What are the causes of High Blood Pressure in young people? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 27 February 2013

What are the causes of High Blood Pressure in young people?

Can we discuss this please? Hypertension is no longer an 'old age' problem'. The rate at which young people collapse and die these days is alarming. Are there doctors in the house that can talk to us about what causes high blood pressure in young people and what we can do to prevent it?


Anonymous said...

taking a seat in the front row so i can my teacher well...#dontdisturb# is lecture time

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

I am not of the medical profession but I know these facts about HBP.
The exact causes of high blood pressure are not known, but several factors and conditions may play a role in its development, including:
Being overweight or obese
Lack of physical activity
Too much salt in the diet
Too much alcohol consumption(more than 1 to 2 drinks per day
Family history of high blood pressure
Chronic kidney disease
Adrenal and thyroid disorders.
Those factors you can prevent and cut down on should be done and visit a GP for check up regularly.

Anonymous said...

Yeh I'm also interested in knowing abt dis 2!
So doctors ova 2 u!
No misyaners please!
Billie jean

ADEMOLA said...

Nice topic, we need to know

Anonymous said...

These could be due to heart abnormalities, obesity(diet),legal and illegal use of drugs, smoking, genetice, lack of exercise and sodium(salt) in the diet

Atobatele said...

Causes can be any of these:
Smoking, Excess salt, Alcohol and caffeine or excess weight.
Cigarette smoking affects the body in several ways, including the blood vessels, which can become damaged, narrowed and hardened resulting in or increasing high blood pressure. Young adults who smoke become more prone to blood vessel damage, strokes and heart diseases. By quitting smoking, they can reduce the risk of these complications to a great extent.

Eating excess dietary salt causes the kidneys to retain more water and release chemicals that cause or narrowing of the blood vessels, resulting in increased blood pressure. Adults who already have high blood pressure should be cautious in using daily requirements of salt, which should not be more than 1.5 grams, flavored spices and decreasing salty foods such as chips and store-bought sauces can decrease dietary salt.

Young adults often consume large quantities of coffee and alcohol. Alcohol consumption in excessive amounts damages the functioning of the liver, kidneys and brain and can causes severe dehydration and metabolic acidosis particularly those with other risk factors for high blood pressure should reduce or avoid drinking alcohol. Coffee and other foods caffeine-containing foods cause vasoconstriction and hence increase blood pressure.

Young adults that are overweight or have a sedentary or less active lifestyle are at higher risk for high blood pressure. Obesity with hypertension increases the risks of complications, as it exerts more pressure on the heart's activity and increases the levels of fats and cholesterol that damage the blood vessels. By reducing weight and exercising regularly, young adults can have better control of their blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke, heart attacks and other metabolic disorders.

Atobatele said...

Causes can be any of these:
Smoking, Excess salt, Alcohol and caffeine or excess weight.
Cigarette smoking affects the body in several ways, including the blood vessels, which can become damaged, narrowed and hardened resulting in or increasing high blood pressure. Young adults who smoke become more prone to blood vessel damage, strokes and heart diseases. By quitting smoking, they can reduce the risk of these complications to a great extent.

Eating excess dietary salt causes the kidneys to retain more water and release chemicals that cause or narrowing of the blood vessels, resulting in increased blood pressure. Adults who already have high blood pressure should be cautious in using daily requirements of salt, which should not be more than 1.5 grams, flavored spices and decreasing salty foods such as chips and store-bought sauces can decrease dietary salt.

Young adults often consume large quantities of coffee and alcohol. Alcohol consumption in excessive amounts damages the functioning of the liver, kidneys and brain and can causes severe dehydration and metabolic acidosis particularly those with other risk factors for high blood pressure should reduce or avoid drinking alcohol. Coffee and other foods caffeine-containing foods cause vasoconstriction and hence increase blood pressure.

Young adults that are overweight or have a sedentary or less active lifestyle are at higher risk for high blood pressure. Obesity with hypertension increases the risks of complications, as it exerts more pressure on the heart's activity and increases the levels of fats and cholesterol that damage the blood vessels. By reducing weight and exercising regularly, young adults can have better control of their blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke, heart attacks and other metabolic disorders.

Anonymous said...

Hypertension is also know as high blood pressure, its having a blood pressure above 120/80mmgh. When hypertension has no known cause its known as primary hypertension, But if there's a known cause it is called Secondary. The main causes of hypertension includes, high intake of sodium(salt), some drugs can also cause hypertension EG Nsaids also known as pain relievers eg ibuprofen, naproxen etc cough supressants can also cause hypertension, certan disease conditions like kidney disease can lead to hypertension too. Other causes includes alcohol consumption n smoking, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, stress etc

Anonymous said...

Elevated blood pressure without a known cause. It occurs when the systolic pressure is consistently over 140 mm Hg, or the diastolic blood pressure is consistently over 90 mm Hg. Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood pumped, by the actions of the heart, and by the size and condition of the arteries. Untreated high blood pressure can cause narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and result in heart attacks, strokes, and kidney disease.

Usually no symptoms, fatigue, mild headache.

A history and physical exam will be performed. Serial blood pressure checks will be done to confirm the diagnosis. Other tests to rule out other causes of hypertension may be recommended.

CBC, Chem 12, UA, X-Ray, EKG

Other Specific Tests: Renal vascular ultrasound if indicated

Internal Medicine, Family Practice, Pediatrics

Treatment may include: antihypertensive medications, loss of excess weight, dietary changes, lifestyle changes, and exercise. Certain medications can increase blood pressure and adjustments in these medications may be helpful.

Anonymous said...

for one thing, people should not underestimate the power of exercise.. a sedentary lifestyle has many long term problems..also it may run in your family that makes you getting it inevitable

Anonymous said...

our LIB doctors, oyaa o this is very important to know.say no to untimely death.

Anonymous said...

Ask Google...


I am no doctor but these are the causes to the best of my knowledge.

How much water and salt you have in your body
The condition of your kidneys, nervous system, or blood
The levels of different body hormones.
Your Genes.
It's common with black people.
And it's stress related.

Anonymous said...

What is high blood pressure?
Blood pressure is a measure of how hard the blood pushes against the walls of your arteries as it moves through your body. It’s normal for blood pressure to go up and down throughout the day, but if it stays up, you have high blood pressure. Another name for high blood pressure is hypertension.
When blood pressure is high, it starts to damage the blood vessels, heart, and kidneys. This can lead to heart attack, stroke, and other problems. High blood pressure is called a "silent killer,'' because it doesn't usually cause symptoms while it is causing this damage.
Your blood pressure consists of two numbers: systolic and diastolic. Someone with a systolic pressure of 120 and a diastolic pressure of 80 has a blood pressure of 120/80, or "120 over 80."
The systolic number shows how hard the blood pushes when the heart is pumping.
The diastolic number shows how hard the blood pushes between heartbeats, when the heart is relaxed and filling with blood.
High blood pressure is 140/90 or higher. Adults should have a blood pressure of less than 120/80. Many people fall into the category in between, called prehypertension. People with prehypertension need to make lifestyle changes to bring the blood pressure down and help prevent or delay high blood pressure.
About 1 out of 3 adults in the Nigeria has high blood pressure.
What causes high blood pressure?
In most cases, doctors can't point to the exact cause. But several things are known to raise blood pressure, including being very overweight, drinking too much alcohol, having a family history of high blood pressure, eating too much salt, and getting older.
Your blood pressure may also rise if you are not very active, you don't eat enough potassium and calcium, or you have a condition called insulin resistance.
What are the symptoms?
High blood pressure doesn't usually cause symptoms. Most people don't know they have it until they go to the doctor for some other reason.
Very high blood pressure can cause headaches, vision problems, nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms can also be caused by dangerously high blood pressure called malignant high blood pressure. It may also be called a hypertensive crisis or hypertensive emergency. Malignant high blood pressure is a medical emergency.
How is high blood pressure diagnosed?
Most people find out that they have high blood pressure during a routine doctor visit. For your doctor to confirm that you have high blood pressure, your blood pressure must be at least 140/90 on three or more separate occasions. It is usually measured 1 to 2 weeks apart.
You may have to check your blood pressure at home if there is reason to think the readings in the doctor's office aren't accurate. You may have what is called white-coat hypertension, which is blood pressure that goes up just because you're at the doctor’s office.
How is it treated?
Treatment depends on how high your blood pressure is, whether you have other health problems such as diabetes, and whether any organs have already been damaged. Your doctor will also consider how likely you are to develop other diseases, especially heart disease.
You can help lower your blood pressure by making healthy changes in your lifestyle. If those lifestyle changes don't work, you may also need to take pills. Either way, you will need to control your high blood pressure throughout your life.
Most people take more than one pill for high blood pressure. Work with your doctor to find the right pill or combination of pills that will cause the fewest side effects.
What can you do to prevent high blood pressure?
Making lifestyle changes can help you to prevent high blood pressure. You can:
Stay at a healthy weight or lose extra weight.
Eat less salt and salty foods.
Exercise regularly.
Cut back on drinking. Limit alcohol to 2 drinks a day for men and 1 drink a day for women.

