Omotola’s birthday dinner was hosted at the restaurant of The Real Housewives of Atlanta couple, Cynthia Bailey and Peter Thomas, who also came out to wish Omotola a happy birthday! See more photos after the cut...

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1 – 200 of 219 Newer› Newest»Beautiful people!!!
love her gown,apy buffday dearie...n may u eld like metusela #gorgeous ****switchloe****
na u biko
cute photos, but cant Omotola try to look classy and sexy for once on her life.. She looked very cheap....
HBD to her
Family members? Her kids weren't dere?
Oh ok, nice, she looks very good, hope she will have another in Nigeria cos I can't see her honeyboi there.
Nice photos, speak of gleeful moments, Omosexy is really the personification of beauty for a woman her age. Class, top notch glamour sense and beauty, she got it all.
Why wasn't her hubby there with her? Hmm....#raisedbrows#
Nice.....omo sexy lookin gorgeous as ever.....Happy bday dear....grtr yrs ahead....
Why wasn't her hubby there to celebrate with her? Anyone thinking what I'm thinking? Hmm.......#raisedbrows#
Thought her family would be there
I'm just tired of this woman! Why the frock on ur Sholders? Smh to cover that hideous dress? with dese Q-List celebs? Omotola diva is not by force, get there first rather than doing all ths unnecessary B.S.
beautiful buh her hair looks messy
I love.... but child that ensemble is a hot mess! Sowi!
She looks fab! Bt I dnt like dt she doesn't involve her family in thns lyk dis. Bt if dey r ok with it, who am I?
This is d worst I have seen her look.
Omotola NO NO NO
I honestly don't get the hype about this woman. She is never well put together. Always looking sloppy. And its time to hit the gym and TONE up my sista
I guess things are different for "stars" but I would want to be around people that know me best & love me regardless on my birthday. This looks like a strange photo op with a small animal on Omotola's head.
Omotola is everly pweedy. Money's gud
keep enjoying LLNP, but where is her husband.
She is beautiful. I wish her more years in good health and God's wisdom. Hapi Birthday
Stunning. Dis babe is hot.
What's up with the sex hair?
She is a mother n wife, didn't see her husband n children, maybe I didn't see them.
omotola you might win the world, please do not lose your home. i took my time to check all her birthday pics, i did not see her Husband.Any way, take a look at all the hollywood actors and actress our Omotola is imitating, They always walk side by side with there spouse,or hubby for any funtion or show or award ceremony. This is something they don t joke with. but our OMOTOLA OMO SEXY is playing with her marriage. Lips Sealed. i wish her the best in her quest for FAME, STARDOM, POPULARITY,such a pity
Ohh! Cute sexy mama... Cute pic $ pple. Weldone omo sexy.
And Where is Captain Ekeinde, her husband in all this celebration? SMH
Wow so much fun. Congrats pretty lady.I love ya owerri
OMOTOLA OMOSEXY. I just They Laugh, na laugh i dey laugh.keep your Home my dear woman. Go and be with your husband and children. They matter, life is not all about 1 millon likes on facebook, 2 million twitter folowers.Family is also important ohh. ok linda give us part 2
Too much fun! I like.
lvly pixs.........omosexy,enjoy!
Omotola where is ur husband in dis pics, dis one when u de do like single lady. Nawa oooo, dis ur celebrity lifestyle is not African at all, we get culture.
luvly pixs....omosexy enjoy!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! but your stylist actually picked this for you to wear?? hmmm
Why didnt S̶̲̥̅̊ђε̲̣̣̣̥ celebrate Ŵi̶̲̅τ ђε̲̣̣̣̥я̩̥̊ family?
Abi dem no grant dem visa ni to G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡ parry Ŵi̶̲̅τ her fφя̩̥̊ Atlanta?
Anywayz.....D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣ enjoy ЧЯ life go Omogbasky.....Na ЧЯ time U̶̲̥̅̊ D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣!
Omotola Ok take am easy oh. Life is a movie, we are still watching . wishing you the best.lovely pics
She looks good but needs to work out to tone up cos her arms and legs look very flabby!
What is this woman really in search of?
