Well Femi Fani Kayode kinda blamed the dead girl on provoking the double amputee athlete into a murderous rage. He said in his piece that Reeva was sent to Oskar by the devil to destroy him He referred to her as a Jezebel, Delilah, 'creature from the sea'...
As a woman, I'm appalled by this write up, which he has since deleted from his Facebook page. He's kinda blaming her for getting herself killed. Read it after the cut...
A Valentine Day's Tragedy for the Blade Runner - Written by Chief Femi Fani-Kayode)
Pistorius, who is also known as ”the Blade Runner”, has shot his
girlfriend to death on Valentine’s eve. This is such a tragedy. A man
that is loved and respected by so many from all over the world has
killed his beautiful young lover, who happens to be one of South
Africa’s top models, in cold blood.
The initial “accidental-shooting burglar theory” has been dismissed by the South African police.
According to the BBC there are speculations that there have been
previous acts of domestic violence and altercations between the couple,
that there was a terrible argument going
on just before the shooting and that this is a straightforward case of
cold-blooded murder probably as a consequence of high passion.
the the truth may be, all I can say is that this is a great tragedy and
we need to be careful about the kind of women that we spend our time
with. Any woman that stirs up your anger and constantly provokes your
wrath ought to be avoided like a plague. It is those that bring peace
and tranquility into our lives that we should cherish.
have little doubt that Pistorius, who was a great achiever, a living
icon, the greatest and best known African sportsman in world history and
an absolute gentleman, was provoked into a murderous rage by his pretty
little lover and that she played on his insecurities and inadequacies.
These are the classic traits of the biblical “strange woman”- the
destroyer of men’s dreams and destinies.
God knows who sent this creature from the sea into this great man’s
life just to destroy it. For Pistorius it is all over. In one moment of
blind rage he has lost everything and he has brought shame, disgrace,
sorrow and infamy upon his name and that of his family. The blood he has
shed will speak against him and his lineage forever. And all because of
a sexy and pretty little model who the devil sent his way.
May the Lord deliver us all from the daughters of Jezebel, Delilah, Athalia and Yemoja".
1 – 200 of 359 Newer› Newest»Ode oshi and original agbaya!
Omg!dis man get wife or daughter so?
Omg!dis man get wife or daughter so?
wow ! and this was once a minister representing a sector in Nigeria? ignorance is in deed rife in this world.
wow ! and this was once a minister representing a sector in Nigeria? ignorance is in deed rife in this world.
Like seriously? This guy is a beast.... Fani Kayode my ass!
woooow ....it very obvious this guy has been scarred by a woman or women before.
I thought they arrested this man? Shouldn't he concentrate on pleading his case rather than writing on something that is none of his business? I don't blame him, if he hadn't stolen our money, he would have been busy working some where and earning 'genuine salary' instead of having so much time on his hands and living on looted Nigerian funds.
Wow! This is the height of ignorance and foolishness on FFK's part. What a shame! Shame on him and his family. What a disgrace!
Sure Femi Fani Kayode did not fall down frm d blues.A woman gave birth 2 him & sure he has sisters 2, so wateva name he calls women is a back 2 sender if he doesn't kno. Mtchewwww!!! Oshisko.
WTF is this ignorant man talking about? Does he realize that a lot of times in DV cases, the abuser doesn't even need to be provoked per se. Just you drinking a glass of water can set off an abuser.
And by the way, were you there? Did you see what happened? How do you know he wasn't the devil who was sent to end her life too early? Oh, wait a second, that's exactly what he did!!!
It's men like this that justify domestic violence, praise the abuser and dehumanize the victim. You sir should be ashamed of yourself for that nonsense you typed and I wouldn't have expected it from someone of your calibre.
I am taking you off my hero list!!! Babanla nonsense!
It is appalling and sad that Femi Fani Kayode could write such a piece, this is the reason in this society why many have gotten away with rape, murder all sorts of domestic violence.
So because Femi thinks, Pistorius is a "great achiever, a living icon, the greatest and best known African sportsman in world history" he can do no wrong or sorry he is an angel. and the "an absolute gentleman", Mr. Fani Kayode do you live with him?
Thank God he lives in a society where he will face the consequences of his "anger".
I wonder if it was the other way round, what will Fani have written.
Totally wrong *angry face* am disgusted that a man like me, and some one of high status like him could write such piece of biased trash! www.definitelykingsley.blogspot.com
I see nothing wrong with his write up. This is just the plain simple truth!
Linda you better face the realities of life and stop being judgmental....this man might be crazy but he says it as it is.....gbam!!!