I hope the above answers the question for you Linda.

Bee said...

Hypertension is a very big topic so i will just try to summarize. There are certain traits, conditions or habits that are known to raise the risk for high blood pressure and we usually classify them as either controllable or non controllable.
The ones we can’t control are Age, race (more common in blacks), family history, Gender (greater in men, women are more like to be aware and get treatment).
Others are within our control and include: overweight or obesity, being physically inactive, using tobacco, too much salt in your diet, too little potassium, drinking too much alcohol, stress, certain chronic conditions (high cholesterol, diabetis, kidney disease) and sometimes pregnancy. Now as we all know prevention is better than cure. What we can do in prevention is to work on those risk factors earlier identified as controllable: which include salt restriction in diet, weight control, reducing your alcohol intake, and exercising regularly. Finally regular visits to see your doctor for checkups and blood pressure checks (using a mercury sphygmomanometer) is advised in the presence or absence of any of the above risk factors.

Anonymous said...

High level of cholesterol in the arteries causes hypertension.

This is a direct result of bad diet and eating some food e.g. eating too many eggs, too much alcohol consumption.

Unknown said...

Obesity,kidney diseases, drugs (cocaine, steroids, cold relief medicines, birth control pills) can cause hypertension. However diet, lifestyle changes, salt reduction, aerobic exercise trainings can help in checking this condition \ disease


Imma wait and learn from experts. D rate is alarming.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

One of the courses of high blood pressure is STRESS.Long hours working, so many hours in traffic..unheathly food.. And no regulary medical checkup leads to HBP, Diabetes etc..

Let us try to make sure we take care of our health, eat not just carbs but a balance diet..exercise ..and sleep as much as possible.God help us.

epotimet said...

i dont know the causes... but i know healthy living and healthy eating can prevent it...

simple baby said...

I feel there is a direct correlation between "good living" in naija and coronary heart disease. You could term this a lifestyle mishap of sorts. The more succesful you are in this country the less physical exertion you are exposed to. The typical office person spends a great deal of their time seated confined either in an air-conditioned car or in the office, lots of luncheons,fast foods, carbohydrate and oil intense meals and hardly any exercise not to mention the smoking and alcohol drinking amongst some. This is a recipe for disaster Hence the build of plaque. Consistent cardio exercises and a low fat diet will avert this in later life. People need to get out more and break a sweat.

chidinma said...

The main risk factors for hypertension are smoking, genetics, fatty and high salt foods, diabetes, weight higher than the BMI (18-25) and lack of exercise. I say check your status bp normal is 120/80. Buy a blood pressure cuff and check your bp twice a week ( for a week for a young person). If your bp is above 140/90 is is borderline hypertension. Best thing is to keep tabs on your health because hypertension is a lifelong condition no cure. You can only regulate it. Lastly if your hypertensive please take your medications because honestly hypertension leads to a host of other conditions like stroke, cardiac arrest, etc

Anonymous said...

I am sure there are enough articles on the internet elaborating on this topic. Get off blogspot and adsense already and do some educated searches.

Anonymous said...

You cant prevent something if you dont care...Most Nigerians dont even go get a check up...Prevention and Promotion is the key...First you need to know your risk (fam history, lifestyle). Then you can start from some where. Nigeria should invest more on healthcare, I understand oil is necessary but Health is as well. If you dont have health you have nothing. The End

Nurse Lele

Anonymous said...

and Im from the US and always concerned about Nigerians health...It should be priority...

Nurse Lele

Anonymous said...

Hbp in young pple could be hereditary, Obesity, Diabetes, trauma. Reduced stressful activities, excercise, reduced calorie intake can reduce d risk of hpb

Anonymous said...

Stress can lead to hypertension . It is advisable to exercise atleast for 30mins daily to reduce d stress level which reduces d blood pressure

Unknown said...

Linda, thank you for publishing this. please, doctors help us!!!!

Anonymous said...

Most of the cause is familiar and genetic. Alcohol and smoking also predisposes to it. So is lack of exercise

Anonymous said...

Yeah first 2 comment, any doctor in th house pliz we're waiting 4 ur comment....... Talk pliz

Anonymous said...

Linda, is it just doctor in the house, what of doctor alredy at working? Iam doctor but alredy at my job place. I like to talk about this blod pleshure. It is in the dangeros diseses. Young peple tinkin too much this days. They are likin too much money. Thas why. I hope this anser helpin plenty peple now. But Linda, no more discremenate again. Some doctor go working, some doctor did not go working they stay in the house. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yes lindastic ,I am a doctor.causes of hypertension in the young include obesity,smoking and the use of narcotics by young people,it could be hereditary,it could be due to kidney problems which can result from smoking and narcotics,it could be due to stress same way stress affects older peole and cause hypertension.please eatt right and avoid drugs and quit smoking igbo etc

misse said...

i am not a doctor but i've suffered from high blood pressure since i was about 23 although i didn't start taking any medication till i was 26. in my case there was nothing i could do to prevent it as mine is inherited. i take medication but i also exercise and watch what i eat(im not overweight either for those thinking its for fat people). i was lucky because i got myself checked out and all the necessary checks were done. i think its important for more young people to start taking their health seriously by watching what they eat/drink regular exercise and also health checkups

misse said...

oh btw im only 29 now lol

great phyzik said...


akinbobola cole said...

Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure above normal (120/80mmHg). So anyone with a BP persistently above 140/90mmHg can be said to be hypertensive.
Hypertension may be PRIMARY or SECONDARY as the case maybe. Primary hypertension a.k.a Essential hypertension is due to no known cause. It is the commonest and it is seen mostly in the elderly (40yrs n over). It is usually hereditary.
Secondary Hypertension is due to an underlying cause.I.e something wrong in the body resulting in an elevated blood pressure.for example ; kidney failure, diabetes e.t.c.
Often when young people are diagnosed with hypertension ; the doctors suspect secondary; until tests prove otherwise.
When an individual is diagnosed of High Blood Pressure ; immediate care should begin because if it is not managed it could or will end up as severe cases; like stroke or eventually untimely date.
Hypertension is a silent killer; most times a lot of people go on with there daily activities without knowing they are hypertensive.
Hypertension can be managed by lifestyle modifications and as well as treatment with drugs.
It is important that once placed on thesé drugs ; one should endeavour to follow the dosage strictly.
Unmanaged hypertension would result in end organ damage and untimely death.
So I would advice that people should goto there doctors and do regular check up; not only for hypertension but for other things.
Health is wealth . Akinbobola Cole

Anonymous said...

High blood pressure can be hereditary. My husband is 46yrs and has had it since he was 34yrs. Both his parents were hypertensive. I also believe something always triggers it. Anyway, once it is discovered, the best thing is to make sure you take your medications DAILY. Have regular check-up and keep to your doctors advise. Especially as it relates to your diet. As for bankers, we can only pray the banking system makes their lifes better. The stress bankers go through can also contribute to elevated blood pressure. My candid advise to bankers is to really take things easy, i had to resign when i almost collapsed when we went to see a customer. My blood pressure is fine. I now do my own business and take care of my children and husband.

