Culled from Punch
A 42-year-old father, Mr. Edet Etok-Akpan, is currently being quizzed at the headquarters of the Cross River State Police Command in Calabar for torturing his six-year-old daughter, Edidiong, as a result of a church prophetess’ pronouncement that the girl was a witch.
Edidiong was beaten by her father and locked up in a room with her hands, mouth and face bound for four days before she was rescued by neighbours.
It was learnt that Etok-Akpan started
beating her on February 19 after an unidentified prophetess in their
church told him that Edidiong was the witch responsible for the
stagnancy in his life.
Narrating her ordeal to PUNCH Metro
on Monday, Edidiong said after the beatings which lasted for some days,
her father on February 21 tied her hands with a cord and bound her
mouth with a piece of cloth.
She said, “He locked me in the inner room of our house and he never gave me food and never allowed me to go to school.”
The girl, who said she is in basic three
at Femos Nursery and Primary School located at 24 Etyin Abasi Street,
said she was becoming weak after days without food or water.
Luck, however, came her way on February
23, when another child, who lives with her parents in the same 42 Atakpa
Street, came to their veranda to look for broom and discovered her.
Giving details of how she was rescued, a
lawyer with the Basic Rights Counsel, Mr. James Ibor, said, “The girl
went to Edidiong’s veranda to look for a broom and heard the sound of
the girl like that of someone battling with her last breath.
“She looked through the louvers of the
window and saw Edidiong bound on the floor and raised the alarm. Her
parents and other neighbours rushed to the place and saw Edidiong bound
inside her apartment.”
Ibor said one of the neighbours called him and he in turn informed the police.
He said, “When the policemen and I got
there, we saw a crowd gathered outside. We were able to rescue the child
by breaking the door.
“The girl was very weak because she had
been without food for days and so we had to give her water first, then
after about ten minutes we gave her milk before solid food an hour
Ibor said the culprit and his wife had
locked up the girl in the inner room of their two-room apartment and
went to church, adding that the girl was presently living with her
grandmother in another part of the town.
The state Police Public Relations
Officer, Mr. John Umoh, said Etok-Akpan, who is from Akwa Ibom State,
had been arrested and would soon appear in court to answer charges of
He said, “To tie a small girl’s hand and
mouth and lock her in a room for some days without food is a grievous
offence, he shall soon appear in court.”
Umoh, a Deputy Superintendent of Police,
warned parents to always treat their children with care, adding
criminalities are increasing daily because parents had abandoned their
responsibilities to their wards.
He also said the police would visit the church where the father got the prophecy.
i don tire for this country..notin we neva hear finish...
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We really need to a lot to learn in this country. Our mentality is so damn poor. Pple need to be jailed for all this rubbish.
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God save us from our religious leaders. A father's inhumanity to his daughter
wonders shall never end.
Religion is truely d opium of the masses,ur little daughter being d cause of ur stangnancy. owk what will she then do to u for giving birth to her in ur poor house. I pray help will come d way of other children like her.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
What sort of evil parent do we have these days, just a six year old girl. May God deliver the man from madness himself
this is wickedness. pls. lock the man up and starve him for months and let see how he will survive. I am so close to tears.
Oga work hard and ask God to prosper the work of your hands, and there will not be stagnancy in ur life. Iz it wen she's dead ul prosper?
Signs of the End. His very own flesh and blood. OK, assuming she is a witch, is that the way to get deliverance?
So, the "prophetess" could see visions, but couldn't bring deliverance?
now tell me, who is practising witchcraft here?...she who was not caught performing any wicked act,,, and u who beat, tortured n lock her up in ur inner room without food n water? Person wey be witch, no be pray them suppose to pray for her? Pls d court shud jail him for attempted murder....idiot,,,,,........off to d toilet...MR YAXX..
Igbo guys won't give it a rest.
Come on! This is the 21st
century, what the actual fuck is
'witch craft' again? This is
absolutely madness. Hope they
lock that illiterate for 69 years.
What a useless tosser.
Wonder shal neva end
I av seen dis story in vanguard news.This man shld av been shown d road to hell .vry bad of him.
Punishing the parents is not enough. The prophetess needs some jail time s well because only god knows how many children from her flock have received or could be subjected to this kind of ordeal thanks to her teachings.
So crude of him! He seems to be the Wizard here having the heart to do something like this to his poor daughter, smh...
Ha! Dis is so Barbaric... OMG! D father is really frustrated... Hmmmm.
Wow.. Wicked world.. The man needs to be bounded to a psychiatric hospital pls... Child taken to a social.