Is it just me or wat? The hair! Shee looks beautiful as always but d hair didn't do her justice... HBD sweethrt
She is too old to be wearing such long weaves, short hair fits her better. Her clothes were ok, nothing spetacular, I have seen her dress better. Her pictures when she is laughing look very forced, Omotola come on, you can do better than that! She loves to show off now, very proud and corky, not a good look.
nice beautiful people
Make money! Chop money!
Hmmmm but y is she nt celebrating it wit her hubby n children around!!!!kind of weird 2 me bt anyway d hubby approves it so*lipsealed*
I LOVE U SO SO SO MUCH OMOTOLA, Happy birthday and many happy returns,thanks for being a gud role model for every young Nigerian and African as a whole,black race proud of u.
Stephen K.
Errmmmm..... Where's her hubby though? She looks gorgeous!
Omotola, make you no use your husband play. the market is very hot and burning. Beyonce no they use Jay Z play, na serious matter.
That hair is ridiculous!
Congratulations OmoSexy! When will we have our own MOET here in Naija?
i did not see her husband in this pics ohh. Omosexy, go home and be sexy with your husband. This one no be 1 million likes on facebook, water no go pass garri for your oh.
Nice pictures but please where is her husband? Even if her kids could not attend and celebrate with, so her husband couldn't? Na wa oh.
Why is Omotola living a fake life by trying to be who she is not?
Birthday party in the US without her family members especially her husband?
Omo oju oro lari....
Wow.....evrything soft! Fyne woman.... :)
Why is Omotola living a fake life by trying to be who she is not?
Birthday party in the US without her family members especially her husband?
Omo oju oro lari....
OMOSEXY i no see Mr Ekeinde for this your pics.Beyonce no dey use jay Z play oh. take am sofery, sofery.
omosexy omosexy, well ,linda keep doing your job well well.hum, linda please give us the next chapter.
Really cool but where are my naija peeps re intimate collegues in nija ent
Mrs Ekeinde.please, Always Rock with your Husband. it is very important oh. we are Nigerians oh. i love your pics sha.
ok we are still watching. life is a movie. lovely pics Omosexy .linda keep updating us
lovely pics
Where is d husband nah....abi omotola is single again nii....cus me no understand bday in yankee wen all ur family de nija..
Omotola! Mutton dressed as lamb...smh
Really, Omotola doesn't no au to dress joor. Which kind fur coat abi ' monkey jacket ' be that n damnnn those shoessssssss no no no. Get another stylist abeg n stop dis ur miss match.
Please where is Omotola's husband?? She has been away 4rm him 4 too long.. I dnt c him in most of her pics anymore.. Hope dey r cool tho.. Nice pics anyways.. Eku celebration..
Nice cake, Pic 13: Lovely Pose but shld be reserved for pple with slimmer thighs! tot she was gonna topple and fall!,just sayin
Nigerian Women simply cannot dress themselves. She looks cheap and has way too much money to look that tacky. The pink faux fur? with a slinky glitter dress from Joyce Leslie (dats what it looks like)and the black belt came in bc??? Love you babe but try again or just hire a stylist (one that isn't Nigerian) lool
Where's her husband now, dats how it starts
What of her husband? Na wa o. Omotola hw u dey take marry dat man sef? Smh
Nice Pictures. They look happy. Check out Karrueche Tran's new boyfriend at
Congrats Omo! I pray many more revealing years for you.
I do not know her husband, can anyone point him to me?
She is fat!!!! X infinity!!
Wait oh.......where is her husband in all of this......? Just asking oh.........
The outfit is a no no! Omotola gat no dress sense at all. The party looks dry Jare, where's her husband? No ring no husband!
D hair iz so on point. I lyk her coz she knos wat she wants 4 herself.
The hair tho...smh 4 omotola sha! Don't like her for pls
Omosexy!! Kimora lee simmons or izit kim Kardashian wanna be? Which ever u re trying to emulate u no d see sey dem no d joke wit their families? My friend go home nd embrace ur family jor!