Anonymous said...

How about stress? www.thedeevacentre.com

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this topic Linda, can the Doctors in the house also explain why its more common in black people? i tire every thing na black man: High BP, Sickle cell is it a crime to be black? i would appreciate the answer because i am an AS genotype you have no idea how annoying it is to ask any potential toaster by the way "whats your genotype"?.........Sassy Stardust..please post my comment Linda thank you.

Anonymous said...

If you are not a medical professional, why don't you use this opportunity to sit and listen (strong hint to Prince Charming)? Your voice doesn't have to be heard every DAMN time especially when the question has been specifically directed to someone else OTHER than you. I-too-know can cause hypertension too o.

Anonymous said...

Tanx Doctors in the house,pls does lime and lemon help in loosin weight?

Dr T said...

There are basically 2types of hypertension;primary/Essential and secondary hypertension.primary has no underlying cause and its what we have in the older age group,while secondary has an underlying cause and found commonly in younger age group although these days there is increasing number of young adults with primary type due to life style choices.major causes of secondary type are(1) renal causes(renal artery stenoses,glomerulonephritis)2.Hormonal causes( eg cushings syndrome,thyrotoxicosis etc) 3.use of steroids and so on.it is essential to always check our blood pressure as it may b the only pointer to a life threatning problem which could be curable for d secondary type.whateva form of hypertension u have been diagnosed with the main goal is to bring the blood pressure down which is achievable with life style modification,diet,exercise and medication

Anonymous said...

Well, its nice that Linda is dealing with an important topic for once. That aside, I have been diagnosed with HBP,this was back in 2010, then I was doing my PhD and was probably going through times when I was not sleeping for 5 days straight at the most and under constant stress just trying to get my PhD finished in time before I got married in 2011. Anyways, story for another day.

I was exercising 3x a week and trying to loose weight as I had plummeted to 94kg (in a space of 8yrs I suppose) from a healthy size 12 in 2001. Funny enough when I was much younger (about 19), I was diagnosed with having LBP. Main causes of both my LBP and HBP I believe was stress and thinking too much. Trust me on this, I overthink and give myself headache on everything from Family matters, relationship, work life etc.

Anyways, my health history, I dont drink, smoke however being overweight was part of my downfall. After finding out three years ago that I had HBP, i have been back to the gym trying to loose the extra weight im carrying. I dont believe in drugs and so weight loss is just the best idea.

Now three years one, my HBP is giving me more of a struggle than anything else. Ive had to change my exercise regime, but aerobics, swimming, cycling and walking are meant to be helpful, however walking creates less exertion so it is recommended.

Goldie died on my bday (we were born in the same yr, shame), and on that day I was very much ill, I know the signs, dizziness, light headache feeling faint, luckily my body is so in-tuned that i know when my BP has risen so now im taking home remedy

zobo is good for the heart and research says it can lower bp, so drinking zobo without flavor or sugar has been my next best thing, eating pawpaw on an empty stomach is also advised. I haven't tried it but will do. Ive been sat on the internet trying to find out other remedies.

BTW, i dont eat salt, dont v family history but unfortunately im the only member of the family with BP problems. I know what triggers my BP and am trying so hard not too think too hard any longer (shame as this is not me). I am now lecturing at the University, which means added stress but I try as much as possible to listen to my body.

It is good to try and find out more info abt BP problems and especially it not being related to old age anymore, however it is also good to have some lifestyle changes as this might be helpful.

May God save us from untimely death and may we fulfill all we have been destined to fulfill in life ijn

S̶̲̥̅̊W̶̲̥̅̊E̶̲̥̅̊E̶̲̥̅̊T̶̲̥̅̊S̶̲̥̅̊ H̶̲̥̅̊O̶̲̥̅̊N̶̲̥̅̊E̶̲̥̅̊Y̶̲̥̅̊ S̶̲̥̅̊U̶̲̥̅̊G̶̲̥̅̊A̶̲̥̅̊R̶̲̥̅̊ said...

All the human anatomic explanations with the use of the human skeleton av ever seen mostly are the male skeleton!

Buh bcos our madam aproko Linda wants to drive home some points datz why she decides to fish out the female skeleton to score some points cos of her curiousity!

Thank U̶̲̥̅̊ madam linda....got your drifts! May her soul rest in peace, amen!

Anonymous said...

Nice one Linda. Exactly what's on my mind o!!!. Just left the hospital now and I was told to watch it cos my bp is high. Mine is actually stress related. Its not funny @ all cos am just 26. I intend to relax more now, eat well, do things that make me smile. Push my worries away knowing God is in control. And start exercising

Anonymous said...

Did you jus get this from google mshewww

Anonymous said...

I am a 33-year old male and hypertensive. Like many young people who now have this condition, I was shocked when I was diagnosed with it. I learnt from various doctors and a cardiologist whom I consulted that while the condition is hereditary, it could be precipitated by stress, poor dietary habits and lack of physical exercise. And I was particularly guilty of all 3 risk factors. Certain habits like smoking and alcohol are also risk factors. Most young people nowadays feel it is cool to smoke, but there are consequences, so I have learnt.

Anonymous said...

I realize in our culture we take snoring (especially men snoring) as normal, but snoring can have its side effect too.

Snoring with sleep apnea can cause harm to our body. Besides all the root causes listed as reasons for HBP, snoring with severe sleep apnea is also a cause of HBP.

Clover said...

I would say the cause is mostly stress (financial, emotional or academic), salty food and problem with hormones can also lead to high blood pressure. I know a lady who has this very often. It's very important to rest and immediately decrease workload or whatever causes the stressful situation.

Anonymous said...

Hypertension is also sometimes caused by being unsatisfied.
Not that we shouldn't strive...but I guess trying to achieve that balance is very important.

Striving | Relaxing | Contemplation

And a regular trip to the Doctor's.

Anonymous said...

Hypertension is defined as persistently elevated blood pressure. Optimal bp is <120/80...and you should be concerned when its 140/90 and above.
2 types of hypertension exist-primary/essential hypertension in which case there is no cause. Primary/essential hypertension occurs in every age group but especially older people. It cannot be cured, it can only be controlled with drugs and lifestyle modification.
The second type is secondary hypertension in which there is a cause that can be removed..secondary hypertension occurs in young people but can also occur in older people.
Once you have been told by your doctor that your blood pressure is high, depending on your age, your doctor must look for a cause and also check if any organs have been damaged by the high bp
Causes of secondary hypertension include mostly
1. Kidney diseases-ranges from infections , kidney stones, congenital problems
2. Abnormal kinking of major vessels like the aorta and renal arteries
3.Endocrine diseases- various glands in different parts of the body produce hormones and this can be problematic if produced in excessive amounts
4.Use of drugs like contraceptive pills, NSAIDS (Aspirin, felvin, diclofenav e.t.c in excessive amounts), anabolic steroids (used in body building by some, and also a content of most bleaching creams), alcohol in excess
5. Pregnancy induced hypertension -usually resolves after baby is born but still needs to be controlled by drugs while the person is still pregnant
6.Type A personalities-extremely serious go getters, seriously minded people, people who believe things will crash if they aren't at work...this is not an absolute cause but can predispose to it

More importantly, reasons for its high prevalence in our generation include poor diet, consumption of highly refined foods and drinks, extreme stress, sedentary lifestyle, no exercises, use and abuse of both medical and social drugs, poor sleep

How do u prevent it? Modify your lifestyle, choose natural foods, reduce d amounts of salt you consume, stay active as much as you can, walk for at least 30 minutes daily if you are so busy and can't do exercises intensively, drink lots of water, reduce the amount of alcohol/energy drinks you consume, sleep for at least 7-8hrs daily, eat something green everyday I.e veggies
Have regular annual or oncw in two years check up. Have qualified doctors examine you and do appropriate investigations necessary for your age, gender, lifestyle and family history e.g you may not need an ECG or mammograph till a certain age but you definitely need a pap smear if you are sexually active, things like your bp should be checked at every opportunity you have
Finally, this is not a topic that can be exhausted here...NIGERIANS NEED TO START READING AND ASKING QUESTIONS. you have a right to know what is been injectes into your system. If you ask your doctor about your health amd he/she gets angry at your curiosity he/she needn't be your doctor in the first place. Read up on your medications and their side effects on the leaflets...use google...its free!