Amin ooooooo............. @Biolabog
For the first time on this blog, I no get mouth again..
People dey o!
That is how Femi used to beat up his former wife Yemisi because of her caustic mouth and he was always high on cocaine
linda u r a fool. Wht is wrng in wht he sd.
Linda, Fani is gay!
Lmfao!!! @yemoja
I'm absolutely gum-smacked, a former minister who we assume is educated and well exposed displaying such medieval and stone age line of thought. Blaming the victim for what will eventually be the lot of the offender/murderer. Its obvious that its Fani-Kayode that is the devil's agent, only someone with a warped and evil mind would even think of blaming the victim. Not even Oscar is claiming she provoked him only Mr Fanny(and he is a fanny) with his devilish mind can conjure such a theory to explain what really happened. EFCC plssssssss lock Fanny up and throw the keys away. A Nationally recognised thief is calling a lady he knows next to nothing about personally a jezebel, abet abeg abeg, lock the thief up.
A̶̲̥̅♏ Beginin 2 doubt dis man's sanity(femi fani) smh
I'm absolutely gum-smacked, a former minister who we assume is educated and well exposed displaying such medieval and stone age line of thought. Blaming the victim for what will eventually be the lot of the offender/murderer. Its obvious that its Fani-Kayode that is the devil's agent, only someone with a warped and evil mind would even think of blaming the victim. Not even Oscar is claiming she provoked him only Mr Fanny(and he is a fanny) with his devilish mind can conjure such a theory to explain what really happened. EFCC plssssssss lock Fanny up and throw the keys away. A Nationally recognised thief is calling a lady he knows next to nothing about personally a jezebel, abet abeg abeg, lock the thief up.
It has now become d madness of 'yesterday men' lol.Apologies to Reuben Abati.
OMG...My heart is burning with anger and shock. I pity this mans wife. His article screams "WIFE BEATER" to me. He sounds like the type of man who would beat/abuse his wife/girlfriend AND blame her. What a disgrace to fellow men. She's dead and its not her fault. MHSRIP.
but...na true na
This man (Fani Kayode) is not operating with a full deck. He needs to be committed. Idiot man
OH. MY. GOD!!! Who gave this complete fool a platform to spout all this rubbish?? "Creature from the sea???" What century are we in again??
hmmm dis man has a personal grudge i tink with women generally cos he speaks bitterly may God judge him.
True talk, may God help us...
i dont know why you are appalled. she knows his fears about being attacked and about his guns and yet she went ahead with her suprise! wasnt she setting herself up to be killed if anything went wrong.it is really sad for both of them but She should have had more value for her life than that and planned other suprises. Now she is dead, he is ruined and even if she was not all dat FFK said(this man na old naija man with plenty experience). this is a higher set up most likely not by any man.
This man is just insane abeg. All these questionable write-ups he posts just comes to the simple and obvious conclusion that he needs help. There's something wrong with him...ahn ahn!
Is this Femi Kayode okay? Why say such a thing toward someone who was killed? Its either a premeditated issue or a mistake but it doesn't in any way give rise to him saying such to someone who was killed.
The man is right... He noted the type of woman, "Strange Woman"... These particular type are truly what he said they are... So, Linda, you can stop being appalled and critically examine the write-up and stop feeling as though women are not enjoying enough equality too nowadays.
I expected more from this educated man. What a disgrace Fani, blaming the victime for her death. I hope this statment shuts doors in your face...yeye
Pretty shocking from Fani Kayode. His brain was certainly hibernating wen he posted that. Shocking.
the man head dey touch... if it was his daughter that died wud he be calling her a delilah. he has nothing to say.
Come is this guy ok?!!! Na wa ooo... Mschewww, jobless thing
The most stupid write up I read today.. Peeps like this just make you want to stop reading..
He spoke his mind jo free him linda
As a woman, I don't feel insulted by his piece. I only think it should be directed at men who often cherish physical beauty than character.
May be he spoke from experience. Bloody fraud.
Res ipsa loquitor! I rest my case.
What nonsense! I can't believe such chauvinistic men still exist, cmon this is 2013! Its men like this that women should AVOID!!!
"e be like say this man dey attend mfm. . . .Lol . . . . . "Any woman or MAN that stirs up your anger and constantly provokes your wrath ought to be avoided like a plague. It is those that bring peace and tranquility into our lives that we should cherish". . . . . I totally agree with this statement. . . . . . Above all, we must learn to manage anger . . . .
Am short of words to address dis write-up...na wah ohh. What happened to walking away when provoked to cool down? Now a beautiful lady is dead.
