
The soldiers allegedly went to the off campus hostels to harrass and beat up students. The school has been closed down indefinitely as a result of this. The Governor of Nasarawa state, Tanko Almakura, have since advised all students of the school to leave the school premises with immidiate effect till further notice. See more photos after the cut...

OMG! so sad!
From no water to no more lectures. 9ja and it's poor education system.
F**ked up school
That's my Alma matter; so sad this is happening now I guess the new vice chancellor is not performing well because throughout my stay in the school from 2005 to 2009 when Prof. Adamu Baike was VC there wasn't any kinda Riot. And to the Soldiers; that's how they behave especially in Keffi Nasarawa State, they are power crazy.
Na wa o
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Two wrongs cannever make a right.
why invite soldiers trained for war situations,when we av mobile policemen and anti-riot policemen.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Ha, nawa oo.. Di$ peaceful univer$ity... Hw can u $end $oldier to go and claim a $ituation down in a $ch? Thatz total rubbi$h..
Why using soldier to stop student riot? This is unfair. Afterall, you also have children
Why using soldier to stop student riot? This is unfair. Afterall, you also have children
Linda, this soldiers have finished us here. U need to see the way they entered my neighbors hostel to harass and beat him up.
Unarmed students, soldiers wit guns n bullets incredible
Could the campus security not handle this issue? Calling the army was uncalled for and just stupid! The army personnel don't have regard for human lives, I doubt they know their job description! They are meant to protect the citizens not bully, torture and kill us! Everything here is done backwards! I mean, it's absurd calling the army! Kmt
But why call soldiers for students? Na wah for this una naija o. Since GEJ's entrance into powa.... So many abnormal things have become extremely normal. Smh.... When will naija be well?
no be small tin 4nsuk 2day oooo me fined my way oooo no more 4now home tinz
no be small tin 4nsuk 2day oooo me fined my way oooo no more 4now home tinz
Why are Nigerian security operatives so trigger happy when it comes to protest? Protests are tools used to drive home a message any where in the world. Well, I remember back in University, touts and miscreants take over protest sometimes and makes it go sour so sometimes you can't entirely blame the security operatives. Nigeria needs help, see what just basic amenities is causing? Too bad!
they should have used police rather than soldiers we all know soldiers re striking force the police would ve calmed the situation nd restore sanity in the campus.
Really sad
awwwww, Prof Adamu Baike is such a lovely man. Bless his Heart!!!
OMG...NA wa
Linda, the students were protesting non availability of water BEFORE the soldiers were called in. Trust Nigeria soldiers 3students were killed, just as they killed over 30 students in the earlier 90s over protest in Zaria. Let school authorities/ our leaders kill all the FUTURE leaders while they want to rot on their seats. God will punish them.
This is really disheartening. students have no water yet you expect them to attend lectures and carry on as normal. God help our country. unnecessary suffering in that country!
Power crazy indeed!what the heck can't there be sanity in Nigeria?why invite soldiers for students protest over water scarcity???I weep for the slain students & our beloved country
This is so sad. There ws a protest back when I was in the sch for this same problme (water). But it was peaceful & things where resolved. Don't know how this got out of hand. Calling the army ws uncalled for haba now lives hav been lost. God rest their souls. Naija kenan *smh
why send soldiers trained for war situations,when there's mobile policemen and anti-riot policemen. smh *Floetry in Motion*
So d best that half deaf govnor can do is to call soldiers for students? Unto what great offence now?
This supposed democratic regime isn't much difference from the military dictator regime!
Jona and co carry on.God dey!
Are we in war? who invited the soldiers and who gave them order to shoot students? Can't we share what we don't want peacefully? Somebody will shoot their children one day.
One of dem? 4 students have been confirmed dead in d incident...
why will soldiers be called to control students. that's just wrong
May God help us! Back in ma school days such event happened but d army men dat came, they only threw tear gas and use koboko to calm down d situation not gun! Nawa ooo!
Soldiers and civilians... Na wa o. When 'll it stop? VoiceofSagacity.com
God knows this country is being led by morons
My question is why must live bullets be used? when its not as though they are going for a battle its just crazy.
The trigger happy soldiers should be brought to book!! enough of the killing of the innocent
No mind dem, watin D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ sabi. Sef, dis our naija nah prayer we nid ooo
see Stupid Nigerian Soldiers, If they called them to battle boko haram, u wont see them.. see them coming to fight ordinary students. Shame on Nigeria Army.... Mtchewww....
B4 i graduated last yr 4rm dis skol..4 close 2 3 mnths dere wz no water..we had 2 manage witd rain coz of d scarity..d semester wz in a rush..dos of us back in skol 4 project saw hell..coz dere wz no more rain nd u hardly see well dere..most tyms..dere wil b no water,no lite
Dis is so sad 2 hear!
