Below is Andrew Harvey's tribute to his wife
Susan you walked into my life, it was like God sent you as a fresh breath. I still remember your response to my first love message. You said 'Love killed romeo, sent Diana to an early grave and killed Jack on the Titanic. Forget about love, just have friendship and live long.
Overtime our love grew to a depth I have never known. You were the best years of my life, your smile, your desire to live your dream.
Read Denrele's tribute after the cut...
My super star friend sways away and I stand watching till she fades on
the horizon and someone at my side says "she's gone"...Gone where?
Gone from my sight, that is all. She is just as gorgeous now as when last I saw her. Her slightly disappearing figure and total loss from my sight is in me, not in her.
And just at that moment, when someone at my side says she's gone,
there are others who are watching her coming over their horizon and
other voices take up a glad shout - There she comes! That is what dying
is - an horizon and just the limit of our sight.
My lifeline, my lexicon, therapist and support system…we have known
lots of pleasure, at times endured ppai, we have lived in the sunshine
and walked in the rain. I had acute malaria (was shaking terribly) but
performed “skibobo” with you at the Industry Night and Loud&Proud
show, I sprained my ankle but still shot your three videos in a row in
I left my family house and moved in with you and your family right
after all the Big Brother Africa madness, I did all the damage control…
I fought every organizer simply cos I wanted you on the bill with me
and split my show earnings with you. I dragged you to the American
Embassy even if it meant I had to get up at 4am. I endured negative
criticism because shallow minds couldn’t comprehend your brand essence –
I started wearing block heels (you got me the most fabulous pair of
Jeffrey Campbells) and I damned the consequences. I recorded the reality
show “Tru Friendship” with you because you went on and on about it and I
wanted to please you.
I have been your fierce-alter ego in all your videos, I have fought
your fights, endured countless eccentric P.As with you…I can go on and
on and this is how you leave me? You chose an eternal sleep over a
fabulous life with me? Lest I forget, I ate the entire box of birthday
chocolates Bola sent to you!
Phew, I can’t type anymore, I’m playing “Good To Me” (always
disturbed you to release that song) and my notepad is a misty mass of my
never ending tears. So sad when people who give you the best memories,
become a memory!
The Goldie I knew, despite your success and worldwide recognition,
still wondered, “Am I good enough?” “Am I pretty enough?” “Will they
like me?” It was this burden that made you great…And that made you
stumble in the end.
Goldie if you can hear me now, you weren’t good just good enough –
You were abso-frigging-lutely GREAT! You sang the whole damn song
without a band- you made the picture of a showbiz star look so perfect!
Your parting has left a void, but I will fit it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss and oh yes, these things I too
will miss. Even though we are separated and for a time apart, I am not
alone cos you’re forever in my heart. I will move mountains to continue
your legacy, I will crash ceilings to spread your good works, I will
break barriers to sell your “market” but above all, I will cherish the
awesome times we spent together…You will forever be my source of
We wore the same shoe size and had the same body proportions. You
made me start strutting lashes and recall I wore that black dress of
yours you never got to wear? No masterpiece can ever match your face! To
everyone reading this piece, let my dear friend rest in peace! Speak no
evil about her, she was too good to be true!
I can hear you say to me…Mbirikoko, do not stand at my grave and
weep, I am not there, I do not sleep, Do not stand at my grave and cry…I
am not there, I did not die!
Denrele Edun
1 – 200 of 300 Newer› Newest»hmmm Impressive
Wot an emotional tribute....Rest on dear Goldie! RIP
Denrele's tribute hvnt stpd mkin me cry, its really a pity hw death cut short dis real frndshp dat existed in dem, may God give dem all d hrt 2 bear dis lost, RIP Goodie u will always be a Diva
What a world pls take heart my dr mr harvey.may God console u ad denrele ad prezzo
I tend to feel bipolar reading these tributes, how sweet and touching, filled with joy and sadness. That of Denrele was even more moving, she was really his bestie and I truly feel his pain. Goldie, may you continue to rest with the lord, Amen!