Too bad ,he deserve to be sent to 20yrs in jail,shud neva be allowed access to daughter if he manages to cum out of the prison alive.=Bigboldguy
Nonsense.Beware of false prophets,they are everywhere.ok lets assume the girl is posses or woreva,will tieing her up profer any solution to his stagnation.
First to comment ┐('⌣'┐) (┌'⌣')┌ ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ┌(˘.˘)ʃ
this is pure wickedness instead of taking her to a deliverance ministry they were toturing her.
taking out yo frustration on your old child is just despicable! and all these churches that feed on the ignorance of the poor! God will judge everyone of them
Na wa oh. May God av mercy on us, see how brainwashed the parents of dis poor gal is, torturing a lil gal over some baseless claims from a prophetess......
The stupidity of man is truely deep.
Erelu Dollypizzle.
Soo any prophecy can make a father go mad and beat, tie up his daughter, hmmm that man must be crazy! What a wicked act
Th police shuld try nd do proper investigation
This Prophetess is giving Christianity a bad name. In the Bible cases of possesion were simply cast out with a word. The government should do something to enlighten Nigerians about wolves in sheep clothing (Prophetess)> Nollywood should enlighten the masses. People should be taught true christianity and not the rubbish being practiced in this country. People should read the bible for themselves. Parents should be encouraged into family planning not having children they cant cater for and then calling them witches when things become hard.
Strange things are happening every day this is wickedness 4 christ sake.
Wonders they say shall never end**
Dis story is making me laugh oh! becos if dat gal is really a witch dey wil indeed die in poverty..lol!
Devilish ♍aи, Idiot! That's child abuse, he shd be jailed foя̩ life...
Dis is serious o.that man should be sentence to death.
Wonders shall neva end!! This is an act of pure hatred n wickedness 4rm pple who call demselves parents.if d little girl is a witch lik d prophetess claimd, Y didt she remove t or wateva is in her! Y subjject d gal 2such xtreme torture?.pple shud wakeup 4rm spiritual slumber n read their bible.
This man must be a heartless individual, how can he do that to a child of 6 years old.
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OMG, even if a prophetess tells you another human being is a witch talk less of your own daughter, how in God's name does maiming and beating them exorcise the evil, if he was really a christian, he would know that we wrestle not against 'flesh and blood but principalities and powers' who are these people, what kind of mother is it that can stand back and watch a child maltreated so, what kind of stupid progress does he want, when his mentality is warped like that? let us see how he will progress na, ignorant idiot.He and his wife are the witches and wizards and i hope they get tied up and locked up too.mschieuwww!
Ahusubillah mina shaytani Raheem!
Na wa. Am sick n tired of hearing dis nonsense. A "prophetess" told him Edidiong wuz responsible 4 his stagnancy n he believed? She's a kid 4 cryin out loud. Am sure he's a lazy ass who just xpects manna 2 drop 4rm heaven. He did dat n he went 2 Church. Like rili??? I pray God intervenes o. Bcos all dis calabar peeps accusin innocent children has got to stop. U don't wana knw d trauma dey go thru. Am a calabar chic, n things makes me detest dem. Am happy dey rescued her b4 she died.
Heartless uneducated human, God social service please take the child away from this evil parent,
Wonders they say shall never cease.
He should b jailed 4 life.
False devilish prophetess! Now the man's life has become better after he maltreated his little daughter abi? Mtchewww! They should lock that stupid prophetess in jail too, for telling frustrated parents that their little child is the source of their problems!
Things dey happen oo,na wa
how can a father treat his own daughter this way? the police should try and visit d church cs that's a fake church, calling d name of d lord in vain, some pple r so dump that they don't know d difference between a true gospel and a fake one, if she is a witch can't d prophetess pray for her? it hurts me when children r treated this way.
Dumb*ur welcome
Nawa o
now we all know those that are REALLY possessed! Evil prophetess! Wicked father! Devilish mother.
So let's even assume the prophecy was false(because they're all over the place) one can be stupid enough to do this to his own child? This is beyond me..whether or not she's a witch what he did was very barbaric,he wanted to kill the girl..The police should deal with him,he's an animal
Pretty Girl
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To me the prophetess is not the issue, those parent need to be tied seriously and floged without food for a least one month because they are d one that need deliverance, if an outsider is to tell u stupid tins against ur house hold without any proof n you believe it then sometin is definately wrong with you.
if she was indeed the witch that is responsible for his stagnancy in life,locking her up in the room without food or water will only make her angry with him thereby making his current stagnant stage worse. he wont have sent her to be a nanny somewhere than doing this to her. things we do all in the name of seeking solution.....THE COMING OF THE LORD IS SOONER THAN WE ALL THINK OR KNOW... GOD GIVE US GRACE NOT TO BE FOUND WANTING IN ANY AREA OF OUR LIVES...AMEN!!!
if she was indeed the witch that is responsible for his stagnancy in life,locking her up in the room without food or water will only make her angry with him thereby making his current stagnant stage worse. he wont have sent her to be a nanny somewhere than doing this to her. things we do all in the name of seeking solution.....THE COMING OF THE LORD IS SOONER THAN WE ALL THINK OR KNOW... GOD GIVE US GRACE NOT TO BE FOUND WANTING IN ANY AREA OF OUR LIVES...AMEN!!!