Check out HOT Pics of Nigerian Model Adaora Akubilo
You people will kill yourself with propaganda and hate o, didn't she say she was working in the US? So as her bday fell when she was there nko? She shdnt av a party? And I heard it was a party thrown for her, so she shd refuse it abi? Be there judging another woman's home and don't mind urs. What if the hubby couldn't make it there? They've celebrated many bdays together, what's the deal? She go carry her children from boarding house go Atlanta go do bday abi?. I actually love her hair and she looked really lovely. Love all the pics, happy bday Omotola. Looking 27
3 Wazobia Journalists Charged with Murder
why on Gods green earth will i ever have a party without my loved ones????? especially honey boy.... i dont get it really.... smh......
birthday with strange people, no family members. she was only able to achieve 1 millon like on facebook. so sad. lips sealed. this woman is geting bored, She needs her family.but she is going to strange place for help.
Omo to sexy! Carry go....people commenting should pls go and get info before commenting. Leave OmoT alone, she deserves all her happiness and mind your biz and leave her home. Love the hair, love everything. Party looks classy and seems they had fun. Nigerians stop being bitter
Where is her husband and kids. birthday are for family and friends. All this people are strangers. Omotola needs counseling
I love her style, sometimes, but seriously this outfit is not age appropriate.
In fact the whole look. Even if shes a diva there's a way to be flashy and stylish for her age.
Where's her husband and kids?
This her reality show, if this is how she jumps around the world without seeing them often... shes no longer a role model to me.
Some of u keep asking why her husband n kids aint there..for crying out loud,d man mite b busy wit a new job or smthn nd cnt jst drop evrythn nd tail along wit his wife..he's got his career to face too,while she's doing hers,as for d kids,we all know its mid-skool nd kids cnt jst be dragged out of skool cos mum is a celebrity...common pple,let's be real!!not evry1 wants their family in d prying eyes of pple like u and d media!!
Omotola is trying too hard. Forget those z listers. We r ok with nollywood,stop struggling for hollywood, cos it wont be in dis century. Next story pls.
Thot so as Well...Maybe thy don't have visa as you can see the stardom is getting to her as she b star now
What's she wearing? Hair is too much for one head, dress aint flattering, shoes just dere, and the pink fur jacket is a no no.. Still don't get the whole ensemble. Btw hubby is nowhere in the pics
My point exactly
Nice pictures but omotola pls pls pls lose weight @bladadash
Haters go to hell... Omotola yu r my number 1 fan... Bad belle people
U think say the husband no dey play away before ?
Anon 11:22, a woman her age? You sound like she's 60. I take God beg u, she's young o..
Nice but how can she celebrate birthday without her hubby?She get mind ooh
Wey her husband na. Abi d guy no like birthday?
And to all of you asking where her hubby is must be silly nd low lifers.Must she involve her hubby in everything she does? Omosexy is an independent woman that have her own say in her marriage unlike some of u dt will stand when ur hubby says so. Her dressing isn't dt bad but she do better than dt. I wish her well...
wish her all the best!
i have nothing against her but i feel she should act more womanly and stop trying to b girly shes a married woman for crying out loud...c her mighty did she do it abroad whats wrong with nigeria /her home where her husband would equally be available....Nigerians tho smh
her children are in boarding school and her hubby is at work..geez so just because she is married she cant do her own thing?
shut up! because you dey for the marriage with them. has it ever occurred to you that her husband has his own job and her children are in boarding school. This is a woman i admire because even though she is a wife and mother she is still able to be what she wants to be. she prolly took a vacation or she prolly was shooting a movie or doing a music collabo in atl. as long as her family isnt complaining who are you to do so?
People can write daft sha! Omotola s working in the US. A party was thrown for her, her husband is not a business man he is an Airline pilot with a schedule which means he can't just up and follow wifey around the world! Kids? Are you people serious? Her kids are in boarding school!!! You expect her to pull kids out of school to come celebrate birthday? Una stupidity no get end sha!
Omotola is beautifulllllllllllll for life! Only 35 but as a mother of 4 kids, she beats most single never pregnant girls I know!
why d hate? I don't blame u. Wish u were her, abi? No need to hate. Your turn will come b4 Jesus comes. - : )
i laugh at you too so because she is married she shouldnt be her own person? Do you know if her kids are in boarding sch? shey u also know her husband is a pilot and so he may be busy? i smh for all of you that will not lrt working class married women achieve sth out of life.
