The students said they were protesting the insensitivity of the SUG president especially his silence over the 100% increase in school fees. The angry students believed he had been settled to keep quiet so he became their main target.
The police were later called in and they shot tear gas to disperse the students. Sanity has since returned to the school
Nawa o
I graduated from that school. Elechi don kill person. Every semester increase in school fees and the SUG does nothing about it. Linda you need to see the students are suffering oh God... Ishieke always ready for protests. After all these, the students will be made to pay for the damage through another increment.
What is happening to our educational sector?
Na wa for naija wahala...
Students everywhere are rioting, this shows how bad things are. Please the government should do something.
Romance Meets Life
I hope the relevant authority are on top of the situation?
Na wa for naija wahala...
the police should intervene oo.. my people are there
I'm so sad...this is not the way to go Nigeria. Please let's all pray for our beloved country. Catholics please recite the "Prayer for Nigeria".
Riot in Nasarawa, riot in ebonyi. Dis students seff, it seems u guys don't want to read
And my exams were delayed because the HOD cldnt pass thru!oh well,I doubt the riot will change anytn!actually,it won't!y'all don't know governor elechi?a man dt gave up ownership of the state's teachn hospital to the federal govt,n is really making plans to see if he can shut down the uni or convert it to a poly?buhahahahaha!silly ishieke stdts!y'all re all learners!!
This is not good, the students will be the one to pay double for the bus.
Nigerian students calm down! What is happening in this country's educational system? So so appalling!!
Na wa ooo. Wats our nigeria institution turning into? One problem after d other. D annoying tin ÈŠ̝̊̅§ d bad system of govt. God save us. Cos I don't knw wen dis country wil get better
I'm so happy I don't school in any part of Nigeria. Can't afford to die like a chicken.
Students went crazy today eeh! No be small!
yep, they hav d ryt 2 fight 4 their ryt...
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Peace has not returned oh, till dey reduce d price am sure we aint gonna let lectures hold this week. Army was involved sef, wt Deir armored car, dem no gv u full gist na.
Ah ah Linda °̩ rarely see my posts on this ur site.what did °̩ do?
It actually happened in my hstl.todauy ws sth else coupled with d chokin inhalation of tear gas
Linda thanks for putting this on your blog. We are going thru hell in ebonyi state university. There was first a peacfull demonstration and they did nothing.
Linda thanks for putting this on your blog. We are going thru hell in ebonyi state university. There was first a peacfull demonstration and they did nothing.
yeye governor:@
Uniport student hope ona deyy see ona mates? Na only mouth ona get n 2 make big big yanga wen big pass ona head
@Prince Charming(wat a shite name). Who really cares if u don't school in this country. Everything u say is soo uncouth, immature & plainly stupid. Such an ugly little toad u are.
Whoz bizness if u didn't or don't school in nigeria.... Abegiii
Pls why do u always nail dis guy.let him be now...abeg
@ anonymous....... prince JOBLESS ws d one dat made dat statement not prince CHARMING...............u guys should free d guy n let him be jare haba................una beef for d guy na office work ni???
They shud jst take tins easy,God help us oo.@prince jobless yu are senseless oo am sure yu are evn lying yu skul in one of dos college of edu coming here to form rubbish melted brain.linda post my comment biko.
itz prince jobless,nt prince charming,mk una dey read well na,btw kudos 2 ebsu studnts...i tink absu shud do somtin lyk dis again sef..1st nd 2nd yrs r payin 120 to 140k while oda lvls r payin 80 to 100k dpendn on ur dpartmnt..nd no skul fees no lecture 4 u..God help us o.
Gini na afiokwa?
The Problem Of Sexting
Ode, twas 'prince jobless' and not 'prince charming' who made that comment. See as 'hate' as made u blind. The world will do better without your type whose judgement has been blinded by bias and hate, do us all a favour and die.
Shut up ur dirty mouth ... Where did u hear in d story dat sum1 died
I was standing at my Balcony when the students outside Canaan Lodge were shouting to me to throw matches to them, Eeeh, na me go give una weapon of destruction?. Lol.
You are a very big fool. So one shouldn't fight for their rights? You are the reason why Nigeria will never change, rather leave Nigeria to other developed and stable countries where at one point their citizens had to fight for their rights.
Hmmm..."Aluta rebranded"
Wetin una dey expect wen una aluta is obviously negatively rebranded to pay deaf ears to d plight of the student body?...
All you do is talk shit. Shut the fuck up
@Anonymous11:13pm haba y attacking prince charming na? It was prince jobless dat says he doesn't school in any part of dis nigeria. Abeg look at d name very well be4 u start ur bulling. But I don't understand y u guys seems to be at prince charming's neck all d time. Abeg make una take A̶̲̥̅♏ easy oooo
Kata kata Everywhere!odiegwu really!