"e be like say this man dey attend mfm. . . .Lol . . . . . "Any woman or MAN that stirs up your anger and constantly provokes your wrath ought to be avoided like a plague. It is those that bring peace and tranquility into our lives that we should cherish". . . . . I totally agree with this statement. . . . . . Above all, we must learn to manage anger . . . .
I lack words2use on Fani Kayode...I serzly think its beta if sumpple just shut up? It is Fani Kayodes wife dat is from the sea. Mayb she's related to d late girl. May God help him so tragedy won't befall him too cos he might also end up shooting one of his numerous daughters of jezebel. NONSENCE
Aunty lin,wetin u xpect from d devil's incarnate who been steal billions of naira from us? Na our curse de follow am,he don kolo be dat.May femi Fani kayode continue to de yarn rubbish.May de lock him up for all our money wey he been steal.Amen.
He should get out of court first. Retard.
His wife better be ashamed.
Were! Drug addict. Yeye dey smell... Lind better post my comment because it's not worse that calling somebody "a curse"
May be he spoke from experience. Bloody fraud.
Lmfao...are u kidding me? There isn't any woman that won't make u angry just like there is no man that will not make you want to pull your hair out as a woman! What has kept couples together is called self control Mr. Fani Kayode...self control which you obviously lack from head to toe. Mtschew....
Femi Fani-kayode is a lunatic!! He speaks from experience though..ask him about his young lover Vivian that's old enough to be his daughter. See him acting all santimonious.**SMH**
I used to respect this man but after reading this, I wonder where he reasons from. He has already concluded its d girl's fault without even considering other things. As I seriously!! Smh
This Femi Fani Kayode dude is a customised moron and a dirty, saggy, maggot-infested and hole-ridden iya ofili pant!
That Oscar claims ts an accidental discharge doesn't mean it is so! The guy is known to av a history of violence and crazy stunts. What manner of person goes to bed with 2guns and a baseball bat? Na u shoot Osama?! I pray the truth prevails sha... And Uncle Femi Fani Kayode rot in jail for the money he stole - yes some of us never forget bros!
- RR.
Appaling write up by mister Ex-minister! Judging a lady u don't know and giving her names just to lay it off Oscar is an act of idiocy. I am sure that Oscar doesn't share mister ex-minister sentiments. Fani Kayodes's write up is misinformed, childish and full of unsolicitated masculine cover. Totally uncalled for and with due respect,idiotic.
Really Linda? Really? Upon all your male bashing, you're appalled by something as petty as this?
Are you also implying that it isn't possible for someone to be responsible for their own death? What if I'm drink driving and have an accident, who's responsible for my death? Pathetic is what you are.
And this is coming from a married man and likely a father to a daughter. May God have mercy on the women in his life because I know he cannot be an easy man to live with after reading this. His write up has said more about him than anything else.
maybe he is right...todays world is strange especially when your fame is genuine. Don't look at the feminine part but reasons why he said what he said.
Wow. Unbelieveable. Is it possible to have negative respect for a person. We do not know the full facts yet but there is really no justification to blame the victim
He spoke well na, Linda what is unbelievable about his piece?
Amen ooooo my brother
Which kain man b dis Fani kayode sef? How u wan judge dead girl wey u no sabi? From d sea? How would he feel if its his wife or daughter that is described thus? Living or dead? He sure owes d dead girl an apology. Na wa o! I nefa saw dis kain talk! #Alika
Linda,if you were a deepl spiritual, christian male.you'd understand where he's coming from? I see nothing chauvinistic in his comments.He just bared his mind on a subject most men already know about but are too naive to understand.Hey guys! I'm sure you've met one in your lifetime.That dangerously beautiful,breathlessly sexy girl that makes you consciously aware you are near a Cobra! She makes you do things you won't even do for your mom.Fresh
Very pathetic....... How cld he have said that? No human has the right to take the life of another human. You comit the crime you do the timee and face the concequences!
Low mentality, that's the problem with Femi Fani Kayode.
Dis guy is clearly speakin 4rm his anus..
Hahahahaha ....we-re ni en
Is he ok?
Linda what are you talking. Femi has spoken the frank truth. You women are best known for nagging, pure and simple
BS!!! Instead, men or women with blind anger should learn restraint! How can someone get you so angry that you take their life? weather celeb or not, or disabled or not we are all subjected to the law
I didn't know when I yelled SOB
May the lord also deliver us from sons of Jazebel, Delilah, Athalia, and Yemoja cos it runs the blood!
One word, Femi Fani Kayode is delusional.
I only have this to say... Femi Fani Kayode is stupid.