Nice one beautiful woman....
and u are a woman i pity u o. so who told you that her husband isnt busy too d man is a pilot for God's sake so he should leave his job and start going to atl because his wife is having her birthday. for all you know d woman may even be there cos of a movie/music project. her children arr in boarding sch just sobu know
jealousy whats fake abt her life? is it ubshe is faking it for?
scheww what concern beyonce and jayz here now? who told u she is playing with her hubby? u dey for d marriage ni?
d man has his career, a busy one at that same for d woman. free dem as long as it makes dem happy.
Gbam! abeg take one moet on my head. The only sensible comment. fifty gbosas for you jo
To those asking where is her husband... if he was following her up and down, you would probabaly be asking if he wa still jobless.
As for her kids, i believe you know that they should be in school and judging by the hour and location that party was held, i would not be taking my kids out of their academic routine to come and dine with adults.
People should try and think before they speak.
She has successfully held down her marriage inspite of all that has been going on around her and she did it without my advice or your opinion. It means she is alot smarter than ppl think.
As for her dress... no one has it ready all the time. If Kim K has had a mistake by hell... let Omo T have hers.
Chill people....
Wish her many more blessed years.
I can see Peter but where is cynthia. She always looks soo fab.
U took these words right out of my mouth. Thanks!
Not a fan of her hairstyle and that dress and belt is quite tacky. Also, I want to ask this question, is omotola having problems in her marriage. A young woman touring the world without her husband by her side.....yes I knw he has things to do but atleast, he shud have been making out time to attend certain events with her which he hardly does. I reserve the rest of my words for the future.....but this is a question I had been wanting to ask for a very long time
Anon 1:34, Omotola ur number one fan??? Like u're one super star?
Omotola didn't like a star sure! Too much disappointed I swear.
And where is her HENPECKED husband? Baby sitting?
My thots exactly, i just weak for all the where ur hubby questions, as if we have not seen enuf of her and hubby to know they r doin aight. Should she drag him halfway round the world to keep u guys happy!
Everyone wanting to know why the hubby was not at the birthday is simply because the man lost his job and can not afford dermovate cream anymore and as such his skin and face is in a state hence too ashamed to be seem by her new found friends in the US... I see no reason why your hubby can not be with you on your birthday, only for him to nanny sit in Lagos. Keep up the fake wannabe life. Am sorry for captain gbá éwu dání (Henpecked husband)
Just shut up!! Must he be dere? Wat if he is on official assignment..... Daft anonymous!!
Linda can you stop publishing bad comment these people write about me PLEASE!
Mrs Onotola Ekehide.
I'm not impressed at all. where is her family, hubby,children. why the elaborate celebration when closest loved one are not around. shhh
Who are this people with Omotola?
omotola i love you, but most of the weight has to go :(
LOl na BAR ONE be this! That place is in da hood! Very tacky area lol
Beautiful lady with a wack sense of style. Dat ensemble doesn't cut it abeg. + linda its nt an intimate affair if ur family n closest frnds aren't present. U cld hv just sed she ws hosted by a bunch of Z-list celebs in atlanta. I think she's tryin 2 hard 2 fit in tho imho
Some of you people just comment without thinking at all...She's working for God's she should take her family with her on every biz trip she goes on, abi...Her hubby needs to be home to watch the kids...She'll take her family when they go on vacation...mchewwww!!!
Some people cant stop hating. Make una go find husband for una 'G star'. Better to celebrate with good people than to celebrate with a thieving ex vice president. Omo T, I will always love you but e get as that your hair be.
Lovely pictures. She's always looking so gorgeous. Love her hairstyle
No husband, no wa o anyway this is what happens when you marry at a VERY juvenile age. Her dress sense is WACK!!!Why she should know better.
Atlanta is the new black hollywood, no wonder manyoyall been frequenting my city like that.