Awwwwwwwww.sooo touching.may her soul rest in Gods bossom.amen
RIP goldie...
Crying as i read dz tributes. Its only a true friend dt values a real friendship n denrele wz ur true friend. Rest in peace goldie and may God comfort doz u left behind dt cherished u. ADIEU!!!
Denrele has the words...AMAZING..
So Touching!!!! RIP Goldie.....
Derele I jst can't hold bck my tears. Accept my sympathy
Derenle's tribute really brough tears to my eyes. I lost my best friend two years ago, pple neva wanted to him while he was alive but when he died many came to his burial and shed tears I didn't understand what for. Love those who wana love you now coz tomoro they might be nothing but a memory.
Oh my God! Denrele,I can only imagaine wat ur going thru rite now. May God gv ha family D fortitude 2bear D loss. Speak no evil abt D dead,bc we must all die and leave dis sinful world.
Eyaa. Goodbye Goldie you sorely missed. Goodbye R.I.P
Very selfish tribute from Denrele jst talking about himself showing us his own ego.
Wow! Drenle's tribute.....that is what true friendship does.
Aaaaaaaaawww,God pls comfort denrele edun.I practically started (-̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡) when I read dis. RIP goldie
Awwww so sweet, rest in peace Goldie...
Awwwwwww,dis is so touching. Denrele may the Lord give u the heart to bear the loss....
Eeya...very touching. RIP goldie
True defination of friendship......sooooo touching kai!
Despite wat any1 tinks, despite all †ђξ negative statements bout her, to †ђξ people closest †☺ her, family & friends, she was a rare gem & dat, evry1 should respect! Strenght †☺ her family, husband & Denrele! Weep No More! It is well! #RIPP Goldie
crying.....so touching RIP GOLDIE
Awww!!!Denrele's tribute is so touching!!! May ur soul Rest in Peace,Amen
Wow!!! Denrele just made me cry at work..... Life!!!
Denrele u r so self centered. Everything is i this, i that mscheew. What u did 4 her, rubbish. Sharing ur earnings, doing damage control after BBA 4 her. It suppose to be about her not about u. Smh.
RIP dear.
Denrele just made me cry at work.... Life!!! Miss you Goldie!!
ok derele's tribute is soo touching.... May her soul continue to rest in peace.
Life is Ephemeral, although i was not one of your best fans but your death hit me as if we were close and i dont know how. I pray may the good Lord grant u eternal rest. Take heart Denrele Edun (your classmate in Gregs).
@Denrele I understand ur pain cos I too just lost a best friend and its so damn painful knowing u will never see them again but we thank God for good memories, they last forever. May ur friend RIP
i cant control the tears rolling down from my eyes. yes mbirikoko she didn't die i believe she lives on.
Rest in peace Golden One. *sigh*
Naija miss you..Goldie
Eyha...rip dear...still shocking tho....
So so touching... Feel like crying
Denrele's tribute is heart rendering
our Goldie..R.IP
God have mercy...speechless..may her gentle soul rest in peace I love u Goldie...people dat don't know u quoted u wrongly u are a golden heart u know y u gave urself Goldie cos u are truly a Gold...ur legacy is living forever...
Denrele, you just made me drop tears, AGAIN.
No one deserves to die young,Goldie Ωι̥Ɩ̠Ɩ̠ be missed dearly U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ part i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ bba gave us an insight to who U̶̲̅ realy were may God bess dos of us Đα̲̅τ̲̅ r left n grant U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ family n friends d fortitude to bear dloss. RIP Goldie
Denrele, a boy or a girl? The denrele I know is a boy so why d blackk dress and same body proportions? RIP goldie
hmmmmm, this is very touchy...true friendship. Denrele pls keep to ur promise. May God help u. May her soul rest in perfect piece.