Above all, live right

yvonne said...

sometimes hbp is pregnancy induced like in my case.i would like to know why as my daughter is about a year now and i still have to take drugs as a result of dis

yvonne said...

sometimes hbp is pregnancy induced like in my case.i would like to know why as my daughter is about a year now and i still have to take drugs as a result of dis

Anonymous said...

Haaa!!! Which kain doc be this? You must be a joker!

Anonymous said...

@PRINCE JOBLESS you probably won't have work related stress being jobless and proud of it but you will surely have hypertension by spewing out hateful comments on the blogosphere.

Anonymous said...

Cheat! U spied d answer. Lool...

Anonymous said...

Good to know;exercise is the key but stress in Nigeria is too much;let's watch what we spent time on;especially stress related;

Anonymous said...

Jesu! What is this?.my eyes oooo!dis one fit give person hypertension walahi! *runs off for immediate checkup*...Beulah

Moi Moi said...

All of the above are correct...
The ones we can't change are the key ones... Genetics as related to family history..
The rest can be modified..

Anonymous said...

Welldone linda you are doing well thou you are chasing soft sell magazine out of the market;your clog is quite entertaining

Anonymous said...

You seem anti black in Some of your comment hhmmnn nawa oo go and kill half of your body now mixed breed ! Shiior

hairville said...

Primary (or essential) hypertension is when the cause is unknown. The majority of hypertension cases are primary. When there is an underlying problem such as kidney disease or hormonal disorders that can cause hypertension, it is called secondary hypertension. When it is possible to correct the underlying cause, high blood pressure usually improves and may even return to normal.

Other factors that can contribute to hypertension include:

age (blood pressure usually increases with age)
excessive alcohol consumption
lack of exercise
sleep apnea

For ur human hair, pls contact 'Hairville': 281cfe49

Anonymous said...





Psalm 119:9 How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word.

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
2 Peter 2:19 They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity--for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.

Now consider this invitation dear young guy/ lady;

Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (invitation tendered with lol by Jesus Christ)


Anonymous said...

This ur oyinbo sef fit give person HBP. R u sure u r a medical doctor.

Princewill said...

Jet age! When young people are also living a life on the fast lane and being saddled with responsibilities like the matured adults.. what then should one expect?

Anonymous said...

Hypertension is defined as blood pressure greater than 140/90mmHg after three consecutive checks.
Pls check ur blood pressure at least once a month, as long as you are 20 and above.
Pls kindly check your blood sugar once a month too, 20yrs and above.
For women, if U v had a delivery where baby was really big or a stillbirth, go to a good lab and screen yourself for Diabetes Mellitus.
Pls, I beg everyone, tobacco in any form and alcohol are extremely dangerous to your health especially when you have a family history of hypertension.
Let me state that the importance of checking your BP regularly is so that you have a baseline, you know the normal.
Now when you have an idea of the normal and you notice its higher than normal, check it again for the next two days especially in the morning before starting your day to eliminate stress and anxiety provided you slept well the night before.
Note that it doesn't matter your age, if after three consecutive checks, ur doctor diagnoses you of hypertension, please ask him or her for proper medical advice, U may not need drugs yet depending on the degree of hypertension, it may just be lifestyle modification (diet, exercise, quit smoking and alcohol).
Don't say its not my portion.
NOTE: There are no herbal drugs or drugs from China or India that cure hypertension.
Neither hypertension nor diabetes can be CURED.
All we do is control them to the level good enough for the body's physiology optimally.
Finally, hypertension kills, don't ignore it, spread the news, the only way to live long and see your grandchildren if you are hypertensive is to take your drugs as a ritual cos your life depends on it.
PS:do well to ask d Doctor closest to U lots of questions, use d internet too. Theres nothing to be afraid of.

hairville said...

Errrrm @Anon 3:17pm....itz obvious u'r tryna make us laugh. It's actually not funny! Try another profession other than comedy :) and contribute meaninfully here. thank u.

Derah O said...

there are 2 types of hypertension:
1.Primary/Essential hypertension which most times the cause is unknown.
2. Secondary hypertension which is caused by a previous underlying disease in the body(i.e kidney pathology,Endocrinal pathology e.g diabetes,conn's syndrome,thyrotoxicosis,hypothyroidism and others)The main RISK FACTORS for HYPERTENSION(high bld pressure)are:
-Family history of hypertension(i.e when either a parent or a grandparent v it)
-being overweight/obese
Race- blacks are more prone to hypertension
Gender-males are more prone
-Age-the older u get,d chances of hbp increases.
-Increased salt intake,because ur body retains fluid n it can lead to increased bld pressure
chronic pathologies(kidney n endocrinal)
-smoking and alcohol too can aid in getting hypertensive.
What do these risk factors mean-it just means that if you have any of the above risk factors that your chances of getting hypertensive is higher than that of someone without any of them,i.e the more numbers of risk factors,the higher ur chances of getting hypertension n vice versa.
hypertension can even be caused due to the side effects of some medications(glucocorticoids/steroids)
And also what tends to kill is when people are in hypertensive crisis...
So endeavor to always visit your doctor,if not twice a yr... at least once..because it gets to a point that there's no magic we as doctors can do.

Anonymous said...

You must add his copycat PRINCEJOBLESS to ya comment and repost

Anonymous said...

Pls lemme add, there is nothing like 120/80mmHg being a normal blood pressure, if U check your BP regularly, you will know what your own normal is, some people have 90/60mmHg and they are absolutely normal.
I think it is wrong that some people here are just dropping ideas esp d copy and paste ones.

Anonymous said...

LINDA PLS POST SOMETHING ON GENOTYPE. I AM AS (a carrier of sickle cell) and still a single lady at 33 cos I can't find a match that I love too marry.

Unknown said...

sheer stress ..... let them them visit www.stellanivco.com for anistel coconut oil 07036041076

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:38pm, why won't you too visit google? Why the beef? What has this guy done to you people? Are you beefing that he's more intelligent? Haba, try face your business and let him be. Abi you like am? Just tell him nah make we rest abeg. Kai....

Unknown said...

natural supplements will suffice ..... www.stellanivco.com 07036041076

Warri Girl said...

I don’t mean to be a doctor of doom but more Nigerians especially Lagosian will die of high blood pressure, diabetics, obesity and cancer if we don’t go back to the basic. Simple holistic lifestyle. Get rid of the stress, eat healthy, get fresh air and move.

Woomie said...

Thank you very much Linda and may God bless u 4 dis post. I would really love it too if u can please talk about 'Low blood pressure/Hypotension' one of these days as i hear its also dangerous.
I am a victim and i really want to be enlightened.
God bless U as u do so.

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda,

Thank you for bringing up this issue. I am a big fan and this is the first time am leaving a comment. I'm 30 years old and I have suffer from high blood pressure.Last year, i had symptoms of malaria and during the routine check, it was discovered that my BP was 210/110. The doctor was alarmed! Then, he lectured me about the causes of high blood pressure which are; stress, family history of high blood pressure, alcohol, smoking and so on.
My father had high blood pressure and died of stroke. i mean this scared me! I was placed on medications. I don't drink, i don't smoke, i don't even club! But my work was crazy! Zero work/ life balance. I quit that job and got another one.

After a while,I quit the medications because i felt i was ok and I wasn't good at using drugs for a long period( I didn't check my BP again).

Then the headaches came! Oh my! They were BAD! I mean BAD! I won't be able to see clearly,I would throw up till the headaches subsides, no amount of pain relief drugs would work. I went to see another Doctor and was told again that my BP was too high. Then and there, I decided i was going to tackle this, I don't want to die, besides, the headaches were just too much. I did a comprehensive medical check up and was told my salt level was a little high and my potassium level was low.