Omotola if you planning in getting a place here, consider Gwinnett (its the best county)- Suwanee or Sugarloaf Area. A cool $100,000 can fetch you a nice 3/2.5 townhouse. You frequent here so much you might as well invest. Alternatively a 2 bedroom apartment in sandyspring you could get one fo r$75000 (a foreclosed one but its nice nonetheless and close to perimeter mall)
There is no city like atlanta. I love it. 10 yrs strong.
Where is her husband abi re dey divorced!!! She's jst 2 fake 4 TV
Negative people, upgrade to positive.
Omotola Jalade Ekeinde,where is Captain Ekeinde and your beautiful children? Why are you living such a fake life? The celebrities you know,dont hey have husbands and children? Do you not see them? Kimora Lee that you imitate so much do you not see her children?I am not saying flaunt them but they should be part of your life.
But because you are not particularly proud of them you keep them has nothing to do with privacy you are not just proud of them period.
You are flying around the world hanging out with people who do not really know you,when all is done ,the fun fair and glory all gone,Omotola you will come crawling back to them and I hope they will still be there for you.
It has nothing to do with not liking you because I really do! But this life you are portraying really is shabby- it is not who you really are. Sorry but truth hurts.
Happy birthday dear Omotola,love you loads dear,but take a look at your life and cut off the cheap popularity. It doesn't suit your person,you are wayyyy bigger than this.
Happy birthday again. God bless you and multiply your years in Jesus name.Amen.
i see you sure you were very happy to see a 'star' like omo-t at your restaurant...btw wheres cynthia or NENE....your second wife?
Lol @ no 1 fan. It's star...thank me later
Omotola... Is that you? Advice no be curse oh, go home jor!phgurl.
Na wa for u o,see as u dey judge for people,her hubby is there and children her there just listen to urself,omotola is just trying so hard to be a diva and she don't want her family to be invollve,
Its a lie. U are just beefing the else is she suppose to look sexy? Until she goes naked?
@Bee ..thank mind these foolish people that think from the box...Yes Beyonce and Jayz vacation together but do they tell u when their in other countries promoting stuff separately. They let u see some pics and not all because their publicist can control it.....
Okay all ya haters do u know if she was In Atlanta for an event or a movie role and they decided to do a party for her.
Maybe her hubby is busy with work...u think he should fly to Atlanta for a party when he can simply do one for her on a yacht or take her to somewhere romantic....
all ya fucking haters mind ur business.....
@ Anon old do u think she is...i believe from what i read they said she's 35 if ur 50 u cannot expect her to dress like u....
Also the people that say she needs to tone i hope u are all set and tight like Alicia keys, Kelly Rowland, Ciara, Beyonce if u feel that way make u and her enter gym.....
dammmmmmm i dislike ignorant stupid people...
she looks fab in anything.Omotola is a pace-setter in nollywood.she might not get it right,but she has started on a good note.I think she should be appreciated.she is a public figure hence dont need to parade her family at all times.
U r a wa 4 nigerians....always talk bad about pple
What is she wearing??? Drama Queen! mtchewwww
Who mentioned no ring on her finger??Bitterleaf is not good for your health, you can see it has made you blind. I admire this woman alot, hate all you want but she follows me on Twitter and she is awesome.
Omotola is getting a wrong impreession abt being classy and being a diva,she is just forcing herself so hard to be rellevant internationally,omo t slow down relax ,u don't have to chase fame all about let fame chase u,
"HER" sure you r omotola...pls u look so tacky! ur dress sense is minus zero!!! biko hire a good stylist ASAP! have never seen you look in NEVER! U can never buy class!
@Anon 1:28pm, Good talk! Don't know why common sense isn't common these days
Really so wat u re trying2say now is dat in all her 35yrs on dis earth she has neva looked classy n expensive n sexy?omo I don't blame celebs don't rid comments online.i min look @dis retard now.wat wud u even know dat is called classy n sexy?smh
Ooooo shush it u two.pls where linda dey c all dese kindegraten kids wey dey drop 2day she don popular?dat stardom wants2take her husband?bad belle pple.u don't av a clue how deir home is run yet u feel u av an opinion about her marriage.ode gbogbo
Pure stupid talk! So her hubby shld leave wateva he's doin n head straight 2 U.S cos its his wife's bday especially wen she's workin dere? U guys nid 2 get a life!