@Anonymous 11:13; Point of correction, there is a difference between me "Prince Charming" and the other bloke "Prince Jobless" I think you are referring to him and not me.
@prince jobless. Close da ur dirty mouth okaii,u mean u cnt die like a chicken in scotland chei, stupid boi u re lost mehn*angry* u berra go back 2 nairaland and learn how 2 talk cos u really lack so many tinz,ode oshi'smh'lazy burger. Me way dey live Upper Richmond in london dnt make mouth like u... Proudly naija @linda post my comment oh
All I can say is shame to the Government
Its prince jobless not prince charming take note of d difference b4 u write any hateful text..me like prince charming d other prince is a hate
Honey, its not Prince Charming, its Prince Jobless...an attention seeking fool!
*Peaceful. Don't hide under typo error abeg. Abeg dear Nigerian students&graduate speak&write correctly.Its becoming an epidemic.
this is a serious shame...we av leaders who do not understand the importance of education..when students should be reading and looking towards a gd future..they cant becase they r worrying about paying school fees when clearly there is no need for the increase. if u go to the town you will see no improvements in living conditions. all these slefish leaders your day of judgement is very near.....
Na ur family no won read useles§ sumbody.
Stupid boi no worry u go cum brk 1 dy 2 ur country.. Mad guy
Na ur family no won read useles§ sumbody.
We are Vexed! I'm so joining them 2day. My Shorts on point, Heels stay at home, in case we have 2 run 4 our lives! All roads 2 Perm site blocked! ALUTA CONTINUA
Its rather the insane Prince jobless...not Prince Charming
ELECHI uses the school fees money to build his ochudo city. He also owns a transport company. Now he needs more, the students will suffer. Most students are the ones paying their school fees themselves. I wonder how this man won the election. Why not senator ucha?
Fashola spirit don enter ebonyi state goverment governor ooooo,mumu politicians sooo insensitive to the plight of the masses!!!!!!!!
Are u blind? I guess u can't read well also. Was it Prince charming dat made dat comment or Prince jobless? Read well b4 u rush in2 insulting pple. Mtcheeeew
Are u usually this foolish or u r jst making an extra effort today?? Ur comment is highly insensitive n if we check now u r obviously a student in a college of education @ cotonu ..fool..B*
Ebonyi stress university will kill us oº°˚˚˚°
I graduated from dis said university and its really a pity dat school fee is increased every session. The hike in schook fees and nothing substantial to show for d increase is discouraging. This vry school has closed down the ff faculty: medicine/surgery, nursing,mass communication since d emergence of d governor who claims he has no money 2 fund dem. Funny enuf, d SUG is nt functional cos dey ar nt really d spokes man of d students. Am nt surprise @ dis news.
its unfortunate dis is happening to my fellow students.am a student in dis university...nothing had come to normal the students are still protesting up till today...d skull fees does nt affect me cuz am in my third year
It's unfortunate that this is happening in my ALMA MATER. It's also very sad and painful that we have leaders who don't really understand the true meaning of leadership. Leadership and governance is not a joke; it's a very serious business but our so called leaders chose to take it for granted for some selfish reasons. Leadership is all about influence and making sacrifices when the need arises.And all these must gear toward human and societal development. According to Obama, A LEADER IS POWERFUL TO THE DEGREE HE EMPOWERS OTHERS. Sam Egwu struggled to establish Ebonyi State University for reasons known to everyone when he was the governor. He has a powerful vision for the young Ebonyi State. We all know that no society can develop without affordable and available quality educational institutions. Education remains the key for societal development. Ebonyi State has a very low profile when it comes to literacy. So, what is wrong with the PRIMITIVE, ANACHRONISTIC AND ANTIQUE homosapien call Martins Elechi[I mean the governor]. He has never liked the state university. He always talk about closing it down. What a shame! I'm a product of that university and my lecturers were powerful and knowlegeable enough. I can hold my head high in the midst of my fellow Nigerian and foreign university graduates. And I always challenge them. I'm so proud of Ebonyi State University. I graduated from the department of political science. So, Elechi should look for ways of standardizing the institution rather than ridiculing it.
Well, I guess ur governor needed to hire top quality lecturers/consultants to improve the quality of graduates there judging by the comments of those 2 students above.
Stupidd beast like him 3 years old child what is he enjoying rubbish. The Judicial system in this country sef it is provided for in the criminal code law of Nigeria that a rapist punisment is life imprisonment jusst tell me now why they are giving him 5yrs nonsesnse.
Yesterday, it was Nasarawa. Today its Ebonyi. Who knows where it will be 2moro. Nigeria has become one day one trouble. God help us
I dont get it. Why would students destroy what was paid for with their own money? The SUG bus? This is not the way to go Nigeria students. You can protest by refusing to attend classes, lock up the gates etc. BUT NOT destroying property!!
Youve got a LONG way to go-Nigeria.
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