Now am on medication, i take Co-Micardis once a day and my average blood pressure is 110/70. I was told I am lucky, it could have been worse.

My message here is this, Always do a medical check up irrespective of your lifestyle. It's not always about who drinks, smokes or take drugs. It can be genetic, stress or an indication that there's something wrong with your kidney or some other organ. Also, high blood pressure can be controlled. You just need to take your meds and live a healthy lifestyle.

God bless you Linda!

Anonymous said...

apart from the causes of BP we now know it is very proper to go for regular BP check often because the rate is really high these days. a boy of 18 while preparing for jamb was admitted in the hospital i work late last year of nose bleed of unknown origin after series of tests was done he had high blood presssure

Anonymous said...

Dr ko, Dr ni! You cannot even make a complete sentence that makes a little sense. Oh, my bad, I just realized you could really be a doctor, cuz a native doctor is also a doctor too, lol

Anonymous said...

Why won't young men have high blood pleasure when their wives and girlfriends always demand money for brazilian hair, blackberry and others, plus when you don't give them they start sleeping around with every tom, dick and harry to buy them. This is enough to send one to his early grave.

Anonymous said...

linda said "we"!!!!! LINDA U BE IYA O!!! U ARE KNOCKING ON 50!!! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Whether he googled it or not @least he researched to impact d knowledge to people like u that can't google**oya say thank u to him#envious mind#mtschewwwwww!

mike said...


Anonymous said...

Are you really a doctor? Seriously??

Anonymous said...

I need to to thank уоu for thіs eхcellent reаd!

! I absоlutely enjoyed every bіt of it.
Ι hаνe уou book markеԁ tο lоok аt
new stuff yοu pοѕt… tinnitus

Anonymous said...

hypertension is caused by Stress,poor eating habits,lack of exercise,little or no rest(surfing d internet is not resting) and constant worrying to name a few.To prevent being a statistics,eat right(include vegetables and fruits in ur diet),take supplements(its not just for old people),Stop worrying, learn to trust God(cast ur cares upon Him!) and Laugh more!

Olumide Samuel said...

Although I'm not a doctor, but most of d info is easy to find these days. I think what you eat is very important. Too much anxiety can also cause it. It could also be hereditary. I think as a layman, those are the major causes. The doctors can enlighten us more..

Olumide Samuel said...

Although I'm not a doctor, but most of d info is easy to find these days. I think what you eat is very important. Too much anxiety can also cause it. It could also be hereditary. I think as a layman, those are the major causes. The doctors can enlighten us more..

Anonymous said...

As a dietitian, the underlying factor for all this CHRONIC NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASE is OBESITY;

CHRONIC: Kills you slow VS ACUTE: kills you damn too fast (malaria can kill faster than all CNCD)

NON-COMMUNICABLE: Cannot be transmitted from one person to another through contact

DISEASE: We all know what this is.. Diversion from normal body function.

Anonymous said...

Lmao, copy and paste obviously...

Anonymous said...

Abeg people all those risk factors are critical becaus there are some people that you wouldnt believe could be at risk that are vulnerable e.g my friend didn't smoke, drink very little alchohol like once in 3 months, exercised regularly, wasn't overweight (Body Mass Index was about 22) and was 20when she kept having terrible headaches in scholl. She decided to get to a hospital outside the clinic in the university. On getting there the doctor checked her bp three times cause he was in shock, it was 148/110 and if she didnt notice then he said it would have kept climbing. She makes sure she checks her bp from time to time now. Moral of the Story: Check your bp regardless of age and other factors...signed Obch

Anonymous said...

No be small copying aand pasting o. U go fear lecture na..

Anonymous said...

Lmfao.... No b small google, don't mind this mad man

O~Intuition! said...

Hi Linda,
This is my First time ever commenting on your blog. However, I actually follow your blog like 24-7.
Today, I literally logged in today in order to say THANK YOU for this Educative Topic.... Honestly, I would suggest you balance this kind of educative discussion with the routine "gossips". Sometimes, the 'gossips' is educative/informative for me albeit let’s see a clarity btw the two (the "gossips' and the educative "discussions").
Back to the topic...This site talks about it http://www.ehow.com/about_6167050_reasons-blood-pressure-young-adults.html
In addition, I copied and pasted the following information:

What causes high blood pressure?
In most cases, it is hard to identify the main reason or cause of high blood pressure but there are two types of high blood pressure; primary high blood pressure which evidence shows is down to lifestyle choices like
Poor diet
Lack of exercise:
Being overweight
Excessive alcohol consumption

The other type of high blood pressure is secondary high blood pressure; this is as a result of an underlying condition or cause. These underlying causes include:
Kidney conditions, such as a kidney infection, or kidney disease
Narrowing of the arteries
Hormonal conditions, such as Cushing’s syndrome (a condition where your body produces an excess of steroid hormones)
Conditions that affect the body’s tissue, such as lupus (a condition where the immune system attacks healthy tissue)
Medication, such as the oral contraceptive pill, or the type of painkillers that are known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen
What causes high blood pressure in young people?

High blood pressure in young people rarely stems from secondary high blood pressure causes; it is mostly down to primary causes like
Diet and Exercise - a poor diet and lack of exercise is a primary cause of high blood pressure in young people. Most young people do not exercise regularly and consume large quantities foods high in fat and salt which contribute to them developing high blood pressure.
Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use - regularly smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs has also contributed to the rise of high blood pressure in young people. Smoking, drinking and drug use can also cause a wide range of other health conditions such as cirrhosis of the liver and certain cancers.
Stress -this is a major cause of high blood pressure among young people in their 20s and 30s; high blood pressure caused by stress is mostly connected to everyday life, work related stress and stress related to family life

O~Intuition! said...


What treatment options are available for high blood pressure?
High blood pressure if not treated can be dangerous if exceptionally high or is in a young person there's no cure as such for high blood pressure but following a healthy lifestyle can be enough to bring blood pressure down to a normal level. This is one reason why drug treatment may not be offered for young healthy individuals unless absolutely necessary. To reduce high blood pressure you will need to change your lifestyle, if this doesn’t work then medication may be required. Lifestyle changes required include:

Weight loss
Blood pressure often increases as weight increases so losing a few pounds can help reduce your blood pressure. In general, the more weight you lose, the lower your blood pressure. Men are at risk if their waist measurement is greater than 40 inches and women are at risk if their waist measurement is greater than 35 inches (88 cm).

Regular exercise
Doing at least 30 to 60 minutes of physical can lower your blood pressure by 4 to 9 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).

Eating healthy
Eating a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products can lower your blood pressure by up to 14 mm Hg. It also lowers your cholesterol.

Lower alcohol intake
In small amounts alcohol can potentially lower your blood pressure by 2 to 4 mm Hg. But that protective effect is lost if you drink too much alcohol; generally more than one drink a day for women and more than two a day for men can be bad for your health. It raises your blood pressure and reduces the effectiveness of high blood pressure medications.

Quit smoking
On top of all the other dangers of smoking, the nicotine in tobacco products can raise your blood pressure by 10 mm Hg or more for up to an hour after you smoke. Smoking throughout the day means your blood pressure may remain constantly high. You should also avoid secondhand smoke; inhaling smoke from others also puts you at risk of health problems like high blood pressure and heart disease.

Reduce stress
Stress is probably one of the main factors causing high blood pressure among the younger generation; stress from work, financial problems, family life etc is taking its tool taking some time to identify the causes of stress in your life and eliminating them will help you from developing long term health problems caused by high blood pressure. Deep-breathing exercises, massages as well as yoga or meditation can help eliminate stress.

What about medicine?
This is usually the last resort in treating high blood pressure; high blood pressure medications are called antihypertensive medicines; these reduce blood pressure to normal levels. Once a persons’ blood pressure is controlled with medicine, they’ll need to take it for the rest of their lives.