Its really very sad and unfortunate. Why were the soldiers there in the first place. They shot innocent students that were not armed. Trust 9ja, everyone is now denying giving the command.
What's wrong with my ex ppa. The student seems calm-no cultism #wink. Truly sad for the management to invite soldiers. Sincerely, if it is about student welfare and facilities, the school need upgrading. Discover The Secret to Losing Weight and Having A Flat tummy
I synpathized with those that lost their lives may their soul rest in peace
Now this is extreme, why use violence when you could solve the problem peacefully (try to fix the water issue). The school management should all be sacked, this is abominable.
If it is not safe for students to even go to school, how can one expect to develop a country?
And how about the parent of those student that were been kille,will the government sit to conversAte wit them or wat? d
Absolute rubbish. Calling da army is not necessary.
It was the stupid VC dat called soildiers. Instead of him 2 use all D̶̲̥̅̊ money pple used in buyin forms 2 sink in bore holes hez der callyn soildiers. And 2 worsen the issue sef D̶̲̥̅̊ buffalos came and started. Shooting.
if sum1 now decides to join boko haram 2 go against them now nko?
Our parent are proposing 4 us to be the leaders of tommorow and hereby our leaders are kiLling us..did they think that position they are on now will last forever..mind u our leaders of today if you are today tomorrow is another you!
..And to you soldiers you people serve as our securities you are to protect us not to harm us and it happened that its you pple harming us
It was meant to be a peaceful demonstration b4 those heartless devlish soldier men came and started using their weapons on us(sobs)....which claimed two lives and many injured
Hiaaaan are u for real Amina?ke!u even hv a blog wit wat u just typed?hmmmmmm!isssssorite ooo
Our leaders and soldiers every thing you do you should not forget that dis world is not our home don't be confused when you see yerself in hell fire 4 those that do bad ooo..a tym shall com wen u pple will gnash at yer finger..Astagfiroollah wa atoobu ilayk
10students wr shot,2 are dead...saw dere dear once crying as dey rolled dere corpse to d motuary...very sad event...God help naija.
I tank my star today bullet was just flying like flies in d skool premises , no be small tin oh, some student also beat and attack d soldiers in retaliation . I lov dis scenes joor
na wa o! God go save us 4 Naija wahala o!
That's the example our president laid down for other leaders na. The soldier approach for #occupynigeria is what the VC prob followed.
It's bad enough that those poor souls had no water for days and nothing wqas done about that. But to unleash soldiers on helpless children! Shame on the Vice Chancellor! Big shame!
Fela said it well;
Everybody run run run
Everybody scatter scatter
Police dey come
Army dey come
They'll be sorrow, tears and blood.
Them regular trademark!
Fucked up country too.
Queen bee, u really reason like the queen of bees. wetin concern Jona with demonstration in NSUK. That's how u fail exams. If u don't knw what to comment on, then please to the next page.
WOW! Thank God my brother has left there. He served there. Hausa ppl r wicked...ma bruv had to run away 4rm dat skul bcuz of threat frm a hausa man to chop off his head...This is wicked n so sad :(
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PC, on a lighter note,, you've caused serious trouble on LLB.. You haven't been there, yet your name has gone viral. You're getting popular
It is really sad that parents that sent their children to school instead of attending their graduation will be attending their funeral. Government should please learn to take criticism in good fAith and not shut up anyone that points out their failures
I was der life,it ws realy messy,we've been asked 2 vacate.
Na wa ooo. Wats dis country turning into? I pity d students whose life was lost during dis riot. May dia soul RIP. Nonsense soldiers if na boko haram issue now dem go run away but dey get power over students dat can't even defend dia self. Its well. May God help naija
God will punish all the soldier involve in killing those students, all those soldiers should be sent to afganistan make osama boys kill them too like animal
this an ugly development
Hmmmm what's Nsuk turning into? I graduated in 2009 and Nsuk then was known for it calmness. May God see us thru. Mrs Okosun Esther Ukamaka Okafor
Hmmmm what's Nsuk turning into? I graduated in 2009 and Nsuk then was known for it calmness. May God see us thru. Mrs Okosun Esther Ukamaka Okafor
Soldiers brough into a school premises over a protest!!!! This is the height of insanity, a show of foolishness by a supposed institution of knowledge with supposed intellectuals, ineptitude by academics and a total disregard for for due process....aren't anti-riot policemen trained for such situations. Its still pathetic that we live in a country where there is utmost disregard for the rule of law and inexplicable abuse of power by the government and its security agents.......an end must be put to this........#SOLIDARITY
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what is the student union of nigeria going to do about this. if something like this happen in oyibo land were i live they will hear from all the student by way of protest and all. support your selves and fight for your right nigerian student and youth.