May soul rip
(-̩̩̩⌣́_⌣̀-̩̩̩)May her soul rest in peace.Speak no Evil about her.Denrenle Tribute Though. Take heart my friends Bola,Denrele and the Rest of the family.
Thanks Denrele for sharing with us your memories with Goldie.
Len, you have been super as well
May her soul RIP
P.S: Where is her dad?
p.s.s: http://efemenaoreoluwa.blogspot.in/2012/02/husband-cries-she-was-raped-right-in-my.html
Soul melting n heArt pouring tribute from denrele. We all miss her, Rest in d lord Goldie
*crying* Oh Goldie why did u die??? Now you've left Denrele alone in his crazy world... Who'll buy his block shoes for him? Who'll share smiles, hugs and kisses with him?... Oh, poor Denrele!
Ds piece is so touching...RIP Goldie
If u love reading nd u haven't checked tl's blog, u're missing check it out now http://tlsplace.wordpress.com/2013/02/25/broken-mirrors
Derenle edun dis was deep
Wow,derenle's tribute brought me to tears,as I read it I felt like I was part of it,my heart and soul was drawn into it.yea I know pple die n soon enough we forget n move on but I think derenle is gonna hav a hard tym letting go of dis tragedy.I know wat it feels like waking up every morning and not seeing sum1 u care about anymore,not seeing ur best friend cos d cold hands of death has snatched her away.I was upset wit her while she was in d big brother house but soon after I started liking her cos no one is perfect.pls let's stops speaking ill of her cos she has gone to rest now.may God give her loved ones and her fans d streghth to carry on.May her soul rest in peace,WAT A HUGE LOSS!!!!
Awww!!! This is so touching, Denrele was a true friend of Goldie. And late Goldie must reallt be a good person for people to speak highly good of her. May she RIP
I just cried a river....Denrele's tribute gave me goose pimples. RIP Goldie
All these brought tear to my eyes. God knows best.
Rest in perfect peace 'Goldie' Susan Oluwabimpe Harvey.
I loved u while u were alive because of the good heart u had, I still love you girl, cnt still believe u are gone forever!.
May God continue to comfort all those you left behind.
:-( ....
Thought provoking.
Inside A Lady's Hand Bag
Wow! Denrele's tribute is far more touching dan her Husband's. Rip Goldie
Crying ryt nw...Goldie Rest in Gods home
It is well..
i burst into tears at the point where he said "this is how you going to leave me?"
True friendship they had. Weep not Denrele, she is in a better place.
To those putting up pictures of her in a casket, how will you like to be done same?
May the ever merciful God grant her eternal rest and may He grant her family the fortitude to bear this loss. Amen.
Humm well said!
Tears :(
So touching. Take heart dear. Rip Goldie. Linda pls post watin I dey u my sister.
This is touching.*cry* may her soul rest in perfect peace,denrele take heart .it is well
RIP Goldie, I sure wiLl miss all your stage Outfit. Sleep On Gurl, May Ur Soul Rest In d Blossom Of Our Lord.
awwwwwwh!!! short of words. Adieu Goldie till d resurrection morning... amen
Choii!Pele jare denrele,d tin touch d guy wella. RIP Goldie!
Linda Ikeji u shudnt have done dis comparism,,is it a competition?
Love killed romeo, sent Diana to an early grave and killed Jack on the Titanic. Forget about love, just have friendship and live long" awww!
Gone so soon Goldie.
Money s Vanity, Beauty s Vain, Lyf 2 short, we only live 1nce enjoi evry moment! Safe journey 2 d Dark world wer der s no sorrow Goldie! Were der s no beef, were evrytn s well, were u dnt gt 2 please any1!
awww. so touching continue to R.I.P goldie.
Awwwww....tru friendship z a jewel 2 cherish by all,indeed Denrele u're a tru friend 2 hers I feel ur pain bro.I knw vivdly dat tym will heal ur wound...Adieu Goldie
awww so touching. continue to R.I.P
I had tears in my eyes as I read Denrele's Tribute, that's what true friendship is all about.