Normally, I would not align myself with Fani-Kayode's views. But in this, he is on point. Reeva-the dead lady (God have mercy on her soul) definetely provoked Pistorius into the devilish act. What a shameful way to end up for this African icon.
Hes a fool...always been..always will be
I understand wat ffk was tryin to say in his write-up.I can relate to it... I have a very calm temperament but I once dated someone who brought out d beast in me..I don't support violence against women though...lol @ jezebel,delilah,athaliah,yemoja
Obviously this man is ignorant. Let me rephrase that, it's an ignorant article. What nonsense.
FFK is mentally unstable. Dunno why you're shocked Linda. The man should always be dismissed with a wave of the hand.
Fani kayode you go school so? ur childish ramblings ve shown that u re small minded and basic!hear ur terms!"Pretty little..." U must be a regular victim of delilahs and jezebels plus yemojas! Infact u wrote this piece from the laps of a tilapia fish who is a pretty little Ogbanje that will rev ur latent rage in no distant time! LWKM! U funny sha!u mean this guy was a minister in dis country?SMH.Thanks for the entertainment!when u finally get convicted hope they send u to female prison so u and ur pretty little descendants of Eve can eat apples until u shoot one of them and blame the ocean or sea demons!signed:wide eyed.
FFK....you are such a deranged fool!!! U are still not ashamed of ur past atrocities abi? Mmssscheeww!!
WOW! is this not the height of ignorance? he knows neither Oskar or his girlfriend personally but he know for a fact that this 'gentleman' was provoked by the 'sea creature'. its u we should be worried about o. this guy's wife better beware. tmr he'll say he saw her in a dream doing ogbanje tinz that she should pack and go. Ha!
Am kinda of agree with this dude, I mean one should be really careful while using a partner ,buh on the case of pistorious we can't conclude for sure if its premeditated action or a man acting out of rage resulting frnm insecurities . Whatever be thecase always learn to be tamprament in all ur actions . God help us
Hmmmmmm and this is suppose to be a former minister and an educated person? So when a woman make a man angry the next tin is for him to get a gun and kill the woman? I wonder who den has issues here. Am sure he is the type dat will beat his wife blue and black and den blame her for his actions. Idiot
The sorry part to this story is that you get to address him as the former minister of Aviation. Told y'all before that this dude has so much time on his hands. Talk about an idle mind, you will be referring to Femi fani Kayode.
I reserve my comment but lemmi see wat others v to say
Madam, I do not see anything wrong with what he said. There are bad women out there. If u don't know this, well ! U must be more ignorant than I thought. PS; I am a woman
I get his point that this was a great man whose destiny has been tainted by that singular act.
Its no secret that the devil uses women to trap mens destinies. Samson is a prime example.Abacha is another dat died at the arms of a woman.
That being said, women are not to be blamed for men who can't keep their anger in check. Is death supposed to be her payback?No.
A moment of rage or anger can have unmitigated consequences. He will surely regret that split second rage.
Anyway Mr Fani Kayode,no be everything dem dey post. Shikena
He is obviously insane!
Mr. Fani ogbon yin kuru. Face ur fraud case with EFCC and leave Oscar to his fate.
This man and his mouth
Did this man actually write this. I don't blame him,this is a typical nigerian mentality. She went to surprise her boyfriend and she got shot. Firstly...even if it was a buglar who had no intention of harming you and wasn't with any weapon...shooting him several times equals to murder and not manslaughter because you can't even plead self defence. Now this man took his time and shot the girl once and probably heard her scream but he didn't stop...he continued shooting. To take several good shots,one will have to aim right,while aiming...did he not see what he was aiming at. This man is a murderer.....Simple. MOVEMENT.
Wow!!!!!Is this a man(Femi) with a family? I pity his family and linage as well....
Fani kayode is a fool. His comment has shown he's a male chauvinist. Idiot. How abt killer Pistorius being the devil from hell sent to cut down an upwardly mobile model in her prime?
Femi is very very correct is sad the woman was killed but femi knows exactly what his talking about some modeling agencies harbours bitches
Chei! So this fani man fine for nothing?
Femi is very very correct is sad the woman was killed but femi knows exactly what his talking about some modeling agencies harbours bitches
"Hilarious" I'd say he is only explaining things from the bible aspect. Whatever the case maybe ,its his own opinion . francisruff.blogspot.com
Well,some ppl can push your button.some men can make u do insane things same with a woman,anger management is d key.
