Janet and Wissam released a joint statement today. See it below...
"The rumours regarding an extravagant wedding are simply not true. Last year we were married in a quiet, private, and beautiful ceremony. Our wedding gifts to one another were contributions to our respective favourite children’s charities. We would appreciate that our privacy is respected and that we are allowed this time for celebration and joy.'Janet Jackson and secret weddings! Congrats to them
Tim says.....
After him it's my turn to marry u o! Congrats to them,anyway.
The Hammer Pants and Wedge Boots? #EPICFAIL..resemble Masquarde
That is one VERY lucky man!!! Janet is and always will be a beauty icon all over the world. Let's not even talk about sheer talent. Happy married life to the both of them l pray this one is "for keeps" she deserves to be happy.
Well if janet coud get husbaad at his late 40s....all hope s not lost God s more dan able to giv me my own husband b4 45 in Jesus name o Amen
I like dis
Janet and secrecy, no be today she start that one at all, nice one sha, not everyone love the prying eyes of the public in their personal issues. #HML
They look so happy in the pics, congrats to them!
Romance Meets Life
Congrats to them o! I hope this one lasts *wink* ~Avryl~
This woman changes husbands more than she changes her make-up. She should just fuck off with her plastic face and hypnotized husband.
weird couple. its all about d money for janet!!!
weird couple. its all about d money for janet!!!
Hmmm...congrats to them but wait oh,what is J.J wearing biko?Is dat Alladin pants or MC hammer skirt? #Can't decipher
Wow...JJ lookin younger evry day..congrat 2 dem.
Nice one janet.
D second pics dey wankind jooor. Like say janet pampers dey remove 4rm her bumbum n d husband de hold shit 4 nyash. Congrat 2 dem sha!
What is Janet wearing? Na wa o. And there's soooooo much awkwardness in d 2nd pic. Janet sha...
Got this message from MTN now - Get daily scoops from Linda Ikeji.s blog(LIM) &City People magazine(CPM) delivered to your phone with MTN Mobile Newspaper. Text CPM or LIM to 4900 @ N120/mth.
I love janet is my idol my model my icon she sweet n loving hml kissessssss
Aunty Janetiiilllleee!am happy 4 u oh.am waiting here for my share of d millions afta 5yrs,if u vex.
my dear if dia is any lucky person dia, den it would be Janet..OMG do u even realise wat i means to be a billionare.. u could get ANY girl u want or even fantisize abt
This her husband looks like someone terminally Ill and his last wish is to marry JJ.
This her husband looks like someone terminally Ill and his last wish is to marry JJ.
Soo.. in other news.. you carried false gist?
I pray ooh
Amen for you In Jesus Name.
Her husband is soo not looking like he has money at all. He looks very weak and sick. Well congrats to them both
Don't mind the anon, $500million things.. That guy shud have come for me mhen! Instead of this arugbo ojo..
Jealousy go keeee you.. Broke ass nigga..
Prince charming this prince jobless wants to dethrone you but fvck him, his comments are most of the time rude and vulgar, and he is DRY.
I am breaking rules by replyin u buh I jus had 2.p jobless,U r soo looking 4 attention!prine charming wanna b.u always make crazy comments nd m soo happy no one is givin u d tym of d day...if u wanna bcom a celeb,don't tynk ul get it cheap tru linda's blog.now dat I v said dis,pheeeewwwwwww.oya go on wyt ur life
Babe your attackers don tire ? Abi them don see another scape Goat? Whatever goes up most surely come down , prince jobless you are next !
Exactly mccoy, janet is 46 & d wissam guy is 37. This is also janets 3rd marriage if am not mistaking, so who's actually Lucky?
Mr oga...if u tink d only way u can be noticed is by u posting insulting comments, then I can predict dat u will still remain jobless for a very long time. #changeurmentality
@Prince Jobless, people don't know that she abused plastic surgery and has two holes for a nose. On recorded TV she is always photoshopped but when she is not the holes haunt her. Terrible!
The struggle to be known. This can't make you great as you fantasized it's just going to make people tag you as stupid forever n pls do get a life.
Dat janet cloth nearly mk me jump out of my skin, #Whtdfuckisshewearing#, mehn I dot fancy dat dress abeg, anyway HML, enjoy it while it last, cuz I knw is nt ur last marriage,
Isn't this the same guy she's supposed to get millions of dollars from if she stays married for 5years, biko Janet ur head dey der. Congrats and enjoy yur millions....
Who is using who here? Time will definitely tell.
@Jayden Oki
So please tell us how to know a man that has money. Pot belle tummy, long flowing robes, or what??? Nigerians and their warped mentality.
Janet's decision to make her marraige secret should be respected cos she might just have her own reason.2 me i don't see anything wrong with this her man,it's just that in Nigeria our mentality about a billionaire is how protruding the belly is or how folded the back neck is!!!
all i can see i s money talkin and BS working.stil miss ma michael jor.
Is it dat dis woman doesn't learn... Dis isn't d 1st time ohh.. At least d first lasted for 8 yrs.. let's see d rest
You re so local..guess u re frm Eruwa ...
HML 2 them both.
I second that...na real #EPICFAIL.
Dey kinda look hapi 2geda.Aunty Jane,congratulations oooo!
If she stays Fø̲̣̣я̅ four years she will get 400million dollars**...
So its all about the Dollar Bills Huh?..the Guy's name sef even sound more like it..Al MANA...Mana don fall for JJ from heaven now..! HML to them both!!!!
Janet,just stay dia for 5 years n I'l be waiting to marry u wen u get d half a billion dollars...
Great couple. I wonder why prince charming won't respect the dead and stop using Goldie's pic as his AVI
Jj is now gting married 2 d 5th huzband....... Anyway na she sabi
Congratulations j.j..plz try nd keep dis one cos u might nt be lucky nxt tym.. DQ say's so..
Congratulations j.j..plz try nd keep dis one cos u might nt be lucky nxt tym.. DQ say's so..
Great couple. I wonder why prince charming won't respect the dead and stop using Goldie's pic as his AVI
Amen sweetie.
Hanhan, bros Ʊ ∂E̶̲̥̅̊Y̶̲̥̅̊ vex?
And do u also realize janet is also a billionaire??? If u dnt pls go get the luminating video and watch how much michael jackson family is receiving even after his death
C as she wear house call am shoe choi! Still nt as tall as d dude cld dis be love doe? Well dts deir biness enjoy lady JJ. Na Lizzie tlk so!
congrat to them
JJ WTF attracted you to this man aside his money?He looks like he's gonna fall any moment from now.I mean take a good look at the second picture.NO SWAG!well since u r there for the money,Good luck to you. ~Tracy says so
The lord will hear ur prayers in Jesus name , AMEN !!
J.J love u gurl n haters stay away jezz! Sumpeepz r just dere 2 discriminate haba!
Being rich isnt Detected by ones looks....
If she stays married 4 5yrs according to the pre-nup..she gets 500million dollars...money is good o.
Janet jackson all covered up. Wow!!! Those harem pant tho
Prince jobless...u are a billie jean wanna be...new comer pls get ur own identity
Na linda u suppose marry...u is d'one who needs a man ASAP
Haha, my motherfucking fans. Why you gotta hate from outside the UK when you can't even get in? Lol. I'm indeed a broke ass nigga. Dumb shits.
Where has the respect for the dead gone...how can you proudly put up someone's post mortem photo for your dp. You probably think you're paying respect but dude, it's so disrespectful!! Whoever took that photo is heartless and has no feelings for the deceased.... Now think and be honest to yourself, would you do same for someone you really love? I don't think so.
Please you can try using her lifetime photo instead..thank you.
Hey guys! I want to know, does she have any child of her own in all her marriage so far? #JustAsking
Anonymous said...
Well if janet coud get husbaad at his late 40s....all hope s not lost God s more dan able to giv me my own husband b4 45 in Jesus name o Amen
February 25, 2013 at 10:26 PM
Janet na man?hahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha
Naaa, the attackers are currently working doing their 9 to 5. Expect some comments to come in during their break time.
Frog jobless you've got a cockroach brain. U use dis 'mother fucking' word a lot n its so disrespectful n irritating. Am sure u also a broke ass NIGGA and underaged as well
Finally someone that actually thinks comments. Nice one Prince Charming. The dude is pussy whipped and not thinking straight. This is a case of marrying someone you always fantasize and fap about.
Secret weddings = simple wedding.
I love.
Congrats to them.
Abeg leave dis lady alone naa let the ladies who are indeed due for marraige pocket their pride and accept a man in their individual life for a successful marraige rather than staying on LIB 24/7 wishing to be married and neva want to take a step
The ensemble is bc she has embraced Islam. Thank God for her at least she has retired from her nudity show of shame days. One down, so much more to go, Next?
janet looks like one ugly masquerade... that foolish man is just marrying her because of jackson name... foolish man
Dt Goldie's picture prince charming is using isn't d postmortem pix abeg. Ppl av bn using dt pix since d night she died. The pix was obviously taken wen she was alive. We all loved Goldie
Linda,it is Wassim nt Wissam!
Na wa o dis her cloth na die; madness kinda
And you who's complaining about Prince Charming's abuse of Goldie's pic, how abt you stop using her name? Get some other form of identity for yourself.....maybe then, we'd all know that you loved her a lot.
I also got this same SMS from MTN & believe me i have been wondering. Pls Lyndolooo explain to us.
Chinwe since u asked I will be happy to tell u. I man with money does not certainly look like the above, even his shoes looks funny I have to admit however the fact remains that he is extreamly rich but unfortunately does not look it.
I soo love that they did a small private wedding, all that hoopla about planning a big wedding for people that just want to come and have fun at your wedding,looking for their own future spouse. Janet looks so happy.
Bargain Fashion
Who says you aren't a janitor or cleaning asses in the UK? Wait, you're jobless. So how does that made you better than hard working Nigerians in Nigeria?
Prince jobless is so cute! Abeg leav d fyn bobo alone o.. Would like 2 b ur friend tho..
Seems like Janet is a shy person..always getting married codedly..lol.
Pls remember to catch up with my christian blog..www.thebanquethall.blogspot.com
He'd a look cuter if he gets a few more hours of sleep! Hassles of being newly wed I guess.
abeg na wetin she wear?
e be like say trhe hammer pants are there to create an illusion that she is wearing one of those roby skirts those mideasterners prefer. Janet, e be like say you don enter the one wey go tire you soon. The dude fine sha. Me I want.
Micheal jackson ws broke b4 he died.... Dt ws d reason for d concert dt he didn't live to perform....get ur info rite!
while she settles down, she should expect the unexpected, no matter how long it takes. My fingers are crossed. Cos i dont trust the man AT ALL.
bullshit, Janet with her husband changing ways...this should be like number 5 or 6. Old mama wnt change. Glad she is keeping is low now
Prince Charming or whatever it s you are called, it is very silly and stupid of you to have put up that pic as your DP.
which kind of sick looking man is this? nawa oh all in the name of money. if she stays with himn for 4 - 5 years she gets 400 million dollas after diource. sure that is not the reason she married him?. anyway she likes secrecy cos she was married for 9 years once before she divouce and even her family members did not know snh for her
Congrats Janet and cutey Wassim!!! They look sooooo good together.
Baggy trousers, me not liking!
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