RIP Goldie!!!
So touching
So touching... Not only Denrele is gonna miss u, i am already missing u.RIP
Ewuuuuu,God wil comfort u denrele...cry no more!it's Well.Missy J
So sad wen u lose a truely dear friend. Take heart Denrele n'ofcourse Mr Harvey
denreles tribute .....*tears**tears*..true friendship
Sad! Words from the heart. I know you more now through Denrele's words. Rest in peace Goldie
Nyc piece by denrele...RIP super goldie.
Wow! Can't stop d tears
Tears in my eyes..
Wow....Funny how she was so close to Denrele and so far away from 'Mr. Harvey'
Omg literally in tears reading derele's tribute. May ur beautiful soul rest in Peace
All she wanted was 2b accepted, all she wanted was 2b understood, but now its too late. Loving personality, good heart. No 1 is perfect n dat only makes us HUMAN so Enough!! of all dis negative stuff about her, focus on d gud memories has she is put to rest 2day....Here is a tribute dat touches d heart. TRIBUTE TO GOLDIE #WEmissYOU @generalbakx FT @iambyno @philkeyz
oh my God ,dont just know what to say,what a tribute.RIP goldie.Take hearth denrele were all going to be there,oku n sukun oku...akasoleri nsukun ara won ,gbogbo wa la 'dagbada iku,..KI OJO O JINA SI RA WON[AMIN].
Awww Derenle; this brought tears to my eyes... what a tribute! What words of wisdom! "That is what dying is - an horizon and just the limit of our sight"... Love her or hate her, she made a difference being here; Rest in Peace Goldie!!!
*crying uncontrollably* may her soul rest in peace.
Denrele's tribute is very touching,shoWs they were true friends
RIP Goldie
Goose bumps all ova me as I read derenle's tribute. Very touching I must say.RIP Goldie.
So sad
Touching words from her best friend..
Sleep on Mrs. Harvey.
Kai! So sad. Denrele must be a sobbing mess right now. May God comfort u and may her soul rest on peace.
So touching. May her soul rest in peace.
#with tearful eyes# Lovely piece!I share in your grief.....may her gentle soul rest in the bosom of the Lord.
So touching*sobs goldie y nau*
Awwww, R.I.P Goldie
Still can't believe you are gone just like that.
God knows best.
Stream of tears flowing down my cheek right now is just to show that i not Only Love Rele as a friend,i do love Goldie as my Jawolicious! I know you are not dead! You just needed a rest from the Hustles of this World! Forever in our Heart! #RIP GOLDIE HARVEY.. *SOBS*
Sweet words 4rm denrele and her hubby, I still cnt believe she is gone, in d coffin u still look pretty, it is well, rest in peace sweet goldie, u will be missed
Uhmm! Wot a lost! May her soul rest in perfect peace.
Denrele am suspectin u ooo, ehn ehn! U beta confess.... @Biolabog
Heartfelt tribute frm Denrele.RIP Goldie!
so sad... best friends are rare to find. find solace in jehovah denrele. Goldie has left this world so she can find peace elsewia. May God accept her soul ijn. RIP SUSAN
So loving and touchin may she rest in peace
So touching...! Rest well GOLDIE!
Derenle's tribute is so touchn *crying*bt death hmmmm
So touching!rest in peace goldie harvey!
Dis so touching#sadface#.May her soul rest in peace.
Sad! RIP Susan!
Denrele's tribute was more touching than her husband's.
That's a true friend!
Its well. May her soul RIP.
Denreles tribute moved me to tears....gosh Goldie rest in peace...:( #stillcrying *sigh*
Can't stop crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!they were really close n best of frnds.This is what true friendship is all abt.continue 2 rest in d bosom of d lord *goldie*denrele u are such a 9ice guy.
So so touching.