If person talk say this elder states paa no get sense that go say we dey insult our elders. How can this man say such a terrible thing about the dead lady. The other day it was a girl on twitter saying she was happy Goldie died now this one is saying the girl pretty much got her self killed by provoking her boyfriend. Too soon Mr Fannie too soon.
Btw how did u know that it was the devil that sent her into the man's life? Oh sorry you must have seen that one too on BBC
Why r u all surprised? Isn't this the same fool that wrote Dat OBAMA is d anti Christ? With such people in leadership position(s) in Africa,no wonder that continent is backwards in everything.
A guy kills his babe and this madman, that shd be in one asylum is talking trash. God pls help us woman from men like Fani Kayode the has no respect for God's best creatures
Is this man sane? That. Its the most morronic rubbish that I've ever come across! SHame on you!
dude what's up?
E go get naa. Ode burukwu oshi! E don answer him matter finish with EFCC?
He is wrong to have labelled the girl dat wat,because he the case has not been proven yet,and he was not present at the scene. But to me,Fani's point on the kind of girl guys should have is right,check the girl you move with,if he provokes you all the time,its better you let go no matter what she worth. I pray we meet our dream woman.
As a woman-beater I guess you can relate. U ought to keep that your mouth that's constantly on repeat shut!You decieve and beat up women and you have the gall to speak here. Your time is coming. Oscar Pistorius own na small. If EFCC don't succeed in locking u up, u will meet ur water-loo at the hands of a woman that will fight back. Agbaya of the highest degree. Shamless man.
Is that man sane? What moronic rubbish! SHAME ON YOU!
Yes he was harsh. but how does a girlfriend not think through such a surprise. Unless she didn't know he has a gun or that he doesn't react well to sudden movements. Especially in his home. These are things she was meant to ascertain. However, if she did her homework and this happened, she has no blame; otherwise they both have enough blame on their head and the woman is the initiator of this fiasco. A spade; A spade
I support him Linda, even though you're a woman but there's a lot of strange things happening in this world that you don't know about.
< I sometimes wonder if this man is still in touch with reality>
I have lost d little respect I had for him. Crazy man. Domestic violence is a very serious issue.
He is right.itz clearly written in the,book of proverbs chapter5:3 till the end and proverbs chapter 6:24-35.we don't read our bibles as xtians,that's why our moral rates ard declining.pp still think divorce not death ends marriage.read mark 10vs 11.O God open the eyes of our youths.
Hahahahahahaha!what's his write up really all about?
Are u kidding me?!!! Femi Fani Kayode wrote this! I am speechless and dumbfounded!
My God! If I didn't know him I'd hav thought he was one retarded religious fanatic that blames d devil for every evil thing that happens in the world.
But for crying out loud! Its Femi Fani Kayode. That goes to show the level of stupidity and chauvinism of some(if not most) african(nigerian men to be precise) men. A man that could not control his anger, insecurities or for whatever reason killed his lover and the lover is at fault. If the devil was on to him why couldn't he run from the devil. Smh...
Femi Fani Kayode has not disappointed african men and the way they think.
I wouldn't be surprised if my own father came up with this theory so wat are we talking about here...
Its sad tho. Women are always held responsible or blamed for the downfall of men. I wonder why men too are too stupid and dumb to always fall... Smh... Upside down thinking... Mstchewww
The man is just a stupis typical example of an average NIGERIAN man no matter the level of exposure...........if was d other way round, I'm sure he'd still blame the lady........very very silly (linda I have never commented on ur blog but dis one just drove me nuttz)..........I'm sick n tired of most nigerian men's mentality.........(They blame a gurl if she gets raped too, I mean are men meant be dogs who cannot control their emotions anymore....that shuld blame women n young teenagers/children gettin raped because of their mode of dressing......they need to get lectured sha
LOL! This man!!
Im guessing that his wife upset him just before he wrote this...or maybe its just a piece of writing gone bad....how dare he!!!!! May God deliver us from the seeds of lucifer himself!nonsense!
Dis man is speaking from experience. Abeg aviation minister..... No go shoot ur wife oooo, Haba!
It is because of people like fani and statements like this that many cases of rape, murder and all forms of domestic violence go un reported and the ones reported, the perpetrators go unpunished.
We allude everything to God or the devil in this society,Nigeria.
I am glad Pistorius will face the consequence of his anger. I hope one of Fani kayode's many Delilah's shoots him dead in his sleep!
A foolish ignoramous wit very backward tinkin. Obviously blames his probs on odas. N dre is a clear strong hatred of women here. Just sayin...
Really Femi Fani Kayode??? Okay! You need to stop talking for real. Everytime I think you'v sunk the lowest, you clear my doubt with a new kinda low.