[**Credits** to the information below]
Read more at Suite101: High Blood Pressure: a Silent Killer Among Young People | Suite101 http://suite101.com/article/high-blood-pressure-a-silent-killer-among-young-people-a278844#ixzz2M7JMDaUX
Follow us: @suite101 on Twitter | Suite101 on Facebook

Thanks Linda!

Princess Gabriela said...

Pls shut up ur mouth! So wat if d person got it from google? Its informative dts d major thing there! Wat did u contribute?? Hater! *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Tell your young people to stop consuming those energy drinks that they mix with alchohol like its some prescription. Anything they bring to this country, they must abuse it to death.
Not saying that is the cause of high blood pressure, but guess what happens to a person who is not aware that they are hypertensive and they down energy drinks and alchohol daily; a recipe for disaster.

Anonymous said...

Seriously........ And call yourself a Dr? Hmmmmmmm God help the patients you treat.

Anonymous said...

Are u for real? Abi u dey clown? I can bet u joking ni else, ur patients r in for it!

Anonymous said...

@AnonymousFebruary 27, 2013 at 3:15 PM wat????

Anonymous said...

My mother became hypertensive at the very young age of 24, I attribute hers to stress and genetics. Cos she had a whole lot of kids then and Pops was not based in town. I have always checked my bp since I turned 20. My mum is a thinker, a worrier and a stresser. (pardon me)

The surprise was my father following suit. This man is a dove, doesnt stress himself, doesnt think much, never worries, not over weight, a fairly healthy eater, a non smoker... just someone that really shouldnt be hypertensive. Yet is. Has been for years now.

My point is, no matter how healthy you are or think you are check your Bp occasionally. Especially when you have those bad headaches that you cant explain. Once you become aware of Bp, check yours from time to time. And who knows you might just prevent your own sudden death.

Linda you ve never posted my comments before but please this is an issue close to ma heart so please post this one.

*Cat Eyes*

Anonymous said...

My mother became hypertensive at the very young age of 24, I attribute hers to stress and genetics. Cos she had a whole lot of kids then and Pops was not based in town. I have always checked my bp since I turned 20. My mum is a thinker, a worrier and a stresser. (pardon me)

The surprise was my father following suit. This man is a dove, doesnt stress himself, doesnt think much, never worries, not over weight, a fairly healthy eater, a non smoker... just someone that really shouldnt be hypertensive. Yet is. Has been for years now.

My point is, no matter how healthy you are or think you are check your Bp occasionally. Especially when you have those bad headaches that you cant explain. Once you become aware of Bp, check yours from time to time. And who knows you might just prevent your own sudden death.

Linda you ve never posted my comments before but please this is an issue close to ma heart so please post this one.

*Cat Eyes*

Anonymous said...

The link below answer your questions:


Anonymous said...

Your figures are not right sir.u have jst decribed what text books right not the reality.

Anonymous said...

At least he gave us useful information. What did u contribute olodo

Anonymous said...

Hypertension is a sustained increase in arterial blood pressure, with the systolic reading equal to or over 140mmHg and/or a diastolic reading greater than or equal to 90mmHg.
There are 2 classes of hypertension; primary and secondary.
Hypertension has loads of risk factors; the black race, ppl aged above 45 yrs, the male gender, women who devpd hypertension during pregnancy, or women who'd used oral contraceptives, obesity, alcohol drinking, cigarette smoking, use of hard drugs, sedentary lifestyle, a high cholesterol diet or diet high in salt content, a family history of hypertension.
Primary hypertension has no apparent cause. This accounts for about 90% of cases.
Secondary hypertension is that which has a cause; could be an underlying pathology, for example, kidney diseases, endocrine pathologies such as diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, phaeochromocytoma, Conn's syndrome, Cushings Syndrome. It could also arise from use of Combined Oral Contraceptive pills and pre-eclampsia (hypertension and excess protein in urine in pregnancy).
When the kidney is damaged,perhaps, as a rslt of poorly treated kidney infections (UTI and the likes), there's a system known as the Renin- Angiotensin- Aldosterone system which gets impaired. That system is triggered when blood flow to the kidney is reduced, as a rslt of damage to the renal bld vessels. Aldosterone, a hormone, which encourages salt and water retention, is released. This has a direct effct on raising the blood pressure.
Diabetes is an endocrine disease( a disease of glands which secrete hormones), which arises from insulin deficiency or the inability of the body's cells to respond to insulin. Diabetes has long-term vascular complications, which may cause constriction( narrowing) of the vessels, resulting to a raised blood pressure.
Pheochromocytoma is a tumour of the adrenal glands, which causes adrenaline and noradrenaline to be secreted in excess. These hormones cause constriction of the vessels which result in a rise in the blood pressure.
Conns syndrome is a hyper-secretion of aldosterone and the effct of aldosterone has been earlier described.
Cushing's Syndrome is also a disease of the adrenal gland, but excess secretion of cortisol hormone is the case here. This hormone potentiates the effect of epinephrine which causes constriction of the vessels, and an increase in blood pressure.

Anonymous said...

major causes of HBP is diet,we use our hard earn money 2 buy chronic diseases,how? fatty foods eg egg,margarine,congaed oil,red meat etc,junk like flour products,can food,and so on.
I am a nutritionist and lifestyle consultant,i always tell people that we do not have hereditary disease but dietary problems,that is d only canker warm that is eating dip into the lifestyle of our human race,such as cancer,arthritis,diabetes,chronic headache,hypertension,etc
1)take nutritional products
2)eat ur dinner early
3)do water therapy
4)laugh a lot
5)keep ur environment clean and so on.
To know more call on 07038448877,08036379435 or email nutrition.optimal@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

major causes of HBP is diet,we use our hard earn money 2 buy chronic diseases,how? fatty foods eg egg,margarine,congaed oil,red meat etc,junk like flour products,can food,and so on.
I am a nutritionist and lifestyle consultant,i always tell people that we do not have hereditary disease but dietary problems,that is d only canker warm that is eating dip into the lifestyle of our human race,such as cancer,arthritis,diabetes,chronic headache,hypertension,etc
1)take nutritional products
2)eat ur dinner early
3)do water therapy
4)laugh a lot
5)keep ur environment clean and so on.
To know more call on 07038448877,08036379435 or email nutrition.optimal@yahoo.com

Ogbaje Chuks said...

There are many causes;they are: 1. Dietry or High Sailt intake(commonest among our people). 2. Renal or kidney pathology. 3. Portal Causes or Liver pathology cause. 4. Familial or genetic cause(some inherit it from parent but can be put under control if detected). 5. Others. Linda it is is important to state that everybody suppose check his or her BP at least once a month bc it symptoms present when stroke has is by the corner! When your BP is greater than 120/80mmHg,please your need medical attention.

Anonymous said...

I just stopped smoking, drinking heavily.May God help me...at least I now know better...my ex had a major issue with it and cost me my relationship...Good habits=Long life literarily except God says it's time...We need to stay alive for ourselves and all those that love us dearly...It is well!Bu**y

Ogbaje Chuks said...

Linda thanks for the write-up! Am ever ready to give insight on any medical or health issue you raise for the benefit of all of us! God bless you!

Anonymous said...

I just stopped smoking, drinking heavily.May God help me...at least I now know better...my ex had a major issue with it and cost me my relationship...Good habits=Long life literarily except God says it's time...We need to stay alive for ourselves and all those that love us dearly...It is well!Bu**y

Anonymous said...

Moron, hbp is classified as systolic BP of 140mmHg and above or diastolic BP of 90mmHg and above or both taken on at least two occasions 6hrs apart

nini said...

Nawa for u guys oh,copying and pasting d whole of google,wivout even editing and putting in ur own opinions..if Linda wanted google answers sure she knows how to get there...Mschewwww SMH for all u all

Anonymous said...

Taking the front row sit with you as well. Thanks Linda for doing this , am 32 and my GP told me in January have high blood pressure.

Anonymous said...