Wat a world, i'm so touched by d tribute's, may her soul rest in peace n may God give d family n frn's d hrt 2 bear d lose.
Rip Goldie
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
I can feel Denrele's pain, i have lost a best friend/cousin/sister, the worst pain ever, you keep waiting for the person to wake up. May Goldie rest in the Lord, take heart Denrele, our God knows the best.
Woooow, Denrele needs some1 by his side right now.this is so touching. Goldies RIP.
Take heart Denrele, u have indeed lost a friend. May her soul rest in peace
R.i.p Goldie!! May God comfort u Denrele.
OH, Denrele tributes was so touching... I FEEL like shedding tears. TRUE FRIENDS INDEED.
Wow! Derele's tribute. So amazing, sad/funny. May God console you. S
Lovelyy derenle, this write-up touched my heart
Touching....she's just no more...so sad!
Denrele is going through what absolutely no one else can understand right now. God help him and us all. His tribute is so real, honest and touching. RIP Goldie
God! I can't stop crrying..Denrele's tribute is really touching *still sobbing*
SoOo torchy. Its really sad wen u loose a friend so dear. Take heart denrele.u guys had gone thru a lot together. R I P Goldie
hmmmmmhhh ...stories that touch the heart......farewell Goldie... btw this andrew guy sounds too sweet and i dont trust sweet people ..smh
Awwww..Derenle take heart.Ur tribute brought tears to my eyez n reminded me of when i lost my couz who was also my bestfrnd. She's in a better..RIP Goldie.God be with u till we meet again..Derenle,d Lord is ur strenght..her memories lives on
OMG Denrele's Tribute put me to tears....Av never read any so touching...They were really True friends and shared lots of memories together...Denrele God will heal your broken heart...In truth,Goldie had a heart of Gold. Contine to rest in God's bossom Golden one
Pretty Girl
God!!!this is so touching may the good lord give Goldie's family,friends,loved ones n fans espcially Denrele the fortitude to bear dis huge loss...continue to rest in d bosom of d lord Goldie(the lady wiv the goldie heart)Cynthia .E.
Denrele that's 2 long man!
Never knew denrele could be so sweet in words; you just brought uncontrollable tears to my face again. You make me feel the pains of death. Sleep on Goldie
"Sob" so touchind from Denrele. Please let her rest in peace all the stories should end. RIP Goldie
pele Denrele it is well
So touching..may her soul continue to rest in perfect peace..Love u Goldieee
Denreles tribute moved me....best frnds!
na wah,ooooooooo l feel u brother,her death hurts to the highest degree.BE STRONG
This is so touching#crying#......let GOD'S will continually be done
Very touching α̲̅πϑ thotful. Rest I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ Peace, Goldie
Linda, your caption suggests that Denrele is her husband and best friend.. got me a bit confused until I read the tributes.
This just brought tears to my eyes.
dis melts my heart,,true friendship indeed once more R.I.P mrs Harvey.
May her soul rest I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ peace.
So sad.may her soul rest in d bossom of d Lord.Denrele I feel hw broken u are jst by reading dis bt it is well believe in God.Hug
I actually cried reading Denrele's tribute...I know how it is to lose a best friend, av lost one before in 1996, although its been almost 2 decades now but I still remember you Victoria almost everyday...Meggy!
So touching...May God be with them in this time of grieve nd always AMEN!
Rest in peace Goldie...
You took her to America Ebassy thought her husband said she was a UK citizen. Cos UK citizens don't need visas to get into America likewise America. Is kinda confusing!!!
But all the same you will be missed dear Goldie. Sleep on
Rest in peace Goldie...
You took her to America Ebassy thought her husband said she was a UK citizen. Cos UK citizens don't need visas to get into America likewise America. Is kinda confusing!!!
But all the same you will be missed dear Goldie. Sleep on
wow, am crying... Denrele, pls take heart, God loves her most.
this indeed is very touching.. i mean very.. RIP Goldie...