Mind affair dnt let envy give u hypertension o. As long as Captain is not complaining, y taking panadol for his headache? Lol
@bee, well said. It may also turn out that her business partners decided to have a last minute party for her since she happened to be in town. People just like to pick holes in other people's lives. She's busy and can't just drag her family everywhere with her.
Omotola you are it swthrt. Keep doing big things. And let these your haters keep on. If only they know it is their hate that makes God make you attain great heights, they would have been overloving and overhyping you so you can fail. Awon olofo.... Beautiful pictures, beautiful people. Super gorgeous birthday girl. One love mami
Can folks learn to mind their business. It is HER home and HER husband last time I checked. Leave her to bear her cross. Abi craze dey worry all these judgemental freaks on this blog ni
Gbenu oshi e soun! Onisokuso
Cc hugs nd kisses coz u stole ma tots nd words. Buff-day looks fake cz no llovd 1s nd ril buddies of her's arround der. I luv omo sexy bt I'm rily nt impressed a bit. Pls get ril
@ Bee 1:28pm,tanx jare,bamiso fun awon alainise gbogbo dt always use their nose to think..mtcheeeeew.....
I can't stand this woman. Please enough of her.
@Her, take 5 jare correct babe, no hate in ur blood like me. Make una dey dere dey blabb. Chic is makin tins happen 4 hersef and her family is proud of her! So kip quiet and face ur own issues!
She has four kids! One, two, three, four.
Not to be all judgemental, but how does a mother celebrate her birthday and stash away her kids? Not cool.
Omotola stay at home more with your man. biko
@Her, take 5 jare correct babe, no hate in ur blood like me. Make una dey dere dey blabb. Chic is makin tins happen 4 hersef and her family is proud of her! So kip quiet and face ur own issues!
Mind affair dnt let envy give u hypertension o. As long as Captain is not complaining, y taking panadol for his headache? Lol
@ Truth dat hurt,Ow fallible d truth yu re preachin is.yu weren't d 1 dt sustained omotolas marriage till nw,re yu?the woman has sailed thru d hurdles of early marriage cos ds shd be her 17th year in marriage and al her children shd be @ adolescence if I'm nt yu can't actually be sorry for her as yu wrote.this is a carreer woman 4 cryin out loud who has a carreer hubby too,so yu dnt xpect d man to make omoT's bday a do or die thin @ d expense of his own carreer .marriage is al about understandin,if dey ve maintained ds,yu shdnt be sorry for her bt yu shd rada work hard nd pray God gives yu an understandin man lyk OmoT. Ogbo abi odahun?
i so agree with 1:16... Wish her all the best.
Z-list celebrities shindig
@least someone is not bin biased!!!!
Very ugly clothes
U peeps can be silly at times, her kids her in the hostel and her hobby probably flying, and if u watch the real me u would know she went to Atlanta for her recording.. Matthew is doing his work and so is Omotola, he shouldn't follow her everywhere, should he? Bcos if he did u guys will call him woman wrapper.
Loool!!no mind all dese pple here always deceiving her!!!
Always terribly dressed!!
Money rily cant buy style/class!
Oya "omosexy" rubbish voltrons,
Abeg stop generalising!!!OMotola or waeva cnt dress herself nt Nigerian women!!
You lie, she looks like ablack american.. Liar liar!
@ anon 1:34pm omotola is your num one fan?? Na u be celeb? lwtmb!
Linda berra post my comment o
From 1,000,115 likes to 1,004,753 in just a few days! Omotola, you are LOVED! Haters and jealous people, go and sort yourselves out!
Hbd omo, pls people before judging others judge yourself first and see if you are in order. U meant not know the reason the family members are not there, it could be one or two reasons.
Wen u finish raising them,u'll drop them silently
@Anonymous 1:28 PM. Your life starts and ends in your local government area. Sad thing!
@ anon 1:34pm omotola is your num one fan?? Na u be celeb? lwtmb!
Assignment for jobless people: Please go and look for Mr Ekeinde. Wicked people!