I am tired of hearing such rubbish. Religion is really the bane of most of all evil.
Why the snide remark about Igbos? Is the girl's father igbo? At your age, I'm shocked that you could actually be this ignorant. When I thought u couldn't be any dumber, you shock me anew with your level of stupidity. Please I hope you didn't go to school because it would have been a complete waste of your parents money and your time. Asshole!
U dis jobless mofo,y r u doing d copy n paste tingy at least ur little brain shld be creative..writing same comment in every blog.SMDH for u MORON!!!
The man should be punished severely. Haba! Dear readers, please beware of false prophets. This is a clear example of what can happen in rev. King's assembly. May God help us.
This is a very big lesson 4 so many nigerians, a lot of ppl are so crazy abt their pastors that they can't do anything without consulting them, some even go as far as calling their pastors "DADDY" & their wives "MUMMY", ppl worship them as if they are superior being. Most nigerians can't go down on their knees in their house & talk 2 their creator, if daddy has no laid hands on their head, their prayers won't be answered.A lot of ppl have gone astray becos of all this fake prophecy....pls my ppl! Open ur eyes, u can also talk 2 God in ur own way & ur prayers will be answered, He luvs us more than anybody. Stay blessed peeps
Hi,u re worse dan dat man. U didn't read d write up,n u jumped ryt 2 d conclusion. My dear,u re clueless
Dumb ass he's not Igbo. Do u have a problem with ur eyes? Don't u read before u comment. Asswipe. AMD
You this foolish prince jobless, why are u so stupid n tribalistic? Who says d guy is Igbo? Is akwa ibom Igbo? Wt if he is igbo? This act has nothing to do with the tribe, we have heard stories of peeps 4rm other tribes act the way this man did! I dnt blame u, when u live in a place where men wear skirts, y wnt ur brain be on reverse... Enormous fool
Ode....who told u he's igbo? Olodo oshi!
I can see u really need glasses. Onye ara who told u d man is igbo?
STFU! Does Edet Etok-Akpan sond like an igbo name?.....if u ave nothing to say den don't comment its nt by force irritant u disgust mi....*rme*
Prince jobless anya gi owu ogo gi..hw dat name tak sound like igbo name to u..aka ewu.
So true!
Who give am winch in the first place?
This prince jobless of guy how I wish I know U̶̲̥̅̊ in person wuld hv beat the hell out of U̶̲̥̅̊,same goes to d father of dis inno girl stupid ppl
This post just shows how a lot of Nigerians from WEST of the River Niger think about all other tribes and assume they're all Igbo. While you are calling someone else ignorant, you are the most ignorant person on this post.
Life is spiritual. Selah. U can't solve a spiritual problem with carnal solutions. The parents are ignorant and in my opinion they should be forgiven. If they knew any beta they won't have done such
Best comment ...
Mothafucker parent.wicked more dan witch.
Mothafucker parent wicket more dan witch.
Mothafucker parent wicket more dan witch.
Prince joblessforeva go back to the thread linda posted on diabetes and read what a senior citizen wrote about u! Sorry for ya life
Mothafucker parent wicket more dan witch.
This man is a fool, and d prophet is a doom prophet, cos if d so call prophet is a good one, he only need to conduct deliverance on d girl. And pray her out. Genration killers. God ve mercy on u doomed prophet.
I think that article was right when they said 18million Nigerians are insane, this is just one of the many lot.
Hmmmmm! The Evil that Men do really surprises the devil emself!
Devil has really relocated to earth!
With the treatment melted on her, Between ds innocent girl nd d parents hu r Evil abi witch nw????
May God help US!
They should arrest the pastor too. God knows how many innocent children he has proclaimed to be witches and wizards and recommended torturing to.
Who told you the poor little girl needs deliverance??
Linda, do you have any details on how we can help the girl. Medical and school care?
The real witch is in Aso Rock and legislation not this small child. Idiot father
I don't want to debate anyone's beliefs but any preacher/prophet that tells anyone that their child is the cause of evil in their lives, is the epitome of evil itself. Preying on the helpless and the poor as a means to explain your misfortune is not only inhumane, but stupid. Nigeria is tough, lets face it, and that child had nothing to do with it. People need to put their energy into challenging the status quo instead of preying on children!