You are a grown ass man, start writing like one sir.
Why are u all getting mad at this dude? Takes one to know one, he himself used to pummel his ex-wife till she ran for dear life... If you know his history, you won't be this surprised...
Asswipe scum like him defending a man that shot his girlfriend 4 times. It obbvious Femi can do the same.
I'm a woman and I honestly don't think Oscar intended to kill his girlfriend. He had great insecurities about his disabilities and was so paranoid that he feared for his physical safety. He always kept a gun at bay as he slept. My theory is it was Valentine, she tried to surprise him by sneaking in, he was startled, and he shot at her thinking it was a burglar. It's just an unfortunate turn of events and Fani Kayode is just a dunce.
His perspective is completely appalling. He disgusts me. Foolish man
Ehen Linda! But he said the truth naa! Don't we all pray to be delivered from Jezebel and her cohorts; while the ladies pray to be delivered from all K-solo's? I think I'll support him this time. And pls stop sounding "feministic" over certain matters just because your fellow lady is involved. Your job demands that you be neutral and objective with your gossips. I na-anu nne m oh?
Look at this very morally bankrupt idiot femi talking trash! Someone who does not seem to have blood running in his vein. How could you say this? You are such a bigot! So full of hate towards women. It is men like you that every woman should BEWARE OF! Ogbanje man like you. Abiku man like you, money ritualist like you! I wish what Reeva went through in the hands of pistorious upon every female generation in your household including your daughters, sisters, aunties, female cousins and mother! May your female family members be raped,kidnapped,Shot a dozen times in their heads, used for rituals and killed. Femi that goes around chasing small small girls while still married. As i type this, he is still chasing someone i know despite the fact that she is married. Oniranu! Shiorrr!
Why una dey vex like this? The idiotic ffk has lost his muthafucking mind completely. He's not even significant that's why I used small letters for his initials. Silly old bastard.
There was no surprise dear. That's blade runner's story...neighbours heard arguments before the shooting so that his story doesn't hold water. Besides, if someone 'surprises' you, would u shoot 4 times, twice in the head? Pls stop blaming 'higher powers' and the devil for acts committed by men. Even satan sef dey bow for una at the rate u guys dump crap on him. We shld take responsibility for our actions pls.
The guy obviously has anger issues, he's not going to escape this. He's definitely ruined.
Am a woman,and am absolutely with FFK on this,all he has stated is the plain truth,even the bible confirms it,Samson was the most Powerful man and it was written that Delilah so provoked it,thus bRinging abt his down fall,likewise Pistorious,had all going for him,like FFK rightly stated,Any woman that makes a man go into Rage should be avoided like "Plague" If Pistorious had kept his Rage in check,he will still be a freak man,2 wrongs doesn't make a right.
FFK was as a wife beater. Ask anyone, the mother of his 3 girls had to prophesy to her legs to carry her out of that marriage. Pls take it easy on him. He's just defending his brother...
Why are u all getting mad at this dude? Takes one to know one, he himself used to pummel his ex-wife till she ran for dear life... If you know his history, you won't be this surprised...
Asswipe scum like him defending a man that shot his girlfriend 4 times. It obbvious Femi can do the same.
Are Nigerians really ok? Why the hate & vitriol? Did he at any point in his write up suggest she deserved to die? He only wrote how the accused allowed a woman to destroy his life & career. Too many daft illiterate people on this blog abeg.Fresh......
Some of the stuff he is saying is true but again unless u have experienced some strange evil women and how d devil uses their beauty to bring u down,u won't understand what he is talking abt!
Remember Femi Kayodes igbo girlfriend? D one he took around d world when he was aviation minister spending big bucks on?
She was d same lady who gave EFFCC his private line when they were looking for him and also showed them were kayode was hiding out at a time.So some women can be evil so can some men!
He sounds like a complete illiterate.. This is truly unbelievable, i'm stunned
Like seriously!! Wt is wrng wit sayin men shld stay away 4rm women dt bring up such muderous traits in dem due to anger??? Evn d bible says it, if ur left hand will cause u 2 sin, cut it off! Same wit ur right! Noooo, allow ur sons 2 follow women dt provoke such in dem ooo, so dt u cn b goin 2 court 1 by 1. Rubbish. Abeggi.
lmao yemoja ke? woh
noting wrong with d article
It is an opinion which may be true
some gud message in the article!
lmao yemoja ke? woh
Kingsley dear, he's nt a man like u cos der's a difference btw being a Man n a male nd in my opinion, he's a male.