It's only a matter of time.....something will have to give soon....
heheheh action film.. hope no casualties
9ja wonda land!! if d army can be this brutal on d innocent students expressing their feelings.I wonda y they haven't gotten rid of d group boko haram all this while.*SMH
Sending soldiers to settle students riot instead of mobile police,is like using a shovel to eat rice#fuck da system#
Naijadeltapikin... Y invite soldier, ÈŠ̊§ just S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ sad that NIGERIA don finish ₪☺ safe place in ds useless country Ǻ♍ sorri Τ̅☺ say but which way NIGERIA, which way Τ̅☺ Go? Hmmm God help us
The limitation of riots, moral questions aside, is that they cannot win and their participants know it. Hence, rioting is not revolutionary but reactionary because it invites defeat. It involves an emotional catharsis, but it must be followed by a sense of futility. Credit goes to wordquote.com Follow us on twitter at: #mywordquote
We have ANIMALs as leaders from the presidency to the governors.Period!!!
I dnt blame d heartless soldiers afterall dey re secondarians hw will dey no d value of education... Dey jst wasted our fellow student's lives God is watching o. As 4 d v.c, ur days re numbered
Nawa oooooo, GOD help nigeria,,,,,
Bringing in the soilders in dis matter is uncalled for
Soldiers vs students! Nigerian govt is dramatic.
Nawa oo, soldiers totally unnecessary, wateva happened 2 policemen or even Deir skul security, @ amina u really mean dt tin abt "d blog"hmmmm:O God help ur readers oo. Kos d gbaguan na war.
This is terrible..hate it when lives are lost this way.
Pls visit my Christian blog, www.thebanquethall.blogspot.com
Check out ma blog www.bvibes.blogspot.com and like bvibes FB page @ www.facebook.com/bvibesblog
Linda pls don't delete ma comment I beg u na beg I de
Na wa oh
Oh God in my next life I just wanna be a full german*hate nigeria* will dis country ever develop with all dis s*** happening*screw everything in nigeria*
My thought exactly!so sad she didn't edit her post or she has a problem with English language!
Wow, Am An Eyewitness, currently in Keffi, Nasarawa state. Five was Shout dead and 18 injured, 3 killed at high court and the remaining 2 at Angwan Lambu,
army just the fire gun any how,
I actually c All observation nd reference. Wat I ws able 2 undrstnd nd com 2 conclusion s, honestly 4 dis our bluver country 2 progress sincerely we need 3 things alne, 1 All nigerian securities need 2b xtremely educated.2 nigeria need 2 set up a term of intelligent nd honour which is knwn as NINH. 3alot's of ppls who are in position 2day in nigeria frankly dere are unable 2 pre crib a lot's of tins as a result of functional experiences nd alwys tinkin dotages. I concluded by adding this, Nigeria needs ppl who called ppl nt ppl who calm 2b ppls.
KMT solders?! what da hell! Bastards all of them! unarmed students vs armed battle trained solders? what kind of leadership do we have in this country? animals in human form...from the Governor to the person idiot that invited the solders to the wizard army general that allowed the solders to leave the cantonment should all be sanctioned! Oga Jonathan are you seeing this? Berra not close those eyes of yours & form blindness as you normally do cos if you do, this will send a signal that will endanger the lives of all the students in this country! ASUU should take a stand against actions like this naa haba!
This show the height of incompetency of the present VC. Is this not the same VC that cause trouble that lead to the sack of some lectures from Uni Ilorin when he was there? When Adamu Beki was in Nsuk notin of this happened. that VC need to be sent on exile.
Funny enough its not just water even light, I went to spend a week with a friend in the school, and I ran out in two days time, the heat is unbearable, only one borehole with an unending que. The school is cool but the management and government of that school is fucked, very local state, the only trademark that developes the state is the less cared for... 9ja
Are u for shizzy? Police wulda left a lot more dead! #accidental discharge! Am sure students capitalised on d clash to kill eachother. Soldiers don't need to shoot to restrain students.
The funny story about this whole story is that the whole problem started off-campus. No water supply from the public mains, so the University do try to help out by sending tankers of water to Areas like Ungwanlambu,High-Court etc. it seems these off campus students and non-students that protested believed it was the responsibility of the school to take care off their water problem outside the school premise. the issue was really meant for the governor, water bored manager and their various landlords.
this is terrible, mad people!! they would have send police instead of soldiers
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