U pple re funny old is bey nd jayZ's old is kim nd KW can u compare it to omotola's marriage..dere marriage shld be over 16yrs..u pple shld take a cos her hubby is not dere she is a bad woman abi..u dnt even know d reason all u guys do is judge..badbelle peeps dnt face d problems in ur life
See Groove! Nice class! Correct level. Still wish you more and great things in life. Chao!
Pls u guys should leave motola alone.haba!she has celebrated so many birthday wth her family..don't forget she's on a business trip as well.those of u saying she's not properly dressed sent ur pixs & let see u.those of u dat said she should go home & b wth her family don't forget she isn't a learner wen its come to marriage 17yrs is not 17mnths ok.those of u comparing her wth bey & jayZ don't forget they re both into they can always b around themselves if they choose to.motolas hubby isn't into entertainment he's a pilot.pls u guys should just think before commenting on pples issue. Those of u complaining she should always go around wth her man don't forget they re not into same biz ok..motola is worth to emulate 17yrs in marriage for her age no b mein pls stop hating,face ur own life eje ko jaiye orie meeehn.
Wat stupid point exactly?Ow many of those celebs can boost of d numba of years Omotola has stayed in marriage?Marry 2dy,divorce 2mrw.U sound like her hubby is some toy witout a job or his own career.So cos she's a celeb her hubby shuld quit job n children shuldleave sch.
Where her husband na???
Biko yourself!
@5:01 PM. I cant stand you because you smell like shit.
@Chinemerem. You must be feeling very lonely in that place. Any white guy doing freaky things with you?
Omotola is acting as tho its hollywood paparazzi that r after her.frowning and tryna b like kimora or. Kim.smh
Lmao@ anon 5:49..yes oh..ul drop em silently!
Libers!!! Linda, pls where did u get these kindergateen kids that comment on your blog? So Omosexy is losing her home cos she's not there with hubby??? **funny** Must her hubby be everywhere with her? If she's kept her home for 17yrs then kudos to her! When she launched her Reality show some months back, her hubby gave her his full support and was right beside her! Moreover, following ur wife everywhere does not always mean the marriage is intact. Example: Tunde Soleye n Nike Oshinowo at the Alakija party. For pple who think she's not looking good, I don't think so ooo. A 35 year old, mother of 4 still looking this stunning! Omosexy, ride on!!!
Omotola way to go girl, please ignore all the beeffers they all wish to be in your shoes. must every1 display their family history to the world?
omotola why now? who made your hair? the person didnt get it o especially the looks really bad...the dress looks very razz, too short for you. too shiny....not age approprate. are u trying to stay young? its good for a 16 yr old but not you.
why not hire a stylist? there are some really nice ones...even the belt is horrific...please now....i still love ou though..youre an inspiration...
Maybe he was on board then and couldn't make it to the parri, meanwhile I foresee home shaking cos when female celebs hype is getting too mch, eeeemmmmmuuuuu well sha ki oluwa sho but the fact is make she do jeje if she no plan to bcome a single mumiii ........
where the hell is CYNTHIA BAILEY? is omotola trying to audition for real housewives of atlanta??? lmao! nice party tho. classy and age appropriate!
Nooo,her husband is in ur bedroom waiting for u.for those of u asking his whereabout.des haters wont mind der bizness.haba!omotola is flawless,cuteeee and i so love her cos she knows her much hate,even dis anonymous cellulite-packed human being will open her mouth and say omotola doesnt look toned!lekwanu problem o!pls show me ur wash-board 6-packs abs,letz c!if shez skinny,u will call her for the ones saying her dress is wack?in dis pix who dressed best?no b she dress pass?as for those beefing d hair,dont worrrrryy,she will dash u d hair,so dat u can rock it for valentine and attract those low=life dudes dat call u and ur low esteem,beautiful.Infact,Linda i dey vex.we need VIP comment space here.des ppl dey reduce,one love y'all
Open marriage
Luk @ d foolish anon refferrin to som1 as 'omo oju iralari'.....I pity yu cos yu ve never smelt wat it is lyk to be wealthy nt to talk being among influential pple.yu beta beg omoT to take yu as handbag 2 al her occassions.@ anon 3:13,yu te callin d innocent man henpecked.... iwo gangan niya njee.
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