Dr Abba,Hypertension can be defined as an increase in arterial blood pressure above normal(120/80mmHg) for a person's age,sex or geographycal location. It could be generally classified into priamary(essential)when the cause is not known and secondary especially when the cause is known. In young the sedentry lifestyle such as excessive alcohol,smoking,stress,less exercise,obesity,drug abuse such as central acting drugs like cocain,indian hein and genetic(familial) predisposition have been associated with hypertention in the young.These factors enumerated above can be associated with primary hypertension where the secondry causes such as thyriod diseases(thyrotoxicosis),heart diseases(coarctation of the aorta),sleep apnea,chronic kidney diseases,diabeted melliatus,and other endocrine disorders are known to have a rear cause of hypertension in the young! Remedy is modesty,mild alcohol intake especially red wine is good for the heart,avoid central acting drugs as mentioned above,avoid smoking, brisk and regular exercise,not that you don't take salt at all but it must not be added raw In your diet but when cooking and minimize junk foods;also a regular medical check up will be very beneficial and finally fear God!

Anonymous said...

Dr Abba,Hypertension can be defined as an increase in arterial blood pressure above normal(120/80mmHg) for a person's age,sex or geographycal location. It could be generally classified into priamary(essential)when the cause is not known and secondary especially when the cause is known. In young the sedentry lifestyle such as excessive alcohol,smoking,stress,less exercise,obesity,drug abuse such as central acting drugs like cocain,indian hein and genetic(familial) predisposition have been associated with hypertention in the young.These factors enumerated above can be associated with primary hypertension where the secondry causes such as thyriod diseases(thyrotoxicosis),heart diseases(coarctation of the aorta),sleep apnea,chronic kidney diseases,diabeted melliatus,and other endocrine disorders are known to have a rear cause of hypertension in the young! Remedy is modesty,mild alcohol intake especially red wine is good for the heart,avoid central acting drugs as mentioned above,avoid smoking, brisk and regular exercise,not that you don't take salt at all but it must not be added raw In your diet but when cooking and minimize junk foods;also a regular medical check up will be very beneficial and finally fear God!

Anonymous said...

Energy drinks can cause hypertension as a University Don once said which I watched on Youtube and youth make up a certain percentage of drinkers if not the highest. So, from the name, you could begin to feel what such a drink can cause especially over consumption. Rapid effects always have negative results compared to gradual approach. Preventive measures are watch your diet, don't smoke, have enough sleep or rest, don't consume drink containing caffeine and less alcoholism. Finally watch your weight and exercise. Visit this site for ebooks(both paid and free) to lose weight with nigeria foods and exercises you can do at home. Discover the Secret to losing weight and burning tummy fat

Anonymous said...

The stress from bank work is enough to cause HBP.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:38 Leave my pc alone abeg,is competent info not found on google again? Did he say he was a doctor? all he said it all well,mtcheewww

Anonymous said...

Idiot,u dint hv to call him/her a moron.What happened to making corrections?Fool,with ur 'nite school' MBBS degree.

Anonymous said...

Yes it does but consuming considerable amount of water is absolutely the best and there are studies to back it up precisely at least 8 litres/day. I drink a lot water even when not too thirsty and at pub, that's what I order mostly. I am not saying drinks are not good but take it in moderate. I will advise an overweight person to just desist absolutely pending the time s/he burn those excess fat. For a normal person like me, just keep to it for healthy purpose and to remain fit. Like this facebook page-Flat belly & Weightloss Tips for Nigeria

browny said...

Nice topic 2day, never knw we had lot of doctors here, thanks t u all for d knowledge. I appreciate!

Anonymous said...

All of u above hv spoken very well abt hypertension,som giving textbook sturf as if we r writing an exam about the topic,som even saying dy r in US thinking abt the health of Nigerians as if they dnt hv cases of high BP there.just trying to announce to d whole world dt dy live in US.mcheeew.
Just wnt to ask,wat of drugs like Viagra?,I was told dy cause high BP,bleeching creams can cause renal failure leading to d same condition.d list is endless,but most importantly,watch ur life style.

Anonymous said...

I wonder o wat if it was 4rm google or a textbook? He contributed and I'm sure he helped someone.. But u lot contributed ur stupidity.. Bless u prince Charming..

Anonymous said...

Linda your comments section is a mess... people make comments that are obviously replies to other people's comments (I know this feature is available on the mobile app) but when you read from the regular site, the comments are so disjointed because the reply function is not available - it makes reading the comments so unenjoyable. Babe your blog is a huge success, keep up with the times, come on!

bitchplis said...

Na only abortion dis one go sabi do o...consult him at ur own risk

Anonymous said...

Yes it does but consuming considerable amount of water is absolutely the best and there are studies to back it up precisely at least 8 litres/day. I drink a lot water even when not too thirsty and at pub, that's what I order mostly. I am not saying drinks are not good but take it in moderate. I will advise an overweight person to just desist absolutely pending the time s/he burn those excess fat. For a normal person like me, just keep to it for healthy purpose and to remain fit. Like this facebook page-Flat belly & Weightloss Tips for Nigeria

Anonymous said...

Avoid getting your heart stressed. Watch lot of Bovi like March 10 lol. #Just kidding anyway. Well always relax ur mind in the right space. Have plenty of rest Click here to improve intimacy lifestyle

http://www.webmd.com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/guide/hypertension-in-african-americans said...

My people, I think this web link will give some light to the causes: http://www.webmd.com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/guide/hypertension-in-african-americanshttp

udbros said...

Da contribution of quak doctors ar even more dan dat of medical dctors, lol. Dis ppl sef.

Anonymous said...

I have learned from LIB readers

Anonymous said...

Good tips from some folks here

SheWhoMustNotBeNamed said...

Reducing the amount of oils/fats in food is a factor we should consider...when making soups/stew the oil should be minimal...and avoid fatty meat esp animal intestine "ring" aka "roundabout" cos what happens in hypertension is the blood vessels are clogged and blood is trying to force its way thru the blood vessels....minus watching diet we should also try to exercise...working out burns down this fat and frees up the blood vessels...its just like melting fat with heat..so this clogged up blood vessels are freed up with exercise allowing blood flow through easily.. P.S. Try to check ur BP often so as to monitor it

Lolo said...

I also developed high bp after the birth of my second child-didn't happen with the first. It has been almost four months and I am still struggling with it. can't seem to find anything that works consistently and I can't get any real answers on causes or how long it will last from drs. It gets really high sometimes- like 180/90. My doctor said maybe I am worried because my baby cries a lot due to colic. That it could be the aftermath of anastetics used during ceasarian section. But most importantly, I try to sleep a lot and take things easier even at work. My advise to nursing mother(and mothers generally) is to create time to rest. This might seem difficult but its important. Delegate and sleep( as in sleep without any form of physical and/or emotional disturbance).

Anonymous said...

Tanks for al d infos gotten frm d docs nd well meanin pple who ve added one thin or d oda.jus want 2 use ds medium to ask doctors in d ouse to pls analyse wat happens if an AS person marries an AC.....is it advisable? Waitin for yur replies.tanx.....Anuola

Anonymous said...

Tanks for al d infos gotten frm d docs nd well meanin pple who ve added one thin or d oda.jus want 2 use ds medium to ask doctors in d ouse to pls analyse wat happens if an AS person marries an AC.....is it advisable? Waitin for yur replies.tanx.....Anuola

Anonymous said...

Yes linda that's true pls do something about it.

Anonymous said...

See DOCS o... Cool... God bless you all. Linda, God bless u too.

Anonymous said...

This is a very essential topic and what people of the younger generation should take seriously. I am 31 years old and was diagnosed with high blood pressure at the early age of 24. I would never have known i had the condition because I live an healthy lifestyle, no alcohol neither do I smoke. I wasn't on contraceptives either cos its also a known cause of HBP in women. I had an accident and was rushed to the A&E upon checks by the doctors, I was told my blood pressure was unusually high but we put it down to the accident. On consequent check ups the blood pressure remained high, I mean 170/100 which could have caused stroke or some other complications but for the timely intervention of one of my doctors that kept on monitoring my blood pressure. To cut the details, I had to do a lot of tests; blood,urine, X-rays,scans,ultrasound,ECG, fasting blood sugar the list was endless as they said it had to be a secondary type of hypertension but everything came back in good health. I was finally sent for a MRI test to check if my atrieries were in order. After all the test which I can tell you was expensive,they found nothing and decided it was genetic as my both parents are hypertensive. There were lots of young people in my clinic with different conditions. I started a no sodium diet and was placed on medication which I still take to date to regulate my blood pressure. The essence of this is to tell us all to get a regular check of our blood pressure,most pharmacies check it for a token or even free and keep a healthy lifestyle. It's better to nip it at the bud before it becomes a problem. It's called a silent killer because its symptoms are most times over looked for the usual headache or stress.