Goldie I love you...but God loves you more. May your beautiful soul rest in peace till we meet again. Beautiful piece by Denrle and her husband. Cant believe Goldie is gone :(
Denrele edun comment i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ toching fEel like crying rip goldie it i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ well with your soul
oh my God.... Dat is really touchin....! RIP Goldie
RIP Goldie
Hmmm......wat a friendly tribute frm Denrele dia!
Indeed...It depicts the sizzling-friendly-warmth moment they both shared!
Great tribute dere Denrele! Sleep on the Golden one till u wake up on the Last Day!
Touching... Y'all heard it, let Goldie rest nd stop spreading bad news. The deed is done.
Rest well Bimpe!
Happy girl
Accept my sympathy Denrele. Am shedding tears, as I read ur tribute to ur dear friend Goldie. God knows best. In Nigeria, it seems pple ar appreciated more when they die. May her golden soul rest in peace. *tears*.
Can't help but cry @ derele's tribute...So sad..May her soul rest in peace.Joke
its so so pathetic... so painful.. may her soul rest in peace..
Accept my sympathy Denrele. Am shedding tears, as I read ur tribute to ur dear friend Goldie. God knows best. In Nigeria, it seems pple ar appreciated more when they die. May her golden soul rest in peace. *tears*.
derenle is making me cry........
its so so pathetic... so painful.. may her soul rest in peace..
Oh denrele ur a true friends, I can't stop cryin ur words touched ma hearts, I can't stop cryin.... Oh how I wish I can be a true friend and have one as gud as denrele,I'm sure Goldie wil be proud of u
heart touching words from denrele. am actually tearing up. so sad. may God comfort her family n friends. rip
this is my first comment on this blog. tears streaming down my face.Denrele may God grant u comfort during this trying period.RIP GOLDIE.
Derenle's tribute made me cry like I never did. RIP Goldie. And the picture of him throwing earth in the grave... Hmmmmmm
RIP GOLDIE.May your soul RIP.Denrele brov,may God console u nd Mr Harvey.Funky5
khai! Am cryin. RIP
Very touching**sobs*
Denrele's tribute is soooooo touching. I can very well feel his pain. RIP Goldie
A very nice write up by derenle u guys must have being so close.Goldie,cont restn in d lords bossom. We love u.
notin to say but ADIEU....
Hmmm just speechless rite now. Goldie rest in d bossom of d lord,derenle take heart God giveth n he taketh it is well
Continue to rest in the bossom of the Lord
Prezzo?? Did u see his tribute? Pls stop trying to start drama.
Can't stop crying here.........Derele take heart pls Απϑ may she so rest i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ peace*stillcrying*
( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡ ) ( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡ )
Sob! Sob! Sob! Sob! Sob! Sob! Sob! RIP Goldie! Take heart Derenle.........
m touched! R.I.P naija lady gaga..we'll miss u!
So heart breaking. RIP Goldie
RIP Goldie
Did I hear u say prezzo abeg abeg leave dat gold diggar out of dis we're tlkin abt loved once ur tlkin smtin else
So touching Derenle's tribute RIP Goldie
WOw Denrenle tribute mafe me break down in tears and dey didnt stop flowing even after i finished reading. Its so deep and sounds so depressing. Yeah Goldie was mre loved in death than in life. i pray her soul finds eternal peace with God. That peace that this world could not give her.
A̶̲̥̅♏ just crying I can't write anything, derele, derele, derele!!! Cryinggg...
Awwwwwwwww,so rily touching.4eva RIP Goldie,nd boy!!! She nd Denrele were damn close
Denrele's Tribute is Touchin(havin goose bumps),May God Console u n her Loved 1ce,n May her soul RIPP.Amen
m touched! R.I.P naija lady gaga..we'll miss u!
In tears
Derenle's tribute got me shaking and tears rolling down my eyes. God is ur strenght Mr harvey and Derenle. Goldie will alwayz lives on.
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