier
Rubbish!! I'm a curvy girl and I love myself aint nobody business.. Learn to love yourself just the way you are
She looks gorgeous but that money no be small oo.
this girl looks beautiful, however, i don't support facial surgery.
make money online
This girl is an arrogant bitch, that thinks d world should fall at feet.. Good luck to all d foolish men that sponsor stupid agendas like dis.
Ahh Linda, I like this gehl. Somebody tell her I want to marry her oo,and her money too.. @folushoB
Waaaaaaa,I need money to do my own...me like
Aunty Linda, thanks for making my monday morning journey to work interesting. Fine gurl sha!
She looks so good.. When I have d money I'm going to have a nose job, boob and butt implant + liposuction.. So unhappy with my body
She looks like Kim K
I am so confused, because when Dabota Lawson won Miss Nigeria Uk 3years ago she looked like this. So Linda what lies are you feeding us, and who is this so called reliable source. You can't be doing here say...Shebi Dabota is not hiding it, so why you no ask am. As far as I'm concerned, this is a rumour that you have spread
She looks gud. But hope dey told her d disadvantage of wat she did.
I work with a big advertising company,I've been looking for her contact for a job, please Linda I know u cant give her number out but is she on any social network so I can communicate with her ASAP
From black to halfcaste,orobo to lekpa,ok to wow..nawaoo..linda u forgot to add the fact that she washed her skin too,..dts the thrillin part sha,the way her skin transformed,from pale patchy dark to glitterin white btw i dnt see anyfn wrong with her previous nose o
Imagine d nonsense,,,,so ure abusing God now ehn..ms dabota? Well I no blame u na! U. Went 2do nose job? E go shock u say all tis. Tinz na vanity..wen u get married and ur husbi brks up wiv u and settle 4anoda babe wus nose is moderate + since av known u,u used 2b dark now uv done bleaching 2...*sigh* I just hop u last! Dats ma prayer
keep promoting this liars stupidity dabota lawson is just looking for cheap popularity bleaching tinz get a life you were worthy before but now ur nufing bt a cheap article
Haaa dis is too much because when your body nature ask for it letter am very sure you can pay it...........
I see nothing wrong with cosmetic surgery,I know I'll have someday especially when I've had my kids.. Nigerians we need to move forward with our thinking and honestly she looks good afterwards.maybe she was insecure bout her nose and tommy fat,and she had the resources,dere's nothing wrong in it..the only thing is the dabota I knew in secondary school was chocolate,na wa for dis bleaching o,she's now white and linda that's not the price for the surgeries that's a big lie,its not upto that at all..take it from me
Na so,if she left herself fat,u wld say hit d gym.by hiting d gym u re also reconstructing ur body. So wat re u saying. Wen u decide 2 start going out NAKED,den we can talk of appreciating d way God made u.
cool stuff money rules the world she looks great.
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Tiwa did a nose job. Check her America Idol audition in 2002/04 on you-tube or google. She had a massive nose then.
Remember to enlarge that ur boobs so it can look like that of Cossy's.
Wow! D transformation is great. Nice one girl. She luks great. As 4 me, if I hav d money, I'll do a lot of work on my body oooo. She luks so good. I want to hav a lipo done buh i don't d money....help help( crying, wailing and gnashing my teeth) help me my fellow Nigerians, help!!!!! Meeeeeeee
If the picture of her on a blue dress is before the surgery then this chic has killed herself demn!
.........as if we dont know that all is vanity.i wonder y we try to look beautiful for worms to eat . av we forgotten that our body id dust. we r created from dust and to dust we shall return. as for me my soul is important that this flesh of a tin ,where is GOODIE today and her gorgous body. i shake my head the devil is really working hard to win soul
But you still love nicki's butt yeah. Lol
Have to say she looks good- who is her plastic surgeon?
Oh shut up PC..yeye u.
@alicia shows not shoes
she looks like Julissa. the cosmetic job was good for her.
She luks cute
Linda ur role models dem,when u go go do ur own???? Risk ur life for beauty but no fit risk am for the gospel of God,do u think God worry about ur looks??? Mumu ppl
Money answereth all
i like i like
She actually looks better but there is nothing as look natural and appreciating Gods work fredaidehen.blogspot.com
Den dey wud say all men r fake *sigh*
Yea she looks ok now but ther is no way u wil comper artficial wit natural ther wil always be after efect
She looks good here but its clearly a photoshopped photo. I wish she was honest enough to show us her before and after to encourage some of us wey no get the liver.. I will most def consider cosmetic surgery!!!
vanity upon vanity all is vanity vanityyyyyyy singing in Ebenezer Obey's voice
Whr did she get d moni frm abi wat does she do 4 a living. Abi as beauty queen them the dash u moni? I'm sure one politician paid 4 it. She looks good tho
All this are perishable.if she dies now, it won't take up to 5hrs for her complexion to change. Vanity!
Na wa na too much money dey drive her crazy
I wish I could take out my evil heart and replace it with a good one, I guess, then I could do a surgery. Thinking...
Surgery and photoshop!!! nne u too much!
She looks good in all
Anon don't b foolish! I'm sure u v heard of a typo b4? &if u can look closely @ ur keyboard/keypad u'd notice 'e'&'w' r side by side..
Teacher chike, u'd ol cum on ere&b 4min infallible if I slap ur teeth..