@anonymous 9:12 i can tell u are an intellegent and understanding woman... Nowadays women lik u are extremelly rare, alot of women now just want to talk and air their pointless views
LOL @ yemoja...very funny....but seriously He is speaking from experience because part of his problem started when his mistress betrayed him to efcc....
U won't publish my post abi Linda? God see u o
very stupid foolish man , thief idiot
I totally agree with you. .
Femi Fani Kayode is sick!
Dat is d right word for him
When did anything that comes out of Femi Fani-Kayode's mouth become something Nigerians talk about, let us please stop catering to his constant need for attention with his moronic statements.
Dis guy is too retarded abeg!
Unbelievable.Only in Nigeria will a man with a 1920 mentality be allowed to be heard in public.I am so angry right now."his pretty little lover".So men that still refer to women as little lovers as still alive.I wont wish u accidental death so pls do us a favour take all ur clothes off and go live on a cave.
Anonymus 9:25, u r a very big fool, so men who kill their wives nkor,ow can u say it is ok 4 a man 2 take anoda person's life because he is angry. Am very sure that stupidity that runs in his head @femi, runs in urs.u are a big fool.
Hopeless idiot,hw dare u call her a fool. No bi wetin she see,she write. Abi no I amebo bring u dis blog. MUMU
All u ladies shld take it easy o kilode, d man snap ur husband. His talkoing from experience.
Yep.but not d right way
that's why God cursed fani kayode with only female children. he has a point about choosing the wrong woman, but in this case, no one knows what happened.
omg..this man you been so so bad by calling her name but let us wait a minutes..a top model hocking up with a man with no led is that real love??god know what he did to this day make make him get that way.too all the man we all know he was wrong to shoot the lady but also believe there is more to do.i just imagine what the lady will have done to him..i really love this guy..very cool and calm..feel so sad
Only god know what she did to my dude for him to act that way..so painfull but i also blame the lady for hocking up with a man with no led..a top model for that matter..i just cant imagine what lady did to him..WOMAN!!!!!!..ahhh.God help us
Hey peeps follow me on twitter @didiokedu
I think he's trying to be funny
This is outrageous! I am appalled and still cant believe this write-up came from a son, husband and father. What is this man's moral make up?
For God's sake someone just got killed, as in, a life has just been lost for ever...someone's daughter!!!
Sir, human life is sacrosanct and it is forbiden in any way, shape or form to unlawfully také another's life. This rule applies all over the world.
I dont care what informed ur stance on this but there is absolutely no justification to kill, and for your information, real men know when to walk away from a heated argument. You are in Nigeria, otherwise by now, you would be undergoing questioning by the police.
You have failed your family,women, men, Nigeria and the entire African race, FFK...u have failed the world. Go and bury yourself in shame forever!!!!
I'd been reliably informed that Femi Fani-Kayode's mental illness had been taken care of sometime ago. Either he's had a relapse or the doctors didn't do a good job. Either ways, please people, do not judge FFK harshly but pray for him!
The kind that has both legs amputated!
No view us pointless. Please don't take the women back to the days where we were not allowed to air our views because people like you think women's views are pointless.
Educated huh? Brainless Dick. Isn't he d educated MotherF#$ker that beats up his wife? Smh! Fani wats ur outcome wit EFCC, do us a detailed write -up on how u spent public funds. Ballless educated man. Mtcheew!
He always writes nonsense..mstcheew!
Igbo girlfriend And Yourba thief what's your point exactly
Was he there when the dead woman destroyed the guys life and career .kayode likes talking shut and he's being called out simple.
Only foolish and mentally retarded men fight women. Wat sort of provocation will make u shoot a woman? He may hv achieved a lot, but he is a beast. Only men who feels insecure shoe their strength by being violent. He deserves to rot in jail.
Misogyny @ it's finest. Always the womans fault eh? And someone upthread said God "cursed" him with female children? Smdh..
Linda as insensitive as it may seem to you, I support Mr. Femi's write up. When my husband and I heard about the killing, we both immediately believed it to be murder. A crime of passion! What was a 30yr old model doing with a 26yr old boy? For the money and fame of course! I doubt she loved him. She was a model, her is a sport super star; perfect match made in redcarpet/media heaven.