Anonymous said...

Yeah we need to watch our diet ,eat healthy and nutritious food ,don't joke with your fruit and vegateable intake.
This has happened to me one two occasions,first when i lost my pregnancy and my partner left me ,i was traumatized and before i knew it i was always thinking deep ,like life was ending and i had sleeping disorders,i didnt take it seriously untill my family members got hold of me and made me undergo medical treatment ,i was hypertensive,then i normally have severe headache and i could always feel my heartbeats.
BUT now have learnt to take life easy no matter how bad the situation could get ,i try most of the time to free my mind on any difficult situation,because problems don't last forever but if we think too much on them they could cause lasting illnesses.

Anonymous said...

Na wah o! Which kind distraction from topic be this. Abeg leave this google issue and focus on the topic. Haba!!

Anonymous said...

A bad marriage can cos HBP. I developed It during Pregnancy, due to beatings and abuse from my evil husband. Luckily it left after I gave birth, pleas take care if yourselves and do not let anyone have control over your happiness, exercise, eat well , do not smoke, may God help us all and give us good health

shyla said...

Thank God for your life oh. The rate at which we are going in terms of lifestyle, na only God go save us. Even if we talk all these things, let the memory of those that died begin to fade and we go know what's up.

A typical scenario of "i got it all" or ' i don arrive' lifestyle on a daily basis; AC from the house to the car. From the car to the office.. U seat down, never to stand up for anything...then when it is time to go home, you call the driver with your phone to start the car and put on the AC...10mins b4 u come out in order to get the car chilled...then back to the AC house again,then food and sleep!!!
In all these, no sweating,no burning o calories no form of the smallest exercise. Abi na lie i de talk? 'May our good living not be our downfall.

DOC DIVA said...

A lot has been said already about the causes, prevention, and treatment of High Blood Pressure (HBP). However, I would like to emphasize this for the LADIES- Birth Control Pills, Steroids (in some bleaching creams), and Pregnancy are a cause of HBP. So it is EXTREMELY important to check your BP regularly if any of these things apply to you.

Anonymous said...

1.Too much starch which turns to glycogen(sugar) or glycerol(fat) in the body,which interfere wit blood flow n alter heart rate n lead to hypertension.(2)lack of regular excercise (atleast one should do intense cardio exercise oncce a week like average pace jogging for 20mins,climb step for 10 mins non stop n must be very fast n lil abs but adequate stretching is required before starting) to balance the level of fat n sugar in the system(3)lack of adequate rest (4) negative thinking (jealousy,regret n being too abmtious to the point of unhealthy competetion n restlessness) (5) its genetic in certain ppl (6) too much alcohol is another factor .youths slow down! No late comer for success, you gotta balance ur lyfstyle,it aint all about paper chasing @profiksophtrad

Anonymous said...

1.Too much starch which turns to glycogen(sugar) or glycerol(fat) in the body,which interfere wit blood flow n alter heart rate n lead to hypertension.(2)lack of regular excercise (atleast one should do intense cardio exercise oncce a week like average pace jogging for 20mins,climb step for 10 mins non stop n must be very fast n lil abs but adequate stretching is required before starting) to balance the level of fat n sugar in the system(3)lack of adequate rest (4) negative thinking (jealousy,regret n being too abmtious to the point of unhealthy competetion n restlessness) (5) its genetic in certain ppl (6) too much alcohol is another factor .youths slow down! No late comer for success, you gotta balance ur lyfstyle,it aint all about paper chasing @profiksophtrad

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda, i sent you an email asking you to tell your readers about taking charge of their own health...but you ignored. More information about health matters that affect young Africans including high blood pressure can be found at http://africanhealthmagazine.com/

Anonymous said...

Stress is the number 1 destabilizer of the cardiovascular system. Chronic exposure to stress will cause dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. This in turn will result in what is known as high allostatic load - a physiologically based measure of the negative burden of stress on the body. It is a biomarker of cumulative biological risk. High allostatic load is associated with obesity, elevated blood pressure, insulin resistance, lowered immune system function, etc. Goldie was under a lot of stress from trying to be accepted by people who have not accepted themselves. Also being in the spotlight may seem like fun but it is actually extremely stressful. Couple that with a long flight from LA and lack of sleep while in LA plus jet lag. If she was a smoker add that to her risk profile. Then add lack of knowledge that she even had a BP problem because she possibly could have been on meds though I dont know the whole story. Anyway, in our new society with the demands of living, BP is no longer for the age weathered.

Anonymous said...

Seriously?u guys can't tell dat he was just trying 2 b funny and get your reactions! Too many immature people here,who are always willing 2 throw insults.I'm sure d dude is laughing his head out ryt now.Who makes those kind of errors?even d dullest doc wont

Anonymous said...

Childish chickens!it's a blog and Linda appreciates comments from everyone including cowards like you who hav turned to bullies.Allow who ever wants to comment to do so!Those of us who comments as anonymous hav no ryt 2 insult those with real identity.TAKE NOTE

Anonymous said...

Normal person like you?lol,you crack me up!that you're skinny don't make you normal!So you want those who are fat to feel abnormal?For all we know you may be skinny with all internal complications.Next time choose your words carefully

Anonymous said...

Childish chickens!it's a blog and Linda appreciates comments from everyone including cowards like you who hav turned to bullies.Allow who ever wants to comment to do so!Those of us who comments as anonymous hav no ryt 2 insult those with real identity.TAKE NOTE

Dr. Who said...

As far as pc can contribute intellectualy to the topic at hand then he should not be lynch for posting any comment either frm google or any other source.

For any GNLD food supplement products to guide against this particular problem or any other pls contact: 08094003177 to get yours.

Anonymous said...

U can add "too much PC hating" to the symptoms of high bp..many ppl copied & pasted,yet he was the only one that was crucified..nawa o!
Stay healthy,think less,be happy..above all..have faith in the Almighty GOD...peace!

Anonymous said...

People are worried and quest for achievement, money power and respect has never been more. of course let's nor discard all the above health vices like alcohol,smoking et al

Anonymous said...

I check my bp almost every week ,and I v become attuned to the warning signs,fast pulse and headaches so I know when its high.
Mine is hereditary and I am 28.And it tends to get worse when I am ill.Ciprotab in particular makes it high.Pnemonia and malaria too makes my bp high.
However in some situations it just gets high for no reason.My doctor den warned me dat am always pale during and after my period and dat if u r anaemic it could also be a cause so he advised I take blood tonic before my period comes,during and some days after.
Being observant has helped me a lot,however when am desperate I use moringa oleifera.It goes down instantly after about a day or two and its not expensive.a small jar of the dried leaves is about five hundred in a pharmacy or store.It also lowers cholestorol levels which is a cause of hbp.
Google it.Its called the miracle plant.


Let me try make it simple as possible
1. Genetics- it can run in families.
2. Sedentary life style- if you prefer to seat all day watching tv and eating, seat at the desk all day in ac office then to an ac car with driver and then get home and seat again. You getting yourself in soup.
3. Lack of exercise- exercise strengthens the heart muscles, helps remove excess sodium.
4. Type A personalities- these folks are goal getters, they are so many in cooperate nigeria, they work and work with no play. Then stroke suddenly strikes in office.

Well got to back to work, read more on http://hypertensiontoday.blogspot.com. Had no time to update in a while, but you'll learn more.

Anonymous said...

Bad belle pple no won appreciate. Even if he did google it. Abeg give person wey you borrow him phone dey read this blog him phone back.

Unknown said...

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