Wow, hard to beieve pple u think looks beautifully natural, arent even... Neva tot dabota wuld do a surgery.. Nice shot tho!
Hope she wld βε̲̣̣̣̥ able to maintain the new figure 4life? Hop she wnt regain the weight back?
Ma tots exactly oh!
Wowww, stunning, cnt wait 2 get mine done
@yohannaglory on twitter
did she win the pageant after all the cosmetic surgery or before? na wa o.
Sharrrraap joor.say u can't afford it.
Me I want o
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Vanity thinzzzzz, once you start, you just csnt stop. U no need am cos u fine well well
she looks like she only went on a diet, bleached and has better taste in hair n make up.
U r an illiterate!!!
Dats a bloody lie,stop tokin local,she's very beautiful,and sugery does nt have to be done repeatedly.u people and ur bush tok sef.*smh*
U r an illiterate!!!
What a transformation, she really looks beautiful
Michael Jackson tins. I hope d nose will last sha...and won't be falling.
Indifferent about it
Me breast lift after having kids.
mehnnn this babe z fresh.. gettin her for my bro
Mehnnnnnn.........This look damn too good for a cosmetic surgery. I must really give it to the gurl. Wow.....but na $30k we are talking about sha.......I go pay my MBA Tuition collect change o lol
Yep! She is. @Dabotalawson on twitter.
Waste ov 30k dollars....u dnt need cosmetic surgery, u need Jesus
Yes I just checked it,she definitely did a nose job,oh well if it makes her feel happy,then she should rock on.
All you haters of Genevieve can STFU. The only thing Genny has done is lose . Obviously losing weight made her face slimmer. You guys are just haters. Because she was able to succeed in making her body perfect, you fat slobs are hating on her
I comment with my phone so it auto corrects sometimes.
And for the first idiot that replied to me, tell me where i abused Omotola and Toolz about their physical appearance/? You clearly just like to hear yourself talk and maybe you've got a score to settle with me. Don't worry, you just set yourself back three light years. Lmaoo
I guess you are an idiot that believes everything is a tribal issue. Ugly thing.
Mr tunde,why hating on the poor girl,or did she dump you for a bigger dick with cash?am sure she dumped your silly ass for a so called"foolish man that was ready to sponsor her stupid agendas"(according to you)you sound like a very stingy guy,(aka aradite)step up your game and stop ranting or better still stay pressed.
And how is that your biz?if e dey pain you,go and look for your own politician that is willing to spoil you silly.jealousy jelololo
She wasn't so big in the first place so why didn't she just hit the gym instead of wasting her sugar daddy's money.
She should have just used charantin slimming drugs,4k after 5 b ottles, she go dey kampe, bcos my aunt did lipo and gained weight, went back for gastric bypass and died after the operation... If it was booty n boobs for 30k at least everyone knows the only way is enlargement or implants! But for slimming... Check out out star jones the tv personality whose adding weight again.
I am not surprised she and a couple of her friends idolize beyonce. I am sure she is gonna do her ass next. She definitely did chemical peels too.. I dnt blame her, she wants to look perfect and who doesn't you go girl. Will soon join ya when I can afford boob reduction
You religious fanatics are just so funny, pls Leave my jesus out of this,after all he gave us free will,if that's what makes her happy,then good for her,if you are looking for a site or blog where you won't come across all this kind of news I will be more than happy to give you the website, of Deeper life MFM or the lords chosen.
And i shake my head for you this Judgmental thing too,pls hold on and let me give you the website of deeper life or the lords choosen,you don't need to be here,haba!that's why many of you look far older than your age cos you don't take care of yourself,all in the name of being the perfect christain,leave her to live her life the way she wants and let God be the judge,on the last day a lot of people will be so shocked,why don't you go about with only leaf around your waist.and FYI is goldie not GOODIE
She did not. Its contouring/makeup
Silly, vain girl.
I have no issue with the cashing out on cosmetic surgery but quick question , I hope dis babe has her own house not rented and a good car b4spendn such ridiculous amount on irrelevant shit
The blue dress she is wearing is from PRIMARK.
She looks great but God created that way for reason. Anyway, her body,her life.
So if they throw acid on her now or suddenly becomes handicapped what will she do? drink poison? pressure filled world we live in today. This kind of person is weak but on the inside and outside. Goodluck to her
Pls where can I get the charantin slimming meds? Any contacts would be appreciated
I prefer her fuller look to the current lekpa look.
Stunning...Job well done.@Alicia,lightyears is a unit for measuring celestial distance not time.#check#justsaying
she looks good tho'
Vanity upon Vanity.
So after spending 30k for surgery,she come wear Primark dress. Ok ooo.
....Hmmmm....i honestly don't see anything wrong in what she did...if you gat the money go fix yours too....yes oh
i wish i can do same too.........i'll sha....when i gat the money
bleach and see how wrinkled you will look by the time you are forty five with no going back. tcheeew....
I'm happy for her jere. Me that i've been battling big belle since and see how money has solved her own. Please enjoy your flat stomach my sister...
I'm happy for her. She must feel good. I know how me i've been battling to lose the tummy i have. Na serious struggle o! Abeg enjoy it my sister
please why is she wearing a primark dress with her $30k nose?
you forgot to mention skin bleaching!
Pretty nice post.You look fabulous.
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Cheap popularity,its not your money we all know its your grandpa Prince Aku your Fiancee lol
Pls how cn I get charantin
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