I am sure the guy was suffering long before the dear child was born, and for him to treat his own daughter this way almost makes me believe he deserves whatever misery he is in.
Let us be honest with our beliefs. If you want to claim to be a Christian, the least you can do is read the bible properly. Jesus was a humble man, one who spoke out against corruption and abuse of power in his time. He didn't prey on children to explain the calamities that people were in. In fact, I don't recall him preying on anyone!
Ignorant is virus indeed, if a prophet, pastor, bishop or whoever that told you that your mother, father, wife, child, mother or father inlaw even your house help is a witch and also be the responsible of your quandaries but unable to cast the demon out, such a person is not speaking of God, because God almighty cannot be an instigator of stupefaction, so take note of that, other than, the trouble churches are facing now is that our so called men of God has reduce the power of God into human knowledge, and then bringing so much confusion in the body of Christ, which is the reason the churches can no longer act with God these days.
The truth is that man has the abilities to cram bible from genesis to revelation and preach it mightly to inspire people, you can do all that as it pleases you without heaven support. The bible can be cram but the power of God cannot be learn anywhere because it’s heavenly gift from God almighty and never come by human perspicacity, of which the holy spirit does as he will.
So, I pray people should take a big lesson from the mistake of this family and don’t allow the so called men of God to be misleading you in everything. Because to Kill a witch is not the best way out, you can kill a person but you can’t kill the spirit, remember, We are not fighting the flesh and blood but spirit being, therefore deliverance is the only solution to your problems.
My pastor made me to understand that a person can be possess by demon without knowing, as evil spirit will be using the persons image to carry out missions whereas the person have no idea, even many you call witches and wizerds today are innocent, in some cases where you dream and see someone attacking you but unknown to the person. So, in that case if you kill such a person it means you kill an innocent one, and that will worst your situation for condemning an immage of God wrongly.
This is a big lesson because many families are facing this kind of trouble in their homes today and people dies, even many reject their mother or father at village, and afraid of visiting their home because of what their pastors or prophets told them concerning their close relatives, you have been to Ten different places and they all saying the same thing pointing accusing finger on one person but none of them could be able to deliver the accuse person, see my brother and sister never you believe such thing because it's one of the satan strategy to destroy your family.
And for more judicious, I urge you to watch the message on this link;
Hmmmm, wonders shall never end, the so called father of the girl, what's his level of education(maybe first leaving certificate), hmmm, what's his biz (maybe selling crayfish) but he is comparing his life with that of Dangote, goat, ewu, animal. Just my observations.
D man is just very very foolish N should be jaid 4 life
Religion is the most effective tool of deception.
Watch another tough case for you to learn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeB2mflDCnU
Becuase this not biafra news that is why you guys say calaba or akwa ibom and cross rivers is not igbo ,purely igbo,ok how about guy that bahead his father in abakaliki last week ?
I think this Jobless guy enjoys the insults and curses lib readers haul at him cos I don't understand why pple insult u so much on every tin u post and u won't just stop, pause or back off. U really like suffer what a shame!
Three Factors are responsible for this brutality, which the father displayed against his daughter!.................................ILLITERACY is the first one..No educated parent will take such foolish prophecy from a more foolish prophetess....education opens up your reasoning!...A six Year old girl as the cause of your problems(huh???)..U must b "Unsmart" to believe that!.....................................POVERTY is the second factor!...when people are poor, they tend to want to blame others for their miserable condition,,,Instead of looking inwards to find out what it is "They are'nt doing right" they lash out at others.................................LACK OF LOVE....is the third factor..Even if the child is a witch, any loving parent will seek a solution through deliverance, counselling etc...But those parents had no love in the heart!..Afterall jesus cast out demons..he didn't torture them.......That being said those are Despicable parents! Shame on them......Aymii
Was the man very rich six years ago before the girl was born? If not the man should be jailed for life.
A member of d Juju-infested Tribe of Yoruba ranting carelesly and stupidly. D earlier u go deal with d ritual killings and fetish practices prevalent amongst ur ppl d better for ur disgruntled tribe.
When u are having free access to d oil wealth frm dat region u won't rant dat Akwa Ibom and CRS are Ibos.
It has so become customary and shameful for a tribe dat prides itself as having hi literacy to resort to speaking from both sides of d mouth for their political and selfish gains. Why are d Yorubas never consistent in life? Dey always believe dey can keep on deceiving d rest of d country with their inconsistent lies.
Today, u hold one opinion. D next day u change, and begin shouting another opposite thing. Chameleons of Africa, dat's what u are! Bloody and greedy liars!
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