She must have taken advantage of him. Sometimes us women make the mistake of going about acting like we are doing guys a favor. I believe very strongly that she must have played on his insecurities and his disability. And we all know, a man without his ego is a broken man. I swear that Reeva woman must have uttered some very painful words that drove him into that moment of rage
My dear u could not have said it better. Where femii kayode saw devil and jazibel from I don't know
what he is saying is absolutely true about most of us women,but we live in a society that portrays men as aggressors and women as victims all the time.I was one such jezebel and really frustrated my EX whom i told countless time he wasn´t man enough and a coward but who was really a wonderful man as i can now see clearly . I always thought i was doing him a favor by being with him and was busy lying to myself that a better ,richer and taller man was out there waitng for me.I remember him always warning me not to push him too far ,well the monster in him did eventually come out,i am now stuck with another man`s child who is married and can't even help me at all. I just had to tell my EX who did everything for me while i was pregnant thinking he was responsible.I WOULD DO ANYTHING to get back with my EX and make things better as i am wiser now:HOWEVER I REFUSE TO JUDGE OR CONDEMN THE SLAIN GAL OR THE ATHLETE:
What a world, hommies are murdering their lovers and giving irritating excuses and people like us are searching endlessly, God help me to locate whom I will cherish forever
He IS RIGHT! Linda, what do you mean by yimu yimu "As a woman, I'm appalled by blah blah". The man made a valid point. Some women can drive a man crazy by playing on his insecurities. It is seldom a one-off affair. It is often an accumulation of negative passion, which may unfortunately end up in this kind of tragedy.
What Fani Kayode is saying is that it is better for men to quickly recognise these sorts of women and AVOID them, rather than admit and endure them in one's life, only for it to end it tragedy. That is the point of the article. No where did he blame the woman for her own death as you bitchily imply.
With this kind of stubborn mindset of yours, it's no wonder you're still single. Better stay that way, otherwise any attempt by you to marry would end in bitter divorce, or worse still in tragedy. . .women like you drive men crazy whilst still claiming silly feminist right.
You are one oloriburuku! Why call Linda a fool??? Oloshi, werey, akoshibero!
BASTARD!! This is ur mouth ll push u into that jail u are destined to spend d rest of your life. Do u know the pain the family of the poor girl is going thru rite now n to think all ur children are girls. Wont pray for any evil to befall ur daughters but u ll surely pay for dis rubbish u ve typed wit ur hands!! SOB
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Shut up jare, with your senseless rant. That a man is a father or son or whatever does not mean that he cannot speak the TRUTH based on what he has observed. You women cannot keep prancing about as if you are free do do whatever you like to a man, and expect that he must exercise self-control. That is a foolish orientation. You would only regret in your grave where you belong. Only those with common sense deserve to live.
You are right my dear!
You are one oloriburuku! Why call Linda a fool??? Oloshi, werey, akoshibero!
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This man spoke his mind!!! Linda, being a blogger doesn't make you a public attorney.
I don’t see why you all are abusing the man. Personally, I do not like the fella, but I think you all have jumped to conclusion, led by Linda.
I totally agree with him. There are indeed women who stir up men's anger. U all should be honest and ask yourselves, if ever a woman has made you so angry, you did something you regretted. I would never justify murder under any guise, but no doubt if Oscar has a terrible temper, Reeva would have seen it.
Arguments need not linger past certain points, but there are women who would never let it go. A few women know when to take the cue. Love can sometimes be misleading... Blinding.
I may be attacked for sharing my two cents, but if we all are honest with each other, you will agree with me.
Violence in all forms should be condemned, especially against women. Real men, know to walk away.
Femi is dead right. It may seem offensive, especially to the opposite gender but that is the honest truth. You guys should open your eyes and look at the real world that we are in today.
Only our good and loving God would help us all.
this is actually right , i have a gf who constantly provoke me , ever since she came to my life , she is so jealous , pathetic and very stupid , i have once thought of stabbing her but its all in my past now as i have let the demon go out of my life
Well, I dont quite agree wt Mr.Kayode. Tho, its true we always want to spend our times with the woman that brings us peace. However, judging and saying the lady is from the sea, and that she must have played on his inadequacies and insecurities is so prejudicial, very unfair and too mean..its tantamount to judging the dead (when you arnt God). Mr.Kayode is known to be very loquacious, and many atimes recklessly so. I hope someday he wil be capable of guarding his tongue, and watching his utterances. May God forgive him.
a lot of gentle men outside are deadly inside. most of this people we see out there with star names are demonic though the girl might have provoked oscer but that does not mean he should kill her. god help us
Your papa
So God can curse someone with only female children, plz what is the name of that your God that curses people with blessings.
U̶̲̥̅̊ know where U̶̲̥̅̊ belong, Do U̶̲̥̅̊ see Ur self as a course or blessing to people around you? U̶̲̥̅̊ can lie to us on LIB but certainly not to ur slf! Man/Woman knows thy self.... QED